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release volunteer play turn off
raise avoid practise save pick up

1. We all need to do our part to _________ the planet.

2. Try to _________ foods which contain a lot of fat.
3. Please __________ the television before you go to bed.
4. The factory had _________a quantity of toxic waste into the sea.
5. By ____________ the 3 Rs, we can save resources for the future, and reduce the amountof
6. They will require car makers to ____________ emissions of carbon dioxide by 30%.
7. I _____________ to help clean up the beach last week.
8. The volunteers tried to ______________ litter on the rivers.
9. The campaign has succeeded in _____________ public awareness of the issue.
10. Schools ____________an important role in society.

Task 2. Choose the correct word to complete each sentence.

1. (Before / When / While) she is ready, we will leave.

2. I’ll send you a text message (until / as soon as / before) I hear from Nam.
3. (Before / After / While) she goes, she will turn off all the computers.
4. I’ll go online (while / as soon as / until) I get home.
5. (After /Before/ While) we receive your confirmation email, we will send you a link to
download the programme.
6. I have to wait (while / before / until) my mum comes home.
7. (Before / Until / When) Mr. Tan phones, please let me know.
8. Let’s play with the children (after / until / while) it is time to go.
9. He will send them an email (before/ until / as soon as) he arrives in London.
10.I will give you my reply (before / by / this time) I leave this afternoon
11.I’ll stay here (while / before/ until) Jack gets back and we’ll go together.
12.(When / Before / Until) you read his stories, you know that he’s a good writer.
13.You are too young to understand. I will explain it to you (when / before / while) you are
14.The children will want to go swimming (before / as soon as / until) they see the river.
15.The plane won’t take off (after / until / while) the clouds go off.
16.He will give you a job (when / before / until) you have enough qualifications.
17.I will finish my homework (before / until / as soon as) my father arrives home late this

Cluster /bl/ Cluster /kl/

black /blæk/ clean / kliːn /

I. Cách phát âm

● Âm/bl/ được tạo ra bởi 2 âm/b/ và /l/

- /b/: mím nhẹ hai môi lại và nâng phần ngạc
mềm để chặn luồng hơi trong khoang miệng,
rồi mở miệng bật hơi từ phía trong ra. Khi phát
âm, dây thanh sẽ rung lên.
- /l/: để đầu lưỡi chạm vào lợi của hàm răng
trê. Khi phát âm, luồng hơi sẽ đi qua khoảng
trống giữa lưỡi vá khoang miệng ra ngoài.
- Kết hợp từ âm/b/ sang âm/l/ chúng ta được
cụm phụ âm/bl/
• Âm /kl/ được kết hợp bởi 2 âm /k/ và /l/
- /k/: mở miệng, cuống lưỡi co lại, chạm vào
phần gạc mềm hay là phần trong cùng của vòm
miệng để chặn luồng khí trong miệng. Sau đó,
bật mạnh luồng khí ra khỏi miệng mà không
làm rung dây thanh trong cổ họng.
- /l/ để đầu lưỡi chạm vào lợi của hàm răng
trên. Khi phát âm, luồng hơi sẽ đi qua khoảng
trống giữa lưỡi vá khoang miệng ra ngoài.
- Kết hợp từ âm/k/ sang âm/l/ chúng ta được
cụm phụ âm/kl/

II. Sự khác nhau giữa /bl/ và/kl/

● Về mặt âm thanh: Sự khác biệt của cụm phụ âm /bl/ xuất phát từ sự khác biệt của vị trí
môi và lưỡi khi bật hơi phát âm âm /b/ và /k/
- Khi phát âm âm /b/ chúng ta mím môi nhẹ, còn âm /k/ chúng ta cần mở miệng.
- Với âm /b/ chúng ta để lưỡi thả lỏng như bình thường, trong khi với âm /k/ chúng ta co
cuống lưỡi lại, chạm vào phần ngạc mềm để chặn luồng khí trong miệng.
- Phát âm âm /b/ làm rung dây thanh trong cổ họng nhưng âm /k/ thì không

Task 1. Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part.

1 A. measure B. leather C. mean D. feather

2 A. poison B. visual C. measure D. pleasure
3 A. chemical B. brochure C. mechanical D. orchid
4 A. initial B. tactical C. topical D. critical
5 A. heroic B. government C. poetic D. radio
6 A. atmosphere B. national C. aquatic D. apartment
7 A. resident B. medical C. illustrate D. electric
8 A. symbolize B. continent C. introduce D. Japanese
9 A. untreated B. measure C. pleasure D. bread

10 A. thermal B. thankful C. there D. thorough

11 A. rubbish B. product C. rubric D. cutting
12 A. warming B. protecting C. littering D. carbon

13 A. species B. recycle C. ecosystem D. renewable

14 A. forest B. toxic C. resource D. coral

15 A. campsite B. plastic C. tornado D. land

Task 2: Find the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.

