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Monday, 15 July 2019 11:28 AM - 12:28 PM

Learning Intention: Understand that atoms and elements make up matter

Success Criteria: Be able to explain how the periodic table is organised, using the terms 'period' and 'group'

1. What is an atom?

2. Read p.90-91

3. Complete the worksheet 'atoms, elements and the periodic table'

Challenge: Build an atom!

Wednesday, 17 July 2019 9:53 AM - 10:53 AM

Learning Intention: Understand that different elements have different properties

Success Criteria: Be able to identify and explain differences between elements, and identify patterns in the structure of the periodic table

Experiment: Properties of the elements p.206

Using the Experiment Worksheet, conduct the practical activity.

Safety gear: COMMON SENSE, Lab Coats, Goggles, Gloves

CAREFULLY make observations and make clear, informative notes.

Hand in your sheet at the end of the lesson.

Thursday, 18 July 2019 8:51 AM - 9:51 AM

Learning Intention: Understand that Atoms bond together to make molecules and compounds
Success Criteria: Be able to explain the difference between a molecule and a compound

What do you recall from last session? Build an atom!

Read p.92
Complete the worksheet 'Molecules, compounds and mixtures'
Shadow of the Moon documentary

Wednesday, 24 July 2019 8:51 AM - 9:51 AM

Learning Intention:
Understand that Physical change is a change in shape or appearance

Success Criteria:
Be able to explain what is meant by the phrase 'physical changes are reversible'
Be able to explain what melting, solidification and vaporisation are
Read P.94-5
Awesome Dry ice sublimation video:
Worksheet: Physical Changes. We will do this together, as a class.
Experiment for next lesson: Melting Chocolate (read through the experiment to familiarise yourself with it. This is part of being organised…the focus for next lesson!)
Shadow of the Moon (if time)

Thursday, 25 July 2019 8:51 AM - 9:51 AM

Learning Intention:
Understand that being organised leads to greater understanding of a topic
Success Criteria:
Be able to notice improvement compared to your last practical (regardless of how well you did last lesson!)
Be able to say that you participated more fully and were more open to discussion and questioning than in past lessons

Under these headings, write down the last time you were:
Highly motivated
Aware of your strengths

Prac: Melting Chocolate

Conduct the prac with a FOCUS ON ORGANISATION. What might this look like (if you are organised?)
Make sure your worksheet is completed
Class discussion about todays Effective Learner focus

Monday, 29 July 2019 11:28 AM - 12:28 PM

Remember: the focus last class was organisation. Are you organised for todays class? If you are not, what do you need to do to get organised?

Learning Intention: Understand that physical changes are reversible

Success Criteria: Be able to explain (using correct terminology) the changes in state as solid chocolate melts and then solidifies

Last class, you conducted the practical activity melting chocolate.

Please use todays class to complete the rest of the worksheet that you began last session. When making the graph, show the people around you: ask them how you
can improve your graph by adding/changing one thing about it.

If you complete the sheet, please answer these questions in your book using full sentences. The diagram below will be helpful in answering the questions!
1. What is it called when a solid turns to liquid?
2. What is sublimation?
3. When a vapour turns to a liquid, what is it called?
4. When a liquid turns to a gas, what is it called?
5. Imagine you are making a chocolate cake. What are some solid, liquid, and gases associated with making/cooking the cake?
6. What are some solids, liquids and gases associated with driving a car?
7. Name one solid, one liquid, and one gas found in your body.

Wednesday, 31 July 2019 9:53 AM - 10:53 AM

Learning Intention: Understand that many substances exist because of the work of scientists
Success Criteria: Be able to describe two ways in which chemists have played a role in the formation of new substances

Read p. 102-3

Making purple (5 mins):

Making egg paint: Start at 1:45
Catching a human: (5 mins)

Complete Q 1-3 on p.103
 Where did dyes originally come from?
 What are 5 uses for glue?
 Why can egg white be used in painting?

