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Detailed Outline for

The Argumentative Presentation

Topic: Voice for the Voicless: Advocating against Dog and
Cat Meat Consumption.

General purpose: Deliver backgrounds and Persuade the Audience.

Specific purpose: +/ Acknowledge the Truth.
+/ Call for strong and stronger opposement and Complete

I. Introduction:
A. Grabbing the attention.
Eating has always been one of human needs to maintain life. From time to
time, the same needs, but the food has changed for many reasons. People do not
only eat to fill their stomachs, but they also eat to stay fit, to keep the body in
shape. They even develope new eating preferences to suit personal
Though there are some foods presenting throughout the history of
development. Regardless how disgusting and wrong they are, those foods have
never been forgotten. Some of them are even considered to be delicacy.
Vietnamess diverse cuisine packed with vibrant flavorful dishes, which can
bring the eaters an unforgettable experience of taste. One of the dishes that have
sparked a quarrel all over the world and only to find out that Vietnam is not the
only country knonwn for this exotic dish - THIT CHO.
B. Tie back to the audience.
Is there any one of the people sitiing here has tried thit cho before?.
Did you find it delicious ?.
Do you still find it delicious ?.
Is there anyone but you in your family eating dog ?.
C. Thesis, Purpose and Preview.
1. Thesis Statement.
There have been numbers of reports posted on the website called about the truth of dog meat trade across Southeast Asia
countries. These reports stated about the cruelty, the potential risks and
the outcomes of the case and to what extent did they have impact on
individuals and the whole coutry. Finally, at the end of every reports,
people are asked to take real action to change the situation if they were on
the same page.
2. Purpose.
Today, I’d like to bring up the subject again, even though, it might have
been too cliché and appeared in so many articles and social media
platforms. It is undeniable that those articles and campaigns did make
changes among the future generation. Many youngsters have denied
consuming dog meat and spreaded the idea. Yet, according to FourPaws
2020 report, the stastics showed that there were roughly 5 million dogs
killed for their meat in Vietnam, which made Vietnam become THE
3. Preview.
Therefore, in our presentation today, we’d like to bring the problem
closer to your awareness, to highlight the seriousness of the case and to
call for actual action for complete boycott.
Our presentattion divided into 3 parts:
+ Overview of Dog and Cat Industry.
+ The potential risks of consuming dog meat and the
consequences it might even bring to the country.
+ The approvals of the supporters and how corrupted
and misconceived they are.
D. Q&A sections.
Throughout our presentation, if you have any questions and personal opinions,
please leave them until the end.

[Transition into the body] Starting with the biggest dog lovers that they had to
swallow them dogs in order to carry them side by side all the time.
II. Body.
A. Main point 1: It is no doubt that Asians are almost the only consumers of
dog meat. Moreover, we are also the biggest market for Dog and Cat Meat
1. Statement of the current growth of Dog and Cat Trade.
I assumed that no one here has the appetite for dog and cat protein,
but if there is anyone does; shame on you. Obviouly, dogs and cats are
considered as pets and nurtured with kindness and gentleness, Though,
there are might be some of them are not treated with care and abandoned
on the streets or thrown away in dumbsters, litter fields,…Therefore, we
have activitists fight for animals rights and organizatons that are willing
and pleased to provide them a home and find them new owners.
Yet, in some countries, dogs and cats are not lucky enough to be
saved. Instead of treating them with the warmth in their heart, these
countries kept them warm in their stomachs. There is a list of these dog-
unfriendly countries and the names that make up this list can mention:
China, South Korea, the Philippines, Thailand, Laos, Viet Nam,
Cambodia, Indonesia and Nagaland in northern India. If you happened to
have any foreign friend having plan to travel in these countries, strongly
advise them to leave their beloved pets at home.
a. How can dogs run onto their tables ?.
The dog meat trade is well-organized, with high numbers of
dogs being stolen or taken from the streets, transported over
long distances and brutally slaughtered.
 In South Korea, Dogs on South Korean meat farms are
kept locked in small, barren metal cages, left exposed to
the elements and given just enough food, water or shelter
to keep them alive.
 In China, dogs are usually beaten to death with a metal
pipe and then bled out from a cut to the throat or groin,
but they can also be hanged, or—less commonly—
thrown conscious into large drums of boiling water.
 In Thailand: Even though the dog meat trade is illegal in
Thailand, it still goes on, and stolen and stray dogs are
trafficked to Vietnam.
 In Vietnam: In Viet Nam, it is not uncommon for dogs to
be violently force-fed with a tube down the throat in
order to boost their weight before sending them to
slaughter. Dogs are typically driven for days or weeks,
often sick and injured, and many die from suffocation,
dehydration or heatstroke long before they reach their
 As you can visualize how brutal and inhumane the process is. Dogs are
stolen, they can be someone’s pet or they can be a mother of hurd of
puppies. Even worse, they are imported between countries, and as if the
traffickers have any interests on their well-being.
b. Evidences to make the reality more vivid. (Tìm ảnh trên mạng
B. Main point 2: Contrary to some beliefs of dog meat as cures or functionals
foods to enhance physical strength, dog meat packs with serious diseases
that might even be deadly.
Description of the consequences: According to
National Institues of Health “Stray dog trade, fuelled
by dog meat consumption, is a risk factor for rabies
infection”. I am sure that everyone have known what
happened if someone suffered from rabies.
a. Extent of problem.
It is so confusing that some countries hold a belief on the
health benefits from consuming dog meat.
b. Facts.
 In South Korea, for example, a common superstition is
that eating tough dog meat makes men strong and
sexually potent.
 In Vietnam, dog meat is widely believed to bring good
fortune, and medicines and elixirs made from dogs and
cats are popular and sold as remedies for various
ailments, such as cancer, impotence, or even Covid.
 In China, there is an ancient city called Yulin, known for
holding an annual dog meat festival from 21st to 30th
June, purportedly to celebrate the summer solstice, where
an estimated 10,000 dogs and cats are killed and eaten
each year.

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