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Evaluation of impact of posterior phakic

IOL implantation on biometry and
effectiveness of concomitant use of anterior
segment OCT on IOL power calculation for
cataract surgery
Masayuki Ouchi, MD, PhD

Purpose: To evaluate the effects of phakic intraocular lens (pIOL) crystalline lens surface was misidentified in 75% of eyes, and in these
implantation on the intraocular lens (IOL) power calculation and subse- eyes, the ACD difference between pre-pIOL and post-pIOL im-
quently to evaluate the effectiveness of concomitant use of anterior segment plantation exceeded that with both PCI and AS-OCT. The estimated
optical coherence tomography (AS-OCT) against biometric changes. IOL power was significantly lower at post-pIOL implantation ac-
cording to the H and B formulas (both P < .001) but remained
Setting: Masayuki Ouchi Eye Clinic, Kyoto, Japan. unchanged by the S formula. However, no difference was observed
when AS-OCT–derived ACD and lens thickness (LT) values were
Design: Prospective consecutive case series.
introduced in the H (P = .16) and B (P = .55) formulas.
Methods: 100 patients (100 eyes) who underwent pIOL implan-
tation were enrolled. In each eye, biometry was performed using Conclusions: Misidentification of the lens surface occurs in many
partial coherence interferometry (PCI) and AS-OCT. Pre-pIOL and pIOL-implanted eyes with PCI measurements and could influence
post-pIOL implantation IOL power calculation using SRK/T (S), the power calculation with H and B formulas while leaving the S
Haigis (H), and Barret Universal II (B) formulas was compared. formula unaffected. AS-OCT–derived ACD and LT value sub-
stitution is recommended for H and B formulas.
Results: 100 patients (100 eyes) were included. Anterior chamber
depth (ACD) was significantly shorter at post-pIOL implantation for J Cataract Refract Surg 2022; 48:657–662 Copyright © 2021 The Author(s).
both PCI (P < .001) and AS-OCT (P = .05). When using PCI, the Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. on behalf of ASCRS and ESCRS

n addition to laser in situ keratomileusis, another type cataract surgery is expected to increase in the near fu-
of corrective surgery for severe myopia involves the ture.2,3 Although pIOL implantation surgery does not
implantation of a posterior phakic intraocular lens alter corneal morphology, it can potentially change the
(pIOL). With the advent of models with perfusion ports anterior chamber depth (ACD), and the presence of the
in the center of the IOL that improve aqueous humor pIOL itself may further affect the measurements of light
flow, this procedure has become increasingly common and other properties of the anterior chamber.4,5
in these years.1 Furthermore, recently, the number of A previous report describing IOL power calculation after
individuals with a history of refractive surgery who re- pIOL implantation considered only changes based on
quire cataract surgery has increased. Alterations in previous generation partial coherence interferometry
corneal morphology caused by laser in situ keratomi- (PCI), and the impact of change in ACD on IOL power
leusis surgery change the calculations used to determine calculation was unclear, which also needed to be ad-
corneal curvature and postoperative effective lens po- dressed.6 Thus, in this study, we examined the effects of
sition, thereby markedly affecting the calculations of pIOL implantation on the calculation of IOL power for
intraocular lens (IOL) power. cataract surgery using PCI and subsequently evaluated the
Furthermore, the number of patients who have un- effectiveness of concomitant use of anterior segment optical
dergone pIOL refractive surgery and subsequently require coherence tomography (AS-OCT).

Submitted: May 23, 2021 | Final revision submitted: August 4, 2021 | Accepted: August 25, 2021
Masayuki Ouchi Eye Clinic, Minami-ku, Kyoto, Japan.
Corresponding author: Masayuki Ouchi, MD, PhD, Masayuki Ouchi Eye Clinic, 9-1 Nishikujo Ohkuni-cho, Minami-ku, Kyoto 601-8449, Japan.

Copyright © 2021 The Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. on behalf of ASCRS and ESCRS 0886-3350/$ - see frontmatter
Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.

