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Pretorians Combined Tac Seminar

Date: 9-15 may


1250€ Price includes Food accommoda;on and ammuni;on. Plus minus 100 round per day.
If they want more they can buy it at the range.

All the clients will receive the address of the Hotel, and they are responsible to arrive there.

All the clients need to bring their own gear, minimum of gear they need are holster and
magpouches for pistol and rifle. If they want to bring more stuff, like combat bells or plate
carriers they can do it.

For those who don’t have pistol or rifles they can rent it on the range 30 euro for glock 50 for
an ar15, but we need to know eat 3 weeks before.

Arrival for the students is at latest 20:00 on the 9 of may. Departure is 15 may at latest 12:oo.

All categories of persons are allowed on this seminar, as long as their criminal record is clean.

We will have 1 guest

An my team guys will train and they get 20%


Arrival for the instructors will be 9 may at 17:00, that gives us a liPle bit ;me to organize the
days. All the costs ( travel- food- accommoda;on ) are covered by PRETORIANS.

For offer 1250€ for the % days work. I know some of you charge a lot more per day, but we
are tes;ng this year if this kind of seminar works. If we will have a bit success of course we
will devide all the profits. We PRETORIANS don’t do it for the money, we have every year 20-
25 perwons who join the seminar so this is the first ;me we let come other companies to
work with us. You guys are free to not accept of course and I understand. Just let me know.


KSH – SHIELD. ( 1 pers )

OF – TCCC live fire ( 2 pers )
TRT – CQB Live Fire ( 2 pers )
PRE – VDC ( 2 pers )
All the courses stars at 9:00 finish at 12, restart at 13.30 and finish at 17:00

TRT can use the Hotel in the morning for dry CQB and afer lunch you can use the Range.
CQB and VDC will have a range master in on the range, new internal law at the shoo;ng
Range .

People will be divided in groups, we will try to put people with the same level in the same

This seminar is not a con;nuity of a topic and it’s not around a specific Topic, all the
Instructors do their own thing on the shoo;ng Range. If this year work well maybe we can
organize something all together next year.

Please keep in mind that I am complete alone to manage everything, I have no social media
manager, no employees, I run a shop do courses, and go to the mee;ng with administra;on
and big clients we have, and have course I have family. So iz’s not so easy to manage
everything in the same ;me.


If people cancel the course and want to get the money back is one month before the
Semianr, the Hotel needs to organize everything so they need a liPle bit of ;me.

Cer1fica1on and good

Pretorians is doing the Cer;ficate and the goods for the Seminar, of course you can bring
your stuff for sellimng to the people.

If you have ques;ons ask me on whats app guys.

Best regards

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