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TERM 1 Explain religion
-Religion is what people believe and practice.
-The way people show their understanding of the meaning and purpose of life.
-Religion is the belief in the existence of the supreme-being who has made and controls
Religion attempts to answer questions which human beings which are beyond human
understanding such:
 Does God exist?
 Where do people go after death?
 Where do people, animals and plants come from? Religions found in Botswana

 Christianity
 Islam
 African Traditional Religion
 Hinduism
 Sikhism
 Buddhism
 Bahai Faith
 Judaism Religions and their founders

Religions Founders
Christianity Jesus Christ
Islam Prophet Muhammad
Buddhism Siddhartha Gautama
Sikhism Guru Nanak
Bahai Faith Bahaullah
Judaism Abraham
African Traditional Religion(ATR) No founder
Hinduism No founder


1. What is a religion?
2. Name any three religions found in Botswana
3. Match the religions below with their founders
Religion founder
Judaism A.Siddhatha Gautama
Islam B. Jesus Christ
Buddhism C. Prophet Muhammad
Christianity D. Bahaullah
Bahai Faith E. Abraham How different religions identify themselves

Different religions identify themselves by;
 The food they eat
 The clothes they wear
 The holy books they use
 The religious symbols they use
Religion Symbol Dress code Food

Christianity cross Wear various Some Christians

uniforms e.g. ZCC follow their church
khakhi, Roman rules relating to
Catholic church food e.g. some
nuns wear black people must not
habits with white eat animals that
wimples. have died on its
Islam Crescent moon -Men wear skull Halaal food is
and star caps prepared following
-Woman wear long, Islamic rules.
loose gowns and Drinking alcohol is
cover their heads forbidden
and faces with
The Bahai faith Nine pointed star none none
ATR in Botswana none Varies from place Varies from place
to place for to place. There are
example Batswana taboos that control
used to wear what people eat for
animal skins. example; a
pregnant woman is
not allowed to eat
Hinduism AUM Sari and kurta Vegetarians
Buddhism Wheel of life Monks wear yellow Vegetarians
robes and shave
their head
Sikhism Two curved -Turban Vegetarians
swords a circle -Salwar kameze
and khanda (a clong tunic/ blouse
double edged worn over loose
sword. trousers.
Judaism OT -Men and boys Kosher meals
wear a small cap
called yarmulke.
-Woman cover
their hair with a
scarf when they go
for prayers.

1. What is a vegetarian?
2. Match the religions with their dress code
Religion Dress code
Islam A. Yarmulke
Buddhism B. Uniforms
Sikhism C. Skull cap
Hinduism D. Turban
Christianity E. Sari
Bahai Faith F. Yellow rope
Judaism G.None
3. Match the religion with their food
Religion Food they eat
Judaism A. Kosher
Christianity B. vegetarians
Islam C. halaal
Hinduism D. do not eat animal which died on its

4. Name three religions which the followers are vegetarians

Religions and their holy books

Religions Holy Book

Christianity Holy Bible
Islam Quran
Sikhism Guru Granth Sahib
Hinduism The vedas
Bahai Faith Kitab – i -Aqdas
Buddhism Tripitaka
Judaism Torah
African Traditional Religion No holy book Religions and their symbols
Draw the religious symbols for the following religions

Religion Symbols
Christianity Cross
Hinduism Aum
Buddhism Wheel of life
Islam Cresent moon and star
Bahai Faith Nine pointed star

Table showing the religious symbols, their meaning and origins Major common elements of different religions
Beliefs: things which the followers feel are true or not true in their in their religion.
Myths: stories which are told in religions to give certain explanations so that people can
understand life better.
Worship: ways in which followers praise their supreme being.
Ethics: rules which tell followers what to do and not to do.
Teachings: the good things taught in a religion.
Practices: things which are done in religions to show their faith.
Tables showing the common elements of different religions Distinctive features of African Traditional Religion and other religions

African Traditional religion is different from other religions because it,
 Has no founder
 Has no holy book
 Has no preacher
 Teachings are passed on through the word of mouth from one generation to the other How different religions understand God

Different religions have different names which they use to call their supreme beings. The
names of the supreme-being differ from one religion to the other.
Religion Supreme being
Christianity God
Islam Allah
Bahai Faith God
ATR Modimo
Hinduism Brahman
Sikhism Waheguru
Judaism God
Buddhism Buddha

