Chapter 8 Scope Delimitation of The Study

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Department of Education

Regional Office Number VIII | Division of Northern Samar

Laoang, Northern Samar

Practical Research 1 | Grade 11 TIRSO L. ONG, LPT

School Year 2022-2023 – Second Semester Subject Teacher


 Lesson 1: Content of Scope and Delimitation
 Lesson 2: Writing Scope and Delimitation


This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you master the
writing scope and delimitation. The scope of this module permits it to be used in many different learning
situations. The language used recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of students. The lessons are
arranged to follow the standard sequence of the course.

After going through this module, you are expected to be able to:
1. indicate scope and delimitation of research

Lesson 1 Content of Scope and Delimitation

In the previous lessons, you already

designed a research project related to daily life
and eventually created your own research title
for your proposed study in your area of interest
or field of specialization. Now, you have to start
conceptualizing the contents of your research
paper by rooting from the reasons why you need
to conduct a study about it.

Take note that it is necessary to be rational in everything that you do in research, or else it might
be a waste of time and effort.

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The misAdventures of Bok and Nonoy

In the last module, you have learned to formulate research question. Now, you will be making
the scope and delimitation of your research. In the comic strip, it has depicted how Bok and Nonoy tried to
discover the secret of Pitoy which includes the process, methods, instruments and techniques in doing his
experiments. Relating it with research, the scope and delimitation is a specific part that summarizes the
method, design, techniques, locale, instruments, population, process in analyzing the data, and the like.
Gear up yourself because you will learn the components of scope and delimitation.


Scope and delimitation is an informative part of your research. It is informative because

it is to where you declare the things you have to carry out and follow through the course of
research. I am sure, you are wondering why there is a need for us to declare all of these to our
readers. Likewise, you are puzzled what are the elements of your research that are needed to be
included? Well, let us deal with them one by one.

Let us first dissect “scope and delimitation”.

Scope + Delimitation

When we talk about the scope of research, it commonly refers to the depth your
research area or parameters. This includes restriction of the target population, research local,
specified duration, design, procedure, and instrument used.

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1. Population – According to Majid (2018), this stands for the entire pool from which the
sample is drawn.
Consider these examples:
a. Schools operating in Laoang (Private and Public)
b. Senior High School Students of a School
c. Grade 10 Students in a School Division
d. Tricycle Drivers operating in a Barangay
e. All Working Students in a grade level

2. Research Locale – It refers to the particular location where the study is conducted.
Consider these examples:
Laoang National Technical High School Schools Division of N.Samar
Poblacion Barangays of Laoang Northern Samar
Northern Samar Region VIII – Eastern Visayas
UEP Lab Senior High School University of Eastern Phils.

3. Specific Duration. This stands for the exclusive time frame when the research is

Consider these examples:

May 20 to 22 2020
School Year 2020 to 2021
From 2015 to 2020
From January 2020 to May 2020

4. Research Method – This refers to the systematic plan for conducting research which
includes strategies, process, techniques, and procedures for collecting and analyzing data
(MacDonald and Headlam 2008). Here are the four (4) most commonly used qualitative
designs that you can use.
a. Ethnography – If your research is about a description or investigation about
customs of individual and culture, this design can be used (Elis and Bochner
b. Phenomenology – If your research is about the commonality of lived
experience within a group of individuals or description of a particular
phenomenon, this research design can be used (Singh 2018).

c. Case Study – If your research is about an investigation of a phenomenon

within the context of real-life situation, you can use this design (Kothari 2004)

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d. Grounded Theory – If your research aims toward a development of a theory
in an inductive manner, you can use this design (VanderStoep and Johnston
5. Protocols Followed. This refers to the standard procedure, system, or rules that you
follow in gathering data. It can be the permission in the conduct of the study,
communication letter to the respondents, or agreement on the conduct of interview.

6. Data Gathering Procedure. This refers to the step-by-step procedures that you employ
before and during the data gathering.

