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“Bringing Home the Bacon: Handumanan National High School

(HNHS) Bagged Awards at Kandungganan Divison Praise Awards

Likah Jane B. Cocjin
Soar High, Handuman-
an High!
Handumanan National
Likah Jane B. Cocjin
High School (HNHS) once
again brought off a remarkable
success at the highly anticipat-
ed Kandungganan Division
Praise Awards 2023 that took
place last November 29, 2023,
at L‘ Fisher Bacolod.
HNHS takes home es-
teemed awards, further estab-
lishing its reputation as an out-
standing educational institu-
tion, with the highly coveted
Gold Seal Award highlighting
its unwavering commitment to Mr. Allan M. Pomada with Doc. Michael G. Divinagracia, PSDS IV-A together
excellence. with the HNHS faculty beaming proudly during the Division Praise Award ‘23
Highlighting its unwa-
vering commitment to guiding plementer for Senior High School The Handumanians commit-
students on their academic (SHS)", recognizing its dedication ment to creating a safe and drug-free
journey, HNHS has achieved to making an engaging learning campus environment was also
outstanding accomplishments environment. acknowledged with the "Best Barka-
in Key 4 education, leading to Furthermore, "Best Su- da Kontra Droga Implementer"
its recognition as the Division preme Student Government Pro- award, showing the success of their
Awardee in the Circle Awards. grams Implementer" was also pre- efforts in promoting a drug-free life-
In addition, the school sented to the school, featuring its style and ensuring the student's well-
was also acknowledged as the dedication to fostering the leader- being.
"Best Project-Based(PBL) Im- ship skills of the students. Turn to page 7

HNHS ML team advances to Provincial Meet ‘23

By: Ashlee Yoshita and Abcde Dela Cruz
NOPSSCEA represented by STI-
HNHS ―Dream High‖ anni- West Negros University.
hilated the team NOPSSCEA in the Gaining the momentum,
Land of Dawn arena in the best of
the unfazed team NOPSSCEA
5 championship round with a score
buffed their heroes making a
of 3-1 in the E-sports tournament
comeback in the third round 2-1.
during the Division Athletic Meet
―The game is a mix of
‗23 last February 9, 2024.
emotions, the whole team was
Armed with a presence of
overwhelmed with nervousness
mind and strategic attacks, HNHS
and excitement at the same.
team slayed the first 2 rounds
HNHS Dream High with their coaches during the Turn to page 8
Division Athletic Meet ‘23 against the Team
Page 2 The Gleam

Clash of Minds: English Quiz Bee finale 2023 sparks excitement at HNHS
Likah Jane B. Cocjin
In a gleaming display
of linguistic prowess, Handu-
manan National High School's
(HNHS) most anticipated Eng-
lish Quiz Bee Finale 2023 takes
place at the school's Audio Vis-
ual Room (AVR) today, No-
vember 10, 2023, bringing to-
gether the brightest minds from
various grade levels for the lin-
guistic mastery battle.
The English quiz bee kicks
off with an opening prayer, fol- Top 5 winners of English Quiz Bee ‘23
lowed by the singing of the Na-
tional Anthem. cies of the English language. . The English Quiz Bee
As the highlight of the Finally, Ariella Crystal Finale 2023, beyond crowning
event, the English Quizbee Viamonte, of Grade 10-Diamond, champions, kindled a delightful
2023 finally started and envel- got the title of the English Quiz curiosity to explore the enchant-
oped the whole AVR with the Bee 2023 champion, followed by ing world of language, trans-
excitement of the participants as Jonaren Banate, a Grade 10-Jade forming into a joyous celebration
they started to face the intricate student, as the 2nd placer, and that beautifully intertwined intel-
grammatical details of literary Prince Charles Pelle from Grade 8- lect, a love for words, and an
masterpieces, challenging par- Sampaguita, the 3rd placer of the enduring quest for knowledge.
ticipants to explore the intrica- said quiz bee.

