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Two Pennsylvania Plaza, New York, N. Y. 10001

Performance Characteristics of
the General Motors
Bearing Material

J. C. Blerlein, A. 0 . DeHart, and R. C. Rosenberg

General Motors Research Laboratories

A. W. Rike
Delco Moraine Div., General Motors Corp.


International Automotive Engineering Congress

Detroit, Mich. 690113
January 13-17, 1969
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Performance Characteristics of
the General Motors
Bearing Material

J. C. Bierlein, A. 0. DeHart, and R. C. Rosenberg

General Motors Research Laboratories

A. W. Rike
Delco Moraine Div., General Motors Corp.

MODERN-DAY AUTOMOTIVE SLEEVE BEARINGS do an the other hand, bearings of SAE 781 + 19 and the same m a -
amazing job! They will carry large loads in a trouble- terial with special strengthening treatment are designed for
free manner for a long t i m e . They can absorb the punish- heavy -duty use. These heavy duty bearings, which are an alu -
ment of dirty oil, poor quality journals, edge loading, and minum alloy with a thin babbitt-like material electroplated
a host of similar evils that can cause nightmares for those onto the steel-backed aluminum surface, were developed
charged with the responsibility for bearing durability. for engines requiring high and very high bearing performance.
Why, then, develop another bearing material? The most An engine manufacturer is then faced with a problem when
obvious need is an economic one. These bearings that will he is selecting bearings for engines with intermediate bear-
do so many fine jobs are more expensive than the bi-metal ing performance requirements. He can choose the SAE 16
type bearing which is typified by babbitt-on-steel. If the bearing and have the possibility of insufficient bearing dur-
line-up of bearings which General Motors manufactures for ability due to overload, or he may choose bearings developed
automobiles are examined on the basis of performance (see for high or very high performance engines. In all probability,
Fig. 1) it becomes immediately obvious that there is a gap if he selects the heavy-duty bearing he will pay a premium
in the performance line. On the one hand, the SAE 16 bear- price. It appears, then, that a bearing of intermediate per-
ing is designed for applications in engines with low-to - formance will be attractive for use in engines with inter-
intermediate bearing performance requirements. It is r e - mediate requirements; particularly, if there are some econ-
markable in its ability to absorb and embed dirt, and it has omies to be made with this selection. The bearing having
excellent score resistance and conformability. However, the qualities to fill this performance gap has come to be
it will not carry as much load as a heavy-duty bearing. On called the "intermediate bearing." There is a need for a

acteristics including fatigue, wear, score, and corrosion r e -
A new aluminum alloy bearing material containing lead-- sistances and embedability are compared to standard SAE
base babbitt is described. This material provides the per- bearing materials on the basis of laboratory tests. Extensive
formance advantages of an overplated babbitt construction engine dynamometer and vehicle field tests are described
without requiring the plating procedure. Performance char- to show the excellent durability of this new material.
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SAE 16 [ V



