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Script for Literary Festival

Passion of the Christ/ He is Risen

Grade 2- Luke/ John

“He is not here, but is risen: remember how he spoke unto you when he was yet in Galilee”
“Saying, The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and the
third day rise again”

Luke 24:6-7

John 3:16 Passion of the Christ

Jesus: Apostle Peter- Lady Magdalene: Apostle Jude: Narrator 3:
E.A Raterta DJ Accad Jade Agapito Lucas Mattheo SOC Nacion

Mary: Apostle John- Joanna- Servant girl 1- Crowd-

Sabrina Paulen Kian Lord Katrina Abigail Arellano Kylie 1. Teng
Vaquer Althea Gasgonia 2. Natividad
3. Lagman
4. Alex
5. Lexa
6. Arcos
7. Tugado
8. Valdez
9. Jara
10. Flores
11. Oco
12. Dolorito
13. Mendoza
14. Cainglet
15. Lualhati
16. Gallito

Woman 1- Woman 2-
Adrianna Eli Audrey Isabelle
Pascual Balais

Narrator 1: Apostle Judas- Apostle Simon- Servant girl 2- Soldiers-

Amber Lescano Yeuri Versoto John Claver Bless Arado 1. Kian Lucas
Paduga Helena Esplana Jaro
2. Luis Nequing
3. Marcus Acierto

Narrator 2: Apostle James- Apostle Matthew- Man 2- Man 1-

Hyuna Dela Cruz Skyler Grey Matthew Vicente Daelan Dela Pena Byrlle Baguilat


● (For God So Loved)- all students aside from Jesus.


Characters: Jesus, Peter, John

Narrator 1: Jesus and his disciples arrived in Jerusalem after a long journey through Israel. The feast of
Unleavened Bread, called the Passover, finally arrived. Like the rest of the Jews in Jerusalem, they were
going to celebrate the covenant God made with the Israelites after freeing them from slavery in Egypt.

Jesus: Go and prepare the Passover meal for us to eat it.

John: Where?

Peter: Yes, where do you want us to make preparations for it?

Jesus: Look for a man carrying a jar of water. Follow him into the house he enters. Ask the house owner
to show you to the guest room where I will eat the Passover with my disciples. Make preparations in the
upper room.


Characters: Narrator, Jesus, Peter, James, John, Judas, Apostles

In a line of desks, a large table, or in a row on the floor sit Jesus and the Twelve Apostles including Peter,
John, and Judas who sit closest to Jesus. In front of Jesus is a large piece of paper cut into a circle. This
is the bread. Also, there is a large chalice (cup) in front of him as well.

Narrator 2: When it was evening, Jesus took his place at the table with the Twelve Apostles.

Jesus: Truly I tell you, one of you will betray me.

Apostles: [Each Apostle states one after another.] Surely not I, Lord?

Scene 3 Arrest of Jesus Christ

Characters: Narrator, Jesus, Peter, Judas, Slave, Apostles, Crowd

Narrator 3: Jesus returned to his Apostle and woke them up. Then Judas arrived with a large crowd
carrying swords and clubs. Judas pointed to Jesus and shouted, “Arrest him!” Then the crowds came and
grabbed Jesus to arrest him.


Characters: Narrator, Peter, Servant-girl, Man 1, Man 2, Group by the Fire

Narrator 1: Peter sits by a fire warming his hands with a group of people around him talking to each
other. Then a servant-girl notices him.
Servant-girl: This man also was with Jesus the Galilean.

Peter: Woman, I do not know him.

Narrator 2: Peter stood up and walked away until another person recognized him.

Man 1: You also are one of the followers of Jesus of Nazareth.

Peter: Man, I am not!

Narrator 3: Peter continued to walk away when a third person recognized him.

Man 2: Surely this man also was with him; for he is a Galilean.

Peter: Man, I do not know what you are talking about!

Narrator 1: At that moment, the cock crowed. He remembered the words Jesus said

to him at the Passover feast.

Peter: Oh no. He said before the cock crows, I would deny him three times.

Narrator 2: Peter broke down into tears and ran away from there.


Characters: Jesus, Soldiers.

(John Paduga will sing He Raise Me Up)

Narrator 3: The Roman soldiers led Jesus away. They stripped him of his clothes and put on him a robe
and a crown made of thorns.