1 A. national B. physical C. arrival D. natural

2 A. medical B. national C. chemical D. informal
3 A. aquatic B. problematic C. influential D. degradable
4 A. electric B. historic C. classical D. botanic
5 A. conical B. practical C. musical D. mechanic
6 A. scientific B. fantastic C. majestic D. domestic
7 A. chemical B. artistic C. medical D. physical
8 A. expect B. happen C. local D. wander
9 A. botanical B. dialectical C. economic D. alphabetic
10 A. replace B. abroad C. surprise D. nation
11 A. litter B. global C. carbon D. release
12 A. diverse B. wildlife C. toxic D. campfire
13 A. recycle B. tornado C. ecosystem D. renewable
14 A. oxygen B. dangerous C. neighborhood D. endangered
15 A. serious B. habitat C. quality D. protection



balance (n) /ˈbæləns/ sự thăng bằng, sự cân bằng

bracelet (n) /ˈbreɪslət/ vòng đeo tay

crazy (adj) /ˈkreɪzi/ rất thích, quá say mê

cruel (adj) /ˈkruːəl/ độc ác

detest (v) /dɪˈtest/ căm ghét

/ˌdiː aɪ ˈwaɪ/ hoạt động tự làm ra, sửa chữa hoặc
DIY (do-it-yourself) (/ˌduː ɪt jəˈself/) trang trí đồ vật tại nhà
fancy (v) /ˈfænsi/ mến, thích

fold (v) /fəʊld/ gấp, gập

fond (adj) /fɒnd/ mến, thích

keen (adj) /kiːn/ say mê, ham thích

keep in touch /kiːp ɪn tʌtʃ/ giữ liên lạc (với ai)

kit (n) /kɪt/ bộ đồ nghề
leisure (n) /ˈleʒə/ thời gian rảnh rỗi

message (v) /ˈmesɪdʒ/ gửi tin nhắn

muscle (n) /ˈmʌsl/ cơ bắp

origami (n) /ˌɒrɪˈɡɑːmi/ nghệ thuật gấp giấy Nhật Bản

outdoors (adv) /ˌaʊtˈdɔːz/ ngoài trời

prefer (v) /prɪˈfɜː/ thích hơn

puzzle (n) /ˈpʌzl/ trò chơi câu đố / giải đố

resort (n) /rɪˈzɔːt/ khu nghỉ dưỡng

snowboarding (n) /ˈsnəʊbɔːdɪŋ/ trượt tuyết bằng ván

Task 1. Look at the pictures and complete the blanks.

carbon footprint single-use products bulding a campfire endangered species

ecosystem saving water harmful substance picking up rubbish
plastic rubbish dumping site marine life 3Rs

1………………………….. 2. ………………………… 3. ………………………… 4. …………………………

5. ………………………… 6. ………………………… 7. ………………………… 8. …………………………

9. ………………………… 10. ……………………… 11. ……………………… 12. ………………………

Task 2. Fill in blanks with the words given.

ecosystem harmful substance 3Rs plastic rubbish

carbon footprint single-use tree planting endangered species
marine life extinction industrial waste dumping site

1. They are trying to protect __________________ such as saolas, dugongs, lynxes, wolfs and
several species of the vulture.
2. ______________ is one of the causes of air pollution.
3. _________________improves wildlife habitat connectivity, supports biodiversity and and
removes harmful pollutants from the air.
4. An operation is beginning to try to save a species of crocodile from ________________.
5. Science tells us that healthy _______________ provide humans with things like food, clean
water, clean air, and protection from natural disasters.
6. We should all go green by practising the ________: reduce, reuse, and recycle, which is
always encouraged by environmentalists.
7. A _______________ is anything that is contaminated and threatens the safe of man. It can be
in the form of food, water, drugs, fruits, ect…
8. Volunteers gather garbage and ________________for recycling.
9. Although _____________ plastic products are convenient, they are detrimental to the
10.A ________________is a ground for the disposal of waste materials.
11.______________ means any type or species of saltwater fish, shellfish, mollusks, coral, or
other marine animals.
12.__________________ is a term that represents the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) and
methane (CH4) released into the atmosphere.

Task 3. Complete the sentences with the words in the box

protection pollution ecosystem corals species

littering habitat loss diversity footprint
1. Pollution can have serious effects on the balanced _____________
2. Businesses have a major role in environmental _____________.
3. With so many areas of woodland being cut down, a lot of wildlife is losing its natural
4. The sea turtle is an endangered ___________.
5. Habitat ____________ is occurring all around the world, and it’s damaging or destroying
6. The company says it is responsible for the _____________in the river.
7. Flying is the biggest contribution to our carbon _____________.
8. About 60-70 per cent of _____________ growing close to the shore were broken and carried
9. He got a ticket and was fined for ______________.
10.The project has tried to maintain the biological _____________ of this rainforest.

Task 4. Give the correct form of the word given to complete the sentence.

