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Types of Elements Roles

Phonological Phoneme Distinguish between different words that may sound similar but
knowledge have different meanings.
Stress Identify the emphasized syllables in words and sentences,
comprehend the intended meaning of spoken words.
Tone groups Understand the literal meaning of words and understand the
speaker's intentions, emotions, and communicative goals.
Assimilation and Interpret spoken language accurately.
Syntactic Grammatical Provides a framework for distinguishing their very different
knowledge rules and meanings understanding the structure of spoken language,
structures facilitating accurate interpretation and meaning extraction.
Semantic Meaning of Navigate through ambiguous situations where a word or phrase
knowledge words, phrases may have multiple meanings.
and sentences Comprehend deeper meaning in spoken language.

Propositional Follow the flow of information, grasp the main points and
Hierarchies and supporting details in spoken communication.
Cohesive Maintain a clear understanding of the relationships between
elements different parts of a spoken discourse.
Pragmatic Setting Understand spoken language in various genres, different purposes
knowledge Participants and contexts.
Ends Disambiguating utterances by considering the context, as it goes
Act beyond analyzing isolated sentences.
Kinesic Non-verbal Interpret emotional nuances, discern intentions, and navigate the
knowledge language complex interplay between verbal and nonverbal elements in
spoken discourse.

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