Exercises: Drug Potency, Continued

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BASIC TECHNIQUES meant by limits on potency as specified by a manu-

10.49 A random sample of n ! 25 observations from facturer. Since he implies that the potency values
a normal population produced a sample variance equal will fall into the interval 5 $ .1 mg/cc with very high
to 21.4. Do these data provide sufficient evidence to probability—the implication is almost always—let us
indicate that s 2 " 15? Test using a ! .05. assume that the range .2; or 4.9 to 5.1, represents 6s,
as suggested by the Empirical Rule).
10.50 A random sample of n ! 15 observations was
selected from a normal population. The sample mean 10.54 Drug Potency, continued Refer to Exercise
and variance were x! ! 3.91 and s 2 ! .3214. Find a 10.53. Testing of 60 additional randomly selected
90% confidence interval for the population variance s 2. containers of the drug gave a sample mean and vari-
ance equal to 5.04 and .0063 (for the total of n ! 64
10.51 A random sample of size n ! 7 from a normal containers). Using a 95% confidence interval,
population produced these measurements: 1.4, 3.6, 1.7, estimate the variance of the manufacturer’s potency
2.0, 3.3, 2.8, 2.9. measurements.
a. Calculate the sample variance, s 2.
10.55 Hard Hats A manufacturer of hard safety hats
b. Construct a 95% confidence interval for the popula- for construction workers is concerned about the mean
tion variance, s 2. and the variation of the forces helmets transmit to wear-
c. Test H0 : s 2 ! .8 versus Ha : s 2 # .8 using ers when subjected to a standard external force. The
a ! .05. State your conclusions. manufacturer desires the mean force transmitted by
d. What is the approximate p-value for the test in part c? helmets to be 800 pounds (or less), well under the
legal 1000-pound limit, and s to be less than 40. A
APPLICATIONS random sample of n ! 40 helmets was tested, and the
sample mean and variance were found to be equal to
10.52 Instrument Precision A precision instrument
825 pounds and 2350 pounds 2, respectively.
is guaranteed to read accurately to within 2 units. A
sample of four instrument readings on the same object a. If m ! 800 and s ! 40, is it likely that any helmet,
yielded the measurements 353, 351, 351, and 355. subjected to the standard external force, will trans-
mit a force to a wearer in excess of 1000 pounds?
a. Test the null hypothesis that s ! .7 against the
alternative s " .7. Use a ! .05.
b. Do the data provide sufficient evidence to indicate
b. Find a 90% confidence interval for the population
that when the helmets are subjected to the standard
external force, the mean force transmitted by the
10.53 Drug Potency To properly treat patients, helmets exceeds 800 pounds?
drugs prescribed by physicians must not only have a 10.56 Hard Hats, continued Refer to Exercise
mean potency value as specified on the drug’s container, 10.55. Do the data provide sufficient evidence to indi-
but also the variation in potency values must be small. cate that s exceeds 40?
Otherwise, pharmacists would be distributing drug pre-
scriptions that could be harmfully potent or have a low 10.57 Light Bulbs A manufacturer of indus-
potency and be ineffective. A drug manufacturer claims EX1057 trial light bulbs likes its bulbs to have a mean
that his drug has a potency of 5 $ .1 milligram per length of life that is acceptable to its customers and a
cubic centimeter (mg/cc). A random sample of four variation in length of life that is relatively small.
containers gave potency readings equal to 4.94, 5.09, A sample of 20 bulbs tested produced the following
5.03, and 4.90 mg/cc. lengths of life (in hours):
a. Do the data present sufficient evidence to indicate 2100 2302 1951 2067 2415 1883 2101 2146 2278 2019
1924 2183 2077 2392 2286 2501 1946 2161 2253 1827
that the mean potency differs from 5 mg/cc?
b. Do the data present sufficient evidence to indicate The manufacturer wishes to control the variability in
that the variation in potency differs from the error length of life so that s is less than 150 hours. Do the data
limits specified by the manufacturer? (HINT: It is provide sufficient evidence to indicate that the manufac-
sometimes difficult to determine exactly what is turer is achieving this goal? Test using a ! .01.

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