HNHS kicks-off Intramurals’23

By: Lei Malaca runner-up during the play-
ground demonstration.
The Mr. and Ms. Intra-
murals ‗23 winners are Dax Jus-
tiniani Salvo, Grade 8 repre-
sentative and Aniesha Venef M.
Sevilla, Grade 9 representative.
They will represent the school
in the UNIT IV Athletic Meet.
―I was amazed and cap-
tivated by each performance
and admired the fun and unity
here in HNHS.‖ Maam Eden
Grade 9 BTS-K-pop in their final pose during the Intramurals ‘23 last Nov. 23, 2023 Ariola, EPS-MAPEH com-
The Handumanan Na- demonstration. mended during her speech.
tional High School grounds were "May the spirit of Humili- The two-day event
painted with vibrant shade of ty, Nature-Loving, Honesty, and brought joy and fun to the Han-
green, gold, red, and blue as the Self-disciplined shine through in dumanians as they waved the
Intramurals ‗23 commenced with every game we play" Sir Allan M. banner of their respective grade
the theme ―Upholding Handu- Pomada said in his welcoming level and cheered to their repre-
manian Values Through Recrea- address. sentatives in different events.
tion and Sportsmanship‖ last No- The Grade 9 BTS k-pop The winners in different
vember 23, 2023. Intramu- was hailed as the overall champi- events will represent the school
rals showcased students athleti- on and best in choreography, Sen- in the upcoming Unit Meet on
cism in different sports events ior High J-Lo, as first runner-up, December 1-3 at Handumanan
and talents in playground and Grade 10 Shakira, as the 2nd National High school.
The Gleam Page 3
NOT NOW: An Urge to
Stop Catch-Up Fridays
Kleizelle A. Alvarado
This initiative also gave way to
―greedy‖ teaching staff. DepEd last
week flagged reports that some
school personnel have resorted to
selling books and workbooks and
requiring parents and students to
buy these. The department urged
parents not to patronize such
―transactions‖ as the weekly pro-
gram should not require out-of-
pocket expenses. However, again,
with the lack of materials and teach- the teaching industry, was that student‘s future. The imple-
ers needing to spend their own mon- they should have been involved mentation of Catch-Up Fri-
ey on this program, who can blame in the pre-implementation phase days may be for a good cause
them? ―This is the symptom and not of the program. ―For a fair and but now is not the time for it.
the illness. This happened perhaps effective learning recovery pro- Since everyone is cramming
out of the necessity and passion to gram, the participation of teach- all the lessons for a whole
carry on with a program that was not ers should be considered in craft- school year into just a short
given the proper provision of mate- ing any learning intervention. It period, a whole day‘s worth
rials,‖ Basas said. should not be limited to the issu- of activities would not cut out
Quetua added that interven- ance of directives by the DepEd right for the goal, especially if
tion programs should be ―tailored to Central Office,‖ Quetua said. its purpose has been utterly
individual learners needs‖ and that ―Education is our passport defeated right from the very
consultations should have come be- to the future, for tomorrow be- start. Catch-Up Fridays can
fore its implementation. Everyone longs only to the people who pre- show itself after a few years,
knows that the person who suggest- pare for it today,‖ Malcolm X however, two words remain
ed this initiative does not have quoted. Indeed, education needs firm in the mouths of all edu-
―actual educational experiences‖ preparation. The same goes for cating personnel of the Philip-
herself. What the people would have the interventions needed for the pines: NOT NOW.
wanted, especially those who are in


School Year 2023-2024

Section Editors
Editor in Chief Editorial Writer Sports Writers
Kleizelle A. Alvarado Kleizelle A. Alvarado Ashlee Cedric Yoshita
News Writer Abcde Dela Cruz
School Paper Adviser
Managing Editor Likah Jane B. Cocjin Editorial Cartoonists
Angelie G. Alayon
Ava Margarette A. Basa Column Writers Greg M. Villanueva
School Paper Co-Adviser
Prince Jules B. Galagar Alnae Austria
Anna Rose A. Ediezca
Associate Editor Ericka Marie Pito-an Photojournalists
English Department Head
Likah Jane B. Cocjin Feature Writers Ezra Sangho
Ricky L. Sinfuego
Julienne Fay D. Albia John Mark Jarme
School Principal III
Lay-Out Artist Lei Malaca Literary Writers
Jeraldine Mae Martinico Allan M. Pomada
Ezra Sangho Science and Technology Writers
Ava Margarette A. Basa Iza Gabrielle F. Velez
Jelly E. Muyco Cshem F. Segovia
Copyreader and Headline Writer
Page 4 The Gleam

