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Capoeira, an Afro-Brazilian cultural expression, is a unique blend of dance, acrobatics, music, and martial arts with deep historical roots dating back to the period of slavery in Brazil. Emerging
as a form of cultural resistance, Capoeira practitioners employed graceful movements, acrobatics, and musical rhythms within a "roda" (circle), where interaction between participants occurs in a
fluid and rhythmic manner. The music, played by traditional instruments like berimbau and atabaque, sets the pace for the game, contributing to a practice that extends beyond combat,
incorporating artistic and cultural elements.

In addition to its cultural significance, Capoeira is also practiced globally as a sport and a form of physical conditioning. The acrobatic movements, distinctive kicks, and creative interaction in
the circle make it not only a rich cultural expression but also an engaging physical practice. The diversity of styles and philosophies within Capoeira contributes to its global expansion and the
preservation of its unique traditions.


1. Social Coexistence and Ethics (BNCC, O Eu, o Outro e o Nós): Capoeira practice 1. Inquiry: Capoeira provides opportunities for inquiry, encouraging children to ask
can be incorporated to promote social coexistence and ethics among children. The questions about the origin, movements, and cultural significance of the practice.
class can emphasize the importance of respect, cooperation, and mutual Students can explore the history of Capoeira, its rituals, and how it connects to the
understanding as the little ones participate in collective activities in the Capoeira circle. world around them.

2. Body, Gestures, and Movements (BNCC, Corpo, Gestos e Movimentos): Capoeira 2. Individuals and Societies: By learning about the history and culture behind Capoeira,
is a form of body expression that aligns with the field of experience related to the body, children can develop a deeper understanding of diverse societies. This aligns with the
gestures, and movements. The class can explore body awareness, motor "Individuals and Societies" component of the IB PYP, aiming to explore how societies
coordination, and the development of fundamental motor skills. evolve and interconnect.

3. Music (BNCC, Traços, Sons, Cores e Formas): Music plays a significant role in 3. Expression: Capoeira is a form of artistic and bodily expression. Integrating Capoeira
Capoeira. Introducing instruments like the berimbau and exploring rhythms can be into the program allows children to explore different forms of expression, developing
integrated into the field of experience related to traits, sounds, colors, and shapes. motor skills, coordination, and body awareness.

4. Identity and Autonomy (BNCC, Espaços, Tempos, Quantidades, Relações e 4. Action and Service: Capoeira, with its physical movements and playful elements,
Transformações): Capoeira, with its emphasis on personal expression and encourages action and active participation. Additionally, projects involving the
movement, can contribute to the development of children's identity and autonomy. The community, such as Capoeira performances or workshops, can align with the concept
class can encourage self-expression and decision-making in a playful environment. of service, encouraging children to share their skills with others.

5. History and Culture (BNCC, O Mundo): Even for young children, it's possible to 5. Language Exploration: Capoeira includes elements of music and singing in
introduce elements of Brazilian history and culture through Capoeira. In a simplified Portuguese. This provides an opportunity for children to explore language in diverse
manner, educators can highlight the origin of Capoeira and its significance in Brazilian ways, including learning new words, songs, and rhythms associated with the practice.
6. Personal, Social, and Physical Development: The practice of Capoeira contributes
to children's personal, social, and physical development, aligning with the overall goals
of the IB PYP. It promotes social skills, self-confidence, physical awareness, and a
broader understanding of the world.


1. Introduce children to Capoeira, highlighting its cultural and artistic elements. 1. Space in the sports court.
2. Develop motor skills, coordination, and body awareness through Capoeira 2. Sound system - Capoeira songs.
movements. <>.
3. Foster socialization and mutual respect among students. <>.
4. Provide a playful and educational experience aligned with the principles of the <>.
International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (IB PYP) and BNCC. <>.


1. Greeting the students.
2. Establish an agreement to capture the children's attention whenever necessary, with the teacher initiating by clapping and snapping fingers twice, prompting students to follow the rhythm
created by the teacher.
3. Brief explanation of what Capoeira is and its cultural significance.
4. Discussion on mutual respect and cooperation.

1. Run and stop to the sound of the teacher's whistle, aiming to release the energy of excitement for the physical education class, in order to make the students more focused for the main
topic of the class.

Demonstration and practice of basic Capoeira movements adapted for the age group
The teacher should demonstrate the movements to the students without music initially. Subsequently, using music, the children should follow what the teacher instructs in a sort of musical
'freeze and move' game. The movements will be:
1. Ginga.
2. Cocorinha.
3. Meia Lua de Frente.
4. Benção.
5. Au.
After the children recreate the movements shown by the teacher, they should form pairs to engage in the dynamic sequence: ginga > cocorinha > benção or meia lua de frente. They should
always switch partners upon the teacher's commands.

Formation of a Capoeira roda (circle)

After forming pairs, the teacher will assist in creating a circle with the children, demonstrating where the beginning and end of the circle are. At the start, two children should crouch down and
clap their hands before entering the circle, using the au movement. Inside the circle, the children should perform the movements of ginga, cocorinha, benção, and meia lua de frente.
1. Practice of learned movements in a playful environment.
2. Encouragement of interaction, respect, and creative expression.

Cool Down
1. 1, 2, 3: With the children back in pairs, they should count from 1 to 3, taking turns saying each number. If child A says 1, child B says 2, child A says 3, child B says 1 again, and so on
until one gets confused and loses the game. Once the children are familiar with this game, one number should be replaced by a motor movement, for example, number 1 could be
replaced by a clap. The game continues in this way until someone gets confused.

Thanking students for their participation.


1. Ensure that the space in the sports court is safe and suitable for activities.
2. Adapt Capoeira movements to ensure safety and active participation of students.
3. Include music and playful elements to maintain children's interest throughout the lesson.
4. Continuously assess the class dynamics and adjust the lesson as needed.

PEREIRA, M. P. V. DE C. et al.. FIGHTS AT SCHOOL: TEACHING STRATEGIES OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION TEACHERS. Journal of Physical Education, v. 32, p. e3226, 2021.

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