METHODS IOL power necessary to set estimated postoperative refraction to

Subjects emmetropia, using the same machine. The formulas were the
This study was performed in accordance with tenets of the SRK/T formula (S formula), the Haigis formula (H formula), and
Declaration of Helsinki. After being approved by the Masayuki the Barret Universal II TK formula (B formula). PCI measure-
Ouchi Eye Clinic Ethics Committee, it was registered in the UMIN ments were performed at least 6 times automatically, and the
clinical trial registry system (UMIN000038359). Informed consent measurement values were produced after reproducibility was
was obtained from all included cases. confirmed. The constants used in the various calculation formulas
The subjects were 100 right eyes from 100 individuals who un- were taken from values published by the User Group for Laser
derwent pIOL (EVO + Visian ICL, Staar Surgical Corp.) implantation Interference Biometry. These values were as follows: 119.1 (S
for myopia or myopic astigmatism and who completed all the formula); a0: 1.268, a1: 0.342, a2: 0.233 (H formula); and LF:
scheduled follow-up visits at the Masayuki Ouchi Eye Clinic between 1.94, DF 5.0 (B formula).
January 2020 and April 2021, with all procedures performed by the Size of the pIOL was determined using the K-S and N-K
same surgeon. Cases in which the ACD was < 2.8 mm or in which formulas given in the pIOL sizing mode of the AS-OCT machine.
ophthalmological illnesses other than refractive abnormalities were Data from subjective visual acuity tests were used as input data for
present were excluded. Subjects consisted of 36 men and 64 women, determining spherical/cylindrical power and the targeted insertion
with a mean age of 31.1 ± 8.6 years (21 to 57 years). These subjects axis for the toric model.
were included in a prospective trial.
Statistical Analysis
Measurements All measurements are expressed as mean ± standard deviation.
The following parameters were compared before and 1 month The R statistical software package (R Development Core Team)
after insertion of the pIOL: estimated power of the inserted IOLs was used for all statistical analyses (
(aimed at emmetropia); the ACD and lens thickness (LT), After creating Bland-Altman plots, preoperative and post-
measured using PCI (IOL Master 700, Zeiss Corp.) and AS-OCT operative ACD and LT measurements were tested for fixed error
(CASIA2, TOMEY Corp.). The misidentification rate, that is, the using the one-sample t test. Repeated measures analysis of vari-
percentage of cases in which the anterior surface of the pIOL was ance was used to compare the preoperative and postoperative IOL
misidentified during PCI as the anterior surface of the IOL, was powers obtained using each of the calculation formulas, following
also noted, and the ACD and LT was measured in such cases. verification of normal data distribution with the Shapiro-Wilk
ACD measurements using PCI have been reported to increase test. The threshold of statistical significance was set at 5%.
significantly when the pupil is dilated; thus, all measurements were
performed with the pupil undilated.7 When PCI measurements RESULTS
taken after pIOL implantation were captured such that the seg- Refraction, Visual Acuity, and Complications
mentation line on the postoperative anterior segment image (which As an intraoperative complication, in 1 eye, the haptic of
indicates the anterior surface of the crystalline lens) was properly
drawn on the anterior surface of the IOL, the measurement was the pIOL was broken during insertion; the IOL was ex-
labeled “no misidentification present” (Figure 1, A). However, when tracted, and the operation was performed once again at a
the segmentation line was drawn on the anterior surface of the pIOL later date. Adjustment of the toric axis (with 15 degrees)
(or anywhere other than on the anterior surface of the IOL), the after surgery was required for 1 eye. The intraocular
measurement was considered as “misidentified” (Figure 1, B). pressure did not exceed 21 mm Hg in any of the cases at
Furthermore, postoperative ACD and LT measurements using
AS-OCT were manually corrected for misidentification of the 1 month postoperatively.
anterior surface of the crystalline lens using the semiautomatic Table 1 shows preoperative and postoperative visual acuity
trace function preloaded onto the machine so that all the ACD and refraction data. In all cases, postoperative visual acuity
values measured using AS-OCT coincide with the distance be- was improved, and postoperative spherical/cylindrical power
tween corneal epithelium and crystalline lens surface. Visual was smaller than the preoperative values both subjectively
acuity, subjective and objective refraction, axial length, and cor-
neal radius of curvature were measured as well. and objectively. There was no difference in corrected visual
Visual acuity was measured using a space-saving chart (SSC- acuity.
370, Nidec Corp.). Objective refraction was measured using an
autorefractometer (ARK1, Nidec Corp.). After obtaining objective Biometry
refractions using the autorefractometer, the results were refer- In 75 of 100 eyes (75%), postoperative PCI measurements
enced as a starting point for a full manifest refraction. PCI was
used to measure axial length and corneal radius of curvature. misidentified the anterior surface of the pIOL as the an-
To calculate IOL power, the target IOL was set as the SN60WF terior surface of the crystalline lens, placing the segmen-
model (Alcon Corp.) and three formulas were used to calculate the tation line there.

