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Static webhosting

step 1:-
create a hosted zone in r53.

step 2:-

create certificate in ACM in North virginia region.Let ACM to create record in r53 for the
certificate then only certificate will issued otherwise it is pending status.

step 3:-

create a s3 bucket.move the static web content to s3 bucket.

---> use static web hosting.

if index.html file in root path

---> dont use static web hosting

if web files are in prefix aka folder

step 4:-

--->create cloudfront with s3 as orgin.

--->set origin path if web content in prefix aka folder otherwise skip this step

step 5:-

--->create alternate domain name.

--->use the certificate(note name of the certificate is same as record name)

ex:- is going to be alternate domain name then need to

create certificate as same name .refer step 2

---> note the certificate should be created in north virginia region.

step 6:-

---> create A record in r53 ---> select alias --> select cloudfront distribution

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