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MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 1. Mr. F made a unilteral promis oslo Mr.G parce of ond, (of F2.800000 Mr. pal P2000 consideration of uch prog Pe Condition that Me, Fil not el the land Yo oter oe sy rs Sy an " snmotion of contact of se cco when 1 Surber nro ne 1 Te gan egsement 10 the rc crn he obj of cl & Remco per tik pce rays Meee «Mets merase pom eet “ ehh fhe flo Under the dreamt . on. Neeser acre “There f'a porfocted contact of sae since all the eset, meso? are present. ¥ ‘Consertt Sena peed coat ofmie nba P2080 dosh gy, | Sam pe of erase pice © et raton 2. MrFmadea unilateral promis tosellioMr. Ga parcel ofnd at apg ‘of P2.30000. Mr. G pid F21000 in consideration of such promiee at ‘cooditon thot Me. F will not sll the land to others for sity (6) dag Under the ireumstances: » a “There ine perfected contact of sale but merely an option ‘There perfected contact of sake beens tbe P2800 ig camast money: 4 Ob packet te folorng a voll entat of le? eel am suffering from contagious diseases Seo sponsa rights 2 Sheot ue inbertance {| sivof eondomiaiua units aliens ‘ ‘Mr. Fmay withdraw the offer to sll to Mr. G anytime since thee to perfected contract of sal. 1 Asagenral cule, sale of a mere hope or expectancy: ‘Me F may not withdraw the offer to sell to Me. G before the pe Feely valid eid {60 days since ther is already a perfected contract of sale « Vouable Me. Fay not withdraw the ofer to sell to Mr. Gbetorethelspas | ¢. Unenorceable {60 days since the peri is founded upon a consideration. Mr. Pay not withdrave the offer to sel to Mr. even after hele | & Mt Fa farmer entored into a contacto sale with Ms, W, a rce miler, (0 60 days since the promises founded upon a consideration injaary, The abject ofthe contracts Mr. ’s harvest forthe year Mr F cxetstoharvest roe in August Te the conta va? 4. Statement 1: coneactf sales separte and distin from econtar | 2 Na the contact of sale has no existing ojo atthe Kine of option erection Satement2A contact of option presupposes the existence ofa peck! | >. Yes but the perfection of the contac of sle wil only eeur upon scorract of se. tavestin Aust a. Only Statment tet © Ye but the contrat of sole may be ninety ese by the 1b. Only Satement is rue, Fesbeore Augost €Bothstatements ac tr 4 eho contract f sale hasan ajet considering thatthe ces 9 4. Both statements ate notte olentl existence 1 1 »~ 9. Sale of fake lottery ket is: a Perfectly valid b. Void fe Veidabie 4. Unenforesabe 10. M.D isthe defendant ina civil ease where Ms. , the Paint, the recovery of P2000. Ms. pred fF te Provisional remy preliminary attachment over Mire D's car t0 satisfy any gayi! egmont 6 P. Af days Before the se hearing Me D soi ge fo Me.B, Isthe ale valid? Yes Thessleis perfectly valid. 1b No-Thesaleisveidconsderng thatthe thing ld under ipeg, Yes. The sal is vali, but resdsible regardless of Ms. Ws god ice {4 Yes The sale is perfectly valid if Ms. Bisa buyer in good fait 11, Me, Sis the owner of 50 kilograms of sugar located in & Warehouse ‘sold 25 kilograms to Ms.B. Which ofthe following is corre! tatengy as tothecffect ofthe sole? ‘The sale fas no elect considering the 50 kilograms of sug uncivices. 1b. Ms.S will sil be the owner ofthe $0 kilograms of suger porate division ofthe sugar © Ms.$ and Ms. B become co-owners over the 50 kilograms of ge even without the division ofthe sugar 4. Ms. B automatically becomes the over ofthe entire mess of ie ilograms of ugar subject to reimbursement to Ms, S forthe alt ‘he 25 hlograms. 