5° Año TM y TT Inglés-2

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ESCUELA N° 49 “J. J.




Las siguientes actividades están basadas en las unidades 1,2,3 y 4 del libro Champions 3 (2nd edition).
El/La estudiante deberá traer estas actividades completas el día acordado para su defensa oral.
Durante esa instancia el/la estudiante deberá responder preguntas relacionadas con los contenidos
de las unidades mencionadas con anterioridad.



1) Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

climb newspaper plane sleep whitewater

1 When I’m older I’d like to be in the __________.

2 Tomorrow they’re going to __________ a mountain.

3 I don’t often fly in a __________.

4 Mel doesn’t want to go __________ rafting!

5 In the summer it’s fun to __________ in a tent.

2) Reorder the letters to form book types.

1 h a p b i a o u t o g r y ___________________

2 v e l o y r o s t ___________________

3 s y f n a a t o r y t s ___________________

4 t i v e c d e t e t o r y s ___________________

5 e s i n c e c c t n o i i f o t s y r ___________________


3) Correct one mistake in each present perfect sentence.

1 Lucy has visit a foreign country.


2 We not finished our homework.

3 John did broken his arm.


4 I has met a famous person.


5 They didn’t eaten their dinner.


4) Choose the correct words.

1 Have you been / gone to Argentina before?

2 Emma is tired so she’s been / gone to bed.

3 We haven’t been / gone to any parties recently.

4 Where have you been / gone? We’ve been so worried about you!

5 Everybody has been / gone home. The party was terrible!

5) Write present perfect questions and short answers with the information in the chart.

1.see my book 2. have dinner 3. meet Anna 4. make lunch 5. leave home

1 (YOU)___________________________________?


2 (HE)___________________________________?


3 (SHE)___________________________________?


4 (WE)___________________________________?


5 (THEY)___________________________________?


6) Complete the sentences with ever or never.

1 I’ve ________ eaten sushi.

2 Has your dad ________ been to the U.S.?

3 We’ve ________ met your parents.

4 Has your sister ________ ridden a horse?

5 We’ve ________ tried bungee jumping.

7) Choose the correct words.

1 I left / ’ve left my bag on the bus this morning.

2 Have you ever been / Did you ever go to Spain?

3 They didn’t go / haven’t gone out last night.

4 I didn’t ride / haven’t ridden a horse.

5 My grandparents have moved / moved to Canada in 2012.

8) Complete the sentences with the correct word from the brackets.

1 Tom has _______ finished his book. (just / yet)

2 The kids have _______ had breakfast. (already / yet)

3 Don’t worry, the train hasn’t left _______. (already / yet)

4 The lesson hasn’t started _______. (just / yet)

5 The email has _______ arrived. (just / yet)

9) Reorder the words to make sentences with already, just and yet.

1 they / gone / school / have / to / just


2 hasn’t / the teacher / us / yet / given / any homework


3 I / that / read / have / book / already


4 home / arrived / hasn’t / yet / dad


5 we / been / the supermarket / to / just / have


10) Complete the sentences with for or since.

1 My grandparents have lived in London _______ fifty years.

2 We’ve known Ed _______ 2005.

3 I’ve been at the bus stop _______ two hours!

4 They’ve been friends _______ years.

5 Tim has been ill _______ yesterday.


Read the text and then do the exercises.

We often hear about exciting things that other people have done. They’ve ridden horses, climbed
mountains and visited foreign countries. But not everyone has had the chance to do these things yet:
after all, some of these activities can be difficult and expensive to do. Perhaps you haven’t had the
chance to meet a famous person or do a parachute jump. But don’t worry; there are lots of things you
can do for fun. Here’s a list to keep you occupied!

Have you ever had a clothes swap? Invite friends over and put all the clothes you’ve stopped wearing
in a big pile. Then people can choose what they want!

What about people watching? Yes, people watching! You can do it anywhere – all you need are lots of
people to watch. Find a bench in a park or town centre, then sit back ... and watch! There is nothing
more interesting than people!

Have you ever slept in a tent? You don’t need an expensive campsite, only somebody’s garden! Get
your friends together and have a tent party. Make party food, play some music – you’ll have a great

Why don’t you try reading to your friends from a book? Get plenty of drinks and snacks and then take
turns to read to each other from your favourite novel. Who knows? You might discover an
autobiography or spy novel you’ve never heard of before!

Have you ever played old-fashioned video games? There are a lot of them online. You can play them
with friends and see which games your parents played when they were kids!

Have you ever been for a long walk with friends? Plan your route, pack some snacks and water, then
walk and talk. You’ll feel great afterwards.

All these activities are fun, and best of all, they’re cheap. Now get off that sofa and enjoy yourself!

11) Read the article. What is it about?

1 Fun experiences that don’t cost money __

2 Why some people have more fun than others __

3 The reason why teenagers get bored __

12) Answer the questions.

1 Which clothes do you take to a clothes swap?


2 Where can you go to people watch?


3 Where can you have a tent party?


4 How can friends benefit from reading to each other?


5 Where can you find old-fashioned video games?


6 What do you need to do before you go for a walk with friends?



Write an email to a friend telling him/her about a wonderful weekend you have just had. Use the
present perfect and the past simple. Write about 80-100 words.



1) Reorder the letters to make illnesses and symptoms. Complete the sentences with the words.

1 c a h e e r a _________________

2 a t t m e r p e e u r _________________

3 t h a c e o t o h _________________

4 r e s o h o t a r t _________________

5 c a k b h e c a _________________

a If you carry too many heavy things you might get _________.

b When you have an _________ loud noises feel very uncomfortable.

c A person with a _________ feels very hot.

d People who don’t clean their teeth often get a _________.

e It hurts to talk when you’ve got a _________.

