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Chakras -


Page 1 of 37
Chakras - Index


Title Page No.

1. Int
roduc ction
tion …...….........................
............... 4
a. Lineage 5
b. Credits 5
c. Disclaimer 5
2. Prayer …...….........................
............... 6
3. The
The Seve
Seven n Chak
Chakra ras s …...….........................
............... 7
a. Prac
call Be
ts 7
4. Mula
dharara a Chak
Chakra ra …...….........................
............... 10
a. Acqu
Acquir irin
ingg Weal
Wealth th 11
b. Gold
old oror DuDust?
st? 12
c. Ganesha 12
d. Recei
eceivi ving
ng Know
Knowle ledg
dge e 12
e. Ener
ng the
the BodBody y 13
f. Obser
bservi ving
ng the MindMind 13
5. Swad
hana na Cha
Chakr kraa …...….........................
............... 14
a. Sex and Food 15
b. Bu
ddhaha's 's Rea
Reali liza
on 15
c. Not Eno nougugh h SSaalt 16
d. The
The Seduc
Seducti tion
on of Tas Tastete 16
e. Know
Knowin ingg What
What We Wan Wantt 17
f. Yayati'
ati's s Curs
Curse e 17
6. Ma
purara Cha
Chakr kraa …...….........................
............... 18
a. Food
ood andand TemTempta ptatition
on 20
b. We EatEat Food
Food and Food Food Eats
Eats Us 21
c. The
The Del
Delud udeded Sa
Sain intt 21
d. Fire
Fire of Illumi
nationion andand Ellimin
on 22
e. The
The Cre
Creat ativ
ivee Kno
Knott 22
f. The
The Inn
Inner er Pilg
mage ge 23
7. An
a Cha
Chakr kraa …...….........................
............... 24
a. Son
ons s of Vayu 25
b. Emot
Emotio iona
nall Diso
Disord rders
ers 25
c. Univ
ersal LovLove e 26
d. Vis
hnu – The The Symbol
Symbol of Tole Toleran
ce 26
e. Centre
Centre of Transf ransformormati ation
on 27
8. Vish
uddhdha a Chakr
Chakra a …...….........................
............... 28
a. Relig
us Intol
Intolereranancece 29
b. A Dip
Dip in Gan Gangaga 30
c. Nila
kaht htha
ha – Blue
Blue Thr Throa
oatt 30
9. Ajna
Ajna Cha
Chakrakra …...….........................
............... 32
a. The
The Inne
Innerr Envi
Envill 33
b. The ThiThirdrd Eye
Eye 33
c. The Pole ole Startar 33
d. The
The Knot
Knot of of Lib
n 34
10. Sahasrara Chakra …...….........................
............... 35

Page 2 of 37
Chakras - Index

Title Page No.

a. The
The VVas
astt Inn
er Sky
Sky 36
b. Polarity 36
c. Beyo
nd Name
Name andand Form
Form 37
d. Chak
Chakrara Puri
on 37
e. Star
s and
and Plan
etss 37

Page 3 of 37
Chakras - Introduction



Ever wanted to know more about chakras and their practical benefits. The information is taken
from the Book,"The
Book,"The Universe Within - The Journey Through The Chakras" by Paramhansa
Prajnanananda of Kriya Yoga.
Yoga. The info is typed and represented 'as it is' without any spelling or
call corr
s is:
is: even
even thou
gh with
with gram
call erro
rs and
and no
nott so good
n, words
words of a realiz
ed soul
soul has much more
more impact
impact and capabl
capablee of changi
seeker's life and give insights than a well written and attractively presented book by a sanskrit
scholar and a very good professional writer. I am not a scholar, not a natural writer. I am just
another devotee walking on spiritual path. I prefer to keep things as it is and be a disciple than
to be a Guru.

A Brief Info about Paramhansa Prajnanananda:

praGYAnanda, Hindi: परमह

Paramhansa Prajnanananda (or phonetic: paramhansa praGYAnanda, परमहस जन )

In 1995, Brahmachari Triloki

Triloki Dash was initiated as a sannyasi, monk, by Paramahamsa
Hariharananda. Receiving the name Swami Prajnanananda
Prajnanananda Giri, he was directed by his
Gurudev the next day to travel to Europe, the USA, and other countries in order to propagate
Kriya Yoga through public lectures, seminars, retreats, and meditation. Long before Triloki
Dash became a monk, Paramahamsa Hariharananda predicted, "Whatever is started by me has
to be completed by him."

Page 4 of 37
Chakras - Introduction

Three years later,

later, Paramah
amsa Prajnanananda
Prajnanananda was given
given the title
title of Paramaha
msa, the
highest title given to monks and saints who attain the apogee of God-realization, by his
Gurudev on August 10, 1998,
1 998, on his birthday.


Every Lineage of Kriya Yoga Starts with Mahavatar Babaji - The Deathless Saint. Lineage of
Prajnanananda ji is not an exception.

Babaji Maharaj, Shri Shyamacharan, Lahiri Mahasaya, Swami Shriyukteshwar Giri,

Paramahamsa Yogananda, Paramahams
Paramahamsaa Hariharananda and Paramahamsa Prajnanananda.

(Useful Link: Brief intro about Paramhansa Hariharananda)


All credits to the original author - Paramhansa Prajnanananda Giri,

Giri, Prajna Publication - Austria,
Sai Towers Publishing, and all those involved in the creation of this book. Any errors are mine.

Not Affiliated to any foundation.


The info about

about chakra
chakrass is taken
taken from
from this
this holy
holy book
book is out of inspirati
on, purely
purely on non-
commercial basis with the sole intention
intention to be helpful
helpful to fellow
fellow seekers, right souls and like-
minded people.

Page 5 of 37
Chakras - Prayer


Baba Hariharananda ji used to pray a beautiful prayer:

"O God my forgetfulness is my sin,

please give me constant al

Let us also pray the same and begin with the inner journey of chakras along with their practical

Page 6 of 37
Chakras - The Seven Chakras

The Seven Chakras

The One is revealed within the effulgent golden light.

The Absolute Brahman, who is Self-luminous, pure consciousness, who is the light of lights and
whose supreme reality is known to men of Self-realization.
(Mundaka Upanishad, II-II-19)

A myriad books have been written on the mystries of the chakras and how they can be used
for healing oneself. This is not one of those books, it rather focuses on detailed insights which
y how working
working on each
each one of these
these centers
centers of energy
energy,, may
may influe
nce the seeker's
spiritual awakening. Some books depict the chakras as lotuses with a varying number of petals
withholding strange powers, other books decry them as mystical non-sense and completely
lacking any actual physical basis. Other sources warn of the dangers involved in arousing the
kundalini energy which is said to be stored in serpent form at the base of the spine.

Rather than dwell on the metaphysical subtleness of the chakras or on intricate descriptions of
their forms, on the number of petals in each lotus or on other useless information, this book
focuses on the various human qualities associated with each energy centre and points out how
to recognize, control and direct the peculiarities of each chakra so that the seeker may travel
safely towards the goal of absolute happiness.

Practical Benefits

The main aim of this book is to stress the practical benefits one may derive from developing
one's chakras through spiritual endeavors fulfillment, creative inspiration and finally spiritual
realization by understanding and energizing the chakras.

Each chakra is a storehouse of immense potential, which can fulfill our deepest desires or
plunge us into the deepest despair. Once we learn the art of controlling these chakras through
the process of meditation, there is no limit to the infinite possibilities for physical, material,
emotional, and spiritual success.

Although it is true that these chakras or energy centres cannot by anatomically pinpointed, it is
also true that there are seven main chakras along human spine formed by the myriad of nerve
channels flowing down from the brain when they get very close to each other at certain points
along the spine.
spine. When
When this
this happen
s, new circui
ts of magnet
magneticic fields
fields are create
d. These
magnetic fields or chakras are subtle energy centres in the spine.

There are seven major energy centres, which are called either chakras or lotuses and, in
modern times, have also been referred to as plexuses. They are:

Muladhara chakra, coccygial or money centre in the coccyx (base of the spine).
Swadhisthana chakra, sacral
sacral or second centre in the sacral region.
Manipura chakra, lumbar or naval centre in the lumber region.
r egion.
Vishuddha chakra, neck or cervical centre in the cervix.
Ajna chakra or soul centre close to the pituitary gland.

Page 7 of 37
Chakras - The Seven Chakras

Sahasrara chakra,
chakra, crown centre at the top of the head.
he ad.

The spinal canal or the backbone is formed by a total of 33 vertebrae out of which four are
joined together.
together. The Muladhara is located at the base of the spine or coccyx where five bones
fuse together with the sacrum. The 24 vertebrae represent the 24 principles in the body. One
who can control
control these vertebrae
vertebrae with his concentratio
concentration n can likewise control the 24 principles
which consis
consistt of the five
five element
elementss (earth
(earth,, water
water,, fire,
fire, air and sky),
sky), ten senses (five
(five of
perception – tongue, skin, nose, ears and eyes; five of action – mouth, legs, hands, genital
organs and anus),
anus), five vital
vital breaths
breaths and four
four inner
inner instru
ts (mind
(mind,, intell
ect,, ego and

Rather than going into an elaborate technical discussion of the properties of each chakra, I will
focus on the immediate benefits we can derive from knowledge of what each chakra controls
and how we can maintain control over all the chakras, thereby gaining immeasurable peace
and happiness. The chakras are the medium o f human evolution and emancipation.

Page 8 of 37
Chakras - Muladhara Chakra

Muladhara Chakra

Muladhara chakra,
chakra, at the base of the spine, is ruled by the earth element, has strong impact
on our material accomplishments through possession of wealth, prosperity, fame, success,
popularity and power. Our longings for these things keep us anchored here in the lowest

Location : Base of the spine

Number of petals : Four
Element : Earth
Color : Golden Yellow
Presiding Deity : Ganesha
y of Natu
re (Gun
a) : Tamas
amas (Ine
Seed syllable : Lam
Sense organs : Nose (organ of smell), anus (organ of excretion)
Taste : Sweet
Benefits due to : Physical comfort, External beauty, Money and Happiness of a
concentration lower grade.
Name of the Fire : Dakshinagni (Fire of the South)
Vrittis (Tendencies) : Pleasure through material possessions, Desire to possess,
Charity prompted by ego and vanity; and Greed
Loka (P
(Plane of
of ex
ence) : Bh
Vital breath : apana (helps of excretion)
Glands : Gonads

Page 9 of 37
Chakras - Muladhara Chakra

Virtue : Shama (Control of the Mind)

Zodiac : Aquarius and Leo
Ruling Planet : Saturn

The Muladhara
Muladhara Chakra,
Chakra, which is located
located at the base of the spine, is one of the most powerful
centers, since it represents the last confluence of three holy rivers – or three pranic channels
passing through spine. We need to take a dip in these rivers, that is, concentrate at this
centre, before we begin our spiritual journey upwards. In Sanskrit, Mula means root, and
adhara means support or base. Whether within the body is represented by the earth or mula.
The base of spine contains the earth element. This centre is also called the money centre
because it is associated with the material world.

Acquiring Wealth

In order to acquire anything in this world, we need money. We need money for our education,
to buy a house or a car or in case of wedding. We require money energy also for our simplest
daily food and for some primary needs even if reduced to the minimum. The Muladhara is the
chakra representing money,
money, but money, in this particular case, doesn't mean currency or coins,
but the physical resources or the buying capacity of a person. To be able to specify how much
money we exactly need, we have to be either highly spiritual or complete lunatics.

Everyone says they want money, but no one is ever capable of specifying how much. Our
needs and their complementary greed keep on increasing. The Muladhara takes up most of our
time, life and energy. We spend the majority of our waking moments earning money to either
pay off loans from the past, to enjoy ourselves in the present or to save up for the future. Our
nce is ruled
ruled by this
this centre
centre.. In compar
n other
other activi
s such
such as eating
eating,, sleepi
creative work, even building a relationship,
re lationship, in comparison, take up much less time.

We need
need to regula
te this
this center
center and carefu
lly analyz
e our effect
ive physic
al and financ
needs. Material wealth should be like a pair of shoes that fit us perfectly, nor too big nor too
small. If shoes are small they hurt and if they are too big, the are uncomfortable.

The development of the Muladhara chakra enhances our material prosperity by strengthening
our earning potential. Assets, fame, luxuries and power are all benefits of a highly developed
Muladhar ara
a chakra
chakra.. While
While foc
ng on Muladh
ara chakr
a, this
this chakra
chakra opens
opens us upto
upto the
abundance of the Universe and makes us grateful recipients, as mere prosperity of fame
without adequate understanding of their purpose can be extremely detrimental if not even
outright dangerous. There are many influx of fame and money, and who have not been able to
handle the sudden influx of fame and money, and who have turned either to drugs or alcohol
for support. Elvis Presley, Marilyn Monoroe, and many other celebrities and millionaires ended
their lives in despair despite being blessed with remarkable wealth.

Those who are engaged in regular meditation practices centered on the highest goal of self
meditation, succeed in opening the chakras in a steady and informed way and gain steadiness
of mind which makes the vagaries of affluence seem quite irrelevant. Such people are able to

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Chakras - Muladhara Chakra

handle the material benefits of the Muladhara without losing their balance and know how to
use the wealth and power gained to benefit all of mankind, further than themselves. Their
serene and meditative outlook helps them focus on the good of humanity and dissipates their
selfish interests. To such people material wealth is nothing more than a reflection of the
abundance of the earth and gold, unless useful for a higher purpose, is little more than dust to
them. A story from Puranas well illustrates this truth.

Gold or Dust?

A husband and his wife, a very spiritual couple, were walking along a country road. On the way
the husband saw a gold coin. Assuming that his wife would be temped by gold id she saw it, he
quickly covered it by kicking some dust over the gold coin with his shoe. His wife saw him
scuffling and asked what he was hiding. So the husband has to confess that he had covered a
gold coin with dust, so it would not become a source of temptation for her. The wife, who was
much more spirituality advanced than her husband, replied: “Do you still see the difference
between gold and dust? They are both same to me.


Ganesha is the presiding deity of Muladhara chakra. In the Indian spiritual tradition, Ganesha
is worshiped for success before any important undertaking. In Hindu religion the form of
Ganesha or the form of any deity is not only attractive and fascinating, but has a profound
symbolic meaning. The rational mind is often unable to comprehend the subtle spiritual truths
and the practical teachings that lie behind these images. Ganesha is depicted as having a
human body
body with
with an elepha
s head,
head, a strang
strangee combin
on indeed,
indeed, but the underl
meaning for this symbolic image is very interesting and hints to great truths. An elephant has
big ears, a long trunk and very small eyes if compared to the rest of body. The elephant's long
trunk symbolizes
symbolizes the importance
importance of breath control,
control, while it's huge, flappy ears represent the
receptive attitude necessary to absorb valuable knowledge and the small eyes indicate keen
observation. Let's see how these three factors relate to our own spiritual journey.

Receiving Knowledge

Big ears highlight the need to listen more. To achieve real success in life, we need to talk much
less and listen a lot more, but there is a further step required, as whatever one imbibes by
listening more, can be termed as learning, but true wisdom dawns only when actual Truth is
revealed and experienced in deep meditation.

Once we have stilled the mind, we need to listen to the divine sound, the continuous primeval
vibration that resounds in the outer and inner universe. All our life we have been suffocating
this vital sound with the constant rattling noise of worldly life, deafening music and even
boisterous thoughts, but the divine sound has always been there waiting to be heard.

We need to ponder daily the ancient scriptures and possibly have them explained directly from
teacher, a realized Master, as spiritual truths cannot be properly imbibed by reading any book

Page 11 of 37
Chakras - Muladhara Chakra

as rand
om.. Ever
y day
day new
new volu
mess are
are print
ed descr
g all
all kind
kindss of tran
experiences. Most people regard the spiritual arena as an open forum to show off their own
fantasies, as they perceive it like a place without rules, where one is free to indulge in one's
own private reveries.

It is true that spiritual experiences are highly personal and may differ from one person to
herr, howe
verr, choo
ng the
the spir
uall path
path invo
es a lot
lot of disc
on,, inne
understanding and determined effort. Self-realization is the ultimate goal for everyone, but it is
not an easy task, although the benefits far outweigh any effort required. We cannot expect
immediate results not seek shortcuts avoiding efforts. We should choose the scriptural text
that most appeals to us and meditate over one verse at a time, brooding over its deepest
meanings, so that the most profound inner truths may be revealed to us. All the ancient
scriptures, the Bible, the Gita, the Koran or the Torah
Torah contain the distilled wisdom of the ages.

Energizing the Body

Ganesha's long trunk represents the importance of dee p breathing. The modern world has only
recently discovered the immense benefits to the entire physical and mental health spectrum of
deep, rhythmic breathing. The fitness industry has been revolutionized by this “new discovery”
and hundreds of new methods are being taught which incorporate this technique rather than
strenuous physical exercises to keep the body and mind fit and active, yet in reality, this has
already been discovered by the ancient sages of all religions thousands of years ago. Every
scientific meditation technique incorporates this deep breathing, which floods the brain and the
blood cells with the necessary oxygen and gives instant relaxation to the mind. Every serious
spiritual aspirant needs to incorporate deep breathing into his or her daily routine.

Observing the Mind

Ganesha's small eyes represent keen, precise observation. We need to focus our attention on
the workings of our own mind, watch how it runs here and there, never immobile, a continuous
flow of unceasing thoughts. Our goal is to eventually still that turbulent flow of thoughts,
focusing our mind, first on fewer and fewer thoughts till we are able to keep out attention
concentrated on only one thought. In meditation, we try to still the mind, bringing it from one
thought to the complete cessation of all thoughts. It is only in absolute silence that we can
hear the divine sound, enabling us to take control of this chakra and then to move on to the
higher centres.

Two sense organs are regulated by the Muladhara chakra, the anus and the nose; both are
associated with smell; which is the quality of the earth element. These sense organs are
regulated through the simple technique of concentrating in this centre.

Page 12 of 37
Chakras - Swadhisthana Chakra

Swadhisthana Chakra

This chakra is also known as the sexual centre: situated in the spine, behind the genital
organs, it is ruled by water and has a strong hold over our emotions and passions. This centre
often demands a good part of time and energy.

Location : Sacral region

Number of petals : Six
Element : Water
Color : Colourless
Presiding Deity : Durga
y of Natu
re (Gun
a) : Raja
s (Act
Seed syllable : Vam
Sense organs : Tongue and genitals
Taste : Astringent
Benefits due to : Control over water element and Fulfilment of material desires.
Name of the Fire : Grihapati agni (household fire)
Vrittis (Tendencies) : Doubt, Disobedience, Cruelty, Destructive desire, Illusive
pleasure and Involvement
Loka (P
(Plane of
of ex
ence) : Bh
Vital breath : Apana (helps for excretion and ejaculation)

Page 13 of 37
Chakras - Swadhisthana Chakra

Glands : Gonad
Virtue : Dama (Conrol of Senses)
Zodiac : Pisces and Virgo
Ruling Planet : Jupiter

The Swadhisthana chakra is located in the spine in the sacral region behind the genital organs.
Swadhisthana in Sanskrit means the place where the mind is established for a long time. After
the Muladhara, this is the centre, which demands most of our time and energy. The water
element predominates in this region and it is subtler than the earth element. While earth has a
shape, size and independent existence, water needs a container and takes the shape of the
ner.. In each
each chakra
chakra,, there
there is a symbol
symbol.. In the Swadh
hanaa the symbol
symbol is of two
triangles like those found in the Jewish Star of David. One triangle represents the female
aspect and the other represents the male aspect. In Hinduism, God or the Absolute divides into
male and female aspects, then we have creation. Shakti, the female aspect, is a must for
creation and therefore the presiding deity of the second centre is Durga which is another name
of Shakti.

Sex and Food

The two sense organs ruled by this centre are the tongue and the genitals. Moderation in
eating and in sexual activity,
activity, avoiding the pitfalls of gluttony and sexual overindulgence, is one
of the prime requisites in attaining lasting peace and tranquillity. This is not to say that unless
one lives the austere life of a monk, subsisting on roots and tubers and practising strict
celibacy, one cannot attain realization. In fact, the overly zealous practice of austerities can be
as much of a handicap as overindulgence in sensual pleasures. Those who eat too much, as
well as those who continually fast,cannot progress spiritually. The life of Buddha is a perfect

Buddha's Realization

Prince Gautama left behind all his worldly possessions and pleasures in the pursuit of truth. He
gave up his kingdom, his family and the luxurious life he knew. With the great determination
he decided to sit and meditate until he achieved self-knowledge, declaring: “I will sit here. Let
the body dry up. Let my skin, flesh, and bones be destroyed. I will be self-realized” (Buddha

He sat
sat for
for fort
y days
days with
out food
food or drin
k, but when later
later on he relat
ed what
what he had
experienced during those forty days to his disciple, Ananda he also specified: “I was so weak, I
was hardly able to move my limbs. When I touched my stomach, I could feel my backbone. My
scalp was so dry that the hair was falling off. My eyes has receded deep inside my skull and
those who saw me thought that I was a ghost” (Buddha Charita of Ashvaghosh)

After this experience Gautama Buddha realized the folly of this extreme measures, since he

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Chakras - Swadhisthana Chakra

had discovered he could not concentrate in such physical agony. He accepted the food offered
by Sujata, a noble lady of a nearby village and slowly came back to normal. Buddhism,
therefore, advocates the middle way, which avoids all sorts of extremes, in order to gain self-

Not Enough Salt

For medita
n and spiritual
spiritual progres
s, we need
need modera
n in foo
foodd as well
well as in sexual
enjoyment. Spiritual seekers must be able to control the mind and make it listen to new
instructions. A small example: if there is a little less salt in the food, instead of over reacting,
we need to instruct the mind to accept it.

Ten years ago I visited a Shiva temple near Cuttack in Orissa. After the worship, when the
s pres
ed me with
with the
the cons
d offe
ng on a bana
na leaf
leaf,, they
they aske
askedd the
brahmacharis to bring me some salt. I objected that I did not need any extra salt. The pundit
replied that the food did not contain
contain any salt at all. When I asked why,
why, he explained
explained that the
king who had construc
ted the temple
temple centuri
es ago had arrang
ed for all provisio
ns and
supplies for the temple, but left out any provision for salt. Since that time, in the temple, it
had become a tradition to cook all the offerings without any salt. After I heard the story, I
ed: “If Lord
Lord Shiva
Shiva Himsel
Himselff has been acc
ing the foo
d offered
offered here
here for centur
without salt, I can surely manage for one day without it.”it.”

It is essential to have some control over the tongue. One way of practising control over the
tongue is to give up our favourite food for a while. If we are addicted to sweets, we should try
giving up sweets for a certain period of time. If we have a strong habit of drinking coffee or
tea, we might try foregoing it for a few days. In this way we can gradually gain control over
the tongue.

The Seduction of Taste

In our search for pleasure, we go on abusing the seven centers, which have been given to us
for our own personal
personal growth
growth and realizati
on. The digestiv
digestivee fire
fire burns
burns within
within us to turn
nutritious healthy food into fuel for the body, and yet in our craving for taste, we dump
unwholesome, greasy, unhealthy chemical laden food and beverages in our bodies, If we think
about it, the taste sensation hardly lasts a few seconds, the first two or three bites are all we
actually taste and, after that, we might as well be eating tasteless cardboard. Yet we go on
eating automatically, pouring food down our throats unaware of its taste. There are lessons in
all we do and everything we experience, so we should try and understand what we are to learn
from this particular one. Life is full of illusion; web of illusion is sheer light, delicate and feeble,
it sparkles with a thousand rays of enticement and promises. It pulls us in so many different
ways, luring us with its ephemeral quality, intangible yet palpable, promising so much yet
giving so little.

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Chakras - Swadhisthana Chakra

Knowing What We Want

It is so rare that we stop and ask: “What is it that I want? What is it really that I am looking
for?” Instead we lunge at the nearest promise of happiness, whether it is food or sex or
marriagege or busine
ss and,
and, when
when that
that promis
promise e is broken
broken or unfulf
ed, we still
still refuse
refuse to
examine ourselves, but blame the circumstances, blame the situation or our partners, unwilling
to look within and perceive what it is we really and truly want. We all want uninterrupted
happiness, that unending bliss which cannot be found without, but within. The sooner we learn
to permanent joy of the soul, the sooner we will reach our goal and fulfill the desire that has
driven us on from the day were born until the moment that, exhausted, we give up this weary
body. So be moderate in enjoyment, as without this resolve, spiritual progress is very difficult.

Yayati's Curse

There is a beautiful story in the Mahabharata about a king called Yayati who had married
Devayani, the daughter of a Brahmin Sage called Shikra. Devayani brought with her as a
maidservant a princess called Sharmishtha. In the course of time, King Yayati fell in love with
his wife's beautiful maidservant and, eventually,
eventually, even had children from her.
her. Devayani's father,
became enraged with Yayati's conduct and cursed him with premature old age. Yayati's mind,
however, still longed for sensual pleasures and was unhappy to have an old body, so he begged
his father-in-law to forgive him and withdraw his curse. The father-in-law relented, saying that
if any of Yayati's sons would be willing to take the curse upon himself, then Yayati
Yayati could regain
his lost youth. The story goes that one of the sons of Sarmishtha, called Puru, agreed to this
and the king could have his youth back which he used to continue his sense enjoyment. When
he finally did reach a ripe old age with an ample of eventful life behind him, Yayati uttered a
truth, which he had discovered through his life-long experience. As, despite all his sense
indulgement, passion was still burning undimmed within him, he dies giving this following
advice to his sons and grandson
grandsons:s: “Child
ren, do not believ
e that
that by indulg
ing in sense
pleasures, you can extinguish the fire of passion. In reality yielding to a desire is like adding
fuel to the fire. The more you indulge, the brighter it burns.” Sexual desire is like smoldering
fire and this fire burns out of control, life becomes miserable. We need to use this fire in
regulated way, by disciplining the mind step by step. The sexual centre's passion and energy
can be channeled toward the higher centres, where creativity and philosophy will emerge.

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Chakras - Manipura Chakra

Manipura Chakra

This chakra is also known as the Navel Center: it is the food center where we derive our
physical energy, beauty, lustre and vitality.

Location : Navel region

Number of petals : Ten
Element : Fire
Color : Red
Presiding Deity : Surya or Sun
y of Natu
re (Gun
a) : Raja
s (Act
Seed syllable : Rang
Sense organs : Eyes and feet
Taste : Bitter
Benefits due to : Knowle
dge of the intern
al functi
on of physi
cal body
body, better
concentration health and physical beauty
Name of the Fire : Vaishwanara (digestive fire)
s (Tende
s) : Shy
ness, Ha
tred,, Fea
Fearr, Slee
ss,, Sorr
ow,, Idl
s, Bea
Memory, Prosperity and Vitality
Loka (P
(Plane of
of ex
ence) : Su
Vital breath : Samana (helps in digestion and assimilation)

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Glands : Liver, Spleen and Pancreas

Virtue : Uparati (urdhvarati-upward journey / evolution)
Zodiac : Aries and Libra
Ruling Planet : Mars

The Manipura chakra or the navel centre is located behind the navel in the spine of human
body. Manipura in Sanskrit means jewel centre. The presiding deity is Surya, the sun. The sun
is the ultimate source of all activities
activities and the primary cause
cause of life on this planet.
planet. Just as the
moon shines reflecting the sun's light and has a strong influence on the mind, also food which
is directly affected by sunlight, has a strong influence on the mind. This chakra is otherwise
referred to as the food centre.

People chant mantras like Gayatri to attract the divine illumination of the sun. By concentrating
on this
this cent
re and
and exper
g our
our inne
innerr sourc
sourcee of ener
gy,, we can
can also
also obta
in divi
illumination for the body and mind.

The two sense organs controlled by this centre are the eyes and the feet. Since we are born
our eyes
eyes are
are cons
ly acti
ve in sens
y perce
on.. Even
Even as chil
en huma
humann bein
immediately become attached to names and forms and smile only at familiar faces, but burst
into tears when confronted with a stranger.
stranger. As grown ups, all human beings mistakenly tend to
make judgements based solely on appearance, always seeking out only what pleases the eye.

The beauty industry thrives on this tendency, luring us to spend small fortunes on products
that will make us more attractive in the eyes of others. Today the fashion industry, the fitness
industry, the entertainment industry and tourist industry and almost every consumer based
market in the world, depends on our slavery to the sense of sight. If, instead of being attached
to names and forms, we are able to see the beauty of God in everything, all these multi-million
dollar industries, as well as their dire by-products such as eating disorders and depression,
would disappear overnight.

It has been scientifically observed that the eyes of a restless person or mentally depressed
person move very quickly and blink frequently. In the desperate urge to drink more and more
stimuli, we become confused and mentally anxious. The eyes of those who meditate blink less.
They have a detached look. By gradually controlling the mind through meditation and deep
ng, we are able
able to gain
gain detach
mentt from
from the sights
sights which
which surrou
nd us, thereby
avoiding sensory overload.

By focusing on the navel centre during meditation we can gain control over our restlessness
and direct
direct our vision
vision inward
inward to the immens
immense e inner
inner splend
or and start
start unders
g the
profound spiritual truths one may find within. Then, when we do look at the world again, we
are able to perceive the magnificence of God's creation, see the essential inner beauty in all
those who surround us and appreciate even the situations that confront us. We soon learn to
love our surroundings without becoming excessively attached, so that we may enjoy the world
without being enslaved by the world.

Our feet lead us towards many different directions. The urge to move here and there, never
being able to sit still, is purely a physical reflection of the mind's inability to focus and remain

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calm and still in one place. People travel all over the globe on the mistaken assumption that
travelling thousands of miles will somehow make them happier.

Some people cannot last in one job for very long, they need change, excitement, diversity and
are soon bored with their current environment. They drift from job to job, from town to town,
continually seeking an elusive fulfillment. On a more basic level, we may have noticed how
many people are simply unable to sit still. Their legs are moving even they sit on chair, they
tap their feet or always shake their legs in nervous need for motion. Meditation enhances the
ability to sit still on one position for an extended period of time. When the mind is tranquil, so
is the body.

Meditating on the Manipura develops our ability to remain tranquil and peaceful, to direct our
every movement for a useful purpose. Rather than looking here and there to seek satisfaction,
yet finding it nowhere, by meditating in the Manipura chakra, we are able to progress thanks
to the concentration and energy one can gain from this centre.

Food and Temptation

There is a story in the Hindu epic, the Ramayana, which illustrates the immense power food
has on the mind and how food can lead man to temptation. This story proves that the old
adage 'the way to a man's heart is through his stomach' to be true.

There was once a great sage called Vibhandaka, who underwent strict austerities and engaged
himself in deep meditation in order to achieve realization. One day,
day, tempted by the beauty of a
celestial nymph, he lost his concentration and self-control and ran after her. They had a child,
whom he named Rushyasrunga. Having learned from the bitter experience that hidden desires
may cause spiritual downfalls, he decided to raise his son far away from attractions of the
world. Rushyasrunga grew up in the forests under strict guidance of his father. He was always
engaged in meditation, study and other spiritual practices and therefore was brought up totally
unaware of life's luxuries, delicious food, alcohol or be autiful women.

Meanwhile, in a nearby kingdom, there was a severe drought, so the distressed king consulted
his advisors who predicted that there would be rain if the young saint Rushyasrunga, who
possessed great spiritual wealth and purity, entered the kingdom. However on one knew how
to tempt him and take him away from the strict supervision of his father. The problem was
solved when a beautiful courtesan named Jarata offered to undertake the task. She asked the
king for a luxurious boat lavishly equipped with a great variety of delicious foods and beautiful
damsels dressed in their finest clothes and jewellery. Docking at a distance, she waited or
Rushyasrunga's father to leave and then approached the young saint. The stunningly beautiful
women fed him delicacies he had never tasted before and re turned each day,day, bringing him new
and tasty dishes to tempt his palate. Having eaten rich food, the young man developed body
consciousness and then attachment to this body. One day, the courtesan invited hi, on their
boat and, once he was aboard,they set the sail for the kingdom. The moment Rushyasrunga
set foot on the ground, rain came pouring down, ending the terrible
terrible drought. The king asked
the young saint's forgiveness for the ruse and offered him his daughter in marriage.

The old sage accepted the inevitable, realizing once again that, however far we may run from
temptation, unless we cultivate inner strength, we cannot resist the lure of the senses. Food is

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one of the
the stron
st of thes
thesee lures
lures,, temp
ng us like
like the
the bait
bait temp
ts the
the fish
fish,, whil
e it
dangerous hides the iron hook.

We Eat Food and Food Eats Us

Both eyes and the feet are controlled by the Manipura chakra, which is the digestive centre.
Therefore the food we eat has a specific effect on our tranquility as, though the majority is
ed and some
some parts
parts nouris
nourish h the body.
body., the subtle
subtle part
part influe
s the mind.
mind. If,
If, for
example, we eat a lot of meat or yogurt, our mind will be dull and lethargic, since most of our
energy is used in digesting their heavy protein content. On the other hand, if we drink too
much coffee or other caffeine-filled drinks, our mind will become nervous and agitated.

Not only the type of food we eat influences our mind, but also the way it is cooked. This is
why, in ancient times, sages used to warn seekers that one had to take care of cleanliness of
the pots and dishes, the freshness of the ingredients and, at the same time particularly that
the emotions of those who cooked the food seeped into the food itself and that the consumer
could be affected by the cook's thoughts and feelings of anger, sadness or joy. In this age o
fast food and dining out, such careful approach is next to impossible as, although many more
people are turning to vegetarianism for the fear of contamination as well as the influx of
hormones released by frightened animals at the time of their death, eating out is still an
integral pat of today's modern man's life. Even if one is a pure vegetarian, one must also be
careful about the quality and the quantity of the food one eats. The way people earn money,
how they use it and their general lifestyle have a strong impact on the mind, so one should
also be cautious where and from whom the food is being bought and where one is taking food.

The Deluded Saint

There was a wandering monk who absolutely had no attachment for belongings and, as he was
always traveling, he always accepted indiscriminately the hospitality of those who invited him.
Once he stayed from two consecutive days in a very rich man's house. On the second day, at
midnight, he was awakened by the jingling sound of a bell. On waking up and investigating he
found that it came from small bell attached to the neck of a cow which was in the yard. He
thought it would be nice to have that bell to use in his worship. The thought became so
overpowering that he went out into the yard, stole the bell and, after having hidden it in his
bag, sat down to medita
te. His mind
mind so agitat
ed and restless
restless that at first
first he could
could not
concentrate, but as he tried harder,
harder, he became focused and realized what he had done. He was
ashamed and surprised for having stooped to sealing, therefore he tried to understand how it
d have
have happ
ed.. As he sear
ed for
for an answ
er that
that coul
couldd poss
ly expla
in this
unprecedented, strange behaviour of his, it became apparent to him that it might have been
due to the effect of the food he had eaten. He returned the bell to it's place next morning, as
he was leaving, he called the host aside and asked him by what means he earned his money.
The rich man remained silent for sometime, but then confessed that his means to acquire
money were not honest or respectable. From that day onwards, the monk resolved to give up
eating food in strangers'

Food and mind are casually connected. Food can make the mind calm and tranquil or restless

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and agitated. Food is not only a means to nourish the body, but it may also promote calmness
of mind and inner peace. When I say food eats us, I ma referring to the various diseases
caused by wrong food consumption, contaminated food, unwholesome foods or overeating,
which in turn
turn eat away our health
health.. While
While some
some foo
ds cause
cause cancer
cancer,, others
others caused
caused high
cholesterol and heart attacks.
attacks. Everyday
Everyday,, the list of unhealthy
unhealthy foods becomes
becomes longer
longer. It is
advisable to take simple and wholesome food and to offer it to God before we eat. The
tradition of praying before meals does not limit itself to simply thanking God for the food He
has provided; but it also entails offering our food to God asking Him to accept it, thus making
it safe for consumption, assimilation and for an overall benefit to our health.

The Fire of Illumination and Elimination

Fire has two qualities. It is a source of illumination and it provides light to others, it burns
resulting in heat and energy, but it can also eliminate and destroy things. The navel center is
symbolically the place of food and drink. One may obtain brilliance of mind and body from the
digestive fire and, at the same time, through the process of combustion and digestion, one
eliminates waste matter from the body. In Hinduism, the digestive fire is considered extremely
sacred, and the Bhagavad Gita (15/14) states that God Himself burns as the fire in the navel
centre, so what we eat is nothing more than an offering to Him. F we ca neat is nothing more
than an offering to Him. If we eat in that spirit, accepting food as a gift from God, choosing
healthy and nutritious food, prepared in a clean and tranquil environment, and offering it back
to the Giver, then we can come to no harm. By developing the navel centre, we can enjoy the
food we eat and its effect on us will be wholly beneficial.

The Creative Knot

The Muladhara, Swadhisthana nad Manipura chakras together make up what is called the
brahmagrahthi or the creative knot, as all creative activities are accelerated through these
three chakras. This knot, on the other hand, is also a barrier for one's spiritual evolution, so
one has to penetrate or cut this knot in order to evolve and go higher spiritually.
spiritually. To
To do this one
needs four things: a strong desire, firm determination, immense patience, and sustained self-
effort. It our desire for spiritual evolution is strong enough, then nothing can stop us.

If we analyze a day's activity we may realize how much time we spend on each chakra. We
need to strive for balance in the chakras, neither ignoring them completely nor spending
inordinate amounts of time on any single one.

While trying to evolve, we sometimes come across failure. At this point, many people loose
their patience and decide that whatever method they are trying is not for them, so proceed
seeking method they are trying is not for them, so proceed seeking and trying other different
techniques. This is a typical disease of the modern mind. We should have the patience to
persevere in our efforts and, eventually, we will be successful. Keeping the ultimate goal in
sight is extrem
ely,, we will
will be succes
l. Keepi
ng the ultima
te goal
goal in sight
sight is extrem
important and determines the benefits we gain from our endeavours
e ndeavours in spiritual evolution.

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The Inner Pilgrimage

People go on vacation to striking seaside resorts or to secluded mountain resorts spending

exaggerate amounts of money, take time off from work and leave their homes, in the hope to
be able to relax and enjoy themselves, but then, eventually, ens up by indulging only in
strenuous activities like mountain climbing, water skiing or hiking with activities they left. Even
on weekends, people fill their itineraries with activities to enjoy themselves and, the next day
Monday morning, they return to work dog-tired, only just able to function.