Thursday, 1 August 2019 8:51 AM - 9:51 AM

Learning Intention: Understand that physical and chemical changes are used to reduce household waste
Success Criteria: Be able to explain the process of mechanical recycling

1. Watch this video as a class:

Plastic recycling (6:30):

2. Read p.104-5 as a class (popcorn reading)

3. Questions to answer (the information can be found in your textbooks)

Look at the image above. What can be recycled in this image?
Draw what happens at each stage of the mechanical recycling process
Why is chemical recycling expensive?
What is corrosion?
What happens when iron rusts?
If you complete this work: Begin reading Chapter 5.5 'Chemical reactions can break bonds...' p.98-99, and complete the questions in full sentences

Wednesday, 7 August 2019 8:51 AM - 9:51 AM

Learning Intention: Be able to conduct an experiment by carefully following a written method

Success Criteria: Be able to say that you were organised in your workspace and accurate in your measurements

CAT 1: Making Casein Glue

Today is Part 1 of your CAT. You need to make your glue and leave it until next class to test. Next session, you will look at your results and complete your worksheet.

As a class, we will read through the assignment sheet

We will look through the rubric sections together
Create a table on the worksheet that will allow you to record your results.
In groups, you will be able to make your glue by following the steps on the sheet
Thursday, 8 August 2019 8:51 AM - 9:51 AM

Learning Intention: Be able to conduct an experiment by carefully following a written method

Success Criteria: Be able to say that you were organised in your workspace and accurate in your measurements

CAT 1: Making Casein Glue

Today is Part 1 of your CAT. You need to make your glue and leave it until next class to test. Next session, you will look at your results and complete your worksheet.

As a class, we will read through the assignment sheet

We will look through the rubric sections together
Create a table on the worksheet that will allow you to record your results.
In groups, you will be able to make your glue by following the steps on the sheet

Monday, 12 August 2019 11:28 AM - 12:28 PM

Learning Intention: Be able to conduct an experiment by carefully following a written method

Success Criteria: Be able to say that you were organised in your workspace and accurate in your measurements

Today, we are going to test the strength of your glue! Which groups glue made the strongest bonds with the icy pole sticks? We have to break the bonds to find out!

Once we have done this, you will have all the information required to complete your CAT.
Aim to have it completed by the end of the session.

Wednesday, 14 August 2019 9:53 AM - 10:53 AM

Learning Intention:
Understand that it is important to be able to identify the four main categories of scientific variables

Success Criteria:
Be able to correctly apply your knowledge to a scenario

Correctly identifying variables is a crucial science skill. Students lose a lot of marks in exams and CATs because of incorrectly identified variables!
The four types of variables are:

Can you watch the video and then correctly answer the questions in the variable kahoot?

Variables video and google doc

Complete Shadow of the Moon documentary

Thursday, 15 August 2019 8:51 AM - 9:51 AM

Learning Intention: Understand that all living things are made up of cells
Success Criteria: Be able to answer extended response questions by locating the required information in your workbook

Read p. 110-111
Complete the worksheet
Fast finishers: conduct some research and create a list of the different types of specialised cells in the human body.

Wednesday, 21 August 2019 8:51 AM - 9:51 AM

Learning Intention: Understand how to operate a microscope

Success Criteria: Be able to carefully use fragile scientific equipment
Read p.112-3

Getting to know your microscope: complete the activity on p.216

Take a photo of the microscope, and label the components using Paint or something similar. Use the labels on p.113 to help with the labelling!

Shadow of the moon

Thursday, 22 August 2019 8:51 AM - 9:51 AM

Learning Intention: Learn how to make a scientific drawing of a cell

Success Criteria: Be able to accurately depict the scale of your drawing

Today you are going to have a go at drawing some of the cells that you can see in the microscopes.
Because this takes some time, the way we will do it is:
 One group stars at the prac benches and one begins with the questions
 As a person completes a drawing, they swap positions with someone completing questions.
This way, you should get the questions and the drawings done in this clas!

Questions: Read p.112-3 and complete all questions!

Monday, 26 August 2019 11:28 AM - 12:28 PM

Learning Intention: Understand that plants and animals have organelles

Success Criteria: Be able to state the differences between plant and animal cells

Today's content is relevant to your next CAT. Work hard to understand todays content, and write neatly: you'll need to use this work for your CAT!

