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Sub: Data Mining & Warehousing Class: TYCS

Practical No. 1
Aim: Perform different operations of extraction, transformation, and loading (ETL) processes on
a sample dataset using PowerBI.
1. Start “Power BI Desktop”.
2. Click On “Get Data” On “Home Menu”.
3. Select “Excel” and “Connect”.
4. Select a File(eg.: Student.CSV) and Load a file.
5. Now, Transform the data. (Home → Edit Queries → Transform).
6. Select the row “Student Id” And do “Replace Value” (put Value to find: 1 & Replace
with: 101).
Before Replacing:-

After Replacing:-

7. Select the row “Age” And do “Remove Duplicates” (Remove Rows → Remove
Before Remove:-

After Remove:-

Name: Ashish Yadav Roll No: 84

Sub: Data Mining & Warehousing Class: TYCS

8. Select the row “Gender” And do “extraction” (Transform → Extract → First

Characters(Put count:1)).
Before Extraction:

After Extraction:

9. Come Back to “Home” and “Create a Graph”.

Sum of Age By Grade:

Sum of Age By Grade and Gender:

Sum of Student_Id By Gender and Grade:

Name: Ashish Yadav Roll No: 84

Sub: Data Mining & Warehousing Class: TYCS

Practical No. 2
Aim: Integrate data from multiple sources by merging and transforming datasets using Python's
pandas library and data manipulation techniques.
Step 1: Open Jupyter

Step 2: Upload File

Step 3: Check if it is uploaded or not.

Name: Ashish Yadav Roll No: 84

Sub: Data Mining & Warehousing Class: TYCS

Step 4: Click on NEW to start coding.

Step 5: Write and Run Code.

Name: Ashish Yadav Roll No: 84

Sub: Data Mining & Warehousing Class: TYCS

Name: Ashish Yadav Roll No: 84

Sub: Data Mining & Warehousing Class: TYCS

Name: Ashish Yadav Roll No: 84

Sub: Data Mining & Warehousing Class: TYCS

Practical No. 3
Aim: Apply feature selection techniques like variance thresholding and correlation analysis
using python’s scikit-learn library to reduce dimensionality in a dataset.

Name: Ashish Yadav Roll No: 84

Sub: Data Mining & Warehousing Class: TYCS

Name: Ashish Yadav Roll No: 84

Sub: Data Mining & Warehousing Class: TYCS

Practical No. 4
Aim: Build a decision tree classifier using python’s scikit learn library to predict customer churn
based on historical data.

Name: Ashish Yadav Roll No: 84

Sub: Data Mining & Warehousing Class: TYCS

Name: Ashish Yadav Roll No: 84

Sub: Data Mining & Warehousing Class: TYCS

Name: Ashish Yadav Roll No: 84

Sub: Data Mining & Warehousing Class: TYCS

Name: Ashish Yadav Roll No: 84

Sub: Data Mining & Warehousing Class: TYCS

Practical No. 5
Aim: Implement Naive Bayes classifier in python using scikit learn to classify emails as spam
or non spam based on their content.

Name: Ashish Yadav Roll No: 84

Sub: Data Mining & Warehousing Class: TYCS

Name: Ashish Yadav Roll No: 84

Sub: Data Mining & Warehousing Class: TYCS

Practical No. 6

Name: Ashish Yadav Roll No: 84

Sub: Data Mining & Warehousing Class: TYCS

Aim: Implement a linear regression method to make predictions based on the sample data set
using python.

Name: Ashish Yadav Roll No: 84

Sub: Data Mining & Warehousing Class: TYCS

Practical No.7
Aim: Implement logistic regression method to make prediction based on the sample data set
using python

Name: Ashish Yadav Roll No: 84

Sub: Data Mining & Warehousing Class: TYCS

Name: Ashish Yadav Roll No: 84

Sub: Data Mining & Warehousing Class: TYCS

Practical No.8
Aim: Implement K-means clustering algorithm in python using scikit learn to group customers
based on their purchasing behaviour.

Name: Ashish Yadav Roll No: 84

Sub: Data Mining & Warehousing Class: TYCS

Name: Ashish Yadav Roll No: 84

Sub: Data Mining & Warehousing Class: TYCS

Name: Ashish Yadav Roll No: 84

Sub: Data Mining & Warehousing Class: TYCS

Name: Ashish Yadav Roll No: 84

Sub: Data Mining & Warehousing Class: TYCS

Practical No.9
Aim: Implement the Apriori algorithm in Python to mine frequent itemset from a retail
transaction dataset and extract association rules.

Name: Ashish Yadav Roll No: 84

Sub: Data Mining & Warehousing Class: TYCS

Name: Ashish Yadav Roll No: 84

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