This academic year was
tough, but it made us Catch-Up Fridays has
stronger and more been a game-changer in
reducing student stress
adaptable.—Jesse D.
and anxiety. Knowing
Catch-up Friday engaged there's a dedicated day
leaners in the process of to catch up or get extra
addressing their learning
help has made the
school environment
-ken supportive and
It was truly refreshing, to see
encouraging. –
everyone come together and
share their ideas, collaborate or
support each other. It's reassur-
ing to know that I've got the time
to catch up and reinforce my
I think, Catch Up Friday
reduces stress levels for learning.—ZKP
studens who are struggling Catch-up Friday encour-
to keep up with their work- ages critical thinking,
load.-K.R empathy, and moral rea-
soning, fostering a well-
rounded education beyond
academics.– Angelie B.

Catch-Up Friday is a valuable

initiative provides support for
reviewing and addressing my
gaps in knowledge and it also CUF gave us a chance to
helps me especially in my read- augment our under-
ing comprehension standing and also we
-Blanza spent a couple of months
with our classmates that
deepened our bond. —

Downsides of Even though this phenom-

enon is not new, it has become
Observations have also
shown that some students have
Shifting Classes more common in the last few developed a sluggish attitude dur-
Ericka Marie A. Pito-an years. The Department of Educa- ing their free time. Students have
tion (DepEd) formally announced ignored their studies in favor of
Due to overcrowding, the deployment of double shifts in playing for most of the day. They
some public schools have imple- public schools struggling with tend to forget things, for the rea-
mented double-shift schedules. large enrollment levels in the son, that they prioritize leisure ac-
The lack of facilities such as class- school year 2023–2024. Even if tivities in their responsibilities and
rooms, desks, and learning materi- it's practical, this also has down- activities.
als has been a problem for school sides of its own. We can all agree that this
administrators for a few years al- Moreover, shifting classes phenomenon had a significant ef-
ready. has its disadvantages since it may fect on everyone. AAO stands for
Educational establish- affect students and the teaching Adjust, Adapt, and Overcome
ments are under pressure to make staff for the reason that the num- which we can apply for ourselves.
the most of their current resources ber of hours in class is only lim- By slowly trying to make Adjust-
due to a lack of resources, includ- ited. There can also be a challenge ments, we can eventually condition
ing classrooms, desks, and instruc- in double-shift sessions, for in- ourselves to Adopt this phenome-
tional materials. Because of this, it stance, the brief contact time dur- non and conquer it by motivating
is now normal to see every public ing teaching and learning, the ne-
school have double shifts, with ourselves, and finally, we can
glect of other curriculum subjects, overcome this change.
lessons starting as early as six in and poor student performance.
the morning to six o'clock at night.
Page 5 The Gleam

When Classrooms Turn into Ovens: Adapting Class Schedules During Heat Waves
Prince Jules Galagar
Bacolod City, also become increasingly difficult for dents' safety while maintaining an
known as the Philippines' sugar students to concentrate and en- ideal learning environment for
capital and the city of smiles, is gage in the learning process. everyone.
currently experiencing an un- Consequently, their energy levels It is heartening to see the
precedented heat wave. The are going to be affected, and they school administration's dedication
temperature has risen to record may experience irritability, fa- to ensuring the safety and well-
highs, and the humidity has be- tigue, and difficulty focusing. In being of students amidst this heat
come suffocating. The swelter- addition, prolonged exposure to wave. The decision to modify the
ing heat is making it challeng- heat can also exacerbate existing schedule of classes demonstrates
ing for residents and visitors to health conditions like asthma. their commitment to providing
carry out their daily activities, Based on what I know to the best possible education for
and even the palm trees, which further address this issue, the their students while ensuring their
typically sway with the breeze, school administration has wisely safety. It is a wise decision that
are hanging limp and lifeless. decided to modify the schedule of will undoubtedly be appreciated
From my point of view, classes. Instead of a full day, they by parents and students alike.
the heat wave has undoubtedly have shifted to a half-day sched- In conclusion, the heat
affected many aspects of daily ule to ensure the safety of all stu- wave has brought many challeng-
life, including the education dents. Besides this adjustment es to Bacolod City, affecting vari-
system. With classrooms turn- may take some getting used to, it ous aspects of daily life. While
ing into scorching ovens, it has is necessary to prioritize the stu- the heat may not be in our con-

