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English IV

(AC-S18) Week 18 - Final Assignment: An interview

(Part 2)


Brad K. Cajahuanca Cruz Katia A. Marticorena

Code U21310736 Marticorena
Code U21307867
(AC-S18) Week 18 - Final Assignment: An interview (Part 2)

Step 1:

Think about questions and answers related to the following topics:

 Studies
 Outstanding personal experiences
 Future goals
 A healthy lifestyle

Step 2:

Create a conversation using the best ideas from step 1.

Step 3:

 The conversation should have this structure:

o Introduction: The interviewer greets the interviewees and vice versa.
o Body of the dialog: Talk about the 4 topics.
o Closing: The interviewer says goodbye to the interviewees.
 Make sure of the following:
o Each student must participate at least 6 times.
o The interviewer must ask at least 6 questions.
 At the end of the conversation, the interviewer must ask “Do you have
any questions for me?”
o Each interviewee must ask at least 2 questions to the interviewer.

Katia: Good morning, Brad. Thank you for coming today. I'm interested in learning more
about your studies and aspirations.
Brad: Good morning. I appreciate the opportunity to have an interview with you.

Body of the Dialog:

Katia: Let's begin with your studies. What motivated you to choose architecture as your
Brad: I've always been excited by the idea of creating spaces that combine functionality with
innovative design. Architecture felt like the perfect blend of art and science for me.
Katia: That's cool. Could you share any significant personal experiences or achievements
related to your field?
Brad: Certainly. I completed an internship with a renowned architectural firm where I was
involved in a project. It was an important experience that solidified my passion for designing
eco-friendly structures.
Katia: Impressive. What are your future goals within the field of architecture?
Brad: My goal is to specialize in green architecture, focusing on developing designs that help
the environment. I aim to contribute positively to creating more eco-conscious spaces.
Katia: Admirable aspirations. How do you maintain a healthy balance while you study?
Brad: I make sure to allocate time for activities like cycling and painting. Engaging in these
hobbies helps me stay refreshed and creative.

Katia: It's been interesting to hear about your journey and aspirations, Brad. Do you have
any questions for me?
Brad: Yes, I'm curious about the opportunities for professional growth within your
Katia: We offer various training programs and mentorship opportunities to support career
advancement. Is there anything else you'd like to know?
Brad: No, that will be all.
Katia: Thank you for sharing your experiences, Brad. Your passion for architecture and
sustainability is truly commendable. I wish you all the best in your future.
Brad: Thank you for the conversation and your time.

We wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, teacher.

We hope you will be with your family and friends.

Thank you for your teachings.

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