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It is recognized that people with different personalities and work habits can succeed in different
kinds of careers and businesses. Based on her experience with thousands of people, Rhonda
Adams has identified nine types of specific E-types that cover the range of personality traits and
working styles. You are welcome to take the E-test to know where you fit. The test will help
you find in what kind of career or business you can excel.
Be sure to answer these questions as honestly as possible – no one is going to see the results,
except you. Don’t try to answer the questions in a way that will make the test come out
favorably for you. There is no right or wrong answers – there are just honest and not-so-honest
answers. If you come across questions that you think no answer adequately represent the type of
person you are, just pick the answer that is closest to you, even if it is less than ideal. Circle the
alphabet in Capitals corresponding to your answer in each question.

1. If I have to assemble something, I first
a. Read directions I
b. Begin to figure out B

2. When buying something expensive, I would rather have

a. A fixed price G
b. A negotiable price H

3. I am more likely to be valuable to a company for my

a. Strong financial head F
b. Creativity B

4. I would rather spend time understanding

a. A new gadget I
b. A new friend A

5. I am more comfortable
a. Giving a speech in front of a large crowd D
b. Making a “cold call” to sell something to a stranger H

6. When it comes to income, I prefer

a. A steady moderate income G
b. Income with potential to be much higher, but also much lower F

7. If I could make an equal amount of money, I would rather

a. Take over an existing organization C
b. Create a new organization B

8. At a friend’s wedding, I’d rather

a. Stand up and offer a toast E
b. Help make the seating arrangement G
9. I’d rather
a. Invest my own money in someone else’s business F
b. Go out and get customers for someone else’s business H

10. I am usually the one who

a. Organizes the logistical arrangements for a get together G
b. Find out what everyone else wants to do A

11. If I were an artist, my medium of choice would likely be in

a. The performing arts (e.g. acting) E
b. The visual arts (e.g. drawing) B

12. For a friend’s birthday, I’d rather

a. Make them a special meal E
b. Take them out for a quite dinner A

13. I’d probably be better at

a. Caring for an ailing (sick) person C
b. Caring for an ailing investment portfolio (business in difficulties) F

14. I’d rather subscribe to

a. Technology Monthly ( a technology Magazine) I
b. Investors Monthly (a Magazine for Investors) F

15. Friends and family are more likely to say I am

a. Organized G
b. Creative B

16. If I worked for a computer software firm, I’d probably be better at

a. Helping develop the software I
b. Helping write the user manual D

17. I’d feel more comfortable helping someone

a. Fix a broken machine I
b. Recover from an illness C

18. If I worked for a daycare centre, I’d be better at

a. Caring for the centre’s paper work G
b. Caring for the children C

19. I take more satisfaction from

a. Helping someone learn something new D
b. Helping someone have a good time E
20. In my business, I’m probably more likely to measure success by
a. How many sales I make H
b. The satisfaction level of my customers A

21. I am better with

a. Numbers G
b. Words D

22. I am more likely to get satisfaction from

a. Creating success for myself B
b. Helping others become successful A

23. Friends and family are more likely to say I am

a. A great speaker D
b. A great listener C

24. People usually trust my

a. Investment advice F
b. Personal advise A

25. If I had to sell 10 boxes of cookies (biscuits), and both methods were equally effective, I
would rather
a. Go door to door H
b. Create a website I

26. I am more likely to attend a cocktail party because

a. I’ll have fun, stimulating time E
b. I could meet potential business contacts F

27. I’d probably get more satisfaction from being a

a. Doctor A
b. Nurse C

28. I prefer to work on projects

a. By myself B
b. As part of a team D

29. I would rather have the spotlight (attention)

a. On me E
b. On someone I care about C

30. When meeting someone new:

a. I can usually find something to talk with them about D
b. If they are not interesting to me, I move on F
31. I am more fascinated by
a. How things work I
b. How organizations work G

32. I’d prefer to help[ students

a. Understand a school subject D
b. Understand their feelings D

33. In my business, I’m (or would be) more likely to judge one of my products by
a. Its quality and craftsmanship B
b. How many I’ve sold H

34. Working with a new restaurant, I’d rather help them:

a. Devise their computer system I
b. Devise their recipes E

35. I would rather help a company

a. Go out and get new customers H
b. Take care of the customers they have C

36. For a community theatre (act) production, I’d rather

a. Act in the show E
b. Sell tickets H

Read the following statements and determine whether or not they accurately describe you. There
are 18 questions in this section.
37. I can handle constructive criticism of myself
a. True B
b. False S

38. I’d especially like my work to revolve around helping others (people or companies)
a. True A
b. False N

39. I don’t burn (become frustrated) at repetitive tasks

a. True C
b. False T

40. I am naturally good at understanding how things work

a. True I
b. False R

41. I have strong writing skills

a. True D
b. False S
42. I have a bit (or more than a bit) of show business blood in me – I enjoy performing in
front of others
a. True E
b. False N

