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Lecturer: TS. Trần Mai Đông

Class: MR002
Group 1: Nguyễn Trà My - 31211026010
Lao Phương Khả Kỳ - 31221024183
Phạm Ngọc Anh Vũ - 31221026743
Trần Thị An - 31221022386
Nông Thị Bằng Giang - 31221026746
Chu Hà Trúc Lam - 31221024184
Nguyễn Huỳnh Thúy An - 31221022274
Phan Cao Cường – 31221022445

TP. Hồ Chí Minh – 2023


In the heart of Vietnam's bustling metropolis, Ho Chi Minh City, a captivating

transformation is unfolding that extends far beyond the city's soaring skyscrapers and
vibrant streets. It's a transformation that resonates with the global ethos of
interconnectedness and the quest for knowledge—the remarkable evolution of English
language instruction.

Recent years have borne witness to a meteoric rise in the English learning sector
within Ho Chi Minh City, a phenomenon that has piqued the interest of educators,
entrepreneurs, and learners alike. What was once a niche endeavor has burgeoned into
a thriving industry, symbolizing the city's dynamic spirit and its eagerness to embrace
the world.

The driving force behind this remarkable growth is the ever-expanding need for
individuals proficient in foreign languages, with English leading the way as the
quintessential global lingua franca. In an era where cross-border communication and
collaboration are the linchpins of success, fluency in English has transcended from a
valuable asset to an essential tool for navigating the global landscape.

This surge in demand for English learning is not a mere coincidence but rather a
synchrony with Vietnam's economic ascent. As the nation forges ahead on its journey
of development and international integration, the proficiency in English has become an
indispensable ingredient for success. Industry forecasts indicate that this sector has the
potential to burgeon into a billion-dollar industry.

Within the pages of this research essay, we embark on a comprehensive exploration of

the myriad possibilities and challenges that define the landscape of English language
learning in Ho Chi Minh City. Our journey delves deep into the intricate interplay
between macro environment and the English learning market. It is a journey that
uncovers the secret to seizing opportunities and deftly navigating potential pitfalls—a
journey crucial for businesses aiming to carve a path to enduring success and

1. Natural environment.......................................................................................1
1.1. Opportunities............................................................................................1
1.1.1. Building sustainable brand trust..........................................................1
1.1.2. Demand for environmentally-experts human resources........................2
1.2. Threats......................................................................................................4
1.2.1. Pollution impacting health...................................................................4
1.2.2. Pollution leading to traffic congestion and flooding..............................6
2. Economic environment....................................................................................8
2.1. Opportunities............................................................................................9
2.1.1. Inflation and CPI downward trend......................................................9
2.1.2. Average income level..........................................................................10
2.1.3. Economic integration.........................................................................11
2.2. Threats....................................................................................................12
2.2.1. Decreased economic growth rate in Ho Chi Minh City.......................12
2.2.2. Economic integration.........................................................................13
3. Demographic environment............................................................................15
3.1. Opportunities..........................................................................................15
3.1.1. Exploding demand for learning english.............................................15
3.1.2. Population analysis and geographic distribution................................16
3.1.3. Curriculum direction........................................................................17
3.1.4. Increased demand for english certifications......................................17
3.1.5. English for older adults......................................................................18
3.2. Threats....................................................................................................18
3.2.1. High education demand.....................................................................18
3.2.2. Uneven distribution of education........................................................20
4. Technological environment............................................................................20
4.1. Opportunities..........................................................................................21
4.1.1. Accessibility to extensive learning resources through technology........21
4.1.2. Online classes.....................................................................................22
4.1.3. Integration of new technologies..........................................................23
4.2. Threats....................................................................................................25
4.2.1. Lack of feedback and personalized interaction...................................25
4.2.2. Technology disparities and lack of digital literacy awareness.............26
5. Political and social environment....................................................................27
5.1. Opportunities..........................................................................................27
5.1.1. The Vietnamese legal system facilitates the training of the English
language in Ho Chi Minh City.....................................................................27
5.1.2. The training of foreign languages has received attention and investment
from the government...................................................................................30
5.1.3. Integration and international cooperation..........................................32
5.2. Threats....................................................................................................33
5.2.1. Law - Confronting the Times.............................................................33
5.2.2. Politics: Policies for resource allocation and budget funding..............37
5.2.3. International certifications and verification........................................37
5.2.4. Challenge in international diplomatic relations..................................39
6. Social-cultural environment...........................................................................40
6.1. Opportunities..........................................................................................41
6.1.1. Subcultures........................................................................................41
6.1.2. The evolution of secondary cultural values.........................................43
6.1.3. Vietnamese people are curious and inquisitive....................................49
6.2. Threats....................................................................................................51
6.2.1. Traditional methods of instruction are passive...................................51
6.2.2. Vietnamese parents have high expectations for their children............52
6.2.3. Celebrities influence the behavior and perception of language learners

Table 3.1. Average CPI growth rate in months of 2023 compared to the same period
last year (%)

Table 3.2. Top 10 provinces and cities with the highest average income in 2022

Table 3.3. Number of Vietnamese international students studying abroad in some

prominent countries and territories in 2022

Table 3.4. 10 localities with the highest number of immigrants in the country
according to the General Statistics Office

Table 3.5. The number of lecturers participating in online teaching at the University of
Technical Education, Ho Chi Minh City, over the years
1. Purpose of Research

The research on “To analyze the Macro environment in the English training Market at
Ho Chi Minh City “ has three primary goals:

To analyze and evaluate the macroeconomic factors affecting the English language
training market in Ho Chi Minh City.

To propose solutions, strategies, visions, and missions for English language training
institutions to adapt to the changing marketing environment.

To provide businesses with a comprehensive understanding of the external factors that

influence their decisions to invest in the English learning market.

2. Research Methodology Overview

Research Topic: Ho Chi Minh City's English Language Instruction Market

Research Method: Data and real-world information acquired from individual English
language training centers are analyzed and presented. Inferences and estimates
regarding the English-language market in the city are taken from this data.

Research Purpose: The macroeconomic variables impacting the English language

training market in Ho Chi Minh City are the subject of this study. It makes no mention
of rural areas, neighboring provinces, or cities.

3. Essay Organization

The essay is broken into three chapters: Overview, Marketing theories and Analyzing
macro environment in English training market in Ho Chi Minh City.
1. Macro environment

1.1 Natural environment

Environmental awareness and sustainability can influence English training. There may
be a demand for courses that align with environmental or social responsibility values,
such as sustainability-focused business English courses.

1.2 Economic environment

Economics is a key driver in English training. Economic conditions impact the

affordability of courses and the ability of individuals to invest in language learning.
Economic downturns can lead to reduced enrollment, while economic growth may
spur greater demand for English training.

1.3 Demographic environment

Demographics play a role in shaping English training. Changes in population size, age,
and migration patterns influence the demand for English courses. An aging population
may seek language training for travel, while younger generations may focus on career

1.4 Technological environment

Technology is revolutionizing English training. Online platforms, AI-driven language

apps, and interactive digital content have expanded access to English learning.
However, they also pose challenges, such as maintaining student engagement and
ensuring quality.

1.5 Political and Social Environment

Political factors can impact language policy and international relations, affecting
English training. Government policies and diplomatic ties can influence the flow of
English learners, instructors, and educational resources across borders.

1.6 Social-cultural environment

Culture influences both the content and approach to English training. Cultural
considerations affect the choice of curriculum, teaching methods, and even the
motivation to learn English. Understanding cultural nuances is essential for effective
language instruction.

2. Views on responding

2.1 Proactive response involves innovating approaches, actively identifying trends,

planning for potential challenges in the macro environment before they occur or
become evident.

2.2 Reactive Response involves addressing changes in the macro environment after
they have already occurred or become evident, often without prior planning.

1. Natural environment

1.1. Opportunities

1.1.1. Building sustainable brand trust

Developing the economy towards green and sustainable growth is currently a top
priority and a goal that every nation is striving to achieve, aiming for economic
prosperity, environmental sustainability, and social equity. This involves moving
towards a green economy, carbon neutrality, and contributing to the goal of limiting
global temperature rise. For Ho Chi Minh City, green growth is not just a necessity but
also an opportunity to become a pioneering locality, keeping pace with global
development trends.

In order to meet the demands of the era regarding green growth goals, creating an
image of a sustainable company or educational institution has become a crucial factor
in attracting students and collaborating with partners. Focusing on activities and
initiatives to protect the natural environment can help English language training
centers in Ho Chi Minh City build a positive reputation within the community and
attract the attention of environmental advocates. English language training centers in
Ho Chi Minh City recognize the importance of engaging in environmental protection
activities. They cooperate with non-profit organizations to jointly carry out
environmental clean-up initiatives. This helps them establish a positive image within
the community and garner interest from environmentally conscious students, leading
to enhanced reputation and trust from students, parents, and society, thereby increasing
competitiveness and effectiveness in the English language training market.

● Views on responding

Proactive response: EF (Education First) is a leading international education

organization that offers short-term language study abroad programs in Ho Chi Minh
City, providing students with truly exciting experiences. It's not just about learning a
foreign language with international friends; it's about living in the very language

you've long dreamt of mastering. EF places a strong emphasis on sustainable branding
and environmental protection, with some of its activities and policies related to the
environment and sustainability including:

EF Tree Planting Program: EF has conducted tree planting programs to reduce

greenhouse gas emissions and protect the environment. They have committed to
planting one million trees in recent years.

Greenhouse Gas Reduction Program: EF has set targets to reduce the greenhouse gas
emissions generated by their activities by using clean energy and implementing
energy-saving measures.

Sustainable Training System: EF has developed courses and training programs on

sustainability and the environment to raise awareness and educate their students about
environmental issues.

EF is one of the first international education organizations to make an ambitious

carbon commitment: achieving carbon negativity starting in 2021 and aiming for
carbon neutrality, eliminating all direct or indirect carbon emissions related to EF
programs since its establishment in 1965. (Achieving carbon neutrality means
balancing carbon removal from the atmosphere with the carbon emissions generated
by activities such as flying, bus transportation, office space operations, and student
housing). Through this campaign, EF aims to spread the message and hopes that other
organizations, both within and outside the industry, will join in the commitment to
achieve this carbon neutrality goal.

1.1.2. Demand for environmentally-experts human resources

With climate change, there is a growing need for education and research in
environmental issues, climate change, and sustainability. This can drive the demand
for learning English to access and participate in international research communities
and collaborations.

In recent times, international cooperation in the field of resources and the environment
has contributed to promoting environmental protection activities in our country, such
as mobilizing funds, enhancing scientific and technological capabilities in the field of

resources and the environment, adopting modern methodologies, and incorporating
international experiences into environmental management efforts.

Specifically, Vietnam is actively participating in 19 international agreements on the

environment, with a focus on effectively implementing bilateral and multilateral
agreements. This includes promoting cooperative activities within the framework of
Memorandum of Understanding signed with Laos, Russia, Poland, Japan, China, the
Netherlands, Italy, South Korea, Cuba, and France. It also involves considering,
reviewing, and submitting relevant authorities for the signing of department-level
Memorandum of Understanding on environmental protection and climate change
adaptation with potential international partners.

As a result, the demand for experts with knowledge of the environment and sufficient
English language skills to engage in environmental projects and climate change
research is increasing. English language training centers can identify opportunities in
developing specialized courses for learners interested in this field. This can help
generate new revenue streams and attract a large number of students interested in
environmental issues.

● Views on responding

Proactive response: English is not just an internationally recognized language with a

vital role in education and research; it also fosters global connectivity, making it easier
for individuals to communicate and collaborate in an international setting. A strong
foundation in English is essential for the younger generation to keep pace with global
development trends.

