Project Reflection - Student Sample

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‭Project Reflection‬

‭Essential Questions:‬
‭●‬ ‭Is humankind inherently good or evil?‬
‭●‬ ‭Have the forces of good and evil changed over time and if so, how?‬
‭●‬ ‭How do the ideas of good and evil show up in our society today?‬
‭●‬ ‭How does the media shape our view of the world and ourselves? (good and evil)‬
‭●‬ ‭How do different cultures shape the definitions of good and evil?‬

‭ ssential question choice:‬‭We basically touched based on all the questions (except culture, we didnt‬‭really‬
‭talk a lot about culture.)‬

‭Project Choice: Podcast‬‭(with Ashley, Danae)‬

‭ lease write a‬‭paragraph‬‭about your project and include the following elements. This should be a minimum of 10‬
‭1.‬ ‭Explain why you chose the‬‭project,‬‭and what it aimed to do.‬‭.‬
‭2.‬ ‭What you enjoyed: (write about what you liked most about the project)‬
‭3.‬ ‭What you found difficult: (write about any part of the project you found hard to do.)‬
‭4.‬ ‭Explain what was achieved and evaluate how effective it was. Did you answer the essential question in‬
‭some way?‬
‭5.‬ ‭Reflect on your own learning: What has this project helped you to think about in a big picture sense about‬
‭the world, our society, and/or your own life and community?‬

‭ or this unit’s project, I decided to do a podcast based on the discussion of good and evil with‬
‭Ashley and Danae‬‭. The reason as to why I decided it was best to do a podcast with them is‬
‭because when you’re talking about good and evil, there is so much that goes into that type of‬
‭discussion. Overall I believe there is no wrong answer to these questions about good and evil, but‬
‭it deepely got us thinking about how good and evil has impacted our society. Not only that, but it‬
‭also reflected religion, social media, etc. The one thing I really enjoyed about creating this podcast‬
‭is how our conversations were never ending. By that I mean I enjoyed how much we connected‬
‭with the questions we were given and how much we were able to relate it to our current society. I‬
‭feel like this was definitely an important and interesting topic to really think and talk about because‬
‭it gets you to dive deeper into different topics and you tend to realize that you can really connect to‬
‭it more than you already know. I genuinely didn’t find anything difficult with this project in general‬
‭only because we’ve talked a lot about good and evil in class and with our partners so I already had‬
‭so many thoughts about good and evil. I believe we achieved this by answering almost all the‬
‭questions given. Not only that, but we were able to connect most of the questions because of how‬
‭ uch they related to each other. The 2 main questions we were able to connect well were how‬
‭good and evil has impacted our society and how that overall has influenced human kind. The‬
‭reason we were able to connect these two questions so well is because they genuinely have‬
‭deeper meanings, and with all of our ideas that were shared, we noticed how well the innfluencing‬
‭of humankind is the overall reason as to how much good and evil impacts our society. Overall, this‬
‭project really opened my eyes and made me realize how different our society thinks and how they‬
‭genuinely believe there's a right and wrong to good and evil when I believe that there is not a right‬
‭or wrong to this topic.‬

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