43. I don’t find a desk full of paperwork intimidating – it’s a challenge!

a. True G
b. False M

44. I am patient with people

a. True A
b. False Q

45. I feel comfortable investing my money in uncertain ventures when I feel the risk is worth
a. True F
b. False S

46. I am naturally outgoing and I am generally able to establish a good rapport with people
right from the get go
a. True H
b. False T

47. Throughout my life, I’ve always enjoyed creating things or helping others create things
a. True B
b. False Q

48. I often prefer to work alone

a. True F
b. False O

49. I am a natural nurturer (I like taking care of others or things)

a. True C
b. False S

50. I am highly detail oriented

a. True G
b. False T

51. I am good at conveying information and concepts (e.g. teaching) to others

a. True D
b. False Q

52. I’ve got pretty thick skin. I don’t let rejections keep me from going out and trying again
a. True H
b. False P

53. I have a performance related talent of some kind. I am a musician, magician, dancer,
actor, etc
a. True E
b. False O

54. I am the person people often come to when they need help with their computer or other
a. True I
b. False N


Each answer corresponds to an E-type code. Count the frequency of each of the nine codes for
the 54 questions and show the frequency in the table below.
Code E-Type Frequency Tick your E-
A Advisor/Counselor
B Builder/Creator
C Caregiver/Maintainer
D Communicator/Trainer
E Entertainer/Host
F Investor/Owner
G Organizer/Administrator
H Salesperson/Broker
I Technologist/Engineer

Reading your results

Which E-Type got the largest number? Perhaps it is a tie between two or even three E-types.
That is okay – most of us are complex people, and have a variety of personality traits. Make a
note on the winning E-types, and read about the related character, winning job, business and
study area in the table that follows.
E-Type Key character Winning job Winning business Winning area of
Advisor/ Excel in listening, quick Consultant, Consultancy, Management/busin
Counselor learner, like to help teacher, training, recruitment ess, law, medicine,
therapist, coach, agency, accounting, education,
trainer auditing, public sociology,
relations, law firm psychology, public
Builder/ Strong inclination to create Engineer, Designer (architects, Engineering,
Creator something tangible where it designer, artist, engineer, textile, design, architecture,
did not exist, like to work mason graphic designer, marketing
with their hands, respect fashion, advertising),
details, have innate talent building contractor,
tailor, cake making,
florist, carpenter,
chef, decorator, etc
Caregiver/ Have a helpful, supportive or Property Property Medicine,
Maintainer nurturing tendency and manager, management, taxi Psychology,
derive satisfaction from it. therapist, animal operator, day care Veterinary
Respect the importance of groomer care, centre, Salon, medicine, beauty
ongoing maintenance, can beautician, Cleaning services, care, tourism and
keep track of things, and not city tour, lawn hospitality
a clock watcher. Can make maintenance,
and keep ongoing secretarial services
commitments, is patient and
not afraid of being dirty
Communic Very good with words, can Writer, editor, Training Firm, Literature, law,
ator communicate complex ideas trainer, tour Marketing Education,
to others, enjoy reading guide, translator, Marketing
, public relations
officer, fitness
trainer, lawyer
Entertainer/ Look for lots of interaction Dancer, Hotels, restaurants, Performing Arts,
Host with people. Have some musician, actor, bars, dance clubs, Hair dressing,
talent that can only be used magician, hair dressing, tourism, hotel
effectively in front of others. product fashion boutiques, management,
Thrives on being in front of demonstrator, music stores, gift music, sports
people, enjoys the spotlight DJ, shops, wedding
and making others happy, planner
don’t mind having lots of
short term interactions with
others, love fame
Investor/ Good with numbers, Financial/invest Lending money, Finance, Real Estate
Owner money and willing to take ment analyst, Investing in real Management,
risks, independent, trust banker, real estate (e.g. land,
own judgment and are estate property), rental
happy to take time to do officer/manager, property, Angel
research and make Investor
educated judgment about
what they do, can see
investment opportunities
quickly, like working
Organizer/ Are good at managing Accountancy, Business services Human resources
Administrator multiple tasks, details and Human resources (Book keeping, management,
deadlines, like having a management, payroll, accountancy,
sense of completion, do administrator, recruitment, event procurement, IT
not like being in the organization,
limelight corporate
transport, database
management, debt
agency, etc)
Seller/broker Outgoing, self-starter and Salesperson, Sales agent or Marketing, Real
strong people skills, can broker, stock representative, Estate Management,
live on fluctuating trader, advert Brokerage Firm, Insurance
income, can take care of Real Estate
many details and deals Dealer, Stock
simultaneously, like to Broker, Insurance
travel, can deal with Agent, Business
people who are in stress, Consultant, Trader
can take rejection. Have
Technologist/ Curious, creative, Software Tech Consultant, Engineering,
engineer fascinated by things that developer/progra IT firm, architect, architecture,
are new, often inventors mmer, Engineering Computer Science,
or tech visionaries engineering Services, textile designer
design, website
design, network
admin, product

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