Portfolio Adv5

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Alexandra Fiorella Bonilla Pinedo

Jonathan Wagner


09:15 - 10:30 pm

Writting # 1:
A stranger freindship beginning
One of the most meaningful friendships I´ve ever had is the one with my friend Fiorella. We
became Friends by going (GERUND AS OBJECT OF A PREPOSITION) to the same park
during a trip many years ago.

When I was a teenager, it was difficult for me making (OBJECT COMPLEMENTS) new
Friends. Not talking (GERUND AS A SUBJECT) with strangers was the best option for me.
I was really shy and shameful.

When I was 12, my family and I travelled to Yurimaguas for vacation. I didn´t want to go but
my mother insisted on forcing (GERUND AS OBJECT OF A PREPOSITION) me to go
with them. The trip was very, very long. It was by bus and lasted 2 days. As soon as we arrive,
I decided to take a breath sitting down on a bench at a park.

As soon as I sit down, I noticed a girl looking at me. She was Fiorella. Being whatched
(PASSIVE GERUND) by her was really scary. At one point she approached me and said:
“Hello Carla! It´s good to see you again!” ….. “I´m not Carla, I don´t know you! You´re
confused.” She insisted for a while that I was Carla, she’s Kindergarten friend. I was
uncomfortable about Fiorella´s thinking (POSSESSIVE + GERUND).

I spent some time trying (GERUND AS OBJECT COMPLEMENT) to demonstrate I wasn´t

her friend, then we started to talk about ourselves and at the end I did become her friend. It
was so funny. Making new friends (GERUND AS SUBJECTS) was not so difficult at all but
sometimes strange.

Years have passed. Now, I realize that having met (PAST GERUND) her was one of my best
experiences. Now she lives in Lima. We both love running (GERUND AS OBJECT) and that
is the reason we meet 4 times a week. Our passion is running (GERUND AS SUBJECT
COMPLEMENT) and spend time together.
Gerund as Object of a preposition

Gerund as Object complements

Gerund as a Subject

Passive gerunds

Possessive + Gerund

Past Gerund

Gerund as object

Gerund as subject complement

Writting # 2:
My study habits
For my learning I usually use different types of study habits. Sometimes they are helpful and
sometimes I think they can be improved.

I have a limited amount of time (AMOUNT+ NON-COUNT) to study. I have only a few (THE
POSITIVE SENSE DISAPPEARS) hours, between 1 or 2 to read my book or to do a homework
every day. (SINGULAR COUNT NOUN) I have to children so I have to do a great deal of
(LARGE AMOUNTS) effort to get time for my studies. I think going them earlier to their beds
make me have more (AMOUNT+ NON-COUNT) time to study.

Any (MEANING SIMILAR TO EVERY) locale where I can find silence and calm to study is
another habit that I have. Many of the students (SPECIFYING PARTICULAR PERSONS) I
have studied with, work well in noisy places but I can´t.

Take fewer opportunities to review the classes is one of the reasonable suggestions I can give to
students. Most of the information (SPECIFYING PARTICULAR THINGS) we heard and
written is useful to make us to remember the previous topic and to be prepared for an examen.
We don’t need to spend a lot of (AMOUNT+ NON-COUNT) time doing this. Going over for a
few (POSITIVE SENSE) minutes daily can really help us to retain information.

Finally, to get more (AMOUNT+ NON-COUNT) sleep is really necessary. Because of I´m a
mother, I have to attend my children´s sport classes in the mornings, I have to work in the
afternoons, do the housework and also to study English, I don’t get to bed until about 2 o 3 a.m. I
get up really early so I´m tired all day and it is sometimes difficult to concentrate me. I don’t
remember many of the things (SPECIFYING PARTICULAR THINGS) I work on. I´m going to
start looking for a time schedule to be more organized during the day and gain time to sleep as
much as possible.
Amount + Non-Count

The positive sense disappears

Singular count noun

Large amounts

Meaning similar to Every

Specifying particular persons

Specifying particular things

Positive Sense

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