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By: Sam Wol & 삼월
Translated by: Ms MTLer
Epub by: notyourtypicalgirl
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
Chapter 130
Chapter 131
Chapter 132
Chapter 133
Chapter 134
Chapter 135
Chapter 136
Chapter 137
Chapter 138
Chapter 139
Chapter 140
Chapter 141
Chapter 142
Chapter 143
Chapter 144
Chapter 145
Chapter 146
Chapter 147
Chapter 148
Chapter 149
Chapter 150
Chapter 121
“Sorry to keep you waiting. May we change locations for a moment? I will see you two separately.”

Keira: “If possible, I hope we can finish it quickly.”

“Haha, of course. It’s a formal procedure, so you don’t have to feel pressured.”

The investigator waved his hand as he said it and led Keira into a luxurious parlor.

The investigator even pulled the chair for her.

It was a sight that would cause countless criminals interrogated by him to shed tears of blood.

“Please tell me about what happened at the auction house the day before.”

Keira: “Um, wait a moment.”

If that’s what they wanted to know, she could have sent them a written statement. She didn’t understand why
they bothered to call her here instead.

Even though Keira complained to herself, she recounted what had happened the day before.

Keira: “So, with the help of Her Highness, my name was cleared.”

“You’re as sharp as I was told. Others might have thought it was the new employee’s overzealous enthusiasm.”

Keira: “Because his behavior was suspicious in many ways.”

Her eyebrows furrowed as she recalled the scandal she had suffered when they forged her penmanship in the

Perhaps the investigator interpreted her frown differently because he put his pen down quickly and said.

“Gosh, I’m afraid I’ve wasted too much of your time. We’re done here, so you are free to leave. Thank you for
your cooperation.”

“Thank you for your hard work.”

The officers saw Keira off, and she went outside. Erez wasn’t out yet, so his interview must still be ongoing.

‘Should I wait for him?’

Immediately after that thought, Keira shook her head. Less than a day had only passed since they had silenced
the nonsensical rumor.

She didn’t need another excuse to be seen with Erez at the Imperial Palace.
Keira: “Tell Mr. Shore that I’m exhausted and I’ll go ahead.”

“Yes, Your Ladyship.”

Riding a horse-drawn carriage was prohibited inside the Imperial Palace, so Keira had no choice but to walk to
the far-off front gate.

There wasn’t a single cloud today, and the sun shone brightly. After walking for a while, sweat formed on her

Keira: “If I had known this would happen, I would have worn something lighter.”

Emily: “They could have asked you to just send a written statement, so why did they call for you?”

Keira: “That’s what I’ve been saying. As soon as we get home, tell the kitchen to prepare sorbet.”

Apparently, the Investigation Bureau was in the deepest place among the outer palaces. In this sweltering heat,
it was really a desperate structure.

Just as Keira was about to speak again…

Keira: “Huh…”

Emily: “What’s the matter, milady?”

Keira suddenly stopped in her tracks. The servants in the Imperial Palace tasked to guide her also stopped and
followed Keira’s gaze.

‘That’s the side of the palace?’

Emily’s head tilted. There was nothing out of the ordinary, so she didn’t know what caught Her Ladyship’s

Emily: “What are you looking at?”

Keira: “The person sitting at the entrance to my palace over there.”

Emily: “Sorry? Where?”

Keira: “They look familiar.”

Emily: “Um, wait a moment…”

Emily squinted and spotted someone sitting there. It was half the length compared to the people passing by.

Emily: “Can you even see the face of someone far away? All I know is they’re wearing white clothes.”

Keira: “The clothes aren’t white; it’s long white hair. The clothes look gray.”
Emily: “Wow, you can really see it.”

Emily heard that the five senses of people with strong mana were particularly sensitive, but it was amazing to
see it firsthand.

‘Anyway, who has long white hair?’

One person came to mind.

Emily: “Could it be Lady Cosette…?”

At that, Keira nodded her head slightly.

Emily: “Why is she over there?”

Keira: “I don’t know that either.”

Keira looked back at the Imperial Palace attendants, silently demanding an answer.

The servants carefully exchanged glances with each other, and soon, one of them stepped forward and

“I heard she was begging Her Highness for forgiveness. She was accused of disturbing the Princess by helping
Countess Rheol with her hasty judgment.”

Keira: “Hasty judgment?”

In other words, it meant she only made a mistake and wasn’t involved in the Countess’s scheme?

‘Good for you.’

The Empress’s seat was vacant, and the Empress Dowager no longer appeared in social circles because of her

As such, Cosette, who hasn’t solidified her position as the daughter of the Grand Duke, could not expand her
presence in society when the Princess was angry at her.

Nobles who didn’t want to get on the Imperial family’s bad side wouldn’t invite Cosette to social gatherings.

Keira: “Then why is she doing this outside the palace? If she wants to ask Her Highness for forgiveness,
shouldn’t she go directly to her?”

“That… Her Highness wouldn’t allow her to enter the palace.”

Keira: “So will she be on her knees in front of the palace until she’s forgiven?”

“Yes, that’s what I heard.”

Keira glanced up at the sky. It’s hard to find even a single little cloud.

How could she survive in the scorching sun without a single veil in this kind of weather?

‘Or maybe it’s just to show that she’s struggling?’

Keira looked at Cosette’s kneeling back and then turned around.

Apart from whether she would be forgiven, it would be hard to forget the suspicion that she played a part in
Countess Rheol’s plot.

Keira: “Let’s go, Emily.”

Emily: “Yes, milady.”

Keira’s goal of returning home quickly and resting was shattered the moment she stepped into the mansion.

Robert: “The Marquis of Edinburgh is waiting for you.”

Her brow furrowed slightly at her butler’s voice.

Keira: “Grandfather? For what reason?”

Robert: “Didn’t he come here because he was worried about milady? Well, something like that happened

Keira: “But to come and see me…”

Robert: “He probably never expected something like this to happen.”

It’s an everyday occurrence for Keira, but it might be a tragic event for him.

‘Even Father didn’t think this would happen…’

In the eyes of others who didn’t know the truth, Cosette was just an innocent puppet controlled by Count

However, there was not much time left before the mask was broken.

Keira: “So, where is Grandfather?”

Robert: “He was initially escorted to the drawing room, but we figured it might be boring to wait, so I escorted
him to the garden. It looks like he’s on a walk; would you like me to take him back to the drawing room?”

Keira: “No, it’s fine.”

While grumbling that she had no idea why she went outside in this hot weather, Keira walked straight to where
her grandfather waited.
Fortunately, he was standing under the shaded pavilion.

At the sound of footsteps, the Marquis of Edinburgh looked back.

Marquis: “Keira.”

An expressionless face gazed back at the Marquis. His only granddaughter seemed too calm to be
overshadowed by his great anxiety.

Marquis: “I’m glad you look okay.”

Keira: “Didn’t you hear the whole story until the end? They can’t hurt my reputation.”

It wasn’t Keira who was facing social suic*de but Cosette and Countess Rheol.

Keira took a few more steps forward and said.

Keira: “By the way, I don’t think you came running just because you were really worried about me…”

Marquis: “How quickwitted. I cam here because I don’t think what I’m about to say should be sent through a

For that reason, Keira walked alone to the garden after dismissing all of her attendants.

What would someone as busy as the Marquis of Edinburgh come and tell her?

Keira’s face hardened with tension. She remembered when her grandfather confessed that he was the one who
killed Rowena Weinberg.

She was worried about what other shocking confessions he would reveal this time.

Marquis: “The hideout you asked for last time…”

Keira: “Haa…”

Marquis: “…? Why?”

Keira: “It’s nothing. I was just relieved.”

Depsite her worries, he wasn’t here to drop another bomb, so she let out a sigh as her tension eased.

Keira: “It doesn’t matter. Go on.”

Marquis: “I’m here to tell you that I’ve completed the hideout you asked for last time. We have prepared four
locations in the east, west, north, south, and east directions around the capital.”

The Marquis began enumerating the hideout locations as Keira memorized them. He didn’t give her a document
for fear that it might fall into someone else’s hands.
Marquis: “I’ll tell you just in case, but don’t put the locations on paper.”

Keira: “Of course. I’m not stupid enough to have this on record.”

Then he smiled happily and nodded.

Keira: “It’s been a long time since you’ve been here, so how about having a cold drink in the drawing room?
The weather is hot too.”

She understood why he chose a remote place to tell the secret, but it was just too hot.

Her nape was wet with sweat.

After seeing off her grandfather, Keira turned around, vowing to take a bath.


Then, one man, who hastily disappeared through the window on the third floor behind the annex, caught her

She couldn’t take a closer look because the other person quickly bowed his head, but if her guess was right, he
must be…
Chapter 122
Keira: “Mason?”

Marquis: “Mason? Who is that?”

Keira: “Someone who was looking at us in the hallway on the third floor.”

Marquis: “In the hallway on the third floor?”

The Marquis of Edinburgh looked upwards to the annex far away. No matter how open the window was, it
wasn’t near enough to hear low whispers.

Marquis: “Were you familiar with the face?”

Keira: “If I wasn’t mistaken, he’s Cosette’s servant.”

Marquis: “…Servant?”

Keira: “Yes. Her immediate servant.”

Then the Marquis breathed a short sigh of relief and clapped his hand.

Marquis: “I thought he could be a knight with mana skills. You seem to have forgotten that the average person
cannot hear a small sound from a distance.”

Keira: “I’m pretty sure he didn’t hear us from here.”

Marquis: “Then what’s the matter?”

Keira: “That…”

The simple fact that Cosette’s servant saw her having a secret conversation made it uncomfortable. Even if they
weren’t close enough to be heard.

To make things more curious, Mason hid in a hurry when their eyes almost met.

‘Was it really Mason?’

It still bothered her.

Keira: “Grandfather, please head to the drawing room first. I will stop by the annex for a while, then follow.”

Marquis: “What? Wait, Keira…!”

She could hear her grandfather call her, but she couldn’t afford to look back.

The servant spying on her and her grandfather had to arrive long before he left.
Emily, who had been waiting in the distance, approached Keira when she saw her running.

Emily: “What’s the matter, milady?”

Keira: “I’ll explain later.”

Emily: “Huh? I-I’ll go with you!”

It couldn’t have been more fortunate that there was a back door behind the annex.

Keira walked up the stairs, Emily trailing after her.

The sound of her footsteps hurrying upstairs echoed loudly.

‘She saw me!’

He hurriedly lowered his body, but it was too late.

At the last moment, Keira and his eyes met.

Mason crawled to where there was no window.

‘D-did she recognize my face?’

According to Lady Cosette, those who can manipulate mana have more sensitive five senses than ordinary

‘What if I get punished for eavesdropping? Miss Cosette isn’t here now… no, I wasn’t even close enough to
hear her voice.’

There was quite a distance between the third floor hallway and the pavilion.

Unless you’re superhuman, it’s almost impossible to hear their whispers.

He only peeked at the two through Cosette’s opera glasses to read their mouths and figure out their

It’s good I got to use the reading skill Miss Cosette taught me, but at this rate, I’m about to be kicked out of the

After a moment of anxiety, Mason soon changed his mind.

‘No, there’s no evidence that I was spying on their conversation.’

He lowered his hand right away when he saw Keira stop talking, so she wouldn’t have seen him spying through
an opera-glass.
Miss Cosette once told him that no one would be able to kick out her immediate servant without any blatant

His gaze moved to the opera glasses in his hand.

No evidence.

It wouldn’t make sense if they accused him of overhearing their conversation when he was far away.

‘I have to hide this first.’

He hurriedly looked around but couldn’t find a place to hide. In the end, Mason hastily hid it in the vase
displayed in the hallway.

Shortly after that, Keira and her maid reached the third floor.

Keira: “What are you doing here, Mason?”

Do not panic. Act naturally.

Mason hid his trembling hands under his sleeve and answered.

Mason: “I was c-cleaning up Miss Cosette’s room and was just getting back.”

Keira: “Really? Cosette isn’t home now. Do you have anything to organize in the unoccupied room?”

Mason: “But it’s still dusty, isn’t it? I have to ventilate once a day. Besides, Lady Cosette will be back soon, so
I’ll have to manage it in advance.”

Even Paula, the head maid, knew that he cleaned Lady Cosette’s bedroom every two days.

She can’t accuse me of lying.

Keira: “You were just standing by the window, weren’t you?”

Mason: “T-that…”

Keira: “Don’t even think about denying it. There’s a limited number of people who can enter the third floor.”

Mason: “I’m sorry. I was just on the way to go down after cleaning, but there were two people in the garden… I
only hid because our eyes met suddenly and it surprised me. I didn’t have any bad intentions. Really!”

This is better than just saying it wasn’t me.

If there was anything he did wrong in that situation, he just made eye contact with his superior and avoided it

If he said he did it because he was nervous and startled, she wouldn’t be able to accuse him anymore.
In fact, Keira looked somewhat confused, yet convinced.

‘Even if the window was open, it wasn’t loud enough to hear you up to here.’

Mason was quick-witted. Other than that, he was just an ordinary servant.

It was a far-fetched task for an ordinary boy to hear a voice from afar.

Keira was about to go back when Emily suddenly spoke.

Emily: “Mason, were you cleaning Miss Cosette’s room?”

Mason: “Yes? Yes.”

Emily: “Then did you clean the annex hallway?”

Mason: “No, but… Why are you asking that?”

Emily: “Ah, well, I’m actually in charge of cleaning the annex hallway.”

Seeing her smile like that, she sounded like she wanted to pass on the task of cleaning the hallway to Mason.

Keira, who recognized Emily’s intentions, lowly called out her name.

Keira: “Emily.”

Emily: “I-I was just wondering. I didn’t mean for him clean it up.”

Keira: “Haa…”

Keira sighed and placed her palm on her forehead.

Keira: “You must have a lot of work, so go ahead.”

Mason: “T-thank you, Miss.”

As Mason nodded and went downstairs, Keira walked toward where she had found him.

‘This is the window.’

She stood there and looked down at the garden. She could see the pavilion, but it was defintely not a distance
where he could have heard them.

Keira was relieved at the thought that he didn’t hear her conversation with her grandfather. Just as she was
about to return…

Keira: “…What are you doing, Emily?”

Emily groaned as she tried to get the vase on top of the cabinet.

Emily: “I asked him if he was cleaning the hallway as well.”

Keira: “And?”

Emily: “Sarah and I cleaned this hallway this morning. I know this vase because I polished it. The direction of
the silk fabric is the opposite of what I have placed.”

In response, she took an object out of the vase.

Opera glasses.

Emily: “When I asked that, it seems he was trying to hide this. Is this milady’s? Oh my god, did he really try to
steal your stuff? So he must have been so embarrassed?”

Keira: “It’s not mine.”

Emily: “Then it must be Miss Cosette’s. Her room is just around here, too. But it’s weird. Why would he want
to steal this? If it’s jewelry…”

Emily tilted her head in doubt. Even if he hid jewelry in the vase, she still didn’t understand.

Mason was the closest employee to Cosette. If he had asked for it, he could have gotten it without having to

‘He didn’t even look like the greedy type…’

Emily’s expression grew suspicious.

Keira: “Would you mind giving me that for a second?”

Emily: “Yes, milady.”

Keira took the opera glasses and went back to where Mason had stood. It looked like the pavilion was right in
front of her when she looked through the lens.


He must have observed their conversation very vividly.

‘…Did he read our lips?’

It was absurd to think that an ordinary boy learned to read lips. But if it was Cosette’s servant, that was different

Keira’s face darkened at the thought that he might have ‘heard’ her conversation with her grandfather.
Emily: “Milady, what’s the matter? Is something out there?”

Keira: “It’s nothing. Rather, let’s keep it a secret for the time being that we discovered this.”

Emily: “Yes? Why? Of course, if he stole something…”

Keira: “Strictly speaking, there is no evidence that Mason was trying to steal this. It’s all coincidental. That kid
is Cosette’s direct servant. If I try to kick him out without solid evidence, I will be at a disadvantage.”

Cosette wasn’t one to pass up that opportunity.

However, Keira couldn’t leave those who might have figured out the secret alone.

It was impossible to move an already built hideout to another place, and even if they destroyed it in a hurry,
traces were bound to remain.

‘Cosette’s not here right now, so there’s no way to convey the information… But it’s just a matter of time

If Ludwig found out she had secretly prepared a hideout, things would get complicated.

‘Even if I have to endure Cosette’s counterattack, should I keep my mouth shut?’

But what if Mason couldn’t read her lips? What if she got paranoid in fear she might have gotten caught?

So, wasn’t it like she was giving Cosette ammo?

Keira bit her lips nervously.

As if noticing her unusual look, Emily cautiously opened her mouth.

Emily: “Really… are you okay?”

Keira: “For now, let’s go down.”

Emily: “Yes.”

Emily kept her mouth shut and followed her.

Chapter 123
The Imperial family stayed in the inner palaces. Among them, the fourth palace was given to the daughters of
the Emperor.

As soon as Arabella woke up in the morning, she asked about the situation in front of the inner palace.

“She’s still begging for forgiveness.”

Bella: “Still?!”

Her voice becomes sharp in an instant.

It’s been two days since she returned to the palace after that frustrating debacle at the auction house. But,
Cosette, who began to beg for forgiveness in front of the palace, hadn’t given up.

“What should I do, Your Highness? It’s already been two days and she’s been kneeling all day… At this rate,
it’s only a matter of time before she falls down.”

Bella: “That’s why I told her to step back!”

“What do we do when she insists on staying there until she’s forgiven?”

Bella: “Haa, this is really annoying…”

She ruffled her hair and swore under her breath.

It was obvious why Cosette was abusing her body like that on this hot summer day.

‘If I don’t forgive you, no noble will call on you.’

Simply put, she struggled to make sure she didn’t get ostracized from society.

Cosette, who was yet to be recognized as the Grand Duke’s real daughter, had no choice but beg for

Suddenly remembering something, Arabella asked.

Bella: “Well, what happened to Mrs. Rheol?”

“She’s still claiming she was framed. The Count of Rheol said he was unaware of the Countess’s plot and is
going through the divorce proceedings.”

Bella: “That husband and his wife.”

“It doesn’t really matter if Miss Cosette passes out, but I’m worried it will damage your reputation. Surely,
some people will accuse you of being coldhearted.”
Bella: “I don’t want to forgive her even more because I know that’s what she’s aiming for.”

I’m sure you’re waiting for me to tell you I’ll reluctantly forgive you. The intention is so obvious that I didn’t
want to do as expected.

Bella: “Give her water and bread.”

“I’ve been told the one we gave before was left untouched.”

Bella: “I don’t care if she eats or not. The important thing is it was given to her.”

Having said that, Arabella got up from her bed. By the time she changed her pajamas and headed for breakfast,
her thoughts of Cosette had left her.

‘She’ll leave when she can’t stand it anymore.’

And exactly six hours later, she realized that she had made a serious mistake.

When she was enjoying afternoon tea with her younger sister, one of her maids rushed in.

“Your Highness! Your Highness! It’s serious!”

Tea time, quietly enjoying the scent of tea, was her favorite time of the day.

Bella glared at the maid and said.

Bella: “I told you not to disturb me at tea time.”

“But Miss Cosette passed out in front of your palace…”

Bella: “Okay. Send her back to the Grand Duke’s residence then.”

She replied reluctantly and picked up her cookie.

She thought Cosette was a very strong person for enduring until she collapsed in this weather.

However, the maid who delivered the news seemed to have no intention of leaving.

Bella: “What are you doing? Send Cosette back to the Grand Duke’s. Better yet, contact the Grand Duke and
tell him to take her.”

“That’s… I think the Empress Dowager saw it on her way.”

Bella, who was picking up her teacup, stopped.

Why did the Empress Dowager, who rarely left her palace due to health reasons, pass by the moment Cosette
She suddenly remembered the words her grandmother often told her?

‘The Imperial family should be an example to others.’

In particular, she emphasized that the woman of the Imperial family should be a symbol of tenderness and

Bella grabbed her forehead, already anticipating what would happen next.

“What’s wrong, unnie?”

Bella: “It hurts my head just thinking about grandmother’s nagging.”

Haa. A sigh escaped her lips.

The grand duchy eventually heard about Cosette’s collapse.

At that time, Keira was chatting with Ludwig. Thanks to this, she was able to meet the messengers of the palace
with her father.

Keira: “She collapsed from the heat?”

“Yes. I’ve been told she stayed in her spot for two days without drinking a drop of water. Fortunately, Empress
Dowager found her and is taking care of her.”

Keira thought, ‘That’s a desperate move.’

Her tenacity to avoid trouble even by tormenting her own body was admirable.

Keira knew it was no coincidence that Cosette fainted when the Empress Dowager passed by.

Keira: “What should we do, Your Grace? We can’t pretend we didn’t hear she lost consciousness…”

Ludwig: “It’s good that the Empress Dowager is taking care of her. She’ll come back when she’s ready.”


His voice was cold as ice. Keira couldn’t find a hint of sympathy at all.

He must be furious that Cosette tainted the family name.

‘Well, that’s understandable.’

He couldn’t be happy at how obvious it was that the two girls were fighting.

Then the butler carefully suggested.

Robert: “I understand you’re upset, but you can’t feign ignorance. How about sending some medicine?”
Ludwig: “Then have someone send it. I heard Cosette’s direct servant is still here. Have that child go.”

Keira, who had been listening quietly, shook her head. Since Mason might have discovered Keira’s secret, she
wouldn’t let him come into contact with Cosette.

She rushed out.

Keira: “I’ll go.”

Ludwig: “Why would you?”

However, the response she got was surprising.

Ludwig: “Are you still thinking about going to her after being treated like that?”

Keira: “It doesn’t matter how I feel. What’s important is how to deal with how others see it. Wouldn’t it be
better to show an outward reconciliation?”



Ludwig couldn’t even respond to her icy answer. The butler looked equally dumbstruck.

‘Did I answer too coldheartedly?’

Even though she was concerned about how they perceived her response, Keira couldn’t let Mason meet Cosette.

Ludwig: “…If you really want to go, I’ll go with you.”

Keira: “Your Grace wiill?”

Ludwig: “That’s right.”

Keira saw a flash of worry in his eyes. It seemed he was concerned Keira and Cosette would have another go at
each other.

Keira: “Do as you please.”

Ludwig: “And it would be better to bring Cosette’s servant. Tell him to stay with his master all the time.”

‘Because I don’t even want to see her,’ she could almost hear Ludwig continue.

He really was furious with Cosette.

While that was welcome, Keira couldn’t send Mason to her.

Keira quickly said.

Keira: “There must be a lot of attendants in the Imperial Palace, so I don’t think that’s necessary…”

Ludwig: “You mentioned that you’ve grown suspicious that Cosette left her servant when she left for the
Weinbergs. Did you not expect what I was going to do? I don’t want to leave such a person in my home. At this
point, it would be better to send that servant to another place and hire a new one.”

We can’t send out someone would might cause us trouble in the future.

In a calm voice, Keira asked.

Keira: “So, Your Grace… Do you mean to let him go after he’s done nursing Cosette?”

Ludwig: “Yes. You’re responsible for hiring or assigning new maids. It’s always been like that.”

Keira: “I understand. Then, I’ll tell Paula to find a replacement.”

Ludwig: “I should have realized how strange it was for her to leave her servant behind.”

Ludwig murmured sullenly. He probably didn’t like that he didn’t realize the two girls had been fighting under
his roof.

Anyway, it’s good for Keira if he gets angry.

Keira: “I am concerned about just kicking out someone who has done nothing wrong. I will ask Robert to write
a letter of recommendation.”

Ludwig: “Suit yourself.”

Keira: “Then, I’ll get going.”

Keira curtsied to Ludwig then left.

At her gesture, Rosé quickly approached her.

Rose: “Yes, milady?”

Keira: “Do you have anything to do in the afternoon?”

Rose: “Other than following milady, I don’t.”

Keira: “Then leave that to someone else. You need to go to grandfather.”

Keira meant the Marquis of Edinburgh, Rose mused. She couldn’t believe she would act as a messenger
between the two, who rarely interacted with each other.

Keira didn’t say anything else, she merely smiled at Rose, who looked puzzled.
Chapter 124
The next day.

Mason, as usual, took advantage of the rain to head to the annex where Cosette’s bedroom was on the third

First, he had to open the window, wipe off the dust, and then close the window again. It didn’t take long to
clean up as the room hadn’t been used in a while.

Mason: “Whew.”

As he took a deep breath, he spotted the opera glasses on a shelf. He shivered at the thought of almost getting
caught by Miss Keira.

‘I’d probably have been kicked out if she found out I was spying on her.’

Cosette wasn’t even here to protect him.

He left the room, thinking it was fortunate he had found a large vase nearby.

When he passed through the hallway on the third floor, he looked outside the window to see Miss Keira
standing in the garden.

Mason: “Hmm?”

She seemed to be waiting for someone as she sat in the pavilion and looked around. Unsurprisingly, a stranger
stepped into the garden a moment later.

He walked straight to the pavilion where Keira sat.

‘Who is that?’

Mason was too far away to take a proper look. However, he had a strong feeling it might not be someone from
the mansion.

Mason: “Uh…”

He almost got caught spying yesterday, so he knew he should quietly leave.


‘Isn’t it possible to get useful information like yesterday?’

The idea that he might be of great help to Lady Cosette hung on Mason’s ankles.

He felt nothing but anger when he thought of his sister crying and screaming.
In the end, the lingering resentment made him move.

Mason went back to Cosette’s bedroom and took the opera glasses. This time, he decided to crouch down and
peek at the two of them with only his eyes sticking out.

Upon closer inspection, he found that Keira was with someone who didn’t come from the mansion.

An unidentified man bowed to Keira and said:

‘Good day, Your Ladyship.’

He hurriedly took out a small pouch from his sleeve. As Keira accepted it, the man spoke.

‘The effect is certain. Don’t worry.’

‘It’s not enough that the effect is certain. It should look natural when others see it.’

‘They will die slowly as if they succumbed from a fever. You don’t have to worry about getting caught.’

‘That said, you’ll have to take responsibility.’

As soon as Keira put the item she had received into her pocket, the man bowed and turned to stand.

‘Is this the end?’

If anything, Mason soon hid his head under the window sill. He crawled to where he couldn’t see the window,
then ran to Cosette’s room.

When he returned the opera glasses to where he took them, his hands started to shake. Only then did he realize
the gravity of what he had just witnessed.

Mason: “Are you trying to poison someone…?”

He mumbled that unintentionally and hurriedly covered his mouth with both hands. He then looked around him.

Fortunately, no one was in the hallway.

Cold sweat ran down his back. Mason thought he might be suspected if he stayed any longer, so he hurried out
of the annex.

But it was then.


Mason: “Ack!”

A voice called out his name from behind.

He thought he would collapse on the spot.

He looked around to see a maid walking toward him with a smile. It was Sarah, a maid that was his close friend.

Sarah: “Why are you so surprised? Were you fooling around?”

Mason: “H-how can I not be surprised when you’re shouting like that!”

Sarah: “My bad. I naturally have a loud voice.”

She smiled and put her arms around Mason’s shoulders. When Mason was young, he ate only one meal a day,
so he was about the same height as Sarah.

Sarah: “I have a lot of stuff to move right now, so can you help me?”

Mason: “Y-yeah. Sure.”

Sarah: “Thank you! Let’s finish it quickly and go eat.”

Fortunately for Mason, it seemed Sarah wasn’t suspicious of him.

At Sarah’s request, Mason brought a large box to the warehouse. As he did, he slyly asked Sarah.

Mason: “By the way, did we have any guests?”

Sarah: “Seemed so. I think someone from Keira’s maternal family visited? Did you meet the guests?”

Mason: “No, just, well, no wonder the house looked busy.”

Sarah: “Well, they didn’t ask us to entertain them, so let’s just forget about it.”