In India, until recently, people used to take time off for pilgrimages rather than holidays. Even
nowadays, including people who cannot afford it, save money and take time off only to go and
visit holy
holy shrine
shriness like
like Tirupa
ti, Puri
Puri or Kedar
nathh in the Himala
s. In India
India shrine
s and
temples are usually either close to the sea, on riverbanks or high up some far away mountain
top. A trip to places like Kedarnath or Amarnath, on the highest Himalayan peaks, is quite a
strenuous one and it involves a lot of climbing, but at the end of the climb, pilgrims are
rewarded and re-energized by the vision of the temple Deity and the holy vibrations of the
sacred place.

So, whether one calls it a holiday or a pilgrimage, the process is the same, but the result is
entirely poles apart. While tourists come home tired after having spent tons of money to enjoy
an instant thrill that quickly fades away, pilgrims return to their homes with rejuvenated vigor,
a peaceful mind and the satisfaction of having their goal.

Only if the goal is fixed will we progress on the path of liberation. The spiritual path is a
continuous journey to which we can stick to only if we have a fixed purpose, immense patience
and unrelenting effort. After having conquered the three lower centres, we have to strive
more, as we need some further concentration in order to penetrate the knot and proceed
s. In medi
on, when
when we fix
fix our
our atte
n and
and go from
from the
the Mula
a to the
Swadhisthana and then to the Manipura all three to the Anahata Chakra or heart centre. While
concentrating in these centres, one experiences spiritual energy and the unfolding play of
divine consciousness.

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Chakras - Anahata Chakra

Anahata Chakra

The Heart Centre: The heart centre is the air centre. It is the emotional centre, where all our
feelings, our passions, our loves and hates, likes and dislikes, which the scriptures declare as
paris of opposites arise.

Location : Heart or dorsal region

Number of petals : Twelve
Element : Air
Color : Smoky
Presiding Deity : Vishnu
y of Natu
re (Gu
na)) : Satt
va and
and Raj
as (Ca
ss and
and Acti
Seed syllable : Yam
Sense organs : Skin (organ of touch) and Hands (orgain of work)
Taste : Acidic
Benefits due to : Emotional development, Material gain and Material knowledge.
Name of the Fire : Ahavaneya (fire of Love)
s (Tende
s) : Des
re, Depr
ive thou
ghtts, End
ourr, P
e atti
Arrogance, Mourning,
Mourning, Discrimin
ation, Ego, Greed, Hypocrisy
Argumentativeness and Repentance
Loka (P
(Plane of
of ex
ence) : Ma

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Chakras - Anahata Chakra

Vital breath : Prana (helps to maintain life)

Glands : Thymus
Virtues : Shraddha (faith in Scriptures and teacher)
Zodiac : Taurus and Scorpion
Ruling Planet : Venus

The Anahata chakra, or heart centre, is located in the spinal region of the human body, behind
the middle of the chest. It contains vital energy.

Air is the vital life energy. Air is the symbol of stillness. The still air outside is a symbol of the
still air inside which is the same vital energy referred to as prana in Hindu scriptures. When the
air becomes restless outside, it blows as a breeze or a wind and when air moves inside the
body, it manifests as the breath. When the wind outside becomes strong, it can take the form
of a cyclone or a hurricane,
hurr icane, causing a natural disaster.
disaster. Likewise, when our breath becomes fast
and strong, it results in the damaging emotions of anger,
anger, passion, depression, and tension.

Through breath control and self-control, Yogis regulate their life energy and are able to tread
the path of inner peace and joy. While prana or life energy can be classified into different
types, each responsible
responsible for a diverse
diverse number
number of activities,
activities, the heart remains
remains the place of the
main vital life force, which regulates the breath.

The Sons of Vayu

Breath control is self-control, breath mastery is self-mastery and breathlessness is the state of
realization. Through breath control, Yogis are able to control their inner universe, which in turn
brings control over the outer universe. Through breath control one attains immense mental
and physical strength. The heart centre is the controlling and regulating chamber.

In Hindu mythology, Vayu is the God of Air. Vayu's two sons are said to be mythical heroes.
One is Hanuma
Hanuman,n, the monkey
monkey god who,
who, posses
g superhu
man strengt
h and perform
incredible feats in the Ramayana. The other hero is Bhima, the immensely powerful Pandava
who, in the Mahabharata epic, single-handedly killed the hundred Kauravas who represented
evil and animosity. By controlling the breath and thereby controlling the mind, these two sons
of Vayu became invincible.

Life is preserved
preserved in the body through
through breath.
breath. All the other centres
centres are only sporadicall
y used,
but even when the body is resting, the heart centre preserves life through constant breath
circulation, the unique life energy.

Emotional Disorders

The heart centre controls our emotions. Most of us are ruled by emotions. Our loves are deep
and our agonies are devastating. Too rapidly do we become attached in our relationships and
just as quickly do we become bored
bo red and detach. Our moods swing like a pendulum from wildly

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Chakras - Anahata Chakra

happy to dramatically miserable and desperate. Anger is an emotion we have great difficulty in
g. It burst
burst forth
forth in harsh,
harsh, cruel words
words that,
that, a few minute
minutess later
later,, we would
would give
anything to take back. Despite our own moods, we are all extremely susceptible, unable to
bear the slightest critism, resenting it as a wound to the very soul. The heart, which should be
a place of love, have become a place of anger,
anger, ego and pride.

In recent times, emotional problems have become rampant. Mood disorders, stress related
rs,, depr
on, anxi
y, suic
es amon
among g adul
ts and
and teens
teens alik
e, have
have beco
dramatically prevalent in today's world. The place of modern society, the stress of any work
place, the loneliness and isolation of urban life and the widespread disintegration of the family
unit have all turmoil. Whatever caused pain, anger or depression, there is only one cure. That
is to achieve a balanced emotional state in which neither pain nor pleasure can disturb the
inner calm and tranquility of our minds.

Universal Love

Heart centre can be the source of either immense emotional satisfaction or intense emotional
despair. By focusing on this chakra and by developing our awareness through deep meditation,
we can energize this centre and turn it into a source of profound inner joy – first, by achieving
the balance needed to deal with ups and downs in unwavering equanimity and, secondly, by
channeling our emotions into a constructive course. Our selfish love, which is the root cause of
many of our problems, will be replaced with an expansive, all compassing love for others. All of
us have the same basic need: to love and to be loved. By transforming and turning the selfish
love we feel towards
towards ourselv
es and our immedi
ate circle
circle into
into warmt
warmthh will
will find
find oursel
released from the self-made prison of our emotions. At last we will be free to love wholly,
without fear and without restraint. Through loving others, we love God, and that love returns
to us a thousand-fold when it is given unselfishly and without ulterior motives.

How can such a state be achieved? Through the same process of relaxation, meditation and
self-inquiry with which we overcome the downward pull of the other chakras. Selfish emotion
drags the mind
mind downw
s, burdeni
ng it with
with feelin
gs that
that bury
bury our spirit
ual energy and
dissipate it in fleeting, momentary joys and sorrows. True happiness and spiritual awakening
require that we expand our love to envelope the entire universe and thus the riches therein.

Vishnu – the Symbol of Tolerance

The presiding deity of the heart center is Vishnu. Vishnu is the maintainer, the sustainer of
creation and a great symbol of
o f tolerance.

Once, a great sage called Bhrugu went to visit Vishnu with the intention to test His Tolerance.
When Bhrugu arrived, Vishnu was sleeping, while his divine consort Laxmi was massaging his
feet. Bhrugu expected Vishnu to get up and greet him, as Vishnu is the omniscient god, but
when he did not show any signs of recognizing his presence, Bhrugu became very angry and,
as the greatest insult, kicked Vishnu on Hos Chest. Vishnu woke up and seeing the angry sage.
He respectfully bowed to touch the sage's feet and said: “Please don't be upset. I am sorry I

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Chakras - Anahata Chakra

was sleeping and therefore did not acknowledge your arrival. Then Vishnu, to pacify the sage
started massaging his feet with sandalwood paste.

Just as Brahma creates the universe with patience and Vishnu maintains the universe with
tolerance and love, life is maintained in the body through tolerance, love and patience.

Centre of Transformation

Located in the middle of the seven chakras, the Anahata chakra is also called the centre of
transformation. When necessary, from here, the mind can go down to the lower three centres
or travel upward to the super-conscious state, reaching the upper three centres. The path of
spirituality requires the transformation of passion into compassion and emotion into devotion.
This transformati
transformationon is possible
possible through the art of breath regulation
regulation and breath control which
should be learnt under the proper guidance of a teacher. Sometimes people are transformed
only tempor
ly and,
and, after
after a while,
while, temptati
on and passion
passion again
again get hold of them,
them, but
through h regular
regular practi
ce and determ
n, transf
on become
becomess perman
ent,, just
just as
butter, once separated from milk by the churning process, cannot go back to the initial milk

Being Vishnu the presiding deity, many believe that the presence of God is manifested more in
this chakra than anywhere else in the body. Those who meditate concentrating in the heart
centre develop love and devotion which should then be properly directed by ascending to the
Vishuddha chakra.

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Chakras - Vishuddha Chakra

Vishuddha Chakra

The Neck centre

centre is the centre
centre of creativ
ity and of the intellec
t. Our best creativ
e work,
including literature, art, music, philosophy and theology emerge from the activities of this

Location : The base of the throat

Number of petals : Sixteen
Element : Sky
Color : Smoky white
Presiding Deity : Shiva
y of
of Nat
e (Gu
na)) : Sat
a (T
Seed syllable : Sham
Sense organs : Ears (Organ of hearing and Mouth (Organ of speaking)
Taste : Pungent
Benefits due to : Purification of the mind and Intense joy.
Name of the Fire : Samidbhavana (Ritualistic fire)
s (Tende
s) : Poi
son, Nect
or,, Happ
esss, Sac
ce, Ca
ss,, Voc
icall pride,
pride, Noble
Noble nature
nature,, Truthfu
ss,, Forgi
dge,, Self
Self contro
l, Compas
n, Straig
Vanity and Pride.

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Chakras - Vishuddha Chakra

Loka (P
(Plane of
of ex
ence) : Ja
Vital breath : Udana (helps for evolution)
Glands : Thyroid and Parathyroid
Virtues : Titiksha (Perseverance)
Zodiac : Gemini and Sagittarius
Ruling Planet : Mercury

The Vishuddha Chakra is the centre of religious and intellectual activities. The intellect can be
used for material success as well as spiritual progress. Most intelligent people use their skill
and talent to achieve fame and fortune, but only a few realize the intellect's potential for inner
evolution and develop love, compassion, detachment and understanding. The expression of
these qualities through speech and the written word, results in the development of philosophy,
which is an art as well as a science that probes deeply into the meaning of life.

Concentrating in this centre seekers acquire devotional love for God. They study and listen to
the scriptures,
scriptures, intellectual
ize them and practice
practice religion. Religion
Religion is the practica
practicall aspect
aspect of
philosophy. But over a period of time, religions become overly do dogmatic and, as a result,
fanaticism, erupts, blinding their followers up to the point of forgetting their religion’s true
significance. Religion is a means to evolve from the lower centres to the higher ones. All the
religions of the world are petals of the same lovely flower; the flower of life and, in truth, they
all complement one another.

Religious intolerance

Here is a story of three different religious representatives who were traveling in an over-
crowded Indian train. They were a Hindu priest, a Muslim teacher and a Christian minister.
minister. The
three of them were seated on same row of seats, in the same compartment, and as each one
of them believed to be superior to the others and obviously thought his own religion was
greater than any other, they were rigidly trying to keep their distance and not even looking at
each other. In front of them was sitting a journalist who was amused by their behaviour and
was wondering how people could become so narrow-minded and dogmatic. It was late at night
and sleep was overpowering the three men. When one is on threshold of sleep, the gross body
becomes inactive, the subtle body becomes weak, and the causal body takes over. The three
men started dozing and falling on each others, but would quickly check themselves and sit
straight again. Finally they all went asleep and ended up lying with the head touching the feet
of each other. The journalist, seize the rare opportunity and with his instant Polaroid camera,
took a picture of the three men. Next morning, when they got up. They quickly moved away
from each other and once more tried to maintain their air of superiority. The journalist quietly
showed them the photograph with a smile.

It is our body consciousness. Which creates so many differences. Religions based on such
difference become compartmentalized and create only division. People who meditate deeply
understand the spirit behind all religions and the inner harmonious unity that links all faiths.

The cleansing and purification of the mind are the main activities of the neck centre, which is

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Chakras - Vishuddha Chakra

located in the spine behind the throat. According to the Vedas, there are eight holy places
within the throat, the region of purity, liberation and knowledge. Hindus believe that by taking
a dip in holy rivers like Ganga or Yamuna they become pure. The body undoubtedly gets
cleansed and, due to the aspirant's strong belief,
belief, also the mind may result purified
purified to a certain
extent, but this is only a tempporary cleansing.

A Dip in Ganga

Once a disciple asked the great saint Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa: “People believe that they
will be totally free from sins and negative qualities by taking a dip in the river Ganga. Is it
true?” Ramakrishna replied: “there is no doubt about it.” The disciple argued: “My master, I
have seen people daily taking dips in Ganga, yet committing the same sins again and again.”
Sri Ramakrishna smiled and answered: “When a person enters Ganga, all the sins do leave him
because at that time he is immersed in his love for God. The sins leave his body, but patiently
sit on a nearby tree or on top of a roof. When the devotee comes out of the water and he
returns to his old self again, all the sins descends on his head and he starts committing again
and again the very same mistakes.”

If we look at our own life, we can see the same pattern emerge. We vow to reform ourselves;
we make new resolutions at least once a year, we begin with great zest and spirit, but how
easily we resume our bad habits, our addictions, and our faiths. There is a simile in Sanskrit,
gaja snana vat, which means 'like the bath of an elephant' and this suggestive expression is
used to describe those who never drop their bad habits. An elephant takes an elaborate bath,
g its trunk with plenty
plenty of water
water and repeatedl
repeatedly y pours
pours it over
over its body to cleans
e it
thoroughly, but as soon as it emerges from river, it rolls in mud again. Rather than bathing in
external holy rivers, what the Vedas extolled was inner purification through bathing in the
internal oasis of the self, located in the Vishuddha chakra. The eight Vishuddha tirthas (holy
places) are described
described as: non-violen
ce, truthfulnes
s, forgiveness
forgiveness,, compassion
compassion,, knowledge,
straightforwardness, purity of the Self, and liberation.

All these eight virtues are in the neck centre. When we dive into these eight types of human
bondage. The causes for human bondage include: shame, hatred, fear,fear, sorrow, jealousy, pride,
ego, and prejudice. All human beings are strongly bound by these eight negative qualities,
which are like strong ropes keeping us tied down. By bathing or filling ourselves with the eight
divine qualities, we can purify our minds and escape the state bondage.

Nilakantha – Blue Throat

The Hindu God Shiva is the presiding deity of the throat centre. Shiva, in order to save the
world, once again drank a deadly poison, which was threatening to engulf the entire universe.
As Shiva knew that if he swallowed the poison, he too would be destroyed, unable to swallow
and unable to spew out the venom, Shiva kept it locked within his throat. His throat, which
held the poison, took on a permanent blue hue, earning Shiva the name of Nilakantha
Nilakantha or the
one with the blue throat.

Hindu myth always contians an underlying metaphor. Here, the throat is the centre of speech,

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Chakras - Vishuddha Chakra

which can be extremely powerful. With our speech, we can either create a state of harmony,
love and understanding or one of hatred, bitterness and pain. The throat this has the potential
to contain poison or nectar. We need to speak with understanding and love. Like Shiva, we
need to contain the bitter poison and refuse to hurt others through our words.

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Chakras - Ajna Chakra

Ajna Chakra

The Soul Center: or the dwelling place of the third eye is the center for spirituality, and the
residence of the soul within the body.

Location : Between the eyebrows

Number of petals : Two
Element : Beyond all elements
Color : Smoky white
Presiding Deity : Jivatma (the individual soul)
y o
off Natu
re (Gun
a) : Pure
Pure Sa
va (ext
e cal
Seed syllable : Ham, Ksham
Benefits due to : Control over adverse situations and Immortality
Name of the Fire : Brahmagni (Fire of Brahman)
Vrittis (Tendencies) : Inner peace and Inner love.
Loka (Plan
lane of exi
ce)) : Tapa
Vital breath : Prana (Life-energy)
Gland : Pituitary
Virtues : Samadhana (Balanced nature or equanimity)
Zodiac : Cancer and Capricorn
Ruling Planet : Moon and Sun

The soul centre is located

located between the eyebrows,
eyebrows, two to three inches inside
inside the brain. Below
this centre lies ignorance and above lies blissful and divine knowledge. Ajna also means, wish,
will ans instruction or direction. The directions of a teacher can take us only up to the soul

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Chakras - Ajna Chakra

centre, but beyond that we have to go on our own. The journey is strictly personal, we have
come alone to this world and we have to proceed to the goal by our own efforts alone. The
Ajna chakra is also called Kutastha, which in Sanskrit means immovable, self-controlled,
self-controlled, firmly
established and imperishable.

The Inner Anvil

Kuta in Sanskrit means the anvil on which precious ornaments are cast. The soul is ever
unchanging and unaffected by the blows of the hammer and still yields such beautiful jewels.
The process of meditation
meditation and self-purifica
tion can be compared
compared to the blows of the hammer
that mould gold into delicate ornaments.

Another meaning of kuthastha is that which is hidden from our sight. Our vision is directed
outwards, but the soul itself is hidden within the body waiting to be discovered. With the
extrovert senses we search for happiness in the outside world while the hidden kutashtha is
the real source of peace
pe ace and joy.
joy. The soul is the source is the source of all physical and mental

The kuthastha is imperishable and is also called the third eye. When we concentrate in the
Ajna chakra we may see a white ot golden coloured light, sometimes other colours may also
appear due to the predominance of any of the other chakras. The Ajna chakra is some times
also referred to as Jnana chakra or Ajnana chakra – The centre of knowledge and ignorance.
Thosee who
who conc
e in the
the Ajna
Ajna acqu
e comp
te self
ol.. Once
Once one
one is firm
established in this centre, the senses are defeated as their source of strength lies in the
centres below.

The Third Eye

The Ajna chakra is also called third eye or Vishuddha. People normally have two eyes that are
the eyes of duality, which allow them to identify friends and enemies, good and bad, pleasure
and pain. Duality is the cause of bondage
bondage and suffering,
suffering, therefore, to pursue
pursue harmony
harmony in the
duality of nature is true spirituality. Jesus said: “The eye is the light of the body. If therefore
thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.” the Bhagavad Gita we well mentions
that the top of the nose, in the centre of the two brows, is the place to concentrate while
meditating. The right eye is the sun, the left is the moon and the third eye is fire; the fire of
knowledge. The fire is known as brahmagni, the fire of God, the fire of purity, knowledge and
illumination. One may use the third eye only while meditating.

The Pole Star

The Ajna chakra is also referred to us as the Dhruva chakra. Dhruva means to be fixed or
undisturbed. In Hindu mythology Dhruva nakshatra is the name of the pole star. In the olden
days, navigators looked up to the pole star. In the north to determine the direction of their
voyage. Similarly, in the inner universe, one should look up to the upper part of the body for
direction. When one meditates in the soul centre one sometimes sees a bluish coloured star,

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Chakras - Ajna Chakra

the pole star.

The mythological legend states that Dhruva was a young prince who had dedicated all his life
to experiencing spiritual truth. Once Dhruva became very dejected and deeply hurt when his
step mother humiliated him. Suniti, his real mother, consoled him and advised him to only
meditate on God. The five year old boy asked his mother where and how to proceed. She
instructed him to go to the forest and meditate in peace and seclusion, this becoming her
child's first Guru. The young child followed her advice and went to the forest. At first he was
afraid of th wild animals roaming free in the forest, but he soon established himself so firmly in
the omnipresen
omnipresence ce of God that he saw saw only
only God everywhe
re. Dhruva
Dhruva is believ
ed to have
become that very pole star,
star, which is the guiding light to many spiritual seekers.

When one medita
tes in the soul
soul centre
centre one become
s free
free from
from animal
animal propensit
ies and
negative thoughts.

The Knot of Liberation

Two out of the three knots, the creative knot; Brahmagranthi and the knot of preservation;
Vishnugranthi are situated below the Ajna and are helpful for the creation and preservation of
life. For liberation, however, one must be able to penetrate Rudragranthi. Rudra is another
name of Shiva. Rudra means prana, or the tranquil breath. Below are forty-nine pranas, which
by combination and permutations become multifold and bring vibrations of various types of
thoughts and propensities
propensities into our life. Then one meditates in the knot of liberation
liberation this knot
opens s gradu
ly and
and one
one becom
becomeses relea
sedd from
from the
the pull
pull of natu
re,, the
the mind
mind is at last
disentangled and will be able to climb further up. By meditating in each chakra one becomes
free from bondage and when one, with the help of Guru, reaches the ajna chakra, one is ready
to enter
enter alo
ne in the realm
realm of spirit
ual enlighten
t. When
When Rudra
i, the knot
knot of
liberation is opened, the seeker,
seeker, at last, becomes emancipated.

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Chakras - Sahasrara Chakra

Sahasrara Chakra

Sahasrara chakra: is the entryway to the Absolute, where the soul unites the limited universe
with the unlimited universe without. This chakra is otherwise known as Brahmarandhra (the
adobe of Brahman) and muktidvara (windows of liberation).

Location : Crown of the head

Number of petals : 1,000
Element : Beyond the elements
Color : Colourless
Presiding Deity : The supreme Self (Paramatma)
y o
off Natu
re (Gun
a) : Be
nd all
all qua
Seed syllable : OM
Benefits due to : Wisdom / Liberation
Name of the Fire : Visarupa mahanaagni (Cosmic Fire)
Vrittis (T
(Tendencies) : Experience in tth
he at
atom po
Loka (P
(Plane of
of ex
ence) : Sa
Vital breath : Vyana (omnipresent vital breath)
Gland : Pineal
Virtues : All virtues manifested

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Chakras - Sahasrara Chakra

Zodiac : Beyond the zodiac

Ruling Planet : Beyond the planets

The Sahasrara chakra is located in the fontanel at the top of the head. It corresponds to the
soft place in the scalp, the hole in the skull of new born babies, which closes when the child is
around three or four months old, leaving a very small gap still open. The Sahasrara chakra is
the chakratita chakra, the chakra beyond all chakras. Sahasra means thousand and ara means
the spoke of a wheel. It is a wheel of one thousand spokes. Why a thousand? It is multiple of 1
x 10 x 10 x 10. The number one is the Supreme Soul within the body expressed in three states
of existence. The first ten represent the ten directions; four sides, four corners, above and
below, which cover all the existing space. The indwelling self manifested like this is the causal
body. When it is expressed through mind and breath, it is subtle or the astral body with it's ten
vital breaths, and when expressed through the ten organs, it is the physical or gross body. The
wheel of life rotates in a thousand directions (a thousand is not to be taken literally. It simply
represents a multiplicity of activities).

The Sahasrara
Sahasrara is also called
called the lotus of a thousand petals. It is the biggest lotus. Unlike
Unlike the
otherr chak
s, wher
wheree the
the lotu
s bloo
ms upwa
s, in the
the SaSaha
a, the
the lotu
s bloo
downwards. Modern scientists have defined this chakra as the energy surrounding the brain.

The Yogis call it the doorway to the infinite. When one concentrates in the Sahasrara there is a
mixture of seven colours just as when sunlight, passing through a prism, is split into seven
colours. The outermost is indigo, followed with blue, green violet, red, orange and yellow. The
inner place is also called the brahmarandhra, the hole of the Absolute. Through this opening,
the soul enters the body of the baby in the mother's womb and then a few months after birth
this door is being closed again.

The Vast Inner Sky

When one goes into deep meditation and re aches beyond the Ajna chakra, one experiences the
Sahasrara as a vast inner sky. There are stars and planets just as in the outer sky, but if one
goes even higher up, beyond stars and planets, there is one vast sky where there is only light.
In deep meditation,
meditation, when one reaches
reaches great heights, one experiences
experiences the limitless,
limitless, formless
aspect where all lights merge into a single light.


The earth has terrestrial magnetism. It has a north pole and a south pole. Correspondingly, the
body also has a north and a south pole. We normally say north to indicate up and south to
indicate down. South is the place of material activity and north is the area of spirituality and
ss. Betwee
Betweenn the northe
rn and southe
rn poles
poles of the body,
body, all activ
es, materi
physical, emotional, religious and spiritual are possible. At the extreme end of the North Pole,
when one reaches the atom point, everything dissolves and one attains realization.

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Chakras - Sahasrara Chakra

Beyond Name and Form

A father took his five children to a store to buy some candies. The sweets were in the form of
dissimilar animals and each of the children picked a different form: a lion, an elephant, a deer,
a bird and a human figure. Each child was convinced his candy was the best of all. The first
one said that the lion was the most powerful as it could eat all the other animals and even
human beings. The second said the elephant was far better as it was the biggest of all and
soo n starte
d a big argument.
argument. When their mother came to see what was happeni happeningng she
ed about
about the reason
reason for such
such a quarrel
quarrel and the childr
en, sustai
g their
their reason
explained the origins of the fight. Their mother smiled and reminded them that in reality the
essence of all the candies was only sugar, that all the different candies were all just as sweet,
so they had no reason to quarrel. All they had to do was to enjoy the sweetness inherent in
the various forms. The five children represent the five lower centres, busy with name and form
and the mother represents the sixth centre, asserting that all names and forms are only
apparent and once in the mouth the candy melts leaving only sweetness and joy. In the
Sahasrara one is free from all names and forms, totally absorbed in oneself, experiencing inner
peace and happiness.

Chakra Purification

The seven chakras form a garland of fourteen lotuses going up and down along the spine.
Dedicate this garland to God as God was the one who have these cosmic energy centres to
man. Always connect each centre with the source of energy and, when acting through any
chakra, never forget to act in God consciousness. While meditating, when you focus your
attention on each chakra, offer each chakra to God. Concentrate, purify and energize each
chakra through your concentration, the negative propensities of each chakra will be removed
and your mind will be pure, happy and peaceful. The chakra purification is also a part of an
intricate yogic process, which highly advanced Yogis do, infusing their energy in order to help
the student savor supernatural experiences.

Stars and Planets

Just as the outer universe has stars and planets that are believed to influence human life, all
along the
the spin
e, in the
the inne
innerr univ
e, one
one finds
finds the
the enti
re zodi
ac.. By medi
ng and
energizing the spine, the adverse effects of the stars and planets are neutralized. People go to
astrologers to know their future through astrological calculation, yet it is our inner stars and
planets, the subtle zodiac present inside the spine that can be instrumental in radiating cosmic
light and thus benefiting our life's endeavours.

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Chakras - Sahasrara Chakra

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El sistema de chakras se empezó a estudiar en occidente, cuando alumnos de
Takata crearon el Sistema Tibetano de Reiki.

Aparte del cuerpo físico, el ser humano dispone de cuerpos o capas, canales
(nadisis))  cent
ross (cha
as)) ener
s. #hak
ra es un t"rm
o s$ns
utilizado por los %edas para los centros o %órtices ener!"ticos del cuerpo
humano  puede traducirse como & rueda ' ó &círculo'.

me la ener
a cont
a %ia
do a tra%
"s de los
los nadi
nadiss al sist
ner%ioso, "sta se dispersa entonces dentro del sistema endocrino. *esde allí
%iaa al torrente san!uíneo, las c"lulas, electrones  $tomos.

Tablilla de chakras  nadis del Tíbet

Entre las funciones principales de los chakras est$n la recepción, acumulación,

transformación  distribución de la ener!ía uni%ersal. +ormalmente se suelen
reconocer siete capas  cada una de ellas se asocia con un chakra.

a primera capa  el primer chakra est$n relacionados con el funcionamiento

del cuerpo  la sensación física. a primera capa !uarda relación con el
funcionamiento autom$tico  autónomo del cuerpo.
a se!unda capa  el se!undo chakra se relacionan con el aspecto emoti%o de
los seres humanos.
a tercera capa  el tercer chakra est$n asociados con nuestra %ida mental.
El sistema de chakras se empezó a estudiar en occidente, cuando alumnos de
Takata crearon el Sistema Tibetano de Reiki.

Aparte del cuerpo físico, el ser humano dispone de cuerpos o capas, canales
(nadisis))  cent
ross (cha
as)) ener
s. #hak
ra es un t"rm
o s$ns
utilizado por los %edas para los centros o %órtices ener!"ticos del cuerpo
humano  puede traducirse como & rueda ' ó &círculo'.

me la ener
a cont
a %ia
do a tra%
"s de los
los nadi
nadiss al sist
ner%ioso, "sta se dispersa entonces dentro del sistema endocrino. *esde allí
%iaa al torrente san!uíneo, las c"lulas, electrones  $tomos.

Tablilla de chakras  nadis del Tíbet

Entre las funciones principales de los chakras est$n la recepción, acumulación,

transformación  distribución de la ener!ía uni%ersal. +ormalmente se suelen
reconocer siete capas  cada una de ellas se asocia con un chakra.

a primera capa  el primer chakra est$n relacionados con el funcionamiento

del cuerpo  la sensación física. a primera capa !uarda relación con el
funcionamiento autom$tico  autónomo del cuerpo.
a se!unda capa  el se!undo chakra se relacionan con el aspecto emoti%o de
los seres humanos.
a tercera capa  el tercer chakra est$n asociados con nuestra %ida mental.
El cuarto ni%el -ue se relaciona con el chakra del corazón es el %ehículo por
medio el cual amamos.
El -uinto ni%el est$ relacionado con una %oluntad m$s ele%ada -ue tiene maor
coneión con la %oluntad di%ina  el -uinto chakra se asocia con el poder de la
palabra, escuchando  aceptando la responsabilidad por nuestras acciones.
El seto ni%el  el seto chacra est$n asociados con el amor celestial -ue
abarca  prote!e la %ida.
/or ltimo, la s"ptima capa  el s"ptimo chakra !uardan relación con el
pensamiento ele%ado, el conocimiento  la inte!ración de nuestra formación
espiritual  física.

Aun-ue todo el cuerpo físico est$ lleno de puntos ener!"ticos -ue han sido
se0alados por el sistema de acupuntura de la medicina china, se suele hablar
de siet
e chak
rass prin
less  unos
unos 12 chakchakra
rass secu
s, sien
do la
diferencia entre ellos el nmero de canales ener!"ticos -ue confluen en la
zona. os principales son los de la base, sacro, pleo solar, corazón, !ar!anta,
frente  corona. as posiciones de los secundarios son las si!uientes3 uno
delante de cada orea, uno encima de cada pezón, uno donde se unen las
cla%ículas, uno en la palma de cada mano, uno en la planta de cada pie, uno
detr$s de cada oo (no se muestran en la l a ilustración), uno relacionado con cada
!ónadada,, uno
uno cerc
a del
del hí!a
do,, uno
uno coneconect
o con
con el estó
!o,, dos
conectados con el bazo, uno en cada cor%a, uno cerca del timo  uno cerca del
pleo solar.

#hakras principales #hakras secundarios

#ada chakra se asemea a una flor abierta con forma de embudo -ue tiene
diferente nmero de p"talos  posee ciertos colores -ue son m$s o menos
brillantes se!n el estado e%oluti%o de la persona. os p"talos son en realidad
pe-ue0os torbellinos !iratorios -ue se mue%en a %elocidades mu altas.

Así como los siete chakras principales est$n %inculados entre sí, el chakra del
corazón est$ %inculado con los chakras de las manos  el primer chakra est$
relacionado con los chakras de los pies.

#ada persona tiene una tendencia específica con respecto a la ener!ía, de

forma -ue ha una mano fa%orable a la emisión ener!"tica (la derecha para los
diestros)  otra para la recepción (la iz-uierda para los diestros).

#ada chakra tiene una parte frontal  una parte posterior, a ecepción del
primero  del s"ptimo. Todos los chakras est$n unidos entre sí por un canal
ener!"tico, sushumna ó canal central, -ue se etiende a lo lar!o de toda la
espina dorsal. Eiste una correspondencia entre cada chakra  las diferentes
!l$ndulas del sistema endocrino.
Ante una eperiencia desa!radable, la persona puede reaccionar blo-ueando
sus sentimientos  deteniendo !ran parte de su fluo ener!"tico natural. *e esta
forma el chakra se tapona, se atasca con la ener!ía estancada, !ira de forma
irre!ular o en el sentido contrario al de las a!uas del relo e incluso puede
deformarse o ras!arse.

Se!n el sistema taoísta, cuando nos encontramos en un estado emocional

alterado o nos deamos lle%ar por la ira, el temor, el miedo, etc., nuestros
ór!anos se obstruen  tendemos a estar cansados, sin refleos o ale!ría. os
problemas en los ór!anos pueden hacer -ue se manifiesten ciertas emociones3
cuando los pulmones est$n d"biles la persona mostrar$ tristeza  depresión4
cuando el hí!ado est$ dese-uilibrado sur!ir$ la ira4 cuando el corazón se
calienta demasiado aparece el odio, la crueldad  la impaciencia adem$s de
una falta de %italidad4 los problemas del estóma!o, bazo  p$ncreas se asocian
a la an!ustia, tristeza  falta de estabilidad  decisión, mientras -ue unos
ri0ones baos de ener!ía pueden ser la causa de tristeza, miedo  la falta de
fuerza de %oluntad  alicientes.

El funcionamiento normal de un chakra sería el de !irar en el sentido de las

a!uas del relo para metabolizar las ener!ías particulares -ue necesita. Si el
chakra no est$ abierto, es decir, est$ cerrado o blo-ueado, !irar$ en el sentido
contrario a las a!uas del relo, con lo -ue la corriente de ener!ía %a desde el
centro del chakra hacia fuera. 5na de las funciones de los chakras es la de
proporcionarnos información sobre el mundo -ue nos rodea, así -ue si
tenemos al!n chakra blo-ueado, no sólo impedimos -ue entre la información,
sino -ue adem$s captamos como al!o eterno la información -ue el chakra
en%ía hacia fuera al !irar en el sentido contrario a las a!uas del relo.
Es comn -ue la persona ten!a %arios chakras blo-ueados  tambi"n es
corriente -ue los pares de chakras (frontal  posterior) funcionen de manera no
armónica, lo -ue produce -ue haa un eceso de funcionamiento en uno  una
hipofunción en el otro no pudi"ndose combinar los dos aspectos del chakra al
mismo tiempo.

os blo-ueos se pueden liberar a tra%"s de %ibraciones ener!"ticas -ue se

aproimen a las frecuencias con las -ue un chakra %ibra de forma natural.
Estas %ibraciones se pueden encontrar por eemplo en los colores, las piedras 
cristales, los sonidos (naturales, los de los cuencos de cristal, tibetanos, !on!s,
etc.), los aceites esenciales, la naturaleza, el o!a, la luz, la !eometría
sa!rada, las diferentes t"cnicas ener!"ticas, etc. Tan pronto como nuestros
chakras entren en contacto con frecuencias m$s ele%adas  puras -ue las de
su estado actual, comenzar$n a %ibrar con maor rapidez,  las frecuencias
m$s lentas de los blo-ueos se ir$n disol%iendo pro!resi%amente. Entonces, los
centros ener!"ticos podr$n absorber nue%as ener!ías %itales  retransmitirlas a
los cuerpos no materiales.

#uando en este proceso de purificación  clarificación se liberan las ener!ías

estancadas, sus contenidos aparecen una %ez m$s en nuestra conciencia. #on
ello podemos %i%ir de nue%o las mismas sensaciones -ue causaron el blo-ueo3
nuestras an!ustias, nuestra ira  nuestro dolor. as enfermedades corporales
pueden sur!ir por ltima %ez antes de ser totalmente eliminadas. *urante estos
procesos es natural -ue nos sintamos intran-uilos, ecitados o incluso mu
cansados, pero tan pronto como las ener!ías ten!an el camino despeado nos
sentiremos llenos de ale!ría, serenidad  claridad.

6tra forma de disol%er los blo-ueos ener!"ticos en los chacras consiste en la

aceptación incondicional de uno mismo. Esta aceptación implica una liberación
de las tensiones, las contracciones  los blo-ueos. Si rechazamos al!n
aspecto nuestro de forma consciente o inconsciente, uz!$ndolo 
rechaz$ndolo, la tensión no sólo permanecer$, sino -ue el blo-ueo se har$
m$s pronunciado. 7emos de estar dispuestos a %er nuestras debilidades 
tener el %alor de decir sí a todo sin ecluir nada.


8 A tra%"s de las descripciones -ue m$s adelante se detallan de cómo

funcionan los diferentes chakras cuando "stos tienen al!n blo-ueo.

8 9i$ndonos en -u" chakras reaccionan de forma llamati%a en situaciones

límite. /or eemplo si ha un blo-ueo en el primer chakra, en una situación de
esfuerzo la persona puede tener la sensación de -ue le fallan las piernas e
incluso puede tener diarrea, o bien eistir$ una tendencia a la ira  a los
arrebatos a!resi%os. Si el blo-ueo est$ en el se!undo chakra, habr$ o bien un
blo-ueo de los sentimientos o bien un descontrol de emociones. Si se trata del
tercer chakra, habr$ un sentimiento de impotencia, incapacidad, una sensación
incómoda en el estóma!o, ner%iosismo, hiperacti%idad. En cambio si el blo-ueo
est$ en el cuarto chakra, en una situación de esfuerzo la persona sentir$ cómo
le palpita el corazón  si adem$s siente como si se le parara habr$ una
disfunción en el chakra corona. Si se trata del chakra de la !ar!anta, la persona
tendr$ un nudo en la !ar!anta  puede -ue tartamudee o -ue trate de controlar
la situación diciendo cosas sin haberlas madurado antes. En el caso del seto
chakra, se manifiesta como no tener las ideas claras  se pueden producir
dolores de cabeza si ha una sobrecar!a.

8 A tra%"s del cuerpo, a -ue siempre -ue se produzcan dolores, tensiones,

pinchazos, etc., podemos asi!narlos al chakra correspondiente en función del
lu!ar en donde suran. /or eemplo, si nos duele una pierna lo asociaremos al
primer chakra. os problemas de la %ista se asocian al seto chakra. os -ue
sufren hipermetropía tambi"n eperimentan tensión en el ni%el del chakra de la
:ar!anta  %en el mundo a tra%"s de un filtro percepti%o de ira o culpabilidad.
as personas -ue sufren asti!matismo %en a tra%"s del filtro percepti%o
emocional de la confusión. a !l$ndula endocrina asociada al chakra del /leo
Solar es el p$ncreas. Se puede decir -ue los diab"ticos se abstienen de la
dulzura. #uando al!uien se acerca demasiado a la dulzura se siente
amenazado en su capacidad de ser -uien es,  entonces sur!e la emoción de
la ira para establecer de nue%o una distancia se!ura. a diabetes est$ asociada
con la ira reprimida. #uando al!uien eperimenta una sensibilidad etrema a
ser tocado, debemos pre!untarnos -u" es lo -ue est$ ocurriendo en el ni%el del
chakra del #orazón. #uando al!uien tiene problemas con el aire, dificultades al
respirar (asma, enfisema, tuberculosis, etc.), podemos afirmar -ue su relación
con el aire reflea su relación con el amor3 dificultad al admitirlo o al epresarlo,
por eemplo. Así mismo, las a-uecas est$n relacionadas con tensiones en el
seto chakra.