1. The river is heavily __________ (POLLUTE)

2. Everybody can do something to make our _____________ green. (NEIGHBOUR)
3. Could your group do a presentation on what we students can do to protect our
_____________? (ENVIRONMENTAL)
4. Last night I watched a documentary about some ____________ species in Asia.
5. The factory dumps its ____________ waste right into the river without treating.
6. The music club made so much noise that the ____________ complained to its owner.
7. Are all types of pollution ____________ to the health of humans and animals? ( HARM)
8. The _____________ are concerned about the oil spills in the East Sea. (ENVIRONMENT)
9. If we use water _____________ , more people will have fresh water. (CARE)
10.You should never buy___________ made from endangered animals. ( PRODUCE)
11.A new series of educational programmes shows the ____________ of wildlife to humans.
12.Animals should be kept in their ____________ habitats. (NATURE)
13.Earth Hour has grown to become an international ____________ for the environment.
14.We think it’s very ____________ that you’re climbing the mountain alone. (DANGER)
15.The ecosystem in Con Dao National Park is very ____________ with thousands of species.


I. Complex sentences with adverb clauses of time. (Câu phức với mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ
thời gian.)
1. Complex sentence (câu phức)
a. Định nghĩa: là câu có một mệnh đề độc lập và ít nhất một mệnh đề phụ thuộc. Mệnh đề độc
lập trong câu là mệnh đề chính. Câu phức được sử dụng khi ta cần bổ sung thông tin để giải
thích hoặc sửa đổi ý của mệnh đề chính trong câu.
b. Ví dụ:
Ex1: I took my dog to the vet because he was feeling sick.
(Tôi đưa con chó của tôi đến bác sĩ thú y vì nó đang ốm.)

⇨ Mệnh đề chính: “I took my dog to the vet, mệnh đề phụ:” he was feeling sick” bổ nghĩa lý
do tại sao” tôi” phải đưa chó của mình đi khám.”
Ex2: After Mary ate snacks, she got a stomachache.
( Sau khi Mary ăn vặt, cô ấy đã bị đau bụng.)
⇨ Mệnh đề chính:” She got a stomachache”, mệnh đề phụ:” Mary ate snack” đã bổ nghĩa lý
do tại sao” cô ấy đau bụng.”
1. An adverb clause ( mệnh đề trạng ngữ)
a. Định nghĩa: Là mệnh đề có chức năng ngữ pháp của một trạng ngữ (bổ nghĩa cho một mệnh
đề khác). Các mệnh đề trạng ngữ được gọi là mệnh đề phụ (là những mệnh đề không diễn tả
được một ý trọn vẹn và không thể đứng độc lập.)
b. Ví dụ:
Ex: When I finish studying, I will go abroad. ( Khi tôi học xong, tôi sẽ ra nước ngoài.)
⇨ Nếu chỉ để mệnh đề trạng ngữ” When I finish studying”, thì câu sẽ không rõ nghĩa.
2. An adverb clause of time (Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian)
a. Định nghĩa: là những mệnh đề bắt đầu bởi các liên từ chỉ thời gian như: while (trong khi,
trong lúc), when (vào lúc, khi), one, as soon as (ngay khi mà), till, until (cho đến khi), by the
time, before (trước khi), after (sau khi), since (kể từ khi), as long as, so long as ( chừng nào
b. Ví dụ:
Ex1: When Mark was 13 years old, he went to Korea.
(Khi Mark 13 tuổi, anh ấy đã đến Hàn Quốc.)
Ex2: I will phone you as soon as I finish my work.
(Tôi sẽ gọi cho bạn ngay khi tôi hoàn tất công việc của mình.)
Ex3: My father was talking on the phone while my mother was helping my sister with her
(Bố tôi đang nói chuyện điện thoại trong khi mẹ tôi đang giúp em gái làm bài tập về nhà.)
c. Vị trí của mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian.
- Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian có thể được đặt ở đầu câu hoặc cuối câu. Mệnh đề trạng ngữ
chỉ thời gian đặt đầu câu sẽ được ngăn cách với mệnh đề chính bằng dấu phẩy.
Ex1: When Jennie was in Paris, she attended Paris Fashion Week.
(Khi Jennie đến Paris, cô ấy đã tham dự Tuần Lễ Thời Trang Paris.)
Ex2: He’ll wait here until she comes back. ( Anh ấy sẽ đợi ở đây cho đến khi cô ấy quay lại.)
d. Cách phối hợp động từ ở mệnh đề chính với trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian
● Thì hiện tại đơn

Main clause Conjunctions Adverb clause of time

S + V (s.future)/be going to before S + V (simple present)
as soon as
- Andy will come soon. When he comes, we’ll see him.
- We’ll be able to leave for the station as soon as the bus arrives.
- Lisa will go to bed after she finishes her homework.
● Thì hiện tại hoàn thành

Main clause conjunctions Adverb clause of time

S + V (s.future)/be going to after S + V (present perfect)
- John will go home after he has finished his work.
- Lan will work for her uncle’s company after she has graduated from college.