Recognizing the significance of English in the path to international integration, in

August 2023, the British Council inaugurated two new teaching centers at 71 Hoang
Van Thai Street, Tan Phu Ward, District 7, and 20 Cong Hoa Street, Ward 12, Tan
Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City. This effort aims to position English as a crucial key
to empowering the young generation of Vietnam to confidently engage in international

1.2. Threats

1.2.1. Pollution impacting health

Air pollution occurs when the quality of the air is compromised and altered by
pollutants to a level that can be harmful to human health, wildlife, and the natural
environment. Air pollutants include gasses such as ozone, nitrogen oxides, sulfur
dioxide, carbon monoxide, and non-volatile organic compounds. These substances can
lead to health problems such as respiratory issues, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and
adverse effects on natural ecosystems. Air pollution is a global issue, and measures to
control and reduce pollution are being implemented worldwide to protect health and
the environment.

Over 430 million tons of plastic are produced globally each year, with half of it
designed for single-use purposes and less than 10% being recycled. It is estimated that
approximately 19-23 million tons of plastic end up in lakes, rivers, and oceans

Microplastic particles, approximately 5 mm in diameter, infiltrate into food, water, and

the air. It is estimated that each person on the planet consumes over 50,000 plastic
particles annually, even more when considering inhalation. Single-use plastic disposal
or incineration poses health risks to humans and biodiversity.

These hazards include an increased risk of respiratory diseases due to air pollution,
particularly from pollutants such as fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and ozone, leading
to conditions like pneumonia, asthma, and lung degradation. Furthermore, the
greenhouse effect contributes to mental health issues due to rising temperatures and
climate change, causing stress, anxiety, depression, and affecting sleep quality. It also
has negative impacts on daily life, causing discomfort at work, reducing labor
productivity, and jeopardizing sustainable community development. According to data
from the National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology of Vietnam in 2022, the
annual average PM2.5 index in Ho Chi Minh City was 26,946 μg/m³, exceeding both
the national limit (25 μg/m³) and the WHO's 2021 limit (5 μg/m³). The PM2.5 index is
one of several factors contributing to exceeding CO2 emission levels, leading to
various health issues, from respiratory problems to cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

The government has issued Decree 08/2022/ND-CP to guide the implementation of the
Environmental Protection Law of 2020, which includes provisions for temporarily
suspending educational activities in cases of severe air pollution. The application of
emergency measures in cases of severe air pollution is a new addition in Decree
08/2022/ND-CP, in line with the requirements of the Environmental Protection Law of
2020. This decree became effective on January 10, 2022, replacing Decree
19/2015/ND-CP. The temporary suspension of education in the event of severe air
pollution is of paramount importance to protect the health and safety of individuals,
particularly students and staff in educational institutions. This measure serves as an
urgent and temporary action to safeguard health and ensure safety in severely polluted
air environments. Furthermore, it plays a crucial role in raising awareness about air
pollution and promoting measures to reduce pollution and protect the environment.

The issue of pollution is not only a challenge for the environment but also directly
affects the health of the population, including students and teachers in training centers.
Air pollution and poor-quality drinking water can cause health problems, create
community anxiety, and potentially affect participation in training center activities.
This necessitates that training centers ensure a safe and healthy learning environment
for students and staff.

● Views on responding

Proactive response: Faced with the increasing severity of pollution's impact on health
today, training centers can promote environmental awareness within the learning
community by organizing environmental protection programs and encouraging
students to participate in environmental protection activities. Recently, on September
1, 2023, the British Council organized a climate storytelling event in Ho Chi Minh
City. The project provided an opportunity for participants to develop Respira-Tree
mobile devices for real-time air pollution monitoring, delve into excerpts from the
documentary Nine Earths, contribute to video archives, and collect ethnographic data
while engaging in discussions on climate and the natural environment. Additionally,
the center conducted educational activities on climate change for teachers and students
at secondary schools. This project contributes to the objectives of the Ministry of
Education and Training's national focus program on coping with climate change.
Climate change affects everyone and all aspects of social life. By enhancing networks
and relationships among people, the British Council is contributing to increased
understanding of climate change response cases and leading in the implementation of
international agreements to address climate change threats.

1.2.2. Pollution leading to traffic congestion and flooding

Ho Chi Minh City, with over 2,000 canals and ditches within its city limits, has
experienced severe pollution. As much as 60%-70% of the lengths of canals within the
inner city are heavily polluted, primarily with organic matter and coliforms. With over
430 million tons of plastic produced globally each year, half of it designed for single-
use and less than 10% recycled, it is estimated that approximately 19-23 million tons
of plastic end up in lakes, rivers, and oceans annually.

Air pollution in the city is mainly caused by suspended dust particles and vehicle-
related activities. Air quality monitoring data indicates that carbon monoxide (CO)
levels in the air have been generally decreasing. However, in the first six months of the
year, there was a significant increase in CO levels observed at various locations such
as An Suong, Huynh Tan Phat - Nguyen Van Linh intersection, Hang Xanh, and Go
Vap. Pollution not only affects the natural environment but also impacts the
transportation system and the safety of students. Traffic congestion and adverse
weather conditions can pose obstacles for students and teachers traveling to and from
educational centers.

In addition to water and air pollution, Ho Chi Minh City also faces other forms of
pollution such as noise pollution, light pollution, and particularly the issue of flooding
on many of its roads.

Flooding: Ho Chi Minh City has 15 major arterial roads and numerous alleyways
(especially in suburban areas) that frequently flood during heavy rains, with three
areas regularly affected:

The first area includes roads like Le Van Tho, Le Duc Tho, Nguyen Van Khoi in Go
Vap District.

The second area is in the "Western Quarter" of Thu Duc City, comprising roads like
Thao Dien, Quoc Huong, Nguyen Van Huong.

The third area is in the old Thủ Đức market area, with roads like Vo Van Ngan, Dang
Thi Ranh, Duong Van Cam, Kha Van Can (Thu Duc City).

Additionally, serious flooding is occurring in District 7.

Flooding in Ho Chi Minh City is not just a recurring issue but also a significant lesson
in the interaction between the environment and businesses. In the modern era, climate
change is having a profound impact, and Ho Chi Minh City is no exception. Heavy
rains and floods are on the rise due to climate change, directly affecting opportunities
and challenges in English language education. Weather changes and increased heavy
rainfall frequencies have posed significant challenges in maintaining the stability of
English language training centers. Heavy rain can lead to rapid flooding, disrupting
students' and teachers' study schedules and communication. This can affect the
learning experience and lead to student dissatisfaction. Additionally, flooding impacts
the business prospects of English language training centers. Maintaining operations in
an unstable weather context becomes more challenging, potentially affecting profits
and the reputation of the center.

● Views on responding

Proactive response: Faced with the increasingly pressing issue of pollution in Ho Chi
Minh City, English language training centers have implemented environmental
protection measures within the student and staff communities and conveyed
meaningful messages to society. For instance, VUS English Language Center, a
leading educational institution that emphasizes both knowledge and life values for
students, regularly organizes supplementary activities for children to explore the
natural environment and life experiences. These training programs include exciting
activities that enhance life experiences and connect with nature, making them a
preferred choice for parents. VUS recently organized an international exchange event
with the theme "Contribute Green to the Earth". This event marked the first time VUS
collaborated with the publisher National Geographic Learning to host an international
exchange exclusively for young learners, featuring renowned speaker Ms. Lilly
Sedaghat. With the topic of "Contributing Green to the Earth", young learners aged 6
to 11 will learn about how plastic waste affects water environments, advanced national
green cover measures to address environmental issues, and ways to reuse plastic
bottles to create objects. Moreover, the opportunity to interact with international
experts in a 100% English-speaking environment helps children enhance their English
language skills naturally, learn more about the art of storytelling, and elevate their life
values. This program instills a love for the environment in each child and inspires
them to protect the green planet.

Furthermore, the British Council offers online training projects to establish a self-
directed education network with the goal of integrating climate knowledge into
English language teaching. Teachers are encouraged to apply creative thinking to bring
about change and use their deep understanding of environmental issues to develop
their roles as educators. These teachers are then encouraged to share their knowledge
and experiences with other educators, using this program as a model to expand the
knowledge network and promote discussions about climate change in classrooms
throughout Vietnam.

2. Economic environment
The economic environment consists of economic factors that affect consumer
purchasing power and spending patterns.These factors are often beyond the company's
control and have a huge influence on businesses' activities. For instance, growth rate,
inflation rate, average income level, etc. Therefore, being one of the promising
markets in Ho Chi Minh city, especially Viet Nam, is embracing economic integration.
The English training market has to analyze carefully the changing economic factors
and the opportunities and threats to make informed decisions such as business strategy,
investment, etc. meet the consumer needs.

2.1. Opportunities

2.1.1. Inflation and CPI downward trend

Table 3.1. Average CPI growth rate in months of 2023 compared to the same period
last year (%)

According to the General Statistics Office, the Consumer Price Index (CPI) has been
showing a decreasing trend in its monthly average growth rate, the CPI for the first
seven months of 2023 increased by only 3.12% compared to the same period in 2022.
This is a positive sign indicating that the average CPI for 2023 is expected to achieve
the inflation control target of around 4.5%. The reason behind this trend is the
reduction in domestic fuel prices following the global market trend. When fuel prices
drop, students are more likely to attend language centers than online. This will result in
a significant increase in the number of students returning to traditional learning
methods, downturning concerns about teaching quality due to the lack of direct
interaction between teachers and students through online teaching.

● Views on responding

Proactive response: The center has invested in infrastructure at its new branches,
providing rooms for students to freely discuss, rooms for students to practice
pronunciation, and various other amenities.This advancement by Wall Street English,
based on reducing the financial burden of commuting for students, is a proactive
response in an economic environment. Leveraging its available capital, Wall Street
English has confidently put forth measures to enhance the quality of teaching and
create a more positive impression among its students.

2.1.2. Average income level

Table 3.2. Top 10 provinces and cities with the highest average income in 2022

Based on the preliminary results of the 2022 Household Living Standards Survey by
the General Statistics Office, Ho Chi Minh City ranks third in terms of average
income, with an average income of 6,392,000 VND per person per month. It may not
have the highest average income among all provinces and cities in the country, ranking
third indicates that Ho Chi Minh City's growth rate is gradually recovering, but at a
slower pace.

With this advantage, the demand for educational services for self-investment or for

children is expected to increase. For instance, enrollment in English language courses
at centers within the city's jurisdiction is likely to rise significantly. Alongside this,
there will be increasing demands for teaching quality, infrastructure, convenience, and
other unique benefits that residents in the area are willing to invest in when registering
for language centers.

● Views on responding

Proactive response: Recognizing the opportunity presented by the improving living

standards of the population, VUS (Vietnamese-American School) has introduced
various educational programs catering to different age groups and diverse needs. Apart
from providing English language courses for individuals seeking certification, VUS
also offers courses for elementary school children, busy professionals, and more. The
center has a proactive response which devised strategies based on its strengths to meet
the demands of the market.

2.1.3. Economic integration

In the context of emphasizing economic integration, the benefits it brings to the
Vietnamese economy in general and Ho Chi Minh City in particular have led to a
significant increase in the demand for English language learning, expanding
opportunities for the English training market. Foreign investment sources

Foreign investment not only provides capital but also brings benefits in sharing
knowledge, experience, and international standards in the field of English language
training. It also promotes the development of the education sector and enhances the
quality of teaching services in the English training market. Knowing the potential of
the English language training market in Ho Chi Minh City, some foreign investors
have invested in language centers.

● Views on responding

Proactive response: One familiar app for English learners is ELSA SPEAK.
Recognizing the context of foreign investment sources, CEO Văn Đinh Hồng Vũ
successfully secured $7 million in funding from Gradient Ventures, Google's AI-
focused venture fund. And this demonstrates their initiative approach in seeking
financial support before the market becomes more competitive and faces strong
reactions from foreign competitors. Instead of merely reacting after increased
competition arises, they have taken a proactive and positive initiative to ensure growth
and competitiveness in the industry.This has helped businesses plan English language
training for their employees conveniently without the need to attend language centers. Increasing demand for employment in multinational corporations

In our current “opening”, the demand of learning English is on the rise not only among
students but also among the workforce. According to CareerBuilder Vietnam, a
subsidiary of the world's largest recruitment company from the United States,
CareerBuilder, the company conducted a survey at the end of 2022 and the beginning
of 2023 to select the top 100 most favored employers. In the top 5, two multinational
corporations, SAMSUNG and STAVIAN, made it to the list.

