General Practice

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A Complete the sentences B Complete the conversation. idee C Put the words in the correct with positive forms of be, Use the correct forms of be. order. Start with the underlined Use contractions. Farah: you Cindy? word. at Sonia DaAngelo Jenny: No, 12 p 1 in/ Debra / the / café / isn't. 2 They at university. Jennifer. 2 name / your/ Is / Khan? Bit Tuesday today. : “__youa student? 3 at/Mrs /aren't/ Mr/ airport / 4 Julio on holiday. :No,* the teacher! and / Cabrera / the. 5 We from the BBC. © youa student? 4 friend /is / Paolo / This / my. 6 You in my class Yasmin. Yes, 17 5 their / What / names / are? OK, please sit down, 6 centre/’s/Where / health / the? ‘A Complete the sentences with the correct form. (Positive or negative) of the verbs in the box. go eat read watch listen to drink work 1 |__don't go running because I'm not very active! 2 We sport on TVa lot because we really like it. 31 junk food because I don’t ike it 4 They. on Sundays — they just relax all dayl 51 books in English because its good practice 6 We coffee late at night. We have milk ortea 7 You __ musica lot. What's your favourite band? ‘A Write the he/she/it form of the verbs. Leat ects 2 study 3 understand 4 take 5 wash 6 chat 7 write 8 have 9 play 10 do B Complete the texts with the verbs in the box. Use the present simple in the correct form. g0 listen to watch study getup drink read meet work start have finish relax talk ‘Simona isa student. She * late, at 10am, 2 a black coffee and then ® toclasses at the university. n the afternoon, she inthe library. In the evening, she * Wort music. Beatrice isa businesswoman, She’ __breakfast at 6am.and* work at &.In the morning, she *___heremailsand®___ to people on the phone Beatrice’s husband near her office, sothey® ___ and have lunch together. She work at 6pm. and in the evening she just at home, B Put the words in the correct order to make questions. 1 you / Do / classes / ike / English / your ? Do you like your English classes? 2 running / every day / go / they / Do? 3. chat/you/ friends / Do / with /a lot? 4 junk/ like / you / Do / food / eating ? 5 TV/on/ watch / they / football / Do? 6 cinema / the / to / go/ you/ Do /a lot ? © Look at the short answers to the questions above and correct the mistakes. 1 Yes, Hike. do 2 No, they aren't 3 Yes, we do chat. 4 No,Idon't like. 5 No, they not. 6 Yes, we go. © Correct the mistakes. 1 Dan likes dogs, but he no like cats. 2 Tariq drinks coffee, but he don't drink tea, 3 Sophia reads magazines, but she reads not books. 4 Lara works at the weekend, but she does work on Monday. 5. The hotel room has a television and a telephone, but it no have WiFi, D Complete the conversation. A:'___you work? B: No,1® but my wife» ‘A: Oh, what * she do? B: She? English at a school. ‘A: Oh And she like it? B: Yes, she” Well, she *_like working in the evening, but she" her students. ‘A: And what © __ you do all day? Bil" ____TVand#_with my friend Bob on the phone. ‘A: Oh, and what ®_ Bob do? B: He's film reviewer He“ ___about films on TV. 3.1 3.2 32 42 ‘A Complete the conversation with have/has got. A you? any brothers or sisters? B: Yes, 12 one sister, but I ‘ any brothers. A*___yout any children? B: Yes, 17 BD three sons and a daughter, Annie, She * asonand a daughter. And two of my sons two children each. Charlie * ‘two sons, and Andy ® two daughters. A And your sister? ® she ™, any children? B: Yes, Maggie ® a son and a daughter t00. A Put the words in the correct order to make sentences, late / students / The / never / are homework / their / always / They / do hardly / ever / rains / here / It TV/ the morning /in / usually / We / watch / don't quiet /1/ am / very / sometimes eat /We/ ever / meat / hardly does / finish / lesson / What / usually / the / time? half /The / past / doctor / at /is / here / seven / often 9 never / here / tour / boat / leaves / The / from 10 that /Do/ go/to/ snack / often / bar / you? 11 up/the/ At / gets / sometimes / eleven / weekend / at/Kim 12 watch / always / My / correct / isn't B Complete the questions. Use the correct form of be or have got. 1 __Ave you (you) married? 