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Abigail Juarez

4to B

BBC Culture

2) Read the article. Mark the sentences T of F.

1. People have the wrong idea about food in the UK: True

2. It's easy to find an Indian restaurant in the UK: True

3. American food is not very varied: False

4. A lot of people eat sushi for their evening meal: False

5. Zaza Bazaar doesn't serve Indian food: False

3) According to the article, why is each food particularly popular?

Match types of food 1-3 with adjectives a-c

・American - practical

・Japanese - familiar

・Indian - tasty

4) Watch part 1 of the video and answer the questions.

1. Who are Anjum and Lynn?

Anjum is a food writer and a chef, and Lynn is a chef who works
in a hospital.

2. What type of food are they cooking?

They are cooking indian food.

5) Watch again. Choose the correct option.

1. Kerala is in northern / southern India.

2. Anjum and Lynn go to the market to raise money for charity /

help the community.

3. Keralan food is heavy and spicy / light and healthy.

4. It's easy / difficult to find the ingredients for Keralan dishes in


6) Tick the three dishes that Anjum and Lynn are going to make.

1. Coconut curry with pepper.

2. Coconut chicken with ginger. ✓

3. Spicy salmon wraps. ✓

4. Rice and salmon wraps.

5. Rice noodles. ✓

6. Vegetable noodles.
7) Which of the three dishes would you like to try? Why?

I'd like to try rice noodles and vegetable noodles, because I love
all the types of noodles.

8) Watch part 2 of the video. Answer the questions.

1. Does Anjum like Lynn's cooking?

Yes, she really likes Lynn's cooking.

2. How many people visit Liverpool's farmers market?

More than five thousand people visit Liverpool's farmers market.

3. Do the people at the market buy Lynn's food immediately?

At first, people are not sure, but then things change and the people
love the food.

4. Do they sell all the food?

Yes, all the food was sold.

9) Have you ever cooked for a lot of people? Or have you ever
helped out in the kitchen? What did you do?

No, I haven't cooked for a lot of people. Yes, I have helped my

mom in the kitchen, cooking cakes or pizzas.

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