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our future
You are the power that shapes the future, choose
green choose clean!

a major portion of the electricity produced is

being wasted. Nearly 20 per cent of the
electricity is lost

On an average one person

wastes about 0-45 litres water
per day. Which is 30% of water
requirement per person per day.

An estimated 931 million tonnes of food, or 17% of total food

available to consumers in 2019, went into the waste bins of households,
retailers, restaurants and other food services, according to new UN

Store greens with a paper towel in a
Shopping plastic container in the drawer.
tomatoes and bananas on the counter.
potatoes and onions in a cool, dark place,
and fresh herbs in a glass of water.
Have some frozen fruits and vegetables
on hand in case you eat all your fresh
produce before your next grocery day.

Energy Saving
turning off the lights when leaving a room a
basic habit to develop and foster is to make
sure that you always turn off the lights when
leaving a room.
Use LED lights, Many homes are moving
towards smart LED lights as they are way
more efficient than halogen bulbs.

Water Use
Check your toilet for leaks. Put a few drops
of food coloring in your toilet tank. If,
without flushing, the coloring begins to
appear in the bowl., you have a leak that
may be wasting more than 100 gallons of
water a day.

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