Presentation Chess

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Chess Playing

(IBM Deep Blue)

Limitations of IBM's Deep Blue

What is Deep Blue?

What is a Chess Computer?
How are moves Computed?
History of Deep Blue
What is Deep Blue ?
Deep Blue was IBM's Chess
playing computer.
It was also the first computer
system to win against the world
chess champion Garry Kasparov
What is a Chess Computer ?

A computer that can play chess.

How are moves computed?
IBM's Deep Blue used brute-force calculation to
compute chess moves. It evaluated millions of
possibilities by systematically exploring the game
tree and employed heuristic evaluation functions to
assess position quality. Custom hardware and
parallel processing accelerated computation,
allowing Deep Blue to analyze complex positions
quickly and make informed decisions in real-time.
This led to its success against human grandmaster
Garry Kasparov.
History of Deep Blue
Started as "Chip Test "at
Carneige Mellon University
Feng Hsiung- Hsu
Then It became "Deep
Fnally "Deep Blue"
Limitations of the Deep Blue
IBM's Deep Blue, while achieving historic
victories in chess, faced limitations
including lack of generalization, limited
learning capability, hardware dependency,
interpretability issues, and ethical
implications. It excelled at chess but
couldn't adapt to other domains, lacked
dynamic learning, relied heavily on
specialized hardware, operated opaquely,
and raised concerns about societal impact.
As we come to a close, we acknowledge that the
ongoing conflict between humans and machines in the
realm of chess is an everlasting tale of ingenuity, tactics,
and imagination. This epic struggle continues to
motivate and mesmerize people around the globe. IBM
Deep Blue serves as undeniable proof of the
extraordinary progress achieved in artificial intelligence,
demonstrating its ability to confront intricate obstacles
and redefine the way humans and machines interact.
We are prompted to consider the limitless possibilities of
AI in shaping the future of technology and society as a
Group 9
Jude Achintir Seidu
Essien Jeffery
Julius Anachaba

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