8 Tambi"n est$ la posibilidad de -ue la persona use su intuición para conocer el

estado de su sistema ener!"tico. /ara ello, la persona recibir$ información
cuando medite sobre el estado de sus chakras a tra%"s de im$!enes, ideas,
etc., al recorrerlos uno por uno.

8 A tra%"s del tacto tambi"n se puede sentir si un chakra est$ blo-ueado o no.
Si se detecta una especie de resistencia al acercarnos a un chakra si!nifica
-ue el chakra en cuestión est$ acti%o. En cambio, si no notamos ener!ía es
mu probable -ue el chakra presente al!n tipo de blo-ueo  -ue pueda
manifestarse en el cuerpo en forma de dolor o enfermedad. 7a personas -ue
pueden incluso detectar a!ueros o ru!osidades mediante el tacto mientras -ue
otras son capaces de hacerlo a tra%"s de la %isión.
Energía física  !"#$n%a& &e !i!ir

• +ombre3 chakra ;uladhara, chakra radical, chakra base, chakra raíz, centro
• Símbolo3 loto de cuatro p"talos.
• ocalización3 en el perineo, entre el ano  los !enitales.
• #olor3 roo.
• Elemento correspondiente3 Tierra.
• 9unción sensorial3 olfato.
• /rincipio b$sico3 ener!ía física  %oluntad de %i%ir.
• #orrespondencia corporal3 todo lo sólido como columna %ertebral, huesos,
dientes  u0as4 ano, recto, intestino !rueso, próstata, san!re  estructura
• :l$ndulas correspondientes3 las !l$ndulas suprarrenales, -ue son las
encar!adas de producir adrenalina  noradrenalina para re!ular  adaptar la
circulación san!uínea a las necesidades concretas. Así el cuerpo estar$
preparado para la acción  para reaccionar al instante cuando sea
necesario. as !l$ndulas suprarrenales influen adem$s en el e-uilibrio
t"rmico del cuerpo.
• 9unciones3
o 5nión con el mundo físico a tra%"s de la madre Tierra3 las ener!ías
cósmicas fluen hacia el plano corpóreo terrenal  la ener!ía de la tierra
se diri!e a tra%"s suo hacia el sistema ener!"tico no material.
o as necesidades fundamentales de la %ida  la super%i%encia a ni%el
indi%idual  colecti%o.
o El sí a la %ida en la Tierra  a la eistencia física  el actuar en armonía
con la Tierra. 5nión con el mundo físico a tra%"s de la madre Tierra3 las
ener!ías cósmicas fluen hacia el plano corpóreo terrenal  la ener!ía
de la tierra.
o #onstancia  fuerza para imponernos.
o a seualidad como función corporal  como medio para la procreación.
o En "l arranca la ener!ía <undalini  los tres canales principales3
Sushumna, =da, /in!ala.

• 9uncionamiento armónico3
o /rofunda coneión con la Tierra  respeto hacia toda forma de %ida.
o Aceptación de la %ida  sus ciclos >reposo  acti%idad, nacimiento 
o #onfianza en la %ida  en -ue "sta puede cubrir cual-uier necesidad -ue
o a acción encaminada a formar parte de un todo armónico.
• 9uncionamiento inarmónico3
o =mportancia ecesi%a de la posesión  se!uridad materiales.
o @s-ueda de estímulos  placeres sensoriales a tra%"s de comida,
bebidas alcohólicas, seo?
o *ificultad en dar  recibir abiertamente, así como una tendencia a
prote!erse a uno mismo. Este -uerer retener se puede manifestar
corporalmente en forma de estre0imiento  sobrepeso.
o a acción encaminada a la satisfacción de las necesidades propias.
o +o dar importancia a necesidades corporales tales como descansar lo
suficiente, la alimentación sana  una forma de %ida e-uilibrada.
o El uso de la ira  la %iolencia como mecanismos de defensa cuando
otras personas o ciertas circunstancias desafían ideas  ambiciones -ue
uno no puede abandonar. *etr$s de estas emociones se encuentra el
miedo a perder e incluso a no recibir al!o.
o a Tierra como un lu!ar para ser dominado  eplotado para !arantizar
la super%i%encia.
o 5na persona con el primer chakra blo-ueado tendr$ una constitución
d"bil  poca capacidad de resistencia física  anímica. a %ida le crea
inse!uridad  parece como si no pudiera pisar tierra firme, como si
estu%iera en cierta forma ele%ado. e es difícil imponerse  enfrentar los
desafíos de la %ida de forma -ue a menudo estar en la Tierra representa
una car!a. 7a un deseo de tener una %ida m$s f$cil  menos ei!ente.
El blo-ueo en este chakra se puede deber a una separación temprana
de la madre o a una falta de contacto de ella  esto supondr$ -ue la
persona pierda los sentimientos de confianza ori!inal, se!uridad,
satisfacción  protección, con lo -ue a la edad adulta los buscar$ en el
$mbito eterno  material.
o Si los chakras superiores est$n m$s desarrollados, es posible -ue eista
un sentimiento de no pertenecer a la Tierra  abre la posibilidad de -ue
se manifieste la anoreia como reacción de huida. a cla%e est$ en
aceptar los problemas -ue se presentan en el plano físico como
oportunidades de e%olución.
• #ómo desblo-uearlo3
o +aturaleza3
 #ontemplar un sol naciente o poniente de color roo intenso.
 Sentarse en posición de loto sobre la tierra  respirar
conscientemente su olor.

o Sonido3
 a msica  danza arcaica de muchos pueblos primiti%os por tener
ritmos repetiti%os  fuertemente acentuados.
 Sonidos de la naturaleza.
 a %ocal -ue se le asocia es la 5. Se canta con tono profundo 
desencadena un mo%imiento diri!ido hacia abao, hacia lo m$s
profundo, en dirección a tus raíces.
 El mantra asi!nado es A;.
o #romoterapia3
 El color roo calienta  produce una sensación de %italidad,
dinamismo  %alor.
o :emoterapia3
 !ata3 disuel%e emociones ne!ati%as, despierta la %aloración del
cuerpo  limpia los ór!anos reproducti%os. /roporciona seriedad,
resistencia  e-uilibrio.

 7ematites3 estimula la resistencia  fuerza  la formación sana de

san!re  c"lulas.

 Baspe san!uíneo3 en %erde  roo te une a la fuerza de la Tierra. Te

ense0a el car$cter no utilitario, la modestia, fortalece la san!re,
aporta %italidad, estabilidad  se!uridad.
 :ranate3 aporta ener!ía acti%a, intensidad de la %oluntad, auto
confianza, "ito, abre la %ista para lo oculto, estimula la seualidad 
la circulación san!uínea  sana las enfermedades de los ór!anos

 #oral roo3 da ener!ía %ital  fuerza. Estimula la estabilidad  la


 Rubí3 transmite ener!ía %ital c$lida  creati%a. Establece un %ínculo

armónico entre lo físico  lo espiritual, entre la seualidad  la




o Aromaterapia3
 #edro3 establece una unión con las fuerzas de la naturaleza.
Transmite ener!ía, tran-uilidad  se!uridad.

 #la%o de especia3 su olor auda a disol%er las ener!ías estancadas

en el chakra raíz. Aporta transformación  reno%ación de estructuras


Crea%i!i&a& &e# ser en %"&"s #"s ni!e#es

• +ombre3 chakra S%adhistana, chacra sacro, centro sacro.

• Símbolo3 loto de seis p"talos.
• ocalización3 encima de los !enitales.
• #olor3 narana.
• Elemento correspondiente3 a!ua.
• 9unción sensorial3 !usto.
• /rincipio b$sico3 creati%idad del ser.
• #orrespondencia corporal3 ca%idad p"l%ica, ór!anos reproductores, ri0ones,
%ei!a, todos los humores >san!re, linfa, u!os di!esti%os, esperma?
• :l$ndulas correspondientes3 o%arios, próstata, testículos.
• 9unciones3
o +os eperimentamos como parte del proceso creador de la %ida.
o *isuel%e a-uello -ue se opone al fluir de la %ida. 9ísicamente se reflea
en los ri0ones  la %ei!a con su acti%idad ecretora  de desintoicación
 en lo anímico en la epresión fluida de los sentimientos. Así podremos
estar abiertos para eperimentar nue%as facetas de la %ida.
o Ci%ir las relaciones seuales fomentando el dar  el recibir  deando de
un lado el e!o.
• 9uncionamiento armónico3
o a persona se muestra abierta  natural para con los dem$s incluendo
el seo contrario.
o as relaciones seuales se %i%en como una forma de eperimentar una
maor unidad e inte!ración interiores.
o a persona se dea lle%ar por la %ida, acept$ndola tal  como es 
contribuendo con ella de forma creati%a.
• 9uncionamiento inarmónico3
o /osible ne!ación  rechazo de la seualidad debido a la inse!uridad
transmitida por los educadores  una falta de contacto corporal en la
infancia. a ener!ía blo-ueada tomar$ -uiz$s la forma de fantasías
seuales o de promiscuidad, eistiendo en ambas una tendencia a
anteponer la satisfacción seual personal. Esto %a a pro%ocar un
retraimiento en la epresión de las emociones  una frialdad respecto a
los sentimientos seuales.
o a desconeión con las ener!ías seuales conlle%a la p"rdida de cómo
epresar ó manifestar estas ener!ías en la creación  una p"rdida del
asombro por el mila!ro de la %ida.
o #uando el se!undo frontal est$ abierto es f$cil dar  recibir placer físico
 seual. ;u probablemente la persona disfruta del acto seual  tiene
or!asmos. Si est$ blo-ueado, habr$ una incapacidad de lle!ar al
or!asmo  de disfrutar con la penetración en el caso de la muer,  de un
or!asmo prematuro o la incapacidad de tener una erección en el caso
del hombre.
o Si el se!undo posterior est$ abierto, la persona sentir$ su potencia
seual  pasión de forma armónica. /or el contrario, si est$ blo-ueado la
potencia seual ser$ d"bil  es posible -ue se nie!ue la importancia del
seo cubriendo el miedo de dar rienda suelta a toda su potencia seual.
o Si el se!undo frontal est$ abierto  el posterior est$ cerrado ser$ difícil
para la persona combinar una potencia seual con una actitud abierta a
dar  recibir en el coito. /uede ocurrir -ue la potencia seual se
con%ierta en fantasía hasta lle!ar a con%ertirse en %iolentas fantasías
seuales. *e esta forma la persona tendr$ miedo a tener relaciones
seuales por la %er!Denza o culpa de estos sentimientos interiores.
o En cambio si el frontal esta blo-ueado  el posterior est$ abierto, la
persona tendr$ un fuerte impulso seual -ue no ir$ a la par de la
capacidad de dar  recibir seualmente. Esto hace difícil la satisfacción
del deseo seual  probablemente haa una tendencia a tener %arias
pareas e%itando la comunicación profunda seual con al!uien  una
incapacidad para establecer los compromisos en relación con el seo.
• #ómo desblo-uearlo3
o +aturaleza3
 a luz de la luna, en particular la luna llena, estimula los sentimientos
 la recepción de sue0os.
 El contacto con el a!ua  su contemplación, un ba0o, etc., hacen -ue
fluan las emociones liber$ndose los blo-ueos .
o Sonido3
 #ual-uier msica -ue despierte la ale!ría de %i%ir.
 @ailes populares  en parea.
 ;sica -ue ha!a aflorar las emociones.
 #anto de los p$aros, el murmullo del a!ua, etc.
 Cocal asociada3 6. *espierta los sentimientos  la capacidad de
 El mantra asociado es CA;.

o #romoterapia3
 El color narana transmite una ener!ía %i%ificadora  libera de
patrones emocionales entumecidos. 9a%orece la autoestima 
despierta la ale!ría por lo sensorial.
o :emoterapia3
 #ornalina3 auda a %i%ir estableciendo una unión con la belleza  la
fuerza creadora de la tierra. Acti%a la capacidad de epresión

 /iedra lunar3 te une con tu lado sensible, recepti%o  so0ador  te

auda a aceptarlo  a inte!rarlo. Absorbe el miedo a los sentimientos
 fa%orece el e-uilibrio emocional.



o Aromaterapia3
 lan!lan!3 este aceite tiene un efecto relaador  auda a abrirse a
sensaciones sensoriales m$s sutiles. Transmite se!uridad en los
sentimientos  hace -ue las emociones estancadas se disuel%an.
 S$ndalo3 estimula la fantasía  la ale!ría. Se usa tambi"n para
aumentar las ener!ías seuales  ele%ar la unión con la parea.



C"nfig$raci(n &e# ser

• +ombre3 chakra ;anipura, chakra del pleo solar, centro umbilical.

• Símbolo3 loto de diez p"talos.
• ocalización3 dos dedos por encima del ombli!o.
• #olor3 amarillo
• Elemento correspondiente3 fue!o.
• 9unción sensorial3 %ista.
• /rincipio b$sico3 confi!uración del ser.
• #orrespondencia corporal3 parte inferior de la espalda, ca%idad abdominal,
sistema di!esti%o, estóma!o, hí!ado, bazo, %esícula biliar, sistema ner%ioso
• :l$ndulas correspondientes3 p$ncreas.
• 9unciones3
o a capacidad de establecer un %ínculo armónico con las personas 
cosas -ue nos rodean. #uando un ni0o nace se crear$ un cordón
umbilical et"reo -ue le conecta a la madre. Al relacionarse con otras
personas se crean cordones entre los respecti%os chakras del pleo
solar, -ue se ir$n debilitando cuando la relación se acabe.
o /urifica los instintos  deseos de los anteriores chakras, diri!iendo 
usando conscientemente su ener!ía creati%a. En lo físico se
corresponde con el hí!ado, cua función es analizar el alimento in!erido
 transformar lo til en sustancias apro%echables -ue ser$n
transportadas a donde lo necesite el cuerpo.
o a habilidad de percibir las %ibraciones de otras personas, reaccionando
a su cualidad. #uando nos enfrentamos a %ibraciones ne!ati%as -ue
encierran un posible peli!ro, el tercer chakra se contrae
in%oluntariamente como mecanismo de protección.
• 9uncionamiento armónico3
o Sentimiento de armonía  aceptación internas con uno mismo, los
dem$s  la %ida.
o #onocimiento de -ue el reconocimiento  la ri-ueza eteriores no
producen una satisfacción duradera.
o Aceptación de sentimientos, deseos  eperiencias %itales como
herramientas de inte!ración espiritual.
o #apacidad para atraer lo -ue se desea.
• 9uncionamiento inarmónico3
o a persona tiene deseos de influir  controlar tanto su mundo interior
como lo -ue le rodea, lo -ue se puede deber a un no reconocimiento  a
una baa autoestima de la infancia o la pubertad. a persona adulta
tender$ a buscar una confirmación eterior, pero la insatisfacción interior
hace -ue haa una !ran acti%idad  dificultad para relaarse.
o a no aceptación de al!unos sentimientos  deseos produce -ue "stos
se estan-uen. #on el tiempo, las emociones reprimidas emer!er$n
acompa0adas de una tendencia al enfado por haber e%itado procesarlas.
o os deseos parecen no poder cumplirse por la aparición de obst$culos 
la persona se puede sentir entonces sin $nimos  derrotada. El ori!en se
remonta al miedo de la infancia de perder el reconocimiento de los
padres o de los educadores, por lo -ue hubo la tendencia a la inhibición
de los sentimientos, deseos  acciones.
o a persona no cree estar a la altura de nue%os retos  eperiencias 
esto le !enera an!ustia.
o Ante una situación difícil, la persona se siente o bien sin ener!ía en la
zona del estóma!o o bien se pone tan ner%iosa -ue sus acciones son
descoordinadas  cambiantes.
o #on un chakra frontal blo-ueado, la persona tender$ a blo-uear sus
sentimientos  no sentir$ amor  aceptación por sí mismo. Tendr$ una
necesidad de controlar e influir sobre los dem$s, temor a asumir el
propio poder, miedo a destacar o necesidad de prote!erse del poder
eterno -ue se eteriorizar$ en un %ientre duro, hinchado o hundido. En
!eneral el eceso de peso representa un dese-uilibrio de este chacra
debido al mal funcionamiento de la asimilación  depuración de los
o #on un chakra posterior blo-ueado es posible -ue aparezcan
sentimientos de rechazo personal  desinter"s por la propia salud. Ante
el miedo o la impotencia la persona se retira  reduce su mo%ilidad, con
lo -ue se produce un blo-ueo de la fuerza -ue a la lar!a se traduce en
cansancio  a!otamiento. 7a una tendencia a la bs-ueda de
aprobación de los dem$s  de estímulos  acti%idades eternos, a parte
de una disminución del deseo de acti%idad. /uede eistir la necesidad
de conse!uir ener!ía artificial en forma de !olosinas o estimulantes.
o Si el frontal est$ abierto pero el posterior est$ cerrado, el poder como
control no estar$ en armonía con la %oluntad personal ni la 5ni%ersal.
• #ómo desblo-uearlo3
o +aturaleza3
 a luz del sol corresponde con la luz, el calor  la fuerza de este
chacra. #ontemplar el sol, %er un campo iluminado por "l, admirar
un !irasol a modo de mandala natural, etc.
o Sonido3
 a msica or-uestal puede ser til por la unión armónica de sonidos.
 En caso de hiperacti%idad, cual-uier msica relaante -ue centre a la
 a %ocal correspondiente es la 6  fa%orece la apertura, la amplitud 
la ale!ría.
 El mantra asociado es RA;.
o #romoterapia3
 El color amarillo potencia entre otras cosas el contacto  el
intercambio con los dem$s, las acti%idades intelectuales  físicas,
clarifica los problemas  las enfermedades psí-uicas.
o :emoterapia3
 6o de ti!re3 fa%orece la capacidad %isual interior  eterior, el
reconocimiento de los propios errores  a!udiza el entendimiento.

 mbar3 proporciona confianza  ale!ría por %i%ir adem$s de estimular

la intuición. Tambi"n e-uilibra el sistema di!esti%o  purifica el

 Topacio3 aporta maor claridad, ale!ría  conciencia a parte de

contribuir a eliminar las an!ustias  depresiones.

 #itrino3 transmite calor, se!uridad  confianza4 fa%orece la

eliminación de toinas  auda en los trastornos di!esti%os 
diab"ticos. Es un apoo para la realización de los obeti%os.




o Aromaterapia3
 a%anda3 tiene un efecto relaante -ue auda a procesar las
emociones estancadas.

 Romero3 fa%orece la disposición a la acción frente a la pereza.

 @er!amota3 su aroma potencia las ener!ías %itales aportando

confianza  se!uridad.



En%rega &e# Ser

• +ombre3 chakra Anahata, chakra del corazón o centro cordial.

• Símbolo3 loto de 21 p"talos.
• ocalización3 est$ a la altura del corazón, en el centro del pecho.
• #olor3 %erde  rosa.
• Elemento correspondiente3 aire.
• 9unción sensorial3 tacto.
• /rincipio b$sico3 entre!a del ser.
• #orrespondencia corporal3 corazón, parte superior de la espalda, la ca%idad
tor$cica, zona inferior de los pulmones, san!re  sistema circulatorio, piel.
• :l$ndulas correspondientes3 Timo. El timo es un puente de inte!ración
entre el corazón  la !ar!anta, un punto intermedio entre los chakras
superiores e inferiores -ue facilitar$ el anclae del nue%o sistema de 21
chakras, la comunicación %erbal desde el amor  abrir$ la puerta para
eperimentar la <undalini armonizando así las ener!ías masculina 
femenina. Al!unos de los síntomas físicos ori!inados por la inte!ración del
chacra del timo son por eemplo la tensión en la zona del pecho, los
hombros, el cuello, el mo%imiento de la ener!ía a lo lar!o de la espina
dorsal principalmente entre el corazón  la !ar!anta, las palpitaciones
irre!ulares, contracción del diafra!ma fa%oreciendo las respiraciones cortas,
posibles infecciones de !ar!anta  tos por la limpieza del chacra de la
!ar!anta, etc. Todos estos síntomas son un refleo del despee de %ieas
memorias  re!istros k$rmicos a ni%el celular.
• 9unciones3
o Es el punto de unión entre los tres chakras superiores psí-uico8
espirituales  los tres inferiores físicoemocionales.
o Es el centro del amor %erdadero e incondicional  fa%orece el contacto
en armonía.
o Aceptación amorosa de -ue las eperiencias %itales, deseos 
emociones han sur!ido de la a0oranza de unión con la %ida.
o Representa un !ran potencial de transformación  de curación a tra%"s
de la aceptación de nuestra persona  la de los dem$s.

• 9uncionamiento armónico3
o a persona no sólo tiene la capacidad de transformar su mundo  unir a
las personas de su entorno, reconciliarlas  curarlas, sino -ue adem$s
se muestra cordial  mu o%ial, infunde ale!ría  confianza  tiene una
!ran disposición a audar.
o Se da por la ale!ría de dar sin esperar nada a cambio.
o a no se contempla la %ida desde fuera como al!o separado, sino como
si fuera una parte de la propia %ida.
• 9uncionamiento inarmónico3
o a persona espera consciente ó inconscientemente recibir
reconocimiento  confirmación a cambio de su amor  se decepciona
cuando sus esfuerzos no se %en recompensados.
o Tambi"n puede ser -ue la persona e%ita abrirse a recibir pensando -ue
no necesita el amor de los dem$s.
o /uede eistir un intento de compensar la falta de amor actuando de
forma ami!able pero impersonal, e%itando profundizar en las relaciones
por miedo a ser herido.
o Si el chakra est$ totalmente cerrado habr$ se-uedad, desinter"s,
frialdad, tendencia a la depresión, etc. /ara poder sentir al!o la persona
necesita una fuerte estimulación eterior.
o Si el chakra frontal est$ blo-ueado, la persona tiene dificultades para dar
amor sin esperar nada a cambio  no podr$ establecer relaciones
duraderas por-ue no se cede a fa%or del otro. Se puede sentir
desconeión, soledad, ausencia de propósito, falta de unión con lo -ue
nos rodea, etc.
o Si el chakra posterior est$ blo-ueado, podemos pensar -ue las personas
-ue nos rodean se oponen a -ue lo!remos a-uello -ue deseamos  -ue
para alcanzar nuestras metas tendremos -ue prescindir de su auda. a
idea de sobre%i%ir en un mundo hostil har$ -ue la persona trate de crear
una maor se!uridad a su alrededor controlando a los dem$s. En este
caso, el indi%iduo tendría -ue por una parte darse cuenta de -ue con su
actitud est$ creando un ambiente hostil  por otra dearse fluir para
eperimentar la abundancia  la se!uridad de la eistencia.
o Si el chakra frontal est$ cerrado  el posterior abierto ha una tendencia
a -ue la persona funcione m$s a tra%"s de la fuerza de la %oluntad -ue
por el amor. +o ha un dearse ir  confiar en los dem$s para -ue pase
m$s ener!ía por el centro frontal del corazón. /uede ocurrir entonces
-ue la persona -uiera ser el propietario de su parea  no su i!ual.
• #ómo desblo-uearlo3
o +aturaleza3
 5n paseo por un paisae %erde.
 #ontemplar flores.
 5n cielo rosado con al!unas nubes.

o Sonido3
 #ual-uier msica cl$sica, de la nue%a era ó msica sacra.
 *anzas sa!radas o meditati%as.
 a %ocal asociada es la A, el sonido m$s abierto.
 El mantra correspondiente es A;.
o #romoterapia3
 El color %erde proporciona armonía  empatía  nos transmite un
sentimiento de paz.
 El rosa despierta sentimientos de amor  ternura adem$s de
estimular la creati%idad.
o :emoterapia3
 #uarzo rosa3 auda a -ue la persona abra su corazón a tra%"s de la
aceptación. 7ace -ue uno aprecie la msica, la poesía, la pintura 
otras artes  aparte estimula la fantasía  la capacidad creati%a.

 Turmalina3 su color rosa roo abre el corazón  auda a epandir el

aspecto ale!re del amor. /romue%e el e-uilibrio emocional  se
recomienda en los estados de melancolía  depresión.
 <unzita3 auda a abrir el chakra corazón  su ener!ía fomenta la
superación de blo-ueos emocionales. 9a%orece el altruismo  nos
auda a centrarnos en el ahora, deando atr$s los recuerdos del
pasado  la ansiedad por el futuro.

 Esmeralda3 da paz  armonía adem$s de tener un efecto

tran-uilizador  reu%enecedor. +os auda a poder epresarnos sin
tener miedo a ser uz!ados  a ser lo -ue nosotros -ueramos ser.

 Bade3 /roporciona paz  armonía  nos auda a apreciar la belleza

de a-uello -ue nos rodea. #ontribue a la relaación  a la
superación de traumas.





o Aromaterapia3
 Esencia de rosas3 estimula la ale!ría  la disposición para la entre!a
audando a superar cual-uier herida. Adem$s despierta la
percepción por la manifestación del amor, la belleza  la armonía.

C")$nicaci(n e ins*iraci(n

• +ombre3 chakra Cishuddha, chakra de la !ar!anta, centro de la

• Símbolo3 loto de 2F p"talos.
• ocalización3 en el centro de la !ar!anta, entre la nuez  la larin!e.
• #olor3 azul claro, %erde azulado.
• Elemento correspondiente3 "ter.
• 9unción sensorial3 oído.
• /rincipio b$sico3 comunicación e inspiración.
• #orrespondencia corporal3 zona del cuello, zona cer%ical, la barbilla, orea,
conductos respiratorios, bron-uios, zona superior de los pulmones, esófa!o,
• :l$ndulas correspondientes3 tiroides.
• 9unciones3
o #apacidad de epresión, comunicación e inspiración.
• 9uncionamiento armónico3
o a persona epresa claramente  sin temor sus sentimientos,
pensamientos  conocimientos sin
o temer ense0ar sus debilidades  puntos fuertes.
o #apacidad de escucha sin uz!ar  de comunicar las intenciones
sabiendo decir no.
o Apertura a otras dimensiones  recepción de información -ue ser$
transmitida con amor.
o 5so de medios de epresión creati%os para transmitir sabiduría  %erdad.
o +o se culpa a otros por las carencias %itales indi%iduales  uno crea lo
-ue necesita  desea.
• 9uncionamiento inarmónico3
o 7a una especie de barrera entre la cabeza  el resto del cuerpo  por lo
tanto una posible dificultad en epresar los sentimientos  emociones
acumulados  una tendencia a encerrarse en la mente. a persona
puede incluso retraerse comport$ndose de forma tímida, callada 
retraída, o hablar sólo sobre cosas sin importancia de la %ida eterior.
Adem$s ha un sentimiento de culpa  an!ustia -ue hacen -ue la
persona no pueda mostrarse tal  como es  -ue pueda epresar
libremente lo -ue piensa, lo -ue siente  lo -ue necesita.
o a persona tiende a epresarse de forma fría  obeti%a, de forma
elaborada  !rosera o tartamudeando.
o Tendencia a crear una ima!en de fortaleza para e%itar dar una
apariencia d"bil. a presión  los sucesos cotidianos pueden %erse una
car!a, de forma -ue la persona puede lle!ar a enco!er el cuello  los
hombros como medida inconsciente de protección.
o a persona usa su capacidad de epresión para manipular o atraer la
atención de los dem$s.
o Eiste la posibilidad de -ue se posean conocimientos interiores
profundos, pero -ue por miedo a ser uz!ado por los dem$s o por
aislamiento, uno no se atre%a a %i%irlos  manifestarlos. Así, cual-uier
trabao propio creati%o como poesía, pintura, etc. es mostrado con
reticencia  recelo.
o #uando la persona debe eteriorizar al!o de lo -ue piensa o siente se le
hace un nudo en la !ar!anta  su %oz suena coaccionada pudiendo
lle!ar a tartamudear. 7a una inse!uridad respecto a lo -ue otros
puedan pensar, de ahí -ue la persona se oriente hacia las opiniones
aenas  -ue por consi!uiente no sepa -u" es lo -ue realmente -uiere.
o Si el chakra frontal est$ blo-ueado, la persona no toma lo -ue se le da
por-ue piensa -ue el mundo es un lu!ar ne!ati%o  hostil. Esta idea
hace -ue se cree un campo de fuerza ne!ati%o, de forma -ue si espera
hostilidad, %iolencia ó humillación los obtendr$ por la le de la atracción.
a comunicación est$ estancada por-ue no ha una resonancia con los
dem$s  la dificultad creati%a hace -ue parezca imposible cambiar la
realidad. Tambi"n puede haber una falta de tran-uilidad  silencio
interior necesarios para incrementar nuestra capacidad de percepción.
o Si el chakra posterior est$ blo-ueado, la persona tendr$ dificultades en
dar lo meor de sí. Aun-ue -ue la persona se beneficie a tra%"s de una
acti%idad, un trabao, etc., en el -ue desarrolle sus intereses  se abra a
nue%os retos  compromisos, siente -ue no tiene "ito en la %ida. 7a
una tendencia a identificarse con el papel de %íctima  piensa -ue la %ida
no le ha dado las oportunidades necesarias para florecer como
indi%iduo. Si la persona se libera de esta idea la frustración  el dolor
desaparecer$n. Tambi"n ha un miedo al fracaso  al rechazo -ue
paraliza el impulso de salir  atraer las personas  circunstancias -ue
-ueremos a nuestra %ida. 5na forma de abrir el chakra es encontrar la
profesión  las amistades -ue nos satisfa!an adem$s de hacer lo -ue
nos !usta.
o 9rontal abierto  posterior cerrado3 a medida -ue el chacra se abre, la
persona atrae lo -ue necesita hasta -ue sea capaz de mantener el
centro abierto la maoría del tiempo al aceptar todo lo -ue recibe. /uede
pasar -ue atrai!a al!o ne!ati%o por-ue eista la idea de -ue es al!o -ue
ha de ocurrir. Sin embar!o, cuando la persona entienda cu$l es la causa
ori!inal de esa atracción recuperar$ la confianza  %ol%er$ a abrir su
centro frontal de la !ar!anta. Este abrir  cerrar del chakra continuar$
hasta -ue las ideas sobre el dar  el recibir refleen confianza en el

• #ómo desblo-uearlo3
o +aturaleza3
#ontemplar el azul claro del cielo o de un curso de a!ua cristalina
fa%orece la liberación de sentimientos  transmite tran-uilidad.
o Sonido3
a msica con tonos superiores.
as danzas sa!radas  meditati%as acompa0adas del canto.
a msica de la nue%a era con efectos acsticos.
a %ocal E auda a canalizar las fuerzas hacia el eterior.
El mantra correspondiente es 7A;.
o #romoterapia3
El azul claro  transparente fa%orece la tran-uilidad, la amplitud  la
o :emoterapia3
A!uamarina3 fa%orece la comunicación interior  auda a epresar de
forma libre  creati%a las ideas pro%enientes de la intuición.
 Tur-uesa3 principalmente auda a epresar ideas  conocimientos
intelectuales  a inte!rarlos en nuestra %ida.

 #alcedonia3 tiene una influencia sedante  e-uilibrante sobre el

estado de $nimo, reduciendo la irritabilidad  la hipersensibilidad.
Tiene un efecto positi%o sobre la !l$ndula tiroides  adem$s hace
posible -ue la inspiración interior se manifieste de forma creati%a.


o Aromaterapia3
 Sal%ia3 contribue a disol%er los blo-ueos del chakra !ar!anta para
-ue la persona pueda epresarse de forma armónica  con %i!or.

 Eucalipto3 hace -ue la persona se abra a la inspiración interior 

fa%orece la ori!inalidad  la creati%idad.


C"n"ci)ien%" &e# Ser
• +ombre3 chakra Ana, chakra frontal, chakra del tercer oo, oo de la
sabiduría, oo interior.
• Símbolo3 loto de GF p"talos.
• ocalización3 centro de la frente entre las ceas.
• #olor3 a0il  %ioleta.
• 9unción sensorial3 percepción etrasensorial.
• /rincipio b$sico3 conocimiento del ser.
• #orrespondencia corporal3 rostro, oos, oídos, nariz, cerebelo, sistema
ner%ioso central.
• :l$ndulas correspondientes3 !l$ndula pituitaria.
• 9unciones3
o #onsciencia de -ue creamos la realidad a tra%"s del pensamiento, lo
-ue nos da el poder de
o crear nue%as realidades  dear atr$s a-uellas -ue a no son
o Bunto con un chakra corazón abierto, la persona emite ener!ías
curati%as  puede realizar curaciones a distancia.
o /osibilidad de acceder a otras dimensiones a parte de la física  de
recibir información en forma de pensamientos, im$!enes, sonidos, etc.
• 9uncionamiento armónico3
o a persona posee una capacidad desarrollada de %isualización.
o #onciencia de -ue los pensamientos se con%ierten en la realidad física.
o a comprensión racional limitada da paso a un pensamiento holo!r$fico
en donde la persona
o puede inte!rar la información -ue le lle!a con facilidad.
o as ideas son materializadas en el mundo físico a tra%"s de la acción.
• 9uncionamiento inarmónico3
o a sensación de tener pesadez en la cabeza, a -ue la persona %i%e
bas$ndose en el intelecto  la razón. /or lo tanto, sólo a-uellas %erdades
transmitidas racionalmente son %$lidas  aun-ue eiste una !ran
capacidad de an$lisis no ha una %isión holística sobre cu$l es nuestra
relación respecto al uni%erso.
o /uede haber un intento de influir sobre las personas o cosas a tra%"s del
pensamiento para demostrar el propio poder o satisfacer las
necesidades personales.
o Si adem$s ha un blo-ueo en el chakra radical ( con "l la &toma de
tierra') o en otros chakras, puede ocurrir -ue aun-ue la persona sea
percepti%a, mezcle sus ideas  fantasías de patrones emocionales no
procesados con las im$!enes e informaciones -ue recibe.
o #omo la nica realidad es el mundo eterior, habr$ una tendencia hacia
los deseos materiales  necesidades corporales. Adem$s ha una
tendencia a aceptar opiniones predominantes -ue a eisten.
o En situaciones en donde se ei!e mucho, la persona tiende a ser
ol%idadiza. os problemas de %isión indican -ue se ha de mirar m$s
hacia el interior.
o Si el seto frontal est$ blo-ueado, la persona tendr$ unos conceptos
mentales de la realidad confusos o no del todo ciertos  por lo !eneral
ne!ati%os. Adem$s las ideas creati%as no fluir$n por-ue la cantidad de
ener!ía -ue se irradia est$ reducida.
o Si el seto posterior est$ blo-ueado las ideas no tienen salida en el
plano material  la persona se frustrar$.
o En cambio, si el seto frontal est$ abierto  el posterior est$ cerrado, la
persona tiene muchas ideas creati%as -ue no parecen dar resultado. o
-ue se necesita es -ue la persona tome consciencia sobre los pasos a
tomar sobre lo -ue -uiere hacer. Tendr$ pensamientos del tipo3 H+o
puedo soportar una espera tan lar!aH4 H+o -uiero afrontar la
responsabilidad de -ue suceda estoH4 H+o -uiero comprobar esta idea en
la realidad físicaH, H+o acepto este proceso de creación tan lar!o, sólo
-uiero -ue suceda sin esforzarme demasiadoH, Ho pon!o las ideas  t
haz el trabaoH. Es posible -ue haa una resistencia a estar en el plano
físico  a ser un aprendiz.
o Si el anterior est$ cerrado  el posterior est$ abierto, la persona tiene
capacidad para !enerar ideas ne!ati%as fuertes  conceptos
distorsionados. /or eemplo, si la persona piensa -ue el mundo es un
caos en donde la !ente acta se!n su inter"s  -ue cada uno puede
tomar lo -ue -uiera puede -ue acte de forma delicti%a. En este caso es
posible -ue tambi"n ten!a blo-ueado el centro del corazón. Tambi"n es
posible intentar hacer al!o imposible de realizar o ser el %ehículo de las
ideas de otra persona.
• Cómo desbloquearlo:
o Naturaleza:
Contemplar un cielo nocturno azul con estrellas favorece la

apertura a la inmensidad de la creación y a sus diferentes

formas de manifestación.

o Sonido3
 os sonidos -ue tran-uilicen  -ue fa%orecen una apertura de
espíritu tales como por eemplo los de la msica cl$sica o los de la
msica de la nue%a era.
 a %ocal asociada es la =, -ue desencadena un mo%imiento
 El mantra correspondiente es 6;.
o #romoterapia3
 El color a0il proporciona tran-uilidad  potencia  cura los sentidos
siendo una puerta para otros planos de percepción.
o :emoterapia3
 apisl$zuli3 Al fomentar la intuición  la %isión interior, permite
reconocer el sentido oculto  las fuerzas -ue actan detr$s de las
cosas4 adem$s, transmite una profunda ale!ría sobre los mila!ros de
la %ida  del uni%erso.

 Iafiro a0il3 abre el espíritu para el saber cósmico  las %erdades

eternas. Sus %ibraciones pro%ocan una depuración, transformación 
reno%ación del alma  del espíritu. #onstitue un puente entre lo finito
 lo infinito.

 a sodalita de color azul oscuro clarifica el entendimiento  fa%orece

los pensamientos profundos. #ontribue a disol%er patrones de
pensamiento anti!uos. Transmite la confianza  la fuerza para
defender el propio punto de %ista  para transmitir ideas 
conocimientos en la %ida cotidiana.


o Aromaterapia3
 ;enta3 contribue a disol%er tanto los blo-ueos del tercer oo como
las anti!uas  restricti%as estructuras mentales. /romue%e la
claridad, la fuerza de concentración  la %i%acidad.