Mason: “O-okay…”

A messenger from the Marquis of Edinburgh, a reliable ally of Lady Keira.

A small pouch secretly handed over.

A conversation that seemed to suggest a murder plot.

Even though Mason couldn’t concentrate because of Sarah’s chatter, alarm bells rang in his head.

Miss Keira was plotting to kill someone secretly.

‘Are you trying to kill me?’

The dead did not speak. There was no more effective way to shut a person’s mouth than to kill them.

Miss Keira pretended not to be suspicious yesterday, but she might be sharpening a knife deep inside.
Mason’s heart pounded.

Sarah: “Oh, Mason, why are you shaking? In this weather.”

Mason: “I-I just suddenly got a chill…”

Sarah: “Is this a summer cold? Have dinner and go see a doctor.”

Sarah dragged Mason into the dining room. Since mealtime had just begun, the area was crowded.

The roaring noise seemed distant as if it were coming from another dimension.

In a daze, Mason took the food and walked to the table. He could hear a worried Sarah asking him what’s going
on, but Mason had no room left to answer.

‘If she really wanted to poison me, can I eat so casually like this?’

His gaze was fixed on the greasy stew and salad.

‘No, these were served in one pot.’

It was impossible that she would consider annihilating all the servants in the mansion just to kill one.

Didn’t Keira say so? It should look natural when others see it.

Mason continued the meal without touching the bread he received individually.

If he only ate the food that was shared with everyone, he could evade death.

Then Sarah asked.

Sarah: “Are you not going to eat bread?”

Mason: “Ah, that’s… I don’t intend to eat it…”

Sarah: “Then I’ll eat it!”

Mason: “Huh?”

As soon as she said that, she picked up the bread. It happened so quickly that Mason didn’t have time to think of
an excuse not to eat it.

Just as he was about to say he’d eat it later, Sarah had already cut the bread into large pieces.

At the same time, he wondered if it was a good thing.

If Sarah got sick, Mason could be sure that Keira was trying to kill him.
With her eyes wide open, Sarah asked.

Sarah: “Why? Do you think it’s a waste?”

Mason: “…No, that’s not it.”

Sarah: “Then why is your expression like that?”

Mason: “I just don’t feel well.”

Sarah: “Oh my, you were shivering a while ago. Are you really sick? Be sure to have it checked.”

He couldn’t raise his head at Sarah’s tone that seemed genuinely concerned.

Although he didn’t feed her the possibly poisoned bread on purpose, he did feel relieved for a moment.

His eyes, tinged with guilt, were fixed downwards.

One of Keira’s hobbies was taking a walk in the garden when the weather was nice.

It was a little hot since it was summer, but the sky was bright.

‘Besides, Cosette’s not in the mansion now.’

She was assured that there would be no catastrophe if she ran into Cosette while enjoying her walk.

Keira walked into the garden a few steps away from Rose. The breeze felt good on her face.


But then, Keira heard someone moaning behind a tree.

“You have to be careful! Why have you been so distracted since yesterday?”

“I-I’m sorry. I guess I’m a little tired.”

“This morning, I saw you eat so little… What’s the matter?”

“It’s nothing. I couldn’t sleep well last night. Maybe that’s why.”

The first voice belonged to the gardener, and the one speaking to him sounded like Mason.

Keira took a step toward them.

Chapter 125
Translator’s Note: Apologies for going MIA last week. I had an incredibly busy week and couldn’t work on the
novels. Before we return to the regular schedule, I’ll post PDM tomorrow and YCKTML on Thursday. Next
week, it’ll be back to Tuesdays for YCKTML and Thursdays for PDM. Thank you for your patience!

Who had Keira: “Who’s hurt?”

“Oh, milady. You’re here?’

Mason: “M-my lady.”

“It’s nothing, but this guy cut his hand with scissors. It doesn’t look like a deep wound. He’ll be fine once the
bleeding stops.”

Keira’s gaze shifted to Mason. His face looked as white as a sheet of paper.

Anyone who saw him would suspect he had cut off his finger.

Keira: “He’s hurt. Can he continue to work?”

“Oh, of course. This guy’s just a bit under the weather. It’s really nothing.”

Keira: “Really? He had a bad complexion, so I thought he was badly injured.”

Mason answered.

Mason: “N-no, milady. It’s just a slight cut. Thank you for your concern.”

It couldn’t have been that hard to pretend to be okay. Mason’s stomach felt like it was turning over.

‘After all, Sarah was fine until today.’

It was proof that his food wasn’t poisoned. Even after he changed his drinking water, nothing happened.

It was around that time that he realized that maybe he wasn’t the target.

‘No, it might be my delusion. Lady Cosette is at the Count’s now.’

He wanted to believe he had nothing to worry about.

Keira: “I’m glad it wasn’t a deep cut. But just in case, go see a doctor later.”

Mason: “Yes, I will. Thank you, milady.”

Keira: “Okay.”

Keira then walked past them, and she could hear the gardener whisper, “Is she really that nice?”

Sorry, but she didn’t approach the two because she was worried about the injured boy.
‘Your complexion, it was definitely bad.’

Besides, the gardener said that Mason didn’t eat well this morning. It was just a clue that was too good to be

After her brief moment of organizing her thoughts, Keira called for Emily, who had been following her from

Emily: “Yes, milady.”

Keira: “Did you pay attention to what I asked you to look into?”

Emily: “Yes. He exchanged his water bottle with others.”

Keira: “Is that right?”

Hook, line, and sinker.

A chuckle escaped Keira’s lips.

If he dared to spy on his superiors, kicking him out of the mansion wasn’t enough.

Keira: “I have a very urgent request for you. Can you help me, Emily?”

Emily: “Of course. I’m at your service, milady. What is it?”

After confirming that no one was around, Keira moved closer, and Emily lifted her hand to her ear.

Emily: “Well, that’s not hard. Leave it to me.”

Keira: “Yes, please. Act as naturally as you can.”

Emily: “Of course!”

While Lady Cosette was away, Mason got to help the other servants.

He had no complaints, but he felt uncomfortable because he couldn’t contact Lady Cosette.

‘I have to tell milady what I saw…’

It had been a week since Lady Cosette went to the Count’s, and there was still no news of her returning.

Mason grumbled to himself as he picked the weeds, a task assigned to him this afternoon. As the weather got
warmer, weeds grew more thickly.

How long will this take to weed it all out?

When he was lamenting about his task, the head maid, Paula, called him.

Paula: “Hey, Mason, stop cleaning the garden and get ready to go out.”

Mason: “Yes? Go out? Am I going to run errands?”

Paula: “I think you’ll have to visit Lady Cosette. You’re her direct servant, aren’t you? By the way, you have to
dress modestly because you have to go to the Imperial Palace.”

Mason: “Yes? Is Lady Cosette at the Imperial Palace now? Wasn’t she at the Weinberg residence?”

Paula: “Well, that’s what happened.”

Paula shrugged.

Paula: “Go to the kitchen first.”


Why did he have to go to the kitchen to prepare for his trip to the Imperial Palace? Mason tilted his head, but
before he could even ask, Paula spoke.

Paula: “His Grace had herbal medicine made for Lady Cosette.”

Mason: “Medicine? Is something wrong with Her Ladyship?”

Lady Cosette had been staying at the home of her mother’s family for the time being. So, Mason had been
worried when heard she’s at the Imperial Palace.

Mason’s round eyes widened even more.

Paula: “I heard Lady Cosette collapsed.”

Mason: “W-why did that happen?”

Paula: “She hasn’t eaten for two days and hasn’t been able to sleep, so it was bound to happen.”

Mason: “O-oh no! What happened for Her Ladyship to lose her appetite and sleep the last two days?”

Paula: “People have been keeping mum under the orders of His Grace, but since you’re Lady Cosette’s direct
servant, you should know. Lady Cosette committed a grave mistake. Now, she was asking for forgiveness in
front of the Palace.”

Mason: “Just what did she do wrong…”

Paula: “I don’t know the details either, so don’t ask anymore. If you’re curious, go to the Imperial Palace and
ask her directly. Now, get ready to leave for the Palace immediately.”

Paula patted Mason on the back. Although Mason wanted to protest, he had to obey Paula’s words.

‘What happened?’

Right now, he had no way to find out.

Mason haphazardly changed his clothes and went down to the kitchen.

Mason: “Hello?”
The kitchen, located in the corner on the first floor, boasted quite a large area. Since the site was divided, it was
difficult to see things from the entrance.

Mason: “Is anybody there?”

It was three o’clock, a time when lunch was over, and dinner preparations hadn’t started yet. The kitchen was
the least busy during that time. Everyone’s on a break, so the place was usually almost empty.

Mason took a few steps into the kitchen and raised his voice.

Mason: “Is anybody here? I came because the head maid told me to go!”

His voice was loud enough to resonate throughout the kitchen, but no one answered.

Mason looked around.

‘Strange. She definitely told me to get the medicine…?’

Did something go wrong?

Just as he turned around to leave, he ran into the maids who were about to enter the kitchen.

“Oh my, it’s you. Did Paula send you?”

Mason: “Yeah, she told me to get the medicine for Lady Cosette. But where were you? I was wondering if the
head maid was mistaken.”

“Lady Keira suddenly called out the whole kitchen staff. The chef is still with her.”

Mason: “Why? What happened?”

“There must have been a problem with the tea food. Well, it’s not a serious problem, so don’t worry about it. I
think she was complaining that it didn’t taste the same as usual.”

Mason: “Ah, is that so.”

It was common for noble ladies to fuss over the taste of food. Because of that, Mason didn’t take it seriously.

Mason: “So, where’s the medicine?”

“It’s inside. Follow me.”

The maid strode inside, and Mason followed. The medicine for Lady Cosette was kept on a shelf in the kitchen.

The maid took out a bottle wrapped in silk and handed it to Mason.

“Be careful not to break it. His Grace ordered me to use the best ingredients for the medicine.”

Mason: “Wow.”

Mason took the item carefully and admired it.

She used the best ingredients.

Even if he didn’t show it, the Grand Duke must have loved Lady Cosette.

‘Of course. They look so alike. How can he not love her?’

“Hey, are you going to the Imperial Palace? I’m jealous. I also wanted to see the Imperial Palace…”

Mason: “I’ll tell you all about it when I get back.”

“Really? You promise?”

As he chatted with the maid, he tried to turn, but the maid abruptly stopped.

Mason, who had been following her, hit his nose into her back.

Mason: “Ack!”

A groan escaped his lips.

It didn’t hurt, but it did startle him.

Mason: “What’s wrong?”


Her expression hardened, and she pointed her finger down. Mason’s gaze followed it.

There, white lace peeked through the gap in the cabinet door.

‘That lace looks familiar, doesn’t it?’

He tried to recall where he saw it, and immediately remembered–it was lace on the maids’ apron.

The maid next to him wore the same apron.


They heard the cabinet hinges squeaking…

“…What are you doing here, Emily?”

Chapter 126
As expected, the lace was from a maid’s apron. However, what they didn’t expect was the existence of the
person wearing it.

Emily, who had fit herself in the closet, smiled sheepishly.

Emily: “Hi, Sylvia? How are you, Mason?”

Sylvia: “Are you kidding me? Get out now!”

Emily: “Ow, ow, ow! My ears are going to fall off! It hurts!”

Sylvia: “Are you doing something with the food? What are you doing here?!”

Emily: “I-I’ll tell you once you let go.”

Sylvia: “Ugh.”

Sylvia sighed and let go of Emily’s ear. Emily took the opportunity to fully crawl out of the closet.

She shrugged and scratched her head.

Emily: “Well, I was hungry and wanted something to eat. I came to the kitchen but no one was here.”

Sylvia: “So, you were stealing food, but someone came in, and you hid?”

Emily: “Huh, how did you know?”

Sylvia: “This isn’t the first time it happened! A few days ago, you were caught stealing cookie dough!”

Emily: “Heeey, please turn a blind eye this time. Please? I didn’t eat much lunch, so I was starving.”

Emily pouted and widened her eyes as she whined, trying to gain sympathy.

Instead, Sylvia hit her several times and continued to scold her.

Sylvia: “I told you not to make excuses like that and eat well when it’s mealtime!”

Emily: “Ow ow ow ow!”

In the end, Sylvia pinched Emily’s ear again. As she tried to escape, a piece of paper fell from her clothes.

‘What is that?’

Mason’s eyes were fixed on the note.

He quickly picked it up to avoid catching the attention of Sylvia, who had been nagging Emily, and Emily, who
was crying.

Then he hid it in his pocket.

Mason: “I’ll go ahead. The head maid told me to go quickly.”

Sylvia: “Okay. Carry on.”

Emily: “Then I’ll…”

Sylvia: “Don’t you dare sneak away!”

Sylvia grabbed Emily’s again and went on another tirade, so Mason hurried out of the kitchen.

‘What is this?’

After making sure no one was around, he pulled out the piece of paper from his sleeve. Upon closer inspection,
it wasn’t a piece of paper but a paper bag.

An envelope folded in a triangle, just like a prescription from the apothecary.

When Mason opened the packet, it was empty. However, the little powder that remained inside gave him a clue
about what it was.

‘Did you keep something like medicine…?’

At that moment, Mason recalled when Keira received something from the unidentified man.

‘The effect is certain. Don’t worry.’

‘They will die slowly as if they succumbed from a fever. You don’t have to worry about getting caught.’

Goosebumps ran down his spine.

Now that Lady Cosette was sick, was Keira trying to disguise her minions and kill her?

‘Ah, everyone left the kitchen when she called for them.’

Since he moved in, it was the first time Mason had heard her scolding the employees about her food.

A stranger handed her a questionable object, and then she summoned the whole kitchen staff while Emily, who
entered the kitchen, hastily hid before getting caught.

Was all of this really a coincidence?

‘W-what should I do?’

His whole body trembled. Since he was used to always following his superiors’ orders, he had no idea what he
should do next.

The one person he wanted to consult was far away in the Imperial Palace.

As he worried about what to do…

Mason: “Ack!”

“Were you daydreaming so much that you didn’t answer me no matter how much I called?”

A puzzled voice drew closer. When Mason turned, he saw Paula walking toward him.

Paula: “You took too long, so I came to find you. Everything’s ready. Get out of here quickly.”

Mason: “A-already?”

He hadn’t even thought about how to act yet…

Mason’s eyes began to tremble with fear.

Paula: “Yes. His Grace might get angry if you make him wait for you. Go quickly.”


Paula: “Why aren’t you moving?”

Mason: “Y-yes… T-Then, I’ll be on my way.”

Mason grabbed the silk tightly and moved forward.

He couldn’t even fathom what was inside it.

‘What should I do? It may be dangerous, so shall I inform the people around me first?’

But right now, Lady Cosette wasn’t here, was she? What would he do if he hastily informed her and Lady Keira
did something to him?

‘First, I have to tell the Grand Duke secretly…’

However, it wasn’t as easy as it sounded to get a chance for a simple servant to have a private encounter with
the Grand Duke.

He moved mechanically, trembling.

“Oh, Mason, come quickly.”

As he approached the main gate, he saw two carriages waiting.

Robert placed the vial on the carriage compartment and pushed Mason’s back. Mason almost got on the carriage
and left without saying anything, but…

Mason: “S-sir, I have something to tell you…”

Robert: “Is it important? If not, tell me later. Her Ladyship and His Grace will be coming soon.”

Mason: “Ah, w-wait!”

It wouldn’t make sense if the schedule of the Grand Duke and his daughter was delayed because of one servant.
Robert hastily pushed Mason into the carriage.


Mason couldn’t help but stare blankly at the door that closed right in front of him.

He could always open this door right now and investigate the vial.

But what if he got it wrong?

It was obvious that he would not be able to handle the aftermath on his own.

‘It would be better to ask Lady Cosette for her opinion than to make a big deal out of my judgment.’

He’d have the opportunity to tell her once they’ve arrived at the Imperial Palace. The carriage departed as
Mason made his decision.

“Why aren’t you sitting, Mason?”

“You might get hurt.”


The maids in the carriage with him pulled Mason to sit.

His throat felt parched. His mind was in such chaos that he couldn’t even say a word of thanks.

His back was wet with cold sweat.

“No matter how angry you are, how can you let a person get to that point? I’m worried about what they think of
this outside the Palace.”


Arabella couldn’t even remember how many times she’s heard that in two days. At this point, it’s hard work to
pretend to be remorseful.

She let the nagging in one ear and out the other as she robotically admitted fault.

Bella: “I was wrong, Grandmother.”

“Besides, there is no evidence that Miss Cosette was directly involved, is there? You shouldn’t be suspicious of
people, Bella.”


Only a handful of people in this Palace could rebuke Bella, the Emperor’s eldest daughter.

The old lady in front of her–the former Empress and her grandmother, the Empress Dowager–was one of the
few characters she couldn’t disobey.

As old as her deep wrinkles, the Empress Dowager was notorious for not going out at all.
It annoyed Bella even more that her grandmother passed by as Cosette fainted.

‘No, it can’t be a coincidence.’

Bella thought, biting her lips.

‘She must have noticed Grandmother watching and did it on purpose. If Grandmother asks me to forgive her,
I’ll have no choice but to do it.’

She recalled Cosette’s genuinely sad expression as she offered Keira an apology. If she had enough acting
skills, it would have been a piece of cake to pretend to faint.

“When Lady Cosette wakes up, tell her you forgive her, okay?”


Perhaps her grandmother didn’t know the seriousness of the incident because she didn’t see it in person.

When Bella didn’t answer, the Empress Dowager’s voice became stern.



“Okay. I’m glad we’re clear.”

Even though it was clear that Bella would hear her nagging from her grandmother, there was another reason
why she dared to come to the eighth Palace.

To greet her guests.

When he heard that Cosette had collapsed, the Grand Duke said he would visit himself.

‘That was quick.’

They still took care of the woman who badly tarnished the family name. If it were Bella, she would have turned
a blind eye for days.

Not long after, news came that the Grand Duke and Lady Keira had entered the Palace, so Bella went to
Cosette’s room to greet them.
Chapter 127
Cosette regained consciousness and sat on the bed, still looking fatigued.

The Empress Dowager approached her like that and asked.

Dowager: “Are you alright?”

Cosette: “Thank you for taking care of me. I’ve recovered a lot.”

Despite those words, Cosette’s complexion wasn’t very good. The Empress Dowager’s gaze shifted to the
doctor standing next to her.

The doctor said.

“She still has a fever, but she’s already taken medicine, so she will recover soon.”

Dowager: “Good. Anyway, my granddaughter says she has something to say to Lady Cosette.”

Cosette then bowed and turned to Bella. Her lowered eyebrows made her look quite pitiful.

Cosette: “I was wrong, Your Highness. I made you uncomfortable because of my hasty judgment.”

Bella: “….No. At that time, I almost fell for it, too.”

Cosette: “Keira is like a sister to me, so I thought I’d have to step in and fix the problem. I had no idea things
would turn out like this…”

Bella: “I accept the apology, so raise your head.”

Since the Empress Dowager was observing her, Bella grabbed Cosette’s hand hanging over the blanket. The
grandmother’s expression softened at the sight.

Dowager: “I’m glad the misunderstanding has been settled. Bella, you will continue to show kindness to those
who own up to their mistakes like today, yes?”

Bella: “…I will.”

Own up to their mistakes? Bella gritted her teeth. In the end, Cosette refused to admit she was involved in the

She would be shunned by society the moment she did that. No one would approach her even if Bella let it go if
that happened.

Cosette: “Really… I don’t know how to thank you, Your Highness.”

Bella: “It’s nothing.”

A maid soon came to inform her that the Grand Duke and Lady Keira were waiting outside the room.

Dowager: “Just in time. Let them in.”

The old lady thought that if the Grand Duke heard that Cosette had been forgiven, he would be delighted.

Shortly after, Ludwig and Keira entered the room, followed by a few servants.

Ludwig: “I send my greetings to Her Highness Empress Dowager and Her Highness, Princess Arabella.”

Cosette: “F-father!”

Cosette staggered out of bed, trying to curtsy. Ludwig raised a hand to stop her.

Ludwig: “I don’t want to see the sight of you falling down again, so lie down.”

The sight of you?

Everyone in the room flinched at the Grand Duke’s words. They couldn’t tell if he was worried or angry.

Cosette smiled shyly and turned to Keira.

Cosette: “It’s been a while, Keira. How have you been?”

Keira smiled kindly and said.

Keira: “I was a little shocked, but I’m fine now.”

Cosette: “It was quite a shock…”

Keira: “Yes. It was surprising that someone had such a grudge against me.”

Cosette: “I should have believed you until the end… I was wrong. Will you accept my apology?”

Keira glanced around. The Empress Dowager, the owner of the eighth palace, and Princess Arabella were here.

Judging by her mood, Cosette took advantage of Empress Dowager’s presence and received Princess Arabella’s

It couldn’t be helped. With a reluctant smile, Keira said.

Keira: “Of course.”

Cosette: “That’s a relief!”

Cosette clasped her hands, tears welling up in her eyes.

The two looked at each other for a while and smiled. But their eyes remained cold.

Cosette then turned to Ludwig, the only person in this room who looked displeased.

Cosette: “I, Father. I’m sorry for the inconvenience. It was my fault.”

Ludwig: “It’s good that you know.”

Cosette: “This will never happen again.”

Ludwig: “Take care of your body. Don’t be a nuisance to the Empress Dowager, and think about coming back

It was only then that the Empress Dowager intervened.

Dowager: “No need to worry about that. Why would it be so troublesome to give out a guest room? I don’t want
it to seem like we’re neglecting the sick, so stay until you’re well.”

Ludwig: “…If you say so.”

Keira: “Did you hear that, Cosette? Don’t worry about anything else; just focus on taking care of your body.”

At Keira’s words, Cosette looked up. It was easy to tell from the expression on Cosette’s face that she was
wondering what was wrong with Keira, but she soon maintained a neutral expression.

Empress Dowager smiled and nodded, pleased with Keira.

Dowager: “How nice. Right, Lord Parvis?”

Ludwig: “… it’s as Your Highness said.”

His answer was curt, and he still looked faintly displeased. Keira spoke again.

Keira: “His Grace is blunt, but he was very worried about you. He had medicine good for the body prepared.”

Cosette: “…Hmm?”

Really? Cosette merely swallowed the doubts bubbling up in her throat.

Cosette: “Is what Keira said true, Father?”

Ludwig: “Your servant brought it, so see for yourself. While you stay in the palace, he will stay by your side
and serve you.”

And the moment Cosette fully recovered, that servant would be thrown out of the Parvis grand duchy.

But Ludwig deliberately kept that to himself.

Cosette: “Thank you for your concern, Father. I thought you were furious with me.”


Ludwig didn’t answer, which was enough proof that his anger had not yet dissipated.

Before the atmosphere could turn chilly, Cosette quickly changed the topic.

Cosette: “Mason, come here!”

Mason: “My lady.”

Cosette: “Is the item in your hand the medicine that Father prepared for me?”
Mason: “Y-yes… It is.”

For some reason, he looked quite anxious.

Cosette: “What’s the matter? Are you unwell?”

Mason: “N-no.”


Mason clutched the silk-wrapped bottle with both hands like a child holding onto candy he didn’t want to lose.

Keira, watching, said.

Keira: “What are you doing, Mason? Why don’t you give it to Cosette?”

Mason: “That… I…”

Mason stuttered, not knowing what to say. People’s bewildered gazes were on him. Mason’s face grew paler the
longer time passed.


There was a limit to how much one could endure the procrastination of those below them. The Empress
Dowager clicked her tongue in annoyance.

Dowager: “Seeing this servant act so clumsy, it seems Lord Parvis is more generous than rumors say.”


At those words, another wrinkle formed between Ludwig’s foreheads.

Mason: “Y-Your Grace.”

When the Grand Duke’s cold gaze fell on Mason, he helplessly fell flat on the floor in Ludwig’s direction.

Cosette: “Mason…?”

Cosette’s bewildered voice followed.

Ludwig: “What do you want?”

Mason: “Your Grace, please allow me to be alone with Lady Cosette for just a moment. I really only need a

Thud–. Mason banged his head on the floor and begged.

Cosette’s eyes widened. She then turned to the Empress Dowager and said.

Cosette: “W-what is he doing? Get up. Hurry!”

The person with the highest position in this room was the Empress Dowager. Therefore, if he wanted to request
something, he had to get her permission, not Ludwig.

Unsurprisingly, the Empress Dowager’s expression hardened.

Cosette hurriedly tried to lift Mason, but Keira intervened first.

Keira: “You want to be alone with Cosette? Does that mean that everyone gathered here has to move out of
their seats to fulfill your request?”

Mason: “J-just a moment. If only for a moment…!”

Keira: “Her Highnesses Empress Dowager and Princess Arabella are here, yet you showed such disrespect.
Take him away.”


There were two Imperial family members and two high-ranking nobles in the room. It was absurd to think that
they had to move to fulfill one servant’s request.

The Imperial guards grabbed Mason’s arms from both sides at Keira’s words. There was no way the young boy
could resist them.

Mason: “W-wait! Lady Cosette!”

He looked at Cosette for help, and Cosette looked back at Empress Dowager and said.

Cosette: “He’s not usually a rude kid. Please don’t punish him too harshly.”

Dowager: “I thought it would be convenient to have your usual servant by your side, so I allowed him to enter
the palace… I must have been mistaken.”

Cosette: “I apologize on his behalf.”


At this rate, there was no way to stop Cosette from taking the drug. The thought of a possible catastrophe made
his mind wander.

It was strange that Keira had brought up the medicine first, and Keira even kicked him out. But it was even
stranger that she had come to visit Lady Cosette.Weren’t they at odds with each other?

His doubts began to pile up one by one, and it didn’t take long for those doubts to turn into certainty.

He couldn’t afford to dwell on it longer.

Mason: “Wait!”

Just before he was dragged out the door, Mason raised his voice and shouted.

Mason: “You must not take that medicine, Lady Cosette! It may contain poison!”
Chapter 128
Translator’s Note: Updates will be irregular this week and possibly the next. I’m not in a good place mentally
and might not be able to give the best quality I want to give you. Thank you for understanding and sorry for the

I did it.

As soon as he finished speaking, his chest tightened. The dice had already left his hand. Once he had spoken,
there was no going back.

He clenched his trembling chin and lifted his head. The first eyes he met were his master’s, Cosette.

Cosette: “You, what are you…!”

She stared at him with her eyes wide open, looking at him as if he’s gone insane.

Cosette: “…What do you mean by that?”

“Lady Cosette, your servant is making some very interesting claims.”

Arabella’s voice broke the silence, followed by the Empress Dowager.

Dowager: “I heard that Lord Parvis specially prepared the medicine… So, you’re saying the father tried to
poison his daughter. Sir, what do you think?”

Ludwig: “It’s just crazy words from a crazy person. It’s not even worth explaining.”

Cosette: “Right. Mason must have temporarily lost his mind. He wasn’t that kind of kid…”

When Cosette stepped up to cover up the situation, Mason nervously opened his mouth again.

Mason: “N-no! Don’t take it! I saw it. I saw Lady Keira’s maid do something secretly. Even if it’s not poison,
there must be something in it…!”

Cosette: “Mason! Watch your mouth!”

Cosette raised her voice hastily, but the water had already been spilled.

Everyone turned to Keira. She looked down at Mason coldly.

Keira: “You saw my maid do something to her medicine?”

Mason: “I-I didn’t mean to say Lady K-Keira did it. However, since I saw something suspicious, I thought it
would be better to investigate…”

“The maid may have been putting ingredients that were supposed to go into the medicine.”

Mason: “I had concluded it was in bad faith because the kitchen staff was conveniently away when it happened.
At that time, it was Lady Keira who summoned them.”

Smirking, Keira said.

Keira: “You’re not trying to frame me, are you?”


Mason was struck speechless. Right now, uncovering Keira’s scheme wasn’t his goal. He just wanted to stop
Cosette from taking the drug and possibly suffering from it.

