WL 7

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Weekly Light

Jesus For Beings Ministry

By Jenny F. Baoan

“Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, “Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory!
Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain.” And God
granted his request. (1 Chronicles 4:10)

The Power of Jabez's Prayer: Embracing the Blessings on Oneself

My dear friends, today we meditate into the powerful prayer of Jabez found in 1
Chronicles 4:10. This brief but profound prayer encapsulates the essence of our desires as
children of God, as we seek His blessings in various aspects of our lives.

The Blessing of Prosperity. Jabez's prayer begins with a humble request for God's
blessing to enlarge his territory. Here, we can understand "territory" as not just physical land but
also encompassing every area of our lives – our careers, relationships, dreams, and ambitions.
Jabez teaches us the importance of seeking God's favor in all these endeavors. It is not wrong to
desire prosperity, but our pursuit of it should be grounded in God's will and guided by His
wisdom. When we seek His blessings in our lives, we are acknowledging that all good things
come from Him, and we are surrendering our plans to His divine providence.

The Blessing of Presence. Jabez's prayer continues with a plea for God's hand to be with
Him. In this request lies a profound desire for God's presence, guidance, and strength to
accompany him on his journey. We, too, yearn for the assurance of God's presence in our lives,
especially in times of uncertainty, fear, or despair. When we invite God's hand to be with us, we
acknowledge our dependence on Him and surrender our lives into His loving care. The blessing
of God's presence ensures that we are never alone, that His wisdom guides our steps, and that His
comforting embrace is there to sustain us through every trial or joy.

The Blessing of Protection. Jabez's final appeal is for God to keep him from harm so that
he may be free from pain. In this request, we see the desire for protection from the perils and
challenges that life presents. Jabez recognized that living a life of faith does not shield us from
difficulties, but he turned to God for protection and deliverance. Similarly, we can seek God's
intervention in our lives, knowing that He is our ultimate protector. God's protection does not
mean we are exempt from tribulations, but rather that we have the assurance that He will guide
us through them, shield us from harm, and bring us to a place of healing and restoration.

As we reflect on Jabez's prayer, we are reminded that it is acceptable to approach God

with our desires and requests, trusting that His loving hand will guide and bless us. The blessings
of prosperity, presence, and protection encompass the holistic nature of our lives. When we seek
these blessings, we acknowledge our reliance on God and affirm His sovereignty over our lives.
May we draw inspiration from Jabez's prayer and learn to seek God's will, inviting His blessings
into every area of our lives. Remember, the God who granted Jabez's request is the same God
who hears and responds to our prayers today. Let us embrace these blessings and trust in His
divine plan for our lives. God bless you!

The Good News

Has anyone introduced you to Jesus so you could have a relationship with Him? May I? John
3:16 declares, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever
believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” This tells of…

1. God’s Love: “For God so loves you __(name)__…” God loves you and created you to enjoy a
relationship with Him. But, sin prevents you from experiencing this relationship. You cannot be
good enough on your own to overcome this sin barrier and its penalty of death. God’s love led

2. God’s Gift: “God gave His one and only Son” Jesus to live as one of us then to take our
penalty for sin on Himself when He died on the cross. Our sins could now be forgiven. He was
then raised from the dead to be alive again and to give us His life. Because the price for our sin
has been paid, the way to God is clear and simple through…

3. God’s Offer: “Whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life …” That means
to trust in God’s loving plan, accept what Jesus did on the cross for you, admit your sin and
desire a relationship with Him. To perish means to die separated from God and His love for you.
Eternal life means you can enjoy a forever-family relationship with God now and after your life
on earth ends.

When offered a gift you want, you take it and say thank you. It’s forever yours. Would you like
to pray now and tell God you are accepting His love gift of salvation in Jesus? Then, you can
pray this simple prayer by faith:

Dear God,

I come to the cross by faith in Your word, confessing to You that I’m a sinner. I’m sorry
for my sin. I believe Jesus died as Your sacrifice for my sin. I’m willing to turn away from my sin.
I ask you to forgive me in His name and to cleanse me of all of my sins…past, present, and
future…with His blood. Take away my shame and my guilt. And I believe He rose from the dead
to give me eternal life, opening Heaven for me. I ask You to not only forgive me, but to give me
eternal life in His name. I open up my heart and invite Jesus to come live inside of me in the
person of the Holy Spirit. I surrender to Him the control of my life. I choose this day to start
living for You.

Thank You for hearing my prayer. Thank You for answering my prayer. Thank you for
giving me Jesus!


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