This academic year has been Amidst the scorching heat of the
stressful and exhausting, but it school year, we found the warmth
How’s the has all been worth it because of
my amazing friends' unwaver-
of knowledge and the cool breeze
of friendship.
school year ing support and presence. -Bianca P.
treating you? -Jonalyn
This year has been very diffi-
A chaotic, distressing, yet produc-
tive and flexibly adjusting school
cult, there are many days with- year.
out school due to the extremely --Rean Nielle Carbadilla 10-
hot weather. Diamond
-Jewel P. This year teaches me how to be an
independent and strong. This has
This school year has been a
been very draining with lot of un-
deep journey of growth and re-
expected happenings in my life
silience, shaping us to be
happens each day but my friends
stronger individuals amid the
made it all better.
stress and strain.
-Kenneth N.
-RJC This school year 2023-2024 has
"This school year is full of been great, I met new friends alt-
rollercoaster experiences. hough at first I'm also scared about
-Sandra G." the trials and challenges like in-
creased academic pressures but I
made it. -Zapanta
The Gleam Page 6

Don’t be Lazy: Think Wisely

Jelly E. Muyco
What an addictive AI! this is useful. Artificial Intelli-
Many people have been using solving problems." This definition
comes from the writings of gence can impact the loss of hu-
this lately in their everyday man decision-making. Someone
lives. Most of them are students. Coursera Staff.
Due to its skills, a lot of stu- who is using this can be less pro-
But there are older ones too. ductive too. Which makes this
There are many reasons why dents just download this app and
let Artificial Intelligence answer generation dependent and ad-
everyone is using this. But first, dicted to it.
let us talk about what AI is. Ar- their homework. Whenever a per-
son wants to write a song, poem, There is no problem having a
tificial Intelligence or we usual- difficult situation and asking AI,
ly call it AI, "refers to a comput- story, or even a breakup message,
AI can do this right away. It helps but just do not put all of your
er system capable of performing time into it. Thinking from your
complex tasks that historically each and everyone's life easier,
especially for the adults. idea is much better than depend-
only a human could do, such as ing. Always remember to think
reasoning, making decisions, or However not all the time
before entering into new things.