He couldn’t save a life that’s already dead, so he had to do everything to make sure Cosette didn’t drink it.

It was his master’s job to uncover the truth and punish the wrongdoers.

Mason: “So, what I mean is…”

He tried to look for a way to get out of this if he made a mistake, but his escape route was blocked due to a slip
of the tongue.

More blood drained from Mason’s already pale face.

Mason: “I mean… I mean that’s what I’ve seen… I had no intention of accusing Her Ladyship.”

Keira: “You never meant to accuse me? Think back to what you said. People will doubt me if they hear that,
will they not?”

With that, Keira turned to the Empress Dowager.

Keira: “I don’t need to hear anymore. Please kick him out and interrogate him right now.”

As she said that, her purple eyes flashed coldly. No one would ever think that Mason could survive after
becoming the target of those eyes.

Dowager: “Now that this has happened, let’s listen to that child a little more. If Lady Keira hadn’t really done
anything, there’s no need to rush, no?”

Keira: “Your Highness!”

Dowager: “I know it’s unpleasant, but first, calm down. It’s not too late to hear it out and decide.”

The Empress Dowager dissuaded her, who was ready to throw Mason out the window. Seething, Keira had no
choice but to sit back in her seat again.

Dowager: “You, tell me in detail what you saw. If you want to live, do not lie.”

She sounded like she wanted to give him a chance, but in reality, it was cold. She might have just said that if he
couldn’t take responsibility for what he said, his life would end.

Mason trembled, thinking hard about what to say and not to say.

‘For now, don’t say I saw her receiving the medicine from a stranger.’

They would ask her how he overheard the conversation from afar if he said that.

He never forgot what Cosette said when she taught him to lipread.
“Keep it a secret between the two of us that I taught you this, okay? I’m sure some people would question why I
taught a servant this skill.”

As Lady Cosette said, people would be suspicious of her if they found out.

Mason recounted what he had witnessed, omitting the fact that he had overheard the conversation.

He went to the kitchen to pick up the medicine as ordered by the head maid, but when he arrived, Lady Keira
summoned all the kitchen staff. In the meantime, Emily sneaked into the kitchen but was caught. Then, Mason
found the paper bag she had dropped and discovered it was covered in powder.

Mason: “This is it.”

Mason said as he pulled out a paper bag he had hidden in his pocket.

A servant picked it up and brought it to the Empress Dowager. She stared at the object but kept her hands off it.

Dowager. “We can’t get our hands on something that could be evidence. What does Lady Keira think of that
child’s testimony?”

Keira: “I don’t keep track of my maid’s every movement. I don’t know why Emily sneaked into the kitchen, but
it has nothing to do with me.”

She clicked her tongue and continued.

Keira: “It would be a good idea to summon Emily and ask her about it.”

Dowager: “I agree. And it would be a good idea to investigate that drug as well.”

Mason’s face brightened at the Empress Dowager’s words. At the same time, Keira’s expression soured.

Seeing Keira’s expression, the Empress Dowager added.

Dowager: “I understand your feelings, too. I was often involved in incidents like this when I was young. But
once the accusation comes in, we can’t just cover it up.”

Keira: “It’s reassuring to hear your words, Your Highness.”

Keira’s voice was so calm as she said that.

It was only then that Mason thought something was wrong.

‘…Why are you so calm?’

They would quickly find out something was mixed if they examined the drug. So why was she so calm?

Mason slightly raised his gaze to see Keira’s still calm expression. She looked so at ease that it was hard to
imagine she was in a situation where her schemes could be revealed.

‘Why? Maybe it’s an untraceable drug?’

He was relieved to think that things were going according to his plan, but once again, anxiety pierced his heart.
This was why he wanted to share it with Lady Cosette first…

His mouth had gone dry with dread. Mason’s eyes darted from one part of the room to the other, then their eyes


Cosette glared at him, her expression bone-chilling.


An item secretly handed over to Lady Keira by a stranger.

A conversation that hinted at killing someone.

Emily sneaked into the kitchen with no one in sight.

And it was none other than Lady Keira who summoned everyone working in the kitchen.

The dubious paper bag that Emily left behind.

No matter how much Mason looked back, all the circumstances pointed to one thing.

‘My suspicions are justified.’

He was sure he wasn’t mistaken.

‘It must be an untraceable drug.’

Whatever the case, it seemed obvious that things weren’t going to turn out the way he wanted them to.

Sure enough…

“Your Highness, the results of the examination have come out. No trace of poison has been found in the

One of the imperial pharmacists bowed deeply and said. After that, the investigator continued.

“We interrogated the maid allegedly involved, and she said she went in to steal food but hid when someone
entered the kitchen.”

Dowager: “Anyone can make up an excuse like that. Have you checked the paper bag that the maid dropped?”

The pharmacist answered instead of the investigator.

“Yes, it was just plain cold medicine.”

Dowager: “Of course.”

The Empress Dowager nodded and turned her cold gaze towards Mason.

Dowager: “Do you have anything more to say?”

Mason thought he was right. It must have been a special drug that couldn’t be traced. There must have been
some trickery in the cold medicine.

Otherwise he could not explain what he had witnessed on the third floor of the annex.

‘I know milady told me not to tell anyone she taught me how to lipread but…’

He had no choice. Well, he was certain Lady Cosette would admit it.

With that thought in mind, Mason said.

Mason: “T-there’s something I haven’t told you yet! I saw a stranger handing Lady Keira poison!”

Dowager: “You’ve already mistaken an ordinary cold medicine for poison. I don’t know what the stranger gave
Lady Keira, but it seems to me that you’re spreading groundless accusations again.”

Mason: “T-that’s not true!”

I have no choice. Mason shuddered and finally revealed that he had spied on the lady’s conversation by reading
her lips from afar.

The Empress Dowager’s eyes widened slightly as if intrigued.


A glimmer of hope.

Mason banged his head on the floor again–no luxurious carpet to cushion the impact–and continued.

Mason: “Other maids will testify that I was on the third floor of the annex when Lady Keira’s guest arrived.”

Dowager: “Where did you learn how to read lips?”

Mason: “Yes?”

Unfortunately for Mason, the Empress Dowager’s interest was on something else entirely.

Dowager: “Where did you learn how to read lips? I know it’s not a skill that ordinary people know.”
Chapter 129
Translator’s Note: Thank you for your well-wishes and understanding! So grateful for your kindness.

Mason: “T-that…”

His hesitance was answer enough. He didn’t reveal that he snooped in on the conversation from the beginning
to hide that he learned how to read lips.

Mason: “So…”

Mason bit his lip nervously.

If he lied to another person here, they would find out immediately.

‘In that case, wouldn’t it be better to tell the truth?’

He promised Lady Cosette he would keep it a secret, but it couldn’t be helped.

Besides, while teaching a servant the art of lip-reading was a bit unusual, it wasn’t a crime. On the other hand,
consenting to poison someone was a criminal act.

Having judged that, Mason said.

Mason: “I learned from… Lady Cosette.”

If he had raised his head, he would have sensed Cosette’s murderous gaze.

Bella: “Hmm.”

Arabella hummed in interest. Even if Cosette knew how to read lips, why did she teach such a skill to a servant?

It was a question that made one think of countless possibilities.

Dowager: “Lady Cosette, is that true?”

Mason slowly raised his head when the Empress Dowager’s questioned his master. He was worried that he had
confessed something Lady Cosette told him never to say.

But given the situation, he was certain she’d understand…

Cosette: “It’s a lie.”


Cosette: “There is no way I’d know how to do that, much less teach others. All are blatant lies. He’s probably
trying to frame me!”

When she said that, the young lady’s face was devoid of any warmth. Mason froze as he stared at her.

Mason: “M-milady.”
Cosette: “Your Highness, I’m innocent! I really don’t know.”

Mason called out for her, his voice faint, but Cosette didn’t even spare him a glance. He was so flustered that
his voice would barely come out.

In the end, Mason could do nothing but pout his lips like a crucian carp.

Before Mason could find the words to tell his master, Ludwig spoke.

Ludwig: “You don’t know?”

Cosette: “Father, I’m telling you–”

Ludwig: “You said the same thing when your relatives framed Keira with that obscene rumor. But this time,
you’re telling me you have nothing to do with your servant’s schemes?”

Of course, she indeed tried to stigmatize Keira through Countess Rheol. But this time, Cosette really had
nothing to do with it.

Cosette: “F-father, it’s a misunderstanding. Your Highness, please believe me! I haven’t had any contact with
the child since I left the mansion for my mother’s death anniversary a few days ago. How could I be behind

Ludwig: “You’re still shamelessly making excuses. Your Highness, you don’t need to hear anymore. This
happened because I didn’t properly teach this girl. Punish me.”

Cosette: “Father! I-it’s not me! I didn’t do it!”

Ludwig: “Don’t call me that!”


Ludwig’s resolute, booming voice resonated through the room. Cosette was at a loss for words at the way he
drew the line.

A moment later, Ludwig realized his mistake and went down on one knee in front of the Empress Dowager.

Ludwig: “I dared to raise my voice in front of Your Highness, Empress Dowager. Please punish me for this and
for not properly teaching the girl.”

Dowager: “No, Lord Parvis didn’t do anything wrong. Come on, get up.”

Ludwig said ‘girl,’ not ‘servant.’ In other words, he had concluded that Cosette was responsible for Mason’s

Cosette’s worst expected outcome came. She knelt on her knees.

Cosette: “Your Highness, please forgive me! The last time I met my servant was a week ago. So how could I
possibly have come up with something like this?”

At that, Ludwig answered instead.

Ludwig: “Is that your excuse? You could have prepared it beforehand. Don’t think we’ve forgotten that your
servant asked for a moment alone with you a while ago.”

Cosette: “I-I really don’t know! I don’t even know why he asked to be alone!”

Cosette, who had been frantically thinking of more excuses, slowly moved her gaze to Keira. Keira looked
down at her with a completely calm expression.

‘That girl tricked Mason!’

Whatever the case, there was surely evidence left behind. If only she could prove that Keira was behind this, she
would have turned the situation around.

The only clue she had was the maid sneaking into the kitchen. But before Cosette could bring up that evidence,
Keira spoke first.

Keira: “She did the same thing at Great Aunt Johanna’s house. Even after Great Aunt caught you, you haven’t
reflected, Cosette.”

Cosette: “What?”

Keira: “And we discovered that you tried to have me investigated by your maids. What were you trying to dig
up by teaching your servant how to read lips?”

Cosette: “What are you saying…”

Keira: “Are you going to say this isn’t the case either? Even though there were so many witnesses?”

It was unfounded that she tried to investigate Keira through the servants. But the problem was that many people
misunderstood it.

Cosette: “That…”

Keira: “Or are you trying to claim that it is a misunderstanding?”


Keira: “By the look on your face, it seems like that’s what you’re going to say. Cosette, you’ve already lied
once or twice to deceive me.”

After saying that, Keira sighed and turned her head as if dealing with a helpless child.

Cosette: “This…!”

Was this what it felt like to get hit in the head with a hammer?

The pain of her nails digging into her palm barely kept Cosette rational. If she continued to tremble like this,
Keira would roll her up the way she wanted.

She had to think of an excuse. However, the situation wasn’t so accommodating.

People were starting to show interest in Keira’s words, especially when she implied that something similar had
already happened before.
In particular, there was a curious glint in Princess Arabella’s eyes. She seemed like she wanted to ask about it
but stopped herself because of the atmosphere. But if the princess wanted to know, it was only a matter of time
before she found out.

The Empress Dowager opened her mouth.

Dowager: “Lady Cosette, do you have anything else to say?”

Cosette: “I, I…”

Dowager: “I think you need some time to organize your thoughts.”

When the Empress Dowager turned to her attendants, they lifted Mason from the floor.

Dowager: “Put him in jail for now.”

“Yes, Your Highness!”

Mason: “N-no! Your Highness! Please listen to me one more time! M-milady! I risked my life for the truth…!”

The commotion didn’t last long. When the servants noticed the Empress Dowager’s poor pallor, they hurriedly
dragged Mason outside.


Silence blanketed the room after the door closed.

Dowager: “Haa…”

The Empress Dowager sighed deeply, and Cosette’s shoulders trembled at the sound.

‘D*mn it.’

Things went awry when the stupid servant got into trouble.

At the moment when the mistake was barely rectified, ashes were heavily sprinkled on it.

This time, Cosette swore she had nothing to do with him. But would her claims of innocence be convincing
when her immediate servant was involved in such a mess?

While Cosette was at a loss, the Empress Dowager quickly decided to dispose of it.

Dowager: “For now, verify if the kid truly has mastered the art of lip-reading.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

Dowager: “And… I have to apologize to Lord Parvis.”

Ludwig answered.

Ludwig: “It’s nothing, Your Highness.”

Dowager: “A servant has been accused, so shouldn’t we investigate? I wish I could find out if it was true that
the lady received poison, and if so, why.”


In other words, the Empress Dowager meant to have the Parvis residence searched. The Grand Duke could take
offense; that’s why the Empress Dowager looked tense.

But a moment later.

Ludwig: “I also want to make sure. Do as you please.”

Dowager: “Oh, I’m glad to hear that.”

If you search the mansion, you won’t find anything. Cosette was certain of it.

It must have been a trap since Mason discovered such an important scene in the first place.

‘Since when? Since when did you start noticing that I taught him how to lip-read?’

Her head throbbed. Maybe her stupid servant got caught because he made a blunder.

“…tte. Lady Cosette?”

Lost in her thoughts, she jumped when someone called her name.

Cosette: “Yes? Yes, Your Highness.”

Dowager: “Are you dissatisfied with today’s decision?”


She had nothing to say but her complaint about how unfair it was. Of course, no one would agree with her.

Cosette reluctantly lowered her head and said.

Cosette: “No, Your Highness. But, I…”

Dowager: “Okay then, I’m going to leave. I’m tired.”

A middle-aged maid helped the Empress Dowager to stand.

Chapter 130
Keira and Arabella bowed slightly to greet the Empress Dowager as she left the room.

Tak–. The door closed with a click.

Cosette couldn’t raise her head for a long time after that. It wasn’t because she was frustrated or because she
was terrified.

She did it to hide her furious expression with her long, flowing hair. Pain radiated from her tensed jaw,
trembling in anger.

A short conversation flowed over her head.

Keira: “We can’t stay here for a long time, so we’ll go home. Instead, I’ll stay with the Imperial Guard until the
search is complete.”

Bella: “Alright, then I’ll let Grandmother know.”

Keira: “We’ve caused you so much trouble today.”

Bella: “Oh my, what are you talking about? I’ll have them prepare the carriage. By the way, it’s a pity I wasn’t
able to serve you tea while you’re in the palace.”

Keira: “I’ll see you again next time. It seems today wasn’t the right day for it.”

They chatted as if they didn’t even notice Cosette’s existence.

There was no way they couldn’t recognize a person sitting a few steps away, so it’s probably a plot to erase her
existence intentionally.

Cosette could do nothing but bite her lips in anger.

“Then see you next time.”

Keira and Ludwig left the room with the Princess.

Inside the Imperial Palace, carriages were not permitted, so the Parvises had to walk outside the palace where
their carriage awaited.

As Rose dutifully followed Keira, she felt a hand hold onto her.

Rose: “Huh?”

Puzzled, she looked back to see Princess Arabella’s maid.

Rose: “What’s the matter?”

“Her Highness has something to ask. Please stay for a while.”

Rose: “Pardon?”
Why did the Imperial Princess call for her? Rose looked alternately at Keira’s back as she continued walking
and the maid’s face.

But Rose knew she couldn’t ignore the Princess’s summons.

Rose: “Okay, I understand.”

“Follow me.”

As she followed the maid, she saw Princess Arabella waiting for her.

What’s going on?

Her heart raced. The only comfort she had was the Princess’s seemingly good mood.

Bella: “You.”

Rose: “Yes, Your Highness.”

Bella: “Aren’t you the maid who always trails after Lady Keira?”

Rose: “I wouldn’t say always… but most of the time, yes.”

Bella: “So you’re aware of what happened in Lady Johanna’s house?”

Rose: “Yes?”

Rose realized what the Princess was pertaining to.

Rose: “Yes. I was with milady.”

Bella: “Okay, then explain what happened. From start to finish. Don’t spare any details.”

Rose: “Uh…”

Bella: “Why? Did your master order you to keep it a secret?”

Rose: “No, that’s not it!”

Rose just tried to gather her thoughts so she’d know where to begin.

Princess Arabella had a lot of maids from noble families. Rose knew that what she’d say here would spread
from their mouths to the social circles.

With that thought in mind, her tension washed away completely.

Rose soon began to recount the events.

Keira realized Rose’s absence when they reached the outer palace.

Keira: “Rose?”
‘Where did she go?’

Just as Keira started worrying that her maid had lost her way, an Imperial Palace attendant said.

“Her Highness summoned her for a while. Her Highness will send the maid back to the grand duchy once
they’re done.”

Keira: “Is that so?”

Keira couldn’t think of a reason why the Princess would call Rose, but she had no way of knowing for now.

She was puzzled, but she walked ahead where a carriage waited for the two outside the outer palace.

She got into the carriage with Ludwig. The two settled inside, and as soon as the door closed, Ludwig spoke.

Ludwig: “When did you start noticing that Cosette’s servant mastered how to read lips?”

Keira: “Yes…?”

She felt the blood drain from her face. Asking a question like that…

Ludwig: “If Cosette intended to frame you, the medicine should have had traces of poison. That way, she can
drive you into a corner with more certainty.”


So, he knew that Mason had fallen into Keira’s trap.

There was no point in denying anything. Trying to hide her agitation, Keira answered.

Keira: “I wasn’t entirely sure either. But there were a few times I caught him looking at me from afar. Of
course, it wasn’t even close enough for him to hear my conversation, so I wondered why he kept doing it.”

Ludwig: “It happened a few times?”

Keira: “Yes, but I had no proof. Then, by chance, I found opera glasses inside a vase in the hallway where I
caught him watching me. I thought there was no reason for such an object to be in a vase, so I wondered if he
could read my lips.”


Keira: “I figured that scaring him alone wasn’t enough punishment. Cosette isn’t the kind of person who’s
going to sit around and watch her minion get kicked out, so I wanted to test if he was really watching me or not.
I wrote several scripts, including a poison plot.”

Ludwig: “Several scripts?”

Keira: “Yes, I enacted one with grandfather a few days ago, but there was no movement at the time. But I guess
he couldn’t help himself at the thought that his master might get killed.”

People wouldn’t believe Mason if he talked about her hideout.

Ludwig noticed that the original plan went a little wrong, but this wasn’t bad either. He valued hierarchy above
anything else and would consider it unforgivable for a servant to intentionally steal the secrets of their superiors.

Besides, he wouldn’t easily forgive Cosette, who taught Mason how to read lips and ordered him to spy on

‘If you hadn’t tried to spy in the first place, you wouldn’t have fallen for the trick.’

If they added the crime of spying on Keira to his crime of framing her, he should expect nothing less than life

He had even bought the Empress Dowager’s wrath, so Keira predicted that it would be difficult to escape the
death penalty.

Keira: “But, I really didn’t know that my maid had sneaked into the kitchen. I will reprimand her for stealing

Ludwig: “Educate your maid.”

Keira: “I will.”

Judging from the flow of their conversation, Ludwig seemed unwilling to discuss the matter further.

Despite the tension, things were going smoothly.

So smooth that it was unsettling.

A question lingered in Keira’s mind.

‘…After realizing it, why did you still get angry at Cosette in the Imperial Palace?’

He didn’t know it at the time, but did he notice it while they were leaving the Imperial Palace?

Keira couldn’t let the concern pass.

Keira: “I also have a question, Your Grace.”

Ludwig: “What is it?”

Keira: “Since when have you noticed?”

Ludwig: “Since waiting for the drug test results. I thought Cosette would have pushed that there’s poison in the
medicine, and you’d say it wasn’t.”

It meant that he had known when they were still inside the palace.

Keira’s expression darkened.

Keira: “At that time, you didn’t even know that I was testing Mason… Why didn’t you say anything?”

Ludwig: “It’s natural to give back what you’ve received.”

Keira: “Yes?”

After a moment of confusion, Keira soon realized what he meant.

‘Received’ would refer to what happened at the auction house.

Poison for poison, fire for fire.

In other words, it meant that he turned a blind eye because he only gave back what had been done.

Keira’s mouth opened slightly.

I didn’t expect this kind of flexibility to exist in this person!

Ludwig looked out the window, seemingly uninterested in her reaction, but a pleasant smile hung on the corner
of his lips.

It’s unimaginable that he’s the same person who just burst into a rage at the palace.
Chapter 131
Two days later, Cosette voluntarily left the palace.

As a result of the search, not even a grain of wheat was found to be poisonous. To make matters worse, it was
revealed that Mason had mastered lip-reading, and he had consistently claimed to have learned from Cosette.

She shouted that she was unjustly framed, but no one listened.

The Empress Dowager only told her handmaiden to rest and not worry while she recuperated. However, she
didn’t accept Cosette’s request for an audience.

In the meantime, there was no way she could shamelessly continue to stay in the Imperial Palace.

Eventually, she was forced to leave the palace, fleeing despite not being fully recovered.

As she left her temporary lodging, a servant sent by her uncle greeted her, carrying a letter from Count

「The Grand Duke is furious. It’s understandable since his property was searched because of you. Stay in my
house until his anger subsides.」

He was right. Ludwig might get more enraged if she stayed next to him.

Cosette made that decision and headed to Count Weinberg’s residence.

“Then please rest well, milady. I shall bring your medicine after the meal. If there is any inconvenience, please
call me anytime.”

The Count’s maid said politely and bowed. However, she acted overly cautious as if she knew Cosette wasn’t in
a good mood.


Which meant she knew why Cosette wasn’t in a good mood.

When Cosette thought that others had found out about the humiliation I had suffered, anger and shame flooded

Cosette: “Get out.”


Cosette: “Get out now!”

The maid rushed out without even closing the door. Cosette slammed the door and threw herself onto the sofa.

She clenched her jaw so tightly that she felt pain in her gums.
‘I shouldn’t have left that stupid thing in the grand duchy in the first place!’

She was furious that such a big accident had happened that was out of her control.

Before Keira, Cosette wanted to rip Mason to pieces.

Cosette: “Aaaagh!”

No matter how much she screamed, her anger didn’t fade. She knew it would be the same even if she broke all
of the things in this room.

She’d only feel better if she paid the same to the person who caused this situation.

Cosette: “Keira…”

How the hell should I fix this mistake?

Cosette grimaced.

There are a lot of slaves who will take my side because of my good looks. I’ll get a few glares, but the first
thing I should do is go to a social event.

Whether it’s pretending to reflect on the incident with tears or not, that’s the way it should be.

She would only really lose if she tried to lie low on the pretext of waiting for the rumors to subside.

‘One or two mistakes can be undone.’

If she acted in tears while pretending to be unfairly framed…

But it was then



The footsteps echoed through the hallway, and the door swung open. The sound was loud enough to worry that
it might break.

Cosette: “Uncle? What happened?”

Cosette rose from the sofa, rekindling her anger.

Count Weinberg’s face had turned blue. He had just returned from a social gathering and must have heard bad
news there.

Cosette: “Now, calm down and talk. What’s going on?”

Count: “You… are the rumors circulating in the capital true?”

Cosette: “Huh?”

She didn’t know what rumor he meant. The incident at the auction house? Or the one with the Dowager

Cosette: “If you’re talking about the auction house or the palace, then yes. Please listen to me first. It’s only half

Count: “Neither! What happened in Lady Johanna’s residence!”

Cosette: “…What?”

Cosette’s hand stopped suddenly. The memory of the first defeat she tasted immediately after debuting in the
capital came to mind.

‘Why did it come out now…!’

The only witnesses were Johanna, who lived in seclusion, and employees who worked in the restricted areas.

Despite this, there had always been a risk of spreading, but it had been quiet for a month, so it put Cosette’s
mind at ease.

But why has it become an issue now?

Flustered, Cosette recalled a memory from two days ago– Keira, who briefly talked about the incident, and the
princess, whose eyes seemed to gleam with interest.

‘It’s that girl!’

If the princess, the queen of the social circle, talked even a little, it wouldn’t take much to bring up forgotten
news again.

Besides, many noble girls moved like limbs around her.

If she made up her mind, she could do anything.


Cosette didn’t say anything, but Count Weinberg found an answer in the silence.

“Everyone, get out.”

“Yes, Count.”

He drove all the servants out and locked the door. Then, after checking once more that the door was closed
properly, he sat on the sofa.
Count: “Why did you make such a mistake?”


Count: “No, no. There’s no point in arguing about that now. What’s important is that your sincerity is now
being questioned.”

His speech changed into a more polite tone.

Count: “An attempt to frame Princess Keira at the auction house could be dismissed as a quarrel between
women. But what’s wrong now is the trajectory is different.”

I know. I know even if you don’t tell me.

She would be suspected of pretending to be the Grand Duke’s real daughter and conspiring to obtain spirits.

After remaining silent for a moment, Cosette finally spoke.

Cosette: “It’s just a little chatter. Words alone can’t hurt me.”

Count: “But…”

Cosette: “Relax. Your goal isn’t to make me the queen of the social world, right?”

Count: “That’s… true, but.”

Fame in society, the affectionate gaze of her subordinates and those around her, the love of a father.

Cosette’s ultimate wish wasn’t such a trivial thing.

What she longed for was…

Cosette: “So, act like you normally do. Do you understand?”

Count: “……Alright.”

Cosette: “You should go now.”

Cosette motioned for Count Weinberg to get up from the couch.

Soon, she heard footsteps moving away and the door opening and closing.

In the empty room, Cosette swallowed her anger.

Let’s remain calm. Remember your goal.

Wasn’t there something else she wanted?

Cosette: “Ha…”

She sighed as she ruffled her hair.

Her red eyes flashed through her flowing silver hair.

Since this happened, all secondary issues had to be put on hold.

Cosette: “I have no choice but to hit it head-on.”

Ludwig: “The events under my household… Why am I the last to hear about this?”

All the members of the household knew it, yet they remained quiet.

Even the nobles of the capital heard the rumors that had been secretly spread a few days ago.

But Ludwig was the only one who didn’t know?

Ludwig: “Were you aware of it, too?”

Robert: “Well…”

Ludwig: “There’s no need for excuses. Answer yes or no.”

Robert: “……Yes, that’s right.”


Ludwig: “Explain.”

Ludwig said as he slammed the desk. Despite his violent actions, his voice remained quite calm. However,
Robert, who had been next to the Grand Duke for a long time, could feel his anger.

Robert: “Lady Johanna didn’t say anything, so I thought it would be absurd if I did.”

Ludwig: “You must be well aware of her temperament, right? She doesn’t speak of others’ faults. If you heard
the rumors floating around among the maids, shouldn’t you have told me?”

Worried he might lose his job, Robert exclaimed.

Robert: “L-lady Keira told me to keep quiet!”

Unsurprisingly, Ludwig’s voice softened.

Ludwig: “Keira did?”

Robert: “Yes, and I don’t know why. But Lady Keira wanted to sweep it under the rug, so I thought it wasn’t
my place to talk about it. I apologize if my judgment was wrong.”
Ludwig: “…No, it’s done.”

Why? Wouldn’t it be good for Keira if it became known?

Ludwig’s eyes narrowed in thought. No other answer came to mind.

Ludwig: “If that child told you to keep quiet… Well, I understand.”

Robert: “Thank you. Then… What would you do with Lady Cosette?”


Ludwig kept mum, but not because he hesitated in punishing her. Instead, he pondered how to punish her most

Not only did she frame Keira for attempting to gain unauthorized access to Beatrice’s spirit stone, but she also
sought to ruin her image by accusing her of having an inappropriate relationship with someone else’s marriage

Besides, why did she teach her servant how to lip-read? It was probably to do another bad thing.

