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Parramatta High School

Year 8 Mathematics
Assessment Notification: Term 2
Half Yearly Examination
Task Type Half Yearly Task Weighing 30%

Notification Thursday 11/04/24 Task Date As per HALF YEARLY EXAM


8MATA (Yuan)
8MATB (Gopalan/Huynh)
8MATC (Yuan / Zhou)
8MATD (Pal)
8MATE (Alagiah)
8MATG (Huynh/Bi)
8MATH (Huynh/Sethi)
8MATJ (Dmitrieff / Zhou)
8MATK (Asija / Gopalan)

Topic 1 – Algebraic Techniques 2 & Indices (Cambridge Chapter 1)
Topic 2 – Equations (Cambridge Chapter 2)
Topic 3 - Measurement and Pythagoras (Cambridge Chapter 3) (TBA)
A student can

• MA4-9NA: operates with positive-integer and zero indices of numerical bases.

• MA4-10NA: uses algebraic techniques to solve simple linear and quadratic equations.
• MA4-2WM: applies appropriate mathematical techniques to solve problems.
• MA4-3WM: recognizes and explains mathematical relationships using reasoning.
• MA4-9NA: operates with positive-integer and zero indices of numerical bases.
• MA4-12MG: calculates the perimeters of plane shapes and circumference of circles.
• MA4-13MG: uses formulas to calculate areas of quadrilateral and circles and convers between units of


50-minute written task completed during class time.

Students are to supply their own calculators. Full and clear working is expected to be shown for each question.
Marks may be deducted for incomplete or unclear working, even if the final answer is correct.

See Year 8 Assessment Policy 2024

If you are absent from this assessment task:

1. Obtain documentation for the day of absence – medical certificate for illness, parent/guardian letter
for other reasons.
2. Notify your teacher on the day of absence via email or Google Classroom.
3. Complete a PHS Illness/Misadventure Form, along with documentation, and return to your teacher within 5
working days of absence.
4. Be prepared to complete the task in the first Mathematics lesson after your return to school.
5. Failure to follow this procedure can result in a zero mark.
Students who know they will be absent for the test before the date are required to notify their teacher at
least one week beforehand so that alternate arrangements can be made.

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