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Ryan Angelo Lanuza


Activity #3: Entrepreneurship and Ordinary Small Business Activities

1. When your next door neighbor opens a small business and it attracts good customers, are
you also going to open your own business? Why do you say so?

Depending on the situation, yes. Being an entrepreneur demands a great deal of expertise,
perseverance, and risk-taking. In the event that my neighbor decides to launch a small business
and draws a lot of clients, I will team up with them to create a 50/50 business partnership.

2. Would you have the necessary plan in case business risk arises? What would it be?

As an entrepreneur, my plan for addressing business risks involves first identifying potential
threats such as market changes or operational challenges. Then, I would develop strategies to
mitigate these risks, like diversifying products or services, maintaining strong financial reserves,
and building a supportive network of mentors and advisors to navigate uncertainties effectively.

3. What benefits can your business derive from the changes in the environment?

Business can benefit from changes in the environment by adapting to consumer preferences for
eco-friendly products and services, which can attract a larger customer base and enhance brand
reputation. Additionally, embracing sustainability practices can lead to cost savings through
reduced energy consumption and waste, improving your bottom line over time.

4. Do you strongly believe that your business venture is worth funding by external sources?
Why or why not?

Yes, I strongly believe my business venture is worth funding by external sources because it
addresses a pressing need in the market and has the potential to generate significant returns for
investors. With a solid business plan and evidence of market demand, securing funding will
enable us to scale and achieve our goals faster.
Ryan Angelo Lanuza

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