● Thì quá khứ đơn

Main clause Conjunctions Adverb clause of time
S + V (simple past) as soon as S + V (simple past)
- He said goodbye before he left.
- My father went home as soon as he finished work at the office.
- She cried after she received that award.
Main clause Conjunctions Adverb clause of time
S + V (past continuous) when S + V (simple past)
- Lily was talking on the phone when Linda came.
- They were having dinner when he arrived.
Main clause Conjunctions Adverb clause of time
S + V (present perfect) since S + V (simple past)
- I have played badminton since 7 years ago.
- They haven’t met Bob since we left school.
Main clause Conjunctions Adverb clause of time
S + V (past perfect) by the time S + V(simple past)
- He had explained everything clearly by the time we started our project.
- I had left before he came.
● Thì quá khứ tiếp diễn

Main clause Conjunctions Adverb clause of time

S + V (past continuous) while S + V(past continuous)

- I was reading a book while my mother was cooking dinner.
- Peter and I were doing our homework while Alex and my brother were playing chess.
Task 1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs given.

reduce release volunteer play turn off

raise avoid practise save pick up

11. We all need to do our part to _________ the planet.

12. Try to _________ foods which contain a lot of fat.
13. Please __________ the television before you go to bed.
14. The factory had _________a quantity of toxic waste into the sea.
15. By ____________ the 3 Rs, we can save resources for the future, and reduce the
amountof waste.
16. They will require car makers to ____________ emissions of carbon dioxide by 30%.
17. I _____________ to help clean up the beach last week.
18. The volunteers tried to ______________ litter on the rivers.
19. The campaign has succeeded in _____________ public awareness of the issue.
20. Schools ____________an important role in society.

Task 2. Choose the correct word to complete each sentence.

18. (Before / When / While) she is ready, we will leave.

19. I’ll send you a text message (until / as soon as / before) I hear from Nam.
20. (Before / After / While) she goes, she will turn off all the computers.
21. I’ll go online (while / as soon as / until) I get home.
22. (After /Before/ While) we receive your confirmation email, we will send you a link to
download the programme.
23. I have to wait (while / before / until) my mum comes home.
24. (Before / Until / When) Mr. Tan phones, please let me know.
25. Let’s play with the children (after / until / while) it is time to go.
26. He will send them an email (before/ until / as soon as) he arrives in London.
27.I will give you my reply (before / by / this time) I leave this afternoon
28.I’ll stay here (while / before/ until) Jack gets back and we’ll go together.
29.(When / Before / Until) you read his stories, you know that he’s a good writer.
30.You are too young to understand. I will explain it to you (when / before / while) you are
31.The children will want to go swimming (before / as soon as / until) they see the river.
32.The plane won’t take off (after / until / while) the clouds go off.
33.He will give you a job (when / before / until) you have enough qualifications.
34.I will finish my homework (before / until / as soon as) my father arrives home late this
35.I will do the next task (as soon as / before / by the time) I have finished the first one.
36.Mother to her son: I won’t let you watch TV (before / when / until) you finish your
37.He usually surfs the Internet on his smartphone (before / after / while) he is waiting for the

Task 3. Complete the sentences with the correct form of tense of the verbs.

1. He (speak) ________ Japanese so well because he (come) ________ from Japan.

2. (you/ usually/go) ________ away for Christmas or (stay) ________ at home?

3. Look! Your friend (hold) ________ some roses. They (look) ________ lovely.

4. (you/ finish) ________ your assignment yet? - No, I _______.

5. My father usually (walk) ________ to work but now he (drive) ________ his car.

6. I (not think) ________ Mary (sleep) ________ because I can hear some noise from her

7. My grandparents (bring) ________ me up since I was very small.

8. How long (Peter/ work) ________ in his firm?

9. James (always/ complain) ________. It (be) ________ hard to please him.

10. I (just realize) ________ that there are only four weeks to the end of term.

11. This is the second time I (be) ________ to London.

12. Now the children (not want) ________ to go to sleep. They (prefer) ________ their
mother to tell them bedtime stories.
13. (they/watch) a horror movie before? - Yes, they (watch) ________ a plenty of such
movies before.
14. Jim (look) ________ so tired now. He (work) ________ non-stop since the morning.
15. Where’s Mary? - She (listen) ________ new CD in her room.
16. Don’t forget to take your umbrella with today. You know It (be) ________ the raining
season now.

17. Jean always (learn) ________ English at this time every day but today she (not study)
at the moment.

18. What time (the meeting/happen) ________ tomorrow? I (not know) ________ it yet. I
(wait) ________ for the announcement.

19. Where (you/live) ________ since you moved from your old house?

20. Look! The sun (rise) ________ over the ocean. This is the most amazing scene I (ever
see) ________.

Task 4. Choose the underlined word or phrase, A, B, c or D that needs correcting.

1. I cycle or walk to school every day instead of let my father drive me there.
2. An ecosystem in Con Dao National Park is diverse with thousands of species.
3. Many factories and hospitals are dumping toxic substances into rivers and lake.
4. Before we reduce the use of single-use products, we help protect the environment.
5. Wildlife habitats cannot be saved until we stop cutting down trees while burning
6. If you saw litter on the street, pick it up and throw it in a rubbish bin.
7. Natural disasters cause usually serious damage to our property and the environment.
8. Earth Day is a day when many people gather to plant trees and cleaning up parks.
9. Habitats of dangerous animals are damaged by human activities.
10.Con Dao National Park is rich animal species and is important for their preservation.
11.Saving natural resources is of great important to every country.
12.I’ll go to supermarket after my mother will come home.
13.I am going to speak with the boss when the meeting end
14.Peter realized he had forgotten to knock on the door before he had left school.
15.Before leaving, you should turn on the light to save energy.