Figure 1. Identification of the anterior

surface of the crystalline lens using partial
coherence interferometry following pos-
terior pIOL implantation. (A) No mis-
identification: The third segmentation line
from the left (arrow) correctly identifies
the anterior surface of the lens. (B) Mis-
identification: The segmentation line has
misidentified the anterior surface of the
pIOL as the anterior surface of the
crystalline lens. pIOL = phakic IOL

Volume 48 Issue 6 June 2022


Table 1. Preoperative and Postoperative Acuity and Refraction.

pIOL UDVA CDVA Subjective Subjective Subjective Objective Objective Objective IOP
implantation (logMAR) (logMAR) spherical (D) cylindrical (D) SE (D) spherical (D) cylindrical (D) SE (D) (mm Hg)

Pre 1.36 ± 0.35 0.10 ± 0.11 6.98 ± 2.96 0.88 ± 1.03 7.41 ± 3.06 6.85 ± 3.27 1.16 ± 1.15 7.65 ± 3.14 14.5 ± 2.6
Post 0.11 ± 0.16 0.11 ± 0.05 0.04 ± 0.19 0.15 ± 0.30 0.11 ± 0.23 0.10 ± 0.44 0.58 ± 0.35 0.36 ± 0.42 13.6 ± 2.6

Post = postoperative; Pre = preoperative; SE = spherical equivalent refraction

Figure 2 depicts Bland-Altman plots for preoperative and preoperative and postoperative values calculated using the
postoperative ACD and LT measurements collected using S formula (P = .29), but when using the H formula and B
PCI and AS-OCT. ACD measurements collected using PCI formula, postoperative values were significantly smaller than
exhibited a positively skewed distribution (Figure 2, A), and preoperative values (both P < .001), although no difference
a fixed error was observed (P < .001). LT values were was seen in comparison with non-misidentified cases be-
skewed negatively (Figure 2, C), and a fixed error was also tween preoperatively and postoperatively, both in the
observed (P < .001). However, in comparison, AS-OCT H formula (10.40 ± 3.43 and 10.38 ± 3.25; P = .80) and in the
measurements exhibited only a small amount of variance in B formula (10.20 ± 3.20 and 10.13 ± 3.05; P = .53). However,
both ACD and LT (Figure 2, B and D). after recalculating postoperative values by substituting
Table 2 lists preoperative and postoperative biometry AS-OCT–measured ACD and LT values in misidentified
values. Axial length and the mean of the steepest/flattest cases, no significant difference with preoperative values was
meridian power remained unchanged between preoperative observed (P = .16, P = .55, respectively).
and postoperative measurements. However, significant dif-
ferences were seen between ACD and LT values measured DISCUSSION
preoperatively and postoperatively by means of PCI (both P < Using three main IOL power calculation formulas, we
.001). When categorized by the presence or absence of demonstrated the effects of previous pIOL surgery on the
misidentification, a preoperative to postoperative difference of calculation of IOL power for cataract surgery. Although
0.07 mm was observed for cases with no misidentification; values calculated using the S formula did not change from
however, in cases where misidentification occurred, the mean preoperatively to postoperatively, significantly lower IOL
preoperative to postoperative difference was 0.5 mm or more power was calculated postoperatively when the H and B
in ACD. Thus, a large difference was observed. By contrast, LT formulas were used after pIOL implantation. However,
was measured as longer in cases with misidentification than in when PCI was used for biometry, in 75% of cases, mea-
those without misidentification. Finally, in AS-OCT mea- surements taken after pIOL implantation were unable to
surements, measured ACD was significantly shorter post- identify the anterior surface of the crystalline lens correctly.
operatively (P = .05), but this difference was smaller than that In these cases, when ACD and LT values measured with
seen with PCI. Moreover, no difference was observed in LT. AS-OCT were substituted and recalculations performed, no
difference was observed in preoperative and postoperative
Calculation of IOL Power IOL powers when using either the H or B formula.
Table 3 lists preoperative and postoperative results for When calculating IOL power, biometry, including
IOL power calculations. No difference was observed in measurement of axial length, is exceedingly important.

