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WIX1001 Mathematics for Computing I

Semester I 2023/2024
Tutorial 3 (Predicate Logic)

1. Let U be the real numbers, define P(x, y): x. y = 0. What is the truth value of the following:
a. ∀x∀yP(x, y)
False. Because if P(1,1): 1.1=0 is false.

b. ∀x∃yP(x, y)
True. Because P(x,0): x.0=0 is true.

c. ∃x∀yP(x, y)
True. Because P(0,y): 0.y=0 is true.

d. ∃x∃yP(x, y)
True. Because P(0,0): 0.0=0 is true.

2. Let U be the real numbers, define P(x, y): x ⁄ y = 1. What is the truth value of the
a. ∀x∀yP(x, y)
False. Because P(10,2): 10/2=1 is false.

b. ∀x∃yP(x, y)
False. Because P(0,y): 0/y=1 is false.

c. ∃x∀yP(x, y)
False. Because P(x,0): x/0=1 is false.

d. ∃x∃yP(x, y)
True. Because P(1,1): 1/1=1 is true.

3. Translate each of the following statements into logical expressions using predicates,
quantifiers, and logical connectives.
A(x): x is an AI 95 student
L(x): x loves music
Universe of discourse for the variable x is all students.
a) Every student loves music. ∀xL(x)

b) No student loves music. ∀x(~L(x))

c) Some students love music. ∃xL(x)

d) Every AI 95 student loves music. ∀x(A(x) ∧ L(x))

e) Some AI 95 students love music. ∃x(A(x) ∧ L(x))

4. Use quantifiers to express the following statements:
a) Someone walks and talks.
P(x): x walks.
Q(x): x talks.
Universe of discourse for the variable x is all people.
∃x(P(x) ∧ Q(x))

b) Everyone loves somebody.

L(x,y): x loves y.
Universe of discourse for the variables x and y is all people.
∀x∃yL(x, y)

c) Brothers are siblings.

S(x): x are siblings.
Universe of discourse for the variable x is all brothers.

d) The product of two negative real numbers is not negative.

P(x,y): The product of x and y is not negative.
Universe of discourse for the variables x and y is negative real numbers.

e) There is a man who has taken a flight on every airline in the world.
F(x,y): x has taken a flight on y.
Universe of discourse for the variable x is all men.
Universe of discourse for the variable y is all airline in the world.
∃x∀yF(x, y)

5. Express the statement “there is a number x such that when it is added to any number, the
result is that number, and if it is multiplied by any number, the result is x” as a logical
Let A(x,y): x+y=y
Let M(x,y): x.y=x
∃x∀y(A(x, y) ∧ M(x,y))

6. All people who are not poor and are smart are happy. Those people who read are smart.
Adam can read and is not poor. Happy people have exciting lives.
Write the sentences in predicate calculus, using appropriate predicates.

All people who are not poor and are smart are happy.
P(x): x is poor.
S(x): x is smart.
H(x): x is happy.
Let U be all people.
∀x((~P(x) ∧ S(x)) → H(x))
Those people who read are smart.
R(x): x read.
S(x): x is smart.
Let U be all people.
∀x(R(x) → S(x))

Adam can read and is not poor.

R(Adam): Adam read.
P(Adam): Adam is poor.
R(Adam) ∧ ~P(Adam)

Happy people have exciting lives.

H(x): x is happy.
L(x): x have exciting lives.
Let U be all people.
∀x(H(x) → L(x))

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