As different religions uses different names for their supreme being, they have different ways
of understanding God.
 God created everything
 God is all powerful
 God is eternal
 God is present everywhere
 God forgives sins
 God is the Holy Trinity. (God the father God the son and God the Holy Spirit)
 God is all knowing
 God is merciful
 God is kind
 God is loving

 Allah is all powerful
 Allah created everything
 Allah is eternal
 Allah is the one and only God
 Allah cannot be compared to anything
 Allah is merciful
 Allah is compassionate
 Allah is forgiving
 Allah is beyond all human understanding
 Allah is all knowing
 Allah is present everywhere
Bahai Faith
 God has created everything
 God is all knowing
 God is forgiving
 God is unknowable
 God is everywhere
 God is merciful
 God is compassionate
 God is kind
Traditional Religion African
 Modimo cannot be seen
 Modimo is all knowing
 Modimo is everywhere
 Modimo is eternal
 Modimo has created everything
 Modimo is all powerful
 Modimo cannot be described in human terms
 Modimo is forgiving
 Modimo is loving
 Modimo is kind
 Brahman is eternal
 Brahman is all knowing
 Brahman is all powerful
 Brahman has no form
 The spirit of Brahman is everywhere
 Brahman has three forms-Vishu(the protector) Shiva(the destroyer)
Brahma(the creator of the new)
 Waheguru is eternal
 Waheguru is present everywhere
 Waheguru is all powerful
 Waheguru created everything
 Waheguru is all knowing
 Waheguru has no form
 Waheguru enlightens
 Waheguru is the greatest guru
 Waheguru is forgiving
 Waheguru is kind
 Waheguru is merciful


Buddhism do not believe in a Supreme Being. They believe in the

teachings of Buddha. The contribution of world religions in Botswana
Comforting people during bereavement
-Religions visit people in times of difficulty such as death to comfort and support the bereave
-Christians hold prayer service on daily basis and also hold funeral services.
Praying for the sick
-Different religions visit the sick at the hospital and pray for them
-They also give the sick hope and comfort
Giving to charity
-Religions give food, clothes and other necessities to poor people in their communities. For
-An Islamic woman organization called Al- Muslimah gives food, clothes and blankets to
orphans. They have also build a house for orphans in Thamaga
Building schools and hospitals
Different religions take part in providing communities with educational and health facilities
Examples of hospitals are:
-Bamalete Hospital in Ramotswa built by Lutheran church
-Seventh Day Adventist Hospital in Kanye built by Seventh Day Adventist church
-Deborah Relief Hospital in Mochudi built by
-Maun General Hosipital in Maun built by Seven
Examples of schools built are:
-Moeding College built by UCCSA
-All- Nur built by Muslems
-New Era Secondary School built by Bahai Faith
-St Conrad’s Primary school built by Roman Catholic Church
-St Joseph’s college at Kgale built by Roman Catholic Church importance of understanding other religions
If we understand other people’mans religion we will be able to accept and respect them. This
is called religious tolerance.

 Religious tolerance will lead to peace and harmony in the society

 Understanding other peoples religions can also break barriers between people
 This helps people to work together and trust each other
 People will not look down on other people and will not think that their religion
is the best
 As we mix other people , we learn new things that are useful and lead to personal

Religion Place of origin Year of origin
Christanity Jerusalem in Israel
Islam Mecca in Saudi Arabia 570
Sikhism Punjab regin in India
Buddism Nepal in India
Hinduism India
Bahai Faith Tehran in Iran 1863
Judaism Palastani in Israel