SAE 781 + 19

■+• ■+■ -H -I- Fig. 1 - Relative performance of bearing

1 2 3 4 5 materials manufactured by General Motors

bearing material with performance approaching that of a Copper-lead base bearing materials, both cast and sin-
heavy-duty bearing, but with some economy over the heavy- tered, have been successfully used by many bearing manu-
duty bearing. facturers for low-to-intermediate and high performance ap-
plications. There is concern though with today's long oil
CHALLENGES OF MATERIAL DEVELOPMENT drain periods because of corrosion of copper-lead bearings.
(2) Tin may be added to lead to prevent corrosion from the
When a program is being organized for developing a new organic acids that may develop in the engine lubricating
bearing material, one is faced rather abruptly with the real oil. However, in the copper-lead bearing system, it is dif-
lack of variety of basic materials from which to start con- ficult to keep the tin associated with the lead because it
struction of the new bearing. This is particularly true for tends to migrate to the copper matrix. If more tin is added
highly loaded engine bearings, where the composite bearing to ensure sufficient corrosion resistance, the matrix material
has become the standard way to support the high cyclical can become so hard that wear often occurs on the soft jour-
loads of automotive engines. And whatever bearing m a - nals typically used in the American automotive industry. (3)
terial is selected, it must be bondable to steel. The com- While copper-lead bearings have given a good account
posite bearing insert makes use of the high strength of the for themselves in today's automotive engines, our best e x -
steel back to which the weaker, more compliant bearing perience has been with aluminum base materials. The SAE
material is bonded. Often, an additional thinner coating 781 + 19 bearing shows no problem with corrosion, and it
of babbitt-like material is electrodeposited onto the bear- certainly shows its capability to handle high load situations
ing material. In many cases, with the copper-lead, aluminum, with good fatigue strength, good embedability, and excel-
or silver bearing, the journal in reality, is running on a thin lent anti-weld or anti-score properties. Consequently, it
layer of electrodeposited babbitt-like material with the ex- seemed best to concentrate our material development effort
pectation that the electrodeposited layer will remain intact on a steel-backed aluminum alloy. Many years of evalua-
throughout most of the useful life of the engine. Indeed, the so- tion of aluminum alloy bearings show that with the electro -
called "bearing material" may not contact the crankshaft. deposited babbitt overplate, such bearings have a good r e c -
The bi-metal bearings of tin base and lead base babbitts ord in high performance automotive engines. One of the
have done a good job for the automotive industry for many major expenses associated with the manufacture of this bear-
years. It is well known (1)* that decreasing the thickness ing is that of plating the thin babbitt layer on top of the
of the babbitt layer on the steel back will enhance the load aluminum. Reflection upon this observation soon led to the
capacity of these bi-metal bearings. However, the babbitt idea of putting the babbitt into the aluminum alloy, rather
must be maintained thick enough to accommodate the vari- than on top of it. This was one way of eliminating the e x -
ation due to manufacturing tolerance and be thick enough pense of plating. Also, wearing through the plated surface
for the expected wear. These high thickness requirements would be eliminated. After making the decision to put the
reduce the load capacity of bi-metal bearings, so that they babbitt into the aluminum, the question arose whether it
are no longer attractive for use in engines with intermediate should be lead-base babbitt or tin-base babbitt. Based upon
bearing requirements. the work of Roach (4), we were strongly convinced that lead
was the better choice of materials. This belief was further
'Numbers in parentheses designate References at end of augmented by evaluation made on our score test machine,
paper. which showed that the tin addition to aluminum did not have
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the score resistance that we felt desirable. Now, lead in

aluminum for a bearing material is not new. Schlucter (5)
disclosed that small amounts of lead (up to 3%) in aluminum
had good score resistance. But there are well known prob-
lems with lead in aluminum. Hunsicker (6) states that the
limited liquid solubility of lead, and the susceptibility of
lead to the corrosion in acid containing lubricating oils
places a handicap on manufacture and serviceability for
aluminum-lead bearing materials. Despite this, we were
convinced that an aluminum alloy bearing material contain-
ing lead-base babbitt would be a good bearing material.
So, we requested that our Metallurgical Engineering De-
partment make samples of this material having up to 10%
babbitt, and they did. This accomplishment has led to the
development of the General Motors' aluminum-babbitt bear-
ing material.

