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Anne Jersey A.

BEEd 3-1
I am Anne Jersey A. Castillo, from Cabucbucan, Rizal, Nueva Ecija. I was born on
September 11, 2002 and I am the eldest of two siblings. My pronouns are she/her and my
personality type is ENFP-T. That means I am an extroverted person. I enjoy social settings. I love
to befriend other people. Actually, before, I was not like this. Social interaction was really one
of my greatest fear. I am beyond happy that I was able to get out of my comfort zone. Aside
from that, I am also expressive. I do not find it hard to open up my problems to anyone. I prefer
expressing it openly.
In addition, writing is one of my hobbies. Since I was in elementary until senior high
school, I’ve been part of the school journalism. During my leisure time, I also love to write
Now, I am taking Bachelor of Elementary Education as my course in college, but
honestly, Bachelor of Psychology is my dream course, because I want to understand people, as
well as their behaviors and mental processes. Unluckily, my mom did not allow me to follow my
dream and just persuaded me to take this instead. However, even though I do not like the path
that I am taking right now, I am still doing my best. I do not want to fail my parents.
To end this introduction, I will just leave my favorite quotation by Steve Jobs which is
the, “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” I like this a lot because it
reminds me not to let anyone affect me and not to let other’s opinions affect my inner voice.
My time is limited, so as long as I am living in this Earth, I will definitely do everything that I
want, without worrying about what others would think of me. Why would I even waste it living
someone else’s life, right?

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