7. Instrument. These are measurement devices that you use in your research. It can be in a
form of test, survey, questionnaire, and the like. However, in qualitative research, you as
the researcher is the instrument, and your interview guide serve as a tool in gathering the
data (Bahrami, Soleimani, Yaghoobzadeh, & Ranjbar, 2016).

8. Data Analysis. These are the systematical processes you employ to describe or interpret
your data. It can be thematic network analysis, dendogramming, structural analysis, text
analysis, and Collaizi procedure.

On the other hand when we talk about delimitation, it refers to choices made by
researcher that serves as boundary (Simon 2011). This includes research objectives, questions,
variables, theoretical objectives you adopted, target samples, and justifications that limits the
scope of the study. Commonly, research objectives, and description of variables are mentioned
while research questions are just reflected on the set objectives. Variable are also explained and
declared, as well as to the theoretical objectives of the study. On the other hand, sampling
method, target sample size, and justifications in choosing the above mentioned scope are
provided to clearly set the parameter of the study.

In some researches, instead of scope and delimitation, they use scope and limitation.
The term limitation is about the external and internal influences that researcher has no control of.
They can be shortcomings, conditions or influences that cannot be avoided due to the limitation
of the study. Thus, these limitations is a declaration of the possible influences to the result of the

ACTIVITY 1: Scope and Delimitation

A. Directions Read carefully the scope and delimitation below.
Write “A” if the underlined word is population, “B” for research locale, “C” for specific duration,
“D” for research method, “E” for protocols followed, “F” for data gathering procedure, “G” for

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instrument, “H” for research objective, and “I” for data analysis. Write only the letter of your choice
on the Activity Sheet provided for you.

This qualitative study employed a phenomenological research design.
According to Creswell (2013), it was an approach directed to the similarities of the
lived experiences among a particular group. The main objective was to come up 2
with an explanation of the nature of a particular phenomenon. Moreover, Manen
as cited in Finlay (2013), this research design started with the interest and desire of
the researcher transforming it into epistemic inquiry. Likewise, this was geared 3

toward a broader understanding of a specific phenomenon whether it was lived

experience, event, or even a situation. Hence, this study explored in-depth

examination of the lived experiences of novice teachers as it unveiled their

Lebenswelt (world-life) and weltanschauung (world-view) on handling verbal bullying
inside the classroom. Data gathering was delimited to one of the Senior High School
in the province of Northern Samar, Philippines. 5

B. :

In this qualitative research, the researcher will serve as the main

instrument of the study (Pezalla, Pettigrew and Miller-Day, 2012). Another tool will 7
be the interview guide. This unstructured interview guide is a researcher-made
instrument based from the objectives of the study. It is composed of five (5) questions.
Objectively, interview questions are formulated to gather necessary information about 8
the participants’ live experience as well as their coping mechanism.

In gathering data, individualized or focus group discussion are employed

depending on the preference of the participants. Because of the 9
impossibility of personalized interview, this will be carried through social media
platforms either through Zoom app or Facebook Video Conferencing. According to
Eysenbach (2019), these platforms provide opportunities in conducting qualitative
research. In analyzing the data, thematic network analysis will be employed. It is
explained as a web-like illustrations that summarizes themes (Stirling, 2001).
Particularly, this study seeks to identify the salient themes through coding. This to
facilitated structuring and depiction of the themes into an emerging main theme.

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C. READ Directions Read carefully the scope and delimitation below.
Write “A” if the underlined word is population, “B” for research locale, “C” for specific duration, “D” for
research method, “E” for protocols followed, “F” for data gathering procedure, “G” for instrument, “H”
for research objective, and “I” for sampling method, and “J” for data analysis. Write only the letter of
your choice on the Activity Sheet provided for you.