GM ALUMINUM-BABBITT Fig. 2 - Surface of aluminum-babbitt bearing material

these tests involve the fatigue resistance, wear resistance,
Simply stated, the aluminum-babbitt bearing is a com-
embedability, score resistance, and corrosion resistance of
posite bearing, being comprised of a steel back onto which
a material. Test results for several types of engine journal
is bonded an aluminum alloy which contains lead-base
bearing materials were obtained for comparison with the
babbitt. The aluminum alloy is essentially SAE 781, while
new aluminum-babbitt material.
the babbitt is SAE 19. The fine dispersion of the entrained
Fatigue Resistance - A primary consideration during the
babbitt is shown in the photomicrograph of Fig. 2. The ef-
development of a new bearing material must be its ability
fective babbitt content of this aluminum-babbitt bearing
to carry the high cyclic loads which occur in today's en-
is nominally 8°Jo by weight. Also, the continuous aluminum
gines. This ability is generally depicted by the material's
phase which gives rise to the high strength of the bearing
fatigue strength.
is evident. A microprobe analysis, seen in Fig. 3, reveals
Bearing fatigue is usually characterized by fine cracks
that the tin is associated with the lead, so that corrosion
in the bearing surface. These cracks will eventually pene-
is minimized. Since the babbitt is contained in the alu-
trate the bearing material almost to the bonding surface.
minum alloy, no expensive overplate is required and there
They then travel just above, and relatively parallel to, the
is no overplate to wear off the bearing surface. Conse-
bond surface until they intersect one another. When this
quently, whatever properties the bearing has initially are
occurs, a small or even a large platelet can be removed
maintained substantially throughout the bearing life.
creating a cavity in the bearing surface. A bearing materi-
al must resist this type of crack propagation. Often, the
PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS higher strength metallic materials have the greater resist-
ance to this type of fatigue d a m a g e .
The development of any new bearing material requires Fatigue resistance of a bearing material can be evaluated
the careful evaluation of its performance characteristics. in a test machine, such as the Centrifugal Bearing Test Ma-
Experience gained through the development of several highly chine (CBTM) used by the General Motors Research Labora-
successful bearing materials in the past has resulted in a tories, which develops a sinusoidal load by a rotating e c -
comprehensive test program for the evaluation of any new centric weight (centrifugal force). The CBTM can be set
bearing material. Materials are first evaluated in several up to evaluate bearing fatigue resistance by the addition of
controlled laboratory bench tests which separate specific several pieces of apparatus, for example, crossed connecting
performance characteristics. Engine dynamometer tests rods and heavier weights which develop higher loads. Using
then subject the material to actual engine operating con- the CBTM set-up with the Accelerated Fatigue Test Ap-
ditions, while still emphasizing specific performance char- paratus (AFTA), various bearing materials can be severely
acteristics. Following the successful completion of these fatigued in a few hours. Pertinent details of the AFTA are:
tests, a large number of field test vehicles are used to ob- load, 11,270 lb; bearing diameter, 2.30 in.; bearing length,
tain extensive service data. 0.750 in.; oil pressure, 30-50 psi; bearing back tempera-
LABORATORY TESTS - The purpose of the Research ture, 325 F; shaft rotational speed, 4250 rpm; oil, a com-
Laboratories test program was to evaluate new bearing ma- mercial SAE 30; journal surface, controlled to have less
terials without running full-scale engine tests. Bench tests than 10 ju in. A.A. surface roughness and to have less than
have been designed to evaluate the specific qualities r e - 36 /J in. peak-to-valley for lobing. A newly prepared jour-
quired in a modern engine bearing material. Basically nal surface is used for each test.
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Fig. 3 - Results of a scanning electron microprobe study on aluminum-babbitt bearing material*. Photograph A repre-
sents negative sample current which gives a general view of an area containing babbitt. Photograph B shows distribu-
tion of lead (white) in this area. Photograph C shows that tin (white) is associated with lead and does not migrate to
the aluminum matrix (dark area). There is sufficient tin in the babbitt alloy to provide adequate corrosion resistance of
this bearing material

Table 1 - Fatigue Of Bearing Materials In The Accelerated

Fatigue Test Apparatus (AFTA)

Hours of
Test ~~~ ___TTest in AFTA After After After
Materia —-—-___ 3 hr 10 hr 30 hr

SAE 16 initiated fatigued
Aluminum -b abb itt good fatigued
Aluminum-20% tin good fatigued
SAE 781 good fatigued
SAE 781 + 19 good fatigued
Strengthened SAE 781 + 19 good good initiated
Copper SAE 485 distressed seized
Base SAE 49 + 19 good good initiated

