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Project Report: Image

Classifier for Identifying

Coffee Leaves with Yellow
Spots (Group 3 C.E)
The objective of this project is to develop an image classifier capable of identifying
coffee leaves infected with yellow spots. The dataset provided consists of images
containing coffee leaves affected by four different diseased symptoms, namely brown
or yellow spots. The focus of the classifier is to accurately detect and classify leaves
with yellow spots, which could indicate a specific type of disease affecting the coffee
Data Collection and Preprocessing: The
dataset provided in Folder 1 contains images
of coffee leaves with various diseased
symptoms. The first step was to preprocess
the images, including resizing, normalization,
and augmentation to ensure uniformity and
improve model generalization.
Model Selection and Training: A convolutional
neural network (CNN) architecture was chosen
for its effectiveness in image classification tasks.
The model architecture was designed and trained
using a suitable deep learning framework.
Transfer learning techniques, such as fine-tuning
pre-trained were employed to leverage existing
knowledge and improve training efficiency,
especially with limited data.
Model Evaluation: The trained model
was evaluated using appropriate
performance metrics such as
accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score.
Cross-validation techniques may have
been employed to ensure robustness
and generalizability of the model.
Deployment: Once the model demonstrated
satisfactory performance, it could be
deployed in production environments for
real-time inference. This could involve
integrating the model into a web application,
mobile app, or embedded system,
depending on the intended use case.
The performance of the image classifier
was assessed based on its ability to
accurately identify coffee leaves with
yellow spots. The evaluation metrics
indicated the model's effectiveness in
distinguishing between diseased and
healthy leaves, with a focus on
detecting yellow spots specifically.
Challenges and
Limited Data: One of the primary challenges faced in this
project has been the availability of a limited dataset, which
could affect the model's ability to generalize to unseen

Class Imbalance: Class imbalance, where the number of

images containing yellow spots have been significantly lower
than other classes.

Overfitting: Overfitting to the training data occurred, especially

with complex model architectures, leading to reduced
performance on unseen data.
Data Augmentation: Further augmentation
Future techniques could be explored to artificially
Improvements increase the size and diversity of the dataset,
improving the model's ability to generalize.

Fine-tuning: Fine-tuning hyperparameters and

exploring different model architectures may help
improve performance, especially with regards to
addressing overfitting and class imbalance.

Active Learning: Implementing active learning

strategies to iteratively improve the model by
selecting the most informative samples for
labeling could enhance model performance over
In conclusion, the development of an image classifier for identifying coffee leaves with
yellow spots is a valuable endeavor with potential applications in agriculture and plant
disease management. While the initial results are promising, further optimization and
refinement of the model are necessary to ensure its reliability and effectiveness in
real-world scenarios.
Name Index number

Armed Haruna BS456100820

Seidu Jude Achintir BS456103620

Ilham Deviltiti BS456102020

Atuehene Philemon BS456101920

Julius Anachaba Bs456101420

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