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Tell whether you need to cite the sources of the following information or not.

1. Direct quotations from a source

2. Paraphrased text of a literature script

3. Images and graphs from another author 4. Common knowledge

5. Proverbs

6. Historical Dates

Mark the statement with an x if you think the item is an example of plagiarism.

1. Copying a text word for word from a source without citing the source.

2. Copying parts of one’s work into another document without citation.

3. Rewriting the sentence according to how one understood the text using one’s own word and citing the
original source.

4. Using quotation marks and indicating the author, year, and page number for exact quotations.

5. Using a sentence structure similar to that of the original source while changing a few words.

Choose the letter of the correct answer. •These are the sources that researchers first look into.

a) General b) primary c) secondary d) tertiary

Which is a primary source for Lit. Review? A) encyclopedias b) indexes c) journals d) textbooks

Which is a secondary source for Lit. Review?

a) Abstract b) indexes c) journals d) research reviews

Which is not a way of citing related lit and studies?

a) By topic b) alphabetical c) chronological

What is the most commonly used to cite sources within the social studies?

a) APA b) MLA c) Harvard System d) Chicago Manual Style

What is the most commonly used to write papers and cite sources within the liberal arts and humanities?

a) APA b) MLA c) Harvard System d) Chicago Manual Style

In Chicago Manual Style, what do scholars in humanities, literature, history and arts prefer?

a) Author-page style b) author-date system c) in-text referencing d) notes and bibliography style

Which is not an approach in ordering the keyword clusters?

a) Chronological b) conceptual c) theoretical d) stated hypothesis

Which issues should be avoided in writing related lit?

a) plagiarism b) academic freedom c) objective feedback d) intellectual honesty Which statement does
not involve self-plagiarism?

a) reusing one’s own work in a “new” written product.

b) publishing in a reputable journal for information dissemination.

c) publishing what is substantially the same paper in more than one research journal

d) dividing an extensive study that should have been reported in a single paper into smaller published

Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Qualitative research is based on a holistic worldview. It is based on the following beliefs except

A. There is no single reality.

B. Qualitative research takes deductive approach.

C. What we know has meaning only within a given situation or context.

D. Reality is based upon perceptions that are different for each person and changes over time. 11

2. Which kinds of data are not collected by qualitative researchers?

A. age, class size, and test scores

B. Audio recordings, videotapes, and diaries

C. Personal comments, memos, and official records

D. Interview transcripts, field notes, and photographs 12

Which is not a characteristics of qualitative research?

A. Concern with the process

B. Analysis of data inductively

C. Interest at how people make sense out of their lives

D. Go directly to the particular setting of interest to observe

4. Qualitative research is used in the following except

A. Providing the context to elicit quantitative data

B. Identifying variables important for further studies

C. Learning indirectly from people and what is important to them

D. Drawing meaningful information that are not conveyed in quantitative data

5. Which statement is not an importance of qualitative research?

A. Qualitative research is designed for social sciences, psychology, and other related fields.

B. Some qualitative studies involve mathematics making it more complex to some researchers.

C. Qualitative research is oriented toward analyzing concrete cases in temporal and local settings.

D. Qualitative research studies can be carried out in a systematic and logical order that can be replicated
by other researchers.

B. Identify whether each of the following statements is a strength or a weakness of qualitative research.

6. Data analysis is often time-consuming. 7. It provides individual case information. 8. It determines

causes of a particular event.

9. Data are usually collected in natural setting.

10. Knowledge produced might not be general to other people or other settings.

Identify each statement as a feature of Qualitative/Quantitative. Write Quali or Quanti.

11. It is sometimes called naturalistic research.

12. We do not know or try to develop response categories prior to conducting the study.

13. It makes use of inductive method of reasoning.

14. It makes use of deductive method of reasoning.

15. We rely on data collected from interviews,observations, and content analysis of newspapers, books,
videos, case records, and other already developed documents.

