WL 10

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Weekly Light

Jesus For Beings Ministry

By Jenny F. Baoan

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God, He was
with God in the beginning. Through Him all things were made; without Him, nothing was made
that has been made. (John 1:1 -3)

Jesus: The Power of the Word

Many modern skeptics say that Jesus never claimed to be God and that the writers of the
New Testament never claimed that He was God. It is important that we test these statements
against what the New Testament writers did claim about the deity of Jesus Christ. John, the
disciple of Jesus, wrote the gospel called by his name— John. In chapter 1, John claimed that
Jesus was in the beginning was with God, and was God. He also declared that Jesus was God’s
one and only Son who came to earth from heaven. John claimed that he was an eyewitness who
could substantiate the claim that Jesus was God in human flesh.
Friends, today we reflect on the profound words from the Gospel of John, chapter 1,
verses 1 to 3. These verses encapsulate the timeless truth about the Word, its divine essence, and
its role in creation. Let us delve into the significance of these verses and draw inspiration for our
Let us start by Embracing the Word. The verse reminds us that in the beginning was the
Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. As believers, we are called to
embrace the Word, who is Jesus, in our daily lives. He is our guiding light. He grants wisdom,
gives comfort, and bestows strength in our journey. Let us immerse ourselves in the Bible,
seeking understanding and allowing the Word to shape our thoughts, actions, and decisions.
Then, let’s move on to Connecting to the Word. "Through Him all things were made;
without Him, nothing was made that has been made." This powerful statement emphasizes the
role of the Word, who is Jesus, in creation. It reminds us of the divine purpose infused into every
aspect of existence. As individuals, we are part of this grand design, and our lives are
interconnected with the Word's creative power. Let us recognize our purpose and strive to
contribute positively to the world around us, guided by the Word's principles of love,
compassion, and justice.
Let us not stop Living in the Word. Understanding that the Word was with God in the
beginning signifies the eternal nature of the Word, who is Jesus. In our daily lives, we are called
to align ourselves with the Word, seeking harmony with this eternal truth. This is living. It brings
clarity, peace, and a sense of fulfillment. Let us cultivate a lifestyle that reflects the virtues of the
Word, spreading love, kindness, and hope to those around us.
As we conclude, the verses from John 1:1-3 calls us to know the Word, who is Jesus. He
is the source of divine wisdom. He is the creator. He is the truth. He is the savior of humanity. As
we navigate our lives, let us hold fast to the Word, allowing Him to guide, inspire, and transform
us. Let us go forth, embracing the power of the Word, and sharing His light with the world
around us. My son heard me musing, why is Jesus called the Word? To which he replied
nonchalantly, “Of course, that is because Jesus is everything God has to say to us.” Amen!
The Good News

Has anyone introduced you to Jesus so you could have a relationship with Him? May I? John
3:16 declares, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever
believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” This tells of…

1. God’s Love: “For God so loves you __(name)__…” God loves you and created you to enjoy a
relationship with Him. But, sin prevents you from experiencing this relationship. You cannot be
good enough on your own to overcome this sin barrier and its penalty of death. God’s love led

2. God’s Gift: “God gave His one and only Son” Jesus to live as one of us then to take our
penalty for sin on Himself when He died on the cross. Our sins could now be forgiven. He was
then raised from the dead to be alive again and to give us His life. Because the price for our sin
has been paid, the way to God is clear and simple through…

3. God’s Offer: “Whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life …” That means
to trust in God’s loving plan, accept what Jesus did on the cross for you, admit your sin and
desire a relationship with Him. To perish means to die separated from God and His love for you.
Eternal life means you can enjoy a forever-family relationship with God now and after your life
on earth ends.

When offered a gift you want, you take it and say thank you. It’s forever yours. Would you like
to pray now and tell God you are accepting His love gift of salvation in Jesus? Then, you can
pray this simple prayer by faith:

Dear God,

I come to the cross by faith in Your word, confessing to You that I’m a sinner. I’m sorry
for my sin. I believe Jesus died as Your sacrifice for my sin. I’m willing to turn away from my sin.
I ask you to forgive me in His name and to cleanse me of all of my sins…past, present, and
future…with His blood. Take away my shame and my guilt. And I believe He rose from the dead
to give me eternal life, opening Heaven for me. I ask You to not only forgive me, but to give me
eternal life in His name. I open up my heart and invite Jesus to come live inside of me in the
person of the Holy Spirit. I surrender to Him the control of my life. I choose this day to start
living for You.

Thank You for hearing my prayer. Thank You for answering my prayer. Thank you for
giving me Jesus!


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