SAE 781 + 19 was run a sufficient number of times to which failed both times by seizing onto the journal. The
establish the relative severity of this fatigue test. Six to amount of fatigue damage for the aluminum-babbitt bear-
eight hours of operation were usually required to initiate fa- ing material, the aluminum-20% tin bearing material, the
tigue damage, that is, initiate visible fatigue cracks. An SAE 781, and the SAE 781 + 19 was about the same. This
additional 2-4 hr was required to cause the fatigue cracks to result could be anticipated since they are all aluminum
propagate far enough to cause platelets of bearing material base alloys. Although the SAE 16 alloy showed the early
to be removed. From these data, the fatigue test time was initiation of fatigue damage, the extent of fatigue damage
standardized at 10 hr. Three and 30 hr tests were also run after 10 hr was less than the aluminum base alloys. One
to obtain a range of fatigue damage results. explanation for this is that the SAE 16 was probably worn
Table 1 illustrates the bearing materials evaluated in away as fast as it was fatigued. This leads the bearing en-
theAFTA. After completing a three hour test, allbuttwoof the gineer to another important property of bearing materials,
bearing materials tested were still free of any fatigue dam- that is, wear resistance.
age. Fatigue cracks had been initiated in SAE 16, while Wear Resistance - For any application, a bearing must
the SAE 485 varied from slight-to-extreme distress after not wear out during the required useful life. In an engine,
3 hr. this is of paramount importance, since a worn bearing r e -
Only two bearing materials appeared undamaged after sults in increased oil clearances which may precipitate a
10 hr, strengthened SAE 781 + 19 and SAE 49 + 19. All the lubrication and bearing malfunction with the resulting en-
other materials had some fatigue damage, except SAE 485 gine bearing knock.
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\a BASE SAE 781 |
on SAE 781 + 19 |



BASE SAE 49 + 19 |
0.2 0.4 1.8 2.0 F i g . 4 - Results of 10 hr h i g h - l o a d
BEARING WEAR - THOUSANDTHS OF INCH b e a r i n g wear tests

Bearing wear is defined to e n c o m p a s s any r e d u c t i o n in

that was not cleaned from the engine parts and passageways
b e a r i n g thickness (thus increased o i l c l e a r a n c e s ) . P r i m a r i l y ,
during manufacture. "Accumulated dirt" may be road dust,
in these tests t h e r e d u c t i o n in b e a r i n g thickness is caused
metal fragments from engine parts, or any other foreign
by " m a c h i n i n g w e a r , " which is t h e " m a c h i n i n g " away of
matter that is accumulated in the engine during use. A
the bearing material by the asperities on the journal surface. large portion of this "dirt" is carried by the lubricating oil
Among the many factors which intensify the wearing process into the bearings where it is embedded into the bearing
are: journal asperities which are excessively high (high surface.
surface roughness), high load, and inadequate lubrication Therefore, bearings or bearing materials must have e m -
(for example, slow rotational speed, low viscosity). Another bedability, which is defined as the ability of a bearing to
way that bearing thickness is reduced is by extrusion or a embed dust, dirt, or other foreign particles below the sur-
"pounding away" of the bearing material. Also, in some face of the bearing so that they will no longer interact with
instances, corrosive wear is a major cause of bearing thick- the journal. Interaction with the journal includes wearing,
ness reduction. scoring, scratching, or any other damaging effect to the
The ability of a bearing material to resist wear is eval- journal surface due to the particles.
uated by operating under high load. This is done in the The CBTM was modified in another way by adding the
CBTM with the same test conditions as the AFTA test. The Bearing Embedability Test Apparatus (BETA). The primary
journal roughness is maintained within 6-10 u in. A.A. and modification was the addition of the test oil reservoir for
adequate lubrication of the bearing is ensured. the "dirty" oil. Pertinent details of the BETA were: load,
Fig. 4 displays the amount of bearing wear which o c - 5150 lb; bearings, same as in the AFTA; oil pressure, 30 psi;
curred in a 10 hr high load bearing wear test. It is readily oil sump temperature (both clean and test oils), 250 F; shaft
apparent that the babbitt base bearing material (SAE 16) rotational speed, 4150 rpm; oil, a commercial SAE 30;
exhibited excessive wear under this high load. The remain- journal surface, same as in the AFTA. In this test, the
ing materials had acceptable wear rates, except SAE 485 bearings were run on clean oil until they have reached a
which seized onto the journal before the 10 hr test was com- stabilized steady state condition. The "dirty" test oil was
pleted. The wear data on the aluminum base alloys closely then used to lubricate the test bearing (the clean oil supply
paralleled the fatigue data. Strengthened SAE 781 + 19 was was simultaneously shut off). The test oil was at the same
the best. From the remaining four aluminum base alloys, temperature and pressure as the clean oil. The only change
the aluminum-babbitt bearing material wore the least, while in operating conditions was the addition of suspended "dirt"
the aluminum-20% tin alloy had the most wear. The copper in the test oil. A radioactive tracer was used to verify the
base SAE 49 + 19 had about the same amount of wear as the uniformity of the suspension. Initial tests were run on the
aluminum-babbitt bearing material. BETA using 0.0002 weight percent "dirt" in the test oil.
Embedability - A bearing material that successfully r e - The "dirt" was primarily silica and alumina with the nomi-
sists fatigue and wear damage does not guarantee a success- nal particle diameter between 0.001-0.002 in. The pres-
ful bearing material. Bearings, at some period during their ence of "dirt" in the test oil caused the bearing to have
time of operation, will probably be required to operate in a sharp rises of short duration (several seconds) in the operat-
"dirty" environment. This can be "built-in dirt" in a new ing temperature (Fig. 5). The frequency of occurrence,
engine or "accumulated dirt" in a used engine. "Built-in magnitude and duration of the temperature "spikes"; the
dirt" may be molding sand, metal chips, or grinding dust reduction of the BETA shaft speed (rpm); and the change
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Fig. 5 - Graphical definition of tem-