 Bazmín3 nuestro espíritu se abre a im$!enes  %isiones -ue lle%an en

sí los mensaes de %erdades m$s profundas. Sus %ibraciones refinan
la percepción  unen las ener!ías del tercer oo con las del chakra


In%egraci(n &e# Ser

• +ombre3 chakra Sahasrara, chakra corona, centro de la coronilla, flor de loto

de mil p"talos.
• Símbolo3 loto de GJ1 p"talos.
• ocalización3 en el centro de la cabeza.
• #olor3 %ioleta, blanco  oro.
• Elemento correspondiente3
• /rincipio b$sico3 inte!ración del ser.
• #orrespondencia corporal3 cerebro.
• :l$ndulas correspondientes3 !l$ndula pineal >epífisis.
• 9unciones3
o Todo cuanto captamos de forma intelectual e intuiti%a ad-uiere una
comprensión completa. El conocimiento -ue obtenemos a tra%"s del
chakra corona %a m$s all$ an del -ue nos da el tercer oo, a -ue no
estamos separados del obeto de la percepción. as diferentes
manifestaciones de la creación son %i%idas como un ue!o de la
consciencia di%ina con la -ue nos hemos unificado.
o Est$ relacionado con la coneión de la persona con su espiritualidad 
con la inte!ración de todo su ser, físico, emocional, mental  espiritual.
• 9uncionamiento armónico3
o #uando el chakra corona comienza a abrirse, la persona %i%e con m$s
frecuencia momentos en los -ue la separación entre su ser interior  la
%ida eterna desaparece.
o a persona eperimenta su espiritualidad de forma personal. Es una
espiritualidad -ue no se puede epresar con palabras, un estado de ser
en donde la persona se siente plena.
• 9uncionamiento inarmónico3
o a persona tendr$ la sensación de estar separada del ser  sentir$ una
an!ustia -ue alimentar$ los blo-ueos en los chakras restantes.
o /ueden aparecer sentimientos de inse!uridad  desorientación
adem$s de una preocupación por la muerte, lo -ue har$ -ue la
persona tome conciencia de dedicar m$s tiempo a desarrollarse
interiormente. Tal %ez se intente suprimir estos sentimientos realizando
acti%idades o asumiendo nue%as responsabilidades. En estos casos
puede ocurrir -ue la persona atrai!a una enfermedad -ue le obli!ue a
estar en reposo.
o +o se entiende a -u" se refieren los dem$s cuando se habla del
Ksentimiento cósmicoL.
• #ómo desblo-uearlo3
o +aturaleza3
 a contemplación de una monta0a produce un sentimiento de
amplitud  fa%orece la apertura del chakra corona.

o Sonido3
 El silencio o cual-uier msica -ue te prepare a "l.
 El sonido correspondiente es el de la ;.
 El mantra asociado es el A5;.
o #romoterapia3
 El %ioleta  el blanco abren este chakra. El %ioleta disuel%e
limitaciones  fa%orece la transformación  la apertura a otras
dimensiones. El blanco simboliza la luz  curación di%inas.
o :emoterapia3
 Amatista3 proporciona tran-uilidad  disuel%e las an!ustias.
Transmite confianza  fa%orece la meditación  la inspiración.

 #ristal de roca3 aporta claridad  promue%e el conocimiento

espiritual. *isuel%e los estancamientos  blo-ueos, proporciona
protección  da nue%a ener!ía.


o Aromaterapia3
 oto3 a flor de loto es en 6riente un símbolo de belleza 
perfección espiritual. Su olor ele%a a la persona por encima del
mundo material  lo conduce a la unidad espiritual.

 6líbano3 /ermite dear atr$s lo cotidiano, promue%e la confianza 

auda a ele%ar el alma a un plano en donde pueda con%ertirse en
un recept$culo para la luz di%ina.


Chakras Miles Tyler

Copyright 2007
Chakras Miles Tyler

If you want instructions on using chakras to awaken your psychic

potential, along with other tips, visit

You are free to share this report, as long as all pages are intact.
Chakras Miles Tyler

Several years ago, when I first began my spiritual journey, I began experiencing
spontaneous astral project. I would leave my body involuntarily from time to time while
I was sleeping. This sparked my curiosity about the subject of psychic perception and I
began to experiment with conscious astral projection. I researched the subject intensely
but I felt like I was missing a key piece of the puzzle as far as understanding the full
nature of the processes involved. It wasn’t until I learned about the chakras that the
picture became clear for me.

Once I had studied the chakras and began to visualize them while I was meditating, my
psychic development was accelerated beyond anything that I had imagined possible. It
wasn’t until I combined my practice of chakra meditation with crystals that I saw another
such comparable increase in my awareness and the development of my higher abilities.

Now I have put together this brief guide to understanding and awakening these powerful
natural energy centers. I am including everything that you will need to get started along
with some helpful illustrations.

As human beings, we are a combination of body, mind, and spirit. No one of these
aspects is more important than the other because each is dependant upon the other for the
total actualization of being to occur.

Our spiritual body is what connects us to our higher self. This higher self is comprised of
different aspects that span the gulf of the underlying energy substructure of the universe
all the way to the one source energy. It is from this one source that all life and all things
in the universe originate. This underlying energy substructure is sometimes referred to as
the astral or spiritual planes. It may also be referred to as hyperspace or subspace.

Our spiritual body contains seven primary energy centers also known as chakras. Each of
these chakras acts as a conduit for channeling energy from the underlying energy matrix.
This flow of energy is also a pipeline for information that originates from the source and
is filtered through the various etheric bodies of our higher self that exist within the
multiple dimensions.

To put it another way, we exist in some form within all of these underlying energy
dimensions. We are usually only conscious of things on the level of the physical
universe. When we do become fully aware within one of these other planes of energy
this is called astral projection. This occurs when our conscious mind is momentarily
transferred through the sixth and seventh chakras into one of these other higher energy
dimensions. However, this is another subject entirely.
Chakras Miles Tyler

There are seven chakras and each of these swirling vortices of energy corresponds with
separate aspects of our physical body and mind. See the illustration below. Each is
represented by a different color within the light spectrum. Each chakra channels its own
unique energies that play various roles in our development as human beings. This applies
equally to physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual human development. This text will
primarily discuss how the chakras influence our spiritual development and pertain to
psychic perception and abilities.
Chakras Miles Tyler

Chakra One – Muladhara – The Root Chakra

This is the chakra of roots and grounding. The meaning of its Sanskrit name is “root
support”. It is the chakra that grounds us to the earth and it is within this chakra that
spiritual awakening begins. It is from this chakra that the energy flows, opening and
activating the six other chakras one at a time as it flows up the spine. This is the chakra
that connects us to the physical, material world. It is visualized as an intense deep red.
This is the color of origin and beginning.

Location: The base of the spine, perineum, coccygeal plexus

Color: Red

Sound: O as in “hope”

Incense Herbs: Cedar, amber powder

Minerals, Stones, and Crystals: Bloodstone, hematite, ruby, garnet, lodestone

Corresponding Verb: I have

Glands: Adrenals

Function: Grounding, survival

Other Corresponding Body Parts: Legs, feet, bones, teeth, large intestine

Psychic Ability Energy Aspect: Passive

Chakras Miles Tyler

Chakra Two – Svadhisthana – The Water Chakra

This is the chakra of duality and fluidity. The meaning of its Sanskrit name is
“sweetness”. It is also the chakra of sexuality, emotions, sensation, pleasure, movement,
and nurturance. It is through this chakra that the first stirrings of higher awareness are
experienced. This is where the ability of empathy or awareness of the emotions of others
is channeled from.

Location: Lower abdomen, genitals, womb

Color: Orange

Sound: Oo as in “true”

Incense Herbs: damiana , gardenia, orris root

Minerals, Stones, and Crystals: coral, carnelian, moonstone

Corresponding Verb: I feel

Glands: Ovaries, testicles

Function: Desire, pleasure, sexuality, procreation

Other Corresponding Body Parts: bladder, kidneys, circulatory system

Psychic Ability Energy Aspect: Passive- empathy, clairsentience

Chakras Miles Tyler

Chakra Three – Manipura – The Fire Chakra

This is the chakra of transformation. It’s Sanskrit name means “lustrous gem”. This
chakra transforms the earth and water elements of the first two chakras into dynamic
energy and power. The third chakra is the source of our inner power and it is through
realizing this power that our true will is born. It is also through the activation of the
energy center that we come to actualize our full potential.

This is the first chakra that is related to active psychic abilities. Abilities such as
telekinesis, levitation, and teleportation are channeled from within the swirling energies
of this chakra.

Location: Navel to solar plexus

Color: Yellow/Golden

Sound: Ah as in “father”

Incense Herbs: Ginger, cinnamon, saffron, musk, dragon’s blood, sandalwood

Minerals, Stones, and Crystals: Rutilated quartz, yellow citrine, amber, topaz

Corresponding Verb: I can

Glands: Adrenals, pancreas

Function: Assertiveness, power, will

Other Corresponding Body Parts: muscles, digestive system

Psychic Ability Energy Aspect: Active- telekinesis, teleportation, levitation

Chakras Miles Tyler

Chakra Four – Anahata – The Heart Chakra

The fourth chakra is the still center point of the system of chakras. The meaning of its
Sanskrit name is “unstruck”. It is the chakra of balance, inner peace, love, and
compassion. It is through this energy center that unconditional universal loving-kindness
is realized and expressed. The fourth chakra is also the source for psychic healing

Location: Heart

Color: Green

Sound: Ay as in “play”

Incense Herbs: meadowsweet, marjoram, yarrow, orris root, jasmine, lavender

Minerals, Stones, and Crystals: Rose Quartz, emerald, aventurine, tourmaline, jade,
green fluorite

Corresponding Verb: I love

Glands: Thymus

Function: Love

Other Corresponding Body Parts: Arms, hands, lungs, pericardium

Psychic Ability Energy Aspect: Passive/Active – Compassionate Empathy, and healing

abilities are channeled through this chakra.
Chakras Miles Tyler

Chakra Five – Visuddha – The Sound Chakra

Chakra five is the doorway to consciousness and the energy center of sound, rhythm,
vibration, and communication. The meaning of its Sanskrit name is “purification”.
This is the chakra that is the energy center that is connected to communication through
sound, vibration, creativity, and self expression. The fifth chakra is responsible for the
translation of symbols and other forms into coherent information and it is also our center
of creativity. Telepathy is the primary psychic ability associated with this chakra It is
also the energy center through which clairaudience (psychic hearing) is channeled.

Location: Throat

Color: Bright Blue

Sound: Eee as in “Free”

Incense Herbs: Frankincense, mace, benzoin

Minerals, Stones, and Crystals: celestite, turquoise, aquamarine, sapphire, lapis lazuli

Corresponding Verb: I speak

Glands: Thyroid, parathyroid

Function: Communication, creativity

Other Corresponding Body Parts: Arms, hands, neck, shoulders

Psychic Ability Energy Aspect: Active/Passive - This is the energy center through
which telepathy and clairaudience are made possible.
Chakras Miles Tyler

Chakra Six – Ajna – The Light Chakra

The sixth chakra is also known as the third eye and it is the energy center of psychic
awareness and intuition. Its Sanskrit name means “to perceive, to command”. It is
through the awakening of this chakra that true clairvoyance is achieved. As this energy
center becomes more active the more we are able to perceive of the spiritual levels in
which the higher self exists. The energy that is received through the third eye can come
in the form of images and information that pertains to the past, present, or future. All
knowledge is potentially accessible through this energy center. It is through the
suppression of the ego that the truth can be accurately communicated from the higher self
through this channel.

Location: Brow

Color: Indigo

Sound: Om or mmmm When performed properly the sound will resonate in the skull
within the third eye region.

Incense Herbs: Lavender, patchouli, mugwort, star anise, saffron, acacia

Minerals, Stones, and Crystals: Amethyst, quartz, purple fluorite, star sapphire, lapis

Corresponding Verb: I see

Glands: Pineal

Function: Seeing, intuition

Other Corresponding Body Parts: Eyes

Psychic Ability Energy Aspect: Passive- Abilities related to psychic perception or

clairvoyance (clear seeing) such as remote viewing, psychometry, precognition,
retrocognition, astral projection, dream walking, and channeling are preformed through
the activation and development of the third eye or sixth chakra.
Chakras Miles Tyler

Chakra Seven – Sahasrara – The Thought Chakra

The seventh chakra is the seat of cosmic consciousness and it is through this energy
center that we are directly connected to our source as well as our infinite potential. The
meaning of this chakra’s Sanskrit name is “thousandfold” which is also means infinity.
The seventh chakra gives us the ability to understand the information and images that we
perceive with our third eye. It is through the balanced flow of energy between the sixth
and seventh chakras that pure psychic awareness is achieved. This is the energy center of
true higher awareness through which enlightenment and transcendence are achieved.
Ultimately, when our spiritual journey is fully realized the seventh chakra is the chakra of

Location: Crown

Color: Violet to white

Sound: Ngngng as is “sing” as well as silence

Incense Herbs: Lotus, Gotu Kola

Minerals, Stones, and Crystals: Amethyst, diamond, clear quartz, Tibetan quartz,
purple fluorite

Corresponding Verb: I know

Glands: Pituitary

Function: Understanding

Other Corresponding Body Parts: Cerebral cortex, central nervous system

Psychic Ability Energy Aspect: Active/Passive- The seventh chakra is our source of
truth, wisdom, and enlightenment. It connects us with the universal consciousness and
allows us access to vast stores of spiritual knowledge such as the Akashic Records. It is
ultimately our gateway to ascension which is defined by the total realization of our full
potential as spiritual beings.
Chakras Miles Tyler

When you begin to consciously awaken these seven energy centers you will experience
changes in how you perceive other people as well as the world around you. You will
awaken abilities within yourself that you may have never imagined were possible.
Through the simple process of visualizing your chakras and thinking about them on a
regular basis you can begin the journey to fully awakening them and realizing your
infinite potential. Not only will this experience allow you to clearly see your own life
path but you will also be able to advise other people and guide them to finding their
destiny as well. Awakening your chakras is just a tiny part of the wondrous spiritual
journey that lies before you. It is only the beginning and the universe is the limit.
Beej Mantras


The science of mantra is very ancient and was once widely practised in all parts of the world.
Reference to mantra is found in the oldest Vedic scriptures, which are claimed to be more than
5,000 years old.

Literally, the word mantra means ‘revealed sound’. According to the ancient texts, mantra means
a sound or a combination or sequences of sounds which develop spontaneously. These sounds
were revealed to rishis and other pure beings in psychic states or in very deep meditation, when
all consciousness of the self was lost and when nothing but inner light shone in front of them.

Mantra do not have any specific meaning. Their power is not in the words themselves, but in the
sound vibrations created when the mantra is uttered verbally or when it takes form in the mind
and is not expressed in the voice.

Mantra brings about state of resonance between the individual and the depths of his inner being.
They allow the individual to unleash inner cosmic powers, forces and knowledge. The sound
patterns of the mantra stimulate a certain effect on the mental and psychic nature of an
individual. Each mantra will create, or draw out, a specific symbol within one’s psyche.

There are two important points regarding mantras that should be taken into account. Firstly,
mantra should never be misunderstood to be the name of a particular god of a particular religion.
There should be no conflict between your religion and mantra. Many people think they cannot
repeat Om Namah Shivaya because they would be reciting the name of a Hindu god when they
are Christian or Muslim.

Secondly, a mantra cannot be translated. Translation alters the sound. Even though mantras are
found in Hinduism, in Buddhism, Catholicism, in Islam and among the Parsis and other religions
and sects, they are never translated. If you change the succession and order of the sounds, the
mantra ceases to be a mantra. If you translate the words you may have a very beautiful prayer,
but not a mantra.

There are thousands of mantras, stemming from a variety of cultures, languages and religions.
Some common ones are: Om, Shreem, Hreem, Kreem, Aim, Dum, Hum, Om Namah Shivaya
and Om Mani Padme Hum to name just a few. Everyone has a mantra of his own, and just as
your personality is the represents your outer self, similarly the mantra represents your inner
personality. It is through mantra that we realize our own psychic personality and it is this
personality which we really are.

In tantra there are all kinds of mantras; some are personal mantras for use in japa and other
meditation practices, and some serve a specific purpose. So, before seeking a mantra it is
important to know what you are seeking it for. If you are undergoing some problem in life, then
the mantra you employ to get rid of it will be a temporary one, not your personal mantra. When
the problem subsides, the mantra will be of no further use to you. On the other hand, if you are
trying to awaken the kundalini or psychic powers, then you must have the correct personal

It is said that a child should receive his first mantra when he is eight years old. He should not
practice mantra as we older people do it, but he should repeat his mantra at sunrise and sunset
along with breath awareness – five minutes in the morning and five minutes in the evening. This
mantra will create a reorientation in his disturbed subconscious contributed by his parents. He
should receive his second mantra at marriage or when a great change in his life or a transition in
his personality is taking place. This mantra should be an introduction to spiritual life, and also to
responsibility and steady mindedness. When he becomes spiritual he should receive his third
mantra. It will help him on the spiritual path and enable him to withdraw his mind and to switch
of his consciousness from the external world to within. Hindus are given a fourth mantra at the
time of death or just before. When a man’s pranas and consciousness are being withdrawn, and
all the lights are being extinguished, when his consciousness is functioning only a fraction, this is
the ideal time to put the fourth mantra into his ears. This mantra leads his soul to the next birth.

According to tradition, initiation into mantra is given by the guru, one’s mother or revelation. A
mantra received in a deep dream or through intuition, which you constantly feel a strong
attraction for, may also be taken as your mantra. A mantra can never be bought or sold. When a
guru gives a mantra it is never based on a monetary transaction. A mantra obtained in such a way
will never have any power.

Once you have a mantra do not change it, it is not something to play with. You can change your
home, your religion, your husband or your wife, but you should not change your mantra or your
guru. Both mantra and guru are symbols of your consciousness and to change them will create
confusion in your psychic body. Once created, that confusion can never be corrected. Sometimes
people hear about another mantra and believe it to be more powerful than their own and so they
want to change. The mind can so easily influence one into rejecting his own mantra and adopting

The following are the only valid reasons for changing your mantra:
Your guru gives you another mantra.

For therapeutic purposes or for some specific problem you temporarily accept another mantra
that has the power to help you over the obstacle. In this case the guru should give the mantra, as
correct pronounciation is essential and this cannot be revealed in any book.
personality which we really are.

In tantra there are all kinds of mantras; some are personal mantras for use in japa and other
meditation practices, and some serve a specific purpose. So, before seeking a mantra it is
important to know what you are seeking it for. If you are undergoing some problem in life, then
the mantra you employ to get rid of it will be a temporary one, not your personal mantra. When
the problem subsides, the mantra will be of no further use to you. On the other hand, if you are
trying to awaken the kundalini or psychic powers, then you must have the correct personal

It is said that a child should receive his first mantra when he is eight years old. He should not
practice mantra as we older people do it, but he should repeat his mantra at sunrise and sunset
along with breath awareness – five minutes in the morning and five minutes in the evening. This
mantra will create a reorientation in his disturbed subconscious contributed by his parents. He
should receive his second mantra at marriage or when a great change in his life or a transition in
his personality is taking place. This mantra should be an introduction to spiritual life, and also to
responsibility and steady mindedness. When he becomes spiritual he should receive his third
mantra. It will help him on the spiritual path and enable him to withdraw his mind and to switch
of his consciousness from the external world to within. Hindus are given a fourth mantra at the
time of death or just before. When a man’s pranas and consciousness are being withdrawn, and
all the lights are being extinguished, when his consciousness is functioning only a fraction, this is
the ideal time to put the fourth mantra into his ears. This mantra leads his soul to the next birth.

According to tradition, initiation into mantra is given by the guru, one’s mother or revelation. A
mantra received in a deep dream or through intuition, which you constantly feel a strong
attraction for, may also be taken as your mantra. A mantra can never be bought or sold. When a
guru gives a mantra it is never based on a monetary transaction. A mantra obtained in such a way
will never have any power.

Once you have a mantra do not change it, it is not something to play with. You can change your
home, your religion, your husband or your wife, but you should not change your mantra or your
guru. Both mantra and guru are symbols of your consciousness and to change them will create
confusion in your psychic body. Once created, that confusion can never be corrected. Sometimes
people hear about another mantra and believe it to be more powerful than their own and so they
want to change. The mind can so easily influence one into rejecting his own mantra and adopting

The following are the only valid reasons for changing your mantra:
Your guru gives you another mantra.

For therapeutic purposes or for some specific problem you temporarily accept another mantra
that has the power to help you over the obstacle. In this case the guru should give the mantra, as
correct pronounciation is essential and this cannot be revealed in any book.
You realize another mantra which is so overwhelming and compelling that you know it is
definitely your mantra.

When one takes a mantra, it must be accepted with absolute faith and with final decision. The
mind should be fully impressed by the mantra. A mantra is absolutely personal and must be kept
secret. When you keep the mantra secret, it becomes more powerful. This is true with everything.
A seed will grow in the earth if it is covered, in secret, but it will never grow into a tree if it is
left uncovered and exposed for all to see.

Mantras for spiritual evolution must be practiced for a set amount of time every day. If the
mantra is repeated too much, it will affect the whole system, and those who are very psychic,
sensitive, unstable, or subject to hallucinations, may not be prepared for that at all. If you
regularly repeat the mantra for ten minutes daily, within a few days you will know if you are
oversensitive and whether the mantra is impressing your mind to a larger of lesser extent.

Mantra repetition should not create tension in the mind. The mind becomes tense if there are
conflicts present due to various mental obstructions. To avoid mental tension, do not try to
concentrate while practicing mantra. Simply repeat the mantra as you would spontaneously carry
on a conversation. If you talk and try to concentrate on how you are talking and what you are
saying, tension will be created. When the mind is very distracted you should never try to
concentrate. Concentration (dharana) can only come when sense withdrawal (pratyahara) has
been achieved. The purpose of mantra repetition is not to develop concentration but to withdraw
the senses and still the mind.

The mantra can be utilized in different ways: it can be practiced in conjunction with the breath,
the psychic pathways, concentration on the eyebrow centre and so on. Mantra is a very powerful
method of healing.

There are specific mantras for a wide range of ailments and complaints, but these must be given
by someone well versed in the therapeutic use of sound and mantras. As well as these, there are
bija mantras which anyone can self-prescribe for healing purposes. Each chakra (psychic centre
in the body) has a bija mantra and if you have a physical complaint which is located in the region
of one of the chakras, you can use its mantra to strengthen and heal. For example, Ram is the
mantra for manipura chakra (navel centre) and if it is chanted in kirtan or repeated in japa, it will
stimulate the abdominal area benefiting complaints such as peptic ulcer, constipation, diarrhoea
and other digestive disorders.

The bija mantras of the main chakras are given in the following table:

Mantras Chakra Physical location
Lam Mooladhara Perineum
Vam Swadhisthana Base of the spine
Ram Manipura Navel centre
Yam Anahata Heart centre
Ham Vishudhi Throat
Om Ajna Eyebrow centre

Chakra Beej Mantras

A, Aa, E, Ee, O, Oo etc are all vowels and are spoken with
with sounds that come from within i.e: stomach, buin! in the ear,
ear, nasal tones, ton!ue rollin!
rollin! etc. each of
which stimulates one part of the bod" or other thereb" correspondin! to a chakra.
Chakras have different tones and move and different fre#uencies, the root bein! the slowest and most dense to Ajna or third e"e chakra bein! the fastest . $he
beej mantra or sin!le seed s"llable
s"llable of the chakra balances the chakra and thereb"
thereb" purifies it.

Chakra Beej Mantra Associated %lanet %residin! lord &oddess

Muldhara' (AM )hani and *ranus but & an
anes ha
ha with )iddhi and Buddhi +akini
elements of )un
)vadhisthana VAM &uru-upiter and eptune, but Brahm a in child f or
orm with )av ititri 0akini
elements of moon / venus
Manipura RAM Man!alMars and %luto, with 1ishnu &arbha and 2undalini
elements of jupiter chakras are associated.
Anahata YAM 1enus but elements of sun M ah
aha de
dev a i n r ud
ud ra
ra f or
or m w itit h *m a 2a ki
kin i
and mercur"
1issudhi HAM Mercur" but elements of -iva and Ad"a sakti )hakini
Ajna OM Moon mainl" but elements of %arannath and %aram )akti , 3amsa )iva and )akti
)un +evata and sushmana sakt
)ahashara OM All *nite

Beej Mantra Chanting-

• )it in a comfortable position, focus on the beej mantra and t he associated bod" parts if possible ' u can sa" it in the heart or aloud but the intention is
to be correct
• )a" the beej mantra in soft "et loud manner
• )A" each mantra startin! 4'5 times upto 67 times for the associated chakra
• Once done move to the ne8t chakra
• Once "ou start practicin! it for a f ew da"s, it will resonate with "our ener!" s"stem.

• SOURCE:http://loveandheal.log!"#$"/#%/&ha'ra-eej-(antra!.ht(l
SOURCE: http://loveandheal.log!"#$"/#%/&ha'ra-eej-(antra!.ht(l

• For each of the chakras describe:

1. Name
2. Location—where
Location—where one focuses attention to energize the area
3. Color—visualizing
Color—visualizing the color in the area tonifies the energy
4. Seed sound—called
sound—called Bija mantras are sound frequencies when used they call forth the divine energy that exists within us in the chakras. Helping us to
heal these areas and ring a new sense of power and cl arity.
!. Element—Helping
Element—Helping one see the transfor"ation of energy fro" the 1st charka to the #th.
$. Predominate sense, Sense organ, Work organ
#. Sacred Truth Attributes—that
Attributes —that direct us in our life and how we can acknowledge this force.

st Chakra
Name: %uladhara &'oundation!
Location: (erineu") elow the genitals
Color: *ed
Seed sound: +,%
Element: -arth
Predominate sense
sense /"ell
Sense organ
organ 0ose
Work organ: ,nus
Sacred Truth Attributes
Attributes  e ,ll are ne

hat which gives us a c onnection to our trial ase. on necting us to our fa"ily) friends) co""unity) and country. +aws that rule connect us all . e desire safety and security and the
key is to attain it and not e osessed with it. ur country at this ti"e has eco"e osessed with the issue of security. ur cos"ic consciousn ess is stuck in the arena of the first
chakra. his could e seen as a result of the gloal connecting that has occurred over the past !5 years etween countries and cultures) sending so"e souls into a panic. he "ore we
see each other as one and realize that we are all the s a"e in spirit) the "ore we are asked to love one another. his is a frightening concept for so"e.
e ,ll are ne

"nd Chakra
Name: /vadhishthana &6welling (lace of the /elf7
Location: 8enital region
Color: range
Seed sound: 9,%:when chanted in the presence of water it enhances the production and circulation of fluids in the ody
Element: ater
Predominate sense: aste
Sense organ: ongue
Work organ: 8enitals
Sacred Truth Attributes
Attributes  Honor ne ,nother

he enter of -thical energy within us. How we use this energy in connection with sex) "oney and power.

#rd Chakra
Name: %anipura &ity of ;ewels!
Location: 0avel region
Color: <ellow
Seed sound: *,%
Predominate sense: 'ire
Sense organ: /ight
Work organ: -yes
Work organ: 'eet and legs
Sacred Truth Attributes
Attributes  Honor neself.

%editation on the hird chakra can ring an end to indigestion) co nstipation) and all prole"s of the intestinal area. 'antasies are converted into practical devices through the help of
the organizational power of this chakra.
%editation 'ocus your attention on the reath and release the navel area on the inhalation and gently contract the area on exhalation. ry to "aintain an even flow of reath i.e. =nhale
4 counts) -xhale 4 counts. <ou can visualize that your reath is gently stoking an internal fire that purifies the ego an d enhances the organs within .

$th Chakra
Name: ,nahata &>nstruck!
Location: *egion of the Heart
Color: 8reen
Seed sound: <,%
Predominate sense: ouch
Sense organ: /kin
Work organ: Hands
Sacred Truth Attributes
Attributes  +ove is 6ivine (ower

his chakra represents our aility to ?let go and +et 8od?.

?,ccepting our personal e"otional challenges as extensions of a 6ivine plan) which has as its intent our conscious evolution. @y releasing our e"otional pain) y letting go of our need
to know why things have happened as they have) we reach a s tate of tranquility. =n order to achieve inner peace) however) we have to e"race the healing energies of forgiveness and
release our lesser need for hu"an) self:deter"ined Austice.?
&arloyn %yss) fro" ? ,nato"y of the /pirit?7

%editation 8uide your reath into the region of your Heart) feeling the area soften and expan d with each inhalation. ,gain reathe evenly and slowly as is co"fortale for you.
9isualize the heart eing filled with a eautiful green light and in the center place a s"all i"age of yourself) as you a re sitting at this "o"ent) in the center of your chest. <ou are
surrounded y divine light.
*epeat the following "entally
%ay = e filled with lovingkindness.
%ay = e safe fro" inner and outer dangers
%ay = e well in ody and "ind.
%ay = e at ease and happy.

>se one or all of the phrases for inner healing and strength. nce have worked on this for a while and feel you can cultivate inner lovingkindness for yourself then you can ring in
others to your heart to share the l ove.

%th Chakra
Name: 9issuddha &(ure!
Location: hroat
Color: @lue
Seed sound: H,%
Predominate sense: Hearing
Sense organ: -ars
Work organ: 9ocal cords
Sacred Truth Attributes
Attributes  /urrender (ersonal ill to 6ivine ill.

%editation on the hroat chakra rings cal"ness) serenity) purity) a "elodious voice) the co""and of speech and "antras and the aility to co"pose poetry. o do so let your attention
rest upon the hollow space of the throat. >sing the uAAayi reath we can hear the reath flowing through the throat and expanding the heart area. Helping the "ind to settle in the
heart) cal"ing the whole eing. Hearing the sound of our natural "antra / H,%) which "eans ?= ,% H,?. n the inhalation you can he ar your reath "ake the / sound an d on the
exhalation you can hear the H,%. +et your "ind gently rest on the so und and the flow of the reathe) cycling fro" the throat to the heart. (ulling in the ado"en on the exhalation will
help you clear the reath co"pletely and al so center and ground you. ontinue for !:15 "inutes or "ore. 'eeling whole and co"plete in the "o"ent.

&th Chakra
Name: ,gna &o""and7
Location: point etween the eyerows) pineal plexus) "edulla plexus
Color violet
Seed Sound: ,>% (redo"inate sense none
Sacred Truth Attributes: /eek nly the ruth
6eter"ines insight and right rain activities. 'ocusing on this chakra feel that you are seeing the world for" this view point. <ou are sitting in the cave your third eye seeing the full
"oon shining on you . <ou are asoring the "oonBs light. hile asking in this light you can request wisdo" and insight. *e"e"er you have you r own special gift to give in l ife and
your path is unique to you.

'th Chakra: Li(e in the Present )oment

Name: /ahasrara : crown) thousand petaled) 9oid
Location: at indentation on top of head. *egulates pineal gland.
Color: gold
Seed Sound: ,ll pure sounds
Predominate sense: none
Sense organ: none
Work organ: none
Sacred Truth Attributes: /urrender (ersonal ill to 6ivine ill.

his chakra deter"ines oneBs connection with divine universe and peace of "ind. ,s you "editate ring your awareness to this area and allow the energy of 8od to enter into your
"ind) ody) and spirit) and reathe that energy into your eing.

It is the strength of the sound, the colour of the sound, the frequency, the velocity and the
‘temperature’of the sound which are responsible for the revitalization that mantra brings. The
effect of the Ram mantra on the mind is very soothing and tranquilizing; the Shiva mantra
usually develops a sense of detachment, a feeling of ectasy and absolute indifference.

Every mantra has a colour, an element, a devata or a divine form and also a method of recitation.
In determining an appropriate mantra, astrology is taken into account, with reference made to the
science of elements, colour and the predominant guna (tamas, rajas, sattwa). According to the
birth sign the major element decides the mantra.

Some mantras are for the earth element, others for water, fire, air and ether elements. Om
belongs to the ether element; Ram to the fire element; Gam to the earth element; Klim to the
water element and Ham to the air element. Each mantra possess two divisions – sound and form.
For instance, Klim is the sound, a bija mantra, and it has an image which is revealed by a simple
mantra. Klim is the bija mantra and Krishna is the mantra which exposes the form. Om is the
symbolic sound of the cosmic being; Haum – Shiva, Dum - Durga; Kreem – Kali; Hreem –
Mahamaya; Shreem – Lakshmi; Aim – Saraswati; Gam and Glaum – Ganesha. Om is the
universal mantra and it can be used by everyone at any time without restriction as can its
equivalents – Amin and Amen.

Once you have a personal mantra which has been charged by the guru, it will immediately start
to change the course of your life. Naturally, this will only happen if you accept your mantra with
your heart and mind and utilize it regularly. The mantra is so powerful that it will start to
immediately explore the Karmas from the unconscious mind. These karmas could manifest in
your moods and feelings or in your dreams which may be pleasant, or even terrifying. Whatever
changes you experience will only be positive, anything unpleasant is probably only part of the
temporary purification.
Source: The Sure ways for Self-Realisation by Swamy Satyananada Saraswati of Bihar
School of Yoga.
SHRIM [shreem]: feminine; Lakshmi; seed sound for abundance
EIM [I'm]: feminine; Saraswati; seed sound for success in spiritual, artistic and scientific
endeavors, music and education
KLIM [kleem]: androgynous; seed sound for attraction; often combined with other mantras
DUM [doom]: feminine; seed sound for protection
KRIM [kreem]: feminine; Kali;seed sound of creation and destruction
GUM [gum]: masculine; Ganesha; seed sound to remove obstacles and bring success in
GLAUM [glah- owm]: masculine; Ganesha; seed sound to remove obstacles between throat and
base of spine
HAUM [howm]: masculine; Shiva; seed sound for transcendental consciousness
KSHRAUM [ksh-roum]: masculine; Narasimha-Vishnu; seed sound to rid stubborn evil
situations and release pent up energies
HRIM [hreem]: androgynous; seed sound for clarity and seeing through the illusions of reality


LAM [lahm]: seed sound for Muladhara, or root, chakra

VAM [vahm]: seed sound for Swadhisthana, or sacral, chakra
RAM [rahm]: seed sound for Manipura, or solar plexus chakra
YAM [yahm]: seed sound for Anahata, or heart, chakra
HUM [hoom]: seed sound for Vishuddha,or throat, chakra
OM [ohm]: seed sound for Ajna, or third-eye, chakra

Mantras Chakra Physical location

Lam Mooladhara Perineum
Vam Swadhisthana Base of the spine
Ram Manipura Navel centre
Yam Anahata Heart centre
Ham Vishudhi Throat
Om Ajna Eyebrow centre

Each chakra has its own beej-mantra. Below is the list :-

Crown : OM

Pronounce it by inhaling audibly through your nostrils, and direct the stream of air to the point
between your eyebrows. Pronounce the sound along with your exhalation as a subtly audible
whisper, allowing the sound and breath to resonate in the cranial area.

Third Eye : SHAM

Pronounced shum , this sound is formed in the later part of the palate.

Throat : HAM

Pronounce it by inhaling noiselessly through your mouth, and pronounce the sound like the word
yum (as in yummy); allow the sound along with your breath to fill your mouth and throat cavity.
Heart : YAM

Pronounce it by inhaling audibly through your mouth, and pronounce the word hum (as in
humming); allow the breath to extend beyond the resolution of the consonant.

Navel : RAM

Place the tip of your tongue on the roof of the front section of the upper palate, roll the r like in
Spanish, and pronounce the mantra like the first part of the word rum-ble.

Sacral : VAM

Place the upper set of teeth on the inner section of your lower lip and begin with a breathy
consonant to imitate the sound of a fast car. Pronounce the mantra like "fvam"

Base : LAM

Curve the tip of your tongue up and back, and place it on the rear section of the upper palate to
pronounce a sound like the word alum without the initial a .

beej Mantra have their root in the Hindu monist tradition, they are learned better with the help of
a guru for initiation.

Kali: Kreem
For realization for Goddess Kali,
elimination of enemies,
solution of grave problems and all round success.
Also creates a strongbase for Kali Mahavidya Sadhana.

Mahalaxmi: Shreem

For realization for Goddess Mahalaxmi,

wealth, material gains,
success in business or profession,
elimination of ailments & worries,
gettinga beautiful wife,
happy married life and all roundsuccess.
Also creates a strong base for other Mahalaxmi Sadhanas.

Shiva: Hroum

For realization for Lord Shiva,

protection from deadlydiseases,
moksh and all round success.
Also creates a strong base for Mahamrutyunjay Sadhana.

Durga: Doom (D as in Durga)

For realization for Goddess Durga, power, strength,protection, health, wealth, victory, wisdom,
knowledge, elimination of enemies & grave problems, happy married life and all round success.
Also createsa strong base for other Durga Sadhanas, ShaktiS adhanas and Mahavidya Sadhanas.

Bhuvaneshwari: Hreem

For realization for Goddess Bhuvaneshwari,

getting everything including but not limited to Kundalini Jagran.
The best and the most powerful.
This also the mantra for Bhuvaneshwari Mahavidya Sadhana.
Alsocreates a strong base for all sadhanas.

Saraswati: Ayeim

For realization of Goddess Saraswati, knowledge, wisdom, success in exams, pleasure and all
round success. Also creates a strong base for other Saraswati sadhanas.

Ganapati: Gam

For realization of Lord Ganapati,

elimination of all obstacles and all round success.
Also creates a strong base for other Ganapatisadhanas.

Hanuman: Fraum
For realization of Lord Hanuman, unlimited strength,power, protection, wisdom, happiness,
elimination ofbad spirits & ghosts, victory over enemies and allround success. Also creates a
strong base for otherHanuman sadhanas.

Vishnu: Dam

For realization of Lord Vishnu,

happy married life,
victory and all round success.
Also creates a strong base for other Vishnu sadhanas.

Bhairav: Bhram

For realization of Lord Bhairav, success in Mahavidya or Shakti sadhanas, strength, protection,
victory,health, wealth, happiness, fame, success in courtcases, elimination of enemies, success in
Shmashansadhanas and all round success. Also creates a strong base for other Bhairav sadhanas.

Dhoomavati: Dhoom

For realization of Goddess Dhoomavati,

quick elimination of all adversaries,
wealth and all round success.
Alsocreates a strong base for Dhoomavati Mahavidya sadhana.

Bagalamukhi: Hleem

For realization of Goddess Bagalamukhi,

quickelimination of all enemies,
fierce power,
elimination of tantra badha,
nullifying maranproyogs of enemies and all round success.
Also createsa strong base for Bagalamukhi Mahavidya sadhana.

Tara: Treem
For realization of Goddess Tara,
unending monetarygain,
unlimited wealth,
victory and all round success.
Also creates a strongbase for Tara Mahavidya sadhana.

