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This activity required us to conduct an interview with a school principal who is a graduate of the degree

we are pursuing. Actually, we didn't have a hard time finding an interviewee, since one of our members
has a mother that is qualified to be one. She is Mrs. Janice Ria G. Taruc, the principal of Dolores
Elementary School in Sto. Domingo, Nueva Ecija. At first, we were nervous and intimidated because we
really think highly of people like her, but during the interview, all the nervousness we felt just vanished,
and was replaced by comfortability. As a result, the interview went well, and we gained knowledge that
will be useful to us as future educators. Through her answers, we are able to determine the core values
of their school as well, such as the philosophy, vision, mission, and goals.

First of all, there are many ways to distinguish a school as an effective institution. In the said interview,
Mrs. Taruc talked about the welfare of her teachers and learners, like how can she help her co-teachers
grow professionally, how can she increase the academic performance of her students and how can her
school be a healthy environment. These questions made her jump into realizations not just for legacy
but to consider that her learners and co-teachers are important components in solving worldly
problems. She wants her co-teachers to be promoted and grow professionally as they are stepping to a
higher level of being a teacher. She also wants her learners to have a higher level of knowledge through
well-trained teachers in their school. Therefore, we conclude that the school has a philosophy that the
measurement of the Dolores Elementary School’s success as an institution is its power to increase the
efficacy of children's knowledge in reaching a higher level, and to make their teachers competent with
awareness of their environment, social, culture and values.

Next, Mrs. Taruc wants her school to be seen as an institution that has a good relationship within its
community and is also providing a quality education to each student they are serving with. She started
to develop unity with her colleagues in order for them to work as one. In that way, they can provide
excellent education for their learners. The actions she has done are pretty inspiring. She helped her
teachers to be promoted and enhance the scope of learning competencies to grow as professionals.
From what we observe on her answers, her administration is very confident to face any struggles that
they might encounter. We have concluded that her vision for the Dolores Elementary School is to be
well-known institution in the field of excellency of education towards providing quality learning under a
great and united administration.

On the other hand, if there is a vision, there should also be a mission. However, a mission will only be
effective if the institution works together in reaching the same end-goal. Therefore, we see that Dolores
Elementary School strives to build up a good relationship within the internal community, work with
fairness of responsibility, and make the teachers grow personally and professionally. In the lead of Mrs.
Taruc, everyone who works inside their institution are all in unity to achieve all of these.

Last but not the least, Mrs. Taruc also has goals for the school she is handling. According to her, before
she even became the principal of the school, she already discovered that there is a gap between the
teachers; the principal’s most favorite and the least favorite ones. However, she did her best to handle
all of them and also to make them forget the problem or issue that they had for the previous years.
Bonding, cooking and eating altogether inside their school became her ways to fix the damage between
the teachers. Next, there are times that she had to communicate with LGUs to ask for some help in
improving their school properties. Also, since the teachers were divided into two groups before, she
makes sure now to treat them equally, remove that division and make all of them work as one. In
addition, she wants to promote the teachers under her administration. Being promoted means they can
be more confident about their teaching and avoid insecurity with others. With that, we can say that she
wants them to be fully-grown as educators personally and professionally. Luckily, she was able to help
one of her teachers in getting promoted. We therefore conclude that she aims to develop a good and
harmonious relationship within the internal community, secure the safety of school properties, develop
fairness or equality among the teachers, and lastly, promote the teachers under her administration. We
can also say that she has already been accomplishing what she wants to accomplish.

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