Task 1: Listen and decide if the statements are True ( T) or False(F)

1. A flood is land covered by water that is not usually covered by water. ______
2. Unless a flood causes some kind of financial damage or loss of life to humans or livestock,
it’s not considered a significant flood. _____
3. Floods is the most catastrophic of natural disasters. _______
4. Flood often cause loss of life and cause emotional trauma. _______
5. Floods affect not only human life but also destroy property. _______

Task 2: Listen and complete each gap in the table with ONE or TWO word from the recording.

Clean-up Team Clean the central (1) _________

● Pick up rubbish, bottles, and (2) _______
● Water small trees and flowers
Donation Team Collect used items
(3) ________ the items and put them into correct
Media Team (4) _________ photos of the event on the club’s
Make (5) __________ for the club’s future


Task 1. Match each of the sentences in box A with the corresponding response in box B.

Column A Column B

1. I live right around 13th street. 1- A. It is the presence of toxic chemicals

in soil.
2. You should update both accounts by 2- B. It is long-term changes in
next Monday. temperature
3. What do you mean by” soil 3- C. Sorry, was that thirtieth or
pollution”? thirteenth?
4. Could you explain what you mean 4- D. It is the total amount of greenhouses
by” carbon footprint”? gases that are generated by our
5. What does” climate change” mean? 5- E. Sorry, do you mean Monday the
14th, or Monday the 21st?
6. I advise you not to use plastic bags. 6- F. I don’t get your idea. Can you be
They are harmful for the more specific?
7. How is climate change affecting our 7- G. Cut down on things that produce
weather? greenhouse gases.
8. What can individuals do to help 8- H. It is making places warmer or
combat climate change? colder.

Task 2. Put the sentences into the for

I. Write questions correct order to
the underlined make a conversation.

_____Recycling is important too. It reduces waste and saves resources.

_____Right, using less plastic is good. It helps keep our oceans clean.
_____That’s an easy thing to do. It saves electrictity and reduces pollution.
_____Hey, have you noticed how importan it is to take care of the environment?
_____And we should also save energy by turning off lights when leave a room.
_____True, when we recycle, we can make new things from old ones.
_____Yeah, trees are like nature’s air purifiers. They absorb carbon dioxide.
_____Definitely. One way we can help is by reducing our use of plastic.
_____Another thing is planting trees.Trees help clean the air.
_____Yeah, it’s super important. We need to protect the Earth


Task 1. Read and answer the questions.

You can help protect the environment through wise shopping.

Firstly, buy sustainable products. Plastic is one of the most significant contributors to
soil and water pollution, endangering both the land and water life. Fish and animals often
eat plastic because they mistake it as food. So, when you’re buying school supplies like
folders and pens, or buying toys and home accessories, try to look for more eco-friendly
alternatives. For example, buy a reusable bottle for water instead of bottled water. It’s not
only cheaper but also much better for the environment.
Secondly, only buy what you need. Think about your purchasing habits. Do you buy
too many products? Can you do without some of the things that you often buy? Are you a
responsible consumer? Simply buying more because of tempting offers or discounts will
actually cost us and the environment more. By buying only what you need, you reduce the
amount of waste, and thus pollution. As natural resources are limited, our big
consumption can contribute to exhausting them.

1. Why is plastic not environment-friendly?

� …………………………………………………………………………
2. What products should we look for when we buy school or home supplies?
� …………………………………………………………………………
3. What may make people buy more than they need?
� …………………………………………………………………………
4. What does big consumption lead to?
� …………………………………………………………………………
5. What does ‘eco-friendly’ mean?
� …………………………………………………………………………
Task 2. Choose the correct word A, B or C for each gap to complete the following passage.

Earth Day Network's mission is to diversify, educate and activate the environmental movement
worldwide. More (1) _____________1 billion people now participate in Earth Day activities (2)
_____________ year. This can make it the largest observance in the world. Members of this
organization (3)_____________ through a combination of education, public policy, and
consumer campaigns.
The first Earth Day (4)_____________ April 22, 1970, activated 20 million Americans
from all walks of life and is widely (5) _____________ with launching the modern
environmental movement. The passage of the landmark Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act,
Endangered Species Act and (6)_____________ other ground-breaking environmental laws
soon followed. Twenty years (7)_____________, Earth Day went global, mobilizing 200
million people in 141 countries and lifting environmental issues onto the world stage. Now, this
day is becoming (8) _____________and more popular in over the world.
1. A. of B. than C. then D. with
2. A. much B. many C. each D. other
3. A. to work B. works C. working D. work
4. A. on B. in C. at D. until
5. A. credit B. credits C. credited D. crediting
6. A. much B. many C. little D. few
7. A. later B. latest C. late D. lately
8. A. many B. much C. most D. more