This qualitative research aims to explores on the lived-experiences of the

PWD grade 11 students about bullying. According to Mcleod (2019) this kind of
research deals with the description and interpretation of a phenomena based

from how these became meaningful to a person or group of people. As a

phenomenological study, it determines the coping mechanism of the said

students on their distinct experience about verbal bullying. This is defined by 13

Creswell (2013) as an approach to underlie the commonality of live experience

within a group of individuals having the same experience. This research is

directed to all senior high school students of a province during the school

year 2020-2021. They are selected using snow ball method. Patton (2001)

defined this sampling as referral sampling wherein it uses a small pool of initial 15

informants to nominate other…

Lesson 2 Writing Scope and Delimitation

After knowing the elements and content of scope and delimitation as part of research, you
are now ready to write your own scope and delimitation. Worry not because writing this require you to
enlist the things you will be doing and using throughout your study. Even though there is no standardized
way of writing, this lesson will share the typical way of composing your scope and delimitation. Thus, this
topic will allow you to be equipped with necessary skill for you to finish this part of your research.

You need to remember that scope and delimitation is the blueprint of your research. It needs
to be synchronized with the research gap you have established in the introduction and has to be
paralleled with the research objectives and questions you have formulated. Later in your methodology, it
has to be harmonized with the processes you will be declaring. In writing this, you just need to be precise
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and logical. Meaning to say, you need to justify the information you will include on your scope and

The misAdventures of Bok and Nonoy

Are you afraid to take your pen and to start making your scope and delimitation? It is
natural. Why? First of all, it is difficult to write anything without knowing what you are going to write.
Second, it is challenging to write if you do not have any strategies on making it. Lastly, you feel
incompetent to write because you don’t have any model. from the previous lesson, you have learned the
conceptual aspect of scope and delimitation as part of research. Now, you will learn how to write this part
in a ladderized manner.

Writing scope and delimitation does not require you extraordinary skills in writing. You just
need to have a clear picture on how you are going to do your research. Most probably, if you happened to
read other researches, you would notice they have different ways of formulating it. Some begin with the
methods of research and end with the instrument, others start with research locale and end with the
declaration of the protocols followed. However, one thing is common among them, their content are the
same. Therefore, this implies that there is no prescribed way of making it. As long as the necessary
elements are declared and briefly discussed, that is already a good scope and delimitation. It is because
this part of research intends to inform the readers about the parameter of your research.

Commonly, scope and delimitation is written in three (3) paragraphs.

The first paragraph - contains methods, research design, research locale, time duration,
population, sampling and class size.
The second - includes the instrument used, validation and protocols followed in the
paragraph conduct of the study.
The last paragraph - is the declaration of data gathering and analysis.

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It is important that you need to provide proper justifications of the elements you will be using. It is done
through the wisdom of the experts – citation.

Before writing the first paragraph, it is advised that you must perform brainstorming of what you
are going to write. Brainstorming is just simply writing down what comes to your mind. But this time, let us
perform brainstorming by answering some
question. For example you are conducting a
research about the lived experience about
verbal bullying of the Persons with Disabilities
(PWD) Grade 11 students in a province, how
are you going to make the scope and
delimitation? Now, let us begin with the first
paragraph. Remember that the first paragraph
contains methods, research design, research
locale, time duration, population, sampling and
class size.

Consider the 1st figure.

The 2nd figure answers the 1st figure

These are the answers that you need to know before writing your scope and delimitation.
The information would give you a clear picture of what you are going to write.

If you are going to write the information gathered, the first paragraph of the scope and
delimitation will be like this …

This qualitative research aims to explores on the lived-experiences of the PWD grade
11 students about bullying. According to Mcleod (2019) this kind of research deals with the
description and interpretation of a phenomena based from how these became
meaningful to a person or group of people. As a phenomenological study, it determines

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the coping mechanism of the said students on their distinct experience about verbal
bullying. This is defined by They are selected using snow ball method. Patton (2001) defined
this sampling as referral sampling wherein it uses a small pool of initial informants to
nominate other participants of the study.

Did you notice how terms give justifications? The underlined sentences serve as your scope
and delimitation. They limit down the scope of the study.

On the second
paragraph, you need to
remember that it contains
instrument used, validation
and protocols followed in the
conduct of the study.