Therefore, the requirement for learning English to increase the chances of being
selected for a job or to meet the English proficiency requirements of employers in the
city has significantly increased among the workforce in the city.

● Views on responding

Proactive response: As one of the leading English training centers, recognizing the
trend of working for multinational corporations, the British Council has launched an
English language training program for businesses called myClass. This exclusive
English program is developed and taught in countries across East Asia. The courses
are modern and innovative, offering flexibility and a wide range of options to meet the
diverse needs of businesses.

2.2. Threats

2.2.1. Decreased economic growth rate in Ho Chi Minh City

Overall, the economic growth of Ho Chi Minh City in the first quarter of 2023 has
significantly declined, reaching only 0.7% and ranking 56th out of 63 provinces and
cities nationwide, primarily due to the economic crisis. Consequently, the income of

the residents has also been affected. This implies that the demand for self-investment
in education as well as for children in terms of improving English proficiency is likely
to decrease compared to previous years.

● Views on responding

Reactive response: To attract more students amid the slowing growth rate of the
city,some English training centers are reducing tuition fees by 25% in September and
offering interest-free installment support, which can be considered a "reactive"
response in the economic environment of the English language training market.
Instead of focusing on improving the quality of teaching or investing in facilities or
mobile applications to support students, they have chosen to discount prices and
provide financial incentives to attract students immediately. While this strategy may
help increase the number of students in the short term, it is not a sustainable method to
compete with competitors and improve service quality. It is essential to consider
strategic measures and invest in enhancing the quality of teaching and services to
attract and retain students in the long run.

2.2.2. Economic integration

Although economic integration presents an opportunity for the development of the
English language training market, it also comes with unpredictable threats that may
cause damage. The number of Vietnamese students abroad

Table 3.3. Number of Vietnamese international students studying abroad in some
prominent countries and territories in 2022

Due to the government's strong investments and favorable policies from advanced
countries like South Korea and Japan for Vietnamese students, Vietnam has seen a
surge in the number of students studying abroad. This has resulted in Vietnamese
students ranking at the top among all nations in these countries. Consequently, there is
a high demand for learning languages like Korean to obtain visas and meet the
requirements of universities. A notable example is Seoul National University, which
requires a minimum Korean proficiency level of TOPIK 3 excluding Korean language

● Views on responding

Proactive response: Given the current situation of Vietnamese students studying

abroad, the English training market must also compete with markets offering other
languages. Recognizing this reality, YOLA, a reputable language center, is planning to
introduce Yola English, specializing in English training combined with skills
development. This will provide a foundation for young learners who plan to study
abroad in the future. YOLA has been proactive by using its strengths and reputation in
the English training market to turn challenges into opportunities and expand its
business.This can be considered a “proactive” response in the economic environment.

14 Labor export

The labor export market presents an opportunity for young people to find attractive job
opportunities with competitive salaries, but it is also a challenge to the English training
market. The total number of Vietnamese workers employed abroad was 59,645
workers (20,585 of whom were female) in the first five months of 2023. This figure
represents 54.2% of the annual plan for 2023 and is more than 1.9 times higher than
the same period last year. Among these workers, Japan is the leading destination for
Vietnamese labor, followed by Taiwan (China) with 26,201 workers.

This trend indicates that the English training market is gradually cooling down in
response to the increasing demand for learning other languages to serve the growing
labor export market. Therefore, English language training centers must develop
programs that can attract more students in this changing landscape.

● View on responding

Proactive response: EIV Education, an English language center in Ho Chi Minh City,
has published an article on the topic of visa interviews for individuals planning to
work abroad in English-speaking countries. This not only helps improve English
proficiency and gain valuable experience but also enhances the center's reputation,
attracting more attention. The result of this proactive response is, the center will have a
larger customer base as more people become aware of it.

3. Demographic environment
In an increasingly globalized world, the ability to communicate in English has become a
valuable asset. As a result, the Learning English market has witnessed significant growth
and diversification. To effectively reach and engage learners, marketing strategies must be
tailored to the demographics of the target students. This essay explores the profound
influence of demographics on marketing in the Learning English market, highlighting key
factors such as age, education level, income, location, cultural background, and language

In marketing research, demographic data is a fundamental component of market

segmentation, which involves dividing a more significant market into smaller, more
homogeneous groups based on shared characteristics. This segmentation allows businesses
to tailor their marketing strategies and messages to better resonate with specific customer

3.1. Opportunities
The English learning market in HCM City is a dynamic and ever-expanding industry that
offers a plethora of opportunities for businesses. Some factors such as globalization,
international travel, and the importance of English in various fields, have created a
favorable environment for growth and innovation.

3.1.1. Exploding demand for learning english

Ho Chi Minh City comprises 19 urban districts and 5 suburban districts, covering an area
of 2,061 square kilometers. The population density was estimated to be 4.292 people per
square kilometer. As of January 2023, according to the World Population Review website,
the city's population exceeded 9.3 million people. With such a high population density, the
demand for English language learning is on the rise, making Ho Chi Minh City one of the
thriving markets for English language training centers in the country with the ambition to
expand nationally.

● Views on responding

Reactive response: After a significant increase in demand for learning English due to
overpopulation, English language centers may start registering for additional classes and
enhance advertising campaigns to seize this opportunity: open more classes in the evenings
or on weekends to meet the learners' needs. The English language center TalkFirst offers
ten flexible learning time slots every day, specializing in tailored content and teaching
methods for all learners, especially those with busy schedules.

3.1.2. Population analysis and geographic distribution Population analysis

Ho Chi Minh City has a diverse population in terms of age, ranging from children to adults
and the elderly. This diversity raises questions regarding the need to provide suitable

education programs for each age group. Many students have varying educational levels,
ranging from beginners in English to those with basic or advanced knowledge.

● Views on responding

Proactive response: To meet these diverse needs, many businesses have organized classes
based on age and educational proficiency. For example, the VUS English Language Center
has developed courses for adults who need to regain their English skills, whereas the
Apollo English Language Center uses the FLIP method combined with well-designed and
detailed curricula to comprehensively develop skills for learners. Geographic distribution

The uneven distribution of schools and English-language education facilities in different

areas is another challenge. Some districts have more schools, whereas others lack one.
However, the population is gradually moving to suburban areas with increasing density in
districts such as Binh Tan, District 12, and Binh Chanh. Factors such as urban development
policies and rising prices in city centers contribute to this migration.

● Views on responding

Proactive response: Consequently, many businesses seize the opportunity to open

additional training centers in these areas to meet the demand for English language learning
conveniently, without the need to travel to the city center. For instance, the ILA, a language
center, has adapted to the city's changing demographics by opening 20 branches in various
districts of Ho Chi Minh City, not just focusing on the city center, including locations such
as the Center Mall (Satra Pham Hung) and ILA Binh Tan. This is a proactive response.

3.1.3. Curriculum direction

Adjusting the curriculum, changing teaching methods, and developing English language
courses that cater to specific learning needs (such as exam preparation or everyday
communication) allows businesses to pinpoint the exact learning requirements of their
students. Consequently, many language centers have developed flexible courses that focus
on practical applications.

● Views on responding

Proactive response: As ACET offers "First Steps English", a program designed for middle
school students, combining a clear roadmap for English language education orientation
(EAP - English for Academic Purposes) with a balanced approach to General English,
Academic English, and conversational English. This provides graduating middle school
students with a strong English language foundation and rich test-taking experiences.

3.1.4. Increased demand for english certifications

Starting in 2020, the Ministry of Education and Training exempted and scored 10 foreign
language subjects in the high school graduation exam for students with IELTS scores of 4.0
or higher (or equivalent English language certificates). In Ho Chi Minh City, nearly 7,900
students were exempted from the foreign language graduation exam in 2022, an increase of
approximately 2,000 compared to the previous year. At the university level, international
foreign language certificates are used in the admission process and are recognized as
standard outcomes. Universities, such as FTU and HCM UTE, have also introduced
admission through foreign language certificates. With a large population, high demand, and
increased competition to meet societal aspirations, the number of candidates taking English
certification exams, such as TOEIC and TOEFL, is rising. In Ho Chi Minh City, 278
examinations with 130,000 candidates were expected.

● Views on responding

Proactive response: Therefore, many language centers have initiated streamlined training
programs using advanced technology, providing in-depth materials, and employing high-
quality instructors. For instance, the VUS English Language Center dedicated 80% of its
class time to practical exercises, allowing students to interact with both Vietnamese and
native English-speaking teachers to effectively enhance all four IELTS skills.

3.1.5. English for older adults

The aging population in Vietnam, particularly in Ho Chi Minh City, is increasing. In Ho
Chi Minh City, the elderly make up 11.3% of the population, an increase of 0.32% from

● Views on responding

Recognizing this trend, businesses have expanded their opportunities by offering English
language programs designed specifically for older adults to attract more learners.

Proactive response: the English Town introduced a separate English program for learners
aged 40 years and above. Understanding that the main goal for older learners is English for
communication, the center has designed a teaching program that focuses on pronunciation,
communication, and reflexes, without placing excessive emphasis on grammar or

3.2. Threats
Besides, businesses and institutions seek to capitalize on this demand, they encounter a
range of challenges in catering to diverse learners.

3.2.1. High education demand

On average, Ho Chi Minh City adds approximately 200,000 officially registered residents
each year, two-thirds of whom are migrants from other areas. Rapid population growth in
urban areas is mainly due to migration and urbanization. As a densely populated city, Ho
Chi Minh City faces overloading in various aspects. The consequence of this process is that

educational infrastructure and teaching equipment do not meet demand. The construction
of standard national-level schools and foreign language education facilities is lagging.

Table 3.4. 10 localities with the highest number of immigrants in the country
according to the General Statistics Office

In 2019, Ho Chi Minh City was the region with the highest number of immigrants in
the whole country, with 772,000 people, which was nearly 300,000 more than Binh
Duong, which ranked second. Infrastructure and human resources

A population explosion can lead to an increased demand for education and higher
requirements for English language instruction. This poses challenges to the educational
infrastructure and the improvement of education quality. For instance, An Hoi Elementary
School, one of the most crowded schools in the Go Vap District, needs classrooms and
English language teachers. Quality of english language instruction

Given the current widespread demand for learning English, quality of instruction is a
critical factor to consider. Taking advantage of this demand, some individuals falsified
foreign language certificates and manipulated their scores for personal gain. Consequently,
the quality of instruction has declined, significantly affecting the English-language training
market. For example, there is the case of a female IELTS instructor (at a center in Go Vap)
who consistently advertised her ability at an 8.0 proficiency level, but her actual test scores
from seven exams in 2019 ranged between 6.5 and 7.0. Additionally, incidents such as
those at the Fighter English Language Center, where they withheld teachers' salaries and
sold low-quality teaching materials, eroded people's trust.

3.2.2. Uneven distribution of education

Ensuring the equal distribution of English language education for everyone in all areas of
Ho Chi Minh City is a significant challenge. Improving the quality of English language
education in schools across different districts and regions is an important goal. To enhance
the accessibility of highly qualified teachers and quality teaching materials, investments in
educational infrastructure and support policies are needed to ensure that there is no
significant disparity in access to and quality of education.

● Views on responding
Reactive response: The majority of RES branches are strategically located near schools,
which reduces the challenges of commuting and provides convenient schedules for
learners. Spread across all districts, geographical distance will no longer be a hindrance on
the way to pursuing the learning journey.

