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Catholic Religious Education Midterm Exam 2 Multiple Choice

(put a cross X on the correct answer!)
1. In friendship, friends can certainly make mistakes. What is taught
Jesus on how to deal with friends who make mistakes?
A. Reprimanding in a harsh way C. Hiding a friend's mistake
B. Reprimand in a good way D. Don't care about friends' mistakes
2. What is the main message of Matthew 18:15-20 regarding "counsel when your friend or
brother sins"?
A. Turning a blind eye to the mistakes of relatives and friends
B. Shunning a brother or friend who does wrong
C. Resolve conflicts tactfully under four eyes
D. Blaming a brother or sister in public
3. Based on Scripture, what did Jesus model in his friendly relationship with his disciples?
A. Avoiding students who make mistakes
B. Being indifferent to student mistakes
C. Demonstrate solidarity and togetherness
D. Selecting only perfect students
4. How did St. Valentinus demonstrate the qualities of good friendship?
A. Avoiding helping young couples
B. Being indifferent to friends' difficulties
C. Helping and supporting young couples who want to get married
D. Succumbing to social pressure
5. What is Scripture's message about courage in friendship?
A. Giving in to peer pressure C. Shunning friends with different views
B. Defending true and just values D. Only befriend people of the same
6. St. Valentinus is known in the Catholic Church as the patron sano. .
A. Universe C. Teachers and students
B. Church D. Friendship and Marriage
7. What attitude should Jesus' disciples have to be faithful friends according to the Scriptures?
A. Being indifferent to friends' mistakes

B. Hiding a friend's mistake to maintain unity
C. Reprimand friends privately and with care
D. Avoiding friends with different beliefs
8. What does St. Valentinus or St. Valentine do?
A. Roman soldier C. A Catholic Priest
B. Professors D. Merchant
9. What does St. Valentinus show to young couples who want to get married?
A. Desire to help and support
B. Desire to meddle in other people's affairs
C. Desire to separate the couple
D. The desire to forbid them from getting married
10. What can we learn from St. Valentinus when he resisted the Roman emperor's
conscription and marriage ban?
A. All norms must be followed even if they are unfair
B. We need to stand up against injustice
C. We must not fight the authorities even if they are unjust
D. We may do unfair things for the sake of self-interest
11. What should teens understand from St. Valentinus' story about supporting friends'
A. No need to support friends' choices
B. Supporting a friend's choice is a bad thing
C. Supporting friends' choices is an important part of friendship
D. Friendship does not require support
12. What does dating mean to junior high school students?
A. Dating is encouraged
B. Dating is not a must
C. Dating should be done in secret
D. Dating should be done without judgment
13. What should be done when dating?
A. Shunning other friends and only making time for girlfriends
B. Learning together to develop yourself
C. Abandoning extracurricular activities in favor of dating
D. Shutting yourself off from the outside world
14. What is the ideal dating age?
A. Dating should be done from childhood
B. Dating is only done after adulthood
C. Dating should be done without judgment
D. Dating should be done without regard to norms
15. Why did Jesus forbid us to pray in public to be seen by people?
A. Because showing off when praying is frowned upon by God
B. Because private life is a private right
C. Showing off prayer is hypocritical or bad behavior
D. Because God wants us to be praised as godly people
16. What is the main principle that Jesus taught about prayer in Matthew 6:6?
A. Pray with beautiful words
B. Pray in secret in a hidden place
C. Pray with a loud voice for God to hear.
D. Pray only in houses of worship
17. What does Jesus teach in the Lord's Prayer about forgiveness?
A. We must forgive others before we ask for forgiveness
B. Forgiveness should be avoided so as not to weaken us
C. Forgiveness is only necessary if a major mistake is made
D. Forgiveness must be achieved through hard work
18. What does Jesus teach about fasting and prayer in Matthew 6:16-18?
A. Fasting and prayer should be done in excess
B. Fasting and prayer must be done in public
C. Fasting and prayer should be done in private
D. Fasting and prayer have no spiritual value
19. Based on Matthew 18:21-35 on forgiveness, what did the king do to the indebted servant
after he begged for forgiveness?
A. The king gave him a severe C. The king increased his debt
D. The king banished him from his
B. The king forgave all his debts palace
20. The following are the causes of our difficulty in forgiving others are .
A. Because we lose if we forgive C. Because forgiveness is a sign of weakness
B. Because of resentment and D. Because religion forbids forgiveness

21. Why is it good to apologize or give forgiveness?

A. Because it makes one look weak

B. Because it can maintain self-esteem
C. Because it makes the heart calm, peaceful, and serene
D. Because it makes one hated by others
22. What did Jesus teach about forgiveness?
A. Forgive only up to seven times
B. Forgive up to seventy times seven times
C. No need to forgive
D. Forgive only when the fault is small
23. Why is forgiveness of God inseparable from forgiveness of others?
A. Because we must imitate God's actions
B. Because God forces us to forgive
C. Because God's forgiveness is the best example
D. Because it is a rule that must be followed
24. What was Jesus' attitude toward a sinful woman who wanted to be stoned?
A. He agreed to the sentence C. He defended and forgave her
B. punish the woman more severely D. He did not intervene in the case
25. What lessons can be learned from Jesus' struggle for gender equality?
A. Men and women are equal
B. Men are higher in rank than women
C. Women have higher status than men
D. Gender equality is not important
Short Essay
1. Based on Matthew 18:23-35, how many times did Jesus teach Peter forgiveness? What
does it mean?
2. In the parable of Matthew 18:23-35, who represents the king, the treasurer and who
represents the servant who is in great debt?
3. What did the king do to the heavily indebted servant after he begged for forgiveness?
4. What is the attitude of the forgiven servant towards his fellow servants who owe him
5. What are examples of Jesus' actions that demonstrate his teaching on the equality of men
and women?

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