Internship Report

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Surname: SACKEY

Other Names: GRACE

Index Number: 10299532

Level: 200

Programme of Study: DIPLOMA IN MARKETING

Session: WEEKEND

Report Submission Date: 22nd SEPTEMBER,2023






1.0 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 1

2.0 CAREER AMBITIONS...................................................................................................... 2.1

Career Ambition Defined ................................................................................................. ………..

2.2My Career Profession is to Become Business Analyst ................................................... ……...

3.0 SOFT SKILLS ........................................................................................................................

3.1 What Are Soft Skills? ..............................................................................................................

3.2 Relevance of Soft Skills ....................................................................................................... …

3.3 Soft Skills Relevant to a Career in Accounting..................................................................... 1


5.0 CHALLENGES ENCOUNTERED ..................................................................................... 1

6.0 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................ 1

REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................... 1

APPENDIX .................................................................................................................................... 1

An internship is a temporary work experience opportunity provided by

organizations to give students or graduates hands-on exposure to a specific
industry or field of study. The purpose of an internship is to provide practical
training, knowledge, and skills that complement the theoretical education
individuals receive in the classroom.

Internships are crucial for gaining practical work experience as they offer an
opportunity to apply academic knowledge in a real-world setting. They allow
individuals to understand the professional dynamics of a specific field, develop
transferable skills, and make informed decisions about their career path.
Internships also provide a chance to build a professional network, gain
references or recommendations, and enhance future employment opportunities.
Career ambition is the desired professional goals and aspirations that individuals
have in a particular field. It involves having a clear vision of what one wants to
achieve in their career, such as reaching a specific position, working for a
particular organization, or making a significant impact in a certain industry.
Career ambitions motivate individuals to set goals and work towards it.
My career profession is to become a marketer were my specific career goal is
within the marketing industry, such as becoming a brand manager or a digital
marketing specialist.

Soft skills apply to a persons attributes, behaviors, and qualities that enable the
individual to effectively interact, communicate, and work with others.
Soft skills are highly relevant in today's professional landscape for several
reasons. Firstly, as automation and technology continue to advance, many
technical job functions are becoming automated. This makes soft skills
increasingly important for individuals to differentiate themselves and thrive in
the workplace. Secondly, soft skills play a significant role in building positive
relationships, collaborating with team members, and managing conflicts. These
interpersonal skills are essential for fostering a productive work environment
and promoting teamwork. Lastly, soft skills are crucial in networking,
communication, and influencing others, which are essential for career
advancement and professional success.

In the field of marketing, several soft skills are particularly relevant.

Firstly ,Communication: Effective communication skills are essential in
marketing roles. This includes the ability to communicate ideas clearly, both
verbally and in writing, and to tailor messages to specific target audiences.
Secondly, Creativity: Marketing requires the ability to think outside the box and
come up with innovative ideas. Creativity helps in developing unique marketing
campaigns, brainstorming new strategies, and creating engaging content. Also
Analytical skills: Marketing professionals need to analyze data and metrics to
measure the success of their campaigns and make data-driven decisions. Strong
analytical skills enable professionals to interpret market trends, identify
opportunities, and optimize marketing strategies.
And , Collaboration: Marketing is often a team effort, involving collaboration
with various departments like sales, design, and product development. The
ability to work well with others, listen to different perspectives, and contribute
as part of a team is crucial for success in this field.

Lessons learned from the internship stimulation workshop includes:

Importance of networking, The workshop emphasized the significance of
building professional connections during internships. Networking helps in
creating long-lasting relationships and gaining new opportunities in the future.

Secondly, Communication skills, Effective communication was highlighted as a

crucial skill to develop during internships. Clear and concise communication
helps in conveying ideas and tasks more efficiently.
Also, Time management, Managing time efficiently is essential for success
during internships. The workshop provided strategies to prioritize tasks, meet
deadlines, and balance multiple responsibilities effectively.

And also Professionalism, Maintaining a professional attitude and appearance

is crucial in internships. The workshop provided guidelines on professional
behavior, including punctuality, respect, and maintaining confidentiality.

The challenges encountered during the workshop was a lack of prior

experience in certain areas.
one of the main challenges we faced was technical issues with the audiovisual
equipment. There were difficulties with the projector not displaying properly
and the speakers not working consistently. This hindered the smooth flow of the
presentations and caused frustration among the participants.

Despite the technical challenges, the workshop was overall successful in
achieving its objectives. The participants actively engaged in the discussions
and shared valuable insights and experiences. The interactive activities and
group exercises helped to foster collaboration and learning.

To ensure a smoother workshop experience in the future, the following
recommendations are suggested:

1. Technical Support: Prior to the workshop, ensure that technical support is

available on-site to promptly address any issues with the audiovisual equipment.
This can help minimize disruptions and delays during the sessions.

2. Testing and Preparation: Conduct thorough testing of all audiovisual

equipment before the workshop begins. This includes checking the projector,
screen, speakers, microphones, and any other necessary equipment to ensure

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