12 Statement 1: As a general rule, adequacy of price does not ft contact of sl’ validity. Slatecnent 2: When thre price agreed upon, the sales vit Only Statement tis true, Only Statement? stn loth statements are trv. Both statements are not re pa ee 133, rare vote following 6 characteristic of on ss WHS joen when sls 8 yet pred, RE aro the purchase price ‘ finn ve the weoul-be Buyer net aie buy on fom the consideration of the feamest money? 2 i res Lr eae sales nts alone + eee oat + rel contre § Somat conc wae se pend B entered into 8 contract of sale where A Sold is ca to B on alent hss for 100,00, payable quartedy for thee) ents Toe vetnet of sle 3s perfected en November 1, 2000 and the cay wnt dearer on January 1 2021, The fist quriely payment was made on fnnary 1, 202 The ownership ofthe vehicle remained wih A. The twoestip wil nansfer to B only upon payment of Ralf of the itnents, However, just three instalments ater, the cat was lot Shsugh stom. In the absence of any stipsaion ise contract of se, is ouie to pay the raining ntlients? 2 Yos because he contract of sale has already been priced Yes, Because delivery of the ear has already been made snd possesion is wth B & No, because notwithstanding the delivery of the ca remained with A. No, becuse it was through fault tha the at was Lek ownership “© Gis the operator of a merchant’ store. Harry ought cellphone in Geis merchant's store. Subsequently, Jane, whose phone fad been ‘evlly stolen, saw Harry's cellphone, Aer examining the phone, Jane eck that twas the cellphone that was stolen fam ber two weeks 25% Whois the rightful owner ofthe elphone? if lite because the phone was unlawfully taken from ber ry, because he acquired this ina merchast store me because she can prove and te that the phone was hers 4, ftoeeh means such asthe serial number anil ficial ecepts etry cause hei purchase he phone fc vl. 194 lt ¥. w. foomined eens ae yy pees cy spel dort cg rei Mon whe toe ware owral ety Seek ‘Sate same yr, tise arated he apo Jon. A weg) deliveced the laptop to Lisa, and Lisa paid the pre in accordant the ontactof sale What the status of hecontactofsle anion 1. Void. The object is inexisiont at te me ofthe contrac of sae 5 ae Te canes ow caret bo Sec, aN The cnt wit Wi 9 ele, 4 SEN heo wate connate sleupn ie Statement 1 Ther canbe transfer of owrerchip without delivery jg sa shpulation provided for such i the contract of ale, Statement 2 In order to transfer ownership, delivery must ala actual and physical and not constructive (Only Stntement Ii true (Only Statement 2s rus, ‘Both statement ane toe Both statements ate no! tru. ‘Chicana entered into a contract of sale of items of makeup wit An ‘Mopogrrahal The toms ofthe sale provide that Angel will makes payment of2% ofthe price, and the remuining 80% willbe pala mc Alter delivery. Chicana was able to deliver the items of makeup. | ofthe flloring statement is true? 8. Angel Mapogmahal is the osmer of the items of makeup ae ‘moment of perfection ofthe contact of ale ‘Angel Mapagmahal is the owner of the some of makeup ‘waking the down payment, ‘Angel Mapagmabal i the owner of the items of makeup # dalivery. pat Angel Mapagmahal will be the owner of the items only payment b 195 nt pearing, trees on August 1, 0 eng en Aa 2 arte? eterno le wh en tr pc aan The pice wat pd by Pw ger Teale te war con eae ea snegegation wes made by Pen on Novena st Nha eeraterent fre ecring Om AUB 1,202, shal long iene ‘efits accruing (rom September 1, 2021, shal belong to Pen, A its accruing from October 1, 2021, shall belong te Pena, « Refs aang om November, 2, hal boss Pea, replete shoul best athe place pled the: Ser’s place of business 1 Byers place of busines fallers residence Ke Ungeoltade 4 Ub and IV, in that order, Wand li that order. © TkLanaY, in that order. 