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I. Spelling.
1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.

II. Write the correct form of verbs in parenthesis.

(love) 1. Mama and Papa ______________ each other.
(sit) 2. Anna and Nikka ______________ on the bench.
(ride) 3. Maria and Anna ______________ a bus going to school.
(drink) 4. I ______________ a glass of milk every morning.
(sell) 5. The man ______________ meat in the market.
(play) 6. Sophia and Mika ______________ in the playroom.
(stand) 7. The pupils ______________ on front of the flag.
(take) 8. He ______________ medicine before going to school.
(share) 9. Marc and Mario ______________ stories about their families.
(love) 10. I ______________ to color.

III. Change the S-form of the verbs to its base form.

1. teaches - 6. hears -
2. receives - 7. reads -
3. attends - 8. plays -
4. watches - 9. studies -
5. bakes - 10. jogs -

IV. Write the past tense of the given regular verbs.

1. pick - 9. walk -
2. watch - 10. smoke -
3. call - 11. jump -
4. climb - 12. learn -
5. hope - 13. fetch -
6. attend - 14. talk -
7. listen - 15. smile -
8. wash -
V. Read and Understand the story. Answer each question and write the answer on the blank.
The Pup and the Bug

Gus is my pet puppy. Gus loves to nap on the rug.

“Get up, Gus!” Tom yells. “Let’s run to the garden. The sun is up. It
is fun to play in the garden.” But Gus does not get up.
Tom sees a bug crawling on the rug. Up, up, up goes the bug. It
climbs on Gus. Gus wakes up. “Arf! Arf! Arf!” Gus is mad. It is mad at the
Gus looks for the bug. But the bug is gone. “Arf! Arf! Where is that
bad bug?”
“Come on, Gus,” Tom Yells “Forget that bug. Let’s run to the
garden while the sun is up.”

1. What is the name of the pet pup?

a. Bug
b. Dug
c. Gus

2. Where does Gus take a nap?

a. in the garden
b. on the rug
c. in the bus

3. Who wants to play?

a. Tom
b. Gus
c. the bug

4. What kind of day is it?

a. rainy
b. windy
c. sunny

5. What wakes Gus up?

a. the sun
b. the bug
c. the rug

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