Man against Nature

Ava Margarette A. Basa
Too little is dangerous, Bacolod City, although private
but too much is just as perilous. such as agriculture and public schools with air-conditioned
Summer is near and the appear- welfare. In addition, the heat rooms were given the discretion
ance of the climatological phe- waves affect the well-being of the to continue face-to-face classes.
nomenon, El Nino, in the Philip- citizens, leading to illnesses such The extreme heat alerted
pines has caused yet again anoth- as heat stroke and high blood pres- even the Department of Educa-
er uproar among the citizens. sure while droughts may eventual- tion which led to several adjust-
These days, the impacts of the ly cause crop failure and affect ments in the classes these
phenomena have affected several food production. Not only that, the months, including shortened class
regions with droughts and other spread of diseases such as cholera hours and allowance of comforta-
issues, leading to the suspension and Zika virus which typically ble clothes in school. The issue
of classes at different levels and occur during the hot season in- raised several ideas to mitigate
disturbance to the agricultural creases because of the effects of the negative effects of the heat
economy. Carrying severe im- El Nino. wave, especially to the students.
pacts that could affect the well- These days, the Philip- The suspension of classes is also
being and livelihood of people, pines' heat index seems to domi- announced whenever the heat in-
the El Nino poses a grave threat nate the charts more than celebri- dex passes the normal tempera-
to the country. ties as the forecasted average tem- ture range to secure the safety
The El Nino is a weather perature hit 42° Celsius. Accord- and well-being of both teachers
event that appears irregularly be- ing to PAGASA, the El Nino re- and students.
tween 2 to 7 years and lasts about mains active and is expected to The El Nino this year has
half a year. It is a naturally occur- persist until May 2024. This has set the heat record as one of the
ring phenomenon that involves led several schools to change the strongest in the list. The disrup-
warming the surface of the ocean whole-day class schedule into half tion and negative impacts it
and eventually leads to extreme -day classes. Furthermore, since caused are a call for the imple-
weather events. The dry spells, the beginning of March, the tem- mentation of better disaster and
heavy rainfall, and heat waves perature has reached the "extreme climate resilience. Either globally
caused by the El Nino cause mul- caution" and "danger" levels, or locally, uncontrollable events
tiple problems globally, especial- which means the average tempera- such as this can only be mitigated
ly in tropical countries. In the ture has reached 40-50° Celsius. with cooperation and counter-
Philippines where droughts and In the West Visayas region, the measures. That is because, unlike
dry spells are expected, this could suspension of classes was ordered physical adversities, what is man
affect climate-sensitive industries in several cities such as Iloilo and against nature?
Page 7 The Gleam
port from our stakeholders. Tru-
Championing Literacy: during her speech.
ly HNHS continues its commit-
The event was attended
HNHS launches YES to READ ment in providing quality edu-
by various stakeholders like the
Julienne Fay D. Albia cation to the community.‖ Mr.
Mt. Kanlandog Lions Club,
Allan M. Pomada, Principal III
Responding to the National Brgy. Handumanan Council,
expressed enthusiastically dur-
Reading Month theme ―Pagbasa: SPTA officers, and parents who
ing the event.
Pag asa para sa Matatag na Kinabu- gave their generous donation of
The reading program
kasan", Handumanan National High reading materials for the learn-
welcomes volunteers from the
School-English Department ers.
community or other sectors to
launched a school initiated reading ―I am grateful for this
give reading tutorials to our
program YES to Read last February initiative by the English Depart-
learners throughout the school.
21, 2024. ment and for the benevolent sup-
T he Yearn, Engage, and
Strive (YES) to Read program aims
to foster the love for reading and
help struggling readers in Handu-
manan National High School.
―It is the desire of the Eng-
lish Department to provide an op-
portunity for every learner especial-
ly those who are frustrated readers
to develop their reading skills, and
comprehension. With this program,
we hope to achieve 100% independ-
ent readers in this institution.‖
Maam Ester Mae A. Estavas, Mr. Allan M. Pomada together with SPTA President Mervin H. Cosio during the signing of
HNHS Reading Coordinator said the commitment form along with other stakeholders

"Empowering Minds: Reading Month celebration transported the audience to the dif-
Celebrating National The school seeks to pro- ferent realms of their favorite clas-
Reading Month mote the importance of literacy sics from World literature.
Julienne Fay D. Albia and instill a passion for reading ―I am happy with the sup-
through the wide variety of ac- port and active participation of our
Ticking the bookworm tivities such as the grammar bin- learners. I hope this activity will
spirit of Handumanians, the go, quiz bee, poster-making con- give them the motivation to love
HNHS-English Department host- test, and the parade of book reading.‖ Mr. Ricky L. Sinfuego
ed an array of fun and educational characters. expressed his appreciation during
activities during the month-long The culminating activity the event.
“Bringing Home the Bacon: Handumanan National High School...
From page 1 the school‘s vision have played a The remarkable accom-
Lastly, HNHS was honored vital role in its success. plishments of the staff and stu-
with the esteemed CSC Dangal HNHS expresses grati- dents of Handumanan National
Ng Bayan Award for its excep- tude to the Department of Educa- High School at the Kadung-
tional contributions to public ser- tion‘s Bacolod Division (SDO ganan Division Praise Awards
vice, highlighting its dedication to Bacolod) for acknowledging and 2023 serve as an inspiration
upholding integrity and profes- honoring the school‘s achieve- and exemplary model for edu-
sionalism. ments, as well as to Doctor Mi- cational institutions throughout
The accomplishments of chael Gasapo Divinagracia, the the division, showcasing their
HNHS would not have been pos- Public Schools District Supervi- unwavering commitment to ex-
sible without the unwavering sup- sor of the Division of Bacolod cellence, dedication, and coop-
port of the school‘s SPTA offic- City, for his unwavering belief in eration.
ers, parents, and stakeholders, HNHS‘s potential. Padayon Handumanians
their ongoing support and belief in Tubtob sa Kadalag an!
The Gleam Page 8