2 (you) a mobile? (your classroom) a TV2 (your teacher) British? (ou) usually early or late for class? (you) a diary with you? (you) cola? (your brother) twenty or twenty-one? (your home) WiFi? (the keys) in your bag? B Add an adverb of frequency to each sentence. Use the information in brackets to help. 1 I get up early. (056) ‘never get up early Ihave breakfast with my family. (100%) My father reads a newspaper on Sundays. (808%) We're tired in the morning, 60%) 1 g0 to bed up before Lipm. (10%) I drink coffee. (0%) Nicola’ late. 4086) My sister phones me in the evening, (60%) The hotel receptionist is friendly (10086) The coffee here is hot! (0%) adverbs of frequency never hardlyever sometimes often usually always 0% 10% 40% 60% 80% © 100% i ofien [tito [thei | Use adverts f frequen to say how often you do something Keanu hardly ever |has | breakfast. oleae ain They | are never _| late. Frequency adverbs go before most verbs: He never listens to me, My phone |’s usually | here but after the verb be: Sorah is usually friendly. Usuolly and sometimes can also go at the beginning of a sentence. Sometimes Ahmed phones me after midnight a 2 | « | sease | ayno —|bryes [ono dno edna beach on | Dyes eno hy no Dyes Dyes apartment | 61 6.2 ‘A Write questions about a hoteV/apartment for pictures 1-5. Use Can you .. there? 1 Can you cook there? 4 2 5 EEE Eee eee eee ete ete et eo ee B Look at the table. Complete the sentences below with can or can't. At the seaside hotel ‘At the beach apartment a) you can't cook. f) » 8) Q hy) @ a 2 d ‘A Put the words in the correct order. Add capital letters. 1 child / were /a/ you / happy? 2 was / holiday / your / how? 3 yesterday / concert / at /Jack/ was / the? 4 were / last / night / the / open / windows? 5 people / the / many / at / there / how / were / party? A Complete the sentences withthe verbs inthe box. Use the past simple. dance play love study listento work 1 Mick Jagger economics in London in 1961, 2 When she was four, Shakira on the table to some Arab music. 3 Brad Pitt as.a driver before he was a film star, 4 Cate Blanchett when she was young. 5 Shizuka Arakawa when she was young. 6 Ronaldinho samba music when he was young. the piano every day swimming and ballet B Complete the answers to the questions in Exercise A. 1 Yes, at great, thanks. 3 No, he 4 Yes, they 5 There about fifty B Read the text. Then complete the story about yesterday with the verbs in brackets in the correct form. ‘Tom usually gets up at six, does some exercise and walks to work. He eats lunch alone, leaves work at five and meets his girlfriend for dinner. Then he reads @ bookiin the evening, drinks a cup of tea and goes to bed early. But yesterday was different. He ' didn't get up_ (not get up) at six, he? (Get up) at eight, He? (not do) any exercise and he Q (rive) to work, He* (not have) lunch alone - he (meet) his friend Sally ata restaurant. She" (tell him about her problems, but he = {not listen). He * (not meet) his girlfriend for dinner — he (eat) alone, then” (watch) @ BVD.Two things 2 {not change): he ® a cup of tea and * usual. (4rinty (g0) to bed early as C complete the questions using the answers to help. Who is the famous person? 1 Born? Nie ee > | In 1963. He was born in Kentucky, USA. 2 Lived when young? Ina lot of different places. Where 2 | His family moved twenty times. 3. Began film work? He began acting in films in 1984, ‘When 2 | His first flm was A Nightmare on Elm Street. 4 What role had most fun playing? captain jack Sparrow in Potes ofthe Caribbean. 12.1 A write sentences in the present perfect. 12.2 A Read the email and underline the correct alternatives. you /ever / eat / Japanese food? |/eat / Thai food two or three times We / never/ sleep /in a four-star hotel before They / drive / across Europe many times hhe/ ever / go /to the UK? Lise / have / three husbands 1/ never /lose / my mobile phone She / learn / Arabic, Spanish and Chinese you / ever / climb / a volcano? My parents / never / use /a tablet computer Te Hi Renata, Thanks for the email. Lucky you ... going to Italy next month! You asked me about Venice. Yes, ve been/went there. °| ve been/went there for along weekend last year. *It has been/was beautiful. ‘I ‘ve fovea/loved all the bridges and old squares. *| ‘ve also visited/also visited Rome. We have been/were there in 2006. It's busier than Venice, but | know you like old buildings land churches, so maybe you'd like Rome better. 