Read p. 114-7
Study the images on p. 115
Complete the questions on p. 117
Complete the table on the board: Differences between Plant and Animal Cells
Wednesday, 28 August 2019 9:53 AM - 10:53 AM

Learning Intention: Understand the structure and function of major organelles

Success Criteria: Be able to make comparisons between organelles and roles within a city.

Today's content is relevant to your next CAT. Work hard to understand todays content, and write neatly: you'll need to use this work for your CAT!

1. Who can remember the names of some organelles?

2. Watch

While watching the video, it is VERY IMPORTANT to take notes: for each organelle, write down the role it plays within the cell. Don't worry about the last
column just yet.

3. After a couple of run-throughs of the video, you should have all the 'Role within the cell' colun complete. Now go through the worksheet and for each organelle:
 Read what you have written about its role within the cell
 Suggest a structure, service or job in a city that might perform a similar role.
 DON’T LOSE this sheet. You need it for CAT 2!

Thursday, 29 August 2019 8:51 AM - 9:51 AM

Learning Intention: Make analogies between cell organelles and city roles
Success Criteria: Be able to source and reference relevant information

Today is session 1 of 3 to work on your cell City Assignment. You will have a fourth session after this to mark yourself, then make changes that will increase your mark.

1. How to reference
2. Where to start: The sheet from last session.
3. Resources:
 Your worksheets from last class
 Your workbooks
 Each other
 If required:

Wednesday, 4 September 2019 8:51 AM - 9:51 AM

Learning Intention: Make analogies between cell organelles and city roles
Success Criteria: Be able to source and reference relevant information

Today is session 2 of 3 to work on your cell City Assignment. You will have a fourth session after this to mark yourself, then make changes that will increase your

1. How to reference
2. Where to start: The sheet from last session.
3. Resources:
 Your worksheets from last class
 Your workbooks
 Each other
 If required:

Thursday, 5 September 2019 8:51 AM - 9:51 AM

Learning Intention: Make analogies between cell organelles and city roles
Success Criteria: Be able to source and reference relevant information

Today is session 3 of 3 to work on your cell City Assignment. You will have a fourth session after this to mark yourself, then make changes that will increase your
1. How to reference
2. Where to start: The sheet from last session.
3. Resources:
 Your worksheets from last class
 Your workbooks
 Each other
 If required:

Monday, 9 September 2019 11:28 AM - 12:28 PM

Learning Intention: Understand that dissection is an important skill

Success Criteria: Be able to identify safety concerns and procedures related to dissections

ABC write: Cell organelles. How many words can your group get in 2 minutes?


New topic: Surviving

1.2 Dissection is an important skill (p.4)

Read as a class, then answer the questions on p. 5.

Wednesday, 11 September 2019 9:53 AM - 10:53 AM

Learning Intention: Understand how to follow a dissection procedure

Success Criteria: Be able to follow written instructions on a dissection sheet

1. Safety talk. Why do we need lab coats, goggles, and gloves?

2. Ethics of using animals for dissection: respectfully learn as much as you can about the animal.

Use the handout sheet to go through the dissection STEP BY STEP. Can you identify all the parts of the wing in the above image?

Pack up by wrapping the wing in newspaper and placing in the bin.

Thursday, 12 September 2019 8:51 AM - 9:51 AM

Learning Intention: Understand that systems are made up of cells, tissues and organs
Success Criteria: Be able to contribute meaningfully to a group activity

With a partner (or group of 3 MAX):

- Each group will run the class through their human!

- As a class, read p.128-9

Wednesday, 18 September 2019 8:51 AM - 9:51 AM

Learning Intention: Understand that systems are made up of cells, tissues and organs
Success Criteria: Be able to participate in a group activity

Overview of p.128 last lesson: Systems are made of organs, tissues and cells

 P.130: The digestive system is made up of organs (what does this mean?)
 Complete the questions on p. 131

Thursday, 19 September 2019 8:51 AM - 9:51 AM

natures giants

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