DURATION perature-time changes, showing var-
ious types of bearing distress which
occur during a bearing embedability
TIME- test (BETA)



SAE 7 8 1 + 1 9 i

Fig. 6 - Journal wear in Bearing 200 400 600 800

Embedability Test Apparatus (BETA) JOURNAL WEAR - MICROINCHES

in the base-line bearing operating temperature were the tallic contact which occurs during periods of bearing over-
indications of the bearing embedability during the test. After load. This type of contact is characterized by a hydrody-
the test, the measurement of bearing weight loss or gain, namic film which is unable to support the applied load. If
bearing thickness loss or gain, and the amount of wear on the bearing material adheres or welds to the shaft during
the journal surface were indications of the bearing embed- these periods of metallic contact, excessive wear rates or
ability. The failure of a bearing was either by seizure onto catastrophic seizure will occur. The ability of a material
the journal or a temperature "spike" in excess of the m a - to resist this type of welding is defined as score resistance.
chine shutdown temperature (425 F). The test for score resistance consisted of pressing a sample
Since bearing embedability is primarily based on the of the bearing material, in the form of a slider bearing,
amount of interaction of the embedded particle or particles against the face of a rotating steel disk. The conditions of
on the journal surface, the best criterion for evaluating e m - operation (load, speed, and sample geometry) were chosen
bedability is to measure the amount of journal wear (Fig. 6). to ensure operation in the mixed-film region. In this mixed-
Any soft babbitt bearing material, such as, SAE 16, should film region, part of the load was carried by a hydrodynamic
have the best embedability of any bearing material. Of the film, while the remaining portion was carried by surface
materials tested, it had the least journal wear. The alu- contact.
minum-babbitt bearing materialhad almost three times as The sample geometry was a 0.62 in. square slider bear-
much journal wear, while SAE 781 + 19 had almost four ing oriented at 0.5 deg with the face of a 4.0 in. diameter
times as much wear. However, the aluminum-20% tin bear- disk. Steel disks (SAE 1045, hardened to R "C" 34-36) were
ing material had over eight times as much journal wear as used. Initial contact between the two surfaces occurred
the babbitt alloy, and about three times as much journal along the trailing edge of the sample. The load on the
wear as the aluminum-babbitt bearing material. sample was increased at a uniform rate to a maximum of
Score Resistance - An additional requirement of a bear- 1500 lb. A surface speed of 700 in./sec was used. Failure
ing material is its ability to withstand the intermittent m e - was determined by either the sample temperature exceeding
Downloaded from SAE International by North Carolina State Univ, Tuesday, September 18, 2018




