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F ^ 5 ] 3 39-42, 1988

© üy I.A.A.F.

Theoretical model of long jump training

for (he American collegiate system

Phil Lundin, Bob Myers, Mark Stream,

Loren Seagrave, Dan Pfaff, Gary Winckler,
Jerry Clayton, George Dunn, Vern Gambetta

Each year, a group of .A merican Introduclion

coaches from, around the couniry This theoretical model represents
hold an Informal meeting of whal is our opinion on the preparation of a
known as the Allerion Group. The long jump specialist wiihin the context
purpose of this group is lo exchange of the american collegiate system. Il is
coaching informalion and experiences not presented as a definitive statement
to the mulual benefit of the on preparalion of a long jump
participants. In 1988, the group specialist, ralher it reflects the unique
discussed the theoretical parameters demands necessary to train within the
of long Jump iraining and their context of the american collegiate sys-
application wiihin the compelilion tem. This represents an allempi by a
programme of an American college group of american coaches lo address
or universiiy. The model illuslraled the problem of long term development
here is a summary of their dis- wiihin a system that places a premium
cussion. - - on immediate results.
The single periodization model is
Aknowledgemenl utilized. This will allow the athlete lo
We would like to thank Gary Winckler, better meel the competitive demands at
Women's Track Coach, University of Il- this stage of development and slill
linois, whose organizational skills hav_e work on the physical qualities needed
made Allerion possible and Dr. Karol
Kahrs, Associate Athletic Director at
to advance to a higher level of competi-
University of Illinois for providing the tion. In the american collegiate sysiem
financial support to make it possible. the indoor and outdoor national cham- 39
pionships are only twelve weeks apart, TECHNICAL
therefore we fell that it would be belter Improve Preparation for takeoff
to slightly unload for the indoor cham- Improve Takeoff mechanism
pionship ralher that have two distinct
competitive periods wiih a transition COORDINATION
that would detract from his training. (To link the physical and technical
The close proximity of the outdoor demands)
championship would not allow ade- Maintain Speed
quate preparalion. Build Core (Pillar) Strength
This model was developed at the an- Maintain Strength Endurance
nual meeting of the Allerion group - a Mainiain Speed Endurance
group of coaches who meel once a year Maintain Work Capacity
lo share ideas on training and to com- The rationale behind these objectives is
pare training programme results from to have the alhletes focus on those
the previous year and plan for the fol- qualilies that are having the most nega-
lowing year. The coaches who attend live effect on performance and to
all share a common language of train- maintain the qualilies that he already
ing theory and some agreed upon has.
models of iraining methodologies.
This represents a form of cooperative MACROCYCLE LENGTH
coaching that results in information ex- Forty two weeks broken into phases as
change of the highest level. follows: General Preparalion - 20
weeks; Special Preparalion - 10 weeks;
Model programme
Competition - 12 weeks.
NAME: Jaque Rabbit
EVENT Long Jump
WEIGHT: 79.5 kg
Long Jump: 7.40
lOOM: 10.60
30 M Crouch: 4.10
30 M Fly: 3.15
Standing Long Jump: 3.00m
Standing Triple Jump: 9.40m
Overhead Shot: 15.00m
Forward Shot: 14.00m
Power Clean: 100kg
Half Squat: 181.5kg
Snalch: 68kg
Yearly objectives
Build Dynamic Strength
40 Improve Eccentric Slrength Larrj' Myrricks (USA)
General preparation

Ohjei-lives Means i,'

Initial evalutation Field tests
Work capacity - specific lo the Multi jumps and multi throws
objectives stressed wilh medicine ball and shot
General slrength Emphasis on weak lifts
Core work Medicine ball work and core circuits
Introduce elastic slrenglh Long bounding and in place jumps (see ex-
ample below)**
General coordination Drills and game.s that siress body awareness
and coordination
Speed Acceleration work and resistance running -
tire pull and hills
Aerobic capacily Exiensive lempo endurance 200-400m
Mobility Partner stretching

** Elastic slrenglh - Example

In place jump - no horizontal displacement
Hops in place.
Squat Jump - emphasis on slow down movemeni
Jump down off 18-24 inch box (no rebound)
jump up onto box waist high.

Special preparation

Goal: Preparalion for the competitive means of training thai will follow in the next phase
Objeclivcs Means
Evaluate test results to determine Field tests
how much more general work must be
Dynamic strength** Weight training
Emphasize during firsi half of the cycle
(See below)
Elastic strength** Short response jumps
Emphasize during the second half of the
c7cle (See below)
Speed - acceleration work early Block starts & resistance
in the cycle changing to an running.
emphasis on absolute speed Flying 50 & 60 m runs
Speed endurance 3-4 sets of 4x50 m
(Alactate capacity) with 60 sec recovery
3 min between sets
Coordination Event specific drills
Work capacily - maintain Extensile tempo endurance
100m to 300m
Technical Approach work - emphasis on acceleration
pattern, takeoff work
* * Dynamic/KIaslic Relalionship

Dynamic Elastic
(Horsepower) (Elasticity & speed of movemeni)
Hang cleans Timed multi jumps
Snatch & Bounding with approach
Variations of the Multi Ihrows with various weighl
above movements implements
Speed squat Sprint drills
Jump squat Run/jump drills - eveni specific

Sample seven-day microcycle in Ihe sixth week of the special preparalion period.
This also represents Ihe firsl week of the second mesocycle in special preparation.

Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sal Sun

AM Wt Trn Special Wt Trn Wt Trn
Snatch Strength Clean {Speed
PM Tech Alactate Technique Aerobic Technique Aciive
(Specific) Short (General) Capacity (Specific) Rest Speed
Speed Speed

Compelilion phase

Goals: I) Allow for adaptation to the previous training stresses,

2) Stabilize performance at a lew level.

Objectives Means
Peak performance Competiiion in 200m
in sprint endurance
Highest intensity Squat emphasis 4-6 weeks
in dynamic strength Snatch emphasis 3-3 weeks 2 to 3 reps
Emphasize elastic Light muIii throws
strength Shock method - Deplh jumps
Speed Emphasis on adaptation rather than loading
Tactical Simulation and modeling of compelilion in


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