4 llandl, in that onder 2 Unters ale om approval or teal { Daiveryirrevoeably transfers ownership to the buyer. 1. avery does not transfer osenership tothe buver bat veil only be trnserred when the buyer sigifis his approval er aceptance to tbeseler Dalvery transfers ownership tothe buyer but ownership s deemed ‘orevarto the seller when the buyer sgaieshis disapproval or non ‘cmpance tothe eller Delivery transfers ownership to the buyer but osenership is deemed | 'oreert fo the seller when the buyer returns the thing colt the salle 196 2B, Aunt julie and Macoy entered ino contract om "se oF retin, over sme pecs of equipment, Ate delivery to Macoy, the yb Test deta fertusous event Maan hasnt yet pad the purge ‘Who shall bear the ss? me 8. Aum Julie, because she is il the owner considering the sale "sale or return” basis. amu 1k Macuy, because upon delivery, he became the owner of sold, tet & Aunt Je, beause the eller bears the 155 the Ton i dg, fortuitous event | 4, Maco beenuse Aunt fll fs an unpaid seller 24, Stotement 1: Pacis may agree when and on what condo 9, cwmerchp call piss to the buyer other than by mee delivery, ‘Statement 2: Delivery of keys of the place or depositary \} movable sora or kept nos mode of constructive delve a. Only Statement Tis trve r 5. On Siaement 2, © Bothsttements ar rs. <-Both tems ate ot ve, 25. Ik is define as the dlvery of movable property by mere conte sgremen ifthe thing ald cannotbetraeferred othe posession bayer atthe ie ofsle 2 Symbolic delivery Traitolonga mane Ttiobrevi mana 4 Cnstiotum possesorim 26. Statement 1: Dalvery to common cartier is, asa genera ule tA tantamount te delivery othe buyer Statement 2:1 the seller bears the expenses of transportation of hep ‘0d upto the FOB point, then the seller assumes the risk of loss whe oods arin tans Only Satement istrue Only Sttemon’ 2s tue Bath staternens ae true. nee Both statements are not true. 197 oe eo very, condos be in pam is 1 yt as owner but in some Toe nes ae op TP eater > Fado longa mane Ttebre man « Tetum pest samo sure ee Pra fd se ints own hy 8 2 oO underhs wna sn Dreier as eet en al the and P.O was the iat to ake penis a kd 19,20. Who osha beter igh oner nea) ee orbs bere rasa he pamensinaiet em, Oars bough en ber ec re pe pemetabieetieama tor ncn of double sale involving movable property, who among the fnsing has a preferred right? 2 Theft possessor in pood faith 1k Theft registrant in good faith © Theperson with the oldest ttle 44 Thebuyerin the oldest sale 1 Satanent I: IF the seller delivers goods Which ave fess than what wae coraced the buyer eanot rojoct the goods delivered Sidement 2 Ifthe seller delivers goods which ae less than what ras "rate, the buyer can accept and pay a the contrat rte 2 Only Statement Lis tue 8 Only Statement 2is tue © Gothstaterent are true. & oth statements ane not true. ‘hen th aller werlves his right of edemytion the se ie Bound to Pr alotihe folowing except Powe ofthe sle Pees of the contact sessaty and useful expemses ous expenses __ oc semen of PFSEAIION may samy har gondsare reason toh ener purpose sw dl 8 Linco ale i al yee sul Purp trmsemporeeny 24 the goods andy wg | ® Yacht eekly fom ert es oe oa g Me] > HOM toy fet SP egesetione © ary sa eee eto Art five cows. wl be le fo Atha & youn tn (gta het edt eine $ qouaibes amin ‘oe . sy comanrsatah ety iy agg | Seen ay. de tie sale : 2S en awarniymatbo spines inorderobindgy,| _¢ fpocos win even (dav a ae at td athe ® sale. i ee inten ofa discas thatexised atthe time 