SAE 781 I

SAE 781 + 19 |

SAE 49 |
SAE 49 + 19 |
Fig. 7 - Failure loads of bearing m a -
400 800 1200 1600 terials on Score Test Machine, 1500
FAILURE LOAD POUNDS lb represents maximum test load

400 F or the bearing friction exceeding a fixed value. A The new aluminum-babbitt bearing material has excel-
stream of a low-viscosity, (1.63 cs at 100 F) hydrocarbon lent score resistance. Its score resistance was shown to be
fluid was used to provide the hydrodynamic film. comparable to the babbitt-type materials.
The performance of a material was then determined by Corrosion Resistance - A bearing material which has
measuring the friction torque, sample temperature, and fatigue and wear resistance, embedability, and score re-
maximum load capacity. This type of machine has been sistance has one more major requirement to satisfy. It must
used to develop several basic parameters regarding the se- resist corrosion damage. Excessive corrosive damage leads
lection of bearing materials. (7) The results obtained on to two problems in sleeve bearings. First, general corro-
this machine have shown excellent correlation with field sive wear, where the material being rubbed by the journal
experience. is progressively removed, causes an increase of the clear-
The surface roughness of the test disk was a major test ance in the bearing. This clearance can become so large
variable. As the surface roughness increased, the test load that the bearing can no longer perform its required function.
for failure with a given material decreased. Because of The second problem occurs when one constitutent is selec-
this effect, comparison between materials was made at an tively leached from the bearing material to such an extent
equivalent surface roughness of 3 \i in. A.A. that the remaining structure collapses under the applied
Fig. 7 presents the test results for several types of engine load. This last mechanism has been demonstrated to occur
bearing materials. Babbitt-type materials showed the best with copper-lead bearings where the lead is removed by
performance in this test. The lowest coefficients of friction the acids in the oil.
and the least surface damage were characteristic of this 'i One of the main functions of the additives in modern
class of materials. The overplated babbitt, SAE 19, per- lubricating oils is to prevent the formation of organic acids.
formed better than the bulk cast materials such as SAE 16. But, if these additives are broken down or removed from
The SAE 16 material exhibited plastic flow under the high the oil (for example, by small additions of water or high
loads developed during the test. The better performance temperatures), organic acids will form and cause corrosion.
of the thinner SAE 19 material was due to the greater in- This bearing material requirement was evaluated in the
fluence of the elastic properties of the substrate. CBTM. The test conditions were the same as the BETA test,
If the overplated babbitt was removed during service by except the oil sump temperature was maintained at 310 F
some wear process, then the frictional properties of the base (bearing back temperature averaged about 360 F) and the
material became important. Samples of SAE 781 and SAE length of test was 15 hr. This high temperature was e m -
49 were tested without the overplated SAE 19 material to ployed to hasten the breakdown of the oil additives.
duplicate this condition. The plain SAE 49 material failed Fig. 8 illustrates the amount of weight loss for each of
at less than 40% of the maximum test load, while the plain the bearing materials evaluated. It is readily apparent that
SAE 781 alloy operated successfully at the maximum test the corrosion problem was negligible in the lead and alu-
load. In addition, the plain SAE 781 material was capable minum base materials. The only significant amount of
of operating at the full test load on disks having up to an corrosion took place in the copper base material. These
8 ji in. surface roughness. The new aluminum-babbitt m a - results are consistent with those given in the literature. (8)
terial exhibited test results similar to the SAE 781 material. It does appear that the tin associated with the lead in the
Two types of aluminum-207o tin materials were tested. new aluminum-babbitt bearing material prevents corrosion
These materials ranged in failure loads from 700-1300 lb. damage.
The use of disks having high surface roughness produced DYNAMOMETER-ENGINE TESTS - As soon as the initial
failures at lower loads for the aluminum-20% tin materials. laboratory bench tests of the new aluminum-babbitt m a -
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BASE ^\ SAE 16 Table 2 - Dynamometer Engine Tests
BASE Test hr Installations
] SAE 781 + 19
COPPER Delco Moraine Tests 10,853 95
SAE 485 I
GM Divisional Tests 8,707 60
25 50 75 100 125 TOTAL 19,560 155