Task 3. Read the passage and do the tasks that follow

Clean Up Australia Day
Grace Rees has recently taken part in Clean Up Australia Day. She spent the day collecting
drinks containers, sweet wrappers and small pieces of paper from a beach near her home.
Grace has been involved in this event for about five years now. ‘I’ve always done it with my
school, but this year my friends and I decided to register as our own group. We think it’s good
not only to pick up the rubbish, but to bring people’s attention to the fact that there is a lot of
rubbish out there. If you do it with friends and family, then it means you can have fun and do
something useful at the same time. It’s an important thing to do. We have such a beautiful
environment, and rubbish spoils it.’
The first Clean Up Day event took place in Sydney in 1989, when Australian Ian Kiernan, who
had just sailed around the world, decided to take action for something he felt strongly about:
the amount of plastic pollution in ocean (1)____________. He was worried that the polluted
seas were affecting sea (2)____________and that this was leading to some of them becoming
The following year, the day became known as Clean Up Australia Day, and people all over the
continent joined in to collect rubbish. Every year, more and more of the (4) ____________take
part, and today it is one of the most successful community events which improve the
In 2000, the event became Clean Up The World and over 40 million volunteers from over 120
countries took pan IO change the look of the (6)____________, getting rid of huge amounts of
k 1. Read the last three paragraphs of the text, and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each
1. A. places B. habitats C. locations D. societies
2. A. creatures B. bodies C. pets D. things
3. A. gone B. disappearedC. endangered D. warned
4. A. human B. person C. man D. population
5. A. environment B. climate C. situation D. location
6. A. view B. scenery C. landscape D. picture
Task 2. Read the text and choose the correct answers.
1. What is Grace’s attitude towards Clean Up Australia Day?
A. She doesn’t particularly enjoy the tasks she has to do.
B. She thinks schools should allow students time off to take part in it.
C. She sees it as an opportunity to tell other people about rubbish problems.
2. Ian Kiernan began the event because____________.
A. he realised that some sea creatures had disappeared.
B. he thought people were using too much plastic
C. he noticed that other countries were much cleaner
3. Which comment best describes the Clean Up Australia Day event?
A. It’s a great day for the families to meet up to discuss their problems.
B. It’s a time when people listen to Ian Kiernan’s talk about the environment.
C. It’s a period of time when people work together to achieve something good
Task 4. Fill in the blank with the words in the box.

Air pollution is a serious problem in many cities. Motor vehicles, factories and other
sources create so much air pollution that it may hang in the air like dirty fog. Air
pollution threatens the health of the people who live in cities. City wastes cause water
pollution when they are poured into the waterways. These wastes kill fish and make
some areas unfit for swimming. In addition, many large cities have difficulties in
disposing of their garbage. The amount of garbage grows each year, but places to put it
are quickly filling up. Citizens, governments, industries, scientists, and business people
must work together in different ways to gradually reduce pollution. For example, most
cities have introduced recycling programmes.

1. Motor vehicles and factories are among some sources of air pollution. ___________

2. Air pollution doesn’t endanger people’s health in some cities. __________

3. Garbage disposal is a problem in many large cities. __________

4. Everyone must cooperate to reduce pollution. ___________

5. We can reduce pollution by recycling programmes only.__________


Task 1. Use the connector provided at the end of each group of sentences to combine them into one.

1. Everybody in the Green Team was present. We started cleaning the beach. (when)
� ……………………………………………………………………………………..
2. You are brushing your teeth. Don’t let the water run. (while)
� ……………………………………………………………………………………..
3. The fire brigade got the news of the forest fire. They came. (as soon as)
4. We picked up all the litter in the stadium. The stadium was clean. (until)
5. He turned off all the lights and electric devices. He left the house. (before)
6. Phong was in New York. He stayed with his cousin. (when)
7. We must join hands to save our environment. It’s too late! (before)
8. Hoa heard the news about the disaster. She phoned to tell me. (As soon as)
9. He realised he didn’t have enough cash with him. He didn’t buy the suit. (When)
10.At 4 p.m. yesterday, my mother was cleaning the house. I was looking after myyounger
brother. (while)
11.You are in Ha Noi again. You must come and see us then. (when)
� ……………………………………………………………………………………..
12.He finds somewhere to live. Then he’ll give his parents the address. (when)
� ……………………………………………………………………………………..
13.I do the shopping. Then I will come back home. (after)
� ……………………………………………………………………………………..
14.It starts raining. Let’s go home before that. (before)
� ……………………………………………………………………………………..
15.She must apologise to him first. He won’t speak to her until then. (until)

Task 2. Put the words in the correct order to make meaningful sentences.