ATR Africa Many years ago

Religion Name of Holy Place of Founder Supreme

followers book worship being
Chritiani- Christians Holy Church Jesus Christ God
ty bible
Islam Muslims Holy Mosque Muhammad Allah
Hinduism Hindus The Mandir No founder Brahman
Sikhism Sikhs Guru Gurdwara Guru Nam
Granth Nanak
Bahai Bahais Kitab-i- Bahai Temple Bahaullah God
Faith Aqdas
ATR in Batswana No holy Shrines,Trees, No founder Modimo
Botswana book mountains
Buddhis- Buddhists Tripitaka Monastery Siddartha No
m Gautama supreme
Judaism Jews Torah Abraham God
1. Who is the founder of ATR?
A. Jesus Christ B. Muhammad
C. No founder D. Bahaullah
2. What is religion?
A. A belief in one God
B. A belief in many gods
C. What people believe and practice
D. A belief in Jesus Christ
3. The following religions are found in Botswana EXCEPT
A. Bahai Faith B. Buddhism
C. Islam D. Shintoism
4. Which religion is correctly matched with its founder?
A. Sikhism Jesus Christ
B. Islam Muhammad
C. Christianity Siddharta Gautama
D. Buddhism Guru Nanak
5. Religious people can sometimes be identified by----------
A. Their age B. Colour of their skin
C. The way they dress D. The language they speak
6. Christians believe that-----------
A. Jesus is the son of God
B. Ancestors are very powerful
C. Muhammad is their last prophet
D. Jesus is one of their prophets
7. Why do we need to understand other people’s religions? So that we can----------
A. Accept and respect them B. to copy their beliefs
C. Develop religious hatred D. Follow their religion
8. Who do people understand God?
A. dangerous B. merciful
C. Discriminative D. over confident
9. What the cross symbolizes in Christianity?
A. The day Jesus Christ rose from the heaven
B. The birth of Jesus Christ
C. Crucifixion of Jesus Christ
D. The love for Jesus Christ
10. Which of the following can help us to understand and accept other people’s religions?
A. religious tolerance B. religious intolerance
C. religious intolerance D. religious autonomy
11. Which religion is NOT found in Botswana?
A. Bahai Faith B. Islam
C. African Traditional Religion D. Ahimsa
12. Which symbol belongs to Muslims?
A. The cross B. The cross
C. The moon and the star D. Aum
13. Which of the following is an ethical code?
A. Do not steal
B. taking a journey to a holy place
C. The story that God created the world
D. To baptize
For questions 14-18 match the religions with their founders
Religion Founders
14. Christianity A. Guru Nanak
15. Judaism B. Bahaullah
16. Sikhism C. Muhammad
17. Islam D. Jesus Christ
18. Bahai Faith E. Abraham
F. No founder
19. Which religion eat halaal food?
A. Islam B. Judaism
C. Bahai faith D. Sikhism
20. Which religion originated from Nepal?
A. Hinduism B. Buddhism
C. Bahai Faith D. Christianity
21. Which religion does not have a supreme being?
A. Islam B. Buddhism
C. ATR D. Hinduism
For questions 21- 25, match the religions with their holy books
Religion Holy book
21. Islam A. Kitab-i-Aqdas
22. Hinduism B. Torah
23. Bahai Faith C. The Vedas
24. Buddhism D. Quran
25. Judaism E. Tripitaka
F. Guru Granth Sahib
Introduction to Morality What is morality?
Morality is a sense of right and wrong or good and bad Morally right actions
Morally right actions are those good actions
Examples of morally right actions
 Greeting elders
 Bowing when giving something to someone, especially the elders
 Being honest
 Being kind and loving
 Being humbled, generous, fair and faithful
 Returning lost items such as money
 Taking care of property
 Giving elders a sit in the bus
 Helping elders with house chores
 Helping the young siblings with school work
 Working hard to pass examinations
 Taking part in charity work
 Helping those in need Morally wrong actions
Morally wrong actions are bad actions.
Examples of morally wrong actions
 Stealing other people’s property
 Bullying other students in school
 Taking illegal substances (drugs)
 Killing other people
 Raping other people
 Backbiting or gossiping about other people People’s behavior in today’s society
Today many children;
 Do not respect elderly people
 Do not take the advice they receive very seriously
 They bully others
 They form gangs and steal or beat people
 They form murder and rape people
 Many people lost the respect for others
 People are often selfish
 Behavior today is different from what it was in the past Distinguish moral values from others
What are values?
Values re what one thinks is most important to him or her
Types of values
Moral values: values that are thought to be good such as honesty, love, kindness, loyalty
and faithfulness.
Non-moral values: values that have nothing to do with good or wrong such as car, clothing,
food, education and hair.
Immoral values: values that are thought to be very bad such as lies, selfishness, disrespect Examples of moral values
-Empathy -Loyalty
- Compassion -Justice
-Respect -Generosity
-Sympathy -Kindness
-Sharing -Caring
Generosity: when someone is willing and ready to share what she or he has with other people.
Compassion: feeling pity and understanding for those who are suffering and wanting to help
Justice: the fair treatment for others.
Loyalty: being faithful and true to somebody and standing by them in times of difficulty.
Sympathy: feeling pity for someone who has a problem.
Empathy: being able to put yourself in one’s shoe. Ways in which moral values can be in conflict
Moral values can be in conflict because one has to choose between two moral values. This
situation is called a moral dilemma.
For example 1
Tshepo wanted to tell the truth about her friend who stole the teacher’s money but she knew
if she did, her friend will get in to trouble with the police. However if she did not report she
would be covering up a crime, which is wrong. It was difficult for her to know what to do.
This is a moral dilemma.
Example 2
Dineo is doing form 3 and she is pregnant. She wants to seat for examination but also do not
want to do abortion. She fears that if she can do abortion she may die and at the same time
she is afraid that if she keeps the baby she will not seat for her examination. She does not
know what to do. This a moral dilemma.
1. What is morality?
2. Give the three examples of morally right actions
3. State any three examples of morally wrong actions
4. What is the difference between morally wrong and morally right actions
5. State the three types of values and give two examples under each value
6. What is a moral dilemma?