HNHS ML team advances to Provincial Meet ‘23

From Page 1

We are glad to bring honor

to our school through this game.‖
Gian Kirby Latoza, one of the
players exclaimed proudly.
The HNHS Mobile Leg-
ends squad, also known as the
"Dream High with designated roles
are Rove Acot (Jungler), Jeremy
Porquez (Roamer), Mark Rivera
HNHS Dream High with their coaches ready to slay the Provincial Meet ‘23
(Mage), Gian Kerby Latoza
(Marksman), Kent Gabriel Tag on E-sports that it is easy, use- High‖ is now gearing for the
(Exp), and Anton Raphael Dela less, and a waste of time. E- upcoming Provincial Meet in
(Six-man Exp) with their coaches sports actually develop team- April.
Bea A. Buenconsejo, Rosa Mae E. work, strategic thinking, and HNHS team ―Dream
Caseres, and Rexsil Montepio. sportsmanship among the play- High‖ is now gearing for the
―With this success I hope to ers,‖ Latoza added. Upcoming Provincial Meet in
change the perspective of people HNHS team ―Dream April.

HNHS Drum and Lyre Band Hits their Winning Cord

Likah Jane B. Cocjin
Here comes the band with ceptional achievements, the
stadium. Band was allowed to lead the
a bang!
In line with this, during Division Athletic Meet, show-
Handumanan National
the festive season, the HNHS casing their talents and harmo-
High School Drum and Lyre Band
Drum and Lyre Band also made a ny.
has once again achieved a signifi-
remarkable history at the Bacolod "Being part of the
cant milestone as they pulled off
City Masskara Festiva, bringing HNHS Band and Lyre was a
the 2nd Runner-up position among
off another achievement to their good experience for us because
seven schools in the entire Divi-
list by securing the 1st runner-up we can showcase our talents
sion of Bacolod last February 15,
spot, thus bringing home another and unity within our band. Our
2024, at the STI-WNU Drum and
victory. band's accomplishments have
Lyre contest held at the STI-WNU
In addition to those ex- provided us a great exposure
and we're proud to represent our
school in those competitions
"asserted Jezsa Mae Cabalhin,
the Mother Majorette of the
band as she expressed her pride
and gratitude.
Daphne Joy Demegillo,
the trainer of the band ex-
pressed her appreciation to the
school and stakeholders for
their support.
The HNHS Drum and
Lyre Band's exceptional
achievements showcase their
dedication, teamwork, and tal-
ent bringing pride to the whole
HNHS community.
HNHS band showcasing their graceful routine during the STI-WNU drum and lyre competition
The Gleam Page 9

Willow What if?