Figure 2. Bland-Altman plots for

ACD and LT before and after pIOL
insertion. (A) ACD values mea-
sured using PCI, (B) ACD values
measured using AS-OCT, (C) LT
values measured using PCI, and
(D) LT values measured using AS-
OCT. Solid line: mean value of the
difference between the measured
values. Dashed line: upper and
lower bounds of the 95% CI. ACD
= anterior chamber depth; LT =
lens thickness; PCI = partial co-
herence interferometry; pIOL =
phakic IOL

Volume 48 Issue 6 June 2022


Table 2. Results of Biometry Before and After Implantation of Posterior Phakic IOL.
Biometry Preoperative Postoperative P valuea
Axial length (mm) 26.57 ± 1.27 26.58 ± 1.24 .79
Corneal power (D) 43.61 ± 2.13 43.52 ± 3.88 .43
ACD (mm)
PCI (all cases, n = 100) 3.72 ± 0.30 3.23 ± 0.34 <.001
PCI (no misidentification, n = 25) 3.79 ± 0.30 3.72 ± 0.35 .06
PCI (misidentification, n = 75) 3.71 ± 0.30 3.20 ± 0.34
AS-OCT 3.84 ± 0.28 3.79 ± 0.25 .05
LT (mm)
PCI (all cases, n = 100) 3.70 ± 0.33 4.19 ± 0.38 <.001
PCI (no misidentification, n = 25) 3.88 ± 0.30 3.83 ± 0.27
PCI (misidentification, n = 75) 3.84 ± 0.28 3.87 ± 0.23
AS-OCT 3.71 ± 0.30 3.77 ± 0.31 .08
ACD = anterior chamber depth; LT = lens thickness; misidentification = cases in which the segmentation line indicating the anterior surface of the lens was
mistakenly placed on the anterior surface of the posterior phakic IOL during postoperative measurement; PCI = partial coherence interferometry
One-sample t test

Previous comparisons of axial length measurements taken and after pIOL implantation, all these defined post-
before and after pIOL implantation did not report any operative ACD as the distance from the corneal endo-
significant changes.8,9 Similarly, in our study, the difference thelium to the anterior surface of the pIOL, which is
between pre-pIOL and post-pIOL implantation axial length different from the definition used in this report.4,5,12 On the
was only 0.01 mm, and was not statistically significant. The other hand, in an existing report that used an older PCI
mean axial length of the cases targeted in this study was model (IOL Master 500), postoperative measurements were
26.57 mm, a rather large value; this may have further reported to have decreased by 0.27 mm.6 However, the IOL
minimized the effects of changes in this value on calcu- Master 500 takes measurements using the lateral slit illu-
lations of IOL power. However, vitreous liquefaction and mination method. Not only does this method result in
posterior vitreous detachment are believed to occur early in intersubject reproducibility issues, but it is also quite likely
eyes with severe myopia, and particularly, in eyes with long that this approach frequently misidentified the anterior
axial length. These factors are believed to lead to changes in pIOL surface as the anterior lens surface. By contrast, in the
refraction in large volume areas of the eye and thereby PCI used in this study (IOL Master 700), anterior depth
potentially affect the measurements of optical path measurements were also based on optical coherence to-
length.10 However, here, we compared preoperative and mography images, and the ACD on the visual axis was
early postoperative data (1 month postoperatively) and measured with good reproducibility. It seemed that, in 75%
considered that it was not necessary to take these other of cases, the anterior surface of the pIOL was mistaken for
factors into account. Furthermore, corneal power, another the anterior surface of the IOL. ACDs measured using PCI
important factor when calculating IOL power, is affected by differed by approximately 0.5 mm, which was larger than
variables such as tearing during measurement, but in this that previously reported. LT measurements were also
study population, the preoperative and postoperative dif- greatly affected. Under these circumstances, it is clear that
ference in corneal power was less than 0.1 diopters (D).11 IOL powers calculated using the H formula (which is based
On the one hand, there were issues with ACD mea- on axial length and ACD) and the B formula (whose
surement, and significant differences were observed in the specific equation has not been publicized, but which also
values measured preoperatively and postoperatively. Al- incorporates axial length and ACD) would be different. In
though there have been several reports that used anterior the aforementioned report in which the IOL Master 500
segment analysis devices to explore changes in ACD before was used, although ACD measurements reduced by