What is decision making?
Decision making means choosing between whatever things a person decides on. What is the difference between a good and a bad decision?
A good decision has good results while a bad decision has bad results at the end. Results of a good decision
 Studying hard and passing examination
 Working hard and being promoted Results of a bad decision
 Taking drugs and becoming mentally disturbed
 Not studying and failing examination
 Missing classes and performing poorly
 Stealing and being caught by the police
Steps to follow when making a good decision
Step 1: find out what the problem is about.
Step 2: gather as much information as possible about the problem.
Step 3: think carefully about the results of each solution to the problem.
Step 4: choose an appropriate solution to the problem.
Step 5: check if the solution you have chosen is the right one to address the problem. The importance of being responsible for the choices you make
Making independent decisions;
 Helps you to avoid getting in to trouble
 Helps you to avoid peer pressure
 Makes you more confident and focused
 Leads you to make responsible choices
1. What is a decision?
2. What is the difference between a good and a bad decision?
3. Give two examples of the following
a) good decision
b) bad decision
4. Give two importance of being responsible for our choices

SELF ESTEEM What is self-esteem?
Self-esteem is how we feel about ourselves and how we rate ourselves. The difference between high and low self-esteem
High self-esteem
 Having high self-esteem means that you know your strengths and weaknesses, that is
the things you are good at and the things you are struggling with.
 If you have accepted the way you are, you will try to improve or change the things
you were not good at and your self-esteem will not only be high but continue to
 People with high self-esteem believe in themselves.
 They love and respect themselves.
 They have self-confidence.
Low self-esteem
People with low self-esteem;
 Do not feel good about themselves
 Do not believe in themselves
 Do not love themselves
 Do not believe in themselves
 Often give up easily
 Believe they cannot be liked for who they are
 They think they are only loved by others if they give them things The importance of high self-esteem
 It helps people to perform better
 You will do unto others as you do unto yourself
 You believe in yourself
 You take up challenges
 You love yourself and consider yourself valuable
 You easily make friends
 It helps you to make independent decisions
 You try new things
 It increases self-confidence The disadvantages of low self-esteem
It is bad to have low self-esteem because;
 Other people take advantage of you and influence you to do bad things
 Other people use you. For example by making you to give them things to
become their friends
 You will never try new things if you are always afraid of failing
 Easily gets angry
 They are disparate to win approval of others
 Inability to appreciate and love oneself
 They spend most of their time alone
 Assumes that luck plays a large role in their achievements and doesn’t give
credit to themselves
1. What is self-esteem?
2. What is the difference between low and high self-esteem?
3. Give two characteristics of a person with low self-esteem
4. State three reasons why it is important for one to have high self-esteem
5. Give two disadvantages of low self-esteem How to improve negative characteristics

What are characteristics?
Characteristics are the qualities that make up a person’s personality.
What are positive characteristics?
Positive characteristics are the good qualities that we like about ourselves. Examples of
positive characteristics;
-Kindness -Intelligence
-Obedience -Strong leadership
-Hard work -Being on time
-Being faithful -Courage
-Helpfulness -Respectful
-Friendliness -Listening to others
-Sharing with others
What are negative characteristics?
Negative characteristics are the bad qualities that we don’t like about ourselves. Examples of
negative characteristics;
-Selfishness -Shyness
-Rudeness -Laziness
-Fighting -Jealousy
-Short-temperedness -forgetfulness
-Telling lies -Gossiping
-Being late -Stealing
How to improve on the negative characteristics
Negative characteristics How to improve them
Forgetfulness -write down a list of things you need to do
for the day
-keep a diary
Jealousy -think of all the wonderful things you have
-count your blessings and forget about the
things that others have and that you would
-promise to work hard so that you can save
to get what others have
Rudeness -think of how it feels when someone is rude
to you
-try to remember how that makes you hurt
and angry
-remind yourself that nobody wins when
people get upset or cross
Short-temperedness -wait a while before responding when you
are angry
-this will give you time to calm down
Gossiping Try to say good things about others
Under-performing -work hard at school
-do your home-works
-listen when the teacher is teaching