The characteristics of a research problem and objectives should be SMART. What does S-M-A-R-T mean?

a. specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, timetable

b. specific, melancholic, attainable, realistic, time-bound

c. specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, time-bound

d. specific, measurable, achievable, restrained, timetable

This term refers to an intelligent guess that is formulated and temporarily adapted to explain the
observed facts covered by the study.

a. Objective b. problem c. hypothesis d. research question

The keyterms used in the study are clearly defined in what section of the introduction?

a. Appendix b. assumption c. table of contents d. definition of terms

This term refers to an intelligent guess that is formulated and temporarily adapted to explain the
observed facts covered by the study.

a. Objective b. problem c. hypothesis d. research question

The keyterms used in the study are clearly defined in what section of the introduction?

a. Appendix b. assumption c. table of contents d. definition of terms

It is a section of the research paper in which the extent and the coverage of the study is explained.

a. Bibliography b. table of contents c. acknowledgement d. scope and limitations


a. Definition of terms b. background of the study c. statement of the problem d. scope and

Identify the characteristic of research is being described in each situations. Write Critical, Cyclical.
Logical, Realistic, Replicable

Eric identifies a problem of his research. After gathering his findings for the first problem, he found out
and identified another problem. He suggested that the other researchers continue research on the newly
found problem.

Annie uses scientific method in doing research procedures. She ensures that all the instruments. And
procedures used are valid before proceeding to the next step to assure that the final outcome and
conclusions are also valid.

Robbie is interested to conduct research about the factors affecting the growth of fish in saltwater. He
chose this topic because he lives in an area near the seashore. After finishing his data analysis, Irvin
continues to examine the results of the data analysis. Before he supports or rejects his hypothesis, he
makes sure that he has established a high level of confidence in his data analysis. He is confident and
precise in his interpretations whether the results are significant or not.

Grace has finished conducting research in her field of expertise. She wants to submit it to a national
joumal for publication. The National Journal Screening Committee wants to examine the validity of the
results of Grace’s paper. The committee decided to include Grace’s paper since the results from the
experiment of the committee is the same as the results reported by Grace on her paper. What
characteristic is being described?,

Write A if the statement describes qualitative research and write B if it describes quantitative research.

• It is sometimes called naturalistic research.

Developing response categories prior to conducting the study is not known or tried. Data collection is
done from interviews, observations, and content analysis of newspapers, books, videos, case records,
and other already developed documents.

It uses inductive method of reasoning.

It uses deductive method of reasoning.


Curious ►A successful researcher is determined to investigate intricacy of things.

➤ He takes pleasure in reading journals, in finding out the trends.

Efficient ➤ The researcher uses time, effort and resources for an intended purpose. ➤ Qualitative
researchers must be efficient in managing research schedules.

• Logical ➤ Researchers follow procedures identified to the scientific method in finding out answers to
their queries.

Effective ➤ Researchers must know how to foresee errors, so that they can be addressed immediately.

Active ➤ Researchers always respond to the challenges of the modern world. Practical ➤ If the
resources are limited, researchers must be able to find ways to make use of given resources and locally
available materials to compensate for the things needed w/o compromising the quality of research.

Inventive ➤ Researchers have novel ideas. Honest ➤ They should display a high level of intellectual

Cost-effective ➤ Researchers make sure that resources will not be wasted.

Ethical Principles

• Honesty -Maintain all communication. Data should not be faked.

• Objectivity-Avoid biases in experimental designs, data analysis, interpretation, expert testimony, and
other aspects of research.

• Integrity -Keep your promises and agreements.

• Carefulness-Avoid careless errors and negligence.

• Openness -Share data, results, ideas and tools. Be open to criticism and new ideas.

Social Responsibility ➤ Strive to promote social good. Avoid social harm.

• Non-Discrimination ➤ avoid discrimination against colleagues or students on the basis of sex, races,
ethnicity, and or others.

• Legality ➤ Be informed and obey relevant laws and institutional governmental policies.

Respect of Intellectual Property ➤ Give proper acknowledgment or credits to all researchers.

• Trustworthiness ➤ The researcher must keep all data confidential for the protection of the respondents
to public scrutiny.


Defined as the lack of bias or prejudiced. Analysis and interpretation of data must be free from bias and
alteration to favor a certain hypothesis.

CRITICAL ►The researcher is careful and precise in processing ideas and judgement.

➤The credibility of the researcher plays an important and critical role in qualitative research.
REPLICABLE Research procedures should be written clearly and chronologically for it to be replicable. It
is only through this process that a particular research can be repeated.

Basic vs. Applied •Basic (Pure research) ✓ Aim is to come up with a new knowledge or contribute to the
existing body of knowledge

✓ Explanation is introduced about an existing or new idea.

•Applied Research

✓ Aim is to find applications for the theories.

Two General Methods


• Theory/hypothesis testing

• Explanation

• Quantification and Statistics

• Deductive

• Focus on Objective Data


• Theory/ hypothesis generating

• Understanding 。

• Description

• Inductive

• Focus on Observation,

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