Table 3. Estimated Lens Powers Before and After Implantation of Posterior Phakic IOL (Estimated Values Aiming for
Emmetropia With SN60WF as the Target Lens).
Formula Preoperative Postoperative P valuea substitution P valuea
SRK/T formula (D) 11.70 ± 3.53 11.61 ± 3.51 .29 11.61 ± 3.51 .29
Haigis formula (D) 12.05 ± 3.60 11.75 ± 3.53 <.001 12.02 ± 3.60 .16
Barret formula (D) 11.78 ± 3.43 11.57 ± 3.37 <.001 11.80 ± 3.43 .55

Barret formula: Barret universal II TK formula. Postoperative substitution: In cases where partial coherence interferometry could not place the segmentation line
correctly on the anterior surface of the lens, the anterior chamber depth and lens thickness, measured using AS-OCT, were substituted, and the values were
Repeated measures analysis of variance (Bonferroni adjustment)

Volume 48 Issue 6 June 2022


0.27 mm after pIOL insertion, no difference was observed PCI has correctly identified the anterior surface of the
in powers calculated using any of the formulas, including crystalline lens. If a misidentification has occurred, AS-
the H or B formulas, for reasons that are not immediately OCT or another form of measurement must be used to
clear.6 make correct ACD and LT measurements, and these values
Thus, in this study, after using AS-OCT to trace the can then be substituted back into the formula to obtain a
location of the measured value onto the surface of the result approximating that which would have been calcu-
crystalline lens, we remeasured ACD and LT values. lated with measurements taken in the absence of the pIOL.
However, despite this correction, postinsertion ACD and In the future, the aforementioned explorations of measured
LT values were 0.05 mm shorter and 0.06 mm longer, values for ACD in pIOL-implanted eyes are necessary to
respectively; we believe these discrepancies to have been gain further insight into the factors at play in this situation.
caused by manual error introduced during the tracing
process. Nevertheless, these differences were significantly
smaller than those engendered by PCI measurement. We
found that this process could be used to assist in the cal-  Phakic IOL (pIOL) implantation surgery does not alter the axial
culation of IOL power. Ultimately, on substituting these length but could potentially change the measured value of the
corrected values into the H and B formulas in cases where anterior chamber depth (ACD).
misidentification had occurred, differences in powers cal-  IOL power calculation using the third or fourth generation formula
culated before and after pIOL insertion disappeared. has shown excellent accuracy even in pIOL-implanted eyes.
The excellent accuracy of the B formula, which is gen-  The impact of change of ACD on IOL power calculation
erally classified as a fourth generation IOL power calcu- following pIOL implantation, using partial coherence in-
terferometry (PCI), has not been assessed.
lation formula, has been reported previously.13 The H
formula has also been reported to be as highly accurate as WHAT THIS PAPER ADDS
the B formula, in eyes with axial length > 26.0 mm.14  PCI measurement misidentifies the lens surface in 75% of
However, as seen in this study, when used in individuals pIOL-implanted eyes.
with implanted pIOLs, there are certain conditions in  The estimated IOL power was significantly lower at post-pIOL
which both the H and B formulas are affected. On the other implantation according to the H and B formulas (both P < .001),
whereas the S formula was not affected.
hand, the S formula uses only axial length and corneal
power for calculations; neither of these parameters changed
with pIOL insertion. Furthermore, even if the H and B
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Disclosures: None reported. without permission from the journal.

Volume 48 Issue 6 June 2022

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