Narsimha: Kshraum

For realization of Lord Narsimha,

quick victory overenemies, elimination of enemies,
fortune and all roundsuccess.
Also creates a strong base for other Narsimhasadhanas.

Nikhileshwaranand: Nim

For realization of our Guruji is his Nikhileshwaranand form.

Paramhans Swami Nikhileshwaranand is the controller of Siddhashram, a place divine even to
He has all the powers, all the siddhis, yet he is very much accessible.
All it takes is dedication.
There are millions of deities, gods and powers; andnumerous sadhanas for them; but, the secret
of aquiring everything in one go is my guruji, Paramhans Swami Nikhileshwaranand Maharaj.
Also creates a strong base for all sadhanas.

Kuber: Dhham

For realization of Lord Kuber,

massive monetary gain,
fortune and all round success.
Also creates astrong base for other Kuber sadhanas.

Akash Tatva: Ham

For activating the Akash Tatva (space element) in us which gets us siddhis and eliminates
ailments related to this element.
Activation of all elements leads to quicker awakening of Kundalini and enables a sadhak to
access all supernatural powers.

Agni Tatva: Ram

For activating the Agni Tatva (fire element) in uswhich gets us siddhis and eliminates ailments
relatedto this element.
Activation of all elements leads toquicker awakening of Kundalini and enables a sadhak
toaccess all supernatural powers.

Vayu Tatva: Yam

For activating the Vayu Tatva (air element) in uswhich gets us siddhis and eliminates ailments
relatedto this element.
Activation of all elements leads toquicker awakening of Kundalini and enables a sadhak toaccess
all supernatural powers.

Prithvi Tatva: Ksham

For activating the Prithvi Tatva (earth element) in uswhich gets us siddhis and eliminates
ailments relatedto this element.
Activation of all elements leads toquicker awakening of Kundalini and enables a sadhak
toaccess all supernatural powers.

Shanti (Peace): Tam

For getting rid of disease, worry, fear and illusions.

Aries - Om Vishnave Namah
Taurus - Om Vasudevaya Namah
Gemini - Om Keshavaya Namah
Cancer - Om Radha-Krishnaya Namah
Leo - Om Hariharaya Balamukundaya Namah
Virgo - Om Hrim Pitambaraya Paramatmane Namah
Libra - Om Sri Ram Dasrathaye Namah
Scorpio - Om Narayanaya Namah Om Naraya Namah
Sagittarius - Om Hrim Shrim Krim Dharani Dharaya Namah
Capricorn - Om Shrim Vatsalaya Namaha
Aquarius - Om Shri Upendraya Achyutaya Namah, Om Krim Govinda-Gopalaya Namah
Pisces - Om Krim Rathanga - Chakraya Namah

Beej Mantras
Beej Mantras are seed mantra. Each diety has a specific beej mantra. One could pick a beej
mantra and repeat it in the mind as often as possible. In a way mental/conscious repetition will
morph into unconscious repetition. Mind can be trained to focus. It will be good if a Guru can
impart it. It is difficult to find a Guru who is genuine. Sit in front of a photo of Sri Dattatreya or
Sai Baba or Sri Guru Raghavendra and offer dakshina and request their guidance in reciting the
mantra and avoidance of mistakes.
The mantra OM is Prana beeja or the seed sound of energy and vitality. It can be repeated
relative to any marma one wants opened, cleared and released. It carries the immortal force of
the higher Self (Atma) and is expansive and ascending in its effects. Usually it is visualized as
golden in color and as carrying a solar force of life and intelligence.

Beej mantras for Ganesh, Vishnu, Hanuman, Lakshmi and Saraswathi can be practiced by any
one. But for Devi sadhanas where every syllable matters, caution needs to be exercised.

OM is the symbol for the whole universe. It carries three basic sounds: A-U-M. These three basic
sounds through which all the sounds have evolved. So OM is the basic trinity of sound, the
synthesis of all the basic roots. That's why OM is considered the secret mantra, the greatest
mantra, because it implies the whole existence, it represents the sound of soundlessness, the
beauty of silence.

OM represents the music of existence, the soundless sound, the sound of silence. OM represents
the inner most music of our being, the inner harmony, the inner humming sound which happens
when our body, mind, soul are in deep totality, when the visible and the invisible, the un-
manifest and the manifest, the relative and absolute, the outer and inner are in deep togetherness.

To become one with OM-the music of existence is to attain fulfillment.

Ganapati: Gam
For realization of Lord Ganapati, knowledge, wisdom, protection, fortune, happiness, health,
wealth, elimination of all obstacles and all round success.

Om Gam Ganapathaye Namah

Hanuman: Fraum
For realization of Lord Hanuman, unlimited strength,power, protection, wisdom, happiness,
elimination ofbad spirits & ghosts, victory over enemies and every conceivable success.

Vishnu: Dam
For realization of Lord Vishnu, wealth, health, protection, happy married life, happiness, victory
and all round success.

Kuber: Dhham
For realization of Lord Kuber, massive monetary gain,wealth, fortune and all round success.

Mahalaxmi: Shreem
For realization for Goddess Mahalaxmi, wealth, material gains, success in business or profession,
elimination of ailments & worries, protection, gettinga beautiful wife, happy married life and all

Saraswati: Ayeim or Aim

For realization of Goddess Saraswati, knowledge, wisdom, success in exams, pleasure and all
round success.

Bhuvaneshwari: Hreem
For realization for Goddess Bhuvaneshwari, getting everything including but not limited to
Kundalini Jagran. The best and the most powerful. This mantra should be used for those who
aspire to be leader of men and achieve every desire. It is important to remember to be reasonable
for the mantra to be effective.
Kali: Kreem
For realization for Goddess Kali, health, strength, protection, elimination of enemies, solution of
grave problems and all round success.

Shiv: Hroum
For realization for Lord Shiv, protection from deadlydiseases, immortality, moksh and all round

Durga: Doom
For realization for Goddess Durga, power, strength,protection, health, wealth, victory, wisdom,
knowledge, elimination of enemies & grave problems, happy married life and all round success.
One gets whatever one wants.

Kamraj mantra: Kaleem

Fulfills one's desires.

Bhairav: Bhram
For realization of Lord Bhairav, success in Mahavidya or Shakti sadhanas, strength, protection,
victory,health, wealth, happiness, fame, success in courtcases, elimination of enemies, success in
life and all round success.

Offering Cashew Nut garland to the Lord is auspicious.

Dhoomavati: Dhoom
For realization of Goddess Dhoomavati, quick elimination of all adversaries, strength, fortune,
protection, health, wealth and all round success.

Bagalamukhi: Hleem or Hlreem

For realization of Goddess Bagalamukhi, quick elimination of all enemies, fierce power, victory,
fame, elimination of tantra badha, nullifying maranproyogs of enemies and all round success.
Tara: Treem
For realization of Goddess Tara, unending monetary gain, unlimited wealth, fortune, fame,
happiness, victory and all round success.

Check out Buddhist Mantras for Tara.

Narsimha: Kshraum
For realization of Lord Narsimha, quick victory overenemies, elimination of enemies, fortune
and all round success. This mantra removes all sorrows and fears.

Akash Tatva: Ham

For activating the Akash Tatva (space element) in us which gets us siddhis and eliminates
ailments related to this element. Activation of all elements leads to quicker awakening of
Kundalini and enables a sadhak to access all supernatural powers.

BIja Mantra Hum

Jupiter Mudra
Also called as Aakaash (space) Mudra.
Keyword for this Mudra is “expand”.
• This Mudra activates Jupiter inside you and brings abundance in your life.
• It will expand your horizon and get wider views of life and you will become a good judge
of the life’s events.
• The teacher in you will be activated too.
• Person who is mean minded and selfish will become broad minded and selfless.
• This generates blue energy and thus activates throat Chakra.
Chant Bija Mantra “Om Hum Namaha” while doing this Mudra.
Touch the middle finger with thumb on both the hands


Agni Tatva: Ram

For activating the Agni Tatva (fire element) in uswhich gets us siddhis and eliminates ailments
relatedto this element. Activation of all elements leads toquicker awakening of Kundalini and
enables a sadhak toaccess all supernatural powers.

Vayu Tatva: Yam

For activating the Vayu Tatva (air element) in uswhich gets us siddhis and eliminates ailments
relatedto this element. Activation of all elements leads toquicker awakening of Kundalini and
enables a sadhak toaccess all supernatural powers.

Prithvi Tatva: Ksham

For activating the Prithvi Tatva (earth element) in uswhich gets us siddhis and eliminates
ailments relatedto this element. Activation of all elements leads toquicker awakening of
Kundalini and enables a sadhak toaccess all supernatural powers.

Shanti (Peace): Tam

For getting rid of disease, worry, fear and illusions.

Some simple mantras are given which can be recited by anyone and help achieve what the
sadhak wants. They have simple or no methodology associated with them.

Panch Akshari - "Om Namah Shivaye" - It fulfills all desires.It leads to moksha and all sins are
destroyed. It has no methodology assocaited and can be recited by anyone anytime.

Asht Akshari - "Om Namah Narayanaya" - One can achieve and can be blessed with anything.

Ganpati Mantra - "Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha" - It not only removes all obstacles but also
gives success in one's efforts.

Hanuman Mantra - "Om Hoom Hanumate Rudratamakaye hoom phut swaha" - There is no
favour that Hanumanji cannot bestow. Hanumanji is the embodiment of all good qualities which
he freely gives to his devotees.

Saraswati Mantra - "Om Aim Kleeng Saum Saraswatiya Namaha" - It makes a person a learned
scholar and he attains high proficiency in education. This mantra should be recited in
the morning.

Dattatreya Mantra - "Om Hareem Parambraham Parmaatmane Hari Harbrahyendraya

Dattatroyaye swaha" - Dattatreya can bestow everything on his followers.


Surya-Sun OM SRI SURYAYA NAMAHA [Ohm Shree Soor-yah-yah Nahm-ah-ha]
Chandra-Moon OM SRI CHANDRAYA NAMAHA [Ohm Shree Chahn-drah-yah Nahm-ah-
Budha-Mercury OM SRI BUDHAYA NAMAHA [Ohm Shree Bood-hah-yah Nahm-ah-ha]
Sukra-Venus OM SRI SHUKRAYA NAMAHA [Ohm Shree Shoo-krah-yah Nahm-ah-ha]
Mangala-Mars OM SRI ANGARAKAYA NAMAHA [Ohm Shree Ahng-gah-rah-kah-ya
Guru-Jupiter OM SRI GURAVE NAMAHA [Ohm Shree Goo-rah-vey Nahm-ah-ha]
Shani-Saturn OM SRI SHANAISHWARAYA NAMAHA [Ohm Shree Shahn-eish-chahr-eye-
yah Nahm-ah-ha]
Rahu-North Node OM SRI RAHUVE NAMAHA [Ohm Shree Rah-hoo-vey Nahm-ah-ha]
Ketu-South Node OM SRI KETUVE NAMAHA [Ohm Shree Key-too-vey Nahm-ah-ha]
Abundance OM SRI MAHA LAKSHMIYEI SWAHA [Ohm Shree Mah-ha Laksh-mee-yei
Breath Concentration SO HUM [So haum]
Clear Negativity and Bring Clarity to Situation HUNG VAJRA PEH [Hoong Vaj-ray Pay]
Good Luck OM SHARAVANA BHAVAYA NAMAHA [Ohm Shah-rah-vah-nah Bhah-vah-
yah Nahm-ah-ha]
Healing OM RAM RAMAYA NAMAHA [Ohm Rahm Rahm-eye-yah Nahm-ah-ha
Peace OM SHANTI OM [Ohm Shahn-tee Ohm]
Protection OM DUM DURGAYEI NAMAHA [Ohm Doom Door-gah-yei Nahm-ah-ha]
Remove Obstacles OM GUM GANAPATAYEI NAMAHA [Ohm Gum Guh-nuh-puh-tuh-yei
Spiritual Advancement of Humanity OM MANI PADME HUM [Ohm Mah-nee Pahd-mey
Spiritual Growth OM NAMA SHIVAYA [Ohm Nah-mah Shee-vah-yah]
Spiritual Insight SAT CHID EKAM BRAHMA [Saht Cheed Eh-kahm Brah-mah]
Success in Education, Music, Art OM EIM SARASWATIYEI SWAHA [Ohm I'm Sah-rah-
swah-tee-yei Swah-ha]
Universal Truth OM NAMO NARAYANAYA [Ohm Nah-moh Nah-rah-yan-nay-yah]
The Bija mantras we'll focus on here are the one's associated with the planets. These mantras
reflect the cosmic creative powers and have the effect to convey astral energies.

· The Sun -- sum

· The Moon -- som

· Mars -- am

· Mercury -- bum
· Jupiter -- gum
· Venus -- shum
· Saturn -- sham

· Rahu -- ram
· Ketu -- kem

Important Bija Mantras and Usage with Varma Therapy - 2

OM mantra

The mantra OM is Prana beeja or the seed sound of energy and vitality. It can be repeated
relative to any marma one wants opened, cleared and released. It carries the immortal force of
the higher Self (Atma) and is expansive and ascending in its effects. Usually it is visualized as
golden in color and as carrying a solar force of life and intelligence.

AIM mantra

The mantra AIM (pronounced'I'm') is Guru beeja, the seed sound of speech, guidance and
concentration. It can be used for directing mental energy and healing intentions to any marma
point. It holds the "Saraswati" energy, the energy of knowledge, wisdom and creativity, and is
white in color.

KREEM Mantra

The mantra Kreem is the seed sound of Kriyashakti, the power of action and represents electrical
or lightning force. It can be used to stimulate and energize any marma with pranic power. It
holds the Kali energy, the energy of transformation, internalization and spiritual awakening,
which is also the power of Yoga, and is dark blue in color.


The mantra Shreem is the seed sound of harmony and well-being and projects a nutritive lunar
energy. It can be used to heal or soothe any marma region, particularly from conditions of
weakness or tissue depletion. It holds theLakshmi energy or the positive force of health,
creativity, happiness and prosperity.

HREEM Mantra

The mantra Hreem is the seed sound of the heart, space and Prana and projects a solar force and
golden color. It can be used to open, energize and heal any marma, particularly internal marmas
like those of the heart. It holds the Goddess energy in general as a force of health, vitality and

KLEEM Mantra

The mantra Kleem is the seed sound of desire, attraction or magnetic energy, and projects the
power of love. It can be used to increase Kapha or Ojas energy at any marma, including
strengthening reproductive functions.

How to Use These Mantras

Choose any one of these mantras that you find suitable to work with. Chant it for a minimum of
108 times (or multiples there of) for a period between two new moons. Meditate upon the marma
you are focusing on and repeat the mantra along with the breath, energizing the marma on
inhalation and releasing or expanding it on exhalation.

For example, mentally repeat the mantra HUM on inhalation while visualizing the marma filling
with a protective force, while on exhalation spread that protective force from the marma to
around the body as a whole. One can also use these mantras relative to the eighteen marma
regions. A good method is to use the mantra OM on inhalation in order to gather energy in the
marma region, and the mantra HUM on exhalation to protect and fortify the marma. One can
visualize OM as creating a golden light to energize the marma and HUM creating a dark blue
light to protect it.

Mantra HUM
The mantra HUM (pronounced 'hoom') is varma bija, the beeja mantra of protection, possessing
a fiery and wrathful nature. It is used specifically to protect marma points and is the most
important mantra in this regard. The mantra HUM can be repeated relative to any marma that
one wants to protect from injury or from energy loss. It can be used along with the marma
meditation practice to create a protective field of mantra around the physical body and the aura.

Visualize this mantra as creating a deep blue protective force that can ward away all negativity,
disease or debility. Chanted with a shorter u - sound, as in the word "put", HUM has a more fiery
energy for purposes of warming the marmas and increasing Agni or fire at their locations.


To increase production in factory

Do pooja by offering saree to Kali Amman in Kali Amman temple.

Do Gomatha pooja in the factory.

Mantra to be recited 108 times

Hari Om Aum Av-vvum

Sivayaa Nama shivaya

For Delayed Marriage

If there is any dosham in the horoscope, there may be some delays in marriage. To
overcome this here is a tip given by a numerologist.

Go to a place where there is thick bamboo trees. Think of your favourite god and pray heartfully
and tie a white cloth or an yellow cloth in anyone of the tree. By doing doing this all your
dosham will get rectified. And you will also get your guru's blessings.
Try this and see.

Mantra for Immediate Success

Recite the following mantra 108 times daily


Mantra for uncurable disease

Mantra for uncurable disease

Recite the following mantra 108 times daily


Mantra for profitable and prosperous business

Mantra for profitable and prosperous business

Think of your God you like and recite the following mantra 108 times for 48 days.



Beej mantras

Resolving Conflict with Your Spouse

Posted 22nd January 2013 by healen Mantras
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niteshdube1 Sete!ber 2013 at 13"#1
$ee% Mantra is the basi& sound of a single syllable whi&h &annot be further di'ided. Most
of us do not ronoun&e it(the! rightly and thats) why we fail to &al&ulate the ower and
effe&t of these !antra whi&h are the basis of all that exists. *or e.g. +,M shall not be
ronoun&e as +,M &o/ u &an always di'ided the sound into +,  M and therefore
this sound &annot be a $ee%) Sound. +,M shall be ronoun&e ith nuswaar but
without sound of M) as we do in M)4Mother5 6and so on 6 ,egards 6,adhe

humasaffdar2 Mar&h 2018 at 12"8#
 always tend to be attra&ted to !ultile things.  ha'e a delayed !arriage and  feel la&k
of abundan&e as well.  want to &orre&t both of this.
apsara yakshini sadhana ril 2018 at 03"18
$elo'ed Sir9

i a! fro! haridwar.i a! in sear&h of tantra sadhanas and regularly ra&ti&ing 'arious

sadhanas but unable to get siddhi.and after fre:uent failures i heard regarding bee%
!antras sadhana.
i li'e on the banks of ganga ri'er.kindly &an you hel !e and guide !e how to get !antra
siddhi of bi%a !antra while sitting near ganga ri'er .

kindly hel !e
Denis Daniel20 Sete!ber 2018 at 22"31
;he following !antra is suosedly the bee% !antra of <aruda Purana. ould
so!e one oblige !e by throwing so!e light on it= referably through e!ail>
?M. @J,. @S+ABC. S@+
?M. @J,. <,BD. EF EF. +BM P+;

Kal3 Mar&h 201# at 0G"07
only guru &an gi'e way
Denis Daniel20 Sete!ber 2018 at 22"3#
;he following !antra is suosedly the bee% !antra of <aruda Purana. ould so!e one
oblige !e by throwing so!e light on it= referably through e!ail>
?M. @J,. @S+ABC. S@+
?M. @J,. <,BD. EF EF. +BM P+;
Bhushan sharma30 May 201# at 00"18
 want !y lo'e ba&k in !y life with the assist of astrology. ;here !ay be !any &auses of
far away the lo'e fro! !y life but astrology is the best key solution to re&tify the who le
life.  want !y husband ba&k in !y life be&ause  &annot stay alone without hi! and
unable to en%oy !y whole life so  want !y lo'e ba&k.  want !y wife ba&k=  want !y bf
ba&k=  want !y ex ba&k &an easily be got with the assist of se'eral astrology te&hni:ues
%ust !aking an aoint!ent with exert astrologer &harya $hushan.

@ashikaran for Fo'e $a&k

$est and *a!ous strologer


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Important Articles on Life

1.Pranayama for Healthy Living
Posted 22nd January 2013 by healen Mantras
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10 Hand Mudras for Better Health and Fitness
Chakra meditations that use mudras and sounds to open chakras

Posted 22nd January 2013 by healen Mantras
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Beej Mantras


The science of mantra is very ancient and was once widely practised in all parts of the
world. Reference to mantra is found in the oldest Vedic scriptures, which are claimed to
be more than 5,000 years old.

Literally, the word mantra means ‘revealed sound’. According to the ancient texts,
mantra means a sound or a combination or sequences of sounds which develop
spontaneously. These sounds were revealed to rishis and other pure beings in psychic
states or in very deep meditation, when all consciousness of the self was lost and when
nothing but inner light shone in front of them.

Mantra do not have any specific meaning. Their power is not in the words themselves,
but in the sound vibrations created when the mantra is uttered verbally or when it takes
form in the mind and is not expressed in the voice.

Mantra brings about state of resonance between the individual and the depths of his inner
being. They allow the individual to unleash inner cosmic powers, forces and knowledge.
The sound patterns of the mantra stimulate a certain effect on the mental and psychic
nature of an individual. Each mantra will create, or draw out, a specific symbol within
one’s psyche.

There are two important points regarding mantras that should be taken into account.
Firstly, mantra should never be misunderstood to be the name of a particular god of a
particular religion. There should be no conflict between your religion and mantra. Many
people think they cannot repeat Om Namah Shivaya because they would be reciting the
name of a Hindu god when they are Christian or Muslim.

Secondly, a mantra cannot be translated. Translation alters the sound. Even though
mantras are found in Hinduism, in Buddhism, Catholicism, in Islam and among the Parsis
and other religions and sects, they are never translated. If you change the succession and
order of the sounds, the mantra ceases to be a mantra. If you translate the words you may
have a very beautiful prayer, but not a mantra.

There are thousands of mantras, stemming from a variety of cultures, languages and
religions. Some common ones are: Om, Shreem, Hreem, Kreem, Aim, Dum, Hum, Om
Namah Shivaya and Om Mani Padme Hum to name just a few. Everyone has a mantra of
his own, and just as your personality is the represents your outer self, similarly the mantra
represents your inner personality. It is through mantra that we realize our own psychic
personality and it is this personality which we really are.

In tantra there are all kinds of mantras; some are personal mantras for use in japa and
other meditation practices, and some serve a specific purpose. So, before seeking a
mantra it is important to know what you are seeking it for. If you are undergoing some
problem in life, then the mantra you employ to get rid of it will be a temporary one, not
your personal mantra. When the problem subsides, the mantra will be of no further use to
you. On the other hand, if you are trying to awaken the kundalini or psychic powers, then
you must have the correct personal mantra.

It is said that a child should receive his first mantra when he is eight years old. He should
not practice mantra as we older people do it, but he should repeat his mantra at sunrise
and sunset along with breath awareness – five minutes in the morning and five minutes in
the evening. This mantra will create a reorientation in his disturbed subconscious
contributed by his parents. He should receive his second mantra at marriage or when a
great change in his life or a transition in his personality is taking place. This mantra
should be an introduction to spiritual life, and also to responsibility and steady
mindedness. When he becomes spiritual he should receive his third mantra. It will help
him on the spiritual path and enable him to withdraw his mind and to switch of his
consciousness from the external world to within. Hindus are given a fourth mantra at the
time of death or just before. When a man’s pranas and consciousness are being
withdrawn, and all the lights are being extinguished, when his consciousness is
functioning only a fraction, this is the ideal time to put the fourth mantra into his ears.
This mantra leads his soul to the next birth.

According to tradition, initiation into mantra is given by the guru, one’s mother or
revelation. A mantra received in a deep dream or through intuition, which you constantly
feel a strong attraction for, may also be taken as your mantra. A mantra can never be
bought or sold. When a guru gives a mantra it is never based on a monetary transaction.
A mantra obtained in such a way will never have any power.

Once you have a mantra do not change it, it is not something to play with. You can
change your home, your religion, your husband or your wife, but you should not change
your mantra or your guru. Both mantra and guru are symbols of your consciousness and
to change them will create confusion in your psychic body. Once created, that confusion
can never be corrected. Sometimes people hear about another mantra and believe it to be
more powerful than their own and so they want to change. The mind can so easily
influence one into rejecting his own mantra and adopting another.

The following are the only valid reasons for changing your mantra:
Your guru gives you another mantra.

For therapeutic purposes or for some specific problem you temporarily accept another
mantra that has the power to help you over the obstacle. In this case the guru should give
the mantra, as correct pronounciation is essential and this cannot be revealed in any book.

You realize another mantra which is so overwhelming and compelling that you know it is
definitely your mantra.

When one takes a mantra, it must be accepted with absolute faith and with final decision.
The mind should be fully impressed by the mantra. A mantra is absolutely personal and
must be kept secret. When you keep the mantra secret, it becomes more powerful. This is
true with everything. A seed will grow in the earth if it is covered, in secret, but it will
never grow into a tree if it is left uncovered and exposed for all to see.

Mantras for spiritual evolution must be practiced for a set amount of time every day. If
the mantra is repeated too much, it will affect the whole system, and those who are very
psychic, sensitive, unstable, or subject to hallucinations, may not be prepared for that at
all. If you regularly repeat the mantra for ten minutes daily, within a few days you will
know if you are oversensitive and whether the mantra is impressing your mind to a larger
of lesser extent.

Mantra repetition should not create tension in the mind. The mind becomes tense if there
are conflicts present due to various mental obstructions. To avoid mental tension, do not
try to concentrate while practicing mantra. Simply repeat the mantra as you would
spontaneously carry on a conversation. If you talk and try to concentrate on how you are
talking and what you are saying, tension will be created. When the mind is very
distracted you should never try to concentrate. Concentration (dharana) can only come
when sense withdrawal (pratyahara) has been achieved. The purpose of mantra repetition
is not to develop concentration but to withdraw the senses and still the mind.

The mantra can be utilized in different ways: it can be practiced in conjunction with the
breath, the psychic pathways, concentration on the eyebrow centre and so on. Mantra is a
very powerful method of healing.

There are specific mantras for a wide range of ailments and complaints, but these must be
given by someone well versed in the therapeutic use of sound and mantras. As well as
these, there are bija mantras which anyone can self-prescribe for healing purposes. Each
chakra (psychic centre in the body) has a bija mantra and if you have a physical
complaint which is located in the region of one of the chakras, you can use its mantra to
strengthen and heal. For example, Ram is the mantra for manipura chakra (navel centre)
and if it is chanted in kirtan or repeated in japa, it will stimulate the abdominal area
benefiting complaints such as peptic ulcer, constipation, diarrhoea and other digestive

The bija mantras of the main chakras are given in the following table:

Mantras Chakra Physical location
Lam Mooladhara Perineum
Vam Swadhisthana Base of the spine
Ram Manipura Navel centre
Yam Anahata Heart centre
Ham Vishudhi Throat
Om Ajna Eyebrow centre

Chakra Beej Mantras

A, Aa, E, Ee, O, Oo etc are all vowels and are spoken with sounds that come from within i.e: stomach, buin! in the ear, nasal tones, ton!ue rollin!
etc. each of which stimulates one part of the bod" or other thereb" correspondin! to a chakra.
Chakras have different tones and move and different fre#uencies, the root bein! the slowest and most dense to Ajna or third e"e chakra bein! the
fastest . $he beej mantra or sin!le seed s"llable of the chakra balances the chakra and thereb" purifies it.

Chakra Beej Mantra Associated %lanet %residin! lord &oddess

Muldhara' (AM )hani and *ranus but & anesha with )iddhi and Buddhi +akini
elements of )un
)vadhisthana VAM &uru-upiter and eptune, but Brahm a in child for m with )av itri 0akini
elements of moon / venus
Manipura RAM Man!alMars and %luto, with 1ishnu &arbha and 2undalini
elements of jupiter chakras are associated.
Anahata YAM 1enus but elements of sun Mahadeva in rudra form with *ma 2akini
and mercur"
1issudhi HAM Mercur" but elements of -iva and Ad"a sakti )hakini
Ajna OM Moon mainl" but elements of %arannath and %aram )akti , 3amsa )iva and )akti
)un +evata and sushmana sakt
)ahashara OM All *nite

Beej Mantra Chanting-

o )it in a comfortable position, focus on the beej mantra and the associated bod" parts if possible ' u can sa" it in the heart or aloud but the
intention is to be correct
o )a" the beej mantra in soft "et loud manner
o )A" each mantra startin! 4'5 times upto 67 times for the associated chakra
o Once done move to the ne8t chakra
o Once "ou start practicin! it for a few da"s, it will resonate with "our ener!" s"stem.

o SOURCE:http://loveandheal.log!"#$"/#%/&ha'ra-eej-(antra!.ht(l

o For each of the chakras describe:

1. Name
2. Location—where one focuses attention to energize the area
3. Color—visualizing the color in the area tonifies the energy
4. Seed sound—called Bija mantras are sound frequencies when used they call forth the divine energy that exists wi thin us in the chakras.
Helping us to
heal these areas and ring a new sense of power and clarity.
!. Element—Helping one see the transfor"ation of energy fro" the 1st charka to the #th.
$. Predominate sense, Sense organ, Work organ
#. Sacred Truth Attributes—that direct us in our life and how we can acknowledge this force.

st Chakra
Name: %uladhara &'oundation!
Location: (erineu") elow the genitals
Color: *ed
Seed sound: +,%
Element: -arth
Predominate sense /"ell
Sense organ 0ose
Work organ: ,nus
Sacred Truth Attributes e ,ll are ne

hat which gives us a connection to our trial ase. on necting us to our fa"ily) friends) co""unity) and country. +aws that rule connect us al l. e desire safety and
security and the key is to attain it an d not e osessed with it. ur country at this ti"e has eco"e osessed with the issue of security. ur cos"ic consciousness is stuck
in the arena of the first ch akra. his could e seen as a result of the gloal connecting that has occurred over the past !5 years etween cou ntries and cultures) sending
so"e souls into a pani c. he "ore we see each other as one and realize that we are all the sa"e in spirit) the "ore we are asked to love one another. his is a frightening
concept for so"e.
e ,ll are ne

"nd Chakra
Name: /vadhishthana &6welling (lace of the /elf7
Location: 8enital region
Color: range
Seed sound: 9,%:when chanted in the presence of water it enhances the production and circulation of fluids in the ody
Element: ater
Predominate sense: aste
Sense organ: ongue
Work organ: 8enitals
Sacred Truth Attributes Honor ne ,nother

he enter of -thical energy within us. How we use this energy in connection with sex) "oney and power.

#rd Chakra
Name: %anipura &ity of ;ewels!
Location: 0avel region
Color: <ellow
Seed sound: *,%
Predominate sense: 'ire
Sense organ: /ight
Work organ: -yes
Work organ: 'eet and legs
Sacred Truth Attributes Honor neself.

%editation on the hird chakra can rin g an end to indigestion) constipation) and all prole"s of the intestinal area. 'antasies are converted into practical devices through
the help of the organizational power of this chakra.
%editation 'ocus your attention on the reath an d release the navel area on the in halation and gently contract the area on exhal ation. ry to "aintain an even flow of
reath i.e. =nhale 4 counts) -xhale 4 counts. <ou can visualize that your reath is gently stoking an internal fire that purifies the ego and enhances the organs within.
$th Chakra
Name: ,nahata &>nstruck!
Location: *egion of the Heart
Color: 8reen
Seed sound: <,%
Predominate sense: ouch
Sense organ: /kin
Work organ: Hands
Sacred Truth Attributes +ove is 6ivine (ower

his chakra represents our aility to ?let go and +et 8od?.

?,ccepting our personal e"otional challenges as extensions of a 6ivine plan) which has as its intent our conscious evolution. @y releasing our e"otional
pain) y letting go of o ur need to know why things have happened as they have) we reach a state of tranquility. =n order to achieve inner peace) however)
we have to e"race the healing energies of forgiveness and release our lesser need f or hu"an) self:deter"ined Austice.?
&arloyn %yss) fro" ? ,nato"y of the /pirit?7

%editation 8uide your reath into the region of your Heart) feeling the area soften and expand with each inhalation. ,gai n reathe evenly and slowly as i s co"fortale for
9isualize the heart eing filled with a eautiful green light and in the center place a s"all i"age of yourself) as you are sitting at this "o"ent) in the center of your chest.
<ou are surrounded y divine light.
*epeat the following "entally
%ay = e filled with lovingkindness.
%ay = e safe fro" inner and outer dangers
%ay = e well in ody and "ind.
%ay = e at ease and happy.

>se one or all of the phrases for inner healing and strength. nce have worked on this for a while and feel you can cultivate inner lovingkindness for yourself then you can
ring in others to your heart to share the love.

%th Chakra
Name: 9issuddha &(ure!
Location: hroat
Color: @lue
Seed sound: H,%
Predominate sense: Hearing
Sense organ: -ars
Work organ: 9ocal cords
Sacred Truth Attributes /urrender (ersonal ill to 6ivine ill.

%editation on the hroat chakra rings cal "ness) serenity) purity) a "elodious voice) the co""and of speech and "ant ras and the aility to co"pose poetry. o do so let
your attention rest upon the hollow space of the throat. >sing the uAAayi reath we can hear the reath flowin g through the throat and expanding the heart area. Helping
the "ind to settle in the heart) cal "ing the whole eing. Hearing the so und of our natural "antra / H,%) which "eans ?= ,% H,?. n the in halation you can hear your
reath "ake the / sound and on the exhalation you can hear the H,%. +et your "ind gently rest on the sound and the flo w of the reathe) cycling fro" the throat to the
heart. (ulling in the ado"en on the exhalation will help you clear the reath co"pletely and also center and ground you. ontinue fo r !:15 "inutes or "ore. 'eeling
whole and co"plete in the "o"ent.

&th Chakra
Name: ,gna &o""and7
Location: point etween the eyerows) pineal plexus) "edulla plexus
Color violet
Seed Sound: ,>% (redo"inate sense none
Sacred Truth Attributes: /eek nly the ruth

6eter"ines insight and right rain activities. 'ocusing on this chakra feel that you are seeing the world for" this view point. <ou are sitting in the cave your third eye
seeing the full "oon shining on you. <ou are asoring the "oonBs light. hile asking in this light you can request wisdo" and insight. *e"e"er you have your own
special gift to give in life and your path is unique to you.

'th Chakra: Li(e in the Present )oment

Name: /ahasrara : crown) thousand petaled) 9oid
Location: at indentation on top of head. *egulates pineal gland.
Color: gold
Seed Sound: ,ll pure sounds
Predominate sense: none
Sense organ: none
Work organ: none
Sacred Truth Attributes: /urrender (ersonal ill to 6ivine ill.

his chakra deter"ines oneBs connection with divine universe and peace of "ind. ,s you "editate ring your awareness to this area and allow the energy of 8od to enter
into your "ind) ody) and spirit) and reathe that energy into your eing.

It is the strength of the sound, the colour of the sound, the frequency, the velocity and the
‘temperature’of the sound which are responsible for the revitalization that mantra brings.
The effect of the Ram mantra on the mind is very soothing and tranquilizing; the Shiva
mantra usually develops a sense of detachment, a feeling of ectasy and absolute

Every mantra has a colour, an element, a devata or a divine form and also a method of
recitation. In determining an appropriate mantra, astrology is taken into account, with
reference made to the science of elements, colour and the predominant guna (tamas, rajas,
sattwa). According to the birth sign the major element decides the mantra.

Some mantras are for the earth element, others for water, fire, air and ether elements. Om
belongs to the ether element; Ram to the fire element; Gam to the earth element; Klim to
the water element and Ham to the air element. Each mantra possess two divisions – sound
and form. For instance, Klim is the sound, a bija mantra, and it has an image which is
revealed by a simple mantra. Klim is the bija mantra and Krishna is the mantra which
exposes the form. Om is the symbolic sound of the cosmic being; Haum – Shiva, Dum -
Durga; Kreem – Kali; Hreem – Mahamaya; Shreem – Lakshmi; Aim – Saraswati; Gam
and Glaum – Ganesha. Om is the universal mantra and it can be used by everyone at any
time without restriction as can its equivalents – Amin and Amen.

Once you have a personal mantra which has been charged by the guru, it will
immediately start to change the course of your life. Naturally, this will only happen if you
accept your mantra with your heart and mind and utilize it regularly. The mantra is so
powerful that it will start to immediately explore the Karmas from the unconscious mind.
These karmas could manifest in your moods and feelings or in your dreams which may
be pleasant, or even terrifying. Whatever changes you experience will only be positive,
anything unpleasant is probably only part of the temporary purification.
Source: The Sure ways for Self-Realisation by Swamy Satyananada Saraswati of
Bihar School of Yoga.
SHRIM [shreem]: feminine; Lakshmi; seed sound for abundance
EIM [I'm]: feminine; Saraswati; seed sound for success in spiritual, artistic and scientific
endeavors, music and education
KLIM [kleem]: androgynous; seed sound for attraction; often combined with other
DUM [doom]: feminine; seed sound for protection
KRIM [kreem]: feminine; Kali;seed sound of creation and destruction
GUM [gum]: masculine; Ganesha; seed sound to remove obstacles and bring success in
GLAUM [glah- owm]: masculine; Ganesha; seed sound to remove obstacles between
throat and base of spine
HAUM [howm]: masculine; Shiva; seed sound for transcendental consciousness
KSHRAUM [ksh-roum]: masculine; Narasimha-Vishnu; seed sound to rid stubborn evil
situations and release pent up energies
HRIM [hreem]: androgynous; seed sound for clarity and seeing through the illusions of


LAM [lahm]: seed sound for Muladhara, or root, chakra

VAM [vahm]: seed sound for Swadhisthana, or sacral, chakra
RAM [rahm]: seed sound for Manipura, or solar plexus chakra
YAM [yahm]: seed sound for Anahata, or heart, chakra
HUM [hoom]: seed sound for Vishuddha,or throat, chakra
OM [ohm]: seed sound for Ajna, or third-eye, chakra

Mantras Chakra Physical location

Lam Mooladhara Perineum
Vam Swadhisthana Base of the spine
Ram Manipura Navel centre
Yam Anahata Heart centre
Ham Vishudhi Throat
Om Ajna Eyebrow centre

Each chakra has its own beej-mantra. Below is the list :-

Crown : OM

Pronounce it by inhaling audibly through your nostrils, and direct the stream of air to the
point between your eyebrows. Pronounce the sound along with your exhalation as a
subtly audible whisper, allowing the sound and breath to resonate in the cranial area.

Third Eye : SHAM

Pronounced shum , this sound is formed in the later part of the palate.

Throat : HAM

Pronounce it by inhaling noiselessly through your mouth, and pronounce the sound like
the word yum (as in yummy); allow the sound along with your breath to fill your mouth
and throat cavity.

Heart : YAM

Pronounce it by inhaling audibly through your mouth, and pronounce the word hum (as
in humming); allow the breath to extend beyond the resolution of the consonant.

Navel : RAM

Place the tip of your tongue on the roof of the front section of the upper palate, roll the r
like in Spanish, and pronounce the mantra like the first part of the word rum-ble.

Sacral : VAM

Place the upper set of teeth on the inner section of your lower lip and begin with a
breathy consonant to imitate the sound of a fast car. Pronounce the mantra like "fvam"
Base : LAM

Curve the tip of your tongue up and back, and place it on the rear section of the upper
palate to pronounce a sound like the word alum without the initial a .

beej Mantra have their root in the Hindu monist tradition, they are learned better with the
help of a guru for initiation.

