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Extra body aspects exercise

In this exercise you will add things that aren’t visible in your line drawing and
create a personal body code. (not yet an image ID!) If you have a part of an
aspect it will be very obvious, if you are doubting if you have it leave it open
or ask for feedback. How to makes sense of your end score is explained at the
end of the document.

Tight, taut flesh (pinch the flesh on your upper arms, is this
hard to grab? Is there not much difference between your wrist
and upper arm flesh wise?) 3 points

Flat or smaller chest: 3 points

Sharp shoulders : 3 points

Sharp elbows and knees: 2 points

Sharp and long fingers (spider fingers): 1 point



Soft, bouncy flesh (pinch the flesh on your upper arms, is

this very full and similar to the flesh on your hips and bust?)
3 points

Very full chest: 3 points

Rounded shoulders: 3 points

Rounded elbows and knees: 2 points

Short wide fingers: 1 point


Small head (in relation to your overall body height)

4 points

Long arms: 3 points

Long legs, short torso: 3 points



Large head (in relation to your overall body height)

4 points

Short arms: 3 points

Short legs, Long torso: 3 points


Wider, strong looking arms and/or legs:

3 points

Wide torso: 4 points

Large wrists and ankles: 2 points

Large, square hands: 1 point



Narrow, willowy arms and/or legs:

3 points

Narrow torso: 4 points

Small wrists and ankles: 2 points

Narrow, dainty hands: 1 point

First there is a few more things explain before we can go to the
results. Know that the yin aspects are Curves, Narrowness and Petiteness and
the yang aspects are Width, Verticality and Sharpness. The secondary names
are also good to know: C = soft, N = slight, P = petite,
W = effortless, V = flamboyant and S = sharp.

more than 9, high level
between 4 and 8, medium level
less than 4, low level

more than 9, high level
between 4 and 8, medium level
less than 4, low level

more than 6, high level
between 4 and 6, medium level
less than 4, low level

more than 6, high level
between 4 and 6, medium level
less than 4, low level

more than 6, high level
between 4 and 6, medium level
less than 4, low level

more than 6, high level
between 4 and 6, medium level
less than 4, low level
Now we can create a body code. If you have a high score with an aspect you
can add it to the base siloutte you got in the previous exercise, you don’t
need to add aspects that are already apparent in the base siloutte. For
example your base is Flamboyant Natural and you score high on verticality,
width and sharpness then you only need to add sharpness. So, you will be a
Sharp Flamboyant Natural. A medium score is something to keep in mind that
skews your yin/yang balance within your ID, you don’t have to add this to your
base but it’s handy to remember.

If you have low scores on everything nothing changes. If you are a true base,
like a true Dramatic or Romantic, and have a low score you could change your
body code to a Classic type...

Now on to mixed types, if your body code has a mix of these aspects in them
you are definitely a mixed type: narrow + width or verticality + petiteness. You
can still be a mixed type if you don’t have this combination but you NEED a
mix of yin and yang.

The thing about Mixed types is that the mix of yin and yang shows itself in the
body in different ways. So maybe you have very sharp elbows and knees but
very rounded shoulders and a big bust. It seems slightly random where they
happen to place themselves. If you are a Mixed type just add that in front of
your body code!

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