Ludwig: “…You said she’s staying at the Count’s mansion right now.”

Robert: “Yes, that’s right. Shall I call for her?”

Ludwig: “No. It might be uncomfortable to stay at the Count’s mansion, so please send her belongings.
Everything in her room, everything.”
Chapter 132
Robert’s mouth opened slightly.

Only a fool would interpret that statement as concern for Cosette’s discomfort.

‘You’re going to kick her out!’

He didn’t want to see her roaming around under one roof.

Although the sudden decision flustered Robert, he answered faithfully.

Robert: “Then I will deliver Lady Cosette’s belongings to the Count as soon as possible.”

His master must have brought Cosette into the house so he could watch her up close, but things changed now
that things turned like this.

There was a possibility that innocent victims might fall for a dirty trick– the said victim was most likely to be

If Keira were at fault, Ludwig would punish her severely, but he wouldn’t stand to see her being falsely framed.

Ludwig: “Yes, as soon as possible. It would be better to start today.”

Robert: “T-then I will pass on the message.”

Robert bowed and hurriedly left the office, a wise tactic to avoid unnecessary sparks.

Rose: “So, I faithfully answered Her Highness, Princess Arabella.”

Rose said in a sing-song voice, a bright smile blooming on her face.

Keira: “So, the Princess knows.”

Rose: “It’s because she’s capable of creating a buzz in the social world.”

That time, it was possible to let out what happened at Johanna’s mansion.

But the reason for not doing so was simple– she wanted to use it when it was most effective.

When the incident at Johanna’s happened, public opinion about Cosette wasn’t as negative as it is now.

On the contrary, some people thought she was better than Keira.

If they had spread the rumors as soon as it happened, it wouldn’t have had the same effect now.

‘I should say thank you. You have done what I had to do.’

As if a thorn was finally removed from her side, she felt relieved.

It would take Cosette a lot of time and effort to restore her reputation.
‘It took about a year and three months before Cosette manifested her spiritual power…’

The plan to take off her mask progressed steadily.

But she has yet to find conclusive evidence.

She could only drive out Cosette’s existence once she could prove Cosette’s claim that she’s the real daughter
of the Grand Duke as false.

‘Don’t be so nervous. All you have to do is calmly step on the tail one by one.’

Immersed in her thoughts, Keira took a leisurely walk through the garden.

When the incident at Johanna’s mansion became a topic of discussion again, she remembered her hypothesis
back then.

‘Cosette’s original goal was to find out the location of the Spirit stone and destroy it. She hasn’t shown any
additional suspicional behavior yet, but…’

Keira didn’t know why, but a corner of her chest felt uncomfortable. She couldn’t get rid of the irritating feeling
as if she had a thorn in her fingertips.

Rose: “…lady. Milady!”

Keira: “H, hmm?”

At that moment, Rose’s voice broke her thoughts.

Keira: “What’s the matter?”

Rose: “What’s going on over there?”


Keira turned in the direction Rose pointed to see male employees moving the luggage into wagons.

Keira, who managed the household affairs, had never given such orders to her servants.

Keira ran straight to them and asked.

Keira: “What are you doing?”

“Ah, good morning, milady. His Grace ordered to do this.”

She glanced slowly over the luggage the servants were carrying. Most of them were inside a white cloth or bag,
so it was impossible to identify them.

However, some objects could be identified through the silhouette of the thin fabric.

Keira: “Is that… a dresser?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

Keira: “His Grace told you to change the furniture in the house? He didn’t say a word to me…”

“No, it’s not like that. This is Lady Cosette’s luggage. Most of the things covered in white cloth are furniture,
and the things in the bag are clothes and small items.”


Keira tilted her head. Was Cosette moving to the main building?

But before Keira could ask, the servant went on.

“I have an order from His Grace to bring all of Lady Cosette’s belongings to the Count’s residence. He said it
would be uncomfortable for her to live in an unfamiliar environment.”


Keira realized the situation only later.

The Count probably had everything she needed, but it was ridiculous to send all the furniture.

Ludwig’s intention was not to appease her discomfort but to drive her away.

She felt flustered yet elated.

She had to try to manage her expression not to look too happy.

Keira: “Is that so? She must be planning to stay with her mother’s family for a long time. If you’re going to the
Count’s house, please deliver my greetings as well. I hope she’s comfortable there.”

“Yes, I will.”

After Keira had sent the servants away, she immediately turned back.

Then the corner of her lips tilted upward.

Rose: “Milady, could it be… Has she been kicked out?”

Keira: “Hmm, it seems so.”

Rose: “Woah!”

Rose stretched her hands outwards in delight, and Keira walked swiftly ahead.

Many eyes were watching. Keira must go up to her bedroom before expressing her joy…

“Hi, milady.”

However, some people stood in her way.

“You look like you’re in a good mood? Did something good happen?”
It was Joseph and Arthur. They looked like they were on their way to Ludwig’s office since they had a pile of
papers in their arms.

Keira: “Oh, it’s been a while, both of you.”

“It’s nice to see you have a bright complexion.”

Keira: “Uh, yeah. It’s not a big deal, it just seemed like Cosette is going to stay with her mother’s family for a
while longer.”

She wiped her lips consciously to hide her joy as she said that. Of course, it was a futile attempt.

“Oh, really?”

Keira: “Since she took all the furniture with her, I guess she won’t be coming back for quite some time.”

“Then the vacation has been extended indefinitely.”

Keira: “Vacation?”

Keira was puzzled for a moment but soon understood what he meant.

‘Come to think of it, he mentioned we should go out and play before Cosette comes back.’

But when she discovered an unexpected clue, they had to postpone their appointment for a while. Now was the

Arthur: “About the promise we made last time, how about going today or tomorrow?”

Joseph: “What are you talking about?”

Joseph interjected, oblivious to their conversation.

Arthur answered instead.

Arthur: “I made a promise with Her Ladyship last time to go out and play with us. This time with the young
master as well.”

Arthur might as well have said that he promised to ‘go out for a drink’ than ‘go out and play.’

Joseph stared at his subordinate for a moment and soon changed his mind.

Peace has come to this mansion for the first time in a long time. It wasn’t a bad idea to relax for a while.

Joseph: “Then I’ll ask the other knights.”

Keira: “I’ll ask Zeke.”

Joseph: “Yes, I understand.”

Keira turned away from the two of them and set out to look for Zeke.
Her footsteps were light, as if she was walking on clouds.

‘Is he studying in his room right now?’

There were still unresolved problems, but Keira wanted to forget them all and enjoy her leisure time.

As time passed, the weather became cooler. Neither hot nor cold, it was the perfect weather for social

Autumn wasn’t the only thing that came to Keira.

「…I would like to apologize for my rudeness last time and would like to have a good time. I’d appreciate it if
you could attend. From Ariana Leofield.」

Keira read the incredibly long letter quietly. Her desk was full of unopened letters.

She always received many invitations, but it was rare for handwritten letters to come.

Keira: “What’s going on? I know Ariana Leofield’s around my age, but we don’t know each other.”

Miranda, who stood next to her, answered the question.

Miranda: “If it’s Lady Leofield, she’s the one who was at the auction house then.”

Keira: “Ah.”

Keira finally remembered that Ariana Leofield was among the ladies who apologized for the misunderstanding.

She seemed to refer to the incident at that time.

Keira: “Now that I think about it, I remember her. But I don’t know why Lady Leofield wrote me a letter.”

Miranda: “Can I see it for a moment?”

Miranda scanned the letter.

Miranda: “I think that’s it.”

Keira: “What are you talking about?”

Miranda: “…she’s indebted to you.”

Keira: “Indebted?”

Miranda: “Yes, even though Countess Rheol’s lies deceived them, it doesn’t mean they’re not without fault. So,
this is their way of easing their regrets.”


Keira read the letter again.

Chapter 133
The lady expressed remorse for what happened last time and asked for a chance to make up for it. She also said
she wanted everyone to have a good time together.

A smile formed on Keira’s lips. This must be an opportunity to stop being an outsider in society.

Coincidentally, Cosette’s presence at social gatherings also decreased, which was a bonus.

Miranda: “Are you going to attend?”

Keira: “Yeah. Cosette will be out for a while.”

Keira couldn’t miss this opportunity and immediately wrote a reply thanking her for the invitation.

Unfortunately, good news wasn’t the only thing waiting for Keira.

That afternoon, shocking news came to her–gunpowder had exploded in Johanna’s mansion.

Keira: “Gunpowder? Why did Great-Aunt have gunpowder?”

Keira was on a walk in the garden when she heard the news. Her expression became grave at the information
she received.

“It seems that the people at the mansion tried to hold a small outdoor banquet in the fall. Apparently, the
gunpowder was purchased to make firecrackers.”

Keira: “But it exploded?”

“Yes, it would seem so.”

Keira: “But if it was for making firecrackers, it wouldn’t have been stored in large quantities… the fire
wouldn’t have been that big.”

“There were no casualties other than six minor injuries. However, I’ve been told that the warehouse that stored
the gunpowder almost collapsed.”

The damage was minor for gunpowder exploding inside the premises. Keira pressed a hand to her chest when
she heard there were no fatalities.

Part of the mansion collapsed, but that’s something that could be rebuilt.

Keira: “How is Great-Aunt?”

“Lady Johanna wasn’t there at the time of the accident. Apparently, she was in the temple.”

Keira: “That’s a relief.”

After delivering the news, the servant bowed his head and withdrew.

‘Things always happen again when you want a little peace and quiet.’
Have such accidents happened in the past? After thinking for a moment, Keira came to a conclusion.

‘This has never happened before.’

Of course, the butterfly effect could have caused the gunpowder to explode like a one-in-a-million chance.

Keira turned around and said.

Keira: “Robert, I have to go see Great-Aunt right now. Prepare the carriage.”

Robert: “Yes? Ah, yes, milady.”

Usually, she would only visit after contacting Johanna via Ludwig, but right now, Keira couldn’t afford it.

She immediately got into the carriage and went to her Great-Aunt’s mansion.

Even from a distance, Keira could see the part of the main building that had been demolished. She was
surprised that the accident only caused six minor injuries.

She approached the servants cleaning up the wreckage, too busy even to notice Keira.

Keira: “You look busy, sorry.”

They looked at her only when she spoke. Upon seeing Keira, the servants jumped in surprise.

“Ah, Your Ladyship! When did you arrive? I didn’t hear you coming…”

Keira: “I just arrived. I heard about the explosion, so I couldn’t stand still.”

“Fortunately, there were no major casualties. It happened at night, so everyone was sleeping in the dormitory at
the annex. Lady Johanna went to the temple.”

Keira: “Where is Great-Aunt now?”

“She’s moved to a different room in the annex. Would you like me to show you around?”

Keira: “No, Gordon must have already told her I’m here.”

Keira left the workers behind and headed straight to the annex. She had a rough guess which room her Great-
Aunt would temporarily use.

But just as she was about to enter the annex, she encountered someone unexpected.

No, maybe it wasn’t really unexpected.

“Oh, Keira. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you.”

It was Cosette.

She seemed to have forgotten she’s been absent from social events since she was kicked out of the grand duchy.

As if such a thing didn’t matter anymore.

Keira: “I know. I don’t think I’ve seen you at any social event lately. It’s been a long time.”

Cosette: “I wasn’t feeling well.”

Keira: “What are you doing here if you’re feeling unwell?”

Cosette: “I think you came for the same reason. There was an unfortunate accident at Great-Aunt’s house. How
can I not visit?”

The moment Keira bumped into her, she was convinced–the accident was caused by Cosette.

At first glance, there didn’t seem to be a connection between the gunpowder explosion that caused the collapse
of part of the mansion and Cosette.

Keira would have brushed it off as an accident if she hadn’t remembered her past.

Keira: “I won’t see you off. I’ll be on my way…”

Keira walked past Cosette without even saying goodbye.

Cosette arrived here one step earlier than me. In addition, Cosette was on her way out after meeting Johanna.

‘It means you’re done with your business.’

Biting her lips, Keira stood in front of Johanna’s door.

Keira: “Great-Aunt, it’s me.”

Johanna: “Come in.”

Unlike the nervous Keira, Johanna looked relaxed. She didn’t seem to think of this as anything more than a

Johanna: “I wasn’t injured, but strangely, a lot of people are looking for me.”

Keira: “Still, it’s common courtesy to visit you at a time like this. His Grace is also worried.”

Johanna shrugged at the remark as if she knew Ludwig couldn’t be that delicate.

Keira cut to the chase.

Keira: “Great-Aunt, do you think this was an accident?”

Johanna: “Hmm?”

Johanna’s forehead slightly furrowed.

Johanna: “You don’t think so?”

Keira: “Even if it’s an accident, someone has to take responsibility. There’s no way a decent gunpowder can
just explode. There must have been an issue with it. We have to check which merchant it was supplied from and
whether there were any problems in the distribution process.”
Johanna: “Hmm… Now that you mention it that makes sense.”

She then nodded her head.

Johanna, who had been revered for the rest of her life, was somewhat naive.

Keira: “Actually, that’s why I came here. I had a feeling Great-Aunt would shrug it off as an accident. May I
see the ledgers?”

Johanna: “If you want to see the ledgers, you should talk to Gordon.”

Johanna pulled the rope, and a maid opened the door and walked in.

Johanna: “Bring the butler.”

“Yes, milady.”

Not long after, Gordon entered the bedroom.

Gordon: “You called for me?”

Johanna: “Keira wants to see the ledger. Show it to her.”

Gordon: “Is it because of the issue with the gunpowder?”

Keira answered instead.

Keira: “That’s right.”

Gordon: “This way, please.”

Keira: “I’ll take a look at the ledger and let you know if there is anything strange about it.”

The books were kept in Johanna’s usually empty office. Keira, who had been checking the ledgers for a long
time, looked up and asked.

Keira: “The plan to set firecrackers, who was the first to bring it up?”

It was impossible for ordinary people to trade gunpowder without permission in the capital. Buying as well as
selling were the same.

This could not have been possible without Johanna’s permission. Sure enough.

Gordon: “That… Employees often did that when the weather got cooler. As you know, the people in the
mansion here seldom go out.”

Keira: “Since when?”

Gordon: “It’s been quite a while. Of course, this was done with Lady Johanna’s permission. Sometimes, she’d
even watch.”

So, it meant that the information that Johanna was buying gunpowder at this time of year was secretly spread.
It would have been easy to mix defective products if they expected that the mansion would buy gunpowder this
year as well.

Keira confirmed the name of the top-selling gunpowder.

It was a highly reputable place among the top suppliers that supplied daily necessities to the capital.

Last year and the year before last, there was a record of purchasing gunpowder from the same place.

‘Well, unless it’s a reputable merchant, there’s no way you can do business with the Grand Ducal family.’

However, there would always be individuals in any group who was desperate for money.

Unfortunately, examining the merchant without evidence was not within Keira’s authority.

Keira: “Tell Great-Aunt that I’ll think about it a bit more and let you know. It’s still just a hunch.”

Gordon: “Yes, I will let her know.”

Keira: “Oh, I met Cosette on the way here.”

Then she cast a subtle gaze on Gordon. Keira looked as if she wanted to know why Cosette visited Johanna.

Perhaps because of the incident that had occurred in the past, Gordon spoke gently.

Gordon: “It didn’t seem like anything special. It seemed like she visited to check on Lady Johanna when she
found out about the accident.”

Keira: “I want to know what kind of conversation they had in detail.”

Gordon: “Um… First of all, she expressed her concern and shock about the accident, and then she talked about
repairing the mansion.”

Keira leaned forward in interest.

Keira: “Repair the mansion?”

Gordon: “Yes, winter is coming, so why not fix it as soon as possible?”

Keira: “Then what? What did she say after that?”

Gordon: “Uh… that’s it.”

Gordon’s eyes turned slightly upwards as if tracing her memories.

Gordon: “There really wasn’t much to talk about. If they had any other conversation, it’s the first greeting to ask
if you’ve been doing well, and the last greeting to say you’re leaving.”

Keira thought back to the information the butler had given her.

Except for the greetings, Cosette didn’t really say much other than recommending repairs to the collapsed
‘If she was after Great-Aunt’s life, she wouldn’t have chosen the day she left for the temple.’

In the first place, there was no way that Johanna, an elementalist, would get caught up in a small explosion and

In other words, it would be correct to assume that her goal was to damage the building from the beginning.

‘I don’t think it’s because you feel sorry about the state of the mansion… Are you thinking of mixing spies
among the workers?’
Chapter 134
Keira tried to put herself in Cosette’s shoes. Why would she have come up with such a plan?

If she simply wanted to plant spies, why did she choose such a cumbersome method?

Why did it have to be a construction worker?

What’s the difference between them and the typical employees?

Keira: “Could it be…”

It wasn’t long before Keira came to a conclusion.

Construction workers could easily access the mansion blueprint in the guise of rebuilding the mansion. Even if
they looked around, the employees wouldn’t think too much of it because they were there to fix the place.

The difference between the drawing and the actual structure. Hints to the hidden secret spaces.

Keira: “Ah.”

If Keira’s guess was correct, Cosette was trying to find the location of the spirit stone again.

She would have moved on and chalked it off as her delusion if it was just the last time. But now that she’s tried
something similar again? It was too suspicious.

Keira was about to offer to introduce construction workers and an architect, but she stopped.

Gordon: “Your Ladyship? Were you perhaps about to say something…? You can speak at your convenience.”

Keira: “No, thinking about it, I might be overreacting. I don’t want Great-Aunt to be uncomfortable, so I’ll
leave the reconstruction of the mansion to you.”

Gordon: “Yes, of course. We’ll need to fix it before the winter wind hits.”

Let Cosette plant spies among the workers.

Interrogating and questioning them was the next step.

Keira’s lack of authority on the matter made it impossible to investigate the company that supplied the
explosives without clear evidence.

If she made a mistake, things could get worse, and there was a high possibility that she would receive the
Imperial Family’s animosity.

However, it was possible to ‘personally’ question the workers who participated in the mansion’s repairs and
Hearing Keira’s plans, Johanna furrowed her brow in confusion.

Johanna: “Hmm, of course, I respect your judgment. If you thought it was curious, there must be a good reason.
However… What if innocent people are interrogated violently, and it becomes a problem later?”

Keira: “I also don’t expect all workers to be in on it. She might mix the spies among the innocent ones. But
since I can’t read minds, I have no choice but to question them all, right?”


Johanna’s expression hardened slightly.

Since there was no way to tell them apart, it sounded like Keira would assume they were all guilty and then
force them to confess individually.

As if Keira anticipated Johanna’s concern, she said.

Keira: “Don’t worry, Great-Aunt. I won’t pose a physical threat to the workers. No torture or intimidation will

At her declaration, Johanna tilted her head.

Johanna: “Then how are you going to get a confession?”

Keira: “If you do as I say, you can make them confess without lifting a finger.”

Johanna: “Without lifting a finger? How? Tell me.”

What she asked of Johanna was very simple.

First, create a harsh atmosphere and drag the workers underground. Then lock them up in separate spaces so
they couldn’t communicate.

Johanna: “Is it really possible with that alone?”

Keira: “Yes, that’s right.”

Johanna frowned, not entirely convinced, but Keira nodded her head resolutely.

This was the method Ludwig had used in the past to interrogate criminals, and Keira witnessed how effective it

Johanna: “Then, do as you please. Take care of it.”

Keira: “Thank you.”

Keira’s method was simple.

First, the suspects were locked in separate areas to stop them from communicating with each other. Then she
threatened that she would only spare the first to confess.

The genuinely innocent ones had turned pale and lamented the injustice.

After all, most of the workers definitely came to work with pure intentions.

Keira felt a little guilty when a man about twice her age begged for his life by mentioning his wife and children.

He looked really innocent.

‘I must apologize for this later…’

But she had to remain vigilant until she found the spies, so Keira left the room, her expression cold. The
weeping sound behind her stabbed her conscience.

The other men had also turned paled. However, their complexion had changed for a slightly different reason
than the innocent ones.

They broke out in a cold sweat, worried they might have lost their chance to survive if someone had already

After all, they were all ordinary workers.

The only thing that set them apart from others was their financial difficulties.

There was no such thing as loyalty to a client.

In the end, those men, worried they’d lose their chance, confessed that they had other intentions within two

It was the very next night that Joseph reported those confessions to Keira.

Three workers infiltrated the mansion with ulterior motives.

They all said an anonymous person had commissioned them to find a gap between the blueprint and the actual
structure of the mansion–a spot or area that might be a secret space.

Keira rummaged through the personal details of the three men.

Joseph: “Before this incident, they were ordinary workers.”

Joseph answered.

Joseph: “I thoroughly checked, but they’re clean.”

Keira: “If it wasn’t for that, they wouldn’t have been able to enter Great-Aunt’s house.”
Joseph: “It seems that the reason for accepting the request was largely due to financial difficulties.”

According to the investigation, the first worker had a daughter who suffered from an incurable disease.

The situation of the other two was similar. His mother was ill, or he needed a lot of money to fix an accident his
son had committed.

However, no matter the circumstance, it didn’t change the fact that they infiltrated Johanna’s mansion with such
dark motives.

Keira put down the papers with a frown.


Joseph could guess why she was displeased.

Joseph: “The person behind it completely hid their identity.”

Keira: “I kind of expected it.”

Only the powerless underlings were punished, and the person behind them got away like a loach.

Unsurprisingly, none of the workers knew the identity of the ‘anonymous client.’

This client promised to pay a large sum of money and give a more significant amount if the workers found a
‘secret place.’

Joseph: “Does Your Ladyship think the Count of Weinberg is behind this?”

Keira: “Probably. But I don’t have any proof.”

Someone planted spies in Johanna’s mansion to find a hidden room or space. Such a thing would surely stir the
aristocratic society in the capital.

But there wasn’t a single proof.

‘So how would Count Weinberg benefit from getting that information?’

Keira couldn’t think of an answer to that question.

The only possible grudge Count Weinberg had was against the Grand Duke.

‘Still, it doesn’t correlate…’

On the other hand, Cosette looked for Johanna’s hiding spot, more precisely, the location of the spirit stone.

She’s trying the same thing twice.

It was a moment when her doubts turned into certainty.

Joseph said.

Joseph: “I don’t quite understand either. What would he use it for if he found out?”

Keira: “Maybe they plan to find the place where Great-Aunt hid the spirit stone.”

Joseph: “Ah! Is she trying to mimic the spirit art using Beatrice’s spirit stone?”

As far as Keira knew, Beatrice’s spirit stone had no such function. But she couldn’t exactly explain that, so she
just bit her lip.

While she was silent, Joseph continued.

Joseph: “As you may have heard, Lady Cosette is hiding in her uncle’s house and has not gone out. Didn’t she
use to go to social gatherings until his threshold was worn out? There must be a reason for the sudden change in
behavior. Please be careful.”

Keira nodded, urging him to continue.

Joseph: “Until now, Miss Cosette has acted as if she was trying to usurp the Your Ladyship’s place in the house,
the temple, and the social world.”

Keira: “That’s right.”

Joseph: “However, the reputation in society, the family, and the position in the temple are only secondary
matters. In the end, the one who manifests their skills first wins.”

His point was correct. However, an elementalist’s skill was a blessing that Beatrice has bestowed on humans.

In other words, it was the god’s will and revelation.

To change the will of god through human effort or training… As far as Keira knew, such a thing was futile.

It was impossible for a person who was not of the Grand Duke’s bloodline to not only use elemental magic but
also hasten the manifestation of the skills.

It was impossible to go against Beatrice’s will by human effort.

But if it’s just an imitation of spirit art… Could it be possible?

Chapter 135
“Of course, I have no doubt that Your Ladyship will one day manifest your abilities. But if she tried to imitate
that first, wouldn’t you be framed instead?”

Keira: “That’s right.”

Just like what she’s been through in the past.

“Maybe Lady Cosette changed her strategy. Rather than trying to take Your Ladyship’s place step by step…
Once she wins, she can restore her reputation.”

“So, Your Ladyship will have to be careful as Cosette may use Beatrice’s spirit stone to deceive everyone.”


Keira: “However, it’s really too early to conclude that one can mimic the skills using Beatrice’s spirit stone. It
was the same when I asked Great-Aunt about it. She dismissed it as nonsense.”

“Maybe it’s a hidden feature.”

Keira: “Yes, it could be a hidden feature. But how does Cosette know that? How does she know something that
neither the previous elementalists of our family nor the Grand Duke, Great-Aunt, nor I know? It doesn’t make

Joseph: “That…”

Joseph muttered.

According to Count Weinberg, Cosette grew up without education under an elderly herbalist couple in the

Joseph: “Maybe from Count Weinberg… No, that doesn’t make sense either.”

Keira: “It’s almost impossible to know more about the spirit stones than from our family.”

Not even from the temple or the Imperial family.

Keira: “The spirit stone only has one function–to symbolize the contract. If it breaks, the contract that has lasted
for hundreds of years will, too.”

Joseph: “…No way.”

Joseph’s face flushed with astonishment.

Fortunately, he seemed to have figured out what Keira tried to say without going into detail.

Joseph: “What if she’s trying to break the spirit stone…”

Keira: “That’s the only plausible answer so far.”

Joseph pondered for a moment before speaking again.

Joseph: “Is she going to make a new contract after breaking the current one? She’s not trying to destroy the
world, is she?”

Keira shook her head.

In the past, the contract was not broken until Cosette manifested.

If such an accident had occurred, Johanna would not have stood still.

Keira: “Just because the contract has been broken doesn’t mean anyone can renew it.”

Joseph: “But if the contract with Beatrice is broken, the barrier is also broken. Then, wouldn’t disaster be

Keira: “Maybe that’s what she wants.”


His expression changed to bewilderment when he heard that Cosette wanted the disaster.

Keira looked at him and continued.

Keira: “This is my hypothesis, but…”

The plan went smoothly. No, she thought it did.

No one would think she had reason to destroy Johanna’s mansion.

So everyone would have thought it was just a coincidence.

When she heard that she had successfully recruited some of the workers involved in the construction, Cosette
thought the plan had been successful.

However, things turned out differently than she expected.

Cosette: “What?”


When she hurriedly got up from her seat, the chair fell to the floor. However, she couldn’t afford to pay
attention to something irrelevant.

Cosette: “You lost contact? How?”

Cosette’s hoarse voice echoed through the room.

The maid couldn’t help but tremble when she saw how angry her master was.

“I-I don’t know the details. I’ve only been told to inform you…”

Cosette: “Tsk!”
The maid in front of her was nothing more than a messenger. She didn’t know Cosette’s plans or who she had
lost contact with.

All she knew was one sentence–’We lost contact.’

Cosette knew it wasn’t the maid’s fault, but the flickering in front of her eyes couldn’t be more bothersome.

Cosette: “Haa…”

Calm down. Cosette took a deep breath. No matter how angry she was, it wasn’t good to show her temper to an
innocent maid.

Cosette: “Okay, go back then.”

“Y-yes, milady.”

The maid rushed off without looking back, afraid to be the target of the lady’s wrath.

Cosette, alone in the room, moved to the sofa instead of righting the fallen chair.

Her head pounded at the thought that things had gone awry.

‘Where did it go wrong? I didn’t do anything that would raise suspicion. Was it from when I tried to find it
myself? They might have noticed… No, but if there’s an accident at a relative’s house, isn’t it natural to go and
see how they’re doing?’

Looking back, she hadn’t done anything that would have left a trail.

‘Anyway, there’s no problem, because it’s just a feeling that it’s my fault. However…’

What if they realized her ultimate goal was to destroy the spirit stone?

If that happened, the clever woman would hide the spirit stone in a place Cosette couldn’t find.

And if that’s what they did, it would be a troublesome thing that couldn’t be compared to her reputation in
society plummeting to the ground.

Cosette bit her lip.