3 Say setemen 2st, «Speedin ten 0 yaa death © posters aretrr tor ite ae ot aes sci apt edibitoy ets appli in te sale 3 Dest ham 2 fendered aba waar ae b RSSRESGA sa wary only relied upon by thebage | mL Nowllvng things {contre ars waranty ony itmade by enexperand dg) by eter toy 4 Werder a2 waranty ony if it appents onthe ita] + Tn Loy ‘evidencing the sale, made by an expert and relied upon by tebe) i ramet 55: langioak,an expert in metals, bought 1,000 kits of go rom tse in making fumitare with pore gold plhting, Uniaosn Janghook and Jimi the bars of gold sold are not pure gold Ws melted and molded into gold plates, the poor quality of te a satsyJunghook simi liable for breach of warranty 2683 dec? este the etisnat patent or vie es Because the defect renders the thing sold unfit or wich twas intended “s | No. Because the buyer isan ex ould have 0 pie ye spect who shi "No, Because the seer isnot aware ofthe hidden fault ot 38 ites 199 3. Wich of the following sale i void? Ssleof animals through fats or public asetions Sle of animals suffering from contagious disease & Sileoflivestock as condemned 4 Sale oftivestock not for human consumption > EEE 40, Dasnerys bought 3 4 8. cto tl from Cet Ah ay re pocme the sob OF csp, Weert nd bse a a er rege Cee i fr bg vn api con existed prior to the, “| sgn ere ofthe cimant exited POT 1 Those gg, em | eam ee act imptale to Cec th ad pare! ff ‘Cara's and Daca "tin Incase there isa braoeh of on express Warranty, What the ood to rescind the contact he absence of any stipulating >. Two(2)years bur years © ved) year 4. Ten (10) yeas, Inthe event thatthe buyer was totally evicted from the rel ‘ug rom the seller, the buyer can demand from the seller the pe of Value of ting se a the tne of sale ‘Value of thing soldat the time of eviction ‘Valu of thing soldat the te of foreclosure ‘Valu of thing soldat the tz of payment of price bythe be pore Under the Reco Lam if he seller chooses the frelon el rtgge then 2 These shall haven futher action to recover any arp . Thesler shall have no frter action to recover any once ures spelt Thesalermay reaver any unpad balance 4. Theseler may recover any unpaid balance ules stipe 201 SP ar kev remedy of cancellation of ke way be ava ju me edo LNW! MOY sles mt pat ? ed of by the ster le have not been pid Sree, ent 2 at ‘least ce & ules fue aot Under the Recto Lav if th sll has hose th remedy of oomance, then the seller cn stil seek the remedy of wen ie peo s FM une eto Lote thn el of Seeman, he the le on i sk te eco of Fane motes oy taerent 1 rue, f ouystatement 2s true, » Gothstatoments ae true. § om satmnents are not rue ‘6 Wich the following is Outside ofthe coverage of Macedo Lass? Sle of residential dwellings ‘Sale of commercial buildings . Saleof residential Lots {Sale ofagecultural land 4, Under the Maced Lave, the buyer whe has pad atleast wo (2) yeas of ‘ntlment may avail of the groce period a Cree every to (2) years 1. Once every this (3) years & Once very four (4) years Onc every five (5) years 8 Unirte Maceda Lavy if the ber hos pi hon 0) yor of nln the grace pero is at est & Mhny G0 dye b. Shay (60) days Naty 6 days netanetwenty (120) days m2 a jest under the Maced Law, 45, During the grace period ranted ud . ee Go any ofthe following. oP is Mutt hn, doar ssignhisrghsina rota nstrumont Stersie eeife pee ih tert a 6 eee aint Z st if the buyer has already paid inst ee ctv te bese 50, Under he baja the ht 6 the ean Be ‘Sree rong ‘| mb P"Gharieeca om me & Gectcwa ems 2 Sree toe pa Be Serer etlamr pa we vA ma me aa an BA a8 BD “e a rey ay as 20

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