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Daily Wellbeing Tip

Draw your to-do list!

Drawing absorbs
100% of your
attention. This
means there’s
zero chance to let
stress in!
Daily Wellbeing Tip

Loving kindness!
Try a loving kindness
meditation. Breathe deeply
and open your mind to receiving
loving kindness. Send messages
of loving kindness to the world,
specific people or to your
loved ones.
Daily Wellbeing Tip

Find an
affirmation that
resonates with you!
Say this phrase when
you need a lift. You
could use one from
this card or
write your own.

My thoughts and
feelings matter.
I deserve good things.
I accept myself
Daily Wellbeing Tip

Have a
power hour!
Dedicate the first hour
of the day to yourself. It will
help you to be more creative,
energised and have more
passion/focus. Use this time
for whatever ignites
your soul.
Daily Wellbeing Tip

Have a micro
digital detox!
Put your phone
on aeroplane
mode for at least
20 minutes.
Get outside or
absorb yourself in
something creative.
Daily Wellbeing Tip

Play your
favourite song!
Have a good old boogie
and sing along. This lowers
cortisol, increases
concentration and
improves productivity.
Daily Wellbeing Tip

Tune into birdsong!

Sounds of nature
have a calming
effect on the
nervous system and
increase feelings of
Daily Wellbeing Tip

Give yourself a facial massage!

Get your glow on and encourage
blood to flow to your skin.
Use the tips of your fingers
to make circles pushing skin
up and down.
Daily Wellbeing Tip

Change your routine!

Trying new things makes new
conncetions in the brain. Even
a simple tweak like walking a
different route works.
Daily Wellbeing Tip

Get active!
Do 45 jumping jacks,
15 crunches and a 25
seconds plank. Repeat
as many times as you
like. See how energised
you feel afterwards!
Daily Wellbeing Tip

Spice up
your water!
Around 8 glasses a day
is the aim. Try adding
chopped fresh mint,
a few slices of fresh
ginger or some lemon or
lime chunks. A sprinkle of
cinnamon can aid digestion.

Why not pair this with your

favourite summer fruit?
Experiment and enjoy
discovering new tastes!
Daily Wellbeing Tip

Go for gratitude!
Start the day by noting
down three things you’re
looking forward to.
Daily Wellbeing Tip

Leave your
comfort zone!
Set yourself a challenge
today that makes you feel
just a little nervous. Every
challenge you complete
allows you to grow
in confidence.
Daily Wellbeing Tip

Dress yourself happy!

Try adding a colourful, bright
or shiny element to your
outfit. If it brings you joy, it
will not only make you feel
happy, it will make everyone
around smile too!
Daily Wellbeing Tip

Love yourself first!

Say something out loud that
you love about yourself.
And don’t be shy!
Daily Wellbeing Tip

Lenghten your
exhale to relax!
Spend a little bit longer
exhaling than you do
inhaling. Inhale for 4
seconds then exhale
for 6. Do this for 2 to
5 minutes.
Daily Wellbeing Tip

Bring the outside in!

Add a hanging plant to
your wall or bright and
colourful flowers to
your windowsill. Collect
some twigs, put them in a
vase and add decorative
Put up or create your own
picture or painting of nature
in your local area. Go outside,
see what you can find
and be inspired!
Daily Wellbeing Tip

Aim for 10,000 steps!

It doesn’t matter how
you get to this daily total:
running, cycling, jogging,
dancing; it all counts! Start by
walking three to four times a
week and gradually build up
from 20 minutes. It
shouldn’t be too long
before you feel the
health benefits!
Daily Wellbeing Tip

Get social!
Social interactions are
guaranteed to improve
memory and create a sense
of belonging. Start a casual
conversation with a neighbour,
fellow dog walker or local business
owner. Even just sharing a smile
can create a feel good factor.
You could also try volunteering!
Simply pick a cause
that resonates
with you.
Daily Wellbeing Tip

Say ‘shh’ to should!

Substitute ‘could’ for
‘should’ and immediately feel
more empowered. Alternatively,
just decide to do something...
then do it immediately!
Focus on why you want
to do it and use this
as your motivator.
Daily Wellbeing Tip

Have a laugh!
The average child laughs
about 300 times a day.
An adult only 20. Studies
show that laughter can
help relieve pain, bring
greater happiness and
even increase immunity.
So today, put on a video clip,
re-live a memory or watch an
episode of your favourite feel-
good show. And giggle to
your heart’s content!
Daily Wellbeing Tip

things ahead!
When you wake
up, start by visualising
the good things you plan to
experience thourghout the day.
This cultivates feelings of happiness.
Keep your eyes closed and bring a
smile to your face as you do
this. Activating those smile
muscles releases extra
feel-good hormones!
Daily Wellbeing Tip

Spice up
your water!
Around 8 glasses a day
is the aim. Try adding
chopped fresh mint,
a few slices of fresh
ginger or some lemon or
lime chunks. A sprinkle of
cinnamon can aid digestion.

Why not pair this with your

favourite summer fruit?
Experiment and enjoy
discovering new tastes!
Daily Wellbeing Tip

Have a power hour!

Dedicate the first hour
of the day to yourself.
It will help you to be more
creative, energised and have
more passion and focus.
Use this time for
whatever ignites
your soul.
Daily Wellbeing Tip

Get sorting!
Clearing away physical
clutter can help with feelings
of stress and overwhelm and
can be meditative too. Pick
an area or space to tackle,
put some music on and
immerse yourself
in the task.
Daily Wellbeing Tip

Make a sleep spray!

You need: 80ml cooled,
boiled water, 30 drops
lavender oil, 10 drops
eucalyptus oil, 90 ml spray
bottle and materials to
make a label with.

Simply add the essential oils to

the cooled water, mix and put
in the bottle. Leave to infuse
48 hours before using.
Daily Wellbeing Tip

Keep dancing!
Did you know that
dancing is a brain booster?
Other activities that have a
similar effect include tai chi,
mastering a new language,
juggling or learning to play a
musical instrument! So get on
those dancing shoes, have a
solo boogie, join a
local class or find an
online workout.
Daily Wellbeing Tip

life gives
you lemons...
... make lemonade!
How can you increase
your chances of being able to
see the bright side of a situation?
Ask these three questions:
1. What can I learn?
2. What fun can I find and can it be
made into a game?
3. What elements can
I control?

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