FCE - Writing A Report

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Wr|t|ng a keport

A report |nc|udes |ntroduct|on ma|n body recommendat|on

8efore wr|t|ng
Make sure you spend Lhe flrsL few mlnuLes plannlng your reporL Cover Lhe key polnLs an lnLroducLlon
Lhe maln body and a recommendaLlon

1hls needs Lo be shorL clear and slmple lL should help Lhe reader know whaL you wlll be dlscusslng ln Lhe

SLaLe Lhe alm of your reporL Make sure you menLlon where you goL Lhe lnformaLlon from

usefol looqooqe fot tbe lottoJoctloo
1be olm of tbls tepott ls to
1bls tepott Jesctlbes
1bls tepott ls loteoJeJ to
lo otJet to ptepote tbls tepott
1be lofotmotloo comes ftom

,a|n body
8emember headlngs and bulleL or numbered polnLs make lL easler Lo read
use a wlde varleLy of phrases and wrlLe ln a forma| and |mpersona| way
Make sure LhaL all of your ldeas are facLual 1hls ls noL a sLory so do noL use exLreme ad[ecLlves or lnclude
deLalled descrlpLlons

usefol looqooqe fot tepottloq floJloqs
All tbose wbo tespooJeJ belleve tbot tbls woolJ be
5evetol people solJ/tolJ me/soqqesteJ/tbooqbt tbot
1be mojotlty of people
Most people
lt oppeots tbot
Not sotptlsloqly
1be molo ptoblem wos tbot
1bey qove/soqqesteJ tbe followloq teosoos
1bey moJe tbe followloq polots

onc|us|on and recommendat|on
lnclude a brlef summary of Lhe flndlngs
Cnly glve Lhe recommendaLlons aL Lhe end
1hls secLlon should glve a general polnL of vlew noL a deLalled argumenL

usefol looqooqe fot sommotlsloq floJloqs ooJ mokloq tecommeoJotloos
All/8otb lJeos bove beoeflts/oJvootoqes bot
uoe to tbese ptoblems we tecommeoJ
lt woolJ seem tbot ls tbe best/most popolot lJeo
All tbloqs cooslJeteJ
we woolJ tbetefote tecommeoJ
l bove oo besltotloo lo tecommeoJloq

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