Kali: Kreem
For realization for Goddess Kali,
elimination of enemies,
solution of grave problems and all round success.
Also creates a strongbase for Kali Mahavidya Sadhana.

Mahalaxmi: Shreem

For realization for Goddess Mahalaxmi,

wealth, material gains,
success in business or profession,
elimination of ailments & worries,
gettinga beautiful wife,
happy married life and all roundsuccess.
Also creates a strong base for other Mahalaxmi Sadhanas.

Shiva: Hroum

For realization for Lord Shiva,

protection from deadlydiseases,
moksh and all round success.
Also creates a strong base for Mahamrutyunjay Sadhana.

Durga: Doom (D as in Durga)

For realization for Goddess Durga, power, strength,protection, health, wealth, victory,
wisdom, knowledge, elimination of enemies & grave problems, happy married life and
all round success. Also createsa strong base for other Durga Sadhanas, ShaktiS adhanas
and Mahavidya Sadhanas.

Bhuvaneshwari: Hreem

For realization for Goddess Bhuvaneshwari,

getting everything including but not limited to Kundalini Jagran.
The best and the most powerful.
This also the mantra for Bhuvaneshwari Mahavidya Sadhana.
Alsocreates a strong base for all sadhanas.

Saraswati: Ayeim

For realization of Goddess Saraswati, knowledge, wisdom, success in exams, pleasure

and all round success. Also creates a strong base for other Saraswati sadhanas.

Ganapati: Gam

For realization of Lord Ganapati,

elimination of all obstacles and all round success.
Also creates a strong base for other Ganapatisadhanas.

Hanuman: Fraum

For realization of Lord Hanuman, unlimited strength,power, protection, wisdom,

happiness, elimination ofbad spirits & ghosts, victory over enemies and allround success.
Also creates a strong base for otherHanuman sadhanas.

Vishnu: Dam

For realization of Lord Vishnu,

happy married life,
victory and all round success.
Also creates a strong base for other Vishnu sadhanas.
Bhairav: Bhram

For realization of Lord Bhairav, success in Mahavidya or Shakti sadhanas, strength,

protection, victory,health, wealth, happiness, fame, success in courtcases, elimination of
enemies, success in Shmashansadhanas and all round success. Also creates a strong base
for other Bhairav sadhanas.

Dhoomavati: Dhoom

For realization of Goddess Dhoomavati,

quick elimination of all adversaries,
wealth and all round success.
Alsocreates a strong base for Dhoomavati Mahavidya sadhana.

Bagalamukhi: Hleem

For realization of Goddess Bagalamukhi,

quickelimination of all enemies,
fierce power,
elimination of tantra badha,
nullifying maranproyogs of enemies and all round success.
Also createsa strong base for Bagalamukhi Mahavidya sadhana.

Tara: Treem

For realization of Goddess Tara,

unending monetarygain,
unlimited wealth,
victory and all round success.
Also creates a strongbase for Tara Mahavidya sadhana.

Narsimha: Kshraum

For realization of Lord Narsimha,

quick victory overenemies, elimination of enemies,
fortune and all roundsuccess.
Also creates a strong base for other Narsimhasadhanas.

Nikhileshwaranand: Nim

For realization of our Guruji is his Nikhileshwaranand form.

Paramhans Swami Nikhileshwaranand is the controller of Siddhashram, a place divine
even to gods.
He has all the powers, all the siddhis, yet he is very much accessible.
All it takes is dedication.
There are millions of deities, gods and powers; andnumerous sadhanas for them; but, the
secret of aquiring everything in one go is my guruji, Paramhans Swami
Nikhileshwaranand Maharaj.
Also creates a strong base for all sadhanas.

Kuber: Dhham

For realization of Lord Kuber,

massive monetary gain,
fortune and all round success.
Also creates astrong base for other Kuber sadhanas.

Akash Tatva: Ham

For activating the Akash Tatva (space element) in us which gets us siddhis and eliminates
ailments related to this element.
Activation of all elements leads to quicker awakening of Kundalini and enables a sadhak
to access all supernatural powers.

Agni Tatva: Ram

For activating the Agni Tatva (fire element) in uswhich gets us siddhis and eliminates
ailments relatedto this element.
Activation of all elements leads toquicker awakening of Kundalini and enables a sadhak
toaccess all supernatural powers.

Vayu Tatva: Yam

For activating the Vayu Tatva (air element) in uswhich gets us siddhis and eliminates
ailments relatedto this element.
Activation of all elements leads toquicker awakening of Kundalini and enables a sadhak
toaccess all supernatural powers.
Prithvi Tatva: Ksham

For activating the Prithvi Tatva (earth element) in uswhich gets us siddhis and eliminates
ailments relatedto this element.
Activation of all elements leads toquicker awakening of Kundalini and enables a sadhak
toaccess all supernatural powers.

Shanti (Peace): Tam

For getting rid of disease, worry, fear and illusions.

Aries - Om Vishnave Namah
Taurus - Om Vasudevaya Namah
Gemini - Om Keshavaya Namah
Cancer - Om Radha-Krishnaya Namah
Leo - Om Hariharaya Balamukundaya Namah
Virgo - Om Hrim Pitambaraya Paramatmane Namah
Libra - Om Sri Ram Dasrathaye Namah
Scorpio - Om Narayanaya Namah Om Naraya Namah
Sagittarius - Om Hrim Shrim Krim Dharani Dharaya Namah
Capricorn - Om Shrim Vatsalaya Namaha
Aquarius - Om Shri Upendraya Achyutaya Namah, Om Krim Govinda-Gopalaya Namah
Pisces - Om Krim Rathanga - Chakraya Namah

Beej Mantras
Beej Mantras are seed mantra. Each diety has a specific beej mantra. One could pick a
beej mantra and repeat it in the mind as often as possible. In a way mental/conscious
repetition will morph into unconscious repetition. Mind can be trained to focus. It will be
good if a Guru can impart it. It is difficult to find a Guru who is genuine. Sit in front of a
photo of Sri Dattatreya or Sai Baba or Sri Guru Raghavendra and offer dakshina and
request their guidance in reciting the mantra and avoidance of mistakes.
The mantra OM is Prana beeja or the seed sound of energy and vitality. It can be repeated
relative to any marma one wants opened, cleared and released. It carries the immortal
force of the higher Self (Atma) and is expansive and ascending in its effects. Usually it is
visualized as golden in color and as carrying a solar force of life and intelligence.

Beej mantras for Ganesh, Vishnu, Hanuman, Lakshmi and Saraswathi can be practiced
by any one. But for Devi sadhanas where every syllable matters, caution needs to be
OM is the symbol for the whole universe. It carries three basic sounds: A-U-M. These
three basic sounds through which all the sounds have evolved. So OM is the basic trinity
of sound, the synthesis of all the basic roots. That's why OM is considered the secret
mantra, the greatest mantra, because it implies the whole existence, it represents the
sound of soundlessness, the beauty of silence.

OM represents the music of existence, the soundless sound, the sound of silence. OM
represents the inner most music of our being, the inner harmony, the inner humming
sound which happens when our body, mind, soul are in deep totality, when the visible
and the invisible, the un-manifest and the manifest, the relative and absolute, the outer
and inner are in deep togetherness.

To become one with OM-the music of existence is to attain fulfillment.

Ganapati: Gam
For realization of Lord Ganapati, knowledge, wisdom, protection, fortune, happiness,
health, wealth, elimination of all obstacles and all round success.

Om Gam Ganapathaye Namah

Hanuman: Fraum
For realization of Lord Hanuman, unlimited strength,power, protection, wisdom,
happiness, elimination ofbad spirits & ghosts, victory over enemies and every
conceivable success.

Vishnu: Dam
For realization of Lord Vishnu, wealth, health, protection, happy married life, happiness,
victory and all round success.

Kuber: Dhham
For realization of Lord Kuber, massive monetary gain,wealth, fortune and all round

Mahalaxmi: Shreem
For realization for Goddess Mahalaxmi, wealth, material gains, success in business or
profession, elimination of ailments & worries, protection, gettinga beautiful wife, happy
married life and all roundsuccess.

Saraswati: Ayeim or Aim

For realization of Goddess Saraswati, knowledge, wisdom, success in exams, pleasure
and all round success.

Bhuvaneshwari: Hreem
For realization for Goddess Bhuvaneshwari, getting everything including but not limited
to Kundalini Jagran. The best and the most powerful. This mantra should be used for
those who aspire to be leader of men and achieve every desire. It is important to
remember to be reasonable for the mantra to be effective.
Kali: Kreem
For realization for Goddess Kali, health, strength, protection, elimination of enemies,
solution of grave problems and all round success.

Shiv: Hroum
For realization for Lord Shiv, protection from deadlydiseases, immortality, moksh and all
round success.

Durga: Doom
For realization for Goddess Durga, power, strength,protection, health, wealth, victory,
wisdom, knowledge, elimination of enemies & grave problems, happy married life and
all round success. One gets whatever one wants.

Kamraj mantra: Kaleem

Fulfills one's desires.

Bhairav: Bhram
For realization of Lord Bhairav, success in Mahavidya or Shakti sadhanas, strength,
protection, victory,health, wealth, happiness, fame, success in courtcases, elimination of
enemies, success in life and all round success.

Offering Cashew Nut garland to the Lord is auspicious.

Dhoomavati: Dhoom
For realization of Goddess Dhoomavati, quick elimination of all adversaries, strength,
fortune, protection, health, wealth and all round success.

Bagalamukhi: Hleem or Hlreem

For realization of Goddess Bagalamukhi, quick elimination of all enemies, fierce power,
victory, fame, elimination of tantra badha, nullifying maranproyogs of enemies and all
round success.
Tara: Treem
For realization of Goddess Tara, unending monetary gain, unlimited wealth, fortune,
fame, happiness, victory and all round success.

Check out Buddhist Mantras for Tara.

Narsimha: Kshraum
For realization of Lord Narsimha, quick victory overenemies, elimination of enemies,
fortune and all round success. This mantra removes all sorrows and fears.

Akash Tatva: Ham

For activating the Akash Tatva (space element) in us which gets us siddhis and eliminates
ailments related to this element. Activation of all elements leads to quicker awakening of
Kundalini and enables a sadhak to access all supernatural powers.

BIja Mantra Hum

Jupiter Mudra
Also called as Aakaash (space) Mudra.
Keyword for this Mudra is “expand”.
o This Mudra activates Jupiter inside you and brings abundance in your life.
o It will expand your horizon and get wider views of life and you will become a
good judge of the life’s events.
o The teacher in you will be activated too.
o Person who is mean minded and selfish will become broad minded and selfless.
o This generates blue energy and thus activates throat Chakra.
Chant Bija Mantra “Om Hum Namaha” while doing this Mudra.
Touch the middle finger with thumb on both the hands


Agni Tatva: Ram

For activating the Agni Tatva (fire element) in uswhich gets us siddhis and eliminates
ailments relatedto this element. Activation of all elements leads toquicker awakening of
Kundalini and enables a sadhak toaccess all supernatural powers.

Vayu Tatva: Yam

For activating the Vayu Tatva (air element) in uswhich gets us siddhis and eliminates
ailments relatedto this element. Activation of all elements leads toquicker awakening of
Kundalini and enables a sadhak toaccess all supernatural powers.

Prithvi Tatva: Ksham

For activating the Prithvi Tatva (earth element) in uswhich gets us siddhis and eliminates
ailments relatedto this element. Activation of all elements leads toquicker awakening of
Kundalini and enables a sadhak toaccess all supernatural powers.

Shanti (Peace): Tam

For getting rid of disease, worry, fear and illusions.

Some simple mantras are given which can be recited by anyone and help achieve what
the sadhak wants. They have simple or no methodology associated with them.

Panch Akshari - "Om Namah Shivaye" - It fulfills all desires.It leads to moksha and all
sins are destroyed. It has no methodology assocaited and can be recited by anyone

Asht Akshari - "Om Namah Narayanaya" - One can achieve and can be blessed with

Ganpati Mantra - "Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha" - It not only removes all obstacles
but also gives success in one's efforts.

Hanuman Mantra - "Om Hoom Hanumate Rudratamakaye hoom phut swaha" - There is
no favour that Hanumanji cannot bestow. Hanumanji is the embodiment of all good
qualities which he freely gives to his devotees.

Saraswati Mantra - "Om Aim Kleeng Saum Saraswatiya Namaha" - It makes a person a
learned scholar and he attains high proficiency in education. This mantra should be
recited in the morning.

Dattatreya Mantra - "Om Hareem Parambraham Parmaatmane Hari Harbrahyendraya

Dattatroyaye swaha" - Dattatreya can bestow everything on his followers.


Surya-Sun OM SRI SURYAYA NAMAHA [Ohm Shree Soor-yah-yah Nahm-ah-ha]
Chandra-Moon OM SRI CHANDRAYA NAMAHA [Ohm Shree Chahn-drah-yah
Budha-Mercury OM SRI BUDHAYA NAMAHA [Ohm Shree Bood-hah-yah Nahm-ah-
Sukra-Venus OM SRI SHUKRAYA NAMAHA [Ohm Shree Shoo-krah-yah Nahm-ah-
Mangala-Mars OM SRI ANGARAKAYA NAMAHA [Ohm Shree Ahng-gah-rah-kah-
ya Nahm-ah-ha]
Guru-Jupiter OM SRI GURAVE NAMAHA [Ohm Shree Goo-rah-vey Nahm-ah-ha]
Shani-Saturn OM SRI SHANAISHWARAYA NAMAHA [Ohm Shree Shahn-eish-
chahr-eye-yah Nahm-ah-ha]
Rahu-North Node OM SRI RAHUVE NAMAHA [Ohm Shree Rah-hoo-vey Nahm-ah-
Ketu-South Node OM SRI KETUVE NAMAHA [Ohm Shree Key-too-vey Nahm-ah-
Abundance OM SRI MAHA LAKSHMIYEI SWAHA [Ohm Shree Mah-ha Laksh-mee-
yei Swah-ha]
Breath Concentration SO HUM [So haum]
Clear Negativity and Bring Clarity to Situation HUNG VAJRA PEH [Hoong Vaj-ray
Good Luck OM SHARAVANA BHAVAYA NAMAHA [Ohm Shah-rah-vah-nah Bhah-
vah-yah Nahm-ah-ha]
Healing OM RAM RAMAYA NAMAHA [Ohm Rahm Rahm-eye-yah Nahm-ah-ha
Peace OM SHANTI OM [Ohm Shahn-tee Ohm]
Protection OM DUM DURGAYEI NAMAHA [Ohm Doom Door-gah-yei Nahm-ah-ha]
Remove Obstacles OM GUM GANAPATAYEI NAMAHA [Ohm Gum Guh-nuh-puh-
tuh-yei Nahm-ah-ha]
Spiritual Advancement of Humanity OM MANI PADME HUM [Ohm Mah-nee Pahd-
mey Hoom]
Spiritual Growth OM NAMA SHIVAYA [Ohm Nah-mah Shee-vah-yah]
Spiritual Insight SAT CHID EKAM BRAHMA [Saht Cheed Eh-kahm Brah-mah]
Success in Education, Music, Art OM EIM SARASWATIYEI SWAHA [Ohm I'm Sah-
rah-swah-tee-yei Swah-ha]
Universal Truth OM NAMO NARAYANAYA [Ohm Nah-moh Nah-rah-yan-nay-yah]
The Bija mantras we'll focus on here are the one's associated with the planets. These
mantras reflect the cosmic creative powers and have the effect to convey astral energies.

· The Sun -- sum

· The Moon -- som
· Mars -- am
· Mercury -- bum
· Jupiter -- gum
· Venus -- shum
· Saturn -- sham
· Rahu -- ram
· Ketu -- kem

Important Bija Mantras and Usage with Varma Therapy - 2

OM mantra

The mantra OM is Prana beeja or the seed sound of energy and vitality. It can be
repeated relative to any marma one wants opened, cleared and released. It carries the
immortal force of the higher Self (Atma) and is expansive and ascending in its effects.
Usually it is visualized as golden in color and as carrying a solar force of life and

AIM mantra

The mantra AIM (pronounced'I'm') is Guru beeja, the seed sound of speech, guidance
and concentration. It can be used for directing mental energy and healing intentions to
any marma point. It holds the "Saraswati" energy, the energy of knowledge, wisdom
and creativity, and is white in color.

KREEM Mantra

The mantra Kreem is the seed sound of Kriyashakti, the power of action and represents
electrical or lightning force. It can be used to stimulate and energize any marma with
pranic power. It holds the Kali energy, the energy of transformation, internalization
and spiritual awakening, which is also the power of Yoga, and is dark blue in color.


The mantra Shreem is the seed sound of harmony and well-being and projects a
nutritive lunar energy. It can be used to heal or soothe any marma region, particularly
from conditions of weakness or tissue depletion. It holds theLakshmi energy or the
positive force of health, creativity, happiness and prosperity.

HREEM Mantra

The mantra Hreem is the seed sound of the heart, space and Prana and projects a solar
force and golden color. It can be used to open, energize and heal any marma,
particularly internal marmas like those of the heart. It holds the Goddess energy in
general as a force of health, vitality and enlightenment.

KLEEM Mantra

The mantra Kleem is the seed sound of desire, attraction or magnetic energy, and
projects the power of love. It can be used to increase Kapha or Ojas energy at any
marma, including strengthening reproductive functions.

How to Use These Mantras

Choose any one of these mantras that you find suitable to work with. Chant it for a
minimum of 108 times (or multiples there of) for a period between two new moons.
Meditate upon the marma you are focusing on and repeat the mantra along with the
breath, energizing the marma on inhalation and releasing or expanding it on exhalation.

For example, mentally repeat the mantra HUM on inhalation while visualizing the
marma filling with a protective force, while on exhalation spread that protective force
from the marma to around the body as a whole. One can also use these mantras relative
to the eighteen marma regions. A good method is to use the mantra OM on inhalation
in order to gather energy in the marma region, and the mantra HUM on exhalation to
protect and fortify the marma. One can visualize OM as creating a golden light to
energize the marma and HUM creating a dark blue light to protect it.

Mantra HUM
The mantra HUM (pronounced 'hoom') is varma bija, the beeja mantra of protection,
possessing a fiery and wrathful nature. It is used specifically to protect marma points
and is the most important mantra in this regard. The mantra HUM can be repeated
relative to any marma that one wants to protect from injury or from energy loss. It can
be used along with the marma meditation practice to create a protective field of mantra
around the physical body and the aura.

Visualize this mantra as creating a deep blue protective force that can ward away all
negativity, disease or debility. Chanted with a shorter u - sound, as in the word "put",
HUM has a more fiery energy for purposes of warming the marmas and increasing
Agni or fire at their locations.


To increase production in factory

Do pooja by offering saree to Kali Amman in Kali Amman temple.

Do Gomatha pooja in the factory.

Mantra to be recited 108 times

Hari Om Aum Av-vvum

Sivayaa Nama shivaya

For Delayed Marriage

If there is any dosham in the horoscope, there may be some delays in marriage.
To overcome this here is a tip given by a numerologist.

Go to a place where there is thick bamboo trees. Think of your favourite god and pray
heartfully and tie a white cloth or an yellow cloth in anyone of the tree. By doing doing
this all your dosham will get rectified. And you will also get your guru's blessings.
Try this and see.

Mantra for Immediate Success

Recite the following mantra 108 times daily


Mantra for uncurable disease

Mantra for uncurable disease

Recite the following mantra 108 times daily


Mantra for profitable and prosperous business

Mantra for profitable and prosperous business

Think of your God you like and recite the following mantra 108 times for 48 days.



Beej mantras

Resolving Conflict with Your Spouse

Posted 22nd January 2013 by healen Mantras
View comments

niteshdube1 Sete!ber 2013 at 13"#1
$ee% Mantra is the basi& sound of a single syllable whi&h &annot be further
di'ided. Most of us do not ronoun&e it(the! rightly and thats) why we fail to
&al&ulate the ower and effe&t of these !antra whi&h are the basis of all that
exists. *or e.g. +,M shall not be ronoun&e as +,M &o/ u &an always
di'ided the sound into +,  M and therefore this sound &annot be a $ee%)
Sound. +,M shall be ronoun&e ith nuswaar but without sound of M) as
we do in M)4Mother5 6and so on 6 ,egards 6,adhe ,adhe

humasaffdar2 Mar&h 2018 at 12"8#
 always tend to be attra&ted to !ultile things.  ha'e a delayed !arriage and 
feel la&k of abundan&e as well.  want to &orre&t both of this.
apsara yakshini sadhana ril 2018 at 03"18
$elo'ed Sir9

i a! fro! haridwar.i a! in sear&h of tantra sadhanas and regularly ra&ti&ing

'arious sadhanas but unable to get siddhi.and after fre:uent failures i heard
regarding bee% !antras sadhana.
i li'e on the banks of ganga ri'er.kindly &an you hel !e and g uide !e how to get
!antra siddhi of bi%a !antra while sitting near ganga ri'er .

kindly hel !e
Denis Daniel20 Sete!ber 2018 at 22"31
;he following !antra is suosedly the bee% !antra of <aruda Purana.
ould so!e one oblige !e by throwing so!e light on it= referably
through e!ail>
?M. @J,. @S+ABC. S@+
?M. @J,. <,BD. EF EF. +BM P+;

Kal3 Mar&h 201# at 0G"07
only guru &an gi'e way
Denis Daniel20 Sete!ber 2018 at 22"3#
;he following !antra is suosedly the bee% !antra of <aruda Purana. ould
so!e one oblige !e by throwing so!e light on it= referably through e!ail>
?M. @J,. @S+ABC. S@+
?M. @J,. <,BD. EF EF. +BM P+;
Bhushan sharma30 May 201# at 00"18
 want !y lo'e ba&k in !y life with the assist of astrology. ;here !ay be !any
&auses of far away the lo'e fro! !y life but astrology is the best key solution to
re&tify the whole life.  want !y husband ba&k in !y life be&ause  &annot stay
alone without hi! and unable to en%oy !y whole life so  want !y lo'e ba&k. 
want !y wife ba&k=  want !y bf ba&k=  want !y ex ba&k &an easily be got with
the assist of se'eral astrology te&hni:ues %ust !aking an ao int!ent with exert
astrologer &harya $hushan.

@ashikaran for Fo'e $a&k

$est and *a!ous strologer


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Beej Mantras

Beej Mantras are seed mantra. Each diety has a specifc beej mantra. One could
pick a beej mantra and repeat it in the mind as oten as possible. In a way
mental/conscious repetition will morph into unconscious repetition. Mind can be
trained to ocus. It will be good i a uru can impart it. It is di!cult to fnd a uru
who is genuine. "it in ront o a photo o "ri #attatreya or "ai Baba or "ri uru
$agha%endra and o&er dakshina and re'uest their guidance in reciting the mantra
and a%oidance o mistakes.

Beej mantras or anesh( )ishnu( *anuman( +akshmi and "araswathi can be
practiced by any one. But or #e%i sadhanas where e%ery syllable matters( caution
needs to be e,ercised.

OM is the symbol or the whole uni%erse. It carries three basic sounds- 0M. 1hese
three basic sounds through which all the sounds ha%e e%ol%ed. "o OM is the basic
trinity o sound( the synthesis o all the basic roots. 1hat2s why OM is considered the
secret mantra( the greatest mantra( because it implies the whole e,istence( it
represents the sound o soundlessness( the beauty o silence.

OM represents the music o e,istence( the soundless sound( the sound o silence.
OM represents the inner most music o our being( the inner harmony( the inner
humming sound which happens when our body( mind( soul are in deep totality(
when the %isible and the in%isible( the unmaniest and the maniest( the relati%e
and absolute( the outer and inner are in deep togetherness.

1o become one with OMthe music o e,istence is to attain ulfllment.

Ganapati: Gam
3or reali4ation o +ord anapati( knowledge( wisdom( protection( ortune( happiness(
health( wealth( elimination o all obstacles and all round success.

Om Gam Ganapathaye Namah

Hanuman: Fraum
3or reali4ation o +ord *anuman( unlimited strength(power( protection( wisdom(
happiness( elimination obad spirits 5 ghosts( %ictory o%er enemies and e%ery
concei%able success.

Vishnu: Dam
3or reali4ation o +ord )ishnu( wealth( health( protection( happy married lie(
happiness( %ictory and all round success.

Kuber: Dhham
3or reali4ation o +ord 6uber( massi%e monetary gain(wealth( ortune and all round

Mahalaxmi: Shreem
3or reali4ation or oddess Mahala,mi( wealth( material gains( success in business
or proession( elimination o ailments 5 worries( protection( gettinga beautiul wie(
happy married lie and all roundsuccess.

Saraswati: Ayeim or Aim

3or reali4ation o oddess "araswati( knowledge( wisdom( success in e,ams(
pleasure and all round success.

Bhuvaneshwari: Hreem
3or reali4ation or oddess Bhu%aneshwari( getting e%erything including but not
limited to 6undalini 7agran. 1he best and the most powerul. 1his mantra should be
used or those who aspire to be leader o men and achie%e e%ery desire. It is
important to remember to be reasonable or the mantra to be e&ecti%e.
Kali: Kreem
3or reali4ation or oddess 6ali( health( strength( protection( elimination o enemies(
solution o gra%e problems and all round success.

Shiv: Hroum
3or reali4ation or +ord "hi%( protection rom deadlydiseases( immortality( moksh
and all round success.

Dura: Doom
3or reali4ation or oddess #urga( power( strength(protection( health( wealth(
%ictory( wisdom( knowledge( elimination o enemies 5 gra%e problems( happy
married lie and all round success. One gets whate%er one wants.

Kamra! mantra: Kaleem

3ulflls one2s desires.

Bhairav: Bhram
3or reali4ation o +ord Bhaira%( success in Maha%idya or "hakti sadhanas( strength(
protection( %ictory(health( wealth( happiness( ame( success in courtcases(
elimination o enemies( success in lie and all round success.

O&ering 8ashew 9ut garland to the +ord is auspicious.

Dhoomavati: Dhoom
3or reali4ation o oddess #hooma%ati( 'uick elimination o all ad%ersaries(
strength( ortune( protection( health( wealth and all round success.

Baalamu"hi: Hleem or Hlreem

3or reali4ation o oddess Bagalamukhi( 'uick elimination o all enemies( ferce
power( %ictory( ame( elimination o tantra badha( nulliying maranproyogs o
enemies and all round success.

#ara: #reem
3or reali4ation o oddess 1ara( unending monetary gain( unlimited wealth( ortune(
ame( happiness( %ictory and all round success.

8heck out Buddhist Mantras or 1ara.

$arsimha: Kshraum
3or reali4ation o +ord 9arsimha( 'uick %ictory o%erenemies( elimination o enemies(
ortune and all round success. 1his mantra remo%es all sorrows and ears.

A"ash #atva: Ham

3or acti%ating the kash 1at%a :space element; in us which gets us siddhis and
eliminates ailments related to this element. cti%ation o all elements leads to
'uicker awakening o 6undalini and enables a sadhak to access all supernatural

Ani #atva: %am

3or acti%ating the gni 1at%a :fre element; in uswhich gets us siddhis and
eliminates ailments relatedto this element. cti%ation o all elements leads
to'uicker awakening o 6undalini and enables a sadhak toaccess all supernatural

Vayu #atva: &am

3or acti%ating the )ayu 1at%a :air element; in uswhich gets us siddhis and eliminates
ailments relatedto this element. cti%ation o all elements leads to'uicker
awakening o 6undalini and enables a sadhak toaccess all supernatural powers.

'rithvi #atva: Ksham

3or acti%ating the <rith%i 1at%a :earth element; in uswhich gets us siddhis and
eliminates ailments relatedto this element. cti%ation o all elements leads
to'uicker awakening o 6undalini and enables a sadhak toaccess all supernatural

Shanti ('ea)e*: #am

3or getting rid o disease( worry( ear and illusions.

/o"e si"ple "antras are given which can e recited y anyone and help achieve what the
sadhak wants. hey have si"ple or no "ethodology associated with the".

Panch Akshari : ?" 0a"ah /hivaye? : =t fulfills all desires.=t leads to "oksha and all sins
are destroyed. =t has no "ethodology assocaited and can e recited y anyone anyti"e.

Asht Akshari : ?" 0a"ah 0arayanaya? : ne can achieve and can e lessed with

*an+ati )antra : ?" 8a" 8anapataye 0a"aha? : =t not only re"oves all ostacles ut
also gives success in oneBs efforts.

anuman )antra : ?" Hoo" Hanu"ate *udrata"akaye hoo" phut swaha? : here is no
favour that Hanu"anAi cannot estow. Hanu"anAi is the e"odi"ent of all good qualities
which he freely gives to his devotees.

Saras-ati )antra : ?" ,i" Cleeng /au" /araswatiya 0a"aha? : =t "akes a person a
learned scholar and he attains high proficiency in education. his "antra should e recited
in the "orning.

.attatre/a )antra : ?" Haree" (ara"raha" (ar"aat"ane Hari Harrahyendraya

6attatroyaye swaha? : 6attatreya can estow everything on his followers.

<osted by %ijay at =->? M

Email 1hisBlog1his@"hare to 1witter"hare to 3acebook"hare to <interest


ak7anuary ( >CAD at A-> <M
;hankyou. +eled !e to understand the durga sathshati !antras btter

niteshdube"eptember A( >CAD at A-> <M
$ee% Mantra is the basi& sound of a single syllable whi&h &annot be further di'ided. Most
of us do not ronoun&e it(the! rightly and thatsI why we fail to &al&ulate the ower and
effe&t of these !antra whi&h are the basis of all that exists. *or e.g. +,M shall not be
ronoun&e as +,M &o/ u &an always di'ided the sound into +,  M and therefore
this sound &annot be a I$ee%I Sound. +,M shall be ronoun&e ith nuswaar but
without sound of IMI as we do in IMI4Mother5 ...and so on ... ,e&iting I$ee% MantraI
without right sound will be $S?FB;FC *,B;FSS and would !ight gi'e
D@,S result and in so!e &ases @,C D@,S results .... ?ne should be 'ery
Eareful before &hanting these !antra and !ust seek &orre&t guidan&e by a ,<+;
<BD. ....,egards
Drd तपईलई यठन
 जलक पजहल र एकमतर व बसइटम हजक वगत गछ ! यस व बसइटम
तपईह"ल जबज#$न मह%वप&  स'न
 ( नकर( ( यठन
 जलक पजर'य र इजतहस( वग)र(क पजर'य र
इजतहस र जवज#$न पयटजकय *लह"क तजवर ह न( प+न र नकर( जलन स,न- ह- न छ !

 पषठ
 Beej Mantra 1herapy

सवगतम Cure 0our .iseases From 1ee2 )antra3 )ant

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सवग"#!क पजचय
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Bee! Mantra #herapy

$#+ +%B# +OD,S

तजसव 0ग$
तजसव 0ग$ 1
तजसव 0ग$ 2 )ANT5A TE5A
तजसव 0ग$ 3 %antra herapy is the positive practice of concentration on
particular sound. B%anaB "eans the "ind and BraB "ea
Mahatsob viration. ,ny sound or word that creates positive viratio
in "ind is called a %antra. /ound is a for" of energy "a
%u0ra"sha #herapy
up of virations or wavelengths. ertain wavelengths ha


1. INTRODUÇÃO ...................................................................................................... 3

2. OS CHAKRAS........................................................................................................4
2.1. Chakra Coronário - 7º Chakra ................................................................................4
2.2. Chakra Frontal - 6º Chakra ....................................................................................5
2.3. Chakra Cervical ou Laríngeo - 5º Chakra...............................................................6
2.4. Chakra Cardíaco - 4º Chakra.................................................................................. 7
2.5. Chakra Solar ou Umbilical - 3º Chakra ..................................................................8
2.6. Chakra Sacro ou Esplênico - 2º Chakra..................................................................9
2.7. Chakra Raiz ou Básico - 1º Chakra ...................................................................... 10

3. A KUNDALINI.....................................................................................................11

4. HARMONIZANDO OS CHAKRAS ..................................................................16

5. O REIKI, AS PEDRAS E OS CHAKRAS...........................................................16

6. EXERCÍCIOS COM OS CHAKRAS.................................................................. 17

7. REFERÊNCIAS ...................................................................................................18

Eduardo Coelho Página 2 Apostila Versão 1.1


Todo o ser humano possui centros vitais, conhecidos com o nome de CHAKRAS, que
significam rodas girantes, em sânscrito, sendo seu significado etimológico "disco giratório".
Eles são consubstanciados no indivíduo, para proverem os elementos vitais ao bom
funcionamento e conseqüente equilíbrio de seus corpos, mental, astral e físico, quer esteja
nesta última condição, quer fora dela, isto é, sem o corpo físico.

Os chakras são pontos de conexão pelos quais a energia flui de um corpo a outro. Os fluxos
energéticos criam vórtices ou redemoinhos, aproveitando essa entrada para atravessarem o
perispírito e o duplo etérico e passarem para o organismo físico.

Eles servem de centros para a manifestação de várias emoções humanas, como o amor, o
medo, a raiva e a alegria. Os chakras têm sido descritos como centros nervosos que governam
os vários órgãos, ou como rodas giratórias, ou como vórtices que servem para ligar o corpo
físico aos corpos etérico, astral, mental ou casual. Os chakras também funcionam num
contexto prático. Diz-se que o que experimentamos na vida depende, até certo ponto, do
chakra com o qual estamos sintonizados, pois cada chakra é energizado por atributos
emocionais, mentais, psíquicos e espirituais.

Os Chakras, que são 7 (os principais), são pontos etéreos sobre os quais incidem os 7 Fluídos
Cósmicos Básicos, ou sete imagens elétricas, para então se transplantarem aos Plexos e
Gânglios materiais em número de 49, todas as emanações necessárias à vitalidade, ao fim e ao
uso da carcaça humana.


Eduardo Coelho Página 3 Apostila Versão 1.1



2.1 - Chakra Coronário - 7º Chakra


Conhecido no Hinduísmo como SAHASRARA. Localiza-se no topo da cabeça, prolongando-se

mais acima. É a abertura para a Consciência Universal. As cores associadas a este chakra são:
violeta, lilás, roxo, branco, prateado ou dourado . O elemento associado são os pensamentos e
a vontade. Rege a glândula Pineal (epífise), córtex cerebral, sistema nervoso central, olho
direito. Vitaliza o cérebro superior (cerebrum). Está associado ao mundo espiritual e à ligação
com o Divino. Tem como gemas e minerais associados: a ametista, alexandrite, diamante,

Eduardo Coelho Página 4 Apostila Versão 1.1

sugilite, fluorite púrpura, cristal de quartzo, selenite. Este chakra associa-se à idéia de jejum e
também às frutas e vegetais de cor violeta e púrpura.

É o chakra mais importante, pois é o responsável pela irrigação energética do cérebro. Bem
desenvolvido, facilita a lembrança e a conscientização das projeções da consciência. É muito
importante na telepatia, na mediunidade, nas expansões da consciência e na recepção de temas
elevados. É o chakra por onde penetra a energia cósmica.

Indica como qualidades e lições a aprender: unificação do Eu Superior com a personalidade

humana, união com o infinito, vontade espiritual, inspiração, unidade, sabedoria e
compreensão divina. E ainda, idealismo, serviço voluntário (desinteressado), percepção além
espaço e tempo e conformidade de consciência.

Pode manifestar como qualidades negativas, se a pessoa estiver funcionando numa baixa
vibração, as seguintes características: falta de inspiração, confusão, depressão, alienação,
hesitação em servir, senilidade.

2.2 - Chakra Frontal ou Terceiro Olho - 6º Chakra


Conhecido no Hinduísmo como AJNA ou AGNYA. Localiza-se no centro da testa entre as

sobrancelhas. É conhecido como 3º olho ou 3ª visão. A cor associada a este chakra é o azul
índigo (azul escuro). O elemento associado é a luz. Rege a glândula pituitária (hipófise), o
olho esquerdo, o nariz e orelhas. Está associado a telepatia, clarividência, intuição e
desenvolvimento mental. Dá visão interior, intuição e a habilidade de se conhecer a si próprio.
Vitaliza o baixo cérebro (cerebelo) e o sistema nervoso central. Responsável pela Visão. Os
minerais e gemas associados a ele são o lápis lazuli, azurite, sodalite, cristal de quartzo puro,
safira, turmalina. Os alimentos que lhe são benéficos são os da cor azul ou púrpura, frutas e

Eduardo Coelho Página 5 Apostila Versão 1.1

Este ponto atua diretamente sobre a fronte, os sinos e os olhos. Sua energia é o Poder Oculto
da Palavra. Seu atributo é o respeito. Segundo o grau de sua vitalidade pode gerar a firmeza
ou a leviandade.

Este chakra indica como qualidades e lições a aprender: realização da alma, intuição,
"insight", imaginação; clarividência, concentração, paz de espírito; sabedoria, devoção,
percepção para além da dualidade.

Pode manifestar como qualidades negativas, se a pessoa estiver funcionando numa baixa
vibração, as seguintes características: falta de concentração, medo, cinismo, tensão, dor de
cabeça, problemas nos olhos, pesadelos e demasiado deslocamento deste mundo.

2.3 - Chakra Cervical ou Laríngeo - 5º Chakra


Conhecido no Hinduísmo como VISHUDDHA. Localiza-se na garganta. A cor a ele associada

é o azul turquesa. A elemento: o Akasha e o éter. Rege a glândula tiróide, para-tiróide,
hipotálamo, garganta, boca. Está associado ao mundo da comunicação, expressão, audição e
todos os usos do som e da palavra. As suas funções incluem a criatividade, receptividade,
habilidade para comunicar, discurso, som, vibração, comunicação. Tem como gemas e
minerais associados a turquesa, a celestite, o topázio azul, a sodalite, o lápis lazuli, a agua
marinha, a azurite e a ryanite. Os alimentos benéficos são: as frutas e vegetais azuis e púrpura.

Atua diretamente na região do pescoço. Sua energia é o Poder Supremo. Seu atributo é o
entendimento. Segundo o grau de sua vitalidade, pode gerar a esperança ou o receio. Este
chakra indica como qualidades e lições a aprender: poder da palavra falada, verdadeira
comunicação, expressão criativa no discurso, na escrita, nas artes. Integração, paz, verdade,
conhecimento, sabedoria, lealdade, honestidade, confiança, amabilidade, gentileza.