1. destroy/ and/ habitats/ a lot of/ burning/ Cutting/ forests/ trees/ wildlife

2. save/ of the year/to/ We/ things/ the earth/ continue/ should/ doing/ every day

3. A volunteer/is/ protection/ organization/ my sister/ as/ for/ animal/ working/ an

4. Reduce/ dumping/ we/ pollution/ waste/ should/ lakes and rivers/ avoid/ to/

5. problems/ that/ global/ will/ think/ in the future/ people/ lots of/ warming/ cause

6. arrives/ we’ll/ as soon as/ leave/ be able to/ taxi/ for/ the/ airport/ the

7. good ways/ recycled materials/ and/ are/ made from/ products/recycling/ protect/ buying/

8. Life/ has/ air/ a/ on/ pollution/ harmful/ our/ effect

9. plastic bottles/ consumption/ should/ bags/ the/ of/ and/ single-use/ we/ products/ reduce/

10. visited/ I/ wildlife/ a lot/ last week/ learned/ Cuc Phuong National park/ about/ before/ I

Task 3. Write a short paragraph about activities you do on The Earth Day.


Exercise 1: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the
other three in each question.
1. A. fish B. animal C. picture D. ideal
2. A. polluted B. played C. earned D. died
3. A. factory B. dirty C. laundry D. dry
Exercise 2: Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the other three in
each question.
4. A. pollution B. presentation C. tradition D. intention
5. A. aquatic B. continue C. illustrate D. environment
Exercise 3: Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence below.
6. I think the waste from the factory has __________ the lake.
A. damaged B. pollution C. polluted D. damage
7. If the factory continues dumping poisons into the lake, all the fish and other _________
animals will die.
A. aquatics B. aquatic C. aquatical D. aquatically
8. He is _________ a lot because it is cold.
A. sneezes B. sneeze C. sneezed D. sneezing
9. Don’t drink that water! It’s __________.
A. contaminated B. contamination C. contaminant D. contaminating
10. A huge amount of _________ chemical waste is dumped into the lake.
A. poison B. poisoning C. poisonous D. poisons
11. The crop was severely ________ by the acid rain.
A. damaged B. poisoned C. polluted D. contaminated
12. Many people _________ litter on the streets.
A. pay B. give C. catch D. throw
13. When _________ pollution happens, the water temperature in streams, rivers and lakes, or
oceans changes.
A. water B. thermal C. temperature D. heat
14. The sight of too many telephones poles, advertising billboards, overhead power lines, or
shop signs may cause _______.
A. light pollution B. air pollution C. visual pollution D. sight pollution
15. Many children around the world are suffering from birth defects because their parents are
_________ to radiation.
A. worked B. exposed C. expressed D. supposed
Choose the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of
the following sentences.

16. The supply is being tested for contamination.

A. population B. pollution C. combining D. containing
17. The fumes from vehicles is a contributing factor to make people cough.
A. noise B. fuel C. exhaust D. water
18. Several new botanical species have been killed in the last year because of water and soil
A. mammals B. plants C. insects D. flowers
Choose the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each
of the following sentences.
19. Cutting trees and burning forests destroy a lot of wildlife habitats.
A. Reducing B. Decreasing C. Carving D. Planting
20. Many wildlife animals are highly endangered these days.
A. at risk B. recommended C. safe D. expensive
Exercise 4: Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence below.
21. They were fined for illegally ______________ waste into the river.

A. treating B. dumping C. dealing with D. creating

22. The air becomes polluted ________ we release too much carbon dioxide into it.
A. before B. while C. until D. when
23. How long did the villagers have to wait ________ the rescue team arrived?
A. while B. before C. after D. as soon as
24. ________ my family applied the Save Our Energy rules, our monthly use of
electricitywent down.
A. Until B. After C. While D. Till
25. You can’t camp here ________ you get a permit from the local authorities.
A. until B. when C. after D. as soon as
26. The cold weather in this country often makes him ________.
A. sneezing B. sneeze C. to sneeze D. sneezed
27. _______ there was a lot of acid rain, many botanical species died last year.
A. Since B. Cause C. Although D. So
28. ________ we put dustbins in public places, we saw the difference. There was muchless
A. While B. As soon as C. Till D. Before
29. If the villagers didn’t dump households waste into the river, it _______ less contaminated
A. will be B. is C. could be D. being
30. If Hoa ________ ill, she would join our activity to protect the local environment.
A. wasn’t B. weren’t C. isn’t D. Both A&B

Exercise 5: Choose the underlined part that needs correcting in each sentence below.
31. Water pollution(A) is the contamination of bodies(B) of water(C) such(D) lakes, rivers,
oceans, and groundwater.
32. Polluted(A) water also cause(B) the death(C) of aquatic(D) animals like fish or crabs.
33. If we didn’t(A) do nothing(B) to stop global warming, we would(C) see big changes(D) in
the future.
34. People in our area are all(A) aware about(B) this problem, and we are thinking of(C) some
ways to(D) to solve it.
35. I think I would(A) knock on(B) their door and explained(C) that it was polluting(D) the