In conclusion, the demographic landscape of Ho Chi Minh City offers a wide array of
opportunities and challenges for businesses operating in the Learning English market. By
understanding the specific needs and preferences of the city's diverse population, English
language providers can tailor their offerings to meet the demands of students,
professionals, and the broader community, ultimately contributing to language proficiency
and social integration in this vibrant urban center.

4. Technological environment
Today, technology is experiencing significant advancements and is being applied in
most aspects of social life. This includes the field of education, particularly the English
language training market, which is undergoing a significant transformation. In the past,
English language teaching and learning had many limitations and drawbacks, causing
difficulties for learners due to traditional and rigid approaches, mainly focused on
vocabulary and grammar, or primarily relying on radio broadcasts, which affected
English listening skills. From this situation, digital technology began to emerge, and
Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools that support remote learning and online interaction
through applications and websites are gaining prominence and are being promoted
through various media channels.

In Ho Chi Minh City, on April 23, 2023, to implement and expand the application of
information technology in English language learning, the Student Support Center,
along with the Vietnamese Student Association, organized a foreign language student
fair under the theme "Touch The Future". The event discussed the role of students in
the digital age, adapting to the changing world through English. Additionally, there
was an exhibition showcasing the technological achievements of digital transformation
in developed countries. This demonstrates the importance of information technology in
global integration.

4.1. Opportunities

4.1.1. Accessibility to extensive learning resources through technology

In the past, accessing learning materials often faced physical and time-related barriers.
However, with technological advancements, people can easily access online learning
resources from anywhere. Interactive websites, online courses, e-books, and language
learning apps have become diverse sources of information, ready to serve everyone's
learning needs. The main benefit of accessing this vast resource is flexibility and
customization. Learners have the freedom to decide their learning pace and choose
topics that interest them. This helps create a personalized learning environment
tailored to their abilities and goals.

● Views on responding

Proactive response: English language training centers and organizations are

demonstrating a keen ability to harness the potential of accessing extensive resources
to elevate the quality of education. Thanks to the burgeoning technological landscape
in Ho Chi Minh City, the English language training market has found effective
avenues to leverage online learning resources.

Specifically, Ho Chi Minh City has firmly established itself as a leading hub for fixed
Internet speeds, boasting 75.10 Mbps download, 72.48 Mbps upload, and a mere 4 ms
latency, as per Speedtest data from the fourth quarter of 2021. This has created a
favorable environment for these centers and organizations to offer a diverse range of
courses, spanning from comprehensive English language programs to specialized
courses in various domains such as business, tourism, healthcare, and numerous other
fields. This truly marks a significant stride in ensuring that learning English becomes
more accessible and effective than ever before.

4.1.2. Online classes

The shift from in-person learning to online education is a significant advancement in
English language education, especially in the context of the Fourth Industrial
Revolution. Technology has introduced a range of new learning materials and
methods. Language learning software such as Duolingo, Memrise, or Rosetta Stone
allows learners to interact with lessons in an engaging manner through games and
exercises. Online interaction between teachers and students through applications like
Zoom or Skype facilitates flexible and convenient learning. Online learning eliminates
geographical and time constraints, enabling learners to participate in English courses
from anywhere and at any time.

● Views on responding

Proactive response: Covid-19 has prompted many businesses to invest in the

development of online English courses to meet the growing demand for remote
learning during the pandemic. The accessibility to extensive resources has allowed
them to create high-quality and flexible online courses.

For instance, the technological environment has enabled learners in Ho Chi Minh City
to access English training programs regardless of their geographical location. In higher
education, the Ministry of Education and Training has issued regulations on the use of
information technology in teaching. Specifically, it has provided guidelines for the
implementation of online learning through the use of information technology. In
secondary education, the Ministry has also actively promoted the creation of e-learning
lessons through competitions. To date, there have been four national competitions for
designing e-learning lessons, with tens of thousands of teachers participating in
building more than 5,000 high-quality lessons, contributing to an extensive online
shared database.
This proactive response from businesses and the education sector reflects the
adaptability and innovation within the community to ensure continued access to
quality education, even in challenging times.

Table 3.5 The number of lecturers participating in online teaching at the University of
Technical Education, Ho Chi Minh City, over the years

4.1.3. Integration of new technologies

Advancements in Virtual Reality (VR) technology in Vietnam have opened up
significant potential in English language education. VR technology is rapidly
developing in Vietnam, and English language training institutions can leverage this
technology to create rich learning experiences. VR simulations can enhance language
learning by providing real-life situations and creating more interactive and engaging
learning environments. Virtual environments closely mirroring reality through VR
allow students to have more authentic learning experiences. Instead of just sitting in a
classroom and listening to lectures, students can participate in interactive and
immersive activities, such as visiting museums, exploring new regions, or conducting
experiments. This helps students apply knowledge to real-life situations and develop
practical skills for the future.

● Views on responding

Proactive response: English language training businesses in Ho Chi Minh City have
taken proactive steps to integrate new technologies into their teaching processes,
enhancing the learning experience for students. One notable example is the Prep.vn
platform, which was launched during the pandemic to offer comprehensive test

preparation. Unlike traditional course-selling websites, Prep.vn tailors its curriculum to
individual needs, providing a one-stop platform for learners.

A standout feature of Prep.vn is its virtual writing and speaking rooms equipped with
AI-powered grading and correction accuracy of up to 90%. In the writing room,
students receive real-time suggestions as they compose essays. In the virtual speaking
room, learners experience authentic speaking tests, with their responses automatically
recorded and evaluated. Results are delivered within minutes, with specific errors
highlighted and feedback provided, along with a higher-scoring essay generated while
preserving the student's ideas.

Another example is the American Learning Lab (ALAB) English Language Center,
which has embraced Industry 4.0 technology. ALAB equips students with smart
screens, computers, and tablet learning devices, facilitating interactive learning. Cloud
computing, big data, and AI are core components of ALAB's technology
infrastructure. The cloud stores all course materials, enabling quick updates and easy
access to new knowledge. Big data collects detailed learning data, while AI
synthesizes and analyzes this information to tailor learning experiences. Real-time
reports help teachers track each student's progress and suggest personalized exercises
for improvement.
Furthermore, there is a focus on interactive tablet technology, engaging students
through multimedia content. ALAB offers a Parent App, enabling parents to monitor
attendance, evaluations, and AI-generated progress reports. A Student App encourages
collaborative learning at home.

Lastly, Ant Edu Joint Stock Company has partnered with Language Confidence, an
AI-first company, to integrate AI technology into English language training programs.
Language Confidence provides an API toolkit to support automated learning on
various digital platforms. This technology emphasizes voice assessment based on
Oxford Languages' pronunciation data, bolstered by AI. The integration spans
competency assessments, curriculum development, training, and final assessments,
ensuring users develop proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills.
These examples illustrate the proactive efforts of English language training businesses

in Ho Chi Minh City to leverage technology and enhance the quality of education for
their students.

4.2. Threats

4.2.1. Lack of feedback and personalized interaction

In online teaching environments, especially with a large number of learners, creating
interaction between teachers and students becomes challenging. Technology can
partially automate teaching, but it struggles with personalization. Learners may feel
distant and lack a personal connection with their instructors, which can affect their
motivation and learning performance. In online teaching, students often do not receive
real-time feedback from instructors. Waiting for feedback can diminish motivation and
student engagement. Students may also struggle with time management and self-
regulation when they do not receive specific guidance from instructors. This can lead
to a lack of progress in learning English.

● Views on responding

Proactive response: In modern education, the incorporation of interactive technologies

is paramount. By utilizing tools such as video meetings, online forums, and live chat,
institutions can create real-time interaction opportunities that bridge the gap between
instructors and students. This fosters active engagement and facilitates immediate

Furthermore, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) adds a layer of

personalization to the learning process. AI algorithms assess individual students'
progress and offer instant feedback, tailoring educational experiences to their unique
needs and abilities.

To enhance the sense of community and connection, it's essential to establish online
learning communities. These platforms enable students to interact with peers, engage
in group learning, and form personal connections that enrich their educational journey.
However, one of the limitations of technology in the English language training market
is its ability to provide feedback and personalized interaction, which is often limited
compared to face-to-face teaching. Although interactive platforms exist, they may not
provide the same level of nuanced feedback and real-time interaction as a classroom
environment between teachers and students. A survey conducted by the University of
Foreign Languages and Information Technology in Vietnam showed that 70% of
students prefer traditional classroom learning over online courses due to the lack of
feedback and personalized interaction (according to a study on student satisfaction
with combined training in English language subjects - 2023).

Addressing this limitation is crucial for educators and institutions to ensure that
technology-enhanced learning experiences provide the necessary feedback and
personalization required for effective language training.

4.2.2. Technology disparities and lack of digital literacy awareness

The issue of technology disparities and a lack of digital literacy awareness are
significant challenges in English language education in Ho Chi Minh City. While the
overall Internet usage rate seems high in Ho Chi Minh City, technology disparities still
exist. Certain areas and socio-economic groups still face limitations in Internet access
and technical devices. This creates a digital divide, affecting the ability to participate
in online courses and access English language knowledge and training opportunities.
To address this issue, there is a need for investment in enhancing awareness and digital
literacy training for the community, especially for those who lack technological

● Views on responding

Proactive response: Businesses have taken proactive steps to ensure that both
instructors and students acquire fundamental digital skills. This proactive approach
aims to enable everyone to effectively utilize technology in the teaching and learning
Additionally, these businesses have recognized the importance of providing technical
support services to assist instructors and students in addressing technology-related
issues. This support is available through various channels, including phone, email, or
online chat, offering timely solutions to resolve technical problems as needed.
However, it's essential to acknowledge that despite the overall increase in Internet
usage, disparities in digital literacy persist in Ho Chi Minh City. Not all individuals
possess the same level of digital literacy, which can limit their ability to navigate and
effectively utilize online English training materials. A study conducted by the World
Bank has revealed that only 43% of adults in Vietnam have basic digital skills. This
underscores the ongoing need for additional support and training initiatives to bridge
the digital literacy gap and ensure that technology-enhanced learning remains
accessible to all.
In summary, the application of technology in English language education in Vietnam
offers opportunities to enhance language learning and increase access to learning
resources and experiences. However, challenges such as training and quality control
need to be addressed to fully harness the potential of technology in English education.

5. Political and social environment

Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC), the vibrant economic and cultural hub of Vietnam, has
witnessed significant developments in the field of English language education in
recent years. The city's political and social environment has played a pivotal role in
shaping the opportunities and challenges for English training institutions. This essay
explores the dynamics of the English training market in HCMC, focusing on the
opportunities and threats arising from its political and social context.

5.1. Opportunities
Ho Chi Minh City, one of Vietnam's leading economic, cultural, and educational
centers, is witnessing significant development in the field of English language
education. Notably, the city's socio-political environment has generated a series of
important opportunities, igniting the growth potential for businesses participating in
the market. Below, we will delve into how this socio-political environment creates
opportunities for the development of enterprises.

5.1.1. The Vietnamese legal system facilitates the training of the English language
in Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam's Competition Law of 2018

In the fierce competition of the modern economy, ensuring fair competition in the field
of English language education is a crucial task. Vietnam's Competition Law of 2018

has played a significant role in protecting legitimate businesses, eliminating
illegitimate ones, and promoting fair competition by establishing basic rules to ensure
healthy competition among enterprises and English language teaching organizations in
Ho Chi Minh City. Acts of monopoly, competition obstruction, and market-sharing
agreements have been regulated. This encourages businesses to improve the quality of
their teaching and services to seize opportunities in the market.

Furthermore, the Competition Law of 2018 ensures that legitimate businesses have the
opportunity to invest in the field of English language teaching. The development of
modern infrastructure, the creation of new courses, and the training of high-quality
teachers are opportunities that language centers can leverage to enhance their services.
This also benefits students, as they have the chance to access quality education.