‘No. There’s no way they could have noticed my goal. The only way they can do that is if they can read minds.’

She was probably getting paranoid.

As she was about to distract herself to shake off her anxiety, someone arrived.

It was Count Weinberg.

Cosette looked up in surprise at the butler who announced her uncle’s presence.

Cosette: “Uncle? Didn’t he say he’ll be late from work today?”

“Yes, I heard that, too, but milord just came back, looking sour. It seems urgent, so you should see him.”
Cosette: “Okay.”

As soon as the Count arrived home, he called Cosette to his office.

Most of the time, he would only do this to whine.

She was already getting annoyed, but she had no choice. The Count was her important partner.

Cosette reluctantly made her way toward the Count’s office.

Cosette: “You called.”

Count: “Ah, Cosette. Come here and sit down.”

The Count then dismissed the butler.

As the butler and the maids left the office, the Count’s demeanor changed cautiously again. He took a seat
across from Cosette and said.

Count: “I heard that the plan to find the spirit stone’s location isn’t going smoothly.”

Cosette: “I’ll take care of that, so don’t worry about it.”

Count: “How can I not worry? If there’s any evidence that this explosion was our fault…!”

Cosette: “It won’t happen, so stop panicking. Watching you like this is making me go crazy.”

Count: “Keuk.”

Isaac Weinberg held his tongue and swallowed his displeasure.

His partner in crime in front of him has always acted like this.

He reluctantly joined forces with her, but there’s no way he could trust her, especially since he didn’t know
what she’s thinking.

Count: “…Can you just answer one thing?”

Cosette: “What is it?”

Count: “Are you going to avenge my sister and father’s deaths?”

Cosette then responded with an annoyed bite on her lips.

Cosette: “How many times do I have to tell you until you believe me? I will definitely avenge them. Because
that’s my duty.”

Count: “Please do not betray my faith. And one more thing.”

Cosette: “You just asked if I could only answer one thing.”

Usually, Cosette wouldn’t be easily annoyed.

This was proof she was very nervous. Isaac’s complexion darkened a little.

Count: “Isn’t it going to harm Johanna and Beatrice?”

Cosette: “Of course.”

Count: “…That’s a relief.”

He murmured to himself and looked away.

Cosette, who had been staring at him, opened her mouth as if anxious.

Cosette: “I’m just saying this just in case, but don’t act alone in haste. Do you understand?”

Count: “Yes, of course.”

Cosette still seemed uneasy despite the Count’s reassurance, because she went on to say.

Cosette: “I won’t forget to avenge your sister and father. So don’t do things by yourself.”

Count: “I do not intend to act so carelessly.”

Cosette: “…I’ll believe that.”

She looked at Isaac in doubt, and then stood up.

‘He’s not a complete fool… I hope you don’t start working at a time like this.’

Cosette: “Then, I have other business to attend to.”

Count: “Go ahead.”

Isaac answered without getting up.

In the eyes of the employees, he was Cosette’s superior. So it would be a strange sight for him to see his niece

Cosette didn’t comment on it, so she was also probably aware of it.


The door closed with a click. He sat alone on the sofa and clenched his fists.

‘As expected, it’s just unbelievable.’

How could he trust her despite her promises of avenging his sister and father and assurances of not harming the
human world?

Even now, she wasn’t interested in avenging the family and was focused on finding the location of the spirit

Of course, it wasn’t like she was looking for the spirit stone without justifiable reason.
As Cosette mentioned, she needed the stone to manifest quickly.

But as long as he didn’t trust Cosette, her claim had no weight.

Could she have another intention in finding the spirit stone? The question that had been brewing inside him

‘I can’t just trust that woman. I’ll have to find my own way.’

He had just said he wouldn’t move on his own but it wasn’t like he broke his promise first.

He remembered his younger sister, who followed him often, and his father, whom he respected.

A past that couldn’t return…

His eyes gleamed darkly as he stared into the air.

Chapter 136
“You’re going to the Imperial Palace? What else has happened?”

Less than a few days after the accident, a startled Robert asked Keira when she mentioned going to the Palace.

Keira: “I just want to go to the Imperial Library. I have some materials to look for.”

Robert: “If you tell me what material you are looking for, I will have someone help you.”

Keira: “No, it’s okay.”


Robert tilted his head, seemingly confused at Keira’s quick rejection.

‘Wouldn’t it be easier to find if you asked several people to do it…?’

The thought was painted on his face, but he didn’t dare to say it aloud.

Robert: “Then I will prepare the carriage.”

Keira: “Okay.”

Keira nodded, ignoring Robert’s puzzled gaze.

‘I can’t exactly say I’m looking for materials about demons.’

Not only would it be a pain to explain why she’s looking for such information, but it would also be a bother if
word about it leaked outside the family.

She knew that all kinds of rumors would go around–like her being interested in black magic and planning to
summon demons.

So, Keira decided to bring only one person she could really trust.

And that person was none other than her brother, Zichhardt.

Keira looked back at her brother and asked.

Keira: “Can you really go with me?”

Zeke: “The knight promotion exam is over. I have a lot of time.”

Keira: “Even more so. I’m worried I’m dragging you along for nothing when you can go and relax in your free

Zeke: “This is important.”

It was, of course, important. However, she did not explain the purpose to her brother.

How are you sure it’s important?

As if noticing her puzzled look, Zeke answered.

Zeke: “You had a dark expression on your face all day yesterday. I called you and you didn’t respond, so I
thought it was serious. But today, you suddenly mentioned going to the Palace to look for information.”

Zeke paused for a moment, lowered his voice, and whispered again.

Zeke: “And since you didn’t order anyone else to do it… it seems like top secret information, isn’t it?”

Keira nodded instead of answering.

Yesterday, there was another reason why she was so distracted that she couldn’t even respond to Zeke.

‘If the spirit stone is destroyed, the barrier will also disappear. Can someone behind such a scheme be
considered human?’

It was the conclusion she reached after thinking about it for days.

Well, she didn’t have concrete evidence. Maybe she was just overthinking.

However, Cosette had already aimed for the spirit stone twice.

Shortly after her debut in the capital, she tried to find the location of the spirit stone for the first time.

And the second time she tried to do it was after she was kicked out of the grand duchy after being massively

Cosette’s course of action pointed to one conclusion.

Her primary goal wasn’t to take Keira’s role, to avenge Count Weinberg’s family, nor was it to get recognized
in noble society.

What she wanted was…

‘Obtaining the spirit stone.’

As far as Keira knew, the spirit stone’s only function was to represent the contract with Beatrice.

She sought advice from Johanna and Ludwig, but their answers were the same.

‘There’s no way you’re looking for the spirit stone simply because you want to see it or keep it as decoration.’

Who would want to destroy the spirit stone and the barrier?

It didn’t take Keira long to come up with an answer.

The devil.
Keira: “Let’s go, and I’ll explain the details.”

Zeke: “Okay.”

Keira looked at Robert and said goodbye.

Keira: “We’ll be on our way then.”

Robert: “May you have a safe trip.”

The carriage carrying the Parvis children left the mansion after the employees sent them off.

It is quite a distance to the Imperial Palace in the middle of the capital.

Keira leaned her head back and tried to collect her thoughts.

How would Keira find out if Cosette or the person behind her was the devil?

‘Suspicion alone can’t lead to a death sentence.’

She only had a little over a year left. If she couldn’t find the evidence then, she would have no choice but to
escape from the capital and wait for her abilities to manifest.

Keira’s eyes darkened with concern.

“Is there anything else you need?”

The Imperial court attendant bowed politely and said.

It was their duty to treat nobles with respect, but Keira couldn’t help but notice that they’ve become even more

‘Did Empress Dowager or the Princess give them orders?’

Although there was an accusation, they were the ones who ordered the search for the Grand Duke’s house. Now
that their innocence was proven, maybe this was their way of making up for the incident.

Thanks to their consideration, Keira could borrow the Imperial Library for a few days.

Keira: “Please send my gratitude to Her Highnesses, the Empress Dowager, and Princess Arabella. Thank you
for lending me the library.”

“Yes, I will pass on your message. If you need anything more, please feel free to call me.”

When the servants closed the door and left, Zeke finally spoke.

Zeke: “Now, tell me. What are you looking for?”

Keira: “Information about demons and black magic.”

Zeke: “…What?”
Zeke’s jaw dropped. He seemed to want more explanation, but Keira was already walking through the

He hurriedly followed after his sister.

Keira: “Now you understand why I couldn’t let the servants do it?”

Zeke: “Why… Why are you looking for something like that?”

Keira: “Why, you ask? Because of Cosette.”

Zeke: “You think a demon is behind that woman and Count Weinberg? No, why would you think that…?”

Zeke’s eyes shook in disbelief.

‘Well, that’s understandable.’

In the past, she also couldn’t find the connection between Cosette and the demon. She hadn’t even expected it.

She thought Count Weinberg, the one who had brought Cosette, was the enemy. So, she guessed he had plotted
things for revenge.

She couldn’t even imagine that Isaac Weinberg, one of the highest-ranking nobles, would join hands with the
demon in a way that would kill everyone.

‘Come to think of it, what is Count Weinberg thinking? Does he know Cosette’s after the spirit stone? If they
invade from the Demon Realm, they will also suffer damage.’

Of course, he’s indeed grieving the loss of his sister.

But his sister wasn’t his only relative. He had family he was responsible for, so would he go to the demon’s side
to avenge his dead sister?

‘Maybe there was some kind of agreement behind it…’

Things are getting more and more complicated in her mind. She shook her head to clear her thoughts.

‘For now, let’s focus on the goal we came here for today.’

Keira looked back and said.

Keira: “Can you believe what I’m saying now?”

Zeke: “…Okay.”

Keira: “Do you remember when Cosette had just appeared in the capital, she went to visit Great-Aunt with

Zeke: “I do.”

Keira: “Cosette went to visit her because she wanted to greet Great-Aunt, but she didn’t go there with pure
Zeke: “Wasn’t her goal to get in Great-Aunt’s good graces?”

Keira: “If that were her goal, she would have visited her after her surroundings had stabilized to some extent. If
you moved to a house where you have no authority and your social status is non-existent, would you visit your
Great-Aunt first?”

Zeke: “Hmm…”

Upon hearing that, Zeke hummed in contemplation.

Keira: “The goal might be far more important than being recognized by the person with the highest position in
the family or being recognized as the real daughter of the Grand Duke in society.”

Zeke: “So what do you think it is? Getting Great-Aunt’s approval isn’t?”

Keira: “No, it’s destroying the spirit stone.”


Zeke stopped in his tracks, dumbfounded.

Keira: “It’s complicated to explain why I’ve come to that conclusion, so just know that.”


Keira: “Back then, I thought I was overthinking things. But recently, it happened again when her position was
most at stake. This means that the social reputation was just a front, and the main goal was the spirit stone.”

Zeke: “What happened lately? Oh, is it on fire? Did she mean to destroy the spirit stone then?”

Keira: “To be more precise, she must have been trying to find the location of the stone by taking advantage of
the chaos.”

‘Isn’t that a bit of a leap? Couldn’t it be just an accident?’

Zeke’s forehead wrinkled slightly. At that moment, Keira took a step closer and said.

Keira: “You think I’m grasping at straws, right? I understand. But there’s a reason I’ve come to that

Keira couldn’t say that it was something that had happened in the past.

Keira: “Can you just trust me this once?”


After a moment’s hesitation, Zeke answered with a deep sigh.

Zeke: “Okay, okay. I will. Then what should I do?”

Kere: “First here.”

Keira pointed to the bookshelf beside her.

Keira: “These are ancient history books about the war before the founding of the country.”

Before the founding of the nations, before the goddess named Beatrice blessed the human race.

It was a chaotic period due to the looting and invasion of demons.

Keira: “Let’s start looking for information here.”


Zeke looked at the boring-looking titles with dread.

It went without saying that the Imperial Palace Library had the largest collection of archives on the continent.
Chapter 137
Keira wasn’t interested in how the war between humans and demons had been going on for a long time. What
she cared about were the characteristics of the demons or black magic.

Oral tales were more helpful than stories about the war’s history and their armies.

The characteristics of demons commonly pointed out by several oral tales…

「 “Let’s make a bet, kid. If you’re right, you don’t have to pay the price of the contract. But if I’m right, I’ll
take your sister’s soul as well.”

It was all or nothing. The boy accepted the devil’s offer.」

「The two demons made a promise. They will give their heart to whoever finds the root of the mountain first.」

「A demon officer said that if the king of the faeries and the star of the witch Arachne rose at the same time
tonight, he would defeat the army fifty miles out.」

In the oral tales she found, demons often made bets. Whether the opponent was also a demon or a human being,
the demons often bet on something.

As if he read something similar, Zeke said.

Zeke: “I remember something in General Spio’s memoir. ‘Demons have a strong desire to win. To them,
fighting to win is not a fight but a game. They enjoy winning, even with minor disagreements.'”

Keira: “So, they enjoy betting because they have a strong desire to win.”

Zeke: “Yes, they seem to enjoy getting the price of victory from their opponent.”

Like a hunter flaunting his prey.

‘Bet, bet…’

Keira wondered if Cosette had wagered with her.

Three seasons passed when she lived with her under one roof.

‘Cosette had never proposed a bet with me.’

But Keira didn’t give up. She needed concrete evidence to claim that Cosette was related to demons or black

She couldn’t fixate on the claim that demons liked to bet.

She concentrated on the book again. But after a while, another thought came to her.

‘Come to think of it, there was someone who did.’

Erez. He proposed a bet to Keira twice.

In fact, Keira had very little experience with betting with anyone. To be a little more precise, she didn’t have
anyone brave enough to dare to challenge her to one.

When she thought of Erez, she wondered if she could also tell him about this– that Cosette was trying to destroy
the spirit stone.

Despite his eccentric personality, wasn’t he the only one she could confide in?

Her concern didn’t last long.

She decided to discuss it with Erez and mention her theory.

“…nim? Noonim?”

Keira: “Hmm?”

She was lost in thought that she didn’t realize immediately Zeke was calling her.

Keira nodded her head and answered hastily.

Keira: “Did you find anything useful?”

Zeke: “No, but I find something strange.”

Zeke turned the book around and showed it to Keira.

Zeke: “Look here.”

The book was about the history of the war. It was unlikely they’d find any helpful information, so Keira had
filtered this out from the beginning.

Zeke: “This part was recorded a week before the first elementalist received a revelation from the goddess and
formed a contract. And the next page was the end of the war. Because of the barrier, the demon army was
forced to retreat.”

Keira: “Of course it is. What’s weird about it?”

Zeke: “It means that there were hardly any battles before the war was over.”

Only then did Keira understand what Zeke was trying to say.

According to the records, demons liked battles, massacres, and slaughter.

It was very strange that an army of such a race had not made any movement for over a fortnight.

Unbeknownst to Keira, who didn’t go to the academy, its history professors often argued over that period?

“The demons who recognized the goddess’s intervention in advance saved themselves first.”
“If they were afraid of the goddess’s intervention, they wouldn’t have started a war in the first place, would
they? There must be another reason.”
The professors’ lengthy arguments always ended without a conclusion.

It was natural since they didn’t know the enemy’s circumstances at the time.

Keira: “Z-Zeke.”

Zeke: “Yes?”

Keira: “You’re right that it’s strange, but… That’s not what we need to figure out now.”

Zeke: “I know. I just said it because it was kind of weird.”

Keira: “Thank you for the help. Let’s focus a little more.”

Zeke: “Okay.”

Zeke looked down at the book again, and for a while, only the sound of turning pages filled the library.

Moments later, Keira thought as she got up to get another book.

‘It really is strange.’

The demon army, which constantly slaughtered everything under its wake after going to earth, had not moved
for a whole month.

Moreover, coincidentally, the battle stopped just before the elementalist signed a contract with Beatrice.

Was there a correlation between the two events?

She only continued concentrating on finding information again when she moved to another book.

‘It was a few hundred years ago, but now that I’ve thought about it, what difference does it make?’

Now, she had a different task to solve.

Keira took a heavy book from the bookshelf and placed it on her table with a thud.

She needed to find proof of Cosette’s identity.

Keira wrote an anonymous letter to Erez Shore, saying she would like to meet at the enclosed address.

Even though the only indicator was the initial ‘K’, Erez seemed to know it was Keira who had sent the letter, so
he showed up for the meeting on time.

Erez, wearing a robe, pulled aside the curtains and walked in.

Keira said half-admiringly.

Keira: “So you knew why I sent the letter.”

Erez: “I knew you didn’t want others gossiping behind your back if we see each other. It’s not that I wasn’t
aware of them; I just didn’t care about what others thought.”
Their meeting place was an empty mansion owned by her mother’s family. Here, she could meet people without
being noticed.

Keira: “There’s no maid, so if you want some tea, you can make it yourself.”

Erez: “It’s okay. Seeing you suddenly asked to meet, it seems like an important conversation.”

He poured himself a glass of fresh water and took a seat on the sofa across from Keira. Then he nodded as if
telling Keira to get straight to the point.

Keira: “I think I know what Cosette ultimately wants.”

Erez: “Hmm?”

He raised an eyebrow curiously.

Rather than curious… it looked more like he was skeptical she’d actually know it, and it annoyed Keira.

Keira: “It’s a conclusion I’ve come to after thinking about it for a long time. Take it seriously.”

Erez: “Okay, okay. I will, so tell me.”

Erez replied dryly and raised the glass of water. He didn’t look serious at all.

Keira: “It seems she’s aiming to destroy the human world.”

Erez: “Pfft.”

No, he wasn’t stifling his laughter. He almost spat out his water.

Erez: “Cough, cough!”

He dropped the glass and coughed heavily. Keira even had to pat him on the back to help him.

Keira: “Are you okay?”

Erez: “Ahem.”

Erez couldn’t raise his head for a long time to catch his breath. Then, as Keira patted his back, a strangely
embarrassed feeling overcame her.

‘Well… It sounds like a completely fictional story.’

If someone had said that the goal of a woman now only twenty years old was to destroy the world, Keira
wouldn’t have believed it either.

As Keira’s face turned red, Erez suddenly jumped up, his eyes wide.
Erez: “How did you know that?”

Keira: “…Hmm?”
Erez: “How did you find out? Did she tell you herself? No, of course, she wouldn’t…”

For some reason, his reaction was quite different from what she expected.

Before Keira could even justify her theory, Erez had already seemed to believe her absurd claim.

Keira: “I have memories of the past. I used it a little… I’ve concluded that Cosette is looking for the spirit
stone. However, it’s only a medium that proves the contract between the spirits and humans. The reason why it
is hidden is to prevent destruction.”

Erez: “Right.”

Keira: “She’s not trying to find that and put it in her room as decoration, is she? So, the only answer is
destruction. If the contract is broken, the barrier will disappear, and… Another disaster will come.”

Besides, it wasn’t just that.

Keira: “Do you know the details of the prophecy from twenty years ago?”

Erez: “Of course.”

Keira: “Most people, including myself, interpreted the disaster that the goddess spoke of as a drought caused by
the absence of the spirits. But looking back now, I wonder if it meant something a little different.”
Chapter 138

Erez, silent for a moment, said in awe.

Erez: “You, you’re surprisingly smart.”


Keira didn’t know whether to thank or curse him. In the end, she chose to kick his shin lightly.

Erez: “Ow!”

Keira: “Now, it’s your turn to explain. Why did you react as if you already knew Cosette’s purpose, and why
you guessed it but didn’t tell me?”

Erez: “Ah, that…”

Keira: “I’m telling you now, but please don’t treat me like you did before.”

Erez: “Before?”

Keira: “When we first met, on that terrace. You hid a lot from me back then.”

Keira said, narrowing her eyes. He would finally reveal all the stories he had hidden.

Erez: “I didn’t mean to hide it. It was just that it was hard to explain how I knew. If you know my
circumstances, you will understand.”

Keira: “It’s okay if it’s a long story, so please explain. Everything.”

Keira returned to her seat and sat down. She thought it would be too long a story to stand and listen to.

Still, Erez didn’t speak for a long time. Instead, he looked up at the ceiling, crossed his arms, and groaned.

Erez: “Um…”

Keira: “What are you doing?”

Erez: “I was wondering where to start. Oh, do you have any weapons on you right now?”

Keira: “I don’t.”

Erez: “Are you sure there’s nothing hidden in your clothes?”

Keira: “There really isn’t. I’m not an assassin, so why would I hide something like that?”

Erez: “Good.”

Why would he ask such a thing? And why would it be good? Keira’s eyes lit up with curiosity.
Erez: “Uh… Once you’ve realized that Cosette’s trying to destroy the Spirit Stone, you must have figured out
her identity, right?”

Keira: “For now, I’m wondering if a warlock or a demon might be behind it.”

Erez: “It’s half-right. She’s a demon.”

Keira: “Sorry?”

Erez: “Why are you so surprised? You must have guessed something, didn’t you?”

Keira: “I can’t help but be surprised when you say it like that… No, but how do you know? Do you have any
grounds? Why haven’t you said anything?”

So, Cosette was actually a demon. Although Keira had expected it to a certain extent, her head tingled at the

How could a demon strong enough to have intelligence pass through the barrier?

Besides, she even touched the holy water of the temple. What kind of trick would she use to hide in the human

How else did she deal with the spirits when it was the opposite of the demons?

Dozens of questions came to mind, but there was no time to think about them because Erez’s words slapped her
on the back of the head.

Erez: “Actually, I’m also a demon.”

He spoke as if he was simply talking about the weather.

Keira was only able to react only after a long time had passed.

Keira: “…What?”

Keira then realized why she had asked if he had a weapon.

Her right hand reflexively fumbled her waist, where she usually hung her sword.

Keira could barely come to her senses and check if she heard wrong.

Keira: “Did you just say… demon?”

Erez: “Yes.”

Even as he said that, he looked anxiously at Keira’s hand, seemingly worried that she might attack him with a
hidden weapon.

Erez: “Listen for a moment. I’ll explain everything… ”


A month after that.

Johanna Parvis, the Grand Duke’s aunt, and elementalist, was found murdered.

Her heart had been ripped open. Her body had hardened from the shock, and she couldn’t even close her eyes.

The recluse’s death was quickly revealed because Cosette Parvis, the next elementalist, disappeared.

People couldn’t hide their worry when they discovered that Cosette, who had lived surrounded by other people,
had disappeared without a trace.

People went to Johanna to inquire, but instead, they found her body and Beatrice’s spirit stone nowhere in sight.

The elementalist died and the spirit stone disappeared. Even the whereabouts of the next elementalist were

The whole country was in shock.

“Princess Cosette must be in danger, too. M-maybe I’m just worrying too much…”

It was reasonable to think that.

No, it seemed reasonable. At least not until then.

Even the military was mobilized to search for the disappearance of the Grand Duke’s daughter, but there was no
trace of her.

In the land ravaged by the war against demons, it didn’t rain unless the spirit’s power was there.

Of course, the country was in a state of emergency. Ludwig was brought straight to the Imperial Palace.

The nobles interrogated him.

“Are you sure you don’t know where your daughter is?”

“Do you think he has a reason to hide the whereabouts of the child?”

“Uh, well.”

It was a meeting that had no clue, let alone a solution. Of course, the meeting wouldn’t go well.

The meeting, full of sighs and lamentations, ended without any results. As expected.

Ludwig, who returned to the mansion with all his arrogance, was comforted by his lieutenant, Shane.

Shane: “Her Ladyship must be alive. I’m sure she’ll come back safely and alive, so please rest. It’s already been
three days. I’m worried about your health…”

Ludwig: “Why did Cosette disappear?”

Shane: “Yes? Maybe evil men went after her after Johanna.”

With those words, it’s a surprise that the lieutenant thought she’d come back safely.

If Johanna died like that, who’s to say Cosette wouldn’t either.

Cosette’s death would be the worst-case scenario.

But… strangely enough, Shane had such a hunch.

He had a feeling that something even worse than her death would happen.

Ludwig: “…I don’t think I’ll ever be a good father.”

Shane: “Why are you saying that? It’s not that Your Grace failed to protect her!”

Ludwig: “I’m not talking about that. It’s that I’m more concerned about the future than my daughter’s life.”


Ludwig laughed self-deprecatingly.

There was a time when he thought he might be a good father to his biological daughter.

In fact, he tried to treat Cosette well, and later tried to improve his relationship with Zicchardt.

However, after agreeing to Keira’s execution, his relationship with Zeke ended, and Cosette’s affection for him
didn’t last long.

No, when he looked at those red eyes, for some reason, he got goosebumps.

He forcibly tried to imitate her friendly tone and soft expression, but it was all just a pretense.

How could a girl who looked just like him not feel like his own child? It was really strange.

It was then that he realized that it was impossible for him to be a good father in this life.

Meanwhile, Cosette disappeared.

Even without knowing if his daughter was dead or alive, he was so disgusted with himself that he worried more
about the future than her life.

Ludwig: “My aunt was murdered, and Cosette and the spirit stone are missing. It’s all to convenient to be a

Shane: “Yes, someone must have plotted this.”

Ludwig: “At the same time, the appearance of the demons also decreased.”

It was as if they were preparing something big.

Still, they had no reason to think so.

It was natural for humans, regardless of their status, to be in trouble if it didn’t rain on the continent.

Since humans wouldn’t do anything to dig their own graves, there was only one answer left.


He could only imagine that a race that had waged war with humans long ago was scheming something again.

Shane: “I thought so, too, so I checked it out. Fortunately, there seems to be nothing wrong with the barrier.”

As long as the barrier was still in place, demons couldn’t cross over from the demon realm. Perhaps it’s a
demon with low intelligence.

Ludwig: “Don’t let your guard down. Even if it’s a minor problem, report it to me immediately.”

Shane: “Yes, sir.”

Ludwig: “I want to rest a little.”

Shane bowed politely and left the office.

Ludwig: “Haa…”

Ludwig sighed as he watched the red sunset in the living room alone.

For some reason, his heart felt hollow and pierced.

Everything felt empty and exhausting. He just wanted to sleep all day long and think about nothing.

He just wanted to rest and throw everything away…

But that didn’t happen. He couldn’t turn away from the continent in chaos.

Ludwig looked away from the window and sat upright in his chair.

There were piles of things on the desk that needed his attention.

One month, two months, three months…

The land dried up, and crops began to die.

People started to have doubts. Why did disasters happen even after killing the fake daughter?

But nobody knew at that time that the real ‘disaster’ had yet to come.
Chapter 139
How many lives would it take for a corpse to fill the river and cut off the water? The answer to that question
was taking place in real life.

“102,283 people.”

“…Did you really count it? It’s not as much as I thought. It’s such a wide river.”

The demon officer shrugged and replied.

“The river was running low due to a long drought.”

It has been several months since the barrier that had protected the human world for hundreds of years melted
and the war resumed.

As the strife grew longer, the number of prisoners also increased exponentially.

Managing too many prisoners was a challenge. So, they figured they could just kill a prisoner that was difficult
to deal with and throw it into the river.

“It’s romantic. A river flowing with blood instead of water.”

The blood-soaked ground was damp. Wherever I looked, bodies were lying around. It was truly hell.

“Huu, huuu…”

The prisoner, waiting for his turn, started peeing without realizing it. It would be a misfortune for him not to
lose his mind like the soldier before him.

Wiping the blade, one of the demons said.


“P-please save me! I’ll do anything, so please save my life!”

It was a plea that could not be fulfilled.

The demon soldier who swung the blade without answering said.



I was going to die defending my honor as a knight until the end, but my legs shook when I saw something like

Words begging for his life wanted to come out of his throat, but he persevered. He knew it was no use begging

“Is this guy still quiet?”

The prisoner heard the sound of the blade cutting and thought it was over. He shut his eyes tightly.

But it was then.

“Hey, it’s so loud; what can I do? I can’t get a good rest! Or do it a long way away from my barracks!”

The sudden voice delayed the prisoner’s death.

