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Mazvita Munopo

Beartown Anticipation Guide

Please respond to the following statements by agreeing or disagreeing, and then providing a brief
explanation and example.



I disagree with this statement because though sports

1. Amateur & professional sports bring bring people who support the same side together, there
people together in positive ways. is a divide between those who are not on the same

I disagree, parents often value their childs happiness

1. Parents put too much pressure on before their performance in athletics.
their athletic kids to be successful.

I agree. I notice that sometimes athletes will slack off,

1. Athletes at all levels get away with or do bad things and people will turn a blind eye simply
bad behaviour (on & off the field, because they do not want to taint the athletes
rink, pitch) more than people who reputation.
don’t play sports.

I disagree with this statement. There are many people

1. In order to excel at a sport, athletes who do well in certain aspects of their lives while also
must invest countless hours of juggling a heavy load of extracurriculars. People like
practice at the expense of other child actors or celebrities. I believe that athletes do not
things (i.e. school, friendships, etc.). need to put certain things at expense in order to excel,
and if they are, they are just not putting in enough

I disagree with this statement. Athletes spend a lot of

1. Coaches are responsible for the time with their coaches, and those same coaches may
actions of their players/athletes. notice bad behaviour coming from an athlete but
choose not to speak on it; however, it is not necessarily
the coaches responsibility to raise a child, and teach
them good behaviour. Sometimes children learn those
behaviours from other sources. I believe that the
coaches job is to coach.

I agree with this statement because those who are

1. It is easier to be a successful athlete more wealthy often get more opportunities because
for those who are born into affluent they can afford them. However, this does not only affect
families. athletes, this is general behaviour. Even in schools,
wealthier people can get tutors whenever they please
putting them at an advantage to those who are not as
I completely disagree with this statement because what
1. People who accuse athletes of makes an athlete more credible then any other
assault (physical, sexual, verbal, offender. Why do we just assume that they are lying
emotional) often lie. because they are accusing an athlete? I also strongly
believe in always believing the victim.

I disagree, because what makes an athlete any better

1. While under the influence of alcohol than someone else. It is not fair for us ignore those on
or drugs, athletes are just ‘blowing the receiving end of the athletes actions because they
off steam’ & should not be judged or matter just as much as the athlete regardless of status.
punished for poor

I strongly disagree with this statement because being

1. If someone is physically or sexually under the influence is not an invitation for violence.
assaulted while under the influence People should learn what boundaries are, and respect
of alcohol or drugs, it is their own them regardless of what someone’s physical state is.
fault. We should not blame the victim ever.

I agree with this statement. People often chase

1. People gravitate towards athletes popularity, and what is a better way to reach this
because of the attention they also popularity than finding it from someone who already
receive by association. possesses it.

Please be prepared to discuss your responses with your peers.

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