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This chapter presents the key studies, theories, and articles related to the library system

to serve as an insight from the previous study that will help in the future study of the

researcher. This will provide guidance and ideas to the researcher.


Mohan et al. (2022) designed the E - Health Centre Maintenance System using PHP with

MySQL and XAMPP Web Server that will replace their existing manual paper-based system. The

new system is to operate the following information: patient information, employee

information, accounts, inventory, medical reports, laboratory reports, and employee payrolls.

The system used HTML to structure the web page, CSS to style the website to make it pleasing

to the user, and JavaScript to enable the use of the functions of each button. Also, it used

MySQL to store and manage the data of employees, patients, and inventories; PHP to interact

with the database; and XAMPP to test the website.

Ullah and Iqbal (2022) developed a Secure Login System to enhance the current login

authentication system. It provides solutions for making password-breaking more complex and

convinces users to choose and set hard-to-break passwords. The system used PHP, HTML,

JavaScript, BOOTSTRAP, and MySQL in developing. They used HTML to write code, CSS for

styling the system, and JavaScript to work out the functionalities of each button. PHP is

embedded in HTML to make an interactive and dynamic website, and MySQL is used for storing
and retrieving user data. This system helps the user make their account safely and to avoid

scammers or those trying to steal accounts.

Araya and Mengstab (2020), analyzed the designing Web-Based Library Management

System using parameters e Java Programming language, PHP, HTML, and Database MYSQL. This

system promotes digital reading habits among the users and enhance the understanding the

different aspects of technology. Also, it can create and store unlimited digital information that

can be access globally.

Solomon et al. (2021) examined the design and implementation of a digital library

management system. A Case Study of the Niger Delta University, Bayelsa State, using a

standard procedure recognized worldwide for such purposes, known as “Structured System

Analysis and Design Methodology” (SSADM). This system used the PHP language together with

software development tools like HTML and CSS to create it. This language chose to create the

system to make interactive and user-friendly digital platforms.

Prasanna and Gupta (2020) analyzed online library management using System JAVA

technologies. This system used Windows XP as the operating system and Oracle as the

database. It is designed to provide knowledge and a point of view on the aspects of managing

libraries and information services. By creating this system, it helps them manage the library to

avoid cost-effectiveness while the user meets the needs of using the system.

P et al. (2020) analyzed in the paper Library Management System using Dot net

technology, the C# language is used to build the front end application. The Library Management
System was developed to replace the traditional library because users find it hard to find books

and the work progress is slow. This system will help the librarian do the task

Ahsan Habib (2021) developed a product review system to decrease harassment and

improve the quality of finding essential products. The system used PHP, BOOTSTRAP, HTML,

CSS, and MySQL. PHP is used to create dynamic web pages; BOOTSTRAP is used for unified code

structure and responsive design; and MySQL is used to store and manage the user's data. This

system will help to organize the product information and enable them to comprehend the

advantages and disadvantages of each product. The user can make a review and comments on

their product to determine whether it is useful for them or if the service is good.


In 2022, Mohan and his team developed an E-Health Center Maintenance System using

PHP, MySQL, and an XAMPP Web Server that will simplify the tasks of employees. The systems

used to develop the system are HTML, CSS, JavaScript, MySQL, and XAMPP. The same year,

Ullah and Iqbal introduced the Security Login System. The software used in creating the system

is HTML, PHP, JavaScript, BOOTSTRAP, and MySQL. The system helps the user secure their

account from scammers and account theft.

In a different study, Araya and Mengstab (2020) analyzed the web-based library

management system using Java programming languages, PHP, HTML, and MySQL. The system

promotes reading habits among the users and enhances their knowledge of technology. In

2021, Solomon et al. examined the Digital Library System using PHP, HTML, and CSS to create

an interactive and user-friendly digital platform. Prasanna and Gupta analyzed the online library
management system. The system uses Java technologies with Windows XP as the operating

system and Oracle as the database, it a cost-effective library. Lastly, P et al. Al (2020) developed

a library management system using DotNet technology and the C# language. This system will

replace the traditional library to make the librarian's task easier and to make it simple for the

students to find the books.

Ahsan Habib developed a product review system using PHP, HTML, CSS, BOOTSTRAP, and

MySQL. This will help to organize the product and know the advantages and disadvantages.

Users can review and comment on the products and services to know what needs to improve or

if the service and product are good.

After reading and researching the systems used by previous systems, we will create a

library system that can be used online and offline. This means that the system we will create

can use an internet connection, and when their internet connection is limited, they can use it

offline. When you have an internet connection, they can search on different educational

platforms, whereas offline, they can only access limited information. The hardware that will be

used to build the system is a router, access point, cable, cellphone, computer, and switch or

hub. In the software is ATOM, which already has HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP; MySQL to

store and manage data; and XAMPP to test the system.

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