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Social media has significantly changed the way we communicate, share information, and
connect with people across the world. Recently, it has also become a popular tool for education.
In terms of the benefits of using social media for learning, it offers numerous advantages. First,
it enables easy collaboration and communication with classmates, teachers, and experts from
different locations. Additionally, social media provides access to a wealth of educational
resources such as books, videos, and research materials. It allows students to learn at their
convenience and engage in discussions about school topics, even when not online at the same
time. Furthermore, the engaging features of social media can make the learning process more
interesting and exciting.

On the other hand, there are certain drawbacks to using social media for studying. Students
may find it challenging to stay focused during study sessions due to the constant distractions of
notifications and endless scrolling. Concerns also arise regarding the security of personal
information and data on social media platforms. Inaccurate or misleading information found on
social media can negatively impact academic work. Also, overindulgence in social media may
lead to difficulties in managing time, affect sleep patterns, and impact overall well-being.

The impact of social media use on academic performance is a key concern. Some studies
suggest that responsible and effective use of social media can enhance academic performance
by facilitating collaboration and providing access to valuable learning resources. However,
excessive use of social media, leading to distractions, can result in decreased academic

Social media is a big part of our lives, especially for young people. Platforms like Facebook,
Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat make it easy to connect and share information. While social
media has its benefits, it also makes us worry about how it affects students' school
performance, especially in junior high school and senior high school.

This research investigates the advantages and disadvantages of using social media for studying
to gain insights into its impact on learning. This study looks at how social media affects the
grades of senior high school students at Headwater's College, Inc. Social media has developed
a lot and youngsters use it a lot to talk to friends, get information, and see things online. We
know social media is good but we want to know if it's bad for senior high school grades which
are very important for our future.

We think too much time on social media might make students not pay attention to school.
Second, it could also make students feel tired or stressed which might make them do worse in
school. To figure this out, we'll ask students at Headwater's College, Inc. about their social
media use, how they're doing in school, and what they think about how social media affects their
studies. This will help us understand how social media and school grades are connected.
Our study could help teachers, parents, and students understand how social media affects
grades and help come up with ways to use social media wisely. It can also help everyone talk
about how technology is used in school and what schools and school administration can do to
help students balance social media and school.


The study aims to investigate the impact of social media usage on the academic performance of
senior high school students in Headwater’s College, Inc. Research seeks to understand both
the positive and negative aspects of using social media for educational purposes and how it
influences students' academic achievements.

1. What are the good and bad sides of using social media for studying, and how does it affect
how well senior high school students do in school at Headwater's College, Inc.?

2. How do senior high school students at Headwater's College, Inc. manage their time between
using social media and studying, and which methods work best to find the right balance?


The hypothesis for this study suggests that an excessive use of social media among senior high
school students at Headwater's College, Inc. may lead to poorer academic performance. The
reasoning behind this hypothesis is that spending too much time on social media can be
distracting and may hinder students from focusing on their studies. It is assumed that students
at Headwater's College, Inc. could face challenges in managing their time effectively between
social media activities and their school responsibilities.

In line with this assumption, a second hypothesis proposes that inadequate time management
skills may not help students in finding a balance between social media use and studying. This
lack of balance may have consequences on their academic performance and well-being. These
hypotheses are fundamental to the research which seeks to investigate the impact of social
media usage on the academic achievements of senior high school students at Headwater's
College, Inc.

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