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Julie Osterman


Molly conger ( born 1990 or 1991 ) is an American left-wing activist and journalist based in
Charlottesville , Virginia .After the Unite the rightfulness mass meeting in 2017 , Conger
stopped working in task management , and started researching the far-right .She documents
Charlottesville news and briefly worked as a columnist at a topical anesthetic
newsprint .She identified Teddy Joseph Von Nukem as a culprit in an assault during the rally
and was first to stop intelligence of his Death in 2023 .== career and activism == conger eel
is an antifascist researcher and militant .She started live-tweeting government get together
in Charlottesville in 2017 , after the Unite the rightfield rally .She identified shimmy Joseph
Von Nukem as a participant in an assault of a counter-protester at the exchange .She was
also the first someone to damp the news of Von Nukem 's demise on February 14 , 2023.In
2017 , Conger was hired by a local anesthetic weekly newspaper to write political columns ,
her declaration was cancelled in Feb 2019 , after writing only six column .In 2017 , conger
eel began researching the far-right and doxing notable members .She uses manipulate social
media visibility to infiltrate online far-right communities .She is part of Deplatform Hate , a
collective of online activists who disrupt the on-line activities of far-right groups.In 2021 ,
she identified a Prince William County , Virginia police officer and Proud boy fellow member
whose social culture medium invoice advocated for fierceness against Supreme motor inn
Chief Justice John Roberts as Aaron Hoffman .Hoffman 's usage was terminated , and he
claimed his social media news report were hacked .In 2021 , she attended the January 6
United States Capitol attack to document the events.Prior to her activism , conger eel
worked as a labor manager at an educational software caller .conger 's body of work is
funded by donation .== Personal liveliness == Conger was aged 30 in 2021 .

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