Narrator 1: It was about noon and darkness came over the whole land until three in the afternoon.

Jesus: My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.

Narrator 2: And he breathed his last.

Narrator 3: Jesus was dead. His body had been wrapped in linen and laid in a tomb and a huge stone
had been rolled across the entrance.

[Enter stage – Women 1 and 2]

Narrator 1: It was now the first day of the week and Lady Magdalene, who had known Jesus, went to the
tomb. But, on arriving, they saw that the stone had been rolled away from the entrance.

Women 1 and 2: Look! The stone’s been rolled away from the entrance!

Narrator 2: And when they entered the tomb, they found that Jesus’ body had gone.
Lady Magdalene, Woman 1&2: Jesus’ body has gone!

Narrator 3: Suddenly, two angels, shining as bright as lightning, appeared before the women, who lay in
fear with their faces to the ground. The people were looking where is the body of Jesus, then someone
said; “He is not here, but is risen: remember how he spoke unto you when he was yet in Galilee”
“Saying, The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and the
third day rise again”.

Joanna and Mary: Jesus is alive!

Lady Magdalene: Come on, let’s go and tell the disciples...

Narrator 1: And so, off the women Lady Magdalene, Joanna, and Mary the mother of James went to tell
the disciples about all they had heard and seen. But the disciples did not believe them.

[Exit stage – Women 1 and 2]

(Peter Got up and ran to the tomb he only saw the linen clothes, so he went away and wondered himself
what had happened)

[Enter stage – Disciples 1 and 2, shortly followed by Jesus. March on the spot, facing the
audience. Disciples 1 and 2 either side of Jesus]

Narrator 2: Not long after the angels had appeared, two of the disciples were walking along a road, just
outside the City of Jerusalem. Jesus started walking with them, but they were kept from recognizing Him.

(Mary was weeping and crying)

Narrator 3: It was only later that evening, when Jesus broke bread and gave thanks before eating a meal,
that the two disciples recognized that it was Jesus who had been with them all day...

Disciple Peter: It’s you!

Disciple John: Jesus is...

Disciple James: Jesus is...

Disciples Jude, Matthew, and Simon: Jesus is alive!

[Exit stage – Jesus]

Narrator 1: But Jesus disappeared from their sight. The disciples then ran off to tell the others.

Disciple Peter: Come on! Let's go back to Jerusalem and tell the others that Jesus is alive!

Narrator 2: The two disciples traveled back along the seven-mile-long road, back to Jerusalem. They
arrived at a house where all of the disciples were together discussing the whereabouts of Jesus’ body and
whether or not angels had appeared to the women.

[Enter stage – other disciples]

Disciple Matthew: [Talking to all of the disciples] You chaps will never guess what...

[All in one breath, both very excitedly talking at the same time and both finishing on the word ‘Jesus’ at
the same time]

Disciple James: We were walking along the road and then this guy turned up and walked with us, but we
didn’t know it was Jesus, and we talked about amazing things and then we stopped for some food and
then He broke bread and then we realized it was Jesus...

Disciple Simon : It was crazy! We just saw Jesus, He’s not dead anymore. I was all like, no way, it’s
Jesus, and then I was all like, weird, why didn’t I know it was Jesus before, but He broke some bread and
then He was gone, just after we realized it was in fact, Jesus...

Disciples John: Wait. What are you talking about!?

Disciples Peter and Matthew: Jesus is alive!

[Enter stage – Jesus (appearing in the middle of all of the disciples)]

Narrator 3: The disciples were nearly speechless. They looked at Jesus’ hands and they looked at Jesus’

Narrator 1: They saw the nail marks in His hands and in His feet and they saw and felt that He was real.
They were definitely not imagining Him. He was standing right in front of them, in the flesh; Jesus was

ALL Disciples: It’s really you!

Narrator 2: Jesus then spoke to them all saying... Jesus: I am going to send you what my Father has
promised, but wait here in the city until you have received the Holy Spirit.

Narrator 3: So the disciples remained in Jerusalem and they waited just as Jesus had told them to. They
were all filled with joy at realizing that Jesus is alive!

Song: Risen by Shawna Edwards (end) Interpretative

Dance: He is Risen

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