Moreover, the Competition Law of 2018 not only protects businesses but also
safeguards the rights of consumers against improper conduct by illegitimate
businesses. The removal of centers or organizations that do not meet teaching
standards and quality ensures that consumers benefit from healthy competition and are
not deceived. When illegitimate businesses are removed from the market, it creates
opportunities for new businesses and startups in the field of English language
education. They can thrive and grow in a competitive and innovative environment,
fostering the growth and development of the English language teaching market. The 2019 Labor Law of Vietnam

The 2019 Labor Law of Vietnam marked a significant step in creating opportunities
for the field of English language education. The regulations and procedures made it
easy for native English-speaking teachers from other countries to come to Vietnam to
teach. This has brought diversity and higher quality to English education, enabling
students and English learners in Ho Chi Minh City to have exposure to standardized

This legislation has also attracted experts and talents from other countries to work in
Vietnam, promoting the development of the English language teaching sector. This has
brought innovation and diversity to teaching methods. The participation of native

English-speaking teachers and diversity in the English teaching workforce has
enhanced the quality of education in Ho Chi Minh City.

Students and English learners have the opportunity to develop language skills
effectively and gain confidence in using English in their daily lives. In summary, the
2019 Labor Law has created many important opportunities for the field of English
language education in Ho Chi Minh City by diversifying the workforce and focusing
on education quality, while also promoting the future growth of this industry. The 2019 Education Law of Vietnam

For learners, the 2019 Education Law of Vietnam plays a crucial role in protecting the
rights of English language learners in Ho Chi Minh City and throughout the country.
This law establishes quality standards for education, including English language
teaching, ensuring that learners receive effective and fair training. Additionally, the
2019 Education Law also guarantees learners' rights to choose suitable English
language learning institutions that match their needs and abilities. This fosters
competition among English language teaching organizations, promoting innovation
and improving the quality of teaching.

The law also regulates the legality and transparency of English language teaching
organizations, ensuring that they operate in compliance with regulations and do not
deceive learners. Furthermore, under Article 83, Clause 5 of the 2019 Education Law,
the law provides for the issuance of diplomas, certificates, and qualifications to
students and English language learners upon completion of education programs as
stipulated. This encourages learners to study and develop, equipping them with the
necessary knowledge and skills, providing them with results reflecting their
proficiency and competence, and creating better opportunities for employment and
career advancement. It also opens doors for further education and participation in
international programs, expanding learners' horizons and experiences.

Finally, the establishment of monitoring and oversight mechanisms helps ensure that
English language teaching organizations adhere to regulations and meet quality
standards, ensuring the safety and interests of English language learners in Ho Chi
Minh City.
5.1.2. The training of foreign languages has received attention and investment
from the government.
The government is currently focusing on investing in the field of education and
training in Vietnam, with special emphasis on foreign language instruction. Increasing
funding from the government and international organizations in this sector has created
a significant opportunity to improve the English language education system in Ho Chi
Minh City. These investments can be used to build modern schools, improve facilities,
and provide higher-quality teacher training. This will create better conditions for
English language instruction and enhance the proficiency of students. Lieutenant
Colonel, MSc Pham Thi Nguyet Minh, spoke about foreign language instruction in
response to the requirements of the Fourth Industrial Revolution: “Teaching foreign
languages to meet the demands of the Fourth Industrial Revolution requires the
integration of many factors, departments, stages, and steps in the training process. This
also provides a favorable condition for functional departments and agencies to
strengthen coordination and support for foreign language teaching. It also reaffirms the
role of education management officials in the activities of managing, directing, and
overseeing the quality and effectiveness of foreign language instruction. In addition,
the organizational capacity and the execution of teaching tasks by the teaching staff, as
well as the motivation, attitude, and sense of responsibility of learners, are further
enhanced to meet the requirements of teaching and learning foreign languages in the
context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The quality of fundamental activities in
the training process, such as electronic library activities and the utilization of technical
equipment, applications, and websites for teaching and learning foreign languages, is
gradually improved.”

The political situations in other countries around the world are constantly evolving and
becoming increasingly complex, but Vietnam continues to maintain peace and
stability, creating conditions for attracting investment and pursuing sustainable
development strategies.

The "Good Government Chandler Index'' (CGGI) is an important assessment tool for
measuring the quality of government and creating conditions for the sustainable
development of a country. According to the 2022 CGGI rankings, Vietnam has made

significant progress compared to 2021. In the 2022 CGGI rankings, Vietnam ranks
third among low to middle-income countries and 56th out of a total of 104 ranked
countries/territories. This demonstrates a substantial improvement in government
management and policy enforcement capacity. This is the result of the continuous
efforts of the Vietnamese government to improve the country's political and economic

One noteworthy point is that while political situations in many countries around the
world are becoming complex with conflicts and instability, Vietnam has maintained
peace and stability. This can be seen as an important factor in creating a stable
environment to attract investment and develop sustainable strategies. Vietnam's
improvement in the CGGI index also reflects the government's efforts to enhance
governance and policy enforcement. This includes strengthening policy
implementation, reducing corruption, and increasing transparency in financial
management and resources. These efforts have created a stable and favorable
environment for investment and economic development.

Another noteworthy point is that building a Good Government is not only Vietnam's
specific goal but also an essential part of global sustainable development. Good
Government helps create a stable environment to attract investment, promote
economic development, and build the necessary infrastructure for social development
and the environment. This is especially crucial in the context of global challenges such
as climate change, political instability, and ensuring sustainable development.

In the future, Vietnam needs to continue prioritizing Good Government in its national
development agenda. This involves maintaining and improving CGGI scores while
implementing necessary measures to ensure political stability and enhance
transparency in governance. This will help Vietnam maintain a favorable environment
for investment and ensure sustainable development in the future.

● Views on responding

Proactive response: Apollo English is the first 100% foreign-owned English language
training center in Vietnam, established in 1994. Apollo is a member of International
House, a reputable and long-standing English language organization from the United
Kingdom. With the motto "Where the best become better", Apollo continuously strives
to become the leading English language training center in Vietnam. Apollo currently
has 8 modern English language learning centers in major cities such as Ho Chi Minh
City, Hanoi, Hai Phong, and Da Nang. Apollo serves as evidence of the state's ability
to attract investment along with close diplomatic policies, bringing large businesses
into the English language training market in Vietnam contributing to raising the
teaching standards and developing a multicultural learning environment.

5.1.3. Integration and international cooperation.

In recent years, Vietnam has engaged in various forms of international cooperation and
leveraged its political relationships to promote marketing objectives in the field of
English language education. These forms of cooperation include:

Bilateral and multilateral cooperation: Vietnam has established contracts and

agreements with many countries and international organizations to promote English
language teaching. For example, cooperation programs between Vietnam and
countries such as the UK, the US, Australia, and Canada have created favorable
conditions for teacher training and the development of English language courses.

Promoting study abroad and scholarships: The Vietnamese government has signed
agreements on scholarships and student exchanges with many countries. This helps
advertise English language programs at universities and training centers in Ho Chi
Minh City by creating opportunities for studying abroad.

Collaboration between organizations and businesses: English language teaching

centers in Ho Chi Minh City frequently collaborate with international organizations
and businesses to develop English language courses and programs. This promotes
access to international resources and knowledge.

For learners, the government has promoted opportunities for international education in
Ho Chi Minh City by collaborating with other countries, developing international
study programs, and opening doors for students to participate in English language
courses abroad or study at international universities and colleges. These opportunities
not only help students improve their English proficiency but also open up prospects for
studying and working abroad, contributing to personal development and national
development. Furthermore, studying and working abroad also promote cultural
exchange and international cooperation, creating new opportunities for integration and
sustainable development. Social and political policies through educational cooperation
have created precious opportunities for students and positively contributed to the
development of Ho Chi Minh City and Vietnam as a whole.

Ho Chi Minh City is an important tourism center in Vietnam. Through continuous

expansion of diplomatic relations, enhanced international promotion of the country's
image, and a strategic focus on tourism development, the Vietnamese government has
paved the way for the growth of the English language teaching market in Ho Chi Minh

Developing English courses for the tourism and service industry: Ho Chi Minh City
has developed English courses specifically tailored for those working in the tourism
and service sector. This helps them improve their English proficiency to serve
international tourists professionally. These courses include learning industry-specific
terminology and communication skills, thereby meeting the needs of the sector and
creating job opportunities for residents.

English language training for international tourists: Ho Chi Minh City consistently
attracts a large number of international tourists every year. These tourists often have a
desire to learn English to interact and gain a better understanding of the local culture.
This has created a market for teaching English to tourists, ranging from short-term
courses to English language combined with sightseeing tours. English language
centers can leverage this opportunity for business and growth.

5.2. Threats
Teaching English in Ho Chi Minh City faces several significant challenges, including
the limitations and constraints of Vietnam's socio-political environment. In this
section, we will specifically explore how these limitations have created difficulties in
teaching English in Ho Chi Minh City and their impact on the education sector in this

5.2.1. Law - Confronting the Times
One of the most notable challenges is that English language education programs are
not keeping up with the times. Vietnamese laws and education policies do not exhibit
the necessary flexibility to keep up with the rapid global educational developments. A
specific example is that many English language centers in Ho Chi Minh City continue
to use outdated teaching materials and methods. They cannot adapt to innovations in
teaching and learning English. Students and teachers at these centers may struggle to
access modern teaching materials and tools, feeling limited in the learning and
teaching process. Furthermore, in the case of English language education in
elementary and secondary schools, or even some universities, the government has not
reformed teaching methods and curricula, leading to less effective English teaching
and learning.

Challenges in updating teaching materials: Copyright policies and intellectual property

laws also pose a challenge when it comes to updating teaching materials. To illustrate
this, consider the case of an English language center wanting to use a new and modern
English curriculum. However, obtaining the rights to use this curriculum can be
difficult due to high costs or copyright issues. Therefore, the center may have to rely
on outdated teaching materials or produce new materials themselves, which requires
significant time and resources.

Limitations on innovation and creativity: Innovation and creativity in teaching English

are crucial to creating a better learning environment for students. However, legal
policies can pose limitations to this innovation.

Degree and teaching certificate requirements: Some regulations that require degrees
and teaching certificates can make the recruitment process more challenging,
especially when there are many educators and private tutors in society with the
necessary subject expertise but lack teaching certificates to instruct at schools.

Cost of learning and updating knowledge: The process of learning and updating
knowledge for English teachers can require significant investment from schools,
Language Centers, or individual educators. English language education is constantly
evolving, and teachers need to regularly update their knowledge by taking tests like

IELTS, TOEIC, and others to familiarize themselves with exam formats and stay
updated on relevant questions. This helps them develop appropriate lesson plans and
teaching methods for their students. Budget constraints can make it difficult to
maintain and develop the teaching staff.

The implementation of Resolution No. 88/2014/QH13 and Resolution No.

51/2017/QH14 of the National Assembly regarding the reform of curriculum and
textbooks in general education.

Difficulty in selection: There are too many textbook options, making it challenging for
learners and teachers to choose the most suitable books for their learning needs and
proficiency levels. This can make the textbook management process complicated and

Lack of consistency in teaching: The diversity of textbooks can lead to teachers using
different materials within the same course, resulting in inconsistency in teaching. This
can make students feel confused and have difficulty keeping up with the instruction.

Financial pressure: Buying multiple different textbooks can require learners and
parents to spend a significant amount on book purchases. This can create financial
pressure, especially for families with low incomes. "The Publishing House of
Education in Vietnam, under the management of the Ministry of Education and
Training, has not fulfilled its responsibilities and tasks well in terms of compiling,
printing, and distributing textbooks, leading to violations of the law and high
distribution costs (discounts), resulting in relatively high textbook prices", reported the
National Assembly's Standing Committee.