Fig. 8 - Weight loss of bearing materials in Corrosion Test

terial showed such excellent performance, an extensive

dynamometer-engine test program was initiated by Delco
Standard laboratory engine tests have been established
for evaluating not only the overall durability of a bearing
material, but also for evaluating the individual performance
qualities or parameters of a bearing material. This was
accomplished through special engine test programs includ-
ing controlled environmental, bearing assembly, and engine
operation test conditions to simulate the previously described
bench tests. These tests also include bearing installations
in engines ranging from 230-472 cu in. displacement (CID)
and involved all rod, main, and flange bearing positions.
The evaluation of the individual performance parameters
of a bearing material was made from five different types
of special dynamometer-engine test programs. The fatigue
resistance in these tests was evaluated under conditions
which result in a bending fatigue comparison of a bearing
material, rather than compressive fatigue comparison as
Fig. 9 - Location of field tests on aluminum-babbitt bearing
evaluated in GMR AFTA test. The test consisted of an un-
supported area (a partial circumferential groove) behind
the back of the bearing which is located in the con-rod half
bearing assembly. This accelerated fatigue test was run Results - The performance of the new aluminum-babbitt
wide-open-throttle ( W . O . T . ) for 25 hr at 4500 rpm. bearing material in all the laboratory engine tests for sev-
Embedability was evaluated in uncleaned production- eral years have been excellent. (See Table 2.) These tests
built engines which had typical dirt contamination. No oil substantiated the comparative evaluations found in the bench
filters were used and no oil changes were made. These tests tests.
are run for 200 hr, W.O.T., at 4100-4600 rpm cycling speeds. The laboratory engine test program was also used as a
Score resistance was evaluated in engine tests which rapid screening test to evaluate fabrication and process var-
were run with a severe low-to-high speed cycling schedule. iations during the early days of the manufacturing develop-
The speed range was 1200-5000 rpm W.O.T. for a minimum ment program.
of 80 cycles. At the beginning of this material development program,
Corrosion resistance was determined in engines which the objective was to concentrate on applications for inter-
were insulated and heated by oil heaters to maintain a con- mediate performance engines. However, the excellent per-
stant oil temperature at 300 F. No oil changes were made formance in the early exploratory tests in some' of the larger
during the 200 hr test, which was run W.O.T. at 4500 rpm. displacement engines resulted in the objective being changed
An oil sample analysis was made every 25 hr to monitor to include the evaluation of this material in every GM pas-
the condition of the lubricant. senger-car engine. At the same time, the overall test pro-
Conformability, a measure of tolerance for bearing mis- gram was expanded to obtain complete exposure of alu-
assembly, shaft misalignment, shaft deflection, and bore minum-babbitt bearings in GM vehicle field tests.
distortion was evaluated by shifting the bearings axially to VEHICLE FIELD TESTS - Satisfactory vehicle field test
create an interference with the crankshaft fillet. This was exposure is a necessary milestone toward validating a new
a 200 hr test, run W.O.T., and cycled between 4100-4600 bearing material. Field tests for this purpose have been
rpm. going on for several years. It should be pointed out again,
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Fig. 10 - Photograph of rod bearings removed