It was the voice of a young woman. Demons often maintained a youthful appearance compared to their actual
age, so it wasn’t surprising to hear the voice of a young woman in the middle of the military base.

However, what stimulated the prisoner’s curiosity was how familiar the voice was.

The knight raised his head as if possessed. And he witnessed an incredible sight.

“L-lady Cosette…!”

A familiar woman was dressed in a black uniform, her silver hair standing out even more.

She had an appearance that one could never mistake. One of the other prisoners looked at him in bewilderment.

“Um, sorry, who?”

“That’s Lady Cosette, i-isn’t it? Why in this place…!”

He saw an unexpected person in an unexpected place. He was so flustered that he was at a loss for words.

However, the other soldier prisoners seemed to have interpreted the situation a little differently, trembling in
fear as they waited for their turn.

The cornered brain may have deliberately misinterpreted the situation.

“Lady? Lady Cosette? Is it really her?”

“Look at that silver hair! He’s right!”

“S-save me! Please save me, Your Ladyship!”

“Your Ladyship! Your Ladyship!”

Dozens of hands reached out of the cage. But, they couldn’t get the being they longed for.

She glared at the prisoners struggling for their lives, then put her index fingers to her lips.


Then the screaming prisoners shut their mouths at the same time in fear that if they didn’t follow her
instructions, they’d face terrible consequences.

The woman looked like she couldn’t kill even a single insect, but strangely, chills ran down their back when
they made eye contact. Some of them peed in fear.
“Your Ladyship?”

She smiled and took a step closer.

Cosette: “You killed her.”

So, why are you looking for that girl in me? She mumbled and turned around.

Cosette: “Anyway, I have to rest, so hurry up. It seems like there are only a few left, so I won’t scold them and
just go. Quickly finish it, hmm?”


And so she left the screaming soldiers. She didn’t even look back.

After the fearsome boss left, they sighed and resumed their work.

“Haa, I thought my arm was going to fall off.”

“Get rid of them already. If they get loud again, you’re going to get it.”

On that day, hundreds of lives were fleetingly lost.

No matter where he looked, he saw nothing but ruin.

The entire city, which was once the capital of the empire, was in ruins.

Even the capital, believed to be the last line of defense, collapsed. The refugees had already evacuated south,
but all the wise knew it was just a waste of time.

The army was devastatingly defeated. It was an unwinnable battle from the beginning.

It was impossible for the soldiers, who lacked food and water due to months of drought, to properly mobilize
against the mighty demon army.

In fact, Ludwig had predicted this from the moment he heard that the ice barrier was melting.

However, he couldn’t make it obvious because of those who looked at him in hope.

…Where did it go wrong?

From when Johanna Parvis was murdered?

Or from when something went wrong with the barrier?

No, why did the barrier that had been working for hundreds of years suddenly melt away in the first place?

It was clear that there was some connection between the damage to the barrier, his aunt’s death, and Cosette’s

But what’s more certain was… Whatever the cause of the disaster, it was now irreversible.
The Imperial army and refugees were constantly moving south.

Now would be the last time he could see the ruins of the capital.

The commander was instructed not to be discouraged under any circumstances, but now the situation was
beyond their control.

Even if a famous master in any history came back alive, it was impossible to overthrow the current state of the

No, things weren’t so good in the first place.

If at least one elementalist had been alive, and the long drought was prevented…

It was when he was contemplating meaningless assumptions.

From the horizon, someone drew closer.

It was too casual a walk for someone crossing the ruined capital.

Because of that, he was initially wary that he was a demon, but the suspicion did not last long.

Ludwig: “…Cosette?”

Her facial features, which gradually became clearer as she approached him, were too similar to those of a
person he knew.

The silver hair that contrasted with the black robe fluttered in the air.

Unusual hair color and red eyes.

A startled voice escaped Ludwig’s lips.

Ludwig: “Cosette!”
Chapter 140
Cosette: “It’s been a while. Rather than that, why are you here in this desolate place? It’s so ugly, now.”

Ludwig: “You… What the h*ll happened to you? Are you injured?”

He actually thought she was dead. He figured that since Johanna died, there was no way that Cosette could have
been safe.

However, she appeared before him without a single wound on her body.

Cosette: “Hmm? You still don’t understand the situation, do you?”

Cosette asked, rolling her eyes.

Just then, the wind from the ruins blew the hem of her robe, giving Ludwig a glimpse of the uniform of the
demon army.


Ludwig wasn’t stupid enough to turn a blind eye to the obvious reality.

Instead of dismissing it as a mistake, he speculated why Cosette might have made that choice.


Why would she betray the Empire when she could have lived her whole life revered as an elementalist?

That’s why he didn’t consider the possibility of betrayal when Cosette first went missing.

Cosette: “Did you not know? I thought you knew I stabbed you in the back.”


Cosette: “Ah! So, I guess those people didn’t know, so they hung on to me, asking me to rescue or save them?”

Come to think of it, it was pretty funny– they’re praying for their lives to the existence that drove them into the

She smiled for a moment, then looked straight ahead.

The Grand Duke looked at her in confusion. Poor thing.

Ludwig: “Why… why in the h*ll? What the h*ll is wrong with you…”

Cosette: “Um, hey, Grand Duke. You’re misunderstanding something. I didn’t join the other side because I was
dissatisfied. I planned on doing this from the beginning.”

Ludwig: “Y-you, why would you!”

Cosette: “You don’t really understand what I’m saying.”

She ruffled her hair as if annoyed.

Cosette: “I wasn’t your real daughter from the start. I purposely killed your real daughter and the elementalist,
approached Beatrice to seal it, and left because I wanted to stop pretending. Do you get it now?”


Anyone would be at a loss for words when they encountered so much incredible information, and Ludwig
wasn’t an exception.

It wasn’t until after a long time that Ludwig could stutter back.

Ludwig: “You’re not… my daughter?”

Cosette: “That’s right! First of all, I’m a demon. A different race. How could you be my father? And I’m a
hundred years older than you.”

A woman who looked just like him chirped on like that.

Yeah, she looked just like him.

However, Cosette had clearly used the power of the spirits.

Johanna Parvis even confirmed it, so it was certain.

But she’s not his real daughter?

As if she knew what he was thinking, Cosette continued with a snort.

Cosette: “Are you curious? How I disguised myself as your daughter?”


Cosette: “Oh, I know, even if you don’t say it. Even if you don’t ask, I will tell you.”

In fact, she flew here to tell him.

To teach him the truth that would bring down that strong man. Her red eyes curved into crescent moons.

Cosette: “You remember the name Rowena Weinberg? She was your first wife.”

A woman ran barefoot on the dirt floor.

Although she now ran down the mountain road like a beggar, she was once the most respected woman in the
Empire– Rowena Weinberg. Her surname before her divorce was Parvis.

Born into a prestigious family, she lived as a noble girl and a Grand Duchess for over twenty years.

However, only half a year had passed since her divorce, and her former elegant and glamorous appearance was
‘Why? Why? Why did I become like this? What sin have I committed?’

Her vision blurred in resentment, but she couldn’t stop running. Her life would end if she did.

Rowena: “Ack!”

As she ran down the dangerous mountain path, Rowena fell when her foot got caught in the root of a tree.

She rolled down the slope, and bumped into a boulder, barely stopping.

Rowena: “Ugh!”

Severe pain came from her fully-pregnant belly, but she couldn’t scream. She would die the moment they found
her location.

“It’s this way! This way!”

“You fools! I can’t believe you lost a heavily pregnant woman! Kill her as soon as you find her!”

Rowena covered her mouth with one hand and hid behind a rock, s stream of her blood dripping from her bitten

How much time had passed?

Only after the man disappeared from above her head did she take her hand off her lips.

It was the first time she had ever experienced a vivid fear of death, as she had grown up with privilege and
comfort throughout her life.



She wasn’t greedy.

She tried to fulfill her role as a dignified wife just as she was taught.

She lived her whole life quietly without causing trouble to others.

It was also an absurd falsehood that she was infertile. After all, life was now growing in her belly.

But why? Why?

Rowena: “Ugh!”

At that moment, an excruciating pain came again in her abdomen. Between her legs, it was wet. Her amniotic
fluid had burst.

Rowena: “God… Ugh, ngh…”

Tears streamed down her face as the pain overwhelmed her. It was too much that she couldn’t think at all.
With her remaining instinct, she suppressed her screamed and endured it.

Rowena: “Hngh…!”

A long time later, a piece of flesh soaked in her blood flowed from between Rowena’s legs.

Who would have thought?

She was born as the famous daughter of a Count yet she gave birth to a child without a midwife in the mountain
like this.

Rowena: “Ha, haha.”

‘I did it.’

With a strange smile, she embraced the child, who had not yet severed the umbilical cord, into her arms.

She gave birth.

After being chased and chased, after countless threats to her life, the Grand Duke’s heir was born.

This child was even a daughter.

Later, when her daughter’s abilities manifested and the Grand Duke’s bloodline was proven, she could become
the elementalist’s mother and clear her name.

Then she could get revenge on the man who overthrew her father, framed her and expelled her from the capital.

Rowena: “Simon Edinburgh…!”

She repeated the name of the enemy she wanted to kill.

She would never forget today’s pain.

She would definitely pay him back twice.

Rowena: “Y-you lost! As long as I live…!”

But something was strange.

She was too distracted by the fact she gave birth to a child to notice.

Rowena: “Ah.”

Rowena looked down at the child in her arms.

Little flesh soaked in blood.

A small body still warm.

The newborn baby did not cry.

Rowena: “A-ah!”

The baby didn’t breathe, and neither did its heart beat.

Rowena: “Ahhhhhhh!”

Forgetting that there might still be pursuers around, she screamed loudly.

Frustration as a mother came along with her despair that she had lost her way to revenge.

My child.

Her daughter who should have grown up in comfort as the heir of the Grand Duke.

She would have been born alive had it not been for her pursuit in the past few months.

If she had been able to give birth in a warm and safe mansion, the baby would have been alive and breathing by

The child would have been born blessed, and she would have enjoyed the wealth, glory, status, and happy life
she deserved.

It was completely stolen away. All because of that d*mn old man’s greed!

It wasn’t fair.

She couldn’t close her eyes at the feeling of being treated so unfairly.

If she had closed her eyes here, everything would go as he wished.

And the newborn child’s existence would also be erased in this world.

In that moment, she realized that the saying ‘one’s eyes would turn red when they’re too angry’ was not just an

She could feel something hot boiling deep inside her body. Her head burned like it was going to explode.

I will kill you all–Simon Edinburgh, your family, and everyone who works for you.

She wanted to make him suffer a painful death, one so unbearable that he would beg to be killed.

It was the first time she had felt such intense murderous intent toward another person. She would make him roll
in the mud with her.
Chapter 141
Rowena: “Ugh!”

Rowena dug through her wounds, smeared blood on her right finger, and drew a red summoning circle on the
floor–six planets, a crescent moon, and five strange characters symbolizing the Devil.

‘Why am I suddenly reminded of that time…?’

She remembered reading a book about the Devil secretly in her warehouse when she was a child.

Not long after, though, the terrified nanny confiscated the book.

The Devil [1].

It was different from the demons that often appeared through the gate.

‘There’s no way someone like the Devil will appear through such a clumsy summoning circle…’

To use the last moments of her life on something absurd.

She couldn’t even understand her own behavior. Even amid her death, her sullen laughter erupted.

But despite her skepticism, something deep inside her said the Devil would surely appear before her eyes.

And just as her instincts said, the Devil did appear in front of her. No, could she even say it ‘appeared’?

It was shapeless and invisible darkness. The form spoke in her head.

‘Life or vengeance, which one will you choose?’

The words appeared in her head.

‘What… Do you mean?’

‘Equivalent exchange. I’m not some pushover who’d grant two wishes in exchange for one soul. Save your life
or get revenge. Choose one.’


‘It’s impossible to ask for a dead child to live. It’s really beyond my ability. Its soul is already gone. A soul that
has gone to the underworld cannot return no matter what. Even if you bring the body back to life, it will only
become an unconscious shell. Well, if that’s what you want, I’ll give it a go.’

As expected to a certain extent, the Devil was never a good person. Look at the Devil mocking her as she was
dying miserably.

The Devil was making fun of her dying by forcing her to choose.

With life, revenge, and death at hand, which one will you choose?
She could hear a voice in her heart.

‘Perhaps I’ll die soon…’

She could feel her dying breath. She had lost too much blood and her body had deteriorated on the dirt floor
after months of running.

She would soon breathe her last if she didn’t get treatment right away, but there’s no way the Devil would give
her such goodwill.

If she chose her life, there was no way to get revenge.

Her family had already fallen, and the child who inherited the lineage of the elementalist also died. If Rowena
went back to the capital, she would have to worry about where to live.

She didn’t want such a meaningless life.

But what if she asked the cruel demon to avenge her?

She had read that demons liked seeing humans howl in pain. After thinking about it that far, she made her
decision quickly.



‘Avenge me. The people who made me suffer so much! All of them! Let them live in despair and pain enough
to make them beg for death!’

Blood began to flow along with her tears. The woman’s face, wet with her tears of blood, was very bizarre. But
the Devil liked it.

‘All of them, right?’

‘Yes! All of them! I’ll die in vain like this, so why do the people who have caused me pain have to live in

It was dangerous to use vague expressions when making a contract with the Devil.

However, Rowena, who had only read the Demon Summon Scroll as a child, had no way of knowing that.

‘All of them.’

That was a very dangerous word.

Not only the Marquis of Edinburgh who framed her, but also her husband who turned her away, and the
Imperialists who accused her of being incapable of bearing children.

They were included in ‘all of them.’

In order for the Devil to exert influence in the human realm, he needed a contract with a human.
In other words, as long as he made a contract with a human, whatever he did to fulfill that contract was justified.

The Devil smiled, revealing his black teeth.


A willing acceptance fell.

‘I am one of the 13 Great Demons of Hell, Ragibach. I will grant your wish in exchange for your soul.’

At his words, Rowena cried out in pain that branded her soul.

With this, her soul was forever in the hands of the Devil. But she had no regrets.

Rowena lay down, feeling the rest of her life draining out like smoke.

Now it’s really over.

Her life for the past twenty years or so flashed before her eyes like pages from a book.

Strangely enough, she felt sleepy. Then, just as she was about to succumb to sleep, the Devil’s voice returned.

‘Oh, do you have a name for this kid? You’re still its mother.’

The child’s name.

Rowena’s gaze turned towards the empty space, looking at the faint memories of the past.

‘The child’s name is–’

She once dreamed of it, too.

Rowena: “If I had a child, I’d name it Christian if it’s a boy and Cosette if it’s a girl.”

She wanted to have a child and live a peaceful life with a man she could rely on for the rest of her life.

Rowena: “Don’t tell others because it’s embarrassing. They might think I’m too excited.”

Even though the man ruthlessly threw her away…

Rowena: “Cosette. It’s Cosette.”

So, now it’s your turn.

Ludwig: “That’s a lie.”

Blood drained from Ludwig’s face, and his lips trembled.

It was the look of someone who had heard the truth yet couldn’t or didn’t want to believe it.

Ludwig: “Lie… It’s a lie.”

Cosette: “You don’t want to believe it, Your Grace. Then, look at this.”

Cosette–No, the Devil inside Cosette’s shell raised its hand.

A low-level spirit appeared.

No one could deny that it was spirit art.

Cosette: “In the beginning, this is the power that the goddess bestowed to protect you from us. How do you
think I can use this as the Devil?”


The Devil loved this moment the most–when the human face was dyed with boundless despair.

A cruel smile formed on her lips. A thrill of pleasure came from her fingertips.

‘Ah, I want to cut off his neck and stuff his head.’

But not yet.

That man must suffer a little more. More despair, more regret, more sorrow.

Only then would he become a worthy source of entertainment in the Devil’s boring life.

Countless things could be done to drive humans further into the abyss of despair.

She pointed to her body and continued.

The reason why Cosette was able to have a face that looked just like the Grand Duke.

Cosette: “That’s because I’m your daughter who died before she was born!”

Ludwig: “Shut up!”

It was a harsh voice, but she could feel it– the fact that this was a person pushed into a corner.

It’s the best. It’s great, really.

Cosette: “It all happened because you abandoned Rowena Weinberg. You knew she was framed. So, you
deserve it.”

Ludwig: “No! If I had known she was pregnant, I wouldn’t have thrown her out! That would never happen…!”

Ludwig’s protesting voice gradually subsided.

No matter how much he made excuses, the fact that it was his mistake did not change.

Besides, the fact that Cosette was fake meant…

“In the near future, the human race will face a great crisis. Young Lord, remember only one thing to avoid the
crisis: no matter what happens, only one elementalist will be born from you.”
Only then did he realize the true meaning of the prophecy.

The prophecy mentioned that only one elementalist would be ‘born’ but did not say there wouldn’t be two next

The real ‘Cosette’ did not live to see the light of the world.

In other words, she was never born. It meant one thing– the ‘only elementalist’ predicted by the prophecy was
Keira, not Cosette.

[1] 악마 could also mean Satan, but I wrote The Devil instead.
Chapter 142

It felt like his blood drained from his body through his toes. Ludwig’s complexion worsened.

As if trying to guess what he was thinking just by looking at his face, the demon Ragibach said with a big smile.

Ragibach: “Right. That’s what you’re thinking right now, yes.”


Ragibach: “How does it feel to lose two of your children by your own mistake? Do humans attach great
importance to their flesh and blood?”


The man who did not bow before the Devil fell on his knees.

No voice came out of his slightly gaping mouth.

What if he hadn’t killed his wife then?

What if he had protected Keira?

Had he done so, he would not have reached the worst situation he had faced.


He stood by and watched Keira die.

As he had inherited the goddess’s duty of protection, he thought he couldn’t base his decisions on personal

When guilt, sadness, and emptiness often poured in, he comforted himself by telling himself there’s nothing he
could do because she wasn’t his real daughter.

Because she wasn’t his child.

Because she was the one who would bring the disaster foretold by the prophecy.

‘I made the right choice for the cause.’

With such an excuse, he rationalized and rationalized the choices he had made.

But it was his own mistake that brought disaster.

And what was even more depressing was that the child who had been following him lost the life she didn’t need
to lose because of his choice.

She was a child who cared terribly for her father who never spared her a glance…
Ludwig felt a burning pain in his stomach. It felt like his whole body was being ripped to shreds.

Suddenly, he remembered the words the Marquis of Edinburgh cried out in the execution area.

“Keira is your daughter. You will regret this! My daughter has never deceived her husband! If you don’t believe
in–mph! One day, you’ll cry tears of blood–hmph!”

Red liquid started running down his cheeks.

Blood and tears flowed from the wounds around his eyes.

Ragibach: “Pfft.”

Ragibach scoffed as she looked at him.

Ragibach: “Hahaha, hahahahaha!”

It was a pity she had to see such a scene alone.

Ragibach laughed for a long time, holding onto her stomach. She laughed so hard that tears welled in the
corners of her eyes.

Ragibach: “Ah, I’m dying of laughter, really.”

As she said so, she drew closer to Ludwig. Even within range of attack, he didn’t lift a finger.

Ragibach: “You mustn’t die yet.”


A pale finger lightly rested on his head. She gently stroked his silvery white hair and said in a comforting tone.

Ragibach: “Live longer and watch the continent turn into ruins. Watch with your own eyes to see what happens
because of your mistake, then kill yourself in despair.”

May the pain be so severe that your intestines will be torn to shreds when I slice open your stomach after death.

A beautiful smile formed on her lips, one that was once praised for being angelic.

Ragibach: “Then, see you next time.”

My contractor, as she lay dying, resented you so much.

The battle resumed the very next day.

Unlike the usual tactics of setting up a demon army on the frontline, the most elite soldiers took the lead that

A woman with surprisingly delicate features led the most elite team in the demon realm.

One should never judge demons by their looks…

“The female demon at the forefront…”

“It’s Lady Cosette.”

The knight, who had muttered it to himself without realizing it, suddenly came to his senses and corrected his

“No, it’s a demon that resembled Lady Cosette.”



But once the words were uttered, they could not be taken back.

Most noble knights knew Cosette’s face thanks to her active social activities.

Unbearable despair came when the truth everyone had been thinking about was revealed.

‘Will the Lady who disappeared return?’

‘Will the situation somehow get better when the one who received the goddess’s blessing returns?’

Such expectations were in the corner of their minds.

Ordinary soldiers had never seen Cosette’s face, but there was something they noticed.

It was harder to convey it since they were all agitated.

Still, some soldiers said, ‘Lady Cosette is fighting alongside the demons.’

Everyone had hoped that the person chosen by the goddess would miraculously return and save them.

Those who did not let go of their last hope boldly visited the commander’s barracks.

“Your Grace the Grand Duke! Please answer us! Where is Her Ladyship now?”

“Please address the rumors! Why did Lady Cosette join the demon army?”

“Is the demon just imitating Lady Cosette’s appearance? Are they? Please, please say yes!”

However, they didn’t see a single strand of the Grand Duke’s hair out of the barracks.

There was a commotion in which some excited people rushed into the barracks, but the knights guarding it
managed to subdue it.

He was afraid to think how the soldiers who had lost their last hope would turn out.

The staff members visited the Grand Duke’s barracks and advised him.

“Your Grace, declare that the demons only mimicked Her Ladyship’s appearance.”
“It’s okay to feign ignorance. Soldiers need hope.”


But Ludwig didn’t even look at them, with his chair turned away from them.

After a while, he finally answered.

Ludwig: “…If I tell them the rumors aren’t true…”

“Yes, you have to.”

Ludwig: “Will the real elementalist come back to life and create a miracle?”


Ludwig: “I want to ask you how you intend to deal with the backlash when it turns out it’s not true.”

It was a voice brimming with despair.

It was the first time they had ever heard him speak like that.

No matter how dire the situation, Ludwig never showed any emotion in front of his subordinates.

“Your Grace, we’re well aware that the chance for Her Ladyship to come back is slim. However, even if she
lost her life because of the demons, there’s a big difference between thinking she’s at the enemy army’s
forefront and thinking it’s a trick of the demons. For the morale of the soldiers…”


A glass of water flew to the staff’s side and shattered.

Then Ludwig’s angry reply followed.

Ludwig; “She is the Cosette Parvis you know! She did everything she could to kill my aunt, seal Beatrice, and
break the barrier! What’s the difference between lying and deceiving soldiers in this situation? Miracles won’t

“B-but why would she surrender to the enemy?”

Ludwig: “Surrender to the enemy? No, she never surrendered in the first place. Because that girl was a demon
from the start! And she wasn’t my daughter either. The prophecy… The prophecy…”

“Could it be? Did the prophecy go wrong…?”

Ludwig: “No, we just misinterpreted it.”


Ludwig said in a desperate voice.

Ludwig: “I fell for the demon’s tricks… I ended up killing my daughter with my own hands.”
It was excruciating for him to admit his own mistake.

But what was more painful was the irreversible reality.

Dead people never come back.

No, what would he even do if they came back? It must have been a long time since the human world fell into
the hands of demons.

The staff exchanged despairing glances.

It was evident that the future of the war would become even more difficult if even the strongest person had
become like that.

They didn’t know how to get him back on his feet…

Then, they noticed. The atmosphere outside was different from what it was just before.

Something was definitely wrong.

A feeling of dread came.

“Who’s out there?”

One of the staff roughly pulled back the barracks opening.

Chapter 143
Outside the barracks, soldiers and knights who had come to ask the Grand Duke to explain the rumors looked

“Y-you guys…”

They must have heard the shouts inside the barracks.

As a young soldier took a step closer, he asked, tears welling up in his eyes.

“What the Grand Duke said… is it true? Her Ladyship won’t come back…”

“T-that’s a lie! It’s a lie! I saw her up close! She was such an angel, there’s no way she’s a demon!”

“Are you saying Cosette is fake? How did that happen?”

“The prophecy… You said you misinterpreted the prophecy, milord! It’s all because of the temple b*stards!
There’s nothing wrong with making a mistake, but how could you misinterpret a prophecy and let this

There are those who looked for their parents in tears, others who refused to believe in reality, and others who
turned their anger toward their loved ones.

Looking at the horrors of the misery, Ludwig thought.

This army is really over now.

We won’t be able to fight under one flag again.

After staying up all night for three days, Ludwig fell asleep for a while. In his dream, he met his son, Zichhardt,
who had died in the war.

‘I told you, Father. You must not throw Noonim away.’

‘…Seeing you use the word Father, this really must be a dream.’

After Keira’s death, Zeke never addressed him as ‘Father.’

The son replied with a smirk.

‘Everyone is going to die anyway, so why can’t I call you Father? I know you’ve always wanted to hear it.’*

Ludwig tried to refute it but stopped himself.

Yes, Zeke was right.

He had no idea of how to approach his children.

He tried to recall how his own father cared for him, but he couldn’t remember.
Such a memory did not exist in the first place, so it was natural.

What had he been living for?

He lived his life thinking being the Grand Duke was more important than being a father.

But what about the outcome?

He failed both as a father and as the Grand Duke Parvis.

As his son said, Ludwig has always…

‘Ah, I have to go now. My sister is waiting for me.’

Zeke’s farewell interrupted his thoughts.

When he looked up, his son was waving his hand to say goodbye. He had a sad smile on his face.

‘If there’s such a thing as a next life…’


‘Let’s not meet again.’

With that, Zicchardt disappeared like smoke.

In the dark space, Ludwig was left alone.

He stood still, staring at the place where his son had been as if waiting for something.

But Keira didn’t show up until the end.

As if she said she didn’t want to see him even in his dreams.

“What would you do if you could turn back time by signing a contract with the devil?

The price is your soul.

After you die, your soul will be taken. No one knows what will happen after a demon takes one’s soul.

But one thing is for sure. It would be a hundred times better future to die and wait for reincarnation.”

When he heard that whispering voice in his sleep, Ludwig mistook it for an extension of his nightmare.

But he soon noticed how vivid it sounded.

He jumped up.

Beyond the darkness of the barracks, yellow eyes flashed ominously.

Ludwig immediately pulled out the sword he had hidden under his bedside table.
A man with yellow eyes was sitting in the air.

Ludwig: “How did you get here?”

“How, you ask? I killed all the guards blocking the way and came in.”


Most of the troops were dead, and the morale of the rest was in shambles. It wouldn’t be a challenge for a high-
level demon to infiltrate the military camp where the boundaries were loosened.

“I’m not here to fight, so stop staring at me. What do you think of the proposal I just made?”

Ludwig: “Are you talking about the bullsh*t asking me to make a contract with you?”

“That’s right. Since you’re the commander-in-chief, you know what the situation is right now, right? No matter
how much you think about it, it seems that there is no other way than to turn back time and start over. What do
you think? You’re such a lucky man. It just so happens that I’m the only one who can turn back time…”

Ludwig: “Go away, demon.”

Ludwig stepped out of bed and pointed his sword at the intruder.

The fate of mankind was nothing but a candle in front of a typhoon.

They only had less than a month left.

After the sun had set thirty times, the seeds of mankind would dry up on the continent, and the few surviving
would become slaves of the demons.

In a situation as good as victory, a demon offered to turn back time?

It was 100% a trap.

Ludwig: “Devils don’t do favors with pure intentions.”

“You’re right. It’s not pure. Well, like…”

The devil trailed off, seemingly looking for the right words.

“I hate that old lady.”

It was a vague statement, but Ludwig easily realized who the devil meant by ‘old lady’– the devil wearing the
skin of his dead daughter, who led the demon army.

Well, since demons were a race with emotions and intelligence, there’s a chance they’d have bad relationships
with their own kind or harbor ill feelings.

This one might hate the other so much that he’d want to interfere with what the other was doing.

However, the conquest of the human world was too great a cause to put such personal feelings at the forefront.
It’s a race that didn’t easily forget grudges, but this one would ruin their long-cherished desire for his agenda.