Eduardo Coelho Página 6 Apostila Versão 1.1

Pode manifestar como qualidades negativas, se a pessoa estiver funcionando numa baixa
vibração, as seguintes características: problemas na comunicação e/ou discurso, excesso de
uso insensato do conhecimento, ignorância, falta de discernimento, depressão e problemas da

2.4 - Chakra Cardíaco - 4º Chakra


Conhecido no Hinduísmo como ANAHATA. Localiza-se no centro do tórax entre os mamilos

(no meio do peito na área do osso esterno). A cor associada a este chakra é o verde (cor
secundária, pirite). O elemento associado a ele é o ar. Rege a glândula do timo, coração,
sistema circulatório, braços, mãos, pulmões. Associado ao coração e ao amor abnegado pela
transcendência do ego e do julgamento. As suas funções são amor e paz incondicional; dá a
habilidade (capacidade) de amar a si próprio e aos outros incondicionalmente. Ancora, dá
fundamento a força-vida do Eu Superior. As gemas e minerais associados a ele são a
esmeralda, turmalina verde e rosa, malaquita, jade verde, aventurina verde, crisopásio, quartzo
rosa, rubi. Os alimentos que lhe são benéficos são as frutas e vegetais verdes.

É o chakra responsável pela energização do sistema cárdio-respiratório. É considerado o canal

de movimentação dos sentimentos. É o chakra mais afetado pelo desequilíbrio emocional.
Bem desenvolvido, torna-se um canal de amor para o trabalho de assistência espiritual.
Quando existe um bloqueio nesse chakra, a pessoa sente depressão, angústia, irritação ou
pontadas no peito.

Este ponto situado à altura do coração físico, atua diretamente sobre o coração, sangue,
aparelho circulatório, etc. Sua energia é o Poder do Conhecimento. Seu atributo é a sabedoria.
Segundo o grau de sua vitalidade pode gerar a humildade ou a soberba.

Eduardo Coelho Página 7 Apostila Versão 1.1

Este chakra indica como qualidades e lições a aprender: divino / incondicional amor. Perdão,
compaixão, compreensão, equilíbrio, consciência de grupo, união com a vida. Aceitação, paz,
abertura, harmonia, contentamento.

Pode manifestar, se a pessoa estiver funcionando numa baixa vibração, como qualidades
negativas, as seguintes características: repressão do amor, instabilidade emocional,
desequilíbrio, problemas de coração e circulação.

2.5 - Chakra Plexo Solar ou Umbilical - 3º Chakra


Conhecido no Hinduísmo como MANIPURA. Localiza-se em cima da boca do estômago

(acima do umbigo e abaixo do osso esterno – peito). A cor associada a este chakra é o
amarelo. O elemento a ele associado é o fogo. Rege todos os órgãos localizados na barriga:
fígado, vesícula biliar, pâncreas, supra-renais, músculos e estômago e ainda o sistema
nervoso. Está associado ao poder. Dá a vitalidade, força para exprimir emoções e para ter
integridade. Tem como função vitalizar o sistema nervoso simpático bem como os processos
digestivos, o metabolismo e as emoções. As gemas e minerais a ele associados são a citrina, o
topázio dourado, o âmbar, o olho de tigre, a calcita dourada e o ouro. Os alimentos benéficos:
os amidos, e as frutas ou vegetais amarelos.

Este ponto atua diretamente sobre as vísceras abdominais, tais como, fígado, pâncreas, órgãos
do aparelho digestivo, etc. Sua energia é o Poder do Pensamento Criador. Seu atributo é a
justiça. Segundo o grau de sua vitalidade pode gerar a generosidade ou o egoísmo.

Este chakra indica como qualidades e lições a aprender: vontade, poder pessoal, autoridade,
energia, controle do desejo, auto-controle, brilho (esplendor), calor humano, despertar,
transformação, humor, riso, imortalidade, tomar mais do que se pode assimilar ou usar,
demasiado ênfase no poder e/ou identificação, fúria, medo, ódio, problemas digestivos.

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2.6 - Chakra Esplênico ou Sacro - 2º Chakra


Conhecido no hinduísmo como SVADHISTHANA. Localiza-se logo acima dos órgãos

reprodutores, acima do osso púbico. A cor associada a este chakra é a laranja. O elemento
associado é a água. Rege os órgãos reprodutores, ovários, testículos, próstata, genitais, baixo
ventre, bexiga, vesícula. Está associado a sexualidade, criatividade, procriação, sensualidade,
habilidade de sentir emoções, contentamento, assimilação dos alimentos, força física,
vitalidade e sexualidade. As gemas e minerais a ele associados são a turmalina, coral, calcite
dourada, âmbar, citrina, topázio dourado, aventurina pêssego. Quanto aos alimentos que lhe
são benéficos: líquidos, frutos e vegetais laranjas.

É o responsável pela irrigação dos órgãos sexuais; pela energização do baço, é também
responsável pela vitalização do feto em formação, função essa que divide com o chakra
básico. Aliás, a ligação desse dois chakras é estreita demais. Isso se deve ao fato de que parte
da energia kundalini é veiculada do básico para dentro do chakra sacro. É por esse fator que
alguns tibetanos consideram esses dois chakras como um único centro.

É considerado um “dínamo do corpo humano”, pois é através dele que penetra uma parte da
energia (prana) do ambiente. Bem desenvolvido, favorece a soltura do duplo etérico e,
conseqüentemente, o desenvolvimento da mediunidade, bem como a soltura do psicossoma
em relação às projeções da consciência. Atua diretamente sobre o baço, pâncreas e glândulas
supra-renais. Sua energia é o Poder da Vontade. Seu atributo é o Conselho. Segundo o grau de
sua vitalidade pode gerar a Prudência ou a Imprudência.

Este chakra indica como qualidades e lições a aprender: dar e receber, emoções, desejos,
prazer, amor sexual / passional, movimento, assimilação de novas idéias, saúde, família,
tolerância, abandono (entrega), trabalhar harmoniosa e criativamente com os outros.

Pode ainda manifestar como qualidades negativas, se a pessoa estiver funcionando numa
baixa vibração, as seguintes características: exagerada indulgência com a comida ou sexo,
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dificuldades sexuais, confusão, ausência de objetivos, ciúme, inveja, desejo de possuir,
impotência, problemas uterinos e/ou de bexiga.

2.7 - Chakra Raiz ou Básico - 1º Chakra


Conhecido no Hinduísmo como MULADHARA. Localiza-se em cima da base da coluna ou

cóccix. A cor associada a este chakra é a vermelha (cor secundária preto). O elemento a ele
associado é a terra. Rege o sistema locomotor, as glândulas endócrinas, rins, coluna espinal,
cólon, pernas e ossos. Está associado a terra e a matéria, a vitalidade, a saciedade dos desejos,
dar fundamento (bases), coordenação física e sobrevivência. Dá vitalidade ao corpo físico. É a
força da vida, da sobrevivência, auto-preservação e instintos. As gemas e minerais a ele
associados são o rubi, a granada, a hematita, o jaspe sanguíneo, a turmalina preta, a obsidiana,
o quartzo fumado. Quanto aos alimentos que lhe são benéficos: as proteínas (carne e produtos
lácteos não são recomendados), frutos vermelhos e vegetais.

Este chakra indica como qualidades e lições a aprender: assuntos relacionados ao mundo
material, sucesso. O corpo físico, o domínio do corpo. Base (fundação), individualidade,
estabilidade, segurança, imobilidade, tranqüilidade, saúde, coragem, paciência.

Pode também manifestar como qualidades negativas, se a pessoa estiver funcionando numa
baixa vibração, as seguintes características: egocentrismo, insegurança, violência, ganância,
fúria; demasiada preocupação com a própria sobrevivência; tensão na coluna e prisão de

É o responsável pela absorção da kundalini (energia telúrica) e pelo estímulo direto da energia
no corpo e na circulação do sangue. Sua energia é o KUNDALINI ou Fogo Serpentino
Regenerador. Seu atributo é a pureza. Segundo o grau de sua vitalidade pode gerar a castidade
ou a imoralidade.

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Espécie de torrente de fogo líquido a subir pela coluna vertebral do ser humano, a qual ativa
as energias instintivas ou inferiores, próprias do mundo animal. A pessoa que desenvolver o
Chakra Básico descontrolada e prematuramente, dará entrada à uma torrente de energia
elementar tão poderosa, que os seus desejos serão satisfeitos de imediato e terá poder sobre as
demais criaturas. Este é o perigo para os que recebem influências privilegiadas deste Chakra.
Por essa razão, nas diversas escolas espirituais existentes, nunca se desenvolve Mediunidade
através dele, mesmo que por data de nascimento, dia e hora, a influência primária a que ele

Poder ígneo, é a grande força magnética, o princípio universal de vida que existe latente em
toda matéria. Também chamada "fogo serpentino", é a vida que flui através dos centros vitais
ou chakras. Princípio ativo que tanto pode criar como destruir, seu despertar para uma
atividade voluntária visa coordenar as diversas manifestações vitais num todo harmonioso.

- O que é a Kundalini?

A palavra sânscrita tem sido traduzida de várias maneiras, em geral por aqueles que não têm
uma concepção real, seja ela qual for, da função que é a sua marca. Supõe-se que a raiz da
palavra seja o verbo kund, que significa "queimar". Este é o significado essencial, pois a
kundalini é Fogo em seu sentido de abrasamento. Contudo, temos uma explicação adicional
para a palavra no substantivo kunda, que significa orifício ou cavidade. Isso nos dá uma idéia
do recipiente onde o Fogo arde. Mas há muito mais do que isso. Há também o substantivo

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kundala, que significa bobina espiral, anel. Temos aqui uma noção do modo pelo qual o Fogo
atua e se desenvolve. A palavra kundalini se originou de todos esses derivados, que atribuem
uma feminilidade criativa ao Fogo, o Fogo Serpentino, como algumas vezes é chamado, o
poder criativo feminino que está adormecido dentro de uma cavidade, dentro de um útero,
despertando para o movimento rítmico da impetuosa subida e para a emissão de torrentes de
Fogo. Ela é uma palavra que significa o aspecto feminino da força criativa da evolução, força
esta que jaz adormecida, em sua potencialidade específica e muito particular, como que em
posição fetal em um útero, na base da espinha dorsal humana.

O começo do despertar: Espera-se que o resultado seja um sutil despertar de uma consciência
mais ampla, uma vaga sombra do espírito da consciência Cósmica. Desse modo, uma
fragrância do que pode ser chamado de ozônio espiritual, se elevará no ar. Exultante, o
discípulo estabelece contato do seu eu inferior com o seu Eu superior de maneira muito mais
ampla do que já tenha feito antes dentro dos limites da sua atual encarnação. Ele alcança uma
desobrigação, uma liberdade. Ele converte-se em um pássaro que finalmente começa a
descobrir como usar as asas, batendo-as alvoroçadamente, embora ainda incapaz de levantar
vôo. Neste afã de voar, ele começa a distinguir o real do irreal, o verdadeiro do falso, o útil do
inútil, o belo do feio. Embora ele permaneça geralmente incapaz de fazer uso do
discernimento assim despertado, ao menos conhece, experimenta e, mais cedo ou mais tarde,
o conhecimento-experiência transforma-se numa atividade equilibrada. Quando isso começa a
ocorrer, é chegada a hora de aparecerem os primeiros passos da kundalini, que finalmente,
libertará para sempre no indivíduo o Fogo da vida e colocará sobre sua cabeça a Coroa de
Flores do Reino eterno.

Os chakras servem de centros para a manifestação de várias emoções humanas.

Como já vimos, Kundalini ou o Fogo Serpentino é uma das forças emanantes do Sol,
inteiramente independente e distinta de Fohat e de prâna, e que, no estado atual dos nossos
conhecimentos, acreditamos incapaz de ser convertido em qualquer dessas duas energias.
Kundalini recebeu nomes diversos: o Fogo Serpentino, o Poder ígneo, a Mãe do Mundo.
Aparece ao clarividente, literalmente, como uma torrente de fogo líquido, percorrendo o
corpo. Seu trajeto normal é uma espiral, semelhante às curvas de uma serpente; "Mãe do
Mundo" é nome bastante apropriado, porque é por ela que podem ser vivificados nossos
diversos veículos.

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Pode-se ver um antigo símbolo da coluna vertebral e de Kundalini, no tirso, bastão com uma
ponta cuniforme na extremidade. Na índia encontramos o mesmo símbolo: o bastão é aí
substituído por um bambu, com sete nós, que naturalmente representam os sete chakras ou
centros de força. Em certos mistérios, em lugar do tirso se empregava um tubo de ferro que se
supunha conter fogo. A insígnia dos barbeiros, símbolo certamente muito antigo, com suas
faixas em espiral e a protuberância terminal, tem a mesma significação, segundo dizem, pois o
barbeiro moderno é o sucessor dos antigos cirurgiões, que praticavam também a alquimia,
ciência outrora mais espiritual do que material.

Kundalini existe em todos os planos que conhecemos e parece apresentar igualmente sete
camadas ou graus de potência.

O corpo astral era, na origem, uma espécie de massa quase inerte, sem a mais vaga
consciência, sem nenhuma capacidade definida de ação e sem conhecimento preciso do
mundo ambiente. Sobreveio depois o despertar de Kundalini no plano astral, no chakra
correspondente as da base da espinha dorsal. Esta força se encaminhou então para o segundo
centro, o umbigo e o vitalizou, acordando, assim, no corpo astral, a faculdade de sentir, de ser
impressionado por todas as espécies de influências, porém sem lhe dar ainda a compreensão
precisa. Passa daí ao terceiro centro (esplênico), ao quarto (cardíaco), ao quinto (garganta), ao
sexto (entre os supercílios) e ao sétimo (no alto da cabeça), despertando em cada um as suas

O mecanismo que nos dá a consciência do que se passa no astral é interessante e merece ser
bem compreendido pelos estudantes. No corpo físico, possuímos órgãos especiais,
localizados, cada um, em região fixa e particular: órgãos da vista, do ouvido, etc. Mas no
corpo astral reina uma disposição completamente diferente, pois não há necessidade de órgãos
especializados para conseguir os resultados desejados.

A matéria do corpo astral está em constante movimento; as partículas deslizam e turbilhonam

como as da água fervendo, e passam todas, sucessivamente, pelos centros de força. Por
conseguinte, cada um destes centros confere, às partículas do corpo astral, a faculdade de
responder a determinada categoria de vibrações, correspondentes ao que no mundo físico
chamamos vibrações da luz, do som, do calor, etc.

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Quando, pois, os centros astrais são vivificados e se põem a funcionar, conferem as diversas
faculdades à matéria toda do corpo astral, de tal forma que este se torna capaz de exercer seus
atributos em qualquer região. É por isto que o homem, aluando em seu corpo astral, pode ver
tanto os objetos colocados à sua frente, como atrás, em cima e embaixo, sem precisar voltar a
cabeça. Não se pode, pois, definir os chakras ou centros como órgãos sensórios, no sentido
vulgar do termo, embora proporcionem ao corpo astral faculdades sensoriais.

Entretanto, mesmo quando estes centros astrais estão plenamente despertos, não resulta, de
maneira alguma, que o homem possa transmitir ao corpo físico a menor consciência da ação
dos mesmos. Na realidade, em sua consciência física ele pode muito bem ignorar por
completo essa ação. O único modo de transmitir ao cérebro físico a consciência das
experiências astrais se dá pelo prévio despertar e ativamento dos centros etéricos

O método de despertá-los é exatamente o mesmo adotado no corpo astral, isto é, pelo

despertar de Kundalini, que dorme na matéria etérica, no chakra situado próximo da base da
espinha dorsal. O despertar de Kundalini resulta do ativamento do centro na base da espinha,
mediante um esforço prolongado e persistente da vontade. Desperto Kundalini, sua força
tremenda vivifica sucessivamente os demais centros. O efeito produzido sobre estes centros é
o de conferir à consciência física as faculdades despertas pelo desenvolvimento dos centros
astrais correspondentes.


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Mas, para obter estes resultados, é necessário que o fogo serpentino passe de chakra em
chakra, em certa ordem e maneira variáveis segundo os tipos humanos.

Os ocultistas, que conhecem os fatos por experiência própria, são extremamente cuidadosos
em não dar a indicação quanto à ordem em que o fogo serpentino deve passar através dos
chakras. A razão disto é que há muitos e sérios perigos, cuja gravidade não deve ser ocultada,
para aqueles que despertam Kundalini, acidental ou prematuramente. Fazem-se as
mais/solenes advertências a quem cogite em fazer qualquer tentativa deste gênero, antes do
momento azado ou sem a direção de um Mestre ou um ocultista experimentado.

Um dos efeitos muito freqüentes de seu despertar prematuro, é dirigir-se ele para as regiões
inferiores, em lugar de se elevar para as partes superiores do corpo; excita, desta forma,
paixões menos desejáveis, estimula-as e intensifica-as a tal ponto que o homem não lhes pode
resistir. Nas garras dessa força, ele é tão impotente, quanto o nadador nas mandíbulas de um
Esses homens se tornam sátiros, monstros de depravação, porque estão a mercê de uma força
de todo desproporcional à capacidade da resistência humana. É provável que alcancem certos
poderes supranormais, mas estes só servirão para pô-los em contato com seres subumanos,
com os quais não deve a humanidade manter intercâmbio. E para safar-se desta sujeição,
poderá ser necessário mais de uma encarnação.
Há uma escola de magia negra que, com este propósito, se utiliza de Kundalini, porém os
adeptos da Boa Lei, ou Magia Branca, jamais fazem uso dos centros de força inferiores
empregados por esta escola.

Além disto, o desenvolvimento prematuro de Kundalini intensifica tudo na natureza humana e

afeta mais prontamente as qualidades más do que as boas. No corpo mental, por exemplo,
desperta facilmente a ambição e esta logo cresce excessivamente; e o grande aumento da
inteligência é acompanhado de orgulho anormal e satânico.

Kundalini não é uma força comum, mas algo de irresistível. O ignorante que, por infelicidade,
a despertar, deve imediatamente consultar uma pessoa competente. Segundo os dizeres do
Hathayogapradipika, "Ela conduz os iogues à libertação e os tolos à escravidão". Algumas
vezes o fogo serpentino se desperta espontaneamente; sente-se então um calor morno, e em
casos raros, pode começar a movimentar-se por si.
Eduardo Coelho Página 15 Apostila Versão 1.1
Neste último caso, apareceriam provavelmente dores intensas, pois os canais não estão
preparados para a passagem do fogo serpentino, e este tem que abrir caminho queimando
grande massa de detritos etéricos, processo este necessariamente doloroso.

Em tais casos, a força fluirá usualmente de baixo para cima, pelo interior da coluna vertebral,
em lugar de seguir o curso em espiral, que o ocultista aprende a fazê-lo seguir. É preciso, se
possível, deter, por um esforço de vontade, esta marcha ascendente; porém se não se
conseguir isto, o que é provável, a corrente sairá sem dúvida pela cabeça e se perderá na
atmosfera, sem qualquer outro dano senão um enfraquecimento. Talvez possa também causar
perda momentânea da consciência. Entretanto, os perigos realmente graves provêm, não do
fluxo ascendente, mas do descendente.


Quando os chakras estão em equilíbrio, desfrutamos de ótima saúde física e psíquica, caso
contrário fica-se vulneráveis aos distúrbios e às doenças. Ao estarmos saudáveis, nossos
chakras giram com ritmo e sincronia, porém, com o organismo doente, eles ficam acelerados
ou lentos demais, rodando com dificuldade e provocando perda de energia vital.
A saúde está no equilíbrio, que pode ser conseguido através de uma dieta saudável, rica em
verduras, legumes e frutas, de exercícios físicos moderados e acompanhados por um médico,
do respeito às horas de descanso e de práticas religiosas, meditativas e relaxantes. Enfim, tudo
aquilo que propicie a harmonia interior. O passe, a prece, a irradiação e a água fluidificada
servem como apoio para a recuperação, mas não são a base real para o equilíbrio, alinhamento
ou harmonização dos chakras e centros de força. Devemos lembrar que chakra bloqueado não
é causa, mas conseqüência. A causa do desequilíbrio são nossos pensamentos, sentimentos,
emoções, palavras, desejos e ações de baixo teor vibratório, como pessimismo, mágoa, rancor,
inveja, egoísmo, orgulho, vingança, ódio e vícios.

Para que a pessoa se rearmonize energeticamente, é essencial que haja uma moralização e o
abandono de seus vícios, ou seja, ela precisa se reformar moralmente, agindo de maneira
cristã em todos os momentos da vida. Porém, como isso não é comum às nossas ampliadas
comodidades, cabe a nós, falíveis espíritos devedores, realizarmos essa ação por meio do
perdão, da fraternidade e da compreensão, ajudando, socorrendo e orando pelo próximo.
Dessa forma, vibraremos em ondas de elevado teor moral para fazermos nosso centro
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coronário se valer como captador das boas energias espirituais, distribuindo o equilíbrio
devido aos demais centros e espiritualizando nossa matéria.


Pode-se utilizar a ajuda e poder de cura das pedras juntamente com a sessão de Reiki.
O Reiki, por sua capacidade de ativação da energia, possibilita a ampliação do poder de cura
contido nas pedras. Cada pedra é colocada em seu respectivo chakra (centros de energia ou
força vital) e permanecem por volta de 20 minutos.

Nome dos Chakras Cor das Pedras Nome das Pedras

1 - Chakra Básico Vermelho Jaspe Vermelho, Ágata Vermelha
2 - Chakra Sacral Laranja Calcita Alaranjada, Cornalina, Pedra da Lua
3 - Chakra do Plexo Solar Amarela Citrino, Olho de Tigre, Âmbar
4 - Chakra do Coração Verde / Rosa Amazonita, Esmeralda
5 - Chakra Laríngeo Azul Claro Água – Marinha, Turquesa
6 - Chakra do 3º Olho Azul Escuro Sodalita, Lápis Lázuli, Ágata azul
7 - Chakra Coronário Lilás / Branco Ametista, Cristal de Quartzo Branco
Tabela: Adaptado de


Estes exercícios precisam ser feitos com grande concentração, com um movimento leve e
deve-se escolher um lugar aquecido pelo sol para se sentar com as pernas esticadas para frente
sem tensionar mas as pontas dos dedos devem estar puxadas.

Exercício 1: Os braços ficam expandidos horizontalmente para frente. Depois toque com as
pontas dos dedos das mãos as pontas dos dedos dos pés. Depois disso escorregue suas mãos
sobre ambos os lados do seu corpo e sobre a sua cabeça. E finalmente mova-os de volta aos
pés. Repita o exercício várias vezes.

Exercício 2: Os braços ficam esticados horizontalmente para frente. Ponha os nos joelhos.
Depois disso escorregue as mãos sobre ambos os lados do seu corpo e sobre sua cabeça.
Finalmente mova de volta aos joelhos. Repita várias vezes.

Exercício 3: Ponha suas mãos sobre o plexo solar, concentre-se sobre a energia, depois mova
suas mãos atadas costas da cintura e uma concentração especial é necessária novamente.

Eduardo Coelho Página 17 Apostila Versão 1.1

Exercício 4: Ponha uma mão sobre o plexo solar e a outra sobre sua garganta.

Exercício 5: Ponha ambas as mãos sobre as têmporas.

Exercício 6: Ponha uma mão sobre o joelho e a outra no lado oposto do peito. Depois troque-
as de lugar.

Os exercícios são direcionados para o desenvolvimento dos chakras: na região do coração, da

traquéia, do plexo solar e do terceiro olho. Eles devem ser feitos exatamente sem nenhum
erro. Os chakras tem que ser alimentados e desenvolvidos com exatas energias determinadas.
Äs vezes nestes órgãos energias negativas são acumuladas. Se você sentir pressão sobre as
suas têmporas ou a sua memória falhar, então faça os exercícios e veja se você é capaz de
minimizar a energia acumulada porque ela é dirigida para o estômago e depois através dos pés
e das pontas dos dedos para fora de você.









- http://






Eduardo Coelho Página 18 Apostila Versão 1.1

CHa Kr as
Purifying the Subtle Body
Bhuta Shuddhi: A Traditional Kundalini Practice
by Swami Rama

The goal of yoga is to purify the mind, to make it crystal clear so that we can see what lies beyond it.
For even though the mind and soul are closely connected, as long as the mind is covered with impurities,
the light of the soul cannot shine through. Yoga is the process of removing thoughts from the mind-field,
making it one-pointed and turning it inward toward the soul—the center of consciousness. But the mind
cannot be totally separated from the body—at least not at first. One influences the other—a sound mind
can live only in a healthy body; physical impurities lead to mental dullness.
You can see this when you look at the obstacles you face in daily life—sickness, procrastination, sloth,
lack of motivation, doubt, and mental and physical instability, toxins in your system as well as your disorga-
nized thoughts and emotions that are the breeding ground. You must therefore purify both body and mind
in order to free yourself of the obstacles and experience the joy of transformation. For without purification,
it is not possible to attain victory over the mind and use its energy to reach the higher goals of life.
The ancient yogis knew that to control the mind, they must first cleanse the body and strengthen the
nervous system. For this reason they developed the techniques of asana and pranayama and used them in
combination with the practice of meditation. They called this raja yoga, the royal path. It is the most ancient
model for health and a technique that would purify the body, breath, and mind while awakening the
dormant force of the soul, the kundalini shakti. In the scriptures this process is known as bhuta shuddhi
(purification of the elements).
The purpose of bhuta shuddhi is to purify the basic elements of the body—earth, water, fire air, and
ether—and their corresponding chakras—the muladhara, svadhishthana, manipura, anahata, and vishuddha.
This practice involves visualization, pranayama, and the repetition of a specific mantra while focusing on
the major chakras in succession. The mantra used for each of the first five chakras is a bija, or seed, mantra,
the core sound of that chakra. The two higher chakras—the ajna and the sahasrara—are beyond the elements
and are associated with the unique mantras so ham and hamsah. Systematically focusing on the seven major
chakras in this manner purifies the subtle realms of being with the fire of kundalini shakti.
Bhuta shuddhi is one of the basic practices of tantra and kundalini yoga, and it is also an effective
technique for those following the path of raja yoga. In tantra yoga, the traditional practice normally begins
with the ritualistic worship of yantras and mandalas, for tantric yogis regard the body as a living shrine
wherein the Divinity dwells. As such it must be rendered pure and wholesome. Bhuta shuddhi is one
of the preliminary methods for accomplishing this. In the kundalini yoga system, where rituals are not
required, bhuta shuddhi—meditation on a particular chakra with mantra japa, for example—become its
central focus. Because this practice is derived from the texts of tantra and kundalini yoga, it is not men-
tioned in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra, and those following the path of raja yoga may not be aware of it. However,
it can be practiced to good effect after nadi shodhanam (channel purification) and before sitting for medi-
tation, for it creates a smooth transition between the process of withdrawing the mind from the external
world and turning it inward.

Cautions and Precautions

Bhuta shuddhi soothes the mind and awakens the heart; it leaves no room for sloth and inertia.
By the time this practice is finished the mind slips effortlessly into meditation. But according to what
I have observed, bhuta shuddhi is a joyful experience mixed with fear for those who have not prepared
themselves. Aspirants who have not gained some experience with mantra meditation and who have not
practiced pranayama find bhuta shuddhi too intense. By the time they complete the practice, the mind has
turned inward spontaneously and become so one-pointed that the nervous system is overwhelmed by the
bliss released from that deep meditation. That is why the scriptures tell you to strengthen your nervous
system with the help of pranayama, and to purify your heart and train your mind with the help of japa
in order to enjoy the bliss that springs from the center of consciousness.
Bhuta shuddhi is an advanced practice. This means it should be done carefully. People with heart
disease, high blood pressure, a nervous disorder, or schizophrenia, as well as those recovering from drug
abuse, should consult a competent teacher before undertaking it. If you want to practice bhuta shuddhi,
you should first have studied yoga philosophy and practiced fundamental yoga postures and breathing
techniques. You also should have been meditating regularly for some time. A basic knowledge of kundalini
shakti, the chakras, tantra yoga, and the role of mantra in awakening the dormant force within will help
you understand the dynamic of visualization and the deep meaning behind the repetition of specific sacred
sounds at the chakras. By the same token, the practice of nadi shodhanam, kapalabhati, bhastrika, and agni
sara help prepare you for the advanced pranayama which is an important part of bhuta shuddhi.

The Method
There are many ways to do bhuta shuddhi. The method I describe here is the one most commonly
practiced by the yogis, because it includes the best techniques for inner purification from several different
schools of yoga and tantra.
Sit in a comfortable meditation posture, with your head, neck, and trunk in a straight line. Close your
eyes and focus your attention at the muladhara chakra, the abode of the earth element, at the base of the
spine. Visualize a yellow square surrounded by four petals. In the center of the yellow spare, visualize the
kundalini in the form of a sleeping serpent. Its body is as brilliant as a thousand flashes of lightning.
Now create a root lock by squeezing the anus muscles and pulling them upward. Allow your mind
to reach the central point in the region of the root lock. While mentally repeating the sound hum, feel as
though you are awakening the dormant kundalini shakti. Then mentally repeat lam, the seed mantra of the
earth element, not less that sixteen times, while focusing your mind on the kundalini shakti that resides at
the muladhara.
Next visualize the kundalini awakening and traveling upward until it reaches the svadhishthana chakra,
the abode of the water element, just above the root of the genitals. There, visualize an ocean-blue circle with
a white crescent moon in the center. The circle is surrounded by six petals. While you maintain this image,
mentally repeat the bija mantra of the water element, vam, not less than sixteen times.
Now visualize the kundalini traveling upward toward the manipura chakra, the abode of fire, at the
navel center. Here, visualize a red triangle with its apex pointing upward. This triangle is enclosed in a circle
of ten petals. Mentally repeat the bija mantra of the fire element, ram, not less than sixteen times.
Continue to move with the upward-traveling kundalini until you reach the anahata, the heart center,
which is the abode of air. Here, visualize two smoky-gray interlocking triangles encircled by a twelve-petaled
lotus. In the space at the intersection of the triangles, visualize jiva, the individual soul, in the form of
a flame. At this stage mentally repeat the bija mantra of the air element, yam, not less than sixteen times.
Next visualize the kundalini shakti, in which the individual consciousness has dissolved, traveling
upward until it reaches the vishuddha chakra, the abode of ether at the base of the throat. There a sky-blue
circle is surrounded by a sixteen-petaled lotus. The presiding force of this chakra is contained in the bija
mantra of the space (or ether) element, ham, which you mentally repeat not less than sixteen times.
Now visualize the upward-traveling kundalini shakti reaching the ajna chakra, the center between your
eyebrows. This is the realm of the mind. This chakra consists of a yellow triangle surrounded by a circle.
A bright white flame is enclosed in the triangle. Outside the circle are two petals. Mentally repeat the
mantra so ham.
Still moving upward with the kundalini shakti, reach the sahasrara chakra, the thousand-petaled crown
center which is the abode of the primordial spiritual master—pure consciousness. At this center all colors,
forms, and shapes dissolve, for this chakra is beyond the realm of mind and therefore beyond the realm of
imagination. When you experience this center, it consists of countless rays of white light. However, so that
the mind can conceive of it, it is most often visualized as a thousand-petaled lotus with a pinkish aura.
Here repeat the mantra hamsah.
Keeping the consciousness at the sahasrara chakra, begin three cycles of pranayama. As described
below, these pranayama cycles require you to retain your breath after inhalation. Normally the breath
is retained four times longer than the inhalation and twice as long as the exhalation. If you have not yet
mastered breath retention but still want to do this practice, retain your breath only to your comfortable
capacity and disregard the ratios given here.
The First Cycle. While mentally repeating “yam,” the bija mantra of air, sixteen times, inhale
deeply through the left nostril. Then close both nostrils and retain the breath. While holding the breath,
repeat “yam” sixty-four times. Then, while closing the left nostril, exhale slowly through the right nostril,
repeating the mantra thirty-two times.
While inhaling during this cycle, visualize a smoky color in the left nostril. During retention, imagine
that your whole heart region is filled with the air element, drying up all toxins and impurities in the body.
Then exhale.
The Second Cycle. Close the left nostril and inhale through the right nostril while repeating
the bija mantra of the fire element, “ram,” sixteen times. Close both nostrils and retain the breath while

repeating “ram” sixty-four times. Then slowly exhale through the left nostril, repeating the mantra
thirty-two times.
During this second cycle visualize a bright, flame-like light in the right nostril during the inhalation.
While retaining the breath, imagine this light consuming the impurities dried up during the first cycle.
During exhalation, visualize the light as emanating from the heart region and exiting through the left
nostril, taking all impurities with it.
The Third Cycle. Close the right nostril and inhale through the left while repeating “vam,” the
bija mantra of nectar (which is also the seed mantra of water). After completing the inhalation, retain the
breath and concentrate on the ajna chakra, feeling the nectar showering from this chakra in the form of all
the mantras you have employed (which carry the subtle power of the divine force), and filling your body. Dur-
ing retention, repeat the mantra “vam” sixty-four times. Then exhale through the right nostril, repeating
the mantra thirty-two times.
When you have finished these three cycles of pranayama, let your consciousness descend toward the
lower chakras. Remember the kundalini shakti swallowed all the elements, energies, and issues associated
with each of the chakras as it traveled upward. Now as it travels downward, those elements and energies
re-emerge, purified by the kundalini shakti. The mind is left at the ajna chakra; the space element is left at
the throat; individual consciousness and the air element return to the heart; the fire returns to the navel
center; water returns to the pelvic center; and the earth element returns to the base of the spine.
Finally, the kundalini shakti rests again at the muladhara chakra.

More About the Benefits

Bhuta shuddhi introduces you to the deepest layers of your being. In addition to helping you master
asana and pranayama, it trains the mind to concentrate. By combining visualization and the repetition of
the seed mantras of the specific chakras, it creates a harmonious balance between the auditory and optic
nerve centers in the brain and clarifies the thinking process. It also improves the power of memory, for
recollection depends greatly on the relationship between what is seen and what is heard. In other words,
the practice of bhuta shuddhi creates a perfect environment in which the brain centers that regulate vision
and hearing are activated and linked with the processes of speaking and thinking.
What is more, the energy released from the sacred sound of the seed mantras, together with the com-
bined force of intense visualization and breath retention, help unblock the energy channels more effectively
than any other yogic methods that are not so all-inclusive. However, because this technique involves breath
retention and requires coordination between thinking, hearing, and visualization, it is important that you
learn this technique systematically and practice it regularly and sincerely.
The scriptures praise bhuta shuddhi so students will be inspired to practice it. But to make sure that
it is taught properly, the scriptures also tell us that it is highly secret. I therefore advise anyone practicing
this technique to stay in touch with a competent teacher who has mastered it and who has experienced
the subtleties not described either in the scriptures or in this article.

The Realm Beyond
The type of bhuta shuddhi practice just described comes from kundalini yoga. Its purpose it to help you
make a smooth transition from general yoga practices to more advanced disciplines. Generally this process
takes place only in the imagination. But when a competent master bestows shaktipata (the direct trans-
mission of spiritual energy), then the kundalini is actually awakened and bhuta shuddhi becomes a living
experience. The student who receives shaktipata transcends all sense of solidity and weight as the kundalini
rises above the muladhara center. At the same time, such a student also attains freedom from fear of death,
insecurity, and anxiety. When the kundalini rises above the ajna chakra all thoughta vanish, and the mind
is left behind. What remains is only the awareness of pure consciousness.
This experience can come about only through shaktipata. Otherwise, it may take many years of dedi-
cated and disciplined practice to reach this state of pure consciousness. Therefore it is better to practice
bhuta shuddhi in the imagination than to wait passively for a realized master to bestow shaktipata. Such
masters are rare, and even if an aspirant finds one, few students are prepared to receive such high degree of
initiation. Self-effort is the force that draws the divine grace and moves the guru’s spirit, in human or non-
human form, to light the spark that may result in a form of shaktipata.

Swami Rama was trained in meditation, yoga, and philosophy in the cave monasteries of the Himalayas.
He came to the West in 1969 to build a bridge between modern science and ancient traditions.


A chakra is a spinning vortex of energy created within ourselves by the interpenetration of
consciousness and the physical body. Through this combination, chakras become centers of activity for
the reception, assimilation and transmission of life vital energies. Uniting the chakras is what we
experience as the "self." It is through our chakras that our self grows and changes and interacts with the

The word chakra comes from the Sanskrit word for "wheel" or disk" and originated within the
philosophy of the ancient yoga systems of India, most specifically from the Tantric texts. In this
system, there are major chakras arranged vertically along the spine, starting at the base of the spine and
ending at the top of the head. In the physical body, these chakras correspond to major nerve ganglia,
glands of the endocrine system, and various bodily processes, such as breathing, digesting, or
procreating. While the chakras do exist within the physical body, exhibiting strong influence on such
things as body shape or health, they are not made of any physical components themselves.

Throughout time the vital energy within our bodies has been identified as “The Chakra System.” They
have been called: 7 Chakras System, 9 Chakras System, 10 Chakras System, 11 Chakras System, 13
Chakra System, 22 Chakra System, and more.

These systems are all inclusive. That is, the 7 Chakras System is contained within the 9 Chakras
System, the 9 Chakras System is contained within the 10 Chakras System, and so on. The fact that one
system only refers to a particular number of chakras does not exclude the other chakras in the human

Grand Master Choa Kok Sui describes the chakras as follows:

The Crown Energy Center is located at the crown of the head. It is the center for higher intuitive
faculty. This faculty, when fully developed, manifests as "direct knowing" or "direct inner perception"
or also known as intuitive intelligence. It is knowing without having to study. What is learned through
the intuitive faculty in a few minutes will require weeks, if not months, to put into words. A person
with only a developed mental faculty will have to unravel or plow through the problem; whereas, a
person with even only a partially developed intuitive faculty has a quick overall grasp of the problem
and its possible solutions.

Unfortunately, our present educational system does not encourage the development of the intuition, on
the grounds that the solution or conclusion is not rationally arrived at.

Direct perception or intuition is not logical or rational. The truth is that the intuitive faculty is beyond
logic; it transcends logic and the rational mind. Mental intelligence requires the study and the use of
logic through inductive and deductive reasoning.

Many scientific discoveries are made through intuitive intelligence. Ideas simply flash in the minds of
some scientists. Modern scientific research shows that the pineal gland is connected with aging and
anti-aging processes.

The Forehead Energy Center is located at the center of the forehead. It is the center of lower intuitive
intelligence. It is the center of wisdom or lower intuition. What is the difference between the higher
intuition of the crown energy center and the lower intuition of the forehead energy center? In the case
of the crown energy center, it is direct inner perception without form. It is pure knowing. Direct
knowing without inner visions or sounds is higher intuition. On the other hand, with the forehead
energy center, it is direct perception accompanied by inner vision.