What is self-confidence?
Self-confidence is when you trust and believe in yourself. Ways of improving self-confidence
 Know your weak points and try hard to improve them
 Set goals for yourself and work hard to achieve them
 Think about your strengths so that they help or encourage you to achieve more
 Learn from your mistakes-experience is the best teacher
 Try to do things that you have not done before
 Never give up-keep on trying
 Get ideas from other people, but make independent decisions
 Remember that you are unique and you have something special to offer
 Take responsibility for the choices and decisions you make
 Choose good role models
 Have positive attitude Reasons for knowing yourself
Knowing yourself helps you to;
 Improve bad qualities
 Use our good qualities
 You will be sure of your values and make good decisions for yourself
 You will know that everyone id different or unique
 You will easily accept yourself as you are What is autonomy?

Autonomy is the ability to think for yourself and make your own decision in life.
Autonomy involves;
 Thinking for yourself and make your own decision
 Standing on your own foot
 Act independently importance/ need for acting autonomously
Autonomy is important because it helps you to;
 Avoid negative peer pressure
 Deal with different situations in life
 Make responsible choices
 Give reasons for your actions and be aware of the results of your actions
 Change negative behaviour and become positive behaviour of accepting yourself

 You will be able to know your strengths and weaknesses

 You will be able to improve your weaknesses
 You will be happy and confident
 Knowing yourself takes away feelings of inferiority and fear
1. Explain self-confidence
2. State two ways of improving self-confidence
3. Give three reasons why it is important to know yourself
4. What is autonomy?
5. Why is autonomy important? Give two reasons
Topic test
Choose the letter of the correct answer for questions 1-

1. What is morality?
A. Going to school
B. Listening to the radio
C. Behaving in a nice way
D. A sense of right or wrong

2. The conflict between two moral values is-------

A. Moral values B. Conflict
C. Moral values D. Values

3. What is autonomy?
A. Doing what your mother wants
B. Not concentrating on things you do
C. Always agreeing with your friends
D. Making your own decision

4. What is low self-esteem?

A. Believing in yourself
B. Not accepting the way you are
C. Accepting and respecting yourself
D. Never giving up in life

5. Which of these is an advantage of having high self-esteem?

A. Ability to ignore your weaknesses
B. Not learning from your mistakes
C. Comparing yourself with other people
D. Ability to make your own decision

6. An example of morally right action is-----------

A. Selfishness B. Gossiping
C. Fighting D. Loyalty
7. What is high self-esteem?
A. Rating yourself low
B. thinking that you are stupid
C. Not concentrating
D. Believing in yourself

8. How can one improve their confidence?

A. Believing in oneself
B. Isolating themselves
C. Gossiping about others
D. Bullying others
9. Which words can hurt someone you love?
A. sweet, love, honey B. fool, stupid, pig
C. darling, honey, baby D. lovely, baby, honey

10. Which of the following is a bad result of making a bad choice?

A. finding a job B. having a better future
C. graduating D. teenage pregnancy

11. Which one does NOT state the need to act autonomously?
A. Avoid negative peer pressure
B. Making decisions on his own
C. relying on others to decide for her on everything
D. Using moral values to make good decisions

12. Which of the following is a disadvantage of low self-esteem?

A. always being happy about yourself
B. having positive attitude about yourself
C. being able to act independently
D. having lack of self-confidence

13. How can one avoid peer pressure?

A. low self-esteem B. shy mood
C. irritation D. high self esteem

14. Sarah is a lazy and selfish person. How can she improve the negative attitude?
A. by bullying and working hard
B. by being sympathetic and empathetic
C. by being generous and hard working
D. by gossiping and sharing

15. Which of the following is a disadvantage of a low self-esteem?

A. being afraid to ask questions in class
B. feeling proud of yourself
C. always giving help when need arise
D. seeking clarity always in class

16. Which of the following is the reason for knowing yourself?

A. to understand that all the people are the same
B. to turn strengths in to weakness
C. to make bad decisions for yourself
D. to turn weaknesses in to strengths

17. Decision making is----------------------

A. making a speech B. taking sides
C. solving a problem
D. when one has to make a choice between different things
18. The three types of values are:
A. immoral values, love and moral values
B. moral values, non-moral values and immoral values
C. honesty, non-moral values and trust
D. love, respect and disrespect

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