Challenges in assessment and setting standards: The diversity of textbooks can make it
challenging to assess knowledge and set quality standards. Teachers and schools must
ensure that the chosen textbooks meet teaching and assessment standards. "The
selection of multiple sets of textbooks creates difficulties in the procurement process,
ensuring the supply of textbooks before the new school year. Differences in content
and structure in each set of books make it difficult to create common exams, and
students transferring schools have to buy textbooks again, making it difficult to access
knowledge", noted the National Assembly's Standing Committee.
The biggest challenge facing the English language training market in Ho Chi Minh
City is the unresolved legal loopholes.

The market is constantly changing, but the legal framework cannot adapt quickly
enough to accommodate all the changes and new trends. This has created an
environment with many legal loopholes, and as a result, some English language
training centers have taken advantage of these gaps to carry out fraudulent activities
and misappropriate the assets of students and parents.

● Views on responding

Proactive response: In February 2023, there were reports of fraudulent activities and
serious breaches of teaching contracts by the Apax Leaders English Language Center.
Speaking to a reporter from Tin tức newspaper, Ms. Nguyễn Thạch L. revealed that
since April 2022, she had paid 138 million VND for her two children to study English
at the Apax Leaders English language center in Hai Bà Trưng District (District 3).
However, during their time of study, her children's learning was continuously
disrupted for various reasons. Starting from November 2022, the center announced a
postponement of classes for restructuring and rescheduled them to January 2023 and
later postponed again after the Lunar New Year, with no further information provided.
According to the Deputy Director of the Ho Chi Minh City Department of Education
and Training, concerning language centers, the Department only manages the
academic aspects, including the curriculum and teachers. Regarding parental concerns
such as unpaid tuition fees, refund requests, or cases of fraud, the Department will
cooperate with relevant authorities with jurisdiction to address these issues while
ensuring the rights of students. The Department of Education and Training in Ho Chi
Minh City further noted that, at present, among the 41 branches of the Apax Leaders
English language center in Ho Chi Minh City, only one location in Phú Nhuận District
is still operating, while the other centers have been sealed and closed. The limited
intervention of relevant authorities in such matters may indeed create opportunities for
English language centers like Apax Leaders to continue operating and potentially
engage in fraudulent activities or misappropriation of assets, as previously described.
It underscores the importance of regulatory oversight and enforcement to protect the

rights and interests of students and parents and maintain the integrity of the language
education sector.

Addressing these challenges requires enhanced oversight and regulation by relevant

authorities. Specific and effective regulations are essential to control the activities of
English language centers, ensuring transparency and quality. These regulations should
be regularly updated to remain effective and aligned with changes in the English
language education market. Strengthened monitoring and periodic inspections are also
crucial in preventing fraudulent activities and ensuring the quality of education.

5.2.2. Politics: Policies for resource allocation and budget funding

Government's priority decisions: The government must decide how to allocate
resources and budget funding for various areas of education and national development.
If the government chooses to focus on other educational objectives, such as enhancing
technical or scientific development, resources and attention to English language
teaching may be reduced, and teachers and students may not receive sufficient support
and resources to develop English language skills.

Impact on resources and budget funding: The first impact of political priorities and
education policies is on resources and budget funding. When the government decides
to cut resources or budget funding for English language teaching, schools and
language centers in Ho Chi Minh City may face various challenges. Reduced budgets
can lead to cutting back on English language instruction or limiting program scales.
This can affect the access of students and English learners in Ho Chi Minh City to
high-quality training programs.

Impact on international competitiveness: The final impact of political priorities and

education policies is on international competitiveness. In the era of globalization,
English language skills are crucial for success in international trade and cooperation. If
the government does not invest sufficient resources and attention in English language
teaching, English learners in Ho Chi Minh City may fall behind in international

5.2.3. International certifications and verification.
Counterfeit certificates: One of the major challenges is the prevalence of counterfeit
international English language certificates. This raises concerns about the accuracy of
certificates and qualifications held by learners. "The IELTS examination has only been
organized by a few global entities such as the British Council and IDP Education, so
candidates should be well-informed and choose reputable test preparation centers to
avoid falling victim to scams", noted Dr. Dung. To address this issue, the Ministry of
Education and Training has issued a directive requiring local Departments of
Education and Training to strengthen the management of foreign language proficiency
certificate-granting organizations operating within their jurisdictions. Furthermore, the
Ministry of Education and Training is currently reviewing applications for the
approval of projects to establish partnerships for granting foreign language proficiency
certificates in Vietnam, in accordance with Decree No. 86/2018/ND-CP and Circular
No. 11/2022/TT-BGDĐT. However, as of now, many applications for partnership
establishment do not meet the requirements, particularly concerning quality assurance,
partnership criteria, or the legal status of the involved parties. The provided
information in these proposals is also insufficient or unclear, hence the Ministry of
Education and Training lacks the necessary grounds to approve and publicly announce
them for public monitoring. Notably, some organizations and entities have announced
the suspension of foreign language proficiency certificate granting due to their partner
organizations not having submitted complete or adequate applications in accordance
with the provisions of Decree No. 86/2018/ND-CP and Circular No. 11/2022/TT-

Verification capacity of issuing organizations: Authentication has become an essential

tool in verifying accuracy and legal compliance in transaction contracts, purchases,
and more. It ensures trust and prevents deception among involved parties, helping to
prevent disputes and legal violations, ultimately contributing to social stability. Some
certificate-issuing organizations may not have robust verification systems in place,
making the verification process more challenging. Article 2 of Decree No.
23/2015/ND-CP stipulates the following: "Authentication of copies from originals is
carried out by competent authorities and organizations by the provisions of Decree No.

23/2015/ND-CP, based on the original to confirm that the copy is identical to the

Online certificates: The development of online English certificates has brought along a
series of challenges, including easier counterfeiting. This stems from the ease of
conducting fraudulent activities on the internet, including creating fake documents and
certificates. The lack of robust online verification systems has provided opportunities
for dishonest individuals to produce and use counterfeit certificates. This not only
threatens the legitimacy of English certificates but also impacts the credibility of
learners and employers. To address this challenge, it is essential to establish strong and
reliable online verification systems to safeguard the accuracy of online English
certificates and ensure that learners and employers can trust their quality.

Costs associated with certificates and verification: The process of verification and
obtaining international certificates often entails significant expenses for educational
institutions and instructors. These costs may include participating in training courses,
taking exams, and obtaining certificates. The impact of this challenge is that
educational organizations may have to increase course fees to offset the costs of
verification and certification. This can make learning English more expensive and less
accessible for some learners.

Challenges related to international recognition: Some international certificates and

verifications may not be recognized or have limited validity in certain countries or
organizations. This can create barriers for learners when they want to use these
certificates for studying abroad or seeking employment in foreign countries. The
impact of this challenge is that learners and instructors may face difficulties in using
international certificates to pursue career or educational opportunities in other

Addressing these challenges requires collaboration between educational institutions,

governments, and accreditation organizations. This presents an opportunity to enhance
the accuracy and reliability of the English language teaching system while
safeguarding the rights of learners and employers.

5.2.4. Challenge in international diplomatic relations.
International relations have had significant and far-reaching impacts on English
language education in Ho Chi Minh City, creating many noteworthy challenges.

Fierce competition: The enhanced international relations have turned Ho Chi Minh
City into an attractive destination, a place for large English language centers
worldwide to invest in and develop English language training. This has led to intense
competition between local training centers and Vietnamese teachers with foreign
enterprises. To survive and thrive, native educational organizations must make
continuous efforts to retain students and attract them with unique methods and high-
quality services.

Challenges in student diversity: Students from various countries and different cultural
backgrounds require teachers to have knowledge of cultural diversity and adaptability.
Understanding and respecting different cultures in the classroom can be a challenge,
especially when dealing with varying levels of communication skills and English
proficiency. This demands flexibility and sensitivity from teachers in creating a
comfortable and inclusive learning environment.

Researching effective teaching methods: Teaching English in an international

environment demands effective teaching methods. Teachers need to adapt to the
different learning styles of students and create engaging and interesting lessons to
stimulate their learning. This requires creativity and ongoing research to develop
teaching methods that are suitable for a diverse student population.

Testing and assessment: For international students, testing and assessing English
proficiency often needs to adhere to international standards such as TOEFL, IELTS, or
Cambridge English Exams. This places pressure on teachers to ensure that their
students have the necessary knowledge and skills to meet these goals. Teachers need to
use effective assessment methods to ensure that students are well-prepared for
international exams.

Quality of training and teaching materials: International relations can lead to the
availability of various teaching materials and courses. However, not all of them
guarantee quality. Educational institutions need to ensure that they use reliable and
effective teaching materials and courses to ensure that students acquire the necessary
knowledge and skills.

These challenges require continuous time and effort investment from English teachers
and language teaching institutions in Ho Chi Minh City. However, they also provide
opportunities to enhance the quality of education and meet the increasingly diverse
needs of international students.

6. Social-cultural environment
The social-cultural environment encompasses factors that influence fundamental
values, perceptions, desires, preferences, and personalities of individuals living in
society. Within society, cultural factors are one of the main factors that shape the
beliefs, core values, perspectives, and lifestyles of individuals growing up within that
society. Through this, culture impacts the perceptions and views of consumers
regarding a business, product, or service produced by that business. Changes in the
cultural characteristics of the target customers compel businesses to adapt their
marketing strategies to effectively reach and meet the needs of these customers, as
well as to sustain and maintain long-term development in that culture.

This results in the "English language training market in Ho Chi Minh City", which is
heavily influenced by the social-cultural environment, impacting the perspectives
and perceptions of language learners. It demands that English language training
programs, whether from schools or language centers, demonstrate sensitivity and
meticulous analysis in understanding the ever-changing dynamics of the current
international integration era. This is essential to identify opportunities and challenges
to provide English learners with the values they truly seek.

6.1. Opportunities

6.1.1. Subcultures
Subcultures refer to groups of individuals within a culture that have distinct
characteristics compared to the broader culture they belong to. Subcultures often retain
certain traits of the “parent” culture. Subcultures emerge when a group of people share
common experiences or values that differentiate them from other groups within the
“parent” culture.

Understanding various subcultures is crucial for English language centers in

developing cost-effective marketing strategies for the most efficient reach and impact.
It provides a general understanding of English learning target groups in the market,
market segments, and more effective identification of the target market. Subcultures
can also offer detailed information about norms, behaviors, and acceptable
expectations, which can significantly help marketing communications. The difference in regional cultural aspects (Regional Subcultures)

It can be said that Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City are the two largest cities in Vietnam,
thriving in economics, culture, and politics. Nowadays, although the cultural
differences between these two cities are gradually narrowing, they persist.

Hanoi is the capital of Vietnam with a 1000-year history and tends to preserve ancient
and traditional cultural aspects. This is due to Hanoi's concentration on many
traditional values and ways of behavior dating back to ancient times. The people of
Hanoi often preserve and inherit these values, creating a distinctive cultural space
where social interactions often bear the imprint of history and tradition.

On the other hand, Ho Chi Minh City is heavily influenced by Western cultures,
particularly from the United States and France. This has created a modern and relaxed
cultural environment, characterized by openness and lack of constraints. The culture
here reflects the dynamic development of young generations, modern entrepreneurs,
and prosperity in the commercial sector.

● Views on responding

Proactive response: Recognizing that Ho Chi Minh City attracts many foreign
businesses establishing their headquarters, it generates a high demand for proficient
English speakers in work and study environments. As a result, Ho Chi Minh City's
English training facilities prioritize spending on high-quality instruction and a
qualified teaching team. Ho Chi Minh City has many leading universities with majors
related to English, enabling students to access in-depth and diverse knowledge.
Educational institutions here regularly organize study programs and extracurricular
activities to stimulate language progress and development for students. Furthermore,
Ho Chi Minh City has a dense community of foreigners, with cultural exchange and
learning experiences, creating a suitable environment for daily English practice and
enhancement. For learners, this promotes the organic growth of their language abilities
and communication. The age-specific cultural differences (Subcultures Based on Age)

Different age groups tend to approach English learning differently. Nowadays,

learning English is not just for students in middle school; some youngsters begin to
show interest in the subject as early as preschool and elementary school.