The Ajna Energy Center is located at the area between the eyebrows. It is the center of the higher
mental faculty or the abstract mind. It is also the "directing" center or the "will" center. It is responsible
for understanding abstract concepts and principles. The combination of understanding and directing
others manifest as active intelligence. Active intelligence is very different from sterile intelligence.
You may encounter people who seem to be intelligent and you may be impressed when they talk, but
they are not productive. They do not produce results. This is an example of sterile intelligence. The
proper function of the ajna energy center manifests as intelligence in motion or dynamic intelligence.

An example of dynamic intelligence is an executive, director or manager; they use their intelligence to
manage resources and people. Their job is to make others produce results.

The ajna energy center is the center for active directing will, which is based on intelligence. It is
intelligent will―the higher type of will. The solar plexus energy center is the center of emotional drive
or the emotional will―the lower type of "will." The strength of the masses comes predominantly from
the solar plexus, while that of a highly refined, highly developed person comes predominantly from the
ajna energy center.

The Throat Energy Center is located at the center of the throat. It is the center of the lower mental
faculty or the concrete mind. It is used when meticulous details are involved in such activities as
studying, planning, or painting.

It is also the center of higher creativity, while the sex energy center is the center of "physical
creativity" or procreation. When the throat energy center is quite strong and active, the sex energy
center is also quite strong. This is why artists or creative people have strong sexual drives. However,
sex energy can be sublimated by bringing it up to the throat energy center.

The Heart Energy Center is located at the center of the chest. It is the center of the emotional heart. It
is the center of higher emotions such as peace, serenity, joy, compassion, kindness, gentleness,
tenderness, caring, considerateness, patience, or sensitivity. The solar plexus energy center, which is
the center of lower emotions, is self-oriented. The heart energy center is "others-oriented," as in "What
are the needs of other people? What would other people feel? What would other people think?" Both
qualities of being self-oriented and being others-oriented are equally important. If you want to achieve
a balance between the physical or material, and the spiritual aspects of your life, both the solar plexus
energy center and the heart energy center must be developed evenly.

If the heart energy center is overdeveloped and the solar plexus energy center is underdeveloped, there
is a tendency that other people will take advantage of you, abuse and misuse you. If the solar plexus
energy center is overdeveloped, there is a tendency to be too selfish, and maybe even ruthless. To
become psychologically healthy, the development of the solar plexus energy center and heart energy
center must be balanced. This is called balancing loving-kindness with self-interest.

With the pervasiveness of modern education and the advancement of careers that require the use of
much of the mental faculty, the throat energy center is developed in a lot of people. The development
of the heart energy center has been neglected, and because of this, you may encounter a person who is
quite intelligent and successful in his career but very abrasive.

The development of the heart energy center ensures that the enhanced intellectual faculty and the
increase in willpower will be used properly and harmlessly. The crown energy center can only be
sufficiently developed when the heart energy center is first developed.

Without the development of the heart energy center in most people, world peace cannot be possible.
This is why the development of the heart should be emphasized in the educational system.

The Solar Plexus Energy Center is located at the hollow area between the ribs in the front and the
opposite side. It is the center for both positive and negative lower emotions: Positive emotions include
ambition, daringness, courage, perseverance, strength, righteous indignation, justice and fairness.
Negative lower emotions include anger, irritation, hate, envy, greed, destructiveness, violence, cruelty,
resentment, worry, anxiety, tension, fear, selfishness, aggressiveness, abrasiveness, or addiction.

The term "lower emotion" is not necessarily bad. The solar plexus energy center, as stated earlier, is
the center of courage, daring, strong drive, perseverance, and the desire to win.

In general, the masses are emotionally driven. Therefore, the solar plexus energy center is where the
lower will is located; it is the will center of the masses.

Although the will center for the masses is located in the solar plexus energy center, a person has the
option of following either the urges of the lower nature or the higher nature.

The Spleen Energy Center is located at the left part of the abdomen between the front solar plexus
energy center and navel energy center. It is located at the middle part of the left bottom rib. The back
spleen energy center lies at the back of the front spleen energy center. The front and back spleen
energy center control and energize the spleen. It is through the spleen energy center that air prana is
absorbed, digested and distributed to different energy centers. It draws in air prana and breaks it down
into different subtle energies, which are then distributed to the other major energy centers and to the
entire body. This means that the other major energy centers and vital organs are substantially
dependent on the spleen energy center for pranic energy.

The spleen energy center plays a vital part in a person's general well-being. It affects the physical and
psychological energy level of a person. If the spleen energy center is clean and highly energized, the
person will feel strong and healthy. If it is weak, the person will also feel weak. A weak spleen energy
center means a weak physical body and low pranic energy level. A person who is quite depressed has a
depleted spleen energy center.

The Navel Energy Center is located on the navel. The navel energy center produces "synthetic golden
chi or energy," which facilitates or helps in the circulation of prana within the meridians. Synthetic chi
facilitates the drawing in of prana by the energy body. Persons with synthetic chi can draw in more

The word Chi is used quite loosely to mean subtle energies. Chi is sometimes used to mean air prana,
ground prana and other types of prana. It is also used to mean a type of "biosynthetic chi" produced by
the navel energy center. This biosynthetic chi is quite different from prana or life energy. It affects
one's ability to draw in, distribute, and assimilate prana. During bad weather conditions, the quantity
of air prana is quite scarce. Persons with lesser biosynthetic chi have greater difficulty drawing in air
prana. Therefore, compared to the average person, they tend to feel more tired or low.

The body gets nutrients by drinking and eating and, in the process, produces hormones through the
endocrine glands. Food, water, and juices correspond to different types of pranic energies, which are
absorbed by the energy body. The hormones produced by the body correspond to the biosynthetic chi
produced by the energy body.

The navel energy center is also the center of the instinct for knowing. For example, when you practice
martial arts, you do not think about the next move you have to make. You instinctively know what to
do when confronted by an opponent.

The Meng Mein Energy Center is located at the back of the navel. It controls and energizes the
kidneys and adrenal glands.

Serves as a "pumping station" in the spine and is responsible for the upward flow of subtle pranic
energies coming from the basic energy center. To be more exact, the meng mein energy center acts as
an "energy accelerator" that increases the rate of vibration of the lower pranic energy. This causes the
lower pranic energy to gush out with tremendous speed through the back energy channel and spread to
all parts of the body.

The Sex Energy Center is located on the pubic area. It is the center of sexual instinct, and the lower
creative center for procreation. Persons with strong sex energy centers have strong sexual drives.

The sex energy center is the physical creative center for procreation. The throat energy center is the
center for higher creativity. It is the higher correspondence of the sex energy center. The two are
closely interconnected. This is why highly artistic or very intelligent people tend to have very strong

sexual drives and lots of sexual scandals. It is not possible for a person to be very creative or intelligent
and be sexually impotent or inhibited at the same time.

Part of the sex energy is transmuted by the body to a higher form of pranic energy to be utilized for
creative, intelligent and spiritual functions. The transmuted sex energy is required for the proper
functioning of the throat energy center and the energy centers in the head area. Mentally retarded
patients have depleted sex energy centers. That is why their throat, ajna, forehead and crown energy
centers are also depleted and do not function properly. In older people, the sex energy center and the
basic energy center are depleted. This is one of the factors why older people tend to become senile.

The science and art of transmuting sex energy into creative energy, and into a higher form of pranic
energy to activate the brain cells is taught in Arhatic Yoga.

The Basic Energy Center is located at the base of the spine or the coccyx area. The basic energy center
is like the root of a tree. If the root is weak, the tree is weak. Similarly, if the basic energy center is
weak, the body is also very weak. Another term for the basic energy center is "root energy center." It is
the center of the instinct for self-survival.

It is not only the center of self-survival, but it is also the center of dynamic activities. A dynamic
executive or somebody who is successful in business tends to have a highly activated and energized
basic energy center. A person with a small and depleted basic energy center has a tendency to make
plans, but not to implement them. He also tends to procrastinate or keep things on hold. The basic
energy center needs to be treated by a pranic energy healer because it is the energy center of action.

This energy center, if unregulated, may manifest as materialism.

Nome dos Sancristo
Relação Mantra Plexo
Chakras hindus
Lotus 1000 pétalas Sabedoria
Coronário Sahasrara Epífise (Pineal) SHAM Coronário espiritualidade

Centro de Clarividência
comando Hipófise Austeridade;
Frontal Ajna (pituitária)
OM Frontal intuição; vidência;
"Centro da Pureza" Criatividade e
Laríngeo Vishuddha Éter Tireóide HAM Laríngeo expressão

"Intocado" Emoções e amor

Cardíaco Anâhata Ar
Coração (Timo) YAM Cardíaco

Jóia + cidade Sensações

Umbilical Manipura Fogo Plexo Solar RAM Solar Interno

“Morada do sol, eu
Baixo Ventro
e do prazer”
Sexual Swadhishtâna Água
Órgãos VAM Mesentérico
Fundamento Base Coluna
Básico Muladhara Terra suprarenais
LAM Sagrado
Os chakras são centros energéticos e psíquicos dos corpos físico e sútil. Estes estão em constante atividade,
embora sua presença nem sempre seja percebida conscientemente. A palavra sânscrita chakra pode ser
traduzida por roda, círculo ou movimento. De acordo com os ensinamentos e as representações pictóricas desses
centros de energia, pode-se afirmar que eles são formados por um centro com pétalas. É pelos chakras que
transitam e se movem as energias sutis do corpo.

A Teosofia explica que os chakras estão localizados no duplo etérico, ou seja, numa linha externa ao corpo físico.
Assim, os chakras atuam como centros de energia entre os corpos físico e astral. No Tantra e Budismo os chakras
estão localizados dentro e fora do corpo (duplo etérico), já a Kundalini, energia da vida e do desejo conhecida
também como libido e que ativa os chakras se movimenta dentro do corpo físico.

Normalmente, os chakras são pequenos, não apresentando mais do que 5 centímetros de diâmetro. Com a
prática de mantram, yoga, meditação e mantra, os chakras aumentam de tamanho e sua luz se expande. Sua
aparência pode ser descrita como circular, luminosa, tal qual um "CD" musical girando. Cada um tem uma cor,
mantram e elemento que o estimula. Seu movimento é ininterrupto. Os sete chakras principais estão associados
ao sistema glandular do corpo físico. Além disso, os chakras também funcionam como centros de captação,
contenção e distribuição de energia para todos os corpos. É importante ressaltar que os chakras mais conhecidos
e os mais importantes são os sete de que tratemos a seguir. Entretanto, sabemos que existem outros chakras
espalhados pelo corpo.

Os sete principais estão localizados ao longo da coluna vertebral, dispostos verticalmente. Cada chakra atua em
funções específicas, mediante o recebimento de energias internas e externas. Estão divididos em três grupos:
Inferior, Médio e Superior. Temos também 3 nós a serem rompidos ou desatados, que estão localizados no
primeiro, no quarto e no sexto, chakra que ordena a subida da kundalini. Os inferiores, mais associados à
matéria, são o Muladhara, o Swadhistana e o Manipura. O Médio, ou Intermediário é o Anahata, associado aos
sentimentos. E os Superiores são o Vishuddha, o Ajña e o Sahashara, que estão associados ao mental e a
iluminação. Os chakras nunca param de girar e em sua rotatividade obedecem ao sentido horário ou anti-horário,
dependendo da qualidade energética de cada indivíduo.

Quando em rotação horária, o movimento é destrógeno (destro), para direita e se caracteriza por:

- Possuir força centrífuga (para fora).

- Ser menos susceptível a influências externas.
- Não carregar miasmas.
- Ser um polo irradiador (de dentro para fora).
- Produzir siddhis (intuição).

Quando em rotação anti-horária, o movimento é sinestrógeno (sinistro), para esquerda. Possui as seguintes

- Sua força é centrípeta (para dentro).

- Capta energia externa, mantendo o corpo aberto.
- Mediunidade e sensitividade.
- Sensibilidade ao ambiente.
- Aptidão para fazer diagnósticos precisos, se for bom médium.
- Poder de captação (carrega miasmas).

Quem perde muita energia, sobrevive da energia dos outros (vampirismo).

Existem muitas práticas que fazem o chakra girar em sentido horário e anti-horário. Temos que tomar cuidado
para não misturar essas práticas.
É importante fazer com que eles movimentem-se cada vez mais depressa. Para que isso ocorra, são necessárias
consciência e práticas que estimulam os chakras.
Método interno: despertar kundalini através de yoga, mantram ou maithuna (ato sexual sacralizado).
Método externo: passe magnético, massagem, acupuntura, moxabustão, gemoterapia (pedras), cromoterapia
O sexto Chakra pode ser mais estimulado que os demais pelo mantra om, pois possui uma força que estimula e
atrai a subida da kundalini.

Muladhara Chakra
Significado do Nome: Fundação, ou suporte da base. Estrutura da base, fecundação.
Nome em Português: Chakra Básico. Aqui o nome é somente para facilitar a leitura, com informações retiradas
de livros populares.
Localizado nos órgãos genitais e na pélvis, relacionado com as gónadas (glândulas sexuais), governa o sistema
reprodutor. Este chakra anima a substância do corpo físico, o poder e o instinto de sobrevivência. É a ligação com
a terra. Concentra as energias da Kundaliní, que uma vez despertadas progridem coluna acima, seguindo um
padrão geométrico similar ao padrão apresentado na dupla hélice das moléculas de DNA que contém o código da
Aspectos a serem compreendidos: Sobrevivência, alimento, conhecimento, auto-realização, valores (segurança
financeira), sexo (procriação), longevidade e prazer.
Desequilíbrio no Físico:
Anemias, resfriados, sexualidade reprimida ou excessiva, frigidez, impotência, insuficiência renal, fadiga, dores
nas articulações, dores lombares e nas pernas, pressão alta ou baixa, problemas de coluna, osteoporose, falta de
energia, prisão de ventre, diarreia, colite, apendicite, etc.
Emocional equilibrado:
Impulso para agir, consciência instintiva básica, força, agressividade controlada, coragem, afeição, criatividade,
generosidade, capacidade de sentir prazer, pessoa sensata, segura e estável, habilidade em prover o necessário
para vida e capacidade de cuidar de si.
Emocional desequilibrado:
Egocentrismo, agressividade, preocupação, inexactidão, indolência, extravagância, não permite o prazer, pessoa
sem vida, desanimada, confusão de interesses, insatisfação, medo, timidez, insegurança, histeria, paixões fortes,
aspereza, dificuldade em lidar com finanças, medo de arriscar-se, apego material, tabus sexuais.
Forma geométrica: quadrado, possuindo grande relação ao conhecimento ligado à terra, às quatro dimensões e
às quatro direções.
Cor: vermelho em brasa para tonificar. É a cor mais quente e densa. Aquece e estimula a circulação. Estimula o
fluido da medula espinhal e o sistema nervoso simpático; energiza o fígado, estimulando os nervos e músculos.
Vitaliza e organiza o corpo físico. Violeta, azul ou rosa para sedar este chakra.
Alimentos que estimulam o chakra: Agrião, berinjela, beterraba, tomate, morango.
Gemas: Rubi, jaspe-vermelho, cornalina vermelha, rubelita, granada vermelha, ágata vermelha.
Mantra: Lam.

Elemento: Terra - o mais denso dos elementos, pois é uma mistura dos 4 elementos: água, fogo, ar e éter.
Fase da vida: Desde a união do espermatozóide com o óvulo, até 7 ou 8 anos.
Funções: Um indivíduo dominado pelo chakra Muladhara geralmente dorme de dez a doze horas por noite, sobre
o estômago. Este chakra Muladhara incluí os planos da origem, ilusão, ira, avidez, desilusão, avareza e
sensualidade. Estes aspectos do primeiro chakra são inerentes à existência humana. O desejo de mais experiência
e mais informação age como força motivadora, um ímpeto básico para o desenvolvimento individual.
O chakra Muladhara é o local da Kundalini enroscada, da Shakti vital, ou força energética. A serpente Kundalini
está enroscada em torno do Lingam Svayambhu.
É o chakra onde nasce e reside a energia kundalini que se movimenta em espiral, pelas nadis, rios internos
conhecidos por Ida e Píngala que distribuem por todo o corpo energia e o impulso de vida. É também o centro
erótico do Ser.
- Nadi Ida: canal esquerdo transportador das correntes lunares, natureza feminina visual e emocional, produção
de vida, energia materna, respiração esquerda que proporciona estabilidade para a vida. A narina esquerda é
aberta durante o dia, equilibra a energia solar criando um equilíbrio para si, tornando-nos mais relaxados e mais
alertas mentalmente.
- Nadi Píngala: canal direito transporta correntes solares, natureza masculina, depósito de energia destrutiva,
também purificador, a narina do lado direito é de natureza elétrica masculina, verbal e racional. Torna o corpo
físico mais dinâmico, (eficiente e ativo durante horas noturnas, aumentando a saúde). Quando um casal tem um
orgasmo sexual, sem repressão e com consciência; em algumas vezes, elevam a kundalini, nutrindo todos os
chakras através de Ida e Píngala.

Manipura Chakra
Significado do Nome: Cidade das Gemas ou Cidade das pedras preciosas.
Nome em Português: Chakra Plexo Solar.
Localização: Localizado um pouco acima do umbigo. Rege o pâncreas. A área de influência deste chakra é o
sistema digestivo: estômago, fígado e a vesícula biliar, além do sistema nervoso.
Aspetos a serem compreendidos: Escolhas do que você quer. Individualidade e poder pessoal (como você se vê),
sua identidade no mundo.
Desequilíbrio no Físico: Má digestão, diabetes, toxinas, úlceras e hérnias, gastrites e problemas de assimilação
dos alimentos. Hipocondria, câncer no intestino e anorexia ou bulimia.
Emocional Equilibrado: Impulso para vivenciar as emoções, colocar-se expressando suas próprias qualidades,
vontade de liderar, amor a vida, aptidão para experimentá-lo com plenitude, propósitos definidos de ações,
intuição, ternura e boa vontade. Auto-estima, confiança e alegria.
Emocional Desequilibrado: Ansiedade, egoísmo, vaidade, ciúme, preconceitos, ira, timidez, intransigências, abuso
de poder, impaciência, preocupação. Não sabe dizer não. Desconfiança, arrogância e baixa auto-estima.
Forma Geométrica: Triângulo invertido, sugerindo o movimento descendente da energia.
Cor: Amarelo dourado para tonificar.
Alimentos: Manteiga, gema do ovo, cenoura, batata doce, abóbora, banana, abacaxi, melão, pêssego, limão.
Gemas: Citrino, topázio, cornalina amarela.
Mantra: Ram (lê-se o "R" com em vidro) - o principal ponto de concentração durante a produção deste som é o
umbigo. Traz longevidade.
Elemento: Fogo auxilia a digestão e a absorção do alimento fornecendo a energia vital.
Fase da Vida: De 14 à 21 anos.

Swadhisthana Chakra
Significado do Nome: Lugar-Morada do Ser ou o "Fundamento de si próprio".
Nome em Português: Chakra Esplénico ou Umbilical.
Localização: Localizado na lombar e abaixo do umbigo, está relacionado com as glândulas supra-renais, regendo a
coluna vertebral e os rins. Rege os rins, sistema reprodutor, circulatório e bexiga. As energias como a paixão,
sensualidade e a criatividade são manifestadas através deste chakra.
Aspectos a serem compreendidos: Poder de seduzir criatividade e relacionamento.
Desequilíbrio no Físico: desarmonia dos rins, fígado, pâncreas, vesícula e bexiga. Alergias alimentares, problemas
menstruais, distúrbios gástricos e intestinais, perda da vitalidade, dores lombares, no sacro e cóccix.
Emocional Equilibrado:
União sexual prazeirosa, alegria instintiva, capacidade de planeamento, coragem de viver, paixão, habilidade em
relacionar-se, jogo de cintura, flexibilidade, auto-aceitação e paixão pela vida.
Emocional Desequilibrado:
Medo, incapacidade de construir, distracção, raiva, ódio, inveja, insegurança, falta de paixão, tristeza,
manipulação e apego, dependência emocional, vícios e auto-destruição.
Forma Geométrica: Círculo. Representa a forma crescente da lua.
Cor: Laranja - tonifica; é uma cor acolhedora e estimula a alegria. É uma cor social que traz optimismo,
expansividade e equilíbrio emocional. Traz confiança e automotivação. Azul ou verde para sedar.
Alimentos que estimulam o chakra: Abóbora, cenoura, milho, laranja, manga, caqui.
Gemas: Quartzo laranja, calcita laranja, topázio, cornalina laranja.
Mantra: Vam.
Elemento: Água - forma circular - três quartos da Terra são cobertos de água, (planeta água) três quartos do peso
de uma pessoa são de água - a essência da vida. Os sons da água ampliam a vibração desse chakra.
Fase da vida: de 8 à 14 anos.
Funções: Energia de criatividade e impulso emocional; é o centro da procriação, manifesta-se sexualmente, mas
sob o aspecto de sensação e prazer; fantasias e desejos sexuais. É representado por uma lua crescente. Neste
chakra inicia-se a expansão da personalidade. Centro da purificação.

Manipura Chakra
Significado do Nome: Cidade das Gemas ou Cidade das pedras preciosas.
Nome em Português: Chakra Plexo Solar.
Localização: Localizado um pouco acima do umbigo. Rege o pâncreas. A área de influência deste chakra é o
sistema digestivo: estômago, fígado e a vesícula biliar, além do sistema nervoso.
Aspectos a serem compreendidos: Escolhas do que você quer. Individualidade e poder pessoal (como você se vê),
sua identidade no mundo.
Desequilíbrio no Físico: Má digestão, diabetes, toxinas, úlceras e hérnias, gastrites e problemas de assimilação
dos alimentos. Hipocondria, câncer no intestino e anorexia ou bulimia.
Emocional Equilibrado:
Impulso para vivenciar as emoções, colocar-se expressando suas próprias qualidades, vontade de liderar, amor a
vida, aptidão para experimentá-lo com plenitude, propósitos definidos de ações, i ntuição, ternura e boa vontade.
Auto-estima, confiança e alegria.
Emocional Desequilibrado:
Ansiedade, egoísmo, vaidade, ciúme, preconceitos, ira, timidez, intransigências, abuso de poder, impaciência,
preocupação. Não sabe dizer não. Desconfiança, arrogância e baixa auto-estima.
Forma Geométrica: Triângulo invertido, sugerindo o movimento descendente da energia.
Cor: Amarelo dourado para tonificar.
Alimentos: Manteiga, gema do ovo, cenoura, batata doce, abóbora, banana, abacaxi, melão, pêssego, limão.
Gemas: Citrino, topázio, cornalina amarela.
Mantra: Ram (lê-se o "R" com em vidro) - o principal ponto de concentração durante a produção deste som é o
umbigo. Traz longevidade.
Elemento: Fogo auxilia a digestão e a absorção do alimento fornecendo a energia vital.
Fase da Vida: De 14 à 21 anos.

Anahata Chakra
Significado do Nome: "Intocado" ou "O Som não produzido" (batidas do coração).
Nome em Português: Chakra Cardíaco.
Localização: Situa-se na região do tórax e está conectado com a glândula timo, responsável pelo funcionamento
do sistema imunológico. É o chakra do coração, centro energético do amor.
A elevação das energias do chakra do plexo solar até o coração acontece em indivíduos que estão desenvolvendo
a capacidade de pensar e atuar em termos de coletividade. As doenças do coração, sistema circulatório e sangue
podem ser tratadas através deste chakra.
Aspectos a ser Compreendidos: amor incondicional, compaixão, perdão, verdade e gratidão.
Desequilíbrio no Físico:
Doenças cardíacas, distúrbios de pressão, problemas pulmonares e bronquites. Sistema imunológico ineficiente e
dor de cabeça.
Emocional Equilibrado:
Amor próprio e pela humanidade, verdadeira compreensão da compaixão e benevolência, aceitação, bondade,
disponibilidade para o perdão, ajuda ao próximo, sabedoria, conscientização do outro, assentamento na
estrutura terrena, dá consistência e vitalidade as aspirações amorosas, pacificação, fé na vida e nas pessoas.
Emocional Desequilibrado:
Depressão, angústia, desprezo, raiva e medo, apego ao apego, incapacidade de amar e se emocionar. Coração
fechado, apego e depressão.
Forma Geométrica: Hexagrama - dois triângulos sobrepostos, um voltado para cima, simboliza Shiva, o princípio
masculino. O outro triângulo, voltado para baixo, simboliza Shakti, o princípio feminino. Atinge-se o equilíbrio
quando estas duas forças estão unidas em harmonia.
Cor: Rosa - amor incondicional / verde é dilatador de veias, artérias e músculos, usado para pressão alta,
cateterismo. É relaxante do sistema nervoso, principalmente simpático e muscular, auxiliando nos casos de
esgotamento, irritação e insónia; regula a pressão arterial, o sistema circulatório e estimula a glândula pituitária,
normalizando a função das demais glândulas. Auxilia nos casos de febre, quando não se sabe a causa da infecção.
Cria espaço no coração como o frescor da primavera, fazendo sentir-se renovado. Violeta e magenta (falta de
energia) para tonificar.
Alimentos que estimulam o chakra: Frutas e verduras verdes (abacate, kiwi, maçã verde, uva, agrião, alface,
escarola, brócolis).
Gema: Quartzo rosa, pirita, esmeralda.
Mantra: Yam - a concentração deverá estar centralizada no coração, desfazendo qualquer bloqueio na região
cardíaca, proporcionando controle sobre a respiração.
Elemento: Ar - Auxilia o funcionamento dos pulmões e do coração. A estrela de seis pontas simboliza o elemento
Fases da vida: 21 a 28 anos.
Funções: Intermedia os chakras superiores e inferiores; impulso de se abraçar a sua Verdade, ao Amor;
reequilíbrio; altruísmo; compaixão. Este chakra se expande em todas as direções e dimensões, como uma estrela
de seis pontas.

Vishuddha Chakra

Significado do Nome: Puro ou "Centro da Pureza".

Nome em Português: Chakra Laríngeo.
Localização: Localizado sobre a garganta, se comunica com a glândula tireóide. Está ligado à inspiração, a
comunicação e a expressão com o mundo.
Aspectos a serem Compreendidos: Comunicação interna e externa - esclarecimento que conduz ao estado de

Desequilíbrio no Físico:
Laringite, faringite, problemas de tiróide e paratiróide, doenças mentais, distúrbios da fala, gagueira e surdez.
Emocional Equilibrado:
Sensibilidade, criatividade artística, dom da palavra e do conhecimento, clarividência, intelecto claro,
independência, idealização, senso de planeamento, força de vontade, capacidade de tomar decisões.
Emocional Desequilibrado: Fobias, covardia, falta de criatividade, mentalidade e expressão tacanha, rude e
pobreza de espírito, criticismo, preconceitos, atitudes extremamente racionais, pessoa que reclama o tempo
todo, agressividade verbal e apego a crenças limitantes.
Forma Geométrica: Lua crescente.
Cor: Azul - atua como tranquilizante na aura. É calmante do sistema nervoso, e equilibrador nos casos de
obsessão. Traz quietude e paz mental, estimula a busca da verdade interna, a inspiração, criatividade, a fé e está
associada à paciência e serenidade. Turquesa estimula a comunicação em público. Para tonificar, laranja e
Alimentos que estimulam o chakra: Ameixa preta, uva passa, amoras, peixes, aspargos, batatas.
Gemas: Safira azul, lápis lazuli, sodalita, azulita, ágata marinha, turquesa e calcita azul.
Mantra: Ham (lê-se o "H" como em help) - representa o som do corpo. Este som puro afecta o ouvinte, alterando
os espaços de sua mente e de seu ser. Expansão do conhecimento nos dá Akasha, união de todos os elementos:
terra, água, fogo e ar, estando bem refinados em sua mais pura essência.
Elemento: Ar, mas num sentido mais sutil, associado ao som (Mantram).
Fases da vida: 28 a 35 anos.
Funções: Auto conhecimento; felicidade; capacidade humana de planejamento. Segundo o Satchakra Virupana,
"quem alcança o conhecimento mediante a concentração constante da consciência neste loto, converte-se num
grande sábio e encontra a paz. O indivíduo se eleva e se purifica de todos os carmas; morre-se para o passado e
nasce-se novamente para a realização da unidade".

Ajña Chakra
Significado do Nome: Autoridade, poder, comando intuitivo.
Nome em Português: Chakra do 3º olho ou frontal.
Localização: Localizado entre as sobrancelhas, se relaciona com a glândula pituitária.
Aspectos a serem Compreendidos: Intuição (fenômenos paranormais) e a consciência. Capacidade de se observar
sem julgamento.
Desequilíbrio no Físico: Rinites, problemas de ouvido, de olhos, surdez, tontura, enxaqueca. Cansaço e confusão
Emocional Equilibrado: Percepção em relação ao universo que o cerca, entendimento do próprio caminho,
percepção, intuição, fé e devoção, carisma, magnetismo, força, sabedoria, capacidade de concentrar-se e foco no
Emocional Desequilibrado: Desconcentração, dogmatismo, vê a vida com limitação, arrogância, medo, perda da
fé e sedução, delírios, egoísmo, obsessão, teimosia e apego a crenças impostas pela sociedade.
Forma Geométrica: Círculo (bindo).
Cor: Dourado para concentração, falta de memória. Violeta é tranquilizante e calmante. Clareia e limpa a
corrente psíquica do corpo e mente, afastando problemas de obsessão mental e psicose.
Alimentos que estimulam o chakra: Berinjela, beterraba, ameixa preta.
Gemas: Cristais brancos, ametista, sodalita e lápis lazuli.
Mantra: OM.
Elemento: Presença de todos os cinco elementos, com três gunas que são manas (mente), buddhi (intelecto),
Ahankara e chitta (o ato de ser - o ser).
Fases da vida: 35 a 42 anos.
Funções: Austeridade; intuição; vidência; serenidade; pureza.
É o chakra sede das Faculdades do Conhecimento: Buddhi (conhecimento intuicional), Ahankara (eu), Indriyas
(sentidos) e Manas (a mente). É representado por um triângulo branco simbolizando a yoni e no meio um lingam
(órgão masculino). No centro do chakra está o yantra do som (símbolo) OM, o melhor objeto de meditação.
Meditando nesse centro o praticante "vê a luz"; como uma chama incandescente. Fulgurante como o Sol
matutino claramente brilhante, reluz entre o "céu e a terra"- Satchakra Nirupana.

Sahasrara Chakra

Significado do Nome: Chakra das Mil Pétalas. - Nome em Português: Chakra Coronário.
Localização: Localizado no topo da cabeça. E o portal da espiritualidade, do reconhecimento de Deus/Deusa em
nós e no outro.
Aspectos a serem Compreendidos: Iluminação.
Forma Geométrica: Círculo como a lua cheia.
Mantra: Sham.
Cor: Magenta e arco-íris.
Gemas: Ametista, quartzo branco, pirita.
Elemento: Todos os elementos, inclusive o éter, em suas forças mais sutis.
Funções: Iluminação; espiritualidade plena; transcendência; manifestação do Divino. Segundo o Satchakra
Nirupana: "O Lótus das mil pétalas é a mais brilhante e mais branca que a lua cheia, tem a sua cabeça apontada
para baixo. Ele encanta. Seus filamentos estão coloridos pelas nuanças do sol jovem. Seu corpo é luminoso, é
aqui o objetivo final de Kundalini após ativar os outros chakras. O indivíduo que atinge a consciência do sétimo
chakra realiza os planos da irradiação (torna-se iluminado como o sol), das vibrações primordiais, da supremacia
sobre o prana, do intelecto positivo, da felicidade, da indolência".

Prática dos mantram dos chakras

Prática básica: sente-se com a coluna ereta, as pernas cruzadas e as mãos pousadas suavemente sobre os joelhos
em jnãnã mudrá, unindo os dedos indicadores e polegares com a palma para cima se for dia e com as palmas
para baixo se for de noite.
Entoe ou mentalize: Lam, Vam, Ram, Yam, Ham, Om e Sham nessa ordem várias vezes.
Prática intermediária: com a mesma postura acima entoe ou mentalize: Om Lam, Om Vam, Om Ram, Om Yam e
Om Sham.
Prática adiantada: Om Lam (8x) - Om Vam (8x) - Om Ram (8x) -Om Yam (8x) - Om Ham (8x)Om (8x) - Sham (8x).
Esquema de Chakras e Nadis


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The 7 chakras (Wheels/Plexus ) in the human body & their relationship
with the Fingers and the glands of the body








2 7

(Crown Chakra) 7
(Brow or Third Eye Chakra)

(Throat Chakra)

(Heart Chakra)
(Solar Plexus Chakra)
(Spleen or Sacral Chakra)

(Root or Base Chakra)

Notes for students of Jyotisha Bharati, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Mumbai, India by Prof. Anthony Writer

In Sanskrit Chakra is is known as “ Wheel” . Traditionally

speaking, there are seven chakras located in the human body
from the base to the crown of the head, which are energy
centres, running along the spinal chord and they are a
combination high fequency energies, through the speed of each
chakra varies.

The names of the seven chakras are:

1. Muladhara Chakra – the Base or Root Chakra, located at

the base of the spine and is connected with the the material and
physical world.
2. Svadisthana Chakra - the Spleen Chakra, located below
the navel, related to sex, procreation, etc.
3. Manipura Chakra - The Solar Plexus Chakra, loccated
above the navel, connected with self-control and imbalances.
4. Anahata Chakra – The Heart Chakra, located at the centre
of the chest dealing with the immune system and heart
5. Vishudha chakra – The Throat Chakra, near the throat
region, connected with thyroid imbalances, swings of moods
and oral communication.
6. The Anja Chakra – The third Eye Chakra, on the forehead
and between the eyes, depression, pychic abilities learning, etc.
7. The Sahasrara Chakra - Atop of the head, merging one's
consciousnes and sub-consciousness into higher intelligence,
spirituality, enlightenment, etc.

Notes for students of Jyotisha Bharati, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Mumbai, India by Prof. Anthony Writer

All the fingers and parts of our hands are your sensors of the
chakras, related to a chakra. If a finger of either hand gets
blistering hot or tingly, the corresponding chakra is out of

Thumb = Sacral / Spleen or Sexual chakra - Belly body parts

include sexual organs (women), kidneys, bladder, and large
First finger = Throat chakra - throat, neck, teeth, ears, and
thyroid gland.
Middle finger = Solar Plexus chakra- Intellectual Awareness,
power, accomplishments, will, ego projections, vital energies,
control, and your freedom to be yourself.
Ring finger=Third Eye chakra -body parts include the eyes, face,
brain, lymphatic and endocrine system.
Little finger=Heart chakra - heart, lungs, circulatory system,
shoulders, and upper back.
Heel of Palm – Wrist junction = Root chakra - Root body parts
include the hips, legs, lower back and sexual organs.
Centre of Palm = Crown chakra.
It is the center of spirituality, enlightenment, dynamic thought
and energy. It allows for the inward flow of wisdom, and brings
the gift of cosmic consciousness.

Notes for students of Jyotisha Bharati, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Mumbai, India by Prof. Anthony Writer

The Chakras and the Kundalini (Serpent Power) are inter-related

and a part of the whole. When the Kundalini is awakened, the
properties of the Chakras are activated and this could lead to
spiritual awakening. The Kundalini is a latent force at the base
of the spine. As in the chakras, the awakening of the Kundalini
is due to great progressive efforts through prayers, meditation,
body work, breath work, yoga, sexual practices, etc.

Sri Swami Sivananda in his book “Kundalini Yoga

states“Kundalini Sakti is the coiled-up, dormant, cosmic power
that underlies all organic as well as inorganic matter. It is the
primordial energy that lies at the basal Muladhara Chakra in a
dormant, potential state. Kundalini Yoga is that Yoga which
treats of Kundalini Sakti, the seven Chakras or centres of
spiritual energy, the arousing of the sleeping Kundalini Sakti and
its union with Lord Siva in Sahasrara Chakra at the crown of the
head. The seven Chakras are pierced by the passing of Kundalini
Sakti to the top of the head.”

He further states that there are 72000 nadis (astral tubes) that
carry the Pranic current. Among these nadis, the Ida, Pingala
and Shusamna are important. As the Kundalini passes through
Shusamna, it is the most important of the three. Purification of
Shusamna is done through Pranayama.

Notes for students of Jyotisha Bharati, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Mumbai, India by Prof. Anthony Writer

Wikipedia states that to to awaken the life principle or

consciousness from Muladhara and let it merge in Sahasrara has
been described as 'liberation' by Vedanta. Kundalini in Sanskrit,
literally means "coiled". In Indian yoga, a "corporeal energy" -
an unconscious, instinctive or libidinal force or Shakti,
envisioned either as a goddess or else as a sleeping serpent
coiled at the base of the spine, Kundalini is considered a part of
the subtle body along with chakras (energy centres) and nadis
(channels).of nadis (energy channels), chakras (psychic
centres), prana (subtle energy), and bindu (drops of essence).

Sri Ramana Maharshi mentioned that the kundalini energy is

nothing but the natural energy of the Self, where Self is the
universal consciousness (Paramatma) present in every being,
and that the individual mind of thoughts cloaks this natural
energy from unadulterated expression. Advaita teaches that
Self-realization, enlightenment, God-consciousness, nirvana and
kundalini awakening are all the same thing, and self-inquiry
meditation is considered a very natural and simple means of
reaching this goal.

Notes for students of Jyotisha Bharati, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Mumbai, India by Prof. Anthony Writer

My student, Aditya Jani, from Navsari adds further, with his deep knowledge on
the spiritual side of these chakras:

1. Hindu Acharyas say that there are 5 main deities: Ganesh, Amba Mata,
Surya, Shiva, and Vishnu.

1. For problems of Muladhar Chakra, ask people to to do Ganesh Puja with

Ganesh Atharvshesh as there is a line o Muladhar Sthtosi Nityam – meaning, stay
in Muladhar Chakra and help me.
2. For Ajna – Shastra Surya Upasna
3. For Ajna – Lord Shiva or Amba Mata
4. For Anhat – Surya
5. For Vishuda – Lord Vishnu
6. For Manipur - Durga Mata
7. For Swadisthana-Lor Vishnu
8. For Muladhar - Lord Ganesha

The notes of Dr. Ramniklal Nayak
The Essence of Yoga by Swami sivananda

Notes for students of Jyotisha Bharati, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Mumbai, India by Prof. Anthony Writer

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