Exercise 6: Read the passage and then decide whether the sentences are True(T) or
Environmental pollution is one of the impacts of human activities on the Earth. There are
four types of pollution, namely, air pollution, soil pollution, water pollution and noise pollution.
Most of the air pollution results from the burning of fossil fuels, motor vehicles, factories,
aircraft and rockets. This can cause acid rain which damages water, soil, and plants. Air
pollution also contributes to the greenhouse effect.
Soil pollution is a result of dumping plastic or other waste in the ground and the overuse of
chemicals in growing crops. The long-term effects of soil pollution are contaminated vegetation
and the decrease of soil fertility.
Water pollution is a result of dumping pollutants such as oil and other chemicals in rivers,
which makes the water unclean or contaminated. Rubbish blockages in rivers can also cause
The effects of water pollution include the destruction of rivers, lakes and the pollution of
groundwater, surface water and seawater.
Noise pollution is caused by loud and annoying sounds of motor vehicles, railway, aircraft
and jet engines, factory machinery and musical instruments. It can cause stress and
psychological and health problems for humans such as increased heart rate and hearing damage.
Environmental pollution is becoming an increasingly serious problem or threat that needs
to be taken care of as soon as possible, not only for the sake of the environment, but also for the
people that live in it.
(Source: Adapted from Time and date)
36 Environmental pollution results from natural disasters.
37 The greenhouse effect is a result of water pollution.
38 Water pollutants such as oil and other chemicals and rubbish blockages
. in river make contaminated.
39 Noise pollution can increase heart rate and damage hearing.
40 Environmental pollution needs to be taken care to protect the
. environment and the people that live in it.
Exercise 7: Read the following passage and choose the option (A, B, C or D) that best
answers each of the questions below.
Pollution is any contamination of the environment which causes harm to the
environment or the inhabitants of the environment. There are three main kinds of pollution.
Air pollution can be caused by liquids, or gases that make the air harmful to breathe.
There are two main types of air pollution: primary and secondary. Primary pollutants enter
the air directly, like smoke from factories and car exhaust. Secondary pollutants are
chemicals that mix together to pollute the air, like mixtures of emissions from vehicles and
factory smoke that change to form more dangerous pollutants in the air and sunlight.
Soil pollution can be caused by pesticides, leakage from chemical tanks, oil spills, and
other chemicals which get into the soil by dumping or accidental contamination. Soil
pollution can also cause water pollution when underground water becomes contaminated by
coming into contact with the polluted soil.
Water pollution can be caused by waste products, sewage, oil spills, and litter in
streams, rivers, lakes, and oceans. Some scientists believe that water pollution is the largest
cause of death and disease in the world, causing about 14,000 deaths in the world each day.
It is not possible for anyone to predict the exact timing and effects of global,
pollution and global climate change brought about by pollution. There, is general agreement
by scientists that the global climate will continue to change, the intensity of weather elfects
will continue to increase, and some species of animals will become extinct.
(Adapted from BBC)
41. What is the most suitable title for the passage?
A. Solutions to pollution
B. Environmental issues
C. Causes and effects of pollution
D. Environmental impacts
42. What kind of pollution is considered as the cause of the most death and disease?
A. Air pollution
B. Water pollution
C. Soil pollution
D. None of the above
43. What is NOT a cause of soil pollution?
A. Chemicals
B. Exhaust fumes
C. Oil sprills
D. Pesticides
44. What kind of pollution may oil sprills cause?

A. Air pollution
B. Water pollution
C. Soil pollution
D. Both B and C are correct
45. According to the agreement of scientists, what is NOT environmental effect caused by
A. Global climate change
B. Intensity of weather effects
C. Animal extinction
D. Disappearance of the rainforests.

Exercise 8: Choose the sentence (A, B, C or D) that is closest in meaning to the root
sentence or best combines the two given sentences.

46. A garden party is going to be organised to raise money for the victims of the flood.
A. They are going to organise a garden party to raise money for the victims of the flood.
B. They are going to organised a garden party to raise money for the victims of the flood.
C. They are going to organising a garden party to raise money for the victims of the flood.
D. They are going to be organised a garden party to raise money for the victims of the flood.

47. If we want to save wild animals, we need to stop all illegal hunting of them.
A. Hunting wild animals because we want to save them.
B.We won't save wild animals unless we stop all illegal hunting of them.
C. We want to save wild animals if we need to stop all illegal hunting of them.
D. We need to stop all illegal hunting wild animals when we can save them.

48. My mom doesn’t use plastic bags instead of reusable cloth bags to help protect the
A. My mom doesn’t use reusable cloth bags instead of plastic bags to help protect the
B. To help protect the environment, my mom avoids using reusable cloth bags.
C. My mom doesn’t like plastic bags instead of reuable cloth bags to help protect the
D. To help protect the environment, my mom doesn’t use plastic bags instead of reusable
cloth bags.
49. I can’t buy this house because il is quite expensive.
A. If the house is quite expensive, 1 can buy it.
B. If the house is not quite cheap, 1 will buy it.

C. If the house wasn’t quite expensive, 1 couldn't buy it.

D. None is correct
50. I wrote a letter to my neighbours because they littered near my house.
A. Because of littering near my house, I wrote a letter to my neighbours.
B. Because of littering near my house, my neighbours wrote me a letter.
C. Since littering near my house, I wrote a letter to my neighbours.
D. I wrote a letter to my neighbours due to the fact that they tittered near my house.

_____The end____

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