Children under 6 years old typically approach English through fun activities, vivid
visuals, stimulating creativity, and focusing on fundamental communication and
listening skills. Vocabulary and grammar are introduced naturally and comfortably.

Teenagers, aged 7 to 17, often participate in specialized courses at school or dedicated

centers. Learning English becomes an essential part of their lives, focusing on building
vocabulary, understanding grammar, and developing listening, speaking, reading, and
writing skills. They often use textbooks and mobile applications suitable for their
proficiency level.

Adults who are 18 years of age and older study English to improve their ability to
communicate personally, grow in their jobs, or get ready to study abroad. They take
part in specialist training, look for internet resources, and concentrate on their
objectives like foreign diplomas, advanced English, or everyday conversation. For
them, studying English turns into a tool for breaking down barriers and realizing
personal goals.

● Views on responding

Proactive response: English language schools must provide adaptable curricula and
teaching methods for younger students to meet their demands. For teenagers aged 7-
17, the demand for learning English to develop comprehensive and diverse skills is
increasingly high. Centers should focus on providing specialized courses, utilizing
technology and suitable mobile applications to enhance the efficiency of instruction.
For adults aged 18 and above, English language centers should offer flexible, quality
courses tailored to individual needs, ranging from international certifications to
specialized English. The market for English instruction in Ho Chi Minh City is seizing
substantial chances to broaden and enhance programs, as well as adaptable teaching
strategies that are appropriate for a variety of students, from young children to teens
and adults. As a result, the student population in Ho Chi Minh City will benefit from a
broad and rich learning environment that offers a wide range of options and engaging
educational possibilities.

6.1.2. The evolution of secondary cultural values

The economic development of countries and the interaction, and integration of cultures
can lead to subtle changes in cultural and social values that impact Marketing. Gender equality

Today, life is progressing, and the perspective of gender equality and the LGBT
community is more widely accepted. In regions having strong growth of culture as Ho
Chi Minh city, these views have been actively fostered while simultaneously erasing
outdated beliefs: prioritizing males over females and discriminating against LGBTQ

● Views on responding

Proactive response: All genders have equal needs to access English. This presents an
opportunity for schools and language centers to attract many students desiring to learn
English, breaking down gender barriers. The British Council organized a film program
on the theme of Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI), featuring the film Hamlet
(2015) in which actress Maxine Peake played the main male role (Hamlet) and was
screened in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi.

The EDI-themed film program was part of the activities of the “Diversity and
Inclusion Week” organized by the British Council in Vietnam to honor diversity and
evaluate the activities that the British Council has been and is implementing to
enhance equality, diversity, and inclusion in activities in Vietnam.

The staff at the teaching centers of the British Council also dedicated themselves to
bringing gender-related topics into classroom practice and creating opportunities for
students and parents to participate in gender-related dialogues. A drawing contest-
themed “superheroes” attracted a lot of primary and secondary school students to
participate. Primary school students also enjoyed lessons related to equality, diversity,
and inclusion, while high school students participated in a writing competition on
gender stereotypes, and adult learners joined an English club on themes of fairness,
diversity, and inclusion.

Their activities went beyond the walls of the British Council with screenings of the
films “Danish Girl” and “Hamlet” directed by Sarah Frankcom, featuring Maxine
Peake as the prince, in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. Presentations and discussions on
LGBT, gender and theater, gender and power in Shakespeare's works were lively and
engaging. Self-study spirit

With the robust development of the Industry 5.0 era, we can leverage the potential of
technology for personalized growth. English learners are becoming more proactive in
their learning methods. Besides learning English through traditional classrooms,
language centers, or online courses, some individuals choose to actively learn English
for free by combining learning with entertainment through movies, music, YouTube,
and more. It's undeniable that this learning approach allows you to access native
speakers' voices, and be emotionally impacted through real-life situations and contexts
during a few hours of viewing, bringing unique benefits compared to traditional
reading and "running" learning methods. When combined with the correct learning
approach, integrating learning with entertainment becomes the most useful and
convenient tool for you to self-learn English quickly, retain knowledge for a long time,
and enhance proficiency actively and responsibly. Importantly, you can apply what
you've learned without going anywhere.

● Views on responding

Proactive response: Understanding the self-learning spirit of current English learners,

applying modern learning methods, and emphasizing proactivity in studying. Free
online English learning platforms have emerged, attracting a large audience and
promoting language centers, online exam preparation courses, etc., in a natural way to

At the end of 2022, the English learning startup eJoy secured first place in the
Vietnamese Startup 2022 competition. eJoy is known as a multi-platform foreign
language learning ecosystem. According to the representatives of this startup, the
unique feature of this platform compared to its main competitors is the learning
experience. Specifically, users can practice the language through various forms such as
reading newspapers, watching movies (on Ted Talk, Netflix, Amazon, Courser, and
YouTube), and understanding the content through instant translation tools, thereby
mastering the four skills of English: listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

Another feature, Watch Me, allows users to learn English through YouTube on the
online application “Class for Me” watching free videos with accompanying questions
for effective language learning. Leveraging the users' preference for the online
learning app “Class for Me”, Raz-Kids & Khan Academy have promoted courses with
a 1-1 Teacher program for young children.

YouTube is becoming increasingly popular and the top choice with many channels
offering free educational and entertaining content. Examples include BBC Learning
English, VOA Learning English, Speak English with Mr. Duncan, Learn English with
TV Series, English For You, etc. Due to the popularity of this social media platform,
we often encounter advertisements introducing courses from language centers. It's a
source of reference for selecting suitable study options while enjoying entertainment
and learning. The IELTS craze

Different age groups pursuing various learning objectives are racing after the "IELTS
fever" and IELTS has almost become a "passport" for many learners. The emphasis on
IELTS certification in society, especially in Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC), is due to the
increasing demand for learning English and the various purposes for which this
certification is needed. Many universities in Vietnam consider IELTS scores for
admissions, alongside high school graduation scores, study abroad plans, job
applications, etc., making higher IELTS scores more valuable.
In HCMC, starting in 2021, the recruitment for grade 6 English-intensive classes by
the Department of Education and Training has expanded. Students achieving at least
A2 level, following the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages,
Cambridge Flyer certification from 10/15 points upwards, or TOEFL Primary Step 2
from 3/5 badges onwards, are eligible. Although the enrollment regulations for lower
grades in HCMC follow territorial zoning, English certifications play a significant role
in the criteria for grade 6 admissions in middle schools, prompting many parents to
frantically search for testing centers for their children to take the English certification
exams, aiming for priority consideration in the upcoming primary enrollment.

Consequently, in recent years, English centers have been flooded with information
about IELTS, TOEIC, and other exam preparation courses, pledging successful
certification attainment. According to IDP, one of the two organizations conducting
IELTS exams in Vietnam, there is no specific age requirement, but candidates are
advised to register if they are over 16 years old. Many very young learners have been
enrolled by their parents in IELTS courses to study abroad right from high school,
aiming to improve their English and enhance critical thinking in English, especially for
students planning to enter specialized schools, given recent changes in the admission
criteria of many high schools. All these factors inadvertently encourage students to
"race" in preparing for this certification at a very early age, immersing themselves in
various preparatory courses. The "youthful trend" in IELTS preparation is now

The allure of the IELTS certification has driven learners towards IELTS exam
preparation courses offered by language centers, online IELTS exam preparation
courses, group-based exam preparation, or even one-on-one exam preparation sessions
with instructors. These courses provide diverse pathways tailored to different
proficiency levels, assuring a commitment to the client's outcome.

Although it provides opportunities to promote and develop brands for foreign language
centers, IELTS still encounters many negative issues:

Many people invest in learning English just to obtain certifications, forgetting the
original purpose of learning a foreign language.

The prices of IELTS courses have become exorbitant.

There are "teachers" in test preparation willing to fake scores to create a reputation,
competing with each other to attract students.

The trend of young children starting IELTS preparation too early puts pressure on
them, as they struggle to keep up with the lessons. Essentially, they lack the social
knowledge and English language skills needed for this, resulting in uneven
development, being "forced to mature" prematurely, deviating in thinking, and
sometimes feeling disconnected from the majority of their peers.

Many students in Vietnam are currently pursuing intensive IELTS preparation to

achieve high scores in the International English Language Testing System (IELTS)
exam, but they may not be truly accumulating substantial knowledge.

For example, Minh Huyền, a 17-year-old student in grade 11 at a high school in Thu
Duc District, Ho Chi Minh City, has spent approximately 115 million VND (around
5,000 USD) on IELTS preparation courses in the past year but has not achieved the
desired score.

Moreover, some students are willing to spend a significant amount of money to

purchase IELTS prediction tests from various online English learning fan pages. On
current social media platforms, it is not difficult to come across advertisements for
IELTS prediction test packages. The cost for each package varies from a few million
to tens of millions of VND, depending on the accuracy of the predictions.

AT, a 25-year-old former student of the University of Law in Ho Chi Minh City,
mentioned that she once spent money to purchase prediction test sets from two
different online fan pages. "At that time, the prediction tests I purchased matched the
reading and listening sections", T. said.

Serious cases of cheating can lead to the cancellation of test results, a two-year ban
from taking the test, and denial of certification for a specified period as determined by
the British Council and IELTS certifying bodies worldwide.

The role of the international IELTS certificate in people's lives has become a topic of

debate. There has been a strong reaction to the "deification" of IELTS in a television
program about debating contests among students from various schools. Specifically,
“there is a view that integrating foreign language certificates into university
admissions is practical, as IELTS, TOEFL, and other similar certifications are essential
for future job recruitment. Employers often prefer candidates with these certifications
over those with perfect scores in math, physics, chemistry, and biology”.

● Views on responding

Proactive response: RES Language Center seizes the "IELTS fever" and targets the
parent customer segment using its marketing strategies, successfully attracting an
abundance of youthful pupils.

An article states that: at the RES Language Center (District 3, Ho Chi Minh City) on a
Wednesday evening in late September, they observed a group of students at the end of
primary school and the beginning of lower secondary school waiting to enter the class.
At the same time, a parent arrived by motorbike, carrying their child. Mr. Nguyen Van
Tan stated that his child is a student's Duoc Song Primary School (District 1). Despite
being in Grade 4, his child is attending IELTS classes to acquire knowledge and
language skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

Parent Nguyen Son (residing in District 7, Ho Chi Minh City) shared that their child is
currently in Grade 6 at Van Don Secondary School (District 4) and has enrolled in
IELTS classes at this center to improve the four language skills: listening, speaking,
reading, and writing.

Mr. Nguyen Van Thinh, parent of Nguyen Bao Ha, a Grade 6 student at Tran Van On
High School (District 1), has had his child attend IELTS classes since Grade 4. The
intention is to ensure that the child is well-prepared to follow the English program in
secondary school.

6.1.3. Vietnamese people are curious and inquisitive

The behavior of English learners is strongly influenced by various groups, such as
community members, admiration groups, and reference groups. The influence of these
groups on a consumer shows the important role of Word-of-Mouth Marketing.

Utilizing the curiosity and inquisitiveness of Vietnamese people, a characteristic that is
especially prominent in dynamic places like Ho Chi Minh City, language centers have
incorporated "crowd psychology" into their Word-of-Mouth Marketing strategies,
selecting and combining suitable forms such as social networks, reputable
communication channels, customer feedback, and more.

It is not difficult for you to access articles and fan pages that share knowledge and
English courses of language centers on social media platforms such as YouTube,
Facebook, TikTok, etc. However, the abundance of information and knowledge leads
customers to a "choice crisis" and the emergence of deceptive tactics and
dissemination of misleading knowledge in the market for personal gain. Therefore, a
large number of Internet users nowadays often seek "reviews" from celebrities on
social media.