Consider the 3rd figure

Now, look at the 4th figure.

The 4th figure answers the

3rd figure. If you are going to
write the information
gathered, the second
paragraph of the scope and
delimitation will be like this

In this qualitative research, the researcher serves as the main instrument of the study
(Pezalla, Pettigrew and Miller-Day, 2012). Another tool is the interview guide. This
unstructured interview guide is a researcher-made instrument based from the objectives of
the study. It is composed of five (5) questions. Objectively, interview questions are formulated
to gather necessary information about the participants’ live experience as well as their coping
mechanism. It is validated by group of experts using validation matrix to identify its
appropriateness of the questions and suitability to the research participants. Prescribed
standard and necessary protocols are religiously complied to ethically follow the norms of
conducting research.

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On the last paragraph, you need to remember that it contains the declaration of data gathering and

Consider the 5th figure

The 6th figure answers the 5th figure.

Now let us write the information on the 6th figure.

In gathering data, individualized and focus group discussion is employed depending on the
preference of the participants. Because of the impossibility of personalized interview, this will
be carried through social media platforms either through Zoom app or Facebook Video
Conferencing. According to Eysenbach (2019), these platforms provided opportunities in
conducting qualitative research. Likewise, because of its mass usage, it provides potential
options for this kind of study. Interviews are recorded and transcribed in verbatim.
Translations into English is accomplished through the help of an expert. Anonymity of
participants is secured likewise with the information they will provide. In analyzing the data,
thematic network analysis is employed. It is explained as a web-like illustrations that
summarizes themes (Stirling, 2001). Particularly, this study seeks to identify the salient

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themes through coding. This is to facilitated structuring and depiction of the themes into an
emerging main theme.
Let us put together what we have created. However, I’ll be using future tense for you to have pattern for
your thesis proposal.

Lived Experience PWD Grade 11 Students

about Verbal Bullying in a Province.
This qualitative research aims to explores on the lived-experiences of the PWD
grade 11 students about bullying. According to Mcleod (2019) this kind of research
deals with the description and interpretation of a phenomena based from how these
became meaningful to a person or group of people. This research will consider all
senior high schools students of a province during the school year 2020-2021. They
will be selected using snow ball method.

In this qualitative research, the researcher will serve as the main instrument
of the study (Pezalla, Pettigrew and Miller-Day, 2012). Another tool will be the
interview guide. This unstructured interview guide is a researcher-made instrument
based from the objectives of the study. It is composed of five (5) questions.
Objectively, interview questions are formulated to gather necessary information about
the participants’ live experience as well as their coping mechanism. It is validated by
group of experts using validation matrix to identify its appropriateness of the
questions and suitability to the research participants. In gathering data,
individualized or focus group discussion are employed depending on the preference of
the participants. Because of the impossibility of personalized interview, this will be
carried through social media platforms either through Zoom app or Facebook Video

GROUP TASK: Writing the Scope and Delimitation

Directions: Write a three (3) paragraph scope and delimitation having 4 sentences each using
the information inside the boxes. Do not answer this on your own. This will be done by group. Wait
for your teacher to assign you to a group.
1st Paragraph
qualitative research case study
Laoang S.Y. 2020-2021
working students study habits
COVID 19 pandemic criterion sampling
2nd Paragraph
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interview guide researcher-made instrument
5 questions consent and assent
3rd Paragraph
focus group discussion Facebook Video Conferencing
thematic network analysis unanimity of the participants

Criteria 5 4 3 2 1
The The
The The
composition composition
composition is composition
is substantially is partially The
completely is somehow
organized organized composition
Content organized
using 10 to
using 1 to 4 contains no
using all the using 5 to 9 of
15 of the of the information
information the information
information information
listed. listed.
listed. listed.
The The
The The The
composition composition
composition composition composition
does not have has more
Grammar any
has 1 to 3 has 4 to 5 has 6 to 7
than 8
grammatical grammatical grammatical
grammatical grammatical
errors. errors. errors.
error. errors.

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