after 100,900 miles of field testing SAE 784 * 19

that all bearing installations were made with mixed sets

of both the new aluminum-babbitt bearings and the current
Table 3 - Delco Moraine Vehicle Test Miles
production bearings for comparison purposes.
Many types of applications and geographical locations
Maximum Mileage
have been included in these field tests (see Fig. 9).
in a Single
Many miles have been accumulated with aluminum-
Total Miles Installations Installation
babbitt bearings in:
1. The mountains in Colorado and West Virginia.
Rods 8,219,514 232 100,900*
2. The salt in California and Florida.
Mains 3,592,713 137 98,818
3. The cold in Minnesota and Canada.
Flanges 2,124,701 84 103,834
4. Police car and turnpike driving in Indiana and Florida.
5. Taxi cab abuse in Florida.
*A photograph of this bearing set is shown in Fig. 10.
6. Durability driving at GM Proving Grounds in Arizona
and Michigan.
7. High-speed and high temperature endurance tests in
8. High-speed cross country driving throughout the United
States. Aluminum-babbitt con-rod bearings are being used in
The results of the vehicle field tests have been partic- three intermediate performance engines built by General
ularly successful. The accumulated vehicle test miles since Motors for the 1969 model year. This is an attractive m a -
1966 are listed in Table 3. terial for these engines, because it offers economy over
The field test evaluation of this new aluminum-babbitt heavy-duty bearings without sacrifice of the required per-
bearing has been a joint effort between Delco Moraine and formance level. Heavy-duty bearings had been considered
the GM car divisions. The divisional test results have also for these engines because the loads had been increased b e -
been very successful. Over 3,700,000 miles have been a c - yond the capacity of babbitt bearings.
cumulated by the divisions involving about 60 vehicles. The many successful field tests show that this new m a -
GM Proving Ground cooperative test programs have ac - terial can readily be used in main bearing and thrust-flange
counted for 1,600,000 miles from 30 vehicles. Pilot pro- locations. Another attractive application for this new m a -
duction assemblies have been made in 6000 engines. Field terial should be bored-in-place bushings. Here, the heavy-
test vehicles have been running with these pilot production duty bearing cannot be used since it relies upon an over-
aluminum-babbitt bearings since October 1967, with no plate for many of its good features. Of course, the overplate
reports of any performance problems. would be removed during any boring operation. This new
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material offers the immediate opportunity to increase the to production. All these laboratory and field tests clearly
load capacity where babbitt bushings are overloaded. This show that this new aluminum-babbitt bearing material is
should be of particular interest for camshaft, transmission, ready to take its place in the product line-up of General
and wrist pin bushings where current materials are marginal. Motors.
The success of this new aluminum-babbitt bearing in a
wide range of applications has accelerated interest at all REFERENCES
the GM car divisions. As evaluations of this successful m a -
terial are continued, it will certainly be used for a greater 1. J. Palsulich, "Tired Bearings - Reasons and Remedies."
number of applications. Lubrication Engineering, Vol. 8, 1952, p . 293.
2. M. C. Shaw and E. F. Macks, "Analysis and Lubrica-
CONCLUSIONS tion of Bearings." New York: McGraw-Hill, 1949, p. 471.
3. P. G. Forrester, et. al., "The Development and Per-
This new aluminum-babbitt bearing material has been formance of Reticular 20 Percent Tin-Aluminum Bearings."
ably demonstrated to fulfill the requirements for an inter- Proc. Instn. Mech. Engrs., Vol. 175, No. 10, 1961, p. 537.
mediate bearing. It has fatigue and wear resistance ap- 4. A. E. Roach, C. L. Goodzeit and R. P. Hunnicutt,
proaching, and in some cases exceeding, that of the avail- "Scoring Characteristics of Thirty-Eight Different Elemental
able heavy-duty bearings. Its corrosion and score resistance Metals on High Speed Sliding Contact With Steel." Trans.
are truly exceptional and it is clearly superior to copper- ASME, Vol. 78, 1956, p. 1659.
lead materials for both these requirements. It has been 5. A. W. Schlucter, U. S. Patent, 2,752,239.
shown to have better score resistance and embedability than 6. H. Y. Hunsicker, "Aluminum Alloy Bearings - Metal-
the available aluminum-tin bearings. lurgy, Design and Service Characteristics." Sleeve Bearing
After the difficult task of entraining the babbitt in the Materials, ASM, 1949, p. 84.
aluminum alloy was successfully performed by GM Research 7. R. Davies, "Compatibility of Metal Pairs." Handbook
metallurgists, this material was demonstrated to fill the of Mechanical Wear, Ann Arbor: The University of Michi-
performance gap in the bearing product line-up of General gan Press, 1961, p. 7.
Motors. This new aluminum-babbitt bearing material is 8. H. H. Zuidema, "The Performance of Lubricating
the most widely tested of any new bearing material prior Oils." New York: Reinhold Publishing Corp., 1959, p . 95.

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Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc. 12 _page booklet. Printed in U. S. A.

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