Grade 9 Midtest Semester 2

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Grade 9 Catholic Religious Education

Mid Semester Exam

Name :
1. Catholics have great respect for people of other faiths. At this time, our Muslim brothers and
sisters are fasting. Write down 3 examples of respecting your Muslim friends who are fasting!

2. Name three Church documents that teach us to respect people of other religions!

3. What is interfaith tolerance? Why is it important to learn?

4. Why can dialogue reduce conflict or tension between religions or beliefs?

5. There are many beliefs or religions in the world. Is it still relevant to have a religion? Why
do humans need religion?

6. How can we remain faithful to the Catholic faith amidst the diversity of religions and beliefs
in Indonesia?

Case Analysis:

A secondary school recently experienced conflict between students due to differences in

religious backgrounds and beliefs. Some students felt uncomfortable with the religious
practices of other students, and this caused tension between them. Some students even started
to choose friends based on their own religion and beliefs, isolating themselves from other
students with different beliefs.

The school realised that this issue needed to be addressed immediately to prevent more serious
conflicts and promote an inclusive and welcoming environment. They decided to organise a
special class meeting to discuss the importance of accepting religious diversity and beliefs in
building harmonious relationships at school.

Your task is to:

1. Outline how you will lead the discussion in the class meeting to explore students'
understanding of diversity of religions and beliefs.
2. Formulate strategies or concrete actions that the school can take to promote interfaith
tolerance among students.
3. Present a convincing argument to the students on the importance of accepting and respecting
different religions and beliefs in creating a peaceful and inclusive school environment.

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