2) Choose the correct answers.

1 At the moment police are proving / searching for clues.

2 A man in Lewisham has discovered / checked a case containing £1 million at the bottom of his

3 I love exploring / explaining new places when I go on holiday.

4 Without any evidence we can’t record / solve this mystery.

5 I don’t believe / investigate this man is telling the truth.


3) Use the words in brackets to write sentences with should or shouldn’t.

1 You look tired

(you / go / to bed)


2 Grandma needs to paint her living room.

(we / help / her)


3 Someone has vandalized James’ car.

(he / go / to the police)


4 Everything is going to be OK.

(you / worry / so much)


5 This fruit looks really bad.

(we / eat / it)


4) Write questions with should. Write short answers where necessary.

1 we / make / dinner / ?



2 they / go / to the police / ?



3 what / I /do / for mum’s birthday / ?


4 he / go / to the party / ?



5 where / Joe / take Emma on their date / ? ______________________________________


5) Complete the second conditional sentences with the correct form of the pairs of verbs in the

1 If we ____________ for clues, I’m sure we ____________ something. (search / discover)

2 You ____________ the film if you ____________ it. (not enjoy / see)

3 If there ____________ no school tomorrow, we ____________ to the beach. (be / go)

4 Tom ____________ really pleased if you ____________ to his party. (be / go)

5 If I ____________ a lot of money on the street, I ____________ what to do with it! (find / not

6) Complete the second conditional questions.

1 If it was the weekend, ___________________? (what / you / do)

2 ___________________ (how / we / live) if we didn’t have electricity?

3 If you had a problem, ___________________? (you / tell / someone)

4 ___________________ (what / you / buy) if you won lots of money?

5 ___________________ (would / Mum / be / happy) if I made dinner?

7) Choose the correct words.

1 Harry is always tired. He can’t / must go to bed very late.

2 You’ve got a very difficult test tomorrow. You might / must be worried.

3 I don’t know whose these shoes are. They might / must be Daniel’s.

4 You can’t / may be cold. It’s really hot today!

5 I can’t / may go to the party but I haven’t decided yet.

8) Complete the sentences with may, might, must or can’t and the correct form of the verb in

1 It _________ (be) hot. It’s winter!

2 If I don’t enjoy the film I _________ (leave) early.

3 Zac _________ (have) a lot of homework. His teacher always gives him a lot of things to do.

4 Jenny _________ (wear) her new trainers, but she hasn’t decided yet.

5 You’ve got a very high temperature. You _________ (feel) terrible!

9) Complete the conversations with a/an, the, or no article (–).

A You don’t look very well.

B I’ve got 1_____ sore throat and 2_____ earache.

A Maybe you should go to 3_____ doctor.

B I know. I should do something because I’m going on holiday on Saturday.

A Really? Where are you going?

B I’m going to 4_____ Paris.

A Lucky you! Well, make sure you get 5_____ prescription!


Read the text and then do the exercises.

Luke’s very important illness

One grey winter’s morning, I woke up feeling ill. I had a cold, a sore throat and a temperature. Mum
said, “You must feel terrible, you poor thing. You should go to bed right now! And remember to drink
lots of water.”

About an hour later, she came to check on me. “I’m going out to get you some medication,” she said.
“Don’t watch TV. You should try to sleep. And remember to drink lots of water.”

But as soon as she left, I ran downstairs and found the laptop. Then I jumped back into bed, and began
to search for TV programmes on it.
Soon I found one of my favourite programmes. But after a few minutes, I noticed something even
more interesting: a competition to win £10,000 and a holiday in Mexico! All I had to do was answer a
simple question:

If you’ve got a temperature, what should you do?

A wear warm clothes?

B have a throat lozenge?

C drink lots of water?

I quickly sent a text message with the correct answer to the number shown on the screen.

And then I waited ...

I couldn’t believe it when, a few minutes later, my mobile phone started ringing. “Congratulations,
you’ve won the competition!” said the lady on the phone. I started screaming. “You must be very
happy!” she shouted.

At that moment, Mum came home. When she heard all the noise from my room she ran upstairs in a

“Luke! What’s wrong?” she asked. “Are you feeling worse?”

Then she saw the laptop. “You shouldn’t be watching programmes! What did I tell you?”

But her attitude soon changed when I explained what had happened. “It can’t be true. It can’t!” she
kept saying. “We haven’t had a holiday for years!”

Well, that was four months ago. Since then, we’ve been to Mexico for a fantastic two-week holiday
and Mum used the £10,000 to buy a new kitchen. She gave some money to me and my sister as well.

Colds are horrible, but for me, it’s the best thing that has ever happened. It was the most important
cold of my life!

10) Write T (true) or F (false) next to the sentences.

1 Luke felt ill during the winter. __

2 His mum found some medication in the house. __

3 He was allowed to watch TV. __

4 He knew the correct answer to the question. __

5 His mum was pleased about the competition. __

6 They spent two weeks in a foreign country. __

11) Answer the questions.

1 What illnesses and symptoms did Luke have?

2 Where did he find the laptop?


3 What was the prize in the competition?


4 What was the correct answer to the question?


5 How long did Luke wait before he knew he was the winner?


6 Why did his mum run upstairs?


7 What did his mum do with the money they won?



12) Plan a story about a very important day in your life (real or imaginary). Answer the questions.

Was the day expected or a surprise?



What were the events of the day?



Why was it so important?



How did you feel during the day?



How has your life changed since this important day?


13) Write your story. Use your ideas from

exercise 12.

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