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ECIE4314 Operating Systems

Assignment 1
Important notes: This assignment evaluates the achievement of PO1 ( Engineering Knowledge), complex
engineering problem: WP1 (Depth of Knowledge Required), WP2 (Range of conflicting requirements), WP4
(Familiarity of issues), and WP7 (Interdependence), complex engineering activities: EA1 (Range of resources),
EA4 (Consequences to society and the environment), and EA5 (Familiarity).

As an engineer, you are required to acquire engineering knowledge to identify and analyze
complex engineering problems.

PO1 (Engineering Knowledge): WK4 (Engineering Specialist Knowledge)

Instructions: You need to gain and apply engineering knowledge to the following issues
by citing recent engineering papers/journals/books and industry technical papers (or
technical engineering websites):

Question 1: Comparative Analysis of Docker and Kubernetes

Delve into an extensive comparative analysis of Docker and Kubernetes by elucidating their
architectures, core functionalities, and typical use cases, and then highlight their similarities
and differences for scalability, ease of use, management complexity, and ecosystem support
while also providing real-world scenarios showcasing the advantageous use of one over the
other, substantiated by technical requirements.

Question 2: Linux Environments: WSL vs. Virtual Machine vs. Native

Provide a thorough examination of Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), Linux installed in
a Virtual Machine, and native Linux installations, focusing on their architecture, setup
processes, typical use cases, performance implications, system resource utilization,
integration capabilities, and their respective strengths and weaknesses in terms of security,

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compatibility, and ease of use, while also offering tailored recommendations for a software
development team based on different project scenarios.

Question 3: A Thorough Examination of Ubuntu Server vs. Windows Server

Conduct a detailed exploration of the latest versions of Ubuntu Server and Windows Server,
outlining their core features, system requirements, typical deployment scenarios,
performance characteristics, system resource utilization, scalability in various server roles,
ecosystems, community support, integration with other tools and services, security models,
update mechanisms, and administrative toolsets, and evaluate how these aspects influence
system maintenance, troubleshooting, and overall system health.

REPORT: SUBMISSION DATE: Thursday, 9 November 2023

COMMENCEMENT DATE: Tuesday, 31 October 2023

Submit a typed report which should be clear and comprehensive and include the following:

• Use the cover page provided in the italeemc (late submission will result in a deduction of
the mark -25% per day).

• A discussion/comparative analysis showing a clear understanding of the assignment.

In addition, also submit the softcopy of your report to italeemc Assignment 1 Dropbox.
Please name your files as OSA1-2001234.docx, where 2001234 is your matric



• There is no single correct solution. You need to justify your selection.

• Discussion is encouraged, but copying is discouraged and may incur a penalty (the mark
will be divided by the N copies found). Note that all of the reports will be submitted
to Turnitin (the maximum allowable similarity score is 30%)

• Full marks will be allocated towards the content demonstrating the student's
innovativeness and initiative toward the report.


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