“Ah, I think I know what you’re thinking.”

The devil said flatly.

“I’m sorry, but the demons are a very selfish race; it’s impossible to unite under one wish. It’s the same for
humans, right? As long as the fate of the entire race is not at stake as it is now, humans always fight and kill
each other.”

Yes. A group of many couldn’t become one.

To prevent the enemy’s victory, there were many cases where they interfered with the allies even in the face of
a national crisis.

“I’ts prejudice to say that all demons are restless because they want to invade the human world, isn’t it? Do you
think the situation in the demon world is very complicated? If it can be organized under one’s long-cherished
desire, then great. But in reality, that is not the case.”

Ludwig: “…Everyone sacrifices others for their own gain and power.”

“Yes, just like humans. You must have seen a lot of things you couldn’t see when you became the Grand Duke,
didn’t you?”

It wasn’t pleasant to be ridiculed by the devil, but it was a fact.

He had nothing to refute.

“Anyway, some demons, including em, do not wish for the destruction of the human world. However, if one of
the thirteen Great Demons is to be directly involved in the human world, it is necessary to gain legitimacy
through a contract. That’s why I came to you.”

A sly smile formed on the devil’s lips.

“What do you think? Are you willing to sign a contract with me now?”

Ludwig: “No. Get the h*ll out of here, you miserable b*stard.”

“What? How come? It’s not a lie! Don’t you know that you can’t lie when signing a contract?”

Was he asking because he really didn’t know? Ludwig’s eyes narrowed.

Ludwig: “I don’t think everything you said was a lie, but I don’t think it was the whole truth either. A contract
with the devil never ends well.”

Ludwig had basically lived with the demons as his main enemy for decades.

He couldn’t readily accept the idea that demons and humans could coexist with each other for mutual benefit.

In fact, most of those who made pacts with the devil ended miserably.
“When did I say it was going to have a happy ending? I told you before. You must hand over your soul to me in
exchange for a contract.”


What would happen to the soul taken by the devil?

No one knew because no one could answer.

“Why? Are you afraid?”

Ludwig wasn’t the first human to have received such a proposal.

A famous knight, a priest known for his piety, and even the Imperial family.

The devil approached those on the brink of death and said,

“Why don’t you make a contract with me and turn back time?

If we go back to the past and save the lives of the real elementalist, we will be able to stop the demonic

You will become the hero who saved mankind.”

In exchange, the soul would suffer forever after death.

So much so that he thought it would have been better to die without signing a contract then…

“You’re right. A contract with the devil never ends well. A soul who cannot enter the cycle of reincarnation will
be tormented forever.”

*Not 100% sure about this translation

Chapter 144
All who found out about it rejected his offer because it was a much wiser decision to accept death and look
forward to the next life than to suffer forever.

And he killed all those who rejected his offer. In the cruelest way he could come up with. The devil was such a

“The choice is yours. Will you sacrifice yourself to save mankind? Or will we all just die together and hope for
the next life?”


It felt like signing a contract with the devil. Ludwig thought so and smirked at the irony.

All his life, he thought it was natural for him to sacrifice himself for humanity’s sake.

Because that was his duty as the family chosen by the goddess. Just like his father died fighting demons, he
lived knowing that sacrifice was natural.

But for this moment, he thought that such a cause was probably good. It’s really strange.

Ludwig: “If the contract clearly states that there is not a single lie in what has been said so far, that would be
good. I accept your offer.”

This meant that he accepted the devil’s proposal, not for the great cause of saving humankind.

Ludwig: “Of course, you can return with the memories of the past, right? Are you going back with memories of
the past, too? Before that, how far back can we go?”

If he could correct all the mistakes he’s made so far in exchange for sacrificing his soul…

If… If everything the devil said was true, then wouldn’t it be a gamble worth trying?

“Only one person can return with their memories. I’ll try to go back as far as possible, but I can’t guarantee it.
Five years at most? If not, three years.”

Ludwig: “At least five years…”

Then it would be unreasonable to start all over again.

However, one mistake could be undone in five years– the daughter he abandoned.

If the child could live the life she didn’t and live in comfort, he would have no regrets even if he lived in pain

“Are you going to take your memories with you? That would be convenient. Let’s add that in the contract…”

Ludwig: “No, I’m not keeping my memories. It’s my daughter, Keira.”

“Ah, the real elementalist who was executed?”

The devil looked up at the ceiling for a moment and pondered. If her memories remained intact, she would try
to survive when she returned to the past.

If the real elementalist was alive, the barrier could be restored at any time. It could also isolate Ragibach’s
forces by blocking interdimensional movement.

‘Ah, I think things are going to get a little complicated…’

It was annoying when things got bothersome. The devil looked Ludwig in the eye to persuade him once again.

“Try to reconsider…”

Ludwig: “If given another chance, it should be for my daughter, not me.”


Ludwig: “If you don’t like it, I’ll reconsider the contract.”


It was an obvious threat, but he knew Ludwig’s words were a bluff during the negotiations.

But if there was a problem, it was that the devil was in a very urgent situation.

He approached humans several times and offered contracts, but they were all rejected. If the contract with that
man went through the water, he might not really be able to find a contract partner.

“Wouldn’t she resent you? She might try to kill her father.”

Ludwig: “…I would rather have it.”

If Keira returned to the past without her memories, she would be delighted and moved by her father’s tender

She might be able to live a happy life just like a woman from an ordinary family.

But… to make her forget all the atrocities he’d committed, then restore their relationship as if nothing had

How happy, how guilty, how shameless was his imagination?

He’d rather she remember everything and blame him. Never forget, never forgive.

If that child could abandon her father and leave a happy life at the cost of his soul, it was enough.

That was the greatest atonement he could make.

“If you dare to sign a contract like that, there is nothing I can do. Well, this is the contract.”

Red letters were written on the unknown paper.Ludwig had to check carefully to see if what was written in the
contract differed from what they had discussed before he placed his blood on the paper.
The devil also dripped blood from his fingertips.

“I am one of the thirteen Great Demons of Hell, Yurr. I will grant your wish in exchange for your soul.”

The contract began to burn with a blue light.

No one could tamper with the contract, and its contents were forever recorded in the Akashic Records[1]. If the
contract wasn’t fulfilled or if it was discovered that a lie was made during the agreement, the punishment would
be worse than death.

Eventually, the contract completely burned down and disappeared. But it didn’t end there. The ground began to
vibrate violently.

The magic to turn back time must have been activated. The terrified screams of the soldiers were heard from

Ludwig stood calmly and waited for the time to turn back. But it was then.

“I have one thing I want to ask you.”

A cruel smile appeared on the devil’s lips. He whispered in a very excited voice. Now that they’d signed the
contract, he didn’t seem to feel any reason to hide his true nature.

Demons were cruel. They enjoyed seeing humans suffer. What emotions would a man feel at this moment,
sacrificing himself for others?

“How are you feeling now? Are you not afraid of the future? If you go back to the past like this, you really
don’t know anything after you die, and you will suffer forever, right? Are you afraid? Huh? You’re pretending
to be calm, but you’re terrified, aren’t you?”

Ludwig: “Not at all.”

Ludwig replied, looking at the air, not the devil. Because of that, he couldn’t tell who he was talking to.

He felt strange, hollow, like a hole in his chest…

Ludwig: “In the last few years, I have never felt as good as I do now.”

At that moment, magic was activated.

Chapter 7


It was not easy to organize her thoughts because she received too much information at once.

Cosette was a demon. Erez knew her true identity because he was the same.

Ragibach, one of the only thirteen Great Demons, and Cosette’s true identity, was a representative figure who
insisted that war should be waged again.

It was obvious why she, a staunch believer in annihilating the human world, aimed to destroy the spirit stone.
Erez belonged to an anti-war faction, and as soon as he saw Ragibach in Cosette’s appearance at a party, he
knew something was going on.

‘Come to think of it, the day Cosette first appeared, when he saw her, he looked like he knew her.’

He made excuses saying she had a unique fashion sense, but looking back, it must have been a hasty lie.

Besides, it wasn’t just that. A memory of her past suddenly flashed in Keira’s mind. The two people–no, two
demons–shook hands as they smiled at each other, never letting go.

‘It was the same as the hunting competition.’

Cosette was so interested in him that she wouldn’t let go of his hand. It was clear that he had struggled with her
grip. Apparently, the relationship between the two of them was pretty rough.

And what about the demonic beast that suddenly appeared?

Keira: “Then the demonic beast appeared during the hunting contest…”

Erez: “That’s right, it was my fault. I wanted to get her into trouble.”

I also wanted to win the bet. Erez shrugged.

Erez: “No one was hurt, right?”

Keira: “What do you mean, no one was hurt? I was injured.”


Come to think of it, Keira sprained her ankle during the incident. Erez’s expression changed for a moment,
looking sheepish.

Erez: “I’m sorry. I called for a big, weak guy, but I didn’t know you would get hurt.”

Keira: “…Well, that’s not important.”

Whether it was to win the bet or to get Cosette into trouble, it didn’t matter.

What’s really important was that he hadn’t told the secret to this day.

Wouldn’t it have been easier to respond to her or gather evidence if she had known Cosette’s identity in
advance? As soon as Keira collected her thoughts, she screamed.

Keira: “You should have told me at the party where Cosette first appeared! I would have been much more at

Then Erez immediately responded as if it was unfair.

Erez: “No, but put yourself in my shoes and think about it. Would you reveal your identity to a girl from a
family whose job was to defeat demons? And in the middle of the human world? I can’t use all of my strength
with this body right now. It’s easy to get killed.”

Honestly, Keira couldn’t guarantee that she wouldn’t have attacked the demon who had revealed his identity in
front of her.

She couldn’t say otherwise, so she stayed quiet. A moment later, she said.

Keira: “If you want to hide it, you have to hide it until the end. Why did you reveal it now?”

[1] According to Brittanica, the Akashic record, in occultism, is a compendium of pictorial records, or
“memories,” of all events, actions, thoughts, and feelings that have occurred since the beginning of time
Chapter 145
Erez: “You understood Ragibach’s intentions. This means you understand the situation to some extent. Then
now, we can join forces. Back then, if I had told you I was on your side and you found out I was a demon, you
wouldn’t have believed me.”


‘Joining forces with demons.’

Since she was born, she was taught that demons were evil, so as expected, her reluctance soared.

‘Can I really trust this man?’

Erez clicked his tongue as if he had read her thoughts.

Erez: “Yes, this is the problem of you guys. You will lose every time a battle occurs if you only see the demon
race as a united community. You don’t know the enemy’s most fatal weakness. Don’t you know that the enemy
of the enemy is your friend?”

Keira: “You mean…”

Erez: “Just as your maternal grandfather and Count Weinberg are of the same race and fight like enemies, so are
we. I am not sitting here with you because I am particularly kind. It’s just that.”

He said so and chuckled.

Keira thought that, for some reason, that smile was different from the one before. It was as if he no longer felt
the need to play the role of a noble young Lord because Keira already knew his real identity.It was like seeing
the devil’s face for the first time.

Erez: “You still don’t understand? You don’t need to have faith in demons. What matters is that I need to help
you because I hate that old woman.”


Erez: “What do you think? Do you have the courage to work with me now?”

If he had planned to take advantage of her, he wouldn’t have taken this complicated approach.She wouldn’t
completely let her guard down, but it seemed they needed to talk more.

Keira nodded.

Keira: “Somewhat.”

Erez: “Great. So, it’s a bit of a testament to trust, but if you have any questions, please ask. I’ll answer to the
best of my abilities. You must have a lot of questions, don’t you?”

Keira: “Hmm…”

The problem was she had too many things she wanted to ask.
Keira vomited up the questions she had been worried about since he had just confessed that he had summoned
the Demon Beast.

Keira: “You mentioned earlier that you summoned the beast during the hunting competition. Is it possible for
that demon Ragibach to open the barrier at will?”

If that was the case, it’s unimaginable what the cornered Cosette would do.

When Keira imagined demonic beasts pouring out in the middle of the capital, her body went cold.

Erez: “You don’t have to worry about that. The one I opened up isn’t a normal barrier. You probably didn’t feel
any signs until just before it opened.”

Keira: “Right.”

She nodded her head slightly. She wondered why she didn’t notice the barrier opening right above her head, but
it seemed to be because it wasn’t a natural phenomenon.

Erez: “In a nutshell, we demons have thirteen bloodlines. Each bloodline specialized in an ability. One of them
is me, and my ability involves time and space. I’m the only one in the human world who can summon demonic
beasts at will, so don’t worry. Ragibach can’t do it.”

Keira: “Time and space? So that must be why you were able to turn back time.”

Erez: “Right. I’m here right now because I transferred my soul into the body with that power.”


At that, Keira’s shoulders shook.

Erez: “What’s the matter?”

Keira “…You say you transferred your soul into that body?”

Erez: “I did.”

Keira: “Then where did its original owner go?”

Erez replied in a very calm tone as if he couldn’t understand why Keira had asked such a question.

Erez: “Dead, of course.”

Keira: “…Did you kill him?”

Then he laughed out loud.

Erez: “I was wondering why your complexion suddenly changed… The owner of this body fell into the water
and died when he was five years old. There’s a brief interval before the soul exits and the body dies. I took that
opportunity to settle down in this body. I don’t have the knack of killing a man who’s been living in good

It was an uncomfortable conversation, but there was no choice but to trust him in that regard.
Keira tried to hide her reluctance and continued with the next question.

Keira: “Then Cosette… No, what about Ragibach? Did she also occupy an empty body?”

Erez: “I don’t know whether she used an empty body or used a familiar [1]. But one thing’s for sure– that old
lady doesn’t have the same abilities as me. You can’t warp space-time and surpass the barrier.”

Keira: “That’s what I’ve been curious about for a while.”

The barrier existed to protect the human world from a demon invasion.

But weren’t two Great Demons roaming the human world right now?

This was absurd.

It wasn’t even a low-level demon. Two Great Demons were living in the Empire’s capital!

Beatrice’s barrier filtered out beings with large souls.In general, the lower the level, the smaller the soul, which
was why most things that appeared through barrier were beasts that lacked intelligence.If it’s a Great Demon,
there’s no way Beatrice’s barrier could have left him alone.

Keira: “Let’s say you skipped the barrier with that ability or something. But how did Cosette get through? You
said you don’t have the same abilities.”

His answer was clear as day.

Erez: “A contractor must have summoned Ragibach. You can summon one through black magic.”

Keira: “Ah…”

Erez: “Isn’t that why all knowledge of black magic has been lost since the country’s founding?”

Keira: “I didn’t know that. The black magic records are all gone…”

Erez: “The main body is in the Demon Realm.”

At that moment, something flashed in Keira’s mind. Finally, there was a clue to drive Cosette and Weinberg

Excited, Keira said.

Keira: “Then, if there is evidence that a contract was signed, it would be possible to execute Cosette. Is the
contractor Count Weinberg? That sounds right. We need to search for the Count…”

Then Erez cut off Keira.

Erez: “Actually, there’s one thing I’ve been curious about for a long time.”

Keira: “Hmm? What is it?”

Erez: “Cosette–no, Ragibach’s manifestation will happen about a year from now. Regardless of the means she
Keira: “Yes. What about it?”

Erez: “But you’re the Grand Duke’s real daughter. Isn’t there a way to awaken your skills a little faster? I’m
asking because I really don’t know. If you manifest your skills first, you won’t have to do anything except look
for evidence of black magic.”

Keira: “There isn’t.”

She shook her head, a bitter smile on her lips.

Why didn’t she find a way to do that?

In the past, she had done everything she could to make her skills manifest.

She read countless books and tried all superstitious methods.

The conclusion she came to after endless futile efforts was that awakening one’s abilities was a kind of

It was impossible to twist the will of God through human effort.

As she explained it, Erez scratched his chin and narrowed his eyes.

Erez: “I mean, it’s really weird. If this is a ‘revelation’ given by the goddess, how did that old lady, Ragibach,
imitate it? Are there hidden abilities that I don’t know?”

Keira: “I thought you would know.”

Erez: “Well, that’s a problem we don’t know the answer to right now, but anyway, we need to get proof that
they used black magic to drive out Cosette and Count Weinberg, and that’s the best way to do it at this point.”

Keira: “Yes.”

First of all, the option to manifest abilities was virtually impossible.

Erez looked out of the window in contemplation

Erez: “By the way, the Count is the contractor, right?”

Keira: “At the moment, nothing points to him. Did you have a hunch?”

Erez: “No, he didn’t look like a person who used black magic…”

What did it mean to look like someone who used black magic?

Keira was a little skeptical, but it made sense. It seemed that demons could see something.

Erez: “It would be a good idea to come up with a different plan in case you can’t find evidence of black magic.”

[1] I’m not sure what he meant by this, but 패밀리어 could be translated as ‘familiar.’ According to Merriam-
Webster, a familiar is a spirit or demon that serves or prompts an individual.
Chapter 146
He pondered for a moment and then continued with an odd question.

Erez: “How much do you trust me?”

Keira: “Just as you said, the enemy of the enemy is your friend.”

It was an ambiguous answer. But that was enough.

Erez: “That’s enough. Then why don’t you meet someone who believes in me?”

After a moment’s hesitation, Keira answered.

Keira: “Who?”

Erez: “There is someone you should meet for Plan B. They will definitely help you.”

What’s the point in meeting them if they couldn’t help anyway. Keira was about to agree immediately but

Someone who would be able to help her in this situation and one who believed him.

If they could really help, there’s no reason to say that, was there?

In addition, the fact that he was not a human was also very unsettling.

Keira: “Are they human? The one who can help?”


At Erez’s silence, Keira found her answer.

Keira: “So, it doesn’t seem like it.”

Erez went on to make excuses.

Erez: “No, but think about it. Ragibach is one of the thirteen strongest demons. What ordinary human can help
in this situation? At least it’s worth discussing with a demon of the same class.”

A demon of the same class.

That meant… Noticing his hidden meaning, Keira murmured.

Keira: “It would be impossible for a demon like that to come this way because of the barrier.”

That’s probably why he said it was someone who believed him. If one couldn’t come from there, they had to go
from this side. Beatrice’s barrier served to filter out demons, but it didn’t block the entry and exit of humans.

‘It means you must trust only interest and go to an enemy camp.’*
Of course, she wouldn’t. Going to the Demon realm? She was bound to be against it.

Erez knew it, too, so he must have carefully chosen his words.

Keira: “Tell me exactly about the demon you’re talking about. In great detail.”

Erez thought for a moment, stroking his chin, before answering.

Erez: “Well… Should I say he plays the role of the mediator? He doesn’t like messing up the existing order, just
like the mediator usually feels. His name is Ajai. His name may remain in the records here.”

Keira: “Is he someone of great influence?”

Erez: “You can think of it as playing the role of the Demon King. Of course, such a title doesn’t exist the way
you think it does.”

That was very surprising to Keira.

Keira: “It doesn’t exist?”

The scholars of the Empire speculated that the demons also formed a social structure in which they obeyed one

They based it on the fact that since the race valued power, their order to obey the strong would be taken for

But in reality, it’s a structure with thirteen bosses. Keira thought that maybe the demon society might be much
more chaotic than that of humans.

‘One side is trying to break the barrier while the other is trying to block it…’

As Erez said, seeing all demons as a single community may have been a fatal human error.

Erez: “Of course, there is a way I can deliver the news, but wouldn’t it be better to meet in person and discuss

If he had intended to deceive and harm her, he wouldn’t have resorted to such a cumbersome method.

What should I do? Keira thought about it for a while and then answered.

Keira: “…Okay. But right now, it’s impossible. You can’t go there in a day, right?”

People would question her absence if she was away for a long time.

It’s clear that Cosette would be up to something if she noticed her absence, so there was no way she could stay
away for a long time without any preparation.

Erez: “Then call me when you’re ready. I would like it to be dealt with as soon as possible.”

Saying that, he got up. There’s nothing good about prolonging a secret meeting.

Keira looked at Erez’s back as he left, suddenly realizing that she didn’t know his name.
Just as Cosette’s real name was ‘Ragibach,’ Erez might have another name. As Erez was about to leave, Keira
called out to him.

Keira: “By the way, I don’t think you know your name yet.”

Erez: “Hmm?”

Keira: “You’re my partner. I should know your real name.”

Erez:” Aah.”

After a moment of bewilderment, he soon realized that what Keira was asking for was his “real” name. There’s
no reason he couldn’t tell.

Erez: “Yurr.”

Keira: “Yurr?”

‘Ragibach,’ ‘Azai,’ then ‘Yurr.’ Because they were demons, they had a very special language.

Keira spoke frankly about how she felt.

Keira: “It’s a strange name.”

Erez: “From my point of view, your name is more unique. Keira, it’s not a spice, so what’s that?”


Spice… It seemed that demons had a spice that sounded similar to Keira’s name.

Having revealed his original name, he waved his hand and left. Keira paused for a moment before getting up,
ensuring no one saw her going with him together.

When she went outside, her maids waited for her. Fortunately, none of them asked why she secretly met with
Erez. Instead, they kept their lips shut and only opened the carriage door.

‘I don’t know about Rose, but it’s strange that Emily hasn’t said anything.’

Perhaps Keira failed to control her expression. Sure enough, when she looked at her reflection in the window,
she saw herself frowning.

Was it the right decision to accept Erez’s offer? Her frown deepened.

A week later, Keira continued to visit the Imperial Library for a while with no results.

No, one thing was proven true–the myth that demons like to bet. It’s really useless.

In the end, Keira had no choice but to leave the library that day without much success.

Meanwhile, she ran into the Imperial siblings.

Keira: “Your Highnesses.”

Michael: “Oh, what brings you here?”

Princess Arabella answered.

Bella: “She must have come to use the library. You gave the permit yourself a while ago, brother.”

Michael: “Ah, yes. I did.”

After a moment’s hesitation, he suddenly suggested.

Michael: “Since we met like this, would you like to have dinner together?”

Keira: “Yes?”

Keira looked up at the sky to see the sun setting. It was dinner time.

‘Why are you suddenly offering to eat together…’

Although it was strange, she couldn’t exactly reject the Crown Prince’s invitation without just cause.

Keira: “It would be an honor.”

Thus, she was forced to visit the Crown Prince’s palace.

Even though Keira grew up in privilege and luxury, she thought that Crown Prince’s Palace garden was so

‘Is that sculpture really made of gold? Or is it just gilded?’

When she was distracted by such frivolous thoughts, Prince Michael suddenly spoke.

Michael: “It’s been a long time since I saw Lady Keira’s father.”

Keira: “Ah.”

Keira then realized the purpose of this invitation.

‘This man is curious about Father’s intentions.’

Edinburgh or Weinberg–which side would they support?

Well, it was a natural thing to be curious about. After all, Cosette was recently expelled from the Grand Duke’s
residence because of ‘that troublesome incident.’ What would happen next, he could only wonder.

Keira put down the tableware and answered.

Keira: “Because a lot of things happened… His Grace must have been very distracted. When I get back, I’ll tell
him to greet Your Highness.”

Keira knew he didn’t want this answer, but she had no choice but to give it anyway.
What was Ludwig thinking? He kicked her out for undermining their family’s prestige, but who knew when
he’d reverse his decision.

Michael: “You must have been very busy.”

It was time for Michael to try his luck again.

“Your Highness! Your Highness!”

A middle-aged man jumped out from the left side of the garden, cutting off their conversation.

Michael frowned and turned to the side.

Michael: “What’s going on?”

“News from the gate guards! One who claims to be the secret lover of the deceased Grand Duchess… Ack!”

The man jumped when he saw Keira, but it was too late. All the important information had already flowed out
of his mouth.

‘My mother’s secret lover?’

Keira calmly picked up her tableware again and traced back her memories.

Was there ever a man who claimed to be her mother’s lover? Never. If there were, she would never have

A person who did not exist in the past suddenly appeared?

That was the proof that the very existence of the man was a lie.

*Not 100% sure about this

Chapter 147
‘Even if my mother had a lover, that doesn’t prove I’m not the daughter of the Grand Duke.’

Like before, Count Weinberg’s scheme didn’t work out the way he wanted, so he seemed to devise such low-
level tricks.

She thought about how they’d provide evidence and manipulate it.

But that composure was broken in the next instant.

Michael: “So someone is claiming that. Then what?”

“B-But, Your Highness…”

Michael: “It’s okay, so go on.”

The man glanced at Keira, swallowed hard, and said.

“He… He asked for protection. He claims that Marquis Edinburgh is trying to silence him because of Rowena
Weinberg’s assassination. And…”


The sound of tableware falling on the plate interrupted him.

Michael turned to the source of the sound to see Keira’s eyes wide open as if in shock.

Michael: “Um, Lady Keira. Don’t worry too much about what he’s saying just because some people claim that.”


Michael: “If it’s a false testimony, won’t he get caught quickly?”

The Crown Prince couldn’t have known it wasn’t necessarily the case.

What was even more significant was that it was true that the Marquis had Rowena killed.

What evidence could they have gotten there? There was no way Keira’s grandfather would handle such work
sloppily, could he?

No, even monkeys sometimes fell from trees, so there’s no guarantee he didn’t make a mistake…

Thoughts ran through Keira’s head, but she tried not to express her agitation. She wiped her mouth with a
napkin and answered.

Keira: “Of course. It just made me a little uncomfortable thinking about what people might say.”

Michael: “I’m sorry. If I knew it would be unpleasant, I should have moved away for a while to listen to it.”

Keira: “No. They said it’s better to find out early. Wouldn’t it be better than hearing about it through rumors?”
At least she could plan for the future.

Keira firmly stayed in her seat until the moment the dessert was served. She barely suppressed the desire to run
to her grandfather immediately and ask him what had happened.

She couldn’t even remember how she endured the socializing time that followed after dessert.

Finally, after the long supper, Keira managed to get up.

Michael: “That was a good time.”

Keira: “I’m grateful for the invitation.”

Michael: “By the way, I’ll give a gag order about today, so don’t worry. Well, I mean… Until things get too big
for me to cover.”

It meant that it would be kept secret until it was made public.

Keira: “Thank you.”

As Keira expressed her gratitude, Michael offered to shake hands. Giving a handshake with a smile couldn’t
have been so daunting.

The smile Keira had barely created disappeared the moment she left the room and entered the carriage.

As he watched the carriage leaving, Michael asked.

Michael: “How did it look?”

Bella: “What do you mean?”

Michael: “The look on the lady’s face when she heard the news from Rio.”

Bella: “I think she was a little surprised. But… I’m not sure even I would be surprised if I heard that Mother
had a lover and Grandfather murdered the concubine.”

Michael: “Even if it’s a conspiracy?”

Bella: “Yes.”

Michael: “Well…”

Michael nodded his head softly. It’s not that he didn’t understand.

Before the carriage could even disappear from their sight, he turned and walked into the Imperial Palace.

Bella: “Brother? Where are you going?”

Michael: “I’ll be busy for a while, so I’ll get ready.”

Bella: “Yes?”
He answered his younger sister, who tilted her head as if she didn’t understand yet.

Michael: “Whether it’s true or not, there will be a hearing.”

It was also a hearing that would attract the attention of the entire capital.

Keira got into the carriage and ordered them to head to the Edinburgh Marquisate instead of home.

Rose anxiously asked what was going on, but she couldn’t answer.

Keira: “It’s nothing.”

Rose: “You don’t look like it’s nothing…”

Keira: “I’ll tell you when I’ve sorted it out.”

Rose didn’t ask anymore.

‘Whether the man’s testimony is true or not, it’s certain that Cosette and the Weinbergs are behind it…’

Keira could only think that they resorted to using a scheme they had not used before because they failed to take
her place.

Cosette had accused her multiple times, but it was a little different this time.

It was the fact that the Marquis of Edinburgh really killed Rowena. That was the problem.

‘It looks pretty plausible when you mix truth and lies.’