The Ones we once loved
Iza Gabrielle F. Velez By: Jeraldine Mae Martinico
By: Jeraldine Mae Martinico
Have your rest, dear poor soul
rest peacefully under this tree of willow What if I didn't grow up as an I don't know this feeling
close thy eyes and let tranquil crawl academic achiever?
But all I know is that something
hear the wind and birds harmonies, not Maybe by now, I won't be carry- or maybe---someone is missing.
loud but mellow. ing a lot of pressure. I know it was my fault for our
Have your rest, in this cold night What if, in the first place, I have- separation.
n't met all of your expectations? To be honest, for me, it wasn't
teeming night skies filled with stars,
Would you still stare at me with an easy decision.
both thy soul and eyes bedazzled in so much love and affection?
delight You understood my reason.
But now, I am missing your at-
by just staring, it heals your scars.
If I'll show you my vulnerable tention.
Have your rest, thy weary spirit Would you still look at me with I kinda crave those late-night
let thy soul ventures far away so much pride? head pats
and meanders in peace for just a minute If I didn't ace all those tests And somehow, our all-day
cringe chats.
it's in the evening but as light as the Would you still think I'm the
dayz best? Your messages that made my
heart flutter,
— Velez, Iza Gabrielle Franco | Have And if I fail to aim for those high
grades, And your voice made it beat
your rest
Would your impressed smile to-
The way you'd assure me of eve-
wards me won't fade?
Tomorrow starts Today And to my friends, I'd do the
Cshem Segovia bragging.
Honk, honk, honk! Deafening sounds of different vehicles fill her
surrounding. Inhaling the air around her, she coughed hard as there is noth-
ing fresh nor good about it. It just feels suffocating. Looking around, she You told me that distance is not
saw what our world truly became. Not the fresh, green, and calm world it a hindrance,
used to be but a world full of stones as buildings and gray smoke for air But rather, a chance to prove that
with no trees in sight. A world polluted in every manner. They say, the if it's true love, we will surpass
world is evolving and upgrading. She knew better. No amount of air condi- any circumstance.
tioner can mask the heat we are facing. At a young age, she knew it won't
get better until everyone united, it will only get worse. Then, reality You were my solace and my safe
snapped her out of her delusions of making the world a better place. After place,
all, she was nothing but a child, the adults always know better. Too much Not until my priorities were re-
that they fill the air with smoke from their factories, too much that they cut placed.
trees to build more infrastructures, too much that they fight in wars disre-
garding the tragedy everyone is facing. If this keeps happening, no adult, no
child, no one living organism will be spared. Yet, does it always have to be And through this poem, I'd like
like that? A thought flowers in her mind, reminding her she is but a child to say "thank you"
and she can help make the difference. And she did at a very young age. Be- For in this world full of lies, you
ing a part of organizations with environmental causes, be it in school, in were true.
their city, in their country. She is determined not to stop until a big change
is made. A change that will ensure the safety of their future, a change that You were sunshine; pure and
will be made by unheard voices of children striving for their future and their constant
planet. Determined to not stop until her voice for change will be heard and While it was midnight rain; hard
touch the depths of people's hearts to unite for a better tomorrow. She start- to understand.
ed small, with tree plantings and clean-up drives, to conventions where a
child gets to speak in behalf of every child in all parts of the world. Slowly I guess we're meant to be a les-
but surely, people started listening, slowly but surely, a change is being son to each other
made. Slowly but surely, she changed the world. Not for herself but for a But not meant to be together.
better future for tomorrow starts today.
Shame: He Who Destroys
Kleizelle A. Alvarado

Mountains, oh, what a great vista
to be seen. But then...
But what are they made of? I saw something- no, somebody- on He came rear.
top. And the process became appar-
Crud and minerals?
The culpability in those eyes is per- ent to me.
Or is it something else?
ceptible. It will never thwart.
Something else that smokes,
Yet, his hands are still toting just
reeks, burns, and flares-
like before. Every passing day that he came
Something that might not even be
Impairing and tumulting on what about,
a thing at all.
was before green- I endeavoured to shout.
Or is it?
But it was now the hue of black and Can't he see?
Just what is it? grey.
Oh, those poor, poor varmints.
And let me apprise you,
It seems so tight yet so novel. All they desired was to live.
It was hideous- really ugly.
Seems so callous yet so tantaliz- And yet, every time they do so,
ing. They break.
As I stood unmoving,
And what's that?
I hadn't noticed that several days
What's that sound I hear? But no words ever came out.
had passed.
I glimpsed what it was, Or probably there is.
And it forms to grow again.
And I stared in shock. It's just that he never heard it.
The land is pastel,
Weren't there trees just a moment The loudness bashes his ear
The air is cooler,
ago? locked.
And the plants are much, much lofti-
But now... Never to take advice from a trim
All I notice are decrypted filth and being.


One Billion Dance FIRST DAY HIGHT

The resumption of face-to-face classes was filled with anxiety, anticipation, and excitement. As "HANDUMANAN"
means "memorial" treasured experiences, amazing opportunities, suprised friendships, and outstanding achievements
will surely leave a legacy as the curtain for SY 2023-2024 falls.

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