In addition, language centers that want their marketing campaigns to be highly

effective must not ignore offline word-of-mouth advertising. This includes handing out
flyers and leaflets to students at schools and universities as well as engaging them with
small, attractive notebooks that contain information and images related to language
learning. Marketing through bulletin boards by placing informative boards next to
school bulletin boards, and elevators, or posting posters in large halls near seats will
attract students. Out-of-home advertising (transit, billboard, street furniture, banner,
poster). Organizing seminars, and conducting multiple Q&A sessions to share
knowledge offline or online while introducing the center's courses. Another approach
is through referral programs, where current students referring family members or
friends to enroll will receive attractive incentives.

● Views on responding

Proactive response: Prep's fascinating marketing strategy invites well-known

YouTubers and Studygrammers who excel in English and serve as inspiring examples
to thousands of young people like Vừng, Meichan, Thạch Trang, Khánh Vy, to share
effective IELTS study tips. They all spill the beans that PREP.VN is the "beloved
choice", opening up many opportunities to help them conquer the peak of knowledge.

And the insights from VJ Thùy Minh, MC Tun Phạm about NativeX - the online
English learning platform optimized for busy working individuals.

"...when Thùy Minh embraced it, it was like a “boom” that is “20 times of touching the
knowledge to imprint it in long-term memory” of NativeX..." - Thùy Minh shared.

Or Tun Phạm remarked, "Recently, Tun tried learning English online on NativeX.
Very easy to learn, very easy to understand, and even I feel like I've found the love of
my life."

The knowledge sharing of many talented Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) and
Influencers from prestigious universities worldwide on social media, can somewhat
help learners save time in finding study resources, reliable English learning websites,
and centers for their studies. Alongside knowledge sharing, the stories of overcoming
language barriers from these inspiring role models are also a significant motivation to
propel language learning and create opportunities for personal development.

6.2. Threats

6.2.1. Traditional methods of instruction are passive

In schools, teachers are the ones in control of the class, delivering knowledge and
assigning homework. Students tend to be passive, often leaning towards rote learning
and completing homework assignments. The traditional teaching methods employed
by teachers make it difficult for students to expand their critical thinking and
creativity, and lack interactive and practical experiences in their lessons. This teaching
approach is still prevalent in some schools in Ho Chi Minh City, and it's even more
widespread in schools in rural areas.

Specifically, in a speech at an international conference at Ton Duc Thang University,

Prof. Dr. Naeema Begum Hann from Leeds Beckett University (UK) pointed out some
existing issues in English language teaching in Vietnam. For instance, there is a lack of
opportunities for practical application outside of class hours, students with differing
abilities are placed in the same class, and particularly, the teaching materials by
Vietnamese teachers are overly ambitious, forcing students to write about abstract
concepts and emphasize grammar before they are linguistically ready.

Dr. Vu Thi Phuong Anh, a lecturer in the Department of International Languages and
Cultures at Hong Bang University, also mentioned: "It is important to note that
teaching and learning a foreign language in Vietnam have a significant regional
disparity. However, the curriculum and teaching materials are uniform across the
country, thus unable to meet this diversity."

Vo Duy Tan, currently pursuing a master's degree in English Teaching at National

Chung Hsing University (Taiwan), shared: "Vietnamese high schools place too much
emphasis on grammar, complex grammar points are imposed without considering
practical usage. Teachers still instill in students the idea that being good at English
means excelling in grammar and viewing test scores as a crucial factor for evaluating
English proficiency, leading to many students cramming and memorizing."

● Views on responding

Reactive response: We can see that learning English is a process that requires a
dynamic and enthusiastic approach to actively engage learners with new knowledge.
Additionally, the trend of globalization has significantly impacted Ho Chi Minh City
(HCMC), as it is the economic hub of the country with a high population density,
developed infrastructure, and a substantial intellectual labor force. The learning culture
has driven English language centers to seek ways to improve teaching methods,
adapting them to ensure learners efficiently grasp knowledge promptly.

Furthermore, parents tend to enroll their children in international schools in HCMC, a

trend that has been increasing in recent years. This is aimed at helping children adapt
to the international environment, reducing the burden of theory and exercises, and
providing them with a daily English-speaking environment to develop their skills.
Studying at international schools gives children the opportunity to interact and
integrate with friends from various countries worldwide, enabling them to use English
fluently and develop comprehensively as global citizens. Due to the exceptional
training environment and widespread recognition among well-off families, in recent
years, international schools have increased their tuition fees, ranging from hundreds of
millions to billions of dong per year, depending on the grade level from preschool to
grade 12.

6.2.2. Vietnamese parents have high expectations for their children
According to statistics, Asian parents tend to have higher expectations for their
children, accounting for about 80%. In contrast, parents in some European countries
have lower expectations and almost do not put pressure on their children. Due to these
high expectations, Vietnamese parents, especially those in Ho Chi Minh City, a city
economically developed and associated with economic restructuring, often invest a
significant amount of money in their children's education from a young age,
particularly in learning foreign languages during the current era of international

Recognizing this potential customer segment, English language centers have devised
marketing strategies to attract parents who are particularly concerned about their
children's education. Therefore, articles about language centers on the internet often
appear with titles targeting the concerns of many parents: "Why should parents have
their children learn English early?", "Should children learn English early?", "The
benefits of having children learn English early," etc.

With the perspective that "the earlier the investment, the better", many parents rush
their children from school to language centers, causing children to "sacrifice their
golden age", losing the right to freely play at that age. For example, in the following
cases, Mrs. L.T. Minh (with a 3-year-old child attending kindergarten in Phu Nhuan
District, Ho Chi Minh City) regularly takes her child to an English language center for
young children in Go Vap District over the weekends. She said, “On Saturdays and
Sundays, I take my child to the English language center for lessons taught by foreign

Even though the child already learns English 3 times a week at school, Ms. N. Huong
(District 1, Ho Chi Minh City) also sends her child to the language center. "My child
has been learning English with native teachers at the center since the age of 2. The fee
for a three-month course is 7.5 million VND. It's not cheap, but the family agrees to
invest in the long run for the child" - Ms. N. Huong shared.

Ms. Nguyen Thi Phuong Thao, an English teacher at a preschool in the central district
of Ho Chi Minh City, shared that most preschoolers are primarily exposed to English

through playful activities at school. "I have encountered a few cases where 2-3-year-
old children are already attending English classes at the center. Some parents want to
invest early to compete with their friends, and some want to lay the foundation for
their long-term goal of studying abroad..." - Ms. Thao said.

There is an opinion that when a child develops language skills during the "golden age",
they learn very quickly without encountering any barriers. However, in reality: "There
is still a debate globally about the optimal age for children to learn English. Some
believe that preschool children learning bilingual will be smarter and absorb better. On
the contrary, early bilingual learning may cause difficulties in the child's mother
tongue expression, leading to language confusion. Not to mention the risk of incorrect
teaching methods if the teacher does not have a solid foundation, which can have long-
term consequences and negative psychological effects..." - An English specialist from
the Department of Education and Training of District 1, Ho Chi Minh City analyzed.

Vietnamese parents, out of love for their children and the desire to provide them with
knowledge and a solid foundation from an early age, often overlook the fact that each
age has a different learning approach. For young children, learning English should be
enjoyable, they should enjoy learning and do so in a comfortable environment. This
poses a challenge to teachers in schools or language centers. They need to pay
attention to the teaching method, with a prerequisite being to create a joyful
atmosphere, teach within familiar contexts, generate a love for language, and foster a
love for learning.

Furthermore, parents should learn English with their children through daily
communication, listening to music, watching movies, and playing games. This not
only helps the child's language acquisition become more comfortable and natural but
also strengthens family bonds. Leaving children entirely to teachers at language
centers, while the family environment is neglected, makes it difficult to expect the
child to excel in learning a foreign language.

● Views on responding

Proactive response: Facing challenges and debates in the English training program for
young children, VUS has introduced international standard courses for preschoolers
called Smartkids. Addressing the common concern of parents about their children not
studying comfortably and not satisfying the curiosity and the child's interest in
exploring. There is a focus on creating a comfortable, bright, and safe learning
environment, enabling children to feel at ease and interested during the learning
process. Teachers are extensively trained on how to approach and interact with young
children, integrating creative and engaging teaching methods. Issues are brought up
through questions from teachers, friends, or the child, acting as catalysts to arouse
curiosity and stimulate thinking, and the child's reasoning. Through content-rich
readings, interesting videos, and lively music, children connect pieces of information
and autonomously construct their knowledge system. Furthermore, auxiliary activities
are created to combine learning and entertainment, enhancing communication skills
and developing social skills. Under the guidance of teachers, children learn in the right
direction and develop thinking alongside shaping their English language skills
logically. Review exercises will help children reinforce the knowledge they have

6.2.3. Celebrities influence the behavior and perception of language learners

Celebrities have a powerful influence on the behaviors and perceptions of the majority
of their followers. They often become reference points for consumers to scrutinize,
evaluate, and even idealize. Most individuals from Generation Y and Generation Z are
positively influenced by celebrities from various fields, especially in the realm of
learning foreign languages during this era of strong international integration.
Celebrities serve as great motivators in the English learning journey for both fans and
language learners in general. Through their expertise and shared stories about their
English learning experiences, they make learning goals more specific and achievable
for learners. Celebrities not only contribute to promoting English learning but also
drive a shift in the perception of the essential role of English in modern life.

Hence, the information and English statements of celebrities presented to the public
must be accurate and aligned with the transmitted expertise. These pieces of
information directly impact the audience's knowledge absorption. Therefore,
celebrities must enhance their proficiency and mastery of English before they can
communicate in English to the community.
The case of Tran Thanh's statement regarding medical issues after translating into
English during the TV show “Nguoi ay la ai?” sparked intense debates. The TV show
“Nguoi ay la ai?” is one of the most famous dating shows in Vietnam and has received
special attention from the international community. Specifically, in introducing a
transgender contestant from Thailand, Tran Thanh pointed to the contestant's scarred
arm and stated: “He used to be a woman. On this hand, they had to open the blood
vessels and inject hormones and everything to complete the transgender process”. In
the contestant's introduction subtitle, the program also stated: “The doctor opened a
blood vessel under my arm to inject hormones into my body”. The information from
Tran Thanh, as well as the show, was received from various opposing opinions. A
doctor named K.B. even posted on his page, stating that he was “startled” by Tran
Thanh's statement. Dr. B. asserted that if testosterone (male sex hormone) were
injected directly into the bloodstream, a person could “log out” instantly.

The program producers mentioned that the origin of the scar on the contestant's arm
was not accurately conveyed according to the contestant's shared content. They did not
comment on the correctness of the medical information that Tran Thanh stated.
However, the expression after translation by influential figures like Tran Thanh, who
are deemed to be fluent in various languages, particularly English, is critical. His
inaccurate statement has led some audience groups to misunderstand issues related to
human life. It could be worse if they didn't have the opportunity to access subsequent
articles or clarifying information.

● Views on responding

Proactive response: Celebrities changing their behaviors and perceptions regarding

learning a foreign language pose a significant challenge for English language centers,
training courses, and online learning applications that the majority of celebrities
attend. These centers must have policies to create an educational environment
compatible with the irregular schedules of artists, being flexible in arranging study
timetables that suit their availability, providing convenience and effectiveness for the
learning process. These centers must design specialized learning programs focusing on
the context and common vocabulary in the professional field that the celebrities are
interested in. This helps them master specialized vocabulary, improve communication
skills in their work, and social interactions, and convey quality content to the public as
celebrities who represent their brand. Currently, there are numerous English language
centers and online English training courses with suitable curricula for each group of
learners, for celebrities to consider. The priority is given to selecting online courses
that offer flexibility in terms of time and location for participation. For example, the
Topica Native online English course is a choice for many celebrities like Tran Thanh,
Hari Won, JVevermind, Bich Phuong, etc. Or one-on-one classes with a native speaker
that meet the time and English learning needs for work purposes of celebrities.


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