71 ve never travelled/never travelled in the Italian countryside but my friend Emily *has driven/arove around the south and she says it's lovely, but very hot at that time of year. Anyway, I'm sure you'll have a great time! Send me some photos. Simone B Correct ten mistakes in the conversation. ‘: You have ever been to Australia? Br No, Ihave. And you? A Yes, Ive. BB And have you gone to China too? ‘A: No, but | been to Korea. B: You've travel to many countries in your life Yes, | has. 've meeted a lot of people and Ive try a lotof interesting food. ': But you havent learn to speak English perfectly! A Not yet B Complete the sentences using the prompts in brackets. 1 Have you seen Grovity? (you see) Yes, |_saw_ita few months ago. 2 Sarah? (you7 meet) Yes, we last year. 3 to Spain? (ea7e0) Yes, she there last month and she's going. to stay for a year 4 an accident ‘on his motorbike? (Paolo / ever have) Yes, he a small accident a month ago. 5 Anna Karenina? (you/ read) Yes. | it at university 6 school? (your children / finish) Yes, they along time ago. 1 Complete the story with a/an, the or no article (-). It started as a normal Friday. Rita got to! — lunch with the children (she's * home at about two in > city centre with ® foot because it was a lovely day. '@ she had? teacher) and got ‘ She went to see ® friend. They went on? film in” work at eight, pre-school afternoon film was boring so they left early. It was raining, so Rita took a bus home. She lived in" house on quiet street, but ® street was full of cars. She arrived at her front door, opened “* door, and - SURPRISE! - 15 shouted ‘Happy Birthday!’ and gave her ® hundred friends jumped up, birthday cake. “This is very strange,’ she thought. ‘Today isn't my birthday! suunguns uo} 00) uns ayy ul yno———— a “fepyoy e———— ays-pasn syo0] aus. 9 ‘nsuadia 001531961 Aq Aa, § 1405 - nok uo poo8 400) yussop 1 qua f9pe1q—— no} aod ap 1e 40 asa KaUOW Au yung nok og ¢ isno.ap sal yuupsiyy nog 2 ‘U0 mau e TEBPIMOGE | "pjo Alan SesaWe> AW T sBuey> seam hn Keys aney 08 WS "0g ayp wou} qian e ue ,upinoys 40 pinoys unum saouayuas aya ayaydwo) gl fq MOK PIP EUAN HUEY “sno ypoq wos aside oy 1809 | Suyvue (a) OK YOSAL fepsrsok 080 Aanadwo | epues soy suasaud éepig e 8) sy -wonessanvoy sng 001 1 2sneoq po Srey a auevodua fun 100 = (ewo:) snaaws ayp oy (@Ul03) ROK Zuonessanuoy ayel 248i] snoK (100) non 9M 3 Roy os s313n ca ‘Aued eww fuan ey 32UuIp sy (1 an pue wype"e (1eam) 0am OT ABI — MOA 2y Tuonessanuoy ‘sapeq ‘ul sqion ayy pu 0} anoy 2uop/oy anny *,u09/u09 Jo wu 1221109 a4 asf ‘suonessanuo> ayy aiajdwo) g uo ysy83-ys8u3 ue 78 pynoys nok S94, ‘un yBnoua sey ays PInoys aus So (2 soypinb 194 aUD4d UBIROUS NOK'ON (> “uy 51 aU0 pjo a4 .UpInoUS ay ‘ON © ‘asqpeid 01 weuoduy 5 pynoys Ka ‘94 uo} 001531 "noys NOK Sa (€ Aseuomyp 2uomDape ue sng "NOU ,UOp AN SON Lue Os Be AION. 9 ‘austueds wea} oqsaury anos Uy janet or sIUER seNyBMED AN, § ‘uous yeads sep u Sufi Aes sau sivapms aos amueye re] jpraue sy1—sey A yey00 ¢ (uo mau e128 ‘mygow iy Jo nojo> an ayn Usd0p uag Z (P qyewa Ue usin} puas TIS — "aw yprw arey yuop| dau ‘Uy ways y>yew vay "s-T suoRsanb ayajdwo) y avay ued 14097009 no, ® a 12] jem pue Yo 128 07 anny/uDD noj "241g sNOK 3p 2004 ,u0n/4U09 0, 5 say ua ue sous emo 3704 3009/0 2404104, ‘a4 sn ayn pte 140/009 905 9 11210 woYTeR 109 /01 2404 10 yoo) uo ajdoag “yo donq u02/0 2104 SoH € ‘Bunyed sarnuu usayy oj hed 5 01 ano iuop/ue Ho, 44 so} 304 8 01304709 90 2 901 saoue uo 8 2 2104 09/1 any fa 284 8 0/0 any ,u0p SANGO t ‘nrewanp aLse> a aupiapun gueaw Aa op 1h s-¥ 54815 189007 Y g 2 By Fe s y £ a oe 2 be = 4 = S28 & Be Se 3s 2 $2533 8 2% 38 2 feu 2istee = at ae 3 2523.22 5525iss 3.52 2s 2 geesb geese 2 isis ekesgae ae gg 8222828 sees 823saates ss MSann menor wo SED CT SC DB = 8 Sbge% 5. 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