While nervously chewing her lips, the carriage arrived at Edinburgh Street’s front door.

She jumped out as soon as the coachman opened the door.

“Oh my gosh. M-milady?”

Surprised, the guard guarding the front door looked at her face and the emblem on the carriage alternately.

“Did you come to see the Marquis?”

Keira: “I have something to tell him, so tell him that I must meet him.”

“Do you think the Marquis will drive out milady? This way, please.”

Keira followed the guards into the mansion. While crossing the garden, Keira saw the butler rushing out.

Keira: “Where’s Grandfather?”

The butler, catching his breath, answered.

“The Marquis is, haa, busy with work. But if he finds out milady has come, he’ll meet you immediately.”

As he explained that, Keira was led straight to the office.

Her grandfather was on the way downstairs to meet his granddaughter as if forewarned that something unusual
had happened.

The two met on the stairs to the second floor.

Marquis: “Did something happen, Keira?”

Keira: “How do you know? Did you hear anything beforehand?”

Marquis: “…If nothing happened, you wouldn’t have come to me like this.”


Marquis: “You’re a kid who didn’t write a single letter even on my sixtieth birthday.”

Keira couldn’t really respond to it, especially since the Marquis had said it so matter-of-fact.

Keira coughed awkwardly and changed the topic.

Keira: “Let’s go inside and talk.”

Marquis: “Shall we?”

As soon as Grandfather entered the office, he dismissed all secretaries and servants.

Since they were in his office, Keira didn’t have to worry about eavesdroppers.

As soon as Keira sat, she brought up the subject.

Keira: “Killing Rowena Weinberg–”

Marquis: “Keira!”

Startled, Simon Edinburgh cut her off. Then he glanced around anxiously, a strange sight for Keira.

Keira: “Why are you like that? You sent everyone out.”

Marquis: “… I’m sorry. I guess I’ve been a little sensitive.”

He sighed and ruffled his hair.

Was it guilt? Or was it the fear that he might get caught? Keira thought it was the latter.

Marquis: “But why are you bringing up that story?”

Keira: “I was just on my way to dinner with the Crown Prince. During the meal, their aide said there was a man
at the gate guard who had requested protection.”

The Marquis looked confused. So a troubled man had been wandering outside the Palace by the guard gate. But
was it serious enough to interfere with the Crown Prince’s dinner?

However, the next words of his granddaughter made him realize the urgency of the situation.

Keira: “He was allegedly mother’s secret lover.”

Marquis: “What?”

Keira: “Do you happen to know about it?”

Marquis: “Impossible! I know everything about my daughter. I had complete control of her. She couldn’t have
had a lover I didn’t know. Never!”

He said it with so much conviction as if he said that the sun did not rise in the west.

‘Complete control…’

She swallowed her vitriol and continued.

Keira: “This person said that he killed Rowena Weinberg at your behest, and now that the crime is coming to
light, you’re trying to kill him.”

Marquis: “That’s absurd. Even if your mother had a secret lover, how could I, who didn’t know he existed, have
asked him?”


How much of it was the truth, and how much was the lie?

Keira pressed her finger to her forehead, suddenly exhausted. There was too little information.

Keira: “First of all, we need to find out about the man.”

Marquis: “I’ll handle that, don’t worry. You’re the only daughter of the Grand Duke. So there’s no need to

Keira remembered what he had said before.

Rowena Weinberg was found dead, and what was inside her womb was a dead baby…

‘So, even if the prophecy was wrong, there’s no chance that Cosette is Rowena’s daughter.’

Let’s say there’s evidence that Keira’s grandfather tried to frame and kill Rowena.

But there’s no proof that Cosette was Rowena and Ludwig’s daughter.

Even if her grandfather was incriminated, they wouldn’t be able to do anything about her, the next elementalist.

‘Is it your goal to uncover grandfather’s sins?’

Keira continued to ponder about it. Count Weinberg was well-motivated to do so. After all, Rowena was his
older sister.

His sister, who’s been with him since he was young, was framed and divorced, and the person who framed her
even killed her.

It was something that would make anyone furious.

Then Simon Edinburgh’s voice broke her thoughts.

Simon: “Once I mobilize all the information networks to find out what happened, I will contact you. Do you
want to go home first?”

Keira: “Yes, I understand.”

It would be unreasonable for her to conduct her own investigation under Ludwig’s eyes.

She left the office with Simon. Outside the door, Rose and the butler were waiting for them anxiously.

Keira: “Rose, let’s go home.”

Rose: “Y-yes. Okay.”

There were many things she wanted to ask but could not speak. Keira said goodbye to her grandfather and then
walked down the steps
Chapter 148
‘Will some transcendent being come to me and make my wish come true?’

Isaac Weinberg was too realistic to have such vain thoughts and hopes.

When he was much younger than he was now, he witnessed the fall of his family with his own eyes– his
father’s death, his younger sister who was falsely framed and kicked out, the downfall of the family.

Despite everything he went through, he found a way to raise the family realistically.

The remaining business was rebuilt from the ground up. He summoned his scattered relatives back together.

After more than ten years, he was able to recover his prestige to a certain extent, if not as much as in the past.

His only reason for living was to one day uncover the crimes of the Marquis of Edinburgh and solve the
injustices his sister had faced.

It’s a daunting goal, but he thought he could achieve it someday.

Until one day, the devil came to him and whispered an offer he couldn’t refuse.

Their first meeting was in a dream.

“Don’t you want to avenge your family?”

In his dream was a demon in the form of mist floating in the empty air in the dark room.

Up until then, he thought it was just a terrible nightmare.

However, when he met the red eyes in the hazy mist, he realized this wasn’t just a nightmare.

It was a natural fear. ‘That’ was not human. Isaac cried out in fear.

Isaac: “W-what are you!”

“The being who will grant your wish; your sister’s contractor. Oh, I also witnessed her end.”


He took a few steps forward without realizing it, and he stretched out his hand as if to grab it by the collar.

But there was nothing on his fingertips.

Isaac: “Her? Rowena, are you talking about Rowena? Answer me!”

“Well, before that, there is one thing I need to warn you about…”

The very next moment, Isaac was thrown away.

It was clearly an empty space, but Isaac’s whole body felt like he had hit a wall.
Isaac: “Ugh!”

“I’m not used to hearing slander from someone weaker than me. Would you please be polite?”

Isaac: “Ugh, cough…“

Even though it was a dream, the feelings were so vivid that he thought he could really die. He was lying on his
face for a long time, moaning before he could raise his head after a long time.

Surprisingly, the existence who had thought so little of him waited that long.

Of course, the devil didn’t care for him. It was just fun to see him moan in pain.

Isaac: “Rowena’s… I would like to know more about my sister’s death.”

“Yes, that’s better.”

Everyone said Rowena was just sick. But he couldn’t believe it.

Over the course of several months, Rowena turned to him for help over and over again.

Since he was inexperienced, he couldn’t meet her request on time. She told him her life had been threatened for
over half a year.

It’s hard to believe that such a child suddenly passed away.

“The poor girl was murdered. No, to be more specific, she didn’t die at the hands of others… Still, she
practically was, so.”

The being in the mist said that and tapped Isaac’s forehead. At that moment, fragments of memories rushed into
his head.

Isaac: “Ah.”

A picture of running through a mountain road staggering with a full stomach, pursuers after her.

Isaac: “Aah!”

A child born dead. His younger sister who had summoned the devil at the last minute. Eyes that had lost focus
and a body that had breathed its last.

Isaac: “How could you do such a cruel thing?”

Isaac thought he would keep his virtue no matter how political he was. But it turned out Simon Edinburgh was
far more heinous than he thought.

To hide the truth, to kill a woman pregnant with the next elementalist.

Guessing that she was vaguely murdered was different from seeing her vivid end.

He crouched down and screamed. But, beyond the pitch-black darkness, not even an echo came.
“I’m glad to see you didn’t react like you don’t believe it.”

Isaac: “I expected it… that it would be like this.”

Tears streamed down his face.

Isaac: “I don’t know who you are, but thank you for sharing the news about Rowena.”

“What are you going to do now?”

He answered firmly.

Isaac: “I must take revenge.”



“Ten years have already passed. If it were that clever and mean old man, he would have already wiped out all
the evidence. It might be possible to bring the Marquis of Edinburgh down, but wouldn’t it be impossible by
trying to uncover the truth?”

Isaac was also well of that. Now that more than ten years have passed, revealing the truth would be more
challenging than ever.

But he couldn’t give up. If he did, it was as if all his efforts to rebuild his family were in vain.


However, even though he had made up his mind, the road ahead was still bleak.

He couldn’t answer anything to the being in the mist.

But just then, the devil reached out his hand.

“How about getting my help?”

Isaac: “…What?”

“Why are you surprised? Do you think I came to you because I was bored? I’m your sister’s contractor.”

At that moment, the memory that the devil had conveyed came to mind.

Rowena drew a summoning circle with blood just before her breath stopped. And she successfully summoned a

“I am the demon Ragibach who had answered her call. I promised my contractor– I will punish everyone who
has caused her pain.”

Isaac: “Demon…? Contractor?”

“Yeah, it’s common. A cornered human summons a demon and signs a contract.”

Summoning a demon meant that Rowena knew how to do it before then.

The younger sister he knew was a very innocent and good-natured child. She couldn’t have had such an interest
in something like black magic.

As if it had read his mind, the devil said.

“It doesn’t matter how your sister learned about black magic now! You’re so stupid that you’re right in the back
of your head. Try to be cleverer.”

To Isaac, Ragibach’s last words sounded like it would join forces with him, and his guess was, unsurprisingly,

“Why don’t you become my partner until the day you take revenge?”


Isaac didn’t answer right away.

He was already convinced that this wasn’t the typical nightmare and that the existence in front of him was a

‘Joining forces with the devil…?’

Wasn’t it like the protagonist in a play walking on his own feet towards ruin?

The end of joining forces with the devil could not be heaven.

The mist whispered.

“There will be no harm done to you. I’m in a hurry. Since I made a contract with your sister, I have to grant her
wishes. But if the old man from Edinburgh died in peace, wouldn’t I be unintentionally breaking the contract?”

The devil began to enumerate the penalty for breaking the contract. They both quivered.

Isaac: “Then… How are you going to get revenge?”

“First, you must prove that your sister gave birth to a child.”

Isaac: “But it died before it was born.”

“She’s alive.”

Isaac: “…What?”

“To be precise, it can be saved. Turning corpses into living dolls is my specialty.”


For a moment, a chill of fear swept over him.

“A long time ago, there was a prophecy– only one elementalist will be born. The one mentioned in the oracle is
probably Lady Parvis who is still alive, not your niece who died before she was born.”

Isaac: “Y-you want to deceive the whole empire?”

“Why? Why are you so terrified? Didn’t your foe do the same? He deceived the entire nation, saying that your
little sister is infertile.”

Of course, Isaac wasn’t above breaking the rules if his opponent used cowardly means.

However… The problem with the Elementalist was on a different level.

Isaac: “Then, what will you do after you kill the real daughter and the Marquis of Edinburgh?”

If no one could handle Beatrice, the water on the continent would dry up.

If that happened, he, too, would suffer.

That’s why he focused his revenge only on Simon Edinburgh and didn’t care about the Grand Duke’s daughter.

However, the devil replied indifferently, as if his long agony was of no value.

“I can play the role of the Elementalist, right? To be precise, the body of your niece that I’ll control.”

Isaac: “D-does that make sense?!”

The devil carrying out the blessing of the goddess? He would have scoffed if it wasn’t for the pain he went

“Why wouldn’t it? Hey, I’m in a rush too. I made a contract with your sister, so I decided to help you get
revenge. I have to deal with that old man before he dies, so I have to hurry.”

Isaac: “But…”

A little compromise here would make things easier.

No one will ever know the truth– whether it rained because of a real Elementalist or a demon covered with a
corpse’s skin.

He’d get his revenge, the devil would grant the contractor’s wishes, and the Empire wouldn’t be in trouble.

It was pitiful for the innocent Lady Parvis, who would be framed as a fake.

But who would he pity more? His sister who died lonely or the granddaughter of the enemy?

The answer was obvious.

Chapter 149
A little compromise with reality would lead to a flat road. Compared to the thorny road so far, the road seemed
so flat.

So he couldn’t refuse.

Isaac: “T-that’s fine. However, there is one condition.”

“What is it?”

Isaac: “Promise me that you will take over the role of the real Lady Parvis until the next elementalist is born.”

“Sure. I’ll make sure not to harm innocent people who have nothing to do with your enemies. I have no interest
in those people. All that matters to me is fulfilling the contract. I lie about that. If I do, I’ll get a huge penalty.”

The devil’s voice sounded too calm that Isaac couldn’t even suspect it of lying.

In the mist, the devil grinned and said.

“Then, do we have a temporary alliance?”

Isaac: “Then… I look forward to it.”

“Me, too.”

There was no way Isaac would ever know–the only time that the devil couldn’t lie was when he made the
contract with the human who summoned him to the human world.

Isaac Weinberg was not the devil’s contractor; he was merely a relative of the contractor.

There wasn’t a rule saying the devil couldn’t lie to him when discussing contracts.

But the shock of witnessing his sister’s death and the injustice of her death briefly blinded his reason.

‘If you compromise a little, you can easily get your revenge.’

Those words were alluring to him, who had climbed far and wide through all his hardships.

The devil would always throw irresistible bait on humans.

Isaac: “Maybe it was a trap.”

Count Weinberg murmured nervously as he chewed his nails.

At that time, he was half-obsessed with the idea of getting revenge. To him, Simon Edinburgh was more hated
than the devil itself.

If he could have revenge on such a being, would it be a big deal to join hands with the devil?

However, it’s a different story if the devil had other plans.

‘If you have other plans to find the spirit stone…’

A catastrophe that was beyond terrifying would happen.

His body trembled at the thought. Those who made a contract with the demons in the legends always met a
tragic end.

The demons offered humans an irresistible bait, and when he fell for it, they mercilessly betrayed him.

Did he even have any guarantees that that wouldn’t be the case?

Moreover, he was neither a contractor nor anything for Ragibach. It was just a long-term partnership out of

Isaac: “Haa.”

However, when he realized that, he was already in too deep.

‘First, let’s punish the Marquis of Edinburgh. After that, I’ll cut ties with the demon. Living in seclusion with
stolen property…’

But then.


Cosette: “Uncle.”

The door swung open, and he heard a familiar voice.

When he turned, Cosette and the bewildered butler stood together.

“M-milady! If you open the door without permission.”

Cosette: “Oh my, I’m sorry. My habit from when I lived as a commoner came out of nowhere.”

It wasn’t an apology at all. Her voice was bright and perky, but he could feel it–she wasn’t in a good mood.

Isaac motioned for the restless butler to step away.

Cosette walked in after locking the door tightly.

Cosette: “I heard some pretty interesting news.”

Isaac: “What are you talking about out of nowhere?”

Cosette: “Apparently, Keira rushed to her grandfather’s house as soon as she left the Imperial Palace. She
doesn’t usually interact with her maternal family, does she? The grandfather and his grandchild aren’t close.”

Isaac replied naturally.

Isaac: “Do you mean to find out why Keira visited the Marquis?”

Then Cosette’s eyes widened.

Cosette: “You, you aren’t plotting something without me, are you?”

Isaac: “If anyone hears you, they’ll think I was the one who visited Edinburgh.”

Cosette: “Then why did Keira go to her grandfather? And as soon as she left the Palace! What is going on?”

Isaac: “How should I know? Maybe something happened at the Imperial Palace. Maybe she thought she had to
meet her maternal grandfather while she was out.”

As Cosette began to stare silently, he waved his hand as if he couldn’t help it.

Isaac: “Ah, I see. I get it. Let’s find out what happened at the Imperial Palace and why he went to the Marquis
of Edinburgh. Are you okay now?”

Cosette looked at him distastefully, as if she didn’t like him at all, and said bluntly.

Cosette: “I’ve told you so many times, but don’t think too much. I have an idea.”

Isaac: “Yes, yes. Of course. How many more times do I have to give the same answer before you are satisfied?”

Cosette: “…Just think about it.”

She clicked her tongue.

She had a feeling that he was plotting something behind her back, but she had no proof.

Whenever Cosette interrogated Isaac, he always held out his flippers [1].

‘You must have been nervous because there were a lot of unsavory accidents. Relax a little. The opportunity
will come someday.’

Cosette had nothing to say to that. There wasn’t any physical evidence that he’s doing anything else, and she’d
indeed been on edge lately.

She left the room as soon as she told him to find out immediately.

As Cosette left the office, the tension in Isaac’s body left. He leaned back in his chair and sighed.

‘Is it because she’s a demon? Her intuition is sharp.’

He moved as discreetly as he could to make sure she didn’t find out, but she seemed to have noticed something

‘If I procrastinate even more, I might be caught.’

So, he had to deal with it quickly. He clenched his fists tightly.

Two days later, Keira again visited her grandfather’s house to discuss the issue.
As she entered the study, she saw Simon holding his forehead while sitting on the sofa.

She sat across from him and said.

Keira: “You don’t look well.”

Marquis: “… There’s going to be a trial.”

Keira: “The commoners would have no right to ask for one.”

Marquis: “It’s possible if the nobles step in as patrons.”

Keira: “It’s Count Weinberg.”

Marquis: “It’s not surprising. Did you know? I thought I would have time to deal with it since His Majesty the
Crown Prince had issued a gag order…”

Keira: “Calm down and think slowly. First of all, have you ever leaked any clues about what happened twenty
years ago?”

Marquis: “It’s been a long time since I cleaned things up.”

Keira: “…If that’s true.”

Keira paused for a moment. It was a fact she didn’t want to admit to herself.

Keira: “Cosette wouldn’t have claimed that she was raised by a couple of herbalists in the Altair Mountains.”

In other words, Isaac Weinberg knew at least Rowena’s last whereabouts.

The Marquis of Edinburgh replied with a cough.

Marquis: “…I’ll look into it again.”

Keira: “And there’s one more thing I want to ask you.”

Marquis: “What?”

Keira: “Was there a possibility that Rowena was pregnant with twins?”


Surprise flashed across his face. The sight convinced Keira.

Keira: “As expected, there’s no way Grandfather wouldn’t have come up with the same hypothesis I have.”

Marquis: “I didn’t say it because it was practically impossible. There were no private houses within a few
kilometers of the site where the bodies were found. Even if Rowena had a daughter in the mountains, do you
think a newborn can survive alone in that freezing mountain?”

Marquis: “I was worried that I would only make you uneasy by saying it.”

Keira: “What if… Let’s just say, what if she ran away after giving birth to Cosette in a distant private house?”

Marquis: “Do you think that’s plausible? She wasn’t just pregnant; she’s just given birth to one of the twins,
then she’s running away again? In the frigid mountain range?”


Marquis: “I know you’re anxious. But at times like this, you have to believe in yourself. You are the one and
only daughter of His Grace, the Grand Duke. Don’t be deceived by fake words.”

Keira: “…I’m sorry. I’ve shown you a bad side.”

Marquis: “Don’t worry about it. Things like that happen, too.”

The Marquis of Edinburgh patted her on the shoulder as if he understood.

Marquis: “I will investigate the matter again. But the problem is…”

Keira: “We don’t have enough time.”

Marquis: “Yes, high-ranking nobles above the count have the right to request an emergency hearing. If nothing
is ready yet… We’ll be at a disadvantage.”

Not to mention, the other party was fully prepared and had dug a trap. They couldn’t walk into a trap

‘Time, time is the problem.’

The Marquis sighed and lamented.

Marquis: “Even if we want to delay the hearing, there is no way they can grant us our request…”

As soon as she heard those words, something flashed in her mind. Keira said.

Keira: “If they don’t listen to our request, we have to use someone else.”

[1] 오리발을 내밀었다 is an expression used when you think the person you’re talking to you is lying or hiding
the truth from you.
Chapter 150
Marquis: “What do you mean?”

Keira: “Who is the one authority in which the Count would have no choice but to give in?”

It was the Imperial Family.

No matter how focused he was on revenge, he wouldn’t be able to ignore the Imperial request.

Marquis: “But how are you going to convince the Emperor and the Crown Prince?”

Keira: “There is a reason for delaying the hearing, too.”

Then Keira pointed to the calendar on the table. When the Marquis understood what she meant, his expression

Marquis: “It’s the National Founding Day soon.”

Keira: “They wouldn’t want to argue in a hearing at this time.”

Marquis: “Got it. I’ll tell His Majesty about it.”

Keira: “I’ll trust only you, Grandfather.”

Once they’re discussion came to an end, Keira rose from her seat. It was time to go back.

Her grandfather saw her off as she left, and as soon as he was out of sight, her expression hardened.

Her nerves crept up to her toes, and her chest felt heavy as if a piece of lead was in her heart.

‘What are you going to do this time?’

Cosette’s smiling face came to mind.

Knowing that she’s one of the Great Demons of the Demon Realm made her blood run cold. Keira licked her

In the audience room of the Crown Prince’s Palace, two men growled at each other on the spacious marble
floor– Marquis Simon Edinburgh and Count Isaac Weinberg.

Crown Prince Michael was caught between the two men baring their teeth, yet he merely watched.

It was a pity for the Imperial family, but there was nothing he could do. He was ordered to mediate by his
father, the Emperor.

With the anniversary of the foundation of the country approaching, it’s not good to see two great noble families
fighting in the mud.

‘This is driving me crazy…’

But look at those lively eyes!

Michael thought it would be impossible to reconcile the two men with just a few words, even if the Archangel

He wanted to rip his hair out and scream.

But he couldn’t afford to abandon the duties his father gave him, so he reluctantly spoke.

Michael: “Now, now, listen to His Majesty the Emperor’s message.”

“Please go on.”

Michael: “As you all know, National Founding Day is coming soon. It’s the day when nobles from all over the
country gather in the capital. They say it’s a place for dialogue.”

Simon and Isaac answered simultaneously.

“Yes, that’s right.”

“I am aware.”

Michael: “If you know, you will understand. There is not much time left until the event, but two of the
country’s leading families are fighting a muddy battle… No, no. What would the atmosphere be like if the
political battle continued? Huh?”

Simply put, it meant to act tactfully without ruining the mood. The two men were not fools to the point where
they couldn’t understand the meaning of the Imperial’s words.

Simon, Marquis of Edinburgh, spoke first.

Marquis: “Wise words. Above all else, national events should be prioritized. Count, if you want to hold a
hearing, what about after the National Day is over?”

Then, Michael’s gaze turned to Isaac, an unspoken pressure in his eyes.

Isaac: …”If His Majesty says so, I will follow.”

He looked reluctant.

But Michael didn’t seem to notice– or pretended he didn’t– and smiled kindly.

He didn’t forget to tap him on the shoulder in encouragement.

Michael: “Hahaha, you should! His Majesty will be pleased.”

This completed Michael’s task.

The bright smile on his face couldn’t have looked so refreshing.

Michael: “I will surely pass on the kindness shown by the two of you to the Imperial family to His Majesty.
Come on, it’s getting late, so let’s go home. I’ve kept such busy men for too long.”
The last words sounded empty.

Contrary to the prediction that he would have to persuade him for a long time, Count Weinberg easily withdrew.

‘… Something’s off. It went too well.’

Then the thought that something might be wrong crept in.

However, he saw off the two nobles with a smile and a ‘What’s good is good.’[1]

Anyway, wasn’t it enough that they avoided the crisis of the trial and the National Founding Day overlapping?

The two left the palace with an enthusiastic send-off from the Crown Prince.



As soon as the mediator disappeared, tension began to flow again.

Some of the maids watching them gulped anxiously.

Isaac: “You should thank His Majesty the Emperor for avoiding being disgraced in the presence of the nobles of
the whole empire, Marquis.”

Marquis: “Look who’s talking. I don’t know what evidence you’ll come out with, but if it turns out to be
perjury, I will hold you accountable.”

After a brief declaration of war, the two men got into their respective carriages.

The coachman asked.

“Would you like to go home immediately?”

Marquis: “Yes.”

Being called around with an old body was very tiring.

He rubbed his shoulders and leaned his back against the cushion.

Marquis: “Oh, I almost forgot.”

Then, he felt compelled to tell Keira what had happened today.

He took the stationery and pen out of the drawer and began to write, using the briefcase as support.

The following day, Simon’s letter was delivered directly to Keira.

It was a message to rest assured that the hearing was successfully postponed until after the National Founding

A faint smile appeared on her lips but quickly disappeared.

‘He stepped down easily?’

A chill ran down her spine. But before she could even think deeply, the voice next to her caught her attention.

Rose: “Milady, look here.”

Keira: “Hmm? Okay.”

When Keira looked away from the letter, Rose held lace in both hands in front of her.

Rose: “I did the repairs as you said before. Which one do you prefer?”

Keira: “The one on the left.”

Rose: “Okay.”

The lace that Rose held was an item to decorate the dress Keira would wear to the National Founding Day.

National Founding Day was the biggest holiday in the Empire. Nobles from all over the country would also
flock to Media [2] to spend this period in the capital.

That was because, unless there was any circumstance, they had to attend the Imperial ball for three days at least

In the past, even though Ludwig and Keira rarely attended social events, they went to the National Founding
Day ball.

In fact, it wasn’t difficult to show her face once in a while. But the problem was…

Keira “It feels like the back of my head is tickling already.”

When the two ladies of the grand duchy appeared at the ball “together,” it was already expected how the people
would react.

Keira closed her eyes and recalled the memories of her past.

She frowned as she was left with a very unpleasant memory.

At that time, she had lost one position or another to Cosette. She didn’t even want to think about the public’s
opinion of her then.

The only good thing about her misfortune was that she had already been through the worst, so anything would
be better than what had happened.

Miranda: “By the way, who will the Grand Duke’s partner be?”

Miranda, who had been sewing, asked her out of curiosity.

Keira: “Why?”
Miranda: “Milady is going with the Young Master. I heard that Miss Cosette is attending with her maternal

Keira: “Yes, that’s right.”

Miranda: “Then I was just wondering which one His Grace is taking as his partner.”

If things went according to past experiences, Ludwig would attend alone.

He must have expressed his willingness not to side with neither Keira nor Cosette.

Honestly, Keira thought it was strange that Ludwig had maintained his neutrality then. It wouldn’t have been
strange if he chose Cosette as his partner.

Keira: “Won’t he go alone?”

Miranda: “Oh, really?”

Keira: “I heard it while passing by, so I’m not sure. But why are you so surprised?”

Miranda: “I understand that when an adult aristocrat enters a banquet hall without a partner, he wouldn’t hear
the end of it.”

Keira: “Usually, that’s the case. But His Grace doesn’t care about other people’s opinions.”

Miranda: “Aha.”

Miranda nodded as if convinced.

Rose frowned at her.

Rose: “Miranda! Stop gossiping and just sew. Can’t you see Her Ladyship is waiting for you?”

Miranda: “Y-yes.”

Miranda immediately shut her mouth and focused on her work.

The repair of the lace was completed soon after.

“Now try it on.”

With the help of her maids, Keira changed into the dress for the ball.

She looked back and forth in front of the mirror.

Keira: “This is good.”

“Right? The side with lace on this part is much prettier.”

Keira: “Then, are you done fixing it?”

She couldn’t remember how many times she heard that this part would be more suitable if they tweaked it a bit.
Changing clothes a few times wasn’t physically demanding, but it was bothersome nonetheless.

Keira told them to give the design of the dress to Zeke. He had to wear a suit that complemented his partner’s

Keira: “I have another task for you once you hand over the design.”

“What is it?”

Keira: “You need to deliver a letter to Grandfather. Go at once. I’ll be writing a reply while you’re at it.”


After letting the maids go, Keira picked up her pen.

[1] 뭐 좋은 게 좋은 거겠지 is a saying that means when you have to choose something, choose the easy way